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Anonymous 01/11/2023 (Wed) 02:29:58 No. 31405
>They started complaining that my project doesn’t cater enough to boys,” Simpson wrote. “Hollywood has an idea that boys won’t watch shows that center girls, but girls will watch shows that center boys (or, girls just ‘don’t like animation’), so marketing-wise you should only ever make boy shows, possibly with one token girl.” Lets be honest, the show wasn't canceled because of demographics or budget. Someone dug up his old classic and showed it to the execs. Which is a shame because it generally is a good webcomic and deserves a show https://archive.ph/4QJLo#selection-957.185-957.512
https://infogalactic.com/info/Dana_Simpson >Simpson was born David Craig Simpson
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>>31408 >Simpson was born David Craig Simpson Simpson REMAINS David Craig Simpson, no matter what he screams at himself in the mirror.
Hahaha, I had no idea this unicorn webcomic was not only made by a tranny but also a tranny that made that pro-dog fucking comic. And agreed, once someone ran a background check and saw that they immediately shut this shit down before more people could find out and cause a shit storm. Even Rebecca Sugars porn only involved Edd and Eddy being gay, at least it wasn't bestiality.
>>31411 Is it really bestiality if the dog is sapient?
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>>31412 >Is it really bestiality if the dog is sapient? Yes. That's why humans should never fornicate with animals, aliens, or blacks.
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>>31405 I decided to see how "passing" he is. Turns out that even Faggs Vissagio has a better claim than Simpson does.
>>31412 Yes it's still bestiality. It is still a dog. It arguably might not be rape since it's sapient and can consent, but it's still bestiality. >>31426 Hahaha he's not even close to passing. Someone should make sure he has no pets, and alert every pet store in his area.
>>31423 >Blacks >Sapient Low-hanging fruit, I know
>>31405 >Hollywood has an idea that boys won’t watch shows that center girls What the hell is this cunt smoking? I can name several off the top of my head. >Powerpuff Girls >Totally Spies >The Life and Times of Juniper Lee >Lilo & Stitch >Kim Possible And that's not counting anything that centers equally on boys and girls, like say, Total Drama Island. And what the fuck does >she mean "Hollywood"? This is a potential cartoon adaption, not a live action film >Given the incredible success of animated series like She-Ra and the Princesses of Power I repeat, what is the cunt fag smoking?
>>31470 >cunt Cock.
>>31470 PowerPuff Girls was the shit. I have so many fond memories of watching that show back in elementary. Also, letting a tranny (let alone one that wants to fuck dogs) make a kids show is like handing a nuclear arsenal over to a psych ward patient.
>>31473 >is like handing a nuclear arsenal over to a psych ward patient.
>>31472 cunny
>>31511 Not if he forgets to dilate.
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Wait, is that the unicorn from this meme? No damn wonder he got shot down.
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>>31426 The first pic looks like iDubbbz with John Romero hair.
>>31411 >this unicorn webcomic It was syndicated in the sunday comics for a time. I don't know how he pulled that off.
>>31605 Huh. Can't imagine it involved meeting anyone face to face.
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>>31405 I'll give the faggot props for one thing and one thing alone: Traditional unicorns aren't just horses with horns. They're a chimera of a few different creatures, like the ones in The Last Unicorn. Note the tail and cloven hooves.
>>37495 I don't even know if I want to know the context of that comment.
>>37505 Who Framed Roger Rabbit I'd guess.
>>31405 >Could have had a story about a pseudo-incestuous relationship between a boy and his sibling dog. >Just ended up as a tranny metaphor or something I know I'm just being a degenerate, but it would have been better than nothing.
>>37526 >relationship between a boy and his I mean there's Teacher's Pet.
>>31409 >you can't change your biological name!! Smartest transphobe
>>38468 Who are you quoting?
>>38469 No one, it's some attempt at a gacha by straw-manning.

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