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Invincible The Animated Series: Nuclear Fallout Edition Anonymous 05/07/2021 (Fri) 04:08:03 No. 12631
The show that turns a try-hard high school super hero comic that over stayed its welcome, into a badly animated pandering mess that'll crater in quality as it goes on.
>edgy cartoon that isn’t anime I don’t see the problem.
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>>12631 Normalniggers will still praise it till next season butchers it even further. It's what Kirkman deserves though. He's nothing but a sellout cuck. Remember, he wrote this.
>>12634 >sellout cuck. Just call him a faggot anon.
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>>12635 He's a faggot too but the kind of faggot the sellouts out all his beliefs for the sake of money. He sold out his story, he sold out his characters, & he's sold out the beliefs he held against the comic industry to shill for them.
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>>12631 Don't we already have a thread about this? Also I really hate all these edgelord cape comics. I'm not that big a fan of non golden age superheros anyway but I have basically zero tolerance of these "the superheros are actually all evil and degenerates" shitshow stories that keep being made. I particularly loath evil knockoff Superman stories.
>>12637 >the superheros are actually all evil and degenerates" Well, to be fair it's just omniman that's evil.
I've to actually sit down and watch this but the gore and "maturity" looks comically stupid. There's this scene where mustache man is floating, looks at some demon guy and goes "go fuck yourself" and zooms out of the scene and it's fucking hilarious.
Besides most of the shit mentioned in the deleted thread, I was particularly bothered by the soundtrack. Besides a couple of exceptions, the constant amount of shitty rap and pop songs thrown in during certain scenes felt like I was probably listening to some normalfag's Spotify playlist.
whats even the point of going to school or having a job when there's literal gods with magic powers walking all over the place. its not like its one or two guys that have the superpowers, its hundreds and thousands of them. you can't even go to a party in a different school without some evil scientist being there kidnapping kids and turning them into robots. capeshit has so little foresight they never think about the setting of what they're drawing as a whole and instead just keep throwing wacky shit at the wall, none of the turds ever fall or slide off the wall, they just keep piling up making a larger and larger mess. its a format of storytelling thats fine for short comic strips but its a stinky pile of shit hanging off a wall when you're trying to make expanded universes
>>12637 They could make stories about superheroes being full of stress or having PTSD. I have a little idea for a police division specialized in super crime and paranormal crime but I can't draw shit.
>>12712 >They could make stories about superheroes being full of stress or having PTSD If Heroes in Crisis is any indication of where that'd go (or rather, the types who'd be attracted to writing that), I'd rather have edgy but normal shit like this cartoon.
>>12643 >not using a "You're about to be raped by a superior white man" speech from Oz.
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>>12634 >pic 1 >"Release my Snyder Cut!" Who's laughing now, you faggots?
>>12715 Yeah the snyder cut was released, after it was made several years later, it was also shit.
>>12730 We get it anon, you've made it known how much the synder cut has caused your anus to bleed.
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>>12681 >whats even the point of going to school or having a job when there's literal gods with magic powers walking all over the place. Depends on the setting to make it all work. MHA did it among plenty of other cape or cape-esque stories, but instead of the usual route you'd think I'd take this point (babbering about mangos), let me just say out in Britbongo land and Europe, their cape stories simply do not have this issue. Why? Because most European stories doing the cape thing automatically have sole sourced authors thinking out the environment that it's all going to happen in. Witness the first prog of Zenith by Grant Morrison, and notice everything that's been set up right off the bat about the cape universe. 1) Capes have been around for while with peaks and valleys through the decades. 2) The boomer capes are now on the nostalgia market. 3) Capes are so commonplace that they're outright celebrities, politicians or rock stars, their would simply be no need for secret ID's after a fashion because everybody's out and flying about or a descendant of someone who was. All of this is superior to the OW THE EDGE of Invincible ... and Grant Morrison did it in 6 pages in 1987. And you'll notice how unlike Robert Kirkman's Invincible, he logically realises the capes exsisting by their very nature means you don't need some silly build up to the bits about getting your powers, just hit the ground running in true pulp fashion.
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>>12734 I thought that Invincible had that sort of setting, where it's shown that the Teen Team and the Guardians of the Globe were doing capeshit for a while. Was there any implication that there were capes before Omni-Man even came to Earth?
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>>12730 > after it was made several years later, it was also shit. Who fucking cares? They could have released stock footage of a lumbermill with The Snyder Cut on the title card and it still would have sent the (((usual suspects))) and snowflakes into a frothing rage. I haven't even SEEN the Snyder cut and it's been a source of entertainment for me since they announced it.
Having finished the first episode I have a couple of comments >This animation is dogshit, even the ones where some budget/effort was put in >Collateral damage is clearly an afterthought which is a shame. >It's amazing how they had to lift the "bully tries bullying the now super-powered character" scene from Spider Man, right down to the FREAK which still doesn't make any fucking sense >I don't get why they would show the big action scene at the after credits point of the first episode. Wouldn't it have been better to simply announce the death of the guardians and then gradually reveal what or who actually killed them while keeping up subtly implying something's clearly wrong with the dad, instead of just going DUDE COOL GORE ACTION SCENE BLOOD EVERYWHERE I'm not even going to look up episode 2, this is just boring.
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>>12746 >Was there any implication that there were capes before Omni-Man even came to Earth? There is, but Kirkman's execution of that concept doesn't have the same pop compact verisimilitude that Grant does when he's running exposition. But I toss that off to Kirkman being more of a American Marvite style where there's a premise and then you just kinda hothouse and ramble about it. Though the one series that does kinda establish that is really Kirkman's The Brit from back in the day (which you will never see on Amazon because The Brit is too white and straight and british). And the difference is like night and day reading it. Zenith feels established from the beginning and correctly lived in while Invincible even in the long run still feels cobbled together from bits and pieces around the house at a given time. But then again if you were working for 2000AD in it's heyday, you have to make every page count on the dotted line because you may only get five pages per prog and not much else. It simply instills a better compact storytelling discipline.
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>>12747 >mobile screenshot
>>12637 >Don't we already have a thread about this We did but Frank deleted it like the faggot he is. If people say things he doesn't like he tends to nuke threads.
>>12762 That thread devolved into political talk and unrelated arguments. He gave it plenty of time before deleting it for it to get back on track.
>>12634 >>12636 How do good men go bad?
>>12784 Money, most likely. Kirkman sold his soul for The Walking Dead. Since then he doesn't seem to care what happens to his works as long as they get adapted & he gets paid.
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>>12784 >How do good men go bad? Soul-crushing defeat after soul-crushing defeat. Unless you're talking about comic creators, and then it's fear of cancel culture and a desire to fuck Heather Antos.
>>12798 And yes, I know that's not Heather Antos. Marzbarz there is the Anime version.
>>12798 Wait what the fuck 50 dollars for the Land Before Time?!
>all 14 films what the fuck I thought there were like 2
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>>12805 >what the fuck I thought there were like 2 A tiny amount of theatrical releases and a shit-ton of straight to video.
>>12803 It's fucking Best Buy. They ALWAYS rip people off when it comes to the DVD prices. >>12805 >>12813 There was also that TV series, as well. With the peacock dinosaur.
>>12823 >With the peacock dinosaur. Never saw any of that and did a search. Is the little fucker in front of the rainbow the one you mean?
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>>12634 >5th pic Who the fuck is that? A republican who was praising Trump but the designer fucked up and made her look like Ellen Degenerate or Hillary Clinton? >>12636 >Haha fuck them ess jay double jews It's always the faggot who pretends to be your best friend. >>12643 >Omni guy's cult was the KKK mixed with Nazi ideology of eugenics >Forced diversity made him include niggers as part of the klan <Uh did we say the KKK? We meant the Roman Empire MR. GAY PRIDE HIMSELF >>12715 >It's wrong thinking to demand an uncut version of a shitty flick The fuck?
>>12908 >Beating a dead horse to the death Thanks for reminding me why Don Bluth's studio went down to the shitter and had to rely on that mediocre film, I still remember when CN proudly announced the premiere of the 13th fucking entry.
>>12908 As a kid I found it weird that they have ears.
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>>12914 >hanks for reminding me why Don Bluth's studio went down to the shitter and had to rely on that mediocre film Talking about Bartok? Where the team just went "fuck it" for the final act and pored any fetish they could think of into the final song?
Spoiler: every hero is a villain but its actually a good thing. And everyone is a backstabber. Nigger and faggot serve no purpose and should be removed to save time.
>>12944 >That Russian princess forgotten by Disney A bigger insult than Pocahontas.
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>mark runs away to change into costume and fight off the chadbot in the university >chadbot jumps on spike >mark runs to change back into mark clothes >comes back, tells nigger he went to call the police >nigger starts crying about how he abandoned them and ran away >later on mark reveals he's super >nigger says she already knew okay nigger if you knew then why did you pull off that little dramatic scene back at university? right because we need something for the space-asian superman to apologize about, because asians and whites need to be seen apologizing to blacks in every aspect of their lives. >>12954 whats the point of making a kike-agenda pushing TV show if you remove the kike-agenda pushing?
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>>12960 Will really gets the short end of the stick by this shitty show.
>>12650 >There's this scene where mustache man is floating, looks at some demon guy and goes "go fuck yourself" and zooms out of the scene and it's fucking hilarious I've seen it in the deleted thread, what makes it even funnier is he says "fuck you" more like a spoiled rebellious teen who has quarrel with his parents rather than adult man dealing with one of his worst enemies. >>12751 >>This animation is dogshit, even the ones where some budget/effort was put in Even the action scenes that could've been the only redeeming aspect about it are shit. >finished the first episode I Barely watched 13 minutes and stopped. >>12961 I liked how he was the fun idiot friend in the comics, shame they turned him into typical flaming faggot. BTW, who got the worst butchering in the show?
>>12954 Anastasia was a Fox movie.
>>12963 Mark himself. He gets beat down WAY too much. Doesn't help they completely move events around but by this point in the story in the comic he can hold his own fine. It's only his dad that actual beats him to a pulp.
>Third episode >Legal loli lamenting how she can only get teens pedos to date her >Politically correct villain trying to destroy Rushmore because muh slavers, just like has actually been advocated Wew. Could this faggot seriously not come up with a better Martian Manhunter knockoff name than Martian Man?
>>12976 And I forgot, a loli talking about dicks. The audacity.
>>12976 >PEDOS BAD GUISE thats such low hanging fruit virtue signaling. if you were monstergirl you'd take advantage of that to fuck as many pedos as you can, after all since you keep getting younger that means small/average dicks will always be filling by comparison. but that'd be an original character trait and we can't have that, she has to be a poor victim.
>>12976 >Politically correct villain trying to destroy Rushmore because muh slavers and minor degree in gender studies. Only thing better would he demand being called ma'am
>>12966 What I meant is she was forgotten by Disney but scooped by someone else, considering their rivalry. >>12976 Why does she turn into a male monster? How long until their reddit audience cries "dogwhistle" because her superpower is shape shifting into a tranny? >KKK guy builds the Mount Rushmore that cost 1 million of dollars >BLM fags already demolished over 1 billion of dollars on public property. An ironic gag that nobody bats an eye. >>13006 To be really honest, that's no different from a romantic film catered to the unfuckable bitches at tumblr.
>>13018 doesnt that technically make Robot a pedo too? hes a 30 year old who hired 2 criminals to build him a 13 year old body so he could be around the 13 year old without getting weird looks.
>>13019 The clone merely has a copy of his consciousness, so technically it's a separate person. A person who has only been alive for a few weeks.
>>13024 That depends. Was it a cut & paste situation or a copy paste situation?
>>13024 yes but he fell for monstergirl as the adult fredrick brennan lookalike.
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There's multiple edits of the Omni-Man monologue that I've found funny.
>>13032 I was thinking of making one with mark but I don't know who would be Omni-Man.
>>13037 Punished /v/ or redanon of course
>>13037 Ozymandias with Rorschach or Comedian with Silk Spectre? Though I think any combination of 2 of the main characters from Watchem can work.
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>>13030 >yes but he fell for monstergirl as the adult fredrick brennan lookalike. >mfw Not going to lie, though, I miss when Hotwheels was based instead of a traitorous faggot.
>>13025 >That depends No it doesn't. It was even shown that the original and the clone were alive at the same time and interacted with each other brief before the original asked to be euthanasia'd. I'm guessing you didn't watch it, which is understandable.
>>13037 Red Anon would be ideal
>>12636 Damn, no wonder I hated the sheboon, they outright ruined an existing character. And to think I liked the cartoon.
>>13058 Why would I watch a butchering of a comic from a guy who sold out all his beliefs to the corporations he made fun of?
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>>13040 Rorschach and Big Figure >"Hrm, Big Figure, hrm! I'm not trapped in here with you, YOU'RE TRAPPED IN HERE WITH ME!"
>>13032 I'm surprised no one came out with a Hitler edit with a leftwing dyke laying (alluding to Omni Man's supremacist group). >Think kike, think! >Why did I cause those mass murders, I was all self-defense!
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>>13072 I'd rather see Hitler yelling at the A. Wyatt Man happy merchant or Hitler's ghost yelling at George Soros.
>Sort of curious what all the hub-bub around Invincible is >Pull up the Infogalactic page <There was an MTV series Was it that bad? >Reading through the story synopsis <Alien sent to conquer Earth <Fucks up and becomes Earth's greatest hero <Crossbreeds with the natives <Trains his son <Other aliens come later on <Son and dad team up to wipe them out <Become the last remaining members of their race <Son and dad, plus a new brother live happily ever after Did absolutely NO ONE realize that this story is a direct rip-off of Dragon Ball Z?!?
>>13113 ><Crossbreeds with the natives We aren't even close to his praying mantis wife and kid on another world
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>>13122 Incredible.
>>13150 why do people always say the "think" part twice when trying to meme this scene. its like some quick-acting cosmic mandela effect that spread like fire on gasoil.
>>13154 Back to the future >Think McFly think
>>12631 I wish there was porn of Invincible and Anessa having sex, that "graphic" rape scene was unintentionally arousing. >>12633 It's an edgy cartoon that's even worse than the edgy comic it's based off. >>12634 >muh small dick What is up with the left and their obsession with dick sizes? >>12646 >Well, to be fair it's just omniman that's evil Firstly, Omniman goes through a redemption arc and becomes a good guy again. Secondly, the heroes in Invincible don't act like tradition super heroes since they kill a lot of the villains they encounter and aren't very altruistic. >>12751 >I don't get why they would show the big action scene at the after credits point of the first episode. Wouldn't it have been better to simply announce the death of the guardians and then gradually reveal what or who actually killed them while keeping up subtly implying something's clearly wrong with the dad, instead of just going DUDE COOL GORE ACTION SCENE BLOOD EVERYWHERE That's exactly what the comic book did but for some reason the show's writers thought that revealing their massive plot twist at the start was a better idea.
>>12633 Fine, there's the gore, but where's the thought provoking writing? >>13159 >their obsession with dick sizes Because that's a safe way to mock their boogeymen, they still get witch-hunted for saying a no-no word, unless they're devoted to the cult and pull out the "I'm ironically bigoted" card.
>>13159 >they kill a lot of the villains they encounter That's not edgy. That's the right thing to do.
>>13159 >It's an edgy cartoon that's even worse than the edgy comic it's based off. Is that the reason why the fight in Chicago is the only part of the show worth watching (Haven't bothered to watch the rest because I don't give a shit)? Because it borders on hilarity? And, not just because of all the gore that makes everything become meaningless, IT'S BECAUSE OF THE FACT THAT ALL THE OTHER SUPERHEROES ARE JUST STANDING AROUND, WATCHING THE TV, WHILE SEEING PEOPLE GETTING SLAUGHTERED IN CHICAGO. And, not a single person suggests, "Hey, wait a minute, those two having their father-son argument are going to cause a lot of collateral damage. So, to prevent people from dying, why don't we try to evacuate and save as many people as we can before they're directly involved?" That's also excluding that you have the people in the subway minding their own business with no acknowledgement on what's going on above. IN THE FUCKING AGE OF CELLPHONE AND RADIOS!
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>>13159 >Omniman goes through a redemption arc and becomes a good guy again After all of this >>13178 ? That's about on the level of someone like Kid Miracleman going through a redemption arc.
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>>13154 Omni-man also says "think" twice in the comic too
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>>13206 Speaking of referring to the comic, decided to see how the fight in Chicago was handled (As I haven't read the comic either). <And the portrayal is almost night and day.
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>>13178 There was a moment in which Black Samson and the rest of the GotG ignores Cecil's orders, while Robot disagrees. Why this wasn't suggested earlier is beyond me. Also, there's not enough of the team helping out during the tragedy montage like at the mountain. Maybe everybody's dead over there?
>>13122 >that drawing being mark >mark without his head growing into his cake filled neck and spherical body >without his twitch surgically attached to his fat fingers That thing needs retiring.
>>13210 >"You dad... I'd still have you..." Winner by emotional KO: Invincible.
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>>13122 Thought that was mike from redlettermedia for a second there
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>>13277 Mike is not that ugly
>>12636 nah I got over this shit when I started realizng shit like >rex is a beaner now so the last bad guy of the series is gonna be a wetback >amber is a nigres now so the black chick wont get the hero or end up with a stable interracial relationship that kinda shit Kirkman was always a faggot though, dont forget he would routinely add superhero fakeout pages to the end of the walking dead to fit into image comics rules
>>12631 Watched it yesterday, solid 7/10 despite the pozz and time wasted with boring side-stories and characters >>12751 >Wouldn't it have been better to simply announce the death of the guardians They want you to know it was Omni-man from the start, the "mystery" is not who did it, but why. >>12960 Because he didn't tell her the truth, that was her problem, don't be so obtuse, but damn all that girlfriend drama was a waste of time, i kept up with it thinking she'd die >>13006 Are you a sociopath? Straw grasping, the thread
>>13019 >>13024 You're both retarded, it's a 30 year old and a 24 year old in teenage 13 year old bodies.
>>13358 >in teenage 13 year old bodies. Yes, which would make them both mutually pedophilic if they dated.
>>13359 13 isn't pedo.
>>13305 neither is Mark
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>>13410 Banner. NOW.
>crater in quality Man it was bad enough that I turned it off by the third episode. The art is pretty fucking atrocious in places. Currently this is only good for the occassional THINK MARK THINK and a couple of other meme images.
>>13444 Most of the edits come from cuckchannel and it was about this time last year that Abby's various crops from Last of Us 2 started popping up as well.
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>>13498 you serious?
>>13498 That's good
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I just finished watching this. I waited a whole year to watch this garbage. I need my 5 hours back... The end monologue is the only thing interesting at all. The production quality makes me vomit
>>24208 I liked Red Rush in the first episode because compared to certain other modern day speedster implementation he was actually super fucking cool to watch.
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>>12960 >space-asian superman was Debbie always asain? I don't recall her race ever being mentioned in the source material or her maiden name. Deborah is name almost exclusively used by Jews with Debra being the christian form. I always assumed she was a kike or some mix. Also, Mark has no Asian characteristics at all, he looks just like a normal Viltumite pre retcon.
>>13210 this whole sequence was retarded to me, larger empires always either absorb, subjugate, or destroy smaller ones given the chance and while earth has some neat tricks it can't stand up to a galactic force. It would either have to join the United Planets and be exploited for resources and gain little in return or the Viltumites who are a lot closer to humans. Why not at least hear out the Viltrumites terms? If they can bring order and prosperity to Earth in exchange for conscription and racial integration with a more evolved species that's not a bad deal. I would much rather be ruled by Viltumites than a jewish pedo banker surveillance state we have now.
>>24219 It's bad because they have no regard for human life & view us as pets at best.
>>24219 Anon just because you fantasize about the strong big tiddied space amazons snusnuing you doesn't mean life under the Viltrumites would be particularly good for humans.
>>24219 >Why not at least hear out the Viltrumites terms? After witnessing his father killing Inmortal and innocent people without hesitation? are you retarded? >that spoiler yes, you are retarded
>>13306 >dont forget he would routinely add superhero fakeout pages to the end of the walking dead to fit into image comics rules Come again?
>>24223 jews or viltrumites?
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>>13305 artist?
>>12634 What the fuck it's even this shit? and what would have happen if someone did the same but with dykes and niggers?
>>24532 How can you top this in cartoon format?
>>12631 they turned a bunch of people into niggers so i dont care for it, im just gonna read the comic, i started reading it recently
>>24218 >It wasn't long before I was leading my own division <It wasn't long before I was in my own 56th division
>read the comic >Omni Man kills the Guardians of the Globe in a couple of pages, they don't even get a chance to fight back >decide to see what happens in the show >somehow they actually manage to hurt him >not only that, but the Green Lan Green Ghost is a chick >and War Woman is now brown >and the fight is animated like utter crap I was going to watch the show to see what it's like, but I think I'll just finish the comic instead. How do people manage to get excited to watch such crap, for 55 minutes straight, multiple times? And they're excited for a second season?
>>36924 Normalfags have no taste & will eat up anything animated with blood & violence.
>>36924 >How do people manage to get excited to watch such crap, for 55 minutes straight, multiple times? And they're excited for a second season? There is no competition when it comes to western animation aimed at adults. Most of it is comedy with simplistic art-styles. Invincible is a rare action cartoon not aimed at children. It looks better than typical animated show for adults, gets serious, and has a lot of twists. Story is good, at least for the first third to half of the source material. Now that Castlevania ended, Arcane is probably the only notable show "competing" for audience with Invincible. >>and the fight is animated like utter crap You lasted longer than I did. Seeing flight animation looking like someone dragging a still of a character against a still background within the first half of the pilot was enough for me to stop watching. The animation quality of the show is beyond embarrassing at times.
>>36924 They race swapped a ton of characters and added a shitton of "from millenial for gen z" shit into it including faggy haircuts, lingo and messages.
>>36924 >>36931 they race swapped Rex, the gambit knockoff, as well. I found it incredibly jarring because I only read invincible not the other comic they did where they had already race swapped him there.
>>12634 This is just a basic newspaper "my enemies are bad and stupid" tier political comic, but painfully drawn out over 5 pages instead of two panels. Who the fuck thinks "Republicans have limp dicks, are stupid, and will die" will win anyone over to their side? It's pure virtue signaling and self-gratification. It's pure LOL material. God I hate modern comic books.
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>>36924 Because it's sold something out of Marvel and DC totally breaking boundaries... by doing the same double moral superheroes shtick that both Marvel and DC already conceived and there's The Boys (not to be confused with the retarded meme from tumblr: "Me and the boys") It's all: Superheros are good but they really are American Imperialistic bad.
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>>36924 >>36931 >>36945 The worst race swapping was changing the Viltrumites from a Freddie Mercury look alike patriarchal society to a multicultural bag of skittles
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>>37245 The sad thing is that I wanted to live in the US at one point.
>>12631 >OmniMan makes finally makes a playable in Mortal Kombat with JK Simmons <<The edgy superhero within an edgy game <<Maybe they'll bring references to Vern Schillinger, both characters believe in eugenics and superior races >They only make him quote the least offensive line from the entire show <He doesn't shout "niggers, jews, spics" and whatnot of racial slurs despite being a race puritan <Making him look another generic bad Superman along with the other generic superheros The current state of media being sold as something that defies moral norms
>>37298 They're also going to put in Homelander from the Boys, so there's two evil Supermen in the game. Might as well bring in Supes from Injustice and complete the trifecta.
>>37300 Honestly i rather see Ultraman instead of a direct Superman.
>>37300 >They're also going to put in Homelander from the Boys, so there's two evil Supermen in the game. Doin't forget that they had to PAY for those characters as WB doesn't own Invincible, nor The Boys. In fact, what makes it even more hilarious is that they could keep pulling up Literal Whos from the DC Universe for years on end and never run dry of new characters.
>>37298 <He doesn't shout "niggers, jews, spics" and whatnot of racial slurs despite being a race puritan You don't know anon? That got reconnected in the animated series see >>24218
>>37298 Adebisi comes in as the finisher "Mah deeek! Suc mah deek!"
>>37309 They could do the same with characters from their forgotten films, but then again, redditors would ditch the game for another one with a clusterfuck of crossovers. They're just throwing trendy turds at the fridge to see what it sticks and goes viral for a few seconds. >>37311 Just like in one of the many Call of Duty games, where you can play as Nazi negros.
>>37344 The Slasher Film and sci-fi character cameos were OK. But what they're doing now is retarded.
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>>37345 They want a piece of that Super Smash fame. >>37347 EGCK!
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There's only one week left until we see Oliver
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>>37395 I just remembered something. I fucking hate him.
>>37245 >Make the bad guys patriarchal fit white men to be super progressive in your messaging <Story gets adapted <Too many white guys, race and sex swap a ton of them and add post-modernist hair cuts Lmao. The purity spiral is going counter clockwise now.
>>37245 Fine by me, I got to see women and black people get brutalized by Omni-man.
The power-scaling makes no sense. If omni-man could slice open the niggermite with a karate chop then why couldn't he do something similar to his head in an instant? Why would shoving a rock into his gutts have any more effect than shoving crumpled tissue paper? Wouldn't any of the viltrumites who weren't nuke proof have gotten culled? Does the planet have harder rocks than on earth? Why is the viltrumites' opposition to beastiality depicted as a bad thing?
>>37469 The Viltrumites have regeneration at the atomic level and have a lucky increase in power with each battle The power levels among the Viltrumites are confusing, the comic only makes it clear that Thragg is the strongest of them.
>>37469 >Why is the viltrumites' opposition to beastiality depicted as a bad thing? Because it isn't considered bestiality by the left.
>>37458 White majorities never existed you fucking nazi, society was never uniform!
>>37470 So they're Saiyajins crossed with Freeza. They're Cell basically. They're a whole fucking race of DBZ ripoffs. That's what I'm, getting here.
>>37477 at the genetic level they are more like Saiyan + Kryptonian
>>37477 They obviously based on kryptonians because omniman is an evil superman. That said, the powers of superhuman strength and flight were conceived far earlier than both action comics and dragon ball.
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>>37477 >A pozzed DBZ For every plothole they left, DragonBall has that covered?
>>12634 What's even happening in these pages?

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