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/co/ e-celeb general Anonymous 06/30/2021 (Wed) 16:26:18 No. 14607
>overly sarcastic productions >not overly sarcastic >just snarky gay commies
>>14607 Are they actually commies? I mean their artstyle & tone does come off very tumblr but I never got a confirmation.
>>14618 >I mean their artstyle & tone does come off very tumblr but I never got a confirmation. You'll only get confirmation if you can get IRL pictures showing their actual BMI. Then you'll truly know.
>>14607 >>just snarky gay commies Fucking seriously. Occasionally she will put out a piece that is pretty solid, but there will be eyerolling commie shit spinkled in. The dudes history stuff is unwatchable since everything is filtered through >West is evil
Stickied for the Anon with the rejected Bionicle fetish, it'll be up until Monday.
>>15229 Any examples?
>>14607 Doomcock is a hack. "Sources inside Disney" means he's just a pro-disney shill at this point. >>22455 Stop banning and deleting threads.
>>22455 >the rejected Bionicle fetish What?
>>22455 Is this about that thread on /b/?
>>14618 I don't know if they're commies, but the two of them act and look like white liberal college students, so who knows, probably.
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>>22455 >rejected Bionicle fetish What did I miss?
>>14607 Those guys behind those are retarded libtards who don't have understanding of what was the point of some greek story which I don't remember the name of?
You know what this thread could use? Actual examples of their work so people who don't know who these people are have something to work with. I picked this one at random. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=Ac5ksZTvZN8
>>22462 The dude said in one of his videos that he didn't talk about the crimes muslims committed during the crusades because he wanted to portray islam as a positive thing. Though he is a little consistent, since his Martin Luther video didn't mention how anti-semitic old Martin was
>>22484 What a cuck. >>22483 While I can't say this video has anything overtly stupid, you can still feel she has a bias going on. I mean she even admits she omits the sexual details of these myths sometimes. Which is pretty fucking stupid for someone who's supposed to be covering these myths so people can learn about them. It's counterintuitive if you wash away some details because they're unsavory.
>>22483 >and i'll be the first to admit i gloss over a lot of that stuff (rape) and i do that because it makes me incredibly uncomfortable my fucking sides i also watched a video of theirs about the poetic edda (because i had a passing intrest in norse mythology at the time) then i actually read the poetic edda its voluspo, not voluspa as in her video it also isnt the creation myth; odin calls on a wise woman (volva) to tell him the future, but first she must establish her credibility of by regailing odin with tales of his past before predicting the endtimes she is referred to once as "the narrator", which gives the wrong impression also she claims odins wife, frigg, objects to odin challenging vathruthnir the giant in the vathruthnismol this is simply not the case, she simply says she'd prefer if he stayed, but doent object to him going i'm guessing this is too make it more comedic (a frequent problem at osp; sacrificing accuracy for "comedy") also, she claims odin and fathruthnir have a "riddle competition", which is also not the case, they instead quiz each other on mythological lore like: "Whence came the day, | o'er mankind that fares, Or night with the narrowing moon?" i. e. wherefrom came day and night? to which fathruthnir responds with the appropriate myth that explains their creation in harbarthsljoth she leaves out that the ferryman is implied to be odin in disguise there are many more nitpicks, just read the original source
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No one told me the bitch looked like... this. https://archive.ph/AJXUL
>>24977 I'd fuck that.
>>24977 >vaccinated in the normal position but too fat to rotate shoulder forward to fit it in a selfie >hurr they vaccinated me wrong lol >using hair to try and disguise the fat ugh
>>25061 Anon, why do you want to fuck a man?
>>24977 Good trash confirmed, BMI busted phyzik affirmative.
>The animation is not shit but just weird I hate when critics from Jewtube get blue balled, god forbid if you hurt the feelings of some fucktard chained up somewhere in the Philippines.
>>14618 The girl is a jew so I'm not suprised by her shitty snark and disrespect towards HP Lovecraft.
>>24977 Parallels
>>26391 They look related.
>>26391 He has no confidence if he has to hide the fact he has a beard

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