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Fables Enters Public Domain Anonymous 09/16/2023 (Sat) 02:57:41 No. 36612
Bill Willingham has finally gotten sick of DC's shit and released Fables into public domain. Archive of his blog post: https://archive.ph/oOrt2
>>36612 It's dumb because there's probably legal precedent that DC still holds the rights. But what's dumber than that is the series is made of fairy tale characters who are already in the public domain. His declaration means nothing.
>>36616 Not putting the series into public domain when all the major characters the series is built around are versions of public domain characters would've been hypocritical even if he hadn't changed his stance on copyright, yes. But the declaration does make a difference. Like Willingham said, copyright is one giant tangled mess of unclear laws where tons of separate things can be copyright even if other parts of them are not. This declaration means anyone is free to write a story about not just Snow White or the Big Bad Wolf, but specifically Fables' version of them, fully referencing the events and relationships from the comics and building on them. For regular people this doesn't mean much (yet) because like he said, DC can just sue you into submission. But for other companies who also have fuck you money, the short term gain of making adaptations of the popular Fables property could outweigh the potential erosion of copyright law that works in their favour. And if it ever comes to a lawsuit (which DC will have to do if a Fables adaptation becomes successful enough because copyright also depends on there being a claimant trying to defend their property), it could lead to precedent allowing regular Joe small-time writers to also make their own Fables.
>>36622 Anyone was already free to do so because again the character's were already public domain. There's hardly anything specific about these versions that makes them unique. This is all just a spiteful show of force against DC. Possibly because of the Telltale game being more popular & well known than his comics. Which he may not have even been consulted on. The only positive this could really have, if this wasn't already a legally vague position right now, is to make a Fables adaptation like you said. But we know if that happens, no major studio will be behind it. It'll be some cheapo indie production by college students who just want to cash in as soon as possible. That happens every time something is put in the public domain. You get shitty horror movies made on no budgets.
>>36623 >You get shitty horror movies made on no budgets. Or you get another Disney situation.
>>36624 Depends what you mean. You could mean Disney recreating fairy tales their own way or you could mean Disney remaking their movies but worse. DC could potentially do that with a relaunch of Fables if they have have enough legal hold over to claim ownership.
Is the comic actually worth reading?
>>36626 Depends on what you like. It's not really like the Telltale game where Bigby's constantly solving mysteries. It's more like Snow & Bigby trying to keep the peace among the fables. There's an arc early on where all the animal fables on the farm decide to revolt & kill each other. Lots of family & relationship drama stuff. I lost interest with the writer turning out to be a shill for Israel that just had to write in the comic.
Has he gotten sick of Israel ye- >>36627 Oh you already mentioned it.

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