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Cartoons only you have seen 07/15/2020 (Wed) 05:35:45 No. 2931
some time ago back on 8k (before the whole debacle) some anon posted about some kinda unknown italian cartoon named Star Key. the show feels like those imitation-anime toons from back in the 00s, but it was made in 2018. All 26 episodes are in YT, but untranslated in italian. The story is about Luce, the protagonist, who is an orphan that discovers shes a princess from a distant planet, and the only one capable of finding some mythical artifact (the star Key) for reasons theres also an antagonist princess named Fedora who is also looking for said item. Been checking episodes back and forth, but my pasta-speak is very weak. somebody on YT subbed the first episode. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzOvJPcGNfM
>>2931 You should ask the gg thread on /v/ and see if there's a pasta speaker there, if so ask him if he'd come over and help translate.
>>2931 Searching around found some forum thing glaiming teh show was supposedly ready to air in 2014, but RAI sat down on it til 2018. Also ran into an italian Bootleg Bakugan called Marblegen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0lrYZlg0i4 Tried to watch some, but i couldn't stomach it.
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>>2931 >theres also an antagonist princess named Fedora
My cable provider has the CCTV andone day i woke up early and saw a chinese "military cartoon" named Eagle Boy Its basically 3 dudes (The kiddy MC, serious guy and a comedic fat guy) training in the chinese army and doing missions. Only could find one 5 minutes vid on YT
>>3441 Is it like the Best Korea military cartoon with the fox lady?
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>>2931 I remember that thread! I hope it gets a full translation someday cause it looks really CUTE
>>3442 No, not even a cartoon, more like CGI shit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rtp5uUFuDIE
>>2931 It sounds off. Like the explosions and the hits are muted, I wonder if it is the video or some sort of lame censorship.
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>>3444 >more like CGI shit
>>3444 Damn... this really is propaganda, not even subbtle
>>3460 the show has like 20 minutes episodes of soldiers teaining and shit, but, cannot find anything online
>>3460 fucking china is all like that. 24/7 propaganda. Could be the tamest shit, gotta add propaganda. Pity the authors there with actual talent who decide to have independent thought. They can't even get off the ground because the commissars censored their ass before take off. >make a comic/novel on the horrors of war >give enemy a well developed back story >BANNED not prochina you're making china look bad >author has to jump hoops saying his story doesn't actually take place in china but in a fictional land >do they speak chinese comrade? >uhhhh yes? >then theyre chinese banned until you rework it Poor bastard is still trying to get his books published.
>>3477 What comics are you referring to?
>>3487 Some manhua involving martial arts, cliche at first but then starts dealing with revolutions. Showing how sometimes what replaces one regime may not actually be the best thing Good intentions means shit if you can't accomplish the goal and get people killed. Its dead now, scrubbed from the web. Last i heard he was in a group of gay book authors trying to appeal the decision.
The legendaries/ Les legendaires It seems it was a known french comic from 2004 that had several volumes (only 6 translated to english) However i ran into a cartoon last year on a french TV channel The deisgns are very "anime inspired" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMljGnXhacM
>>3684 Man, it looks way too much Wakfu wannabe.
So, Saw some chinese "Kemono" show named "Siya Wolf,The great warrior Wall" yeah exactly what is sounds like, episodes are like 15 min long https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YHWaCsQLac There are some episodes on YTwith eng subs (Episode 1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glDhu74QxmA
recently noticed this cartoon named "Space chickens in space" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ce1LQBBHpsg seems to be a collab for like 4 or 5 different studios (from Mexico/australia/UK/Ireland) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mkei0l4DXlA There are some episodes on Yt, but is very strange, and round, most characters dont have angular shapes
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>>4746 >calarts
There was a french cartoon from 2012 named "Le Ranch" some anon used to mention it back in 8chan before it became 8k Recently found some english dubbed episodes on YT (but the english dub feels really meh) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5YUOYdxg2E I think there was also a german dub of it.
>>2931 They made more shitty fake anime in circa 2018 than ever before. >>2933 Are you retarded or something?
some years ago RAI and a french channel were making these aimated movies based on Corto Maltese rarely hear about em. Some are on YT, but italian only no eng subs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjdUjwDrqjU also remember some weird american cartoon based on "20000 leagues under the sea" but IN SPACE called "Space Strikers" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4OKJp-ohkw think it also had those "3D time" moments
>>2939 >Italian Bakugano well, atleast is not as bad as chinese Beyblade https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37HlGw-33VY
>>3477 this is why the best manhua come from hng kong and taiwan
>>3444 i liked the theme song
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I remembered this show from a few years back. It was pretty generic as far as cartoons go but the character designs were alright.
>>6870 think they only had 2 seasons (tehre were rumors of a 3rd season in production, but that was too long ago) Reminded me of "Girls of Olympus" but that shit got axed before it could even start https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inpTyF7tH2g
Long long ago i remember there was a Live Action show about mermaids "H2O" that was really popular among young girls (it was an australian show). sometime in 2015 somebody thought it was a good day to make very cheap cartoon or it, by a collab between a Leaf and a chinese animation studios (complete trash) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0E8wGNzkVz0
>>7060 Reminds of what happened to Code Lyoko but in reverse.
>>2931 the guy that subbed the first episode did episode 2 and 3 aswell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jozjFo9yP74 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3E2yXAeY6w Show still feels pretty meh.
>>7060 I remember H2O. It aired for a short time on Nick in the US. My brothers and I watched a couple episodes but thought it was dumb. >really popular among young girls I just looked it up, and apparently it got 3 seasons. I guess that explains how.
Not really sure, but somebody told me couple of months ago that there was a "Fast & the furious" related cartoon, with like 3 seasons
>>6873 my god the voicework
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>>8631 Looked it up, it was a netflix show. By the look of it got split into 3 "seasons which netflix is notorious of doing". It only has 24 episodes.
>>8694 they all have the same smile... >>4639 Not even into furshit and that looks very decent for a chinese animation
>>8694 >spy racers what is the fast and furious franchise even about anymore?
Some years ago ran into a korean Bakugan/not-Transformers hybrid named "Mecard", all episodes are on Yt, in english, but it really is bad. And the robot/monster things are CGIs on a 2D show. also Miniforce. Wich feels like a Power Rangers cartoon, cept that the heros are actully tiny cute animals that turn into PR-esque characters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENuR0qFbHtE
>>2939 >>6863 These are horrid >>8340 yeah but is he gonna sub the rest? Some weeks ago i saw some weird russian cartoon named "Jinglekids", it seems it was anetflix exclusive but now is on regular kid channels. The plot and acharcters are annoying, but the backgrounds are pretty decent. Also saw some weird chinese cartoon about cats in a wuxia-esque setting named "Beijing Opera Cats" or "Jing-ju cats" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuKFQiru2yY It seems to have an UK dub.
>>7060 I think I remember that show, it had girls who became mermaids from touching water and I vaguely remember it having an intro going >Reach, for me, dont want to wait another day without you.
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>>7060 > "H2O" that was really popular among young girls (it was an australian show). My daughter loved it. We watched it together. >mfw
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>>11455 >>11465 yeah, the show was popular, but the cartoon is extremely shit. Also, while diving in chinese cartoon found this show named "Bao su He ti" (probobly not how is written) really cheap looking CGI about some space robots coming to earth, befriending some kids and hiding as toys Every Hero and villian is co mposed by 2 almost identical vehicles. (Like, two planes make a robot, 2 cars make another robot, etc) All villinans had a similar gimmick, but turn into animals (2 bikes form a wolf, 2 tanks form a lion) Problem is, i can't find a single video on YT, or toys on auction sites(and i think it was from 2016) but yeah, it was really shit
>>3490 >Some manhua involving martial arts, Must be talking about reverend insanity
>>11467 Looks like Gundam and Tobot ripoff.
Back in like 2010-2011 there was this Winx/W.I.T.C.H italian cartoon named "Angel Firends" thin it had like 2 seasons It was based on a kiddier comic. But they decided to age up the characters and remove some comic ones, and also add TV-only ones too. The animation was really weird/bad like many MondoTV shows from that era. https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=iv826mvcI7w Think there were some movies too, but i heard those were pretty shit.
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Because I was a television kid with rabbit ears, I'd mostly spend each Saturday morning engorging on cartoons. Out of CBS' least favorable, Santo Bugito stuck with me the most. Maybe it's due to me being familiar with Klasky-Csupo works, as I watched Aaahh!!! Real Monsters and Duckman a lot.
This movie might as well just come out one day with no trailer. The only way I even saw it in decent quality was by sucking it up and buying a dvd of it with nothing but french subs to somewhat understand what is happening.
>>15168 Why does this trailer have english subs but there's no rip online?
>>15170 I later found out there was a blu-ray released for it with english subs but it was only in europe and it was region locked. Never found any information about a dub.
>>15174 Damn. Wish I could find a torrent of it.
Back in the late 2000's when I'd come home from school I'd just binge cartoons on cable for a few hours every day. My family had one of those cable subscriptions with 900-something channels, which was retarded, but also offered a ton of "additional channels" compared to the usual main Disney/CN/Nick. Nickelodeon for instance offered something like three alternative channels alone, and I think it was the Nicktoons (Nick 2? Nick Too?) one that always had older shows that weren't main programming anymore, like Invader Zim and Catdog, but also more obscure stuff like Kaput and Zosky. It was an entertaining and pretty charming show about two guys trying to conquer planets but always just being goofy failures instead. Nothing crazy but I've never heard anyone else talk about it, and there were definitely a lot of other small-budget shows like it I watched that have definitely just turned into mush in the memory part of my brain. In the same vein Chilly Beach was a cartoon I'd catch on one of the handful of Canadian-centric channels we got since I live north enough for that. Basically just a bargain-bin Canadian South Park, but again I've never heard another person talk about it at all.
>>15179 Canadians who were of the right age at the time all know Chilly Beach. As you said, we all knew it was a poor ripoff of South Park, but at least it was better than Crash Canyon and other times Canada tried to rip off Family Guy.
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>>15179 >>15183 There were tons of weird fucking stuff in Europe at the time as well. Still can't find some Scandinavian cartoon about birds that used to be shown late night on CN, it was all yellow, very melancholic and sureal.
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>>15439 >The three friends and Jerry I fucking remember that show. Thinking back on it hurts me.
>>15439 David the Gnome is well known among Americans who grew up in the '80s, since Nickelodeon aired it. And I remember Three Friends and Jerry, but always thought it looked disgusting so I never watched it. You got me with Wicked, though. Don't know that one, but the picture looks interesting.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WQE2OYf04s baby follies https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PLCtutju7ktsSgD9aDjXLI7uWklnGyuz5e complete series... in chinese, best of luck finding it in another language
>>11467 >>11496 No, it's a Gyrozetter ripoff, and the only good part of Gyrozetter was the 3DS game.
Only thing i can remember recently was "spike Team" wich was an italian cartoon from 2017 aboout girls playing volleyball to save their school or something. think it was officially subbed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSxK0AG5klY
>>6873 >Girls of Olympus sorry for the Necro, but it seems that show aired on Italy last year (26 eisodes) The only catch is that its only avileable on Raiplay (Rai streaming service, only avileable in Italy) No episodes avileable anywhere else it seems.
>>25880 there are clis from some of the episodes (1 or 2 minutes each), but you have to look for: >ragazze dell'olimpo its on italian no eng subs. But animation band used to translated their stuff eventually. Also saw some people complaning about the animation style being worst than the pilot.
>>2931 >>8340 so what happened with this shit? the guy finished translating the rest?
>>26507 No idea, maybe he got busy.
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Here's one you probably haven't seen unless you grew up in Autistralia. A show about some kids and their attempts to prevent the nasty gremlin children from getting blue plants. I remember bringing this up a few years ago when a similar thread was made, but I could barely find anything on it. It looks like since then someone uploaded all the episodes on jewtube of which there were apparently only 13, which I guess makes sense since I don't recall watching it for long but I do recall the ending. I watched shortly after I had moved into the house I would spend the majority of my youth in, which was a formative time. Despite that, I don't remember much about it since it was so long ago. but what I do remember left an impression. Its funny, today I was feeling bummed about how quickly the years have gone by and now this thread has been bumped prompting me to post this show. If you know anything about the premise you'd understand the irony
While I finding a picture for the above post I stumbled upon quite the blast from the past. I have less memory of this one, despite it airing after Deadly and being evidently much less obscure. Still, I don't recall anyone bringing it up in the past decade so i I think it counts. I remember was that it was about a boy and his talking robotic rocket that had retractable tentacles, and at one point they traveled back in time the way superman did. I also recall the design of the two and the rocket's voice. After looking through some images and clips online I recalled more, but its funny because I remembered more about Deadly just by thinking about it despite it being much more obscure.
>>26510 Australia has an animation industry?
>>26512 Somewhat.
>>26513 Any notable shows?
>>26514 Blinky Bill, Dogstar, Tracy Macbean, Flipper and Lopaka. Those are the only ones I can think of. I haven't watched any of these in years. Here's a wikipedia list. I think some of them were animated by Australian studios per commission in the same way korean studios sometimes animate American cartoons.If the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Australian_animated_television_series
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>>26517 I just picked a random show and somehow this looks like a poor bootleg of early 2010's Canadian animation.
in like 2010/2011 there was a french ( i think) cartoon abut a girl with magical powers and her human friend. It lasted only 1 season (26 episodes) and had an english translation. Was usually on a "girl power" block. Tara something something. The full name escapes me, but it was base on some books for teenage girls.
>>26622 Tara Duncan, show was trash and was canned after 1 season https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bciP_cmcvcI
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>>26622 you mean this? there is a new series as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fc0aGU1XiPw
>>26661 Looks like a better modern She-Ra.
>>26507 chekcing his channel he translated up to episode 8, but animation in general feels kinda meh... and the plot is also nothing amazing or outstanding.
>>26661 This must be adapted from something.
>>26782 see >>26622 Shit was adapted from a series of books about magical shit for young girls.
Couple of years ago saw some french cartoon about kids using drones on an academy...about drones and tech stuff named "Team Dronix" There was a conspiracy style plot involving some of the teachers, but frogspeak is not my deal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g92Xe8BsWCk Its CGI, 26 episodes, 1 season (up to what i could find)
>>2931 >>26507 If anyone still cares, seems that channel finally translated (badly, according to that person) all episodes. I am not gonna sit through 26 episodes of not-anime, but yeah. Thats that
>>29960 Neat, im surprised they actually got it done.
>>3477 God it's like slightly worse than here
Found another italian cartoon, its from this year i think, named Partidei (?) dont really get the plot, something with some rebel kids fighting some super computer in the future. Its done by Mondo Tv, the ones that did Angel Friends. At least is voiced in english. The first episode and all the rest seem to be up in YT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWkCXeP7K8U Its kinda mediocre looking.
>>6870 >>6873 Apparently the creator confirmed there will be a 3rd season like couple of days ago on Instagram
Pastafag here, if you link me the episodes I'm gonna write the text here don't and can't be arsed to get the sub going so you at least have something to keep it going OP
>>33307 check >>29960 Seems whoever was translating it, subbed the whole thing. So its done, i think

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