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Awful Hospital & Bogleech Thread Anonymous 09/06/2023 (Wed) 23:32:26 No. 36505
A a cosmic horror webcomic by Bogleech with a seemingly zany and humerous front that's actually about an existential terror represented in the form of a birthday cake know as "The Old Flesh" seeking to merge all forms of concepts into a singular entity lead by an visceral faction of discarded cognitive entities that remember their origins know as the parliament corrupting other cognitive entities into cancer like beings similar to them. Currently the main story is on hiatus with a spin off focusing on the other two main characters Willis, a living artery vein, and Issac, a slob (a cancerous Kroonenberg like abomination) getting involved with whatever machinations involving the denizens of the titular hospital. Also a Bogleech general thread if you're familiar with his other works. Archive on the origins of The old flesh's origin story. https://archive.ph/9gtBe
I want to fug that booger!
>>36505 My favorite parts are definitely the multi-pictures-long updates where you have to move the animation forward. Especially the creepier ones.
>>36511 (Checked) Initially, I assumed that awful hospital would be some "quirky" little humor comic with a bunch of bizarrely designed characters but I'm impressed how it managed to contain convoluted concepts like perceptions being living characters conveying themselves in the grey zone as mundane phenomenon such as food brands, organs, dolphins, and so on. The evens of the webcomics being based on them being compromised by an eldritch force and the ramifications of it went above what I expected.
>>36512 I feel that AH does the whole "parody point and click adventure game" angle much better of other way more popular webcomics by virtue of making you give a shit about what's going on. The parts where non-human characters go onto immense tangents and use specific words are such a trip, it would be so easy to fuck it up and come off as pretentious or unfunny but it almost feels like waking up in a completely different country and picking up bits of the language as you go, yet not enough that you can ever be completely fluid in it. My only worry though is that it keeps straying far away from the core story, I want to see Fern again or any substantial progress in finding the babyDog.

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