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Adaptations you would like to see in film Anonymous 05/21/2020 (Thu) 16:47:58 No. 1334
What series would you like to see adapted into film or animated series? I will start first: I would like to see Invasion and it's successor Savage adapted. For those who do not know, Savage is set in an alternate history wherein a nationalist movement took hold in Russia after the death of Stalin, turning it into the Volgan Republic. The Volgan Republic then implemented a super-blitzkrieg that combined nuclear weapons and areal and ground troops. Bill Savage, an East End lorry driver suffered personally, not only the supposed death of his brother but the loss of his wife and children via a stray DU (depleted uranium) round. Months later, the Volgan Republic has installed a puppet prime minister (after killing the old one on the steps of St Paul's Cathedral) and is implementing its unique brand of authoritarianism. Bill Savage quickly becomes a key figure in the resistance and the story begins there. Imagine a combination of SS GB and 1984 with robots and experimental tech and you are there. The story has a gritty and unflinching tone that I feel would be perfect.
>>1334 >i will start first No one cares about your fanfiction anon.
As unlikely as it is given the proven idiocy of Sony Pictures' top suits and Marvel treating its Malibu assets like Song of the South, part of me likes the idea of a straight adaptation of the original Men in Black comics. If only because they're so tonally different from the Big Willie vehicles we got.
>>1354 >expecting violence out of hollywood lol no that might not play in China anon
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>>1355 One of the sad reasons why it is unlikely that we would get a Marshal Law film (picture Dirty Harry combined with The Punisher with superheroes and wartime references (superheroes in this world were designed as weapons for America's secret wars). I swear, I can hear the eponymous superhero hunter with Clint Eastwood's voice. Another thing I would like to see is Deadworld. That series reminds me of the first death metal album that I listened to (my Gran got my Cannibal Corpse: Eaten Back To Life for my 15th birthday). Good times...
>>1354 It would take years before that could even be seen as financially viable. Men in Black as alien handlers who wipe memory of people who have seen too much is too enshrined in general public's memory right now. People tend to say that comics aren't good and that movies are better, but that's not true. Original books are still good, but I think that too many people who picked them up expected something similar to films instead. >As unlikely as it is given the proven idiocy of Sony Pictures' top suits and Marvel treating its Malibu assets like Song of the South Marvel is not doing anything with Malibu characters, because that means paying royalties to the original creators. I do not think Marvel has any say over MiB however. There is not a trace of Marvel involvement in any MiB projects aside from the movie tie-in comic. Sony might own 100% of the IP.
>>1354 consider that the comic's author liked the movie's mindwipe version of neuralizers over the comic's hypnotize-you-into-killing-yourself version
>>1334 >>1354 Except for some exceptions, movies with that kind of tone don't get too much success.
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>>1385 >Except for some exceptions, movies with that kind of tone don't get too much success. Guess you are right. On reflection, Savage would work better as a TV series as this would allow time to explore the unique idiosyncrasies of that world and allow each character to develop. What about IDW's Monocyte? That certainly has an art-house feel. Or would it be too high brow/pretentious for a mainstream audience?
Cut it out
>>1397 >Monocyte too high-brow/pretentious Add enough dark/gritty action and the niggercattle will eat it up. Perhaps market it to countries (aside from China) from outside the USA and it could gain plenty of success. Especially in Italy or Russia, since the US is still stuck on capeshit adaptations culturally. >Cut it out Quit being an uppity fag, Frank. This is legitimate discussion.
>>2423 The issue is probably spacing apart every two sentences.
>>2424 Really, who cares? If it's such a bother then maybe moderating a more traditional discussion forum with paragraphs of formatting rules would be suited for him, imageboards aren't fit for such rulecucking as it drives away posters, but back to the discussion and away from metashit. >>1354 An episodic MIB show would be the tits, sort of like the X-Files but from a glownigger perspective investigating demons and cryptids without regard to moral conduct.
>>2425 How about just don't be autistic?
>>2426 Unrelated to the subject, try to keep ontopic eh? What's an adaptation you'd like to see? Can be any comic or graphic novel, or even a reboot/remake of a pre-existing animation. >>1384 I enjoyed the despair-code hypnosis as an idea, makes more sense for an intelligence agency to force a witness to off themselves in a convincing way rather than a possibly faulty mindwipe.
>>2423 >>2424 >>2425 >>2426 He was probably banned because he was namefagging
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I would like to see Mind MGMT animated. The story about government conspiracies involving psychics sounds interesting, but I just can't stand Kindt's art. Having it animated (or re-drawn) by people who can actually draw would be an improvement.
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>>1334 It's not a comic (I think), but Peter Clines' Ex-Heroes would make a great show, I think. I highly recommend the books, by the way. Heroes fighting to save as many people as they can from a zombie apocalypse. 5 books already and I loved each and every one of them.
>>2993 I felt the same way about the board game.
>>13601 That sounds really cool, I'll have to check out those books. I loved Marvel Zombies but it was way too humorous at times. That quote by Ernest Cline on the cover is about as cringey as I'd expect.
A good Power Pack animated movie would be nice, but there's no way it would ever be good or remotely faithful.
>>39006 They're great, as are his Lovecraftian books

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