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Anonymous 01/30/2022 (Sun) 09:28:11 No. 22694
I've thought about how most of the time, the nature of constant NOTHING IS THE SAME mass-reboot events, inconsistent continuity (contrasted with autistic obsession with status quo) and the failings of a system where there can be no singular "author" guiding the whole universe means that, by and large, there is no lasting impact in Capeshit. Hack decisions made by egotist-writers desperate not to be forgotten in the revolving door can easily be undone or tug-of-warred over unless the editorial is sucking their dick (IE Bendis), and even the characters' names or identities can can easily be shuffled around. Save for one example that keeps coming up. Gayness (and trannies, but there's no notable tranny-infected ones to my knowledge) is the one thing that cannot be erased, like some form of permanent ink spilled on white paper. Iceman, Jon Kent, Tim, those stained by rainbow shit are forever stuck with it. The writer who would dare try would be crucified politically, fired and blacklisted from the entire industry. Not that there are any writers left who would be willing to, in no small part because it's been infiltrated by twatter addicts who'd be the first to cause a fuss and they've bullied out anyone resembling conservative for less. Because of this boomer-esque fear of vocal loudmouths and leftist gatekeeping of Human Resources and other employing areas, the one change the true readerbase would be happiest to see gone is the one that can never be undone. I just found that to be a cruel sort of irony.
>>22694 >Gayness (and trannies, but there's no notable tranny-infected ones to my knowledge) is the one thing that cannot be erased, like some form of permanent ink spilled on white paper. Iceman, Jon Kent, Tim, those stained by rainbow shit are forever stuck with it. Not necessarily, anon. The culture is shit right now and that enables it (MUH [x] ERASURE), but that doesn't make it impossible if the pendulum shifts. Remember when Catwoman had a girlfriend? The big 2 always define their characters as "bisexual" so they can ignore it in later runs at some point.
>>22694 All it would take is for cape stuff to fallout of favor like it did at the end of the Golden Age.
>>22697 I'm not quite sure that will be enough this time around. Capeshit's been unprofitable for a while now, but these ideologicals are still pushing ahead having Superman get assraped or demonizing conservatives for the Qboomer unguided tour on Jan 6th. Not only would there need to be a purge of workers, they'd have to make sure the new guys weren't the exact same leftists who got shooed out. Were the money loss enough, wouldn't we see course correction by now?
>>22694 Yes capeshit sucks. It's easy to summarize it. Not for nature of being about superheroes but for the lack of any driving vision behind the ideas. It's almost like too many cooks in the kitchen with no head keeping everything in order leads to nothing but chaos.
>>22698 You see that's where the deception lies. The comic book industry isn't still around because the comics sell. Quite the opposite. The comic book industry now acts as an IP farm for other media outlets. It's been this way primarily making the actual money since at least the 90s. Marvel had to sell off the media rights to other companies. That lead to the boom of capeshit movies, cartoons, & games before the MCU came along. All those other products & productions are what made the money. Even now capeshit only thrives because of the movies profiting off the IPs no one would give a rats ass about otherwise. Even the twitter fanatics that eat capeshit media up don't understand why people who actually read comics don't like it. Like try to explain why Batman being made into a killer in every live action movie adaptation is wrong & you'll only be met with blank stares or delusions.
>>22707 Doesn't that strengthen the point, then? That comics won't change course because they aren't required to no matter how low sales go (movies and co will just pick up the slack), and they're making all this leftist shit like Ms. Muslim as a vector to infect movies/cartoons/etc in order to immortalize it? Popularizing Spider-Nig with the Spiderverse movie, for example. Once they force a change like "Aqualad is gay" onto a big media, normalfag "common knowledge" would mix with Cancel Culture to prevent a walkback the same way comics would, because unlike comics people pay attention to the movies/cartoons. Granted, shit like the MCU probably would've extended their life much longer had they not been subject to Corona panic. But it seriously disappoints me that it took power-tripping governments jumping at a chance to lock the idiot populace in their own homes to threaten their comfy status quo, because they were too braindead and consuming to just not see crappy movies.
>Gayness is the one thing that cannot be erased I don't know, there's an awful lot of leeway for The Gay to be either undone, ignored, or diminished. Otherwise they wouldn't do it to characters as obscure as Superman's son, a Robin that's long been sidelined by Batman's son, and a mutant that's canonically fucked more women than men. It's simply a matter of if and when.
>>22710 The point he was making inferred that comics are kept around because they still make money. When that isn't the real truth. The companies make money through other media "inspired" by the comics. While the comic division is technically making a profit secondhand, it's not the comics doing it.
>>22710 >>22712 Actually, my only point was that unprofitability couldn't be the only reason comics would change their tune, because they've sold like shit since the leftist shit started (and before that, but especially now), so I was contesting >>22697 expecting them to be forced to knock it off just because of a downcast on capeshit popularity.
>>22713 Well comics have no reason to change their tune. So they don't make money but they act as IP farms, like I said. As long as those movies & shows get views then the companies will keep the comic divisions around for any fuckwit to produce more crap no one reads. Big two comics are basically just overpriced cage liner now.
>>22710 >Granted, shit like the MCU probably would've extended their life much longer had they not been subject to Corona panic. Not that much longer. People don't like or care about the new movies anyway. Just like nobody liked or cared about Captain Marvel, and that was the first one that really started this shit in the MCU. With each new SJW movie or show they put out, they push away more people. Not seeing the movies in theaters really doesn't have as much to do with it. People like other shows that are Netflix exclusive or whatever. They don't like Falcon and Winter Soldier or any of the other MCU abominations because they're SJW garbage.
>>22717 Didn't that new Spiderman film make big money though?
>>22719 It's Spiderman, he always sells. He's Marvel's Batman, so long as he follows the usual trappings normalfags will always eat him up, but they can't make everything about him or they'll fatigue people.
>>22721 Hes more Marvel's superman, wolverine is the more media friendly "dark guy"
>>22722 He just means that Batman and Superman are the major cash cows. Which they are. And even Spider-Man had to rely on nostalgia for the good movies that ended 15 years prior in order to get these numbers, since Sony and Marvel had tanked the series so hard ever since.
>>22724 Meant Batman and Spider-Man. Superman isn't the cash cow he used to be until the '80s.
>>22694 >no lasting impact in Capeshit Do you know of any comics that get lasting changes to the status quo right (apart from manga)?

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