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Anonymous 02/23/2022 (Wed) 04:59:50 No. 23357
>‘Turning Red’ Film Critic Calls the New Pixar Cartoon ‘Unapologetically Horny’ WTF PIXAR https://archive.fo/KkoRb
>>23357 This seems like a bot post. Why would any normal anon take a critic review about modern pixar shit seriously?
>>23357 This might be the ugliest 3D film I seen.
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I was gonna compare this to that Grubhub ad that everyone hated, but this actually looks worse somehow. Why do people keep going for this potato head caricature aesthetic?
I'm not sure why this art style is in vogue right now but it seems like a real step down from alot of Pixar's previous films. Ignoring Cars I suppose.
>>23366 Grub hub at least made the character extra cartoony. Pixar gave turning red characters realistic eyes and teeth.
If she's just hitting puberty why does she look like she's gone through menopause already?
>>23357 >Unapologetically Horny So is not for kids?
>>23374 >So is not for kids? None of these movies have really been for kids ever since Frozen blew up so hard with the "tumblr" demographic.
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Is the whole movie really about the girl turning into a furry? This is just those shit fetish comics where the furfags fantasize about turning into creatures.

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reposting from /v/
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>>23382 That is fucking disgusting.
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>>23383 Yeah there's way cuter red panda girls out there. Like ones that fuck their brothers.
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>>23384 You sicken me.
>>23385 Good.
>>23357 What’s wrong with journalists?
>>23380 No its a metaphor for periods.
>>23384 >Jay Naylor The guy who makes cuckold comics?
>>23390 Sadly yes. Lots of NTR.
>>23391 >from furry incest to furry NTR Whenever you think he's hit rock bottom, he starts digging through it.
>>23367 This shit is worse than cars.
>>23402 The incest would be hot did the comic not devolve into the sister fucking everyone. The NTR in all his other works is where he really fucks up.
It begins.
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>>23406 Western lolifags are alwys the worst for wanting to stick to the original artstyle too damn much.
>>23407 Most of them would never be recognizable without it.
>>23407 most western art is degenerate and disgusting they corrupt the human form into grotesque parodies
>>23408 Perhaps in this instance. But alot of times the characters are iconic enough to be recognized in an art style change. There's far to much on model Fairy oddparents porn for example.
>>23407 >>23410 If you don't like how the character looks, why would you want porn? Off model porn is baffling to me. If the character is ugly, I don't want porn at all, regardless of how much you change it. You're just making a different character at that point.
>>23411 Sometimes the artstyle itself can be unappealing, or at least un-arousing. But the character design at a conceptual level can be(or the character can have appealing aspects). A perfect example in western media would be total drama island which has designs I would consider good in an artstyle that's so-so. Another example would be touhou where zun's art isn't very good but the character designs look great in other artstyles. Had to delete since I forgot to spoiler the nsfw pic
>>23411 I absolutely agree with this guy. >>23413 The example you posted is on-model enough for my brain. The third and fourth picture look like shit, I honestly don't understand what point you are trying to convey here. >>23407 You know man, we are on an image board, and I'm assuming you've seen far more shocking stuff than people getting aroused by on-model underage cartoon characters. Don't act like this is the worst thing on the internet, you know it's not.
>>23414 >The example you posted is on-model enough for my brain. The third and fourth picture look like shit, I honestly don't understand what point you are trying to convey here. <Well I think it's on model so it doesn't count You have a very loose definition of "on_model" then. >You know man, we are on an image board, and I'm assuming you've seen far more shocking stuff than people getting aroused by on-model underage cartoon characters. Don't act like this is the worst thing on the internet, you know it's not. Why are you guys such faggots that you consider a mild bitch to be earth shattering rage?
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You nigs are getting off topic so have some concept art for this mess.
>>23416 Naturally fading a bit off topic is hardly a problem when the thread is about a movie this bad anyway.
>>23416 Looks like Steven Universe but with a sex change operation.
>>23416 The more I see it the more I feel they tried to go for Ghibli-esque character design, the problem is Ghibli character design is overused garbage that character design looks like shit on CGI. These concept art at least is cohesive since they don't have the over-detailed pupils and teeth that every single modern CGI movie needs for some reason.
>>23418 >Don't forget Steven model can change Good lord, this makes me angry beyond comprehension, the worst part is that this fat kike keeps getting hired.
>>23419 >Ghibli Stop saying this. It isn't fooling anyone. We all know it's just modern Calarts, just like Stephen Universe, as the post immediately above yours points out.
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>>23419 >Ghibli-esque character design
>>23421 This would imply calarts isn't repeated attempts to ape Ghinli's style.
>>23424 It's not. If anything it's just an evolution, or rather devolution, of Hanna Barbera, which evolved through the years of Cartoon Network originals to becoming less and less focused on previous hallmarks like good designs, but retained the trademark of flat, dimensionless drawings. This then mixed with influences from tumblr and postmodernist bullshit taught in art schools, and yes, perhaps some anime influence seeped in there, but it's clearly low on the priority list.
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>>23406 >begins The first porn of her dates from December 2020.
>>23427 Yes but now we get "unapologetically horny" added onto it.
>>23418 >Steven Universe but with a sex change operation So Steven Universe then.
>>23426 >If anything it's just an evolution Anon get your head out of your ass.
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>>23440 >don't discuss the history of animation and art styles on the comics and cartoons board
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>>23454 Its neither an evolution or devolution, its an affront to the style it tries to mimic.
>>23416 >try to rip off an artstyle <shove in generic ugly shit that breaks the artstyle because you can't help yourself What is it with tumblrfags and Studio Ghibli? And why did they go for giant calarts eyes in the final product?
>>23416 You know the concept art actually looks cute. Some of the issues with the animation looking like shit could have been avoided if they had just, you know, stuck to 2D.
>>23493 That's the story of nearly 95% of all cgi films

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>>23479 >tumblrfags and Studio Ghibli? Why bring up Ghibli? The artstyle they use for their 3d films is nowhere as bad as nu-pixar. Because everything else is awful, Miyazaki's son can't direct a film to save his life
>>23414 The point he's making is the character design itself (a goth chick with a tea/blue motif) can be appealing while the art style they originated in (flat, angular, thick lines) might not be.
>>23496 >tea *teal, fuck
>>23495 >is nowhere as bad as nu-pixar Keep repeating it to yourself until you believe it.
>>23498 >Keep repeating it to yourself until you believe it. Okay now you're just bait posting, promptly kill yourself.
>>23502 It's not great but it's not bad either. Reminds me of Dragon Quest XI
>>23495 >nowhere as bad as nu-pixar If anything it may be worse.
>>23416 So even in the concept art she doesn't shut her gaping maw.
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>>23479 >What is it with tumblrfags and Studio Ghibli? Simple those niggas have no fucking clue what Studio Ghibli designs are. And most of you faggot anons talking about Turning Red sheets looking like anything from Ghibli deserve to be ground pounded for your retardation because you niggas couldn't even do a basic net search for legit Ghibli character sheets to compare it with.
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>>23511 The Ghibli face in question is from Spirited Away and Ponyo. Which should be noted as the two films to have the largest impact in the West. (Spirited Away because of the Oscar, Ponyo because it's the only Miyazaki film that got the Disney advertising treatment). If you're telling me these characters don't or couldn't have inspired potato face you're lying.
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>>23512 >>23512 >If you're telling me these characters don't or couldn't have inspired potato face you're lying. The fact you focus on just one studio while completely ignoring 80s anime and the shit played on Toonami or any other network broadcasting anime, proves youre a disingenuous faggot
>>23511 >>23512 >>23513 All I'm getting from this is that Cal-arts is a literally a bunch of Californian artists imitating Japanese art without understanding it and creating an abomination of art design in the process. Like a kid tracing official sailor moon art then trying to copy it into their own art style.
>>23523 >Cal-arts is a literally a bunch of Californian artists imitating Japanese art without understanding it Arrow right on the bullseye.
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Here's the last two teasers for this movie. It's out in two weeks.
>>23524 >japanese style There's no such thing as a single japanese style. But I have no doubt cal-arts students are raised specifically on Studio Ghibli films because any other anime are too "icky". >>23525 There's like zero redeeming qualities about this movie. This is some dramatically strong anti hype I'm feeling. It's always with Pixar now too. They've completely dropped the ball & can't pick it back up for the life of them.
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>>23531 >cal-arts students are raised specifically on Studio Ghibli films Anon, you're just extremely autistic.
>>23532 For being right?
>>23533 Nigger, they grow up on anime in general like most people in their 20's. How many time have you seen a sailor moon reference, a dragonball reference, or an Akira reference? There is no popular anime that doesn't have an influence. Why did you glomp onto Ghibli? The defenders of this shit brought up Akira toriyama on twatter as well and yet Ghibli is what tickled your autism and caused you to concoct a grand theory of all potato faces having lineage that goes back to Ghibli? As if weaboo's with shitty jap art rip off weren't a national epidemic before Ghibili got big in the west.
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>>23512 >Spirited Away Why the fuck does anyone even like that movie? >Which should be noted as the two films to have the largest impact in the West. Prior to the net, the only three Ghibli films I knew about was Nausicaa, Castle in the Sky, and Kiki. >>23531 >There's no such thing as a single japanese style. question: <What era of anime does this OP remind you of? >>23534 >How many time have you seen a sailor moon reference, Outside of fanart, never. >a dragonball reference, "Over 9000" started on the net, and absolutely nothing else. >or an Akira reference? The TMNT opening from 2003. >Why did you glomp onto Ghibli? <See second vid >As if weaboo's with shitty jap art rip off weren't a national epidemic before Ghibili got big in the west. You talking about the webcomics from the 2000's that ripped majority of their art style from Pokemon and the hentai VHS tapes?
>>23536 >Why the fuck does anyone even like that movie? Because it and Totoro were the first Ghibli movies that got really big in the US. I remember them showing Porco Rosso and Spirited Away on Toonami a bunch in the early 2000's. Howl's Moving Castle also was big enough to get a bunch of hollywood celebs in for the dub.
Why has this thread gotten so retarded and autistic?
>>23536 <See second vid Fuck off shill.
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>>23538 /co/fags trying to defend Western media when the ONLY good cartoons to come out of the West in the past decade are Villainous, Mao Mao and Smiling Friends; meanwhile comics are likely to never recover because Western comic book writers are completely incapable of writing a decent story that ISN'T capeshit or an apocalypse.
>>23536 >Outside of fanart, never. >started on the net, and absolutely nothing else. Either you never actually watched cartoons or as stated before really fucking retarded.
Fuck you, Frank! >>23542 Have zero clue about the first two pics, been years since I watched Justice League and Batman so I don't remember those (Even then, took me a bit to recognize the Eva reference), and Clone Wars I'm surprised I forgot about even though I just saw it a month ago.
>>23534 Wrong sir. These kinds of people only grow up on dubs of mainstream acceptable shows like Sailor Moon, Naruto, Bleach, & FMA. But otherwise they're obsessed with Ghibli. Seems like the autistic one is you with your rage fit.
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>>23543 Here have some more.
>>23545 >Megas XLR Does that really count when the show also parodied Transformers and Super Sentai?
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>>23546 Considering they went as far to reference characters like Captain Harlock, yes.
>>23523 >Like a kid tracing official sailor moon art then trying to copy it into their own art style. that IS most of those cal-arts folk
>>23545 >pantsu hebi >trouser snake oh
>>23536 >Why the fuck does anyone even like that movie? Musical score was very well-made for it's time. Extremely rich visuals absolutely dripping with actual Japanese culture as opposed to most Anime which is discount modern CONSOOM culture, medieval Europe, or varying shades of future robots. The characters act like people as opposed to cartoon characters which also leads it credible for normalfags. I am personally not the biggest fan of Spirited Away, but it's pretty easy to tell why anyone who doesn't fucking post on a Japanese inspired imageboard would like it over most anime. >Prior to the net, the only three Ghibli films I knew about was Nausicaa, Castle in the Sky, and Kiki. I'm well ware, that doesn't change the fact that Spirited Away is the only one to win an Oscar(back when those mattered a touch more) and, again, Ponyo getting Disney advertising all over everywhere. Damn shame too because it's Miyazaki's worst film storywise.
>>23552 >Damn shame too because it's Miyazaki's worst film storywise. That's because the entire film is his personal wank material. Miyazaki is an otaku in two specific areas: he's a /k/ommando and a lolicon. However, because of his boommer progressive views, he can no longer indulge in the former, so he goes all in on the latter.
>>23538 /co/ attracts the most autistic people. Being a fan of western media in general turn's you into a bitter autistic, but the already rampany autism of the average cartoon combines to form people like the Ghibli autist.
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>>23544 > mainstream acceptable shows like Sailor Moon Yes, and? Which they also obsess over and can't help but reference in about everything they make. Sailor Moon especially has them jerking themselves into a comma saying, "I gotta reference sailor moon, I gotta reference sailor moon." See: https://tube.cthd.icu/watch?v=92fr5byVPl0 https://tube.cthd.icu/watch?v=e7ToJ-MMfQ8 >Seems like the autistic one is you with your rage fit. Why do you faggots go "you le mad?" all the damn time? What part makes you think I'm having a rage fit? That I called you a nigger? That I voiced my displeasure at your viewpoint? That I made some grammatical errors that I didn't catch? You fags will reach for anything if it means one upping a nigger in an argument.
>>23553 That was not why Ponyo was bad. Ponyo was bad because the entire story falls apart into meaningless gibberish in the last 10 minutes. It was building up into something good, but I can honest to god not understand why or what happens in the last 10 minutes. This most likely happened because no one had the guts to tell Miyazaki no after he won an Oscar, so he just went rampant and unchecked.
>>23555 My point is this isn't "all anime" like you seem to wanna define into an "japanese style". The part where you're being a weirdo over the simple statement that these cal-arts faggots have a limited scope of exposure to japanese media.
>>23558 >My point is this isn't "all anime" like you seem to wanna define into an "japanese style". Either you got me confused with some other nigger in the reply chain or you completely lost the plot. All I argued is that you vastly overstate the Ghibli influence. >The part where you're being a weirdo over the simple statement that these cal-arts faggots have a limited scope of exposure to japanese media. <NO don't be autistic in a different way than me.
>>23559 >>23558 Oh I think I see the problem is now. You thought when I said anime in general you though I meant "all anime". When I said anime in general I meant "There is no one source and it's from multiple anime across anime as a whole". You vastly overestimate how narrow their taste our. It is narrow, but it extends to virtually everything and anything that's popular. To the point where they'll easily doublethink and like something they shouldn't if it's popular.
Let it flop, let it flop Don't give a shit anymore
>>23560 Now you're just saying the opposite of what you started with. You're just repeating what I already said. Why are you like this?
>>23563 >Now you're just saying the opposite of what you started with. Where? I'm these posts >>23407 >>23413 >>23415 >>23534 >>23554 >>23555
>>23563 >>23565 Missed a post >>23410
>>23554 >Being a fan of western media in general turn's you into a bitter autistic Nah. Just look to other /co/ related image boards. There aren't a lot; however, this is the only one filled with stubborn retards.
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>>23416 >>23512 When you put it like that I do see it. >>23523 And this sums it up pretty good.
>>23568 >Just look to other /co/ related image boards. Yeah but the other one's are full of faggots.
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>See: https://tube.cthd.icu/watch?v=92fr5byVPl0 >https://tube.cthd.icu/watch?v=e7ToJ-MMfQ8 This shit just fills me with complete anger. Even ANIME that references other anime doesn't do this shit. At most, they do references like the one up here in Megas XLR. <See GTO as an example. Then there's also series like Kine-san no 1-ri de Cinema, where the subject matter is even the very concept of Western film itself, yet there has not been a single panel that I can actually point to that even attempts to parody the film subject of each chapter. Even the Die Hard chapter, a film even modern Nips love to death.
>>23597 > Even ANIME that references other anime doesn't do this shit. Yeah they do:https://tube.cthd.icu/watch?v=xWlueU1c6lc Skip to the 8:19 mark in the video.
>>23598 >>23597 To further clarify my point, it's less that anime doesn't do it, and more that nip's have a much wider away of things to reference and have less of predisposition to reference in the shows they make.
>>23598 >Yeah they do 3 shows I don't recognize, and the rest in that segment were all Western show.
>>23599 >it's less that anime doesn't do it, and more that nip's have a much wider away of things to reference In other words, they don't need to reference past anime because there's so many other things they can reference without making it apparent that it is a reference.
>>23601 >they don't need to reference past anime because there's so many other things they can reference without making it apparent that it is a reference. Referencing past popular anime is far from unheard of, but nip's rather reference something more recent or contemporary as opposed to something older. A lot of current anime make reference to precure if they want to make a reference to a specific magical girl franchise since that's contemporary. Nip's are hardcore about copyright as well, so you rarely see overt references in general aside from obvious parodies or the IP and/or copyright are owned by the same company. It's why a lot of manga and anime will censor the names of other manga or anime if they namedrop them.
>>23536 >Why the fuck does anyone even like that movie? Is fun.
>>23536 >Not liking Spirited Away You're the only one here who needs to explain himself, not us.
>>23615 Okay, why should I like it? Pretty much all of the Ghibli films are just OVAs that spam the length of a feature film, majority of which are remakes of Miyazaki's previous work, by filling the story with nothing but fluff while managing to add absolutely nothing new. And, they haven't made a good film since Castle in the Sky.
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>>23617 >Pretty much all of the Ghibli films are just OVAs that spam the length of a feature film I don't even know what you're trying to complain about here, things taking too long to happen? Why the OVA comparison, just say it's bloated. >majority of which are remakes of Miyazaki's previous work I would be thrilled for you to tell me what you mean by this. Only two of the movies Miyazaki has directed are "remakes" of something already existing, Nausicaa and Porco Rosso. Technically Nausicaa isn't even a Ghibli film though.
>>23621 >I don't even know what you're trying to complain about here, things taking too long to happen? Long periods of NOTHING happening. That's the point. >I would be thrilled for you to tell me what you mean by this. Castle In The Sky is a remake of Future Boy Conan, Princess Mononoke is a remake of Shuna no Tabi, Nausicaa itself is a follow-up to Sabaku no tami, Pocco Rosso is a repeat of The Castle of Cagliostro, then there's all the "strong little girl" stories that's spun off of his work on Heidi. Simply put, you see three of his films, you've seen them all. And, all his films are is the Japanese equivalent of Oscar bait. Like I said, the last good film he made was back in '86 with Castle In The Sky. Though, if you really want to know when was the last time he made something good, it was back in '98 when he made the manga version of Tigers in the Mud.
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>>23631 >Long periods of NOTHING happening. That's the point. Okay, so as I thought, you just think it's bloated. No need to bring OVAs into the critique unless there is something unique to OVAs Miyazaki is fucking with. >Simply put, you see three of his films, you've seen them all. Maybe from a narrative structure, but I'll be honest, the narrative structure of Miyazaki's films are the weakest parts of his work. Which is really saying something. Other than that what is depicted, how it is animated, and how it is presented tends to shift. I suppose maybe the music as well? But I don't expect a well animated movie to have a challenging musical score. >And, all his films are is the Japanese equivalent of Oscar bait. I don't think you know what an Oscar bait is, I don't think Ghibli's ever metagamed around any awards. Are you using "Oscar Bait" to mean "formulaic"? Because you can just use formulaic.
>>23635 The thing is, the Best Animated Picture Oscar is and always has been a joke. None of the judges watch those movies, and most of them have the opinion that "I don't waste my time watching movies for *sniff* children" They have such big sticks in their asses they refuse to sit in the theater with their kids to watch animated movies. So they defaulted to just giving it to Disney for year after year.
>>23639 That's good and all but that doesn't address anything related to my post.
>>23652 He just wanted to add it to the discussion because it's rarely mentioned, it's not about arguing against you. Half of the thread mentions the Oscars like it ever counted for something.
>>23653 There's only three posts before >>23635 mentioning the Oscars and they're all me trying to explain why Spirited Away is the most popular. No one in the thread is making the argument "It's good because it won on Oscar", my only point was "It's more well known than any other work(bar maybe Ponyo) because it won an Oscar." Because the average normalfag still cared about the Oscars in 2001.
>>23659 >yoko and marcelene as the bike >then taichi at the end what did the nip's meant with this?
>>23659 All this made me think is that homages should no longer exist.
>>23690 Than you came to the worst conclusion from these discussion are probably autistic.
>>23693 >>23690 *Than you came to the worst conclusion from these discussions and are probably autistic.
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Why is everything about this movie just so obnoxious?
>>23695 I suppose you could argue that it was intended. It's as annoying as an actual 13yo straining to pretend they're a grown up.
>>23697 fuck off herdnigger.
>>23698 Don't engage niggerpill. Just report & ignore. He spams the gamergate threads like this all day every day.
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>>23357 >>23366 Grub hub looks better than inside out. I would rather watch h a movie with the grub hub cast.
>>23703 With how well these animators succeed at making something outright hideous you think they'd have made some sort of horrible gross-out movie like a Garbage Pail Kids revival by now.
>>23696 Well I didn't like it when Jake Long did it and I don't like this.
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>>23659 >duel masters (2019) There was another Cards Games on Motorcycles series?
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Pack it up, boys! Rotten Tomatoes says the movie's good. Don't question your pai- corporate sponsored critics.
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>>23761 This film continues to look worse and worse.
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Seriously, what the fuck is it with this movie and its fixation on mouths? It's like the director has a gaping maw/vore fetish, but almost exclusively for calarts bean mouths.
>>23759 Eww, even the porn fanart is fucking gross.
>>23701 Wow. That is literally me when I discovered 8chan 7 years ago at age 13. Now I'm no longer curious, but skeptical and have a hard time following instructions, am hard to inspire and have become a cynic, am rarely myself around others, rarely laugh anymore, have barely aspired, never reached out to anyone, have no friends, have not spoken to anyone in months who's job it wasn't to sell me something, and my self esteem has been completely destroyed. Despite that I have never felt better and would have been worse off without it. I wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you 8chan.
>>23765 Perfectly healthy reaction.
>>23618 Yeah, that nigga like to dribble them balls. >>23763 Well, they clearly felt they need to make them more ugly.
>>23763 Aside from the eyes it's the only other part of the generic Pixar bean face that helps convey emotion. Like seriously, everything else about these character designs is so generic and plain there's nothing unique about them. They'd be background characters in any other movie.
‘Turning Red’ Cast Speaks Up After Controversial Review Was Called ‘Racist’ and Pulled Offline https://archive.ph/uJyBp
>>23761 Why does everyone look fucking awful?
It's out. It's horrible.
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I would like for some drawfag to try and rescue her and make her look cute. >>23861 How horrible?
>>23868 God I'm not 5 minutes in and it's already worse than Raya. The girl talks like her creator, that is to say, a coddled liberal asian-cananadian in Toronto who's had no real struggle in the outside world. At least Raya was based off chinese mythology and I could complain about here but here is digging to the bottom of the barrel only to find out there's a hole underneath it with a creature in red fur. First minute is a tracking shot of the main character, 13, but is actually adult so she acts that way, aka self entitled and cringe inducing. Second, look at the pastel artstyle. No dark colors anywhere, not even dark shadows. It feels like a children's book. It all blends together. 3rd is boy band. Of course. She starts drawing naughty pictures and actually sweating over it. I am 12 minutes into the movie and she's already turning Fujoshi. 4th is the three friends, copying Wiki: >Miriam, a tomboy with braces > Abby, an energetic Korean-Canadian girl >Priya, one of Mei's best friends Gotta have in that Diversity.
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>>23869 I'm skipping so clifts notes here. Her mom finds the pictures, takes them to the store she bought it from and says "That degenerate won't bother you again." The film portrays this as emotionally abusive where I'd call it "Actual Asian parenting." Someone was jealous at school, remember, this is a personal story from the creator. So an Asian ending up with natural red hair? Yeah, she was jealous of some snowflake red headed Canadian white girl in her school when she was young. God bless that maple leaf for not being a vindictive bitch like this. Mom thinks she's doing the first red thing instead of the panda thing, it's as uncomfortable as you think it is. I'm pretty sure Chinatown doesn't have cherry trees everywhere like this. >Today, the largest Punjabi communities in Canada are situated in the province of British Columbia, concentrated in Vancouver, and the province of Ontario, particularly in Toronto. Despite being less than 2% of the population, Shiek's have 18 seats in Canada's national assembly. https://theprint.in/theprint-essential/sikhs-so-powerful-in-canada-its-not-about-numbers/314036/ >Everytime you transform you gas people. Wish I had a super power like that.
Decided to watch it. I think the biggest problem isn't trying to tackle such problems, but instead the fact that it's very fembrained in doing so. It treats overly supportive friends as emotional crutches because God forbid women truly be independent without supporting one another like a hive mind, it treats the family like a bad thing, and the whole thing is very annoyingly reaffirming about itself.
>>23870 Yes, they actually show that in a pixar movie. No standards. See what I mean by the pastels. There's no sense of depth. Compare to this factory shot of Monsters Inc. Your eyes can see the lines. Sorry for the autism but there's no sense of depths when everything is a shaded color like that. You can "see" it. Hey, an actual backstory sequence that isn't dog shit and is animated to look historical. Why isn't the entire movie like this? Raya was pain, this is torture.
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>>23870 Why is she so big when she turns into a red panda? They're raccoon sized in real life, if not a little smaller.
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>>23873 Backstory was her female ancestor wanted the power to defend her 2 girls after the male family members went off to war, so that's probably why she's so big. And now they're animating the eyes to be anime like. God have mercy on me, I may have wronged you but this is too much. This is giving me a good glimpse into the creator and what she thinks modern Asian families are like. Husband useless, mother all powerful, except to her own mother.
>>23871 >it treats the family like a bad thing RIP the China market.
>>23875 >This is giving me a good glimpse into the creator and what she thinks modern Asian families are like. Husband useless, mother all powerful, except to her own mother. <Here's the closest description that I have of how Japanese families act, but it's from over 30 years ago.
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>>23875 Even got manga motion effects. She's ripping over everything. Remember how High Guardian Spice had male mermaids. Yeah, no one wants to see those. So central plot is her family won't let her see non-bts so she resorts to pandering at school to get money to buy tickets. Hah, she's even doing happy merchant rub. I'll save my thoughts to the end. This is still cringe inducing but it is showing alot of Domee Shi's inner thought processes. >>23877 Remember this is a liberal Asian living in Toronto, they're not steeped in the classical hierarchical structure that those living on mainland Asia still live under. There's practically a different culture to Asians growing up in their homeland vs those in the west or America.
>>23884 So dude blackmails/I mean pays her to be at his party, she has enough money for the concert but she keeps letting her panda out. Aunties show up but they won't let her leave. She goes to the party, cue Beyoncé dancing sequence. Mom finds out. She goes to party. Turns out the concert is on the same day as the sealing ritual. I'm not relating to this at all, btw. and I'm saving you tons of time by glossing over everything.
>>23695 I just noticed something, why does it sound like she's always shouting?
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Also, I just noticed that it's following the same beats as Brave; except managing to miss that the entire point of that film was a girl running away from her responsibilities, and almost causing a war to occur (On top of losing her mother) because of her selfishness. Inside Out as well, which was about learning to live and adjust to the sad times and life is never happy all of the time.
>>23888 Don't forget Encanto, which slowly revels the problem causing all the conflict is overly strict parenting mixed with teaching your kids to always honor your family with no care for yourself.
>>23886 So her friends go to the concert and she doesn't, obviously. James Hong, what are you doing here? I know you're type casted for this role but usually you'd refer to these people as Gweilo because they're western Asian and not mainland Asian. Okay, father's soft spoken but he's not entirely useless. I'll give him that one. So she meets her ancestor but decides she likes being a furry. >>23887 That's her default talking voice, she has no inflection to it. When she was strangling that kid as the panda earlier, she just sounds more high pitched. 59:30 is my timecode for that. >>23889 It's this one so much, her parents want her to have the ritual but she keeps the panda anyway and goes and sees her boy band.
>>23889 >Don't forget Encanto Haven't seen that. In fact, the last Pixar film I saw was Cars 3 (Monster U was the last "good" Pixar film), and the last Disney film I saw was Ralph Breaks the Internet (Fuck that movie). As for the last good Yidsney film, it was Zootopia (Despite the fact that it ripped the plot from Romancing the Stone; just like Tangled, Frozen, and Moana). >>23890 >So she meets her ancestor but decides she likes being a furry. OH GOD! It's a film about proclaiming that you're furry, with the suit and everything.
>>23890 Wasn't Korea a province of Imperial China at one point?
>>23887 This is literally her first voiced motion picture role. She was chosen for diversity, not acting ability. She's such a no name she has no wiki page. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm8823152/ >>23890 So the mother goes Panda and chases after Mei. Girl who leapt through time reference. She just Panda's to the concert anyway, the entire part of getting money for tickets pointless. She then throws her family under the bus to satisfy her friends. Jesus, Mei can't even pick a camp to stick with. >>23891 Yep. She's also drawing Fujoshi shit, so she leans to being a furry later in life. >>23892 Yuan Dynasty, 14th century. Basically Mongol held territory. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Korea
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>>23893 Who knew the bully was a gayboy. End this pain AKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAK Mother shows up rightfully to end the BTS concert. Can you imagine an overprotective mother not wanting her 13 year old daughter exposed to korean boy bands to be sexualised in such a bad way. And she's considered the villain.
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>>23893 >She just Panda's to the concert anyway, the entire part of getting money for tickets pointless. >She then throws her family under the bus to satisfy her friends. >>23894 >Can you imagine an overprotective mother not wanting her 13 year old daughter exposed to korean boy bands to be sexualised in such a bad way. And she's considered the villain. Wait, why does this now sound like they're ripping off Jimmy Neutron?
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>>23894 >I like Gyrating. >The very next line. >I'm 13, deal with it. Rightfully so, mama panda is angry. They work on the ritual to get her sealed again, the mother not Mei who has that as a permanent option to transform into. And the mother has a point, how could Mei lie to her and think it was okay. Remember the Mei has thrown her relationship with her family under the bus just to see her stupid boy band. Mother wallows in self pity saying she just wanted what was best for Mei but she tosses that back in her face.
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>>23896 Mei KOs her mother, Grandma and aunties transform into pandas to drag her mother back into the circle they drew. Not-BTS shows up and they're the one to sing to get the ritual working again. Her mom takes all the blame, no knowing that she was in the right to discipline her daughter. And now I'm supposed to feel pity for how weak she is, rather than confusion as to why would an Asian mother give up an advantageous position. She keeps her panda for real this time as each of the women in the family undergo the ritual again.
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>>23898 This movie was 2002? Right, Tamagochi and a few other things. The thing is, with the added Diversity, it looked like modern day. Was Canada back in 2002 really as multi-cultural as today? Probably not. So mom's panda got put in the Tamogochi, man that's going to be forgotten in like a year or so. So Mei uses her panda form to attract visitors. I'm pretty sure mainland China religious institutions would object to using something sacred like that to appease the Gweilo. >My panda my choice Look at that face. Bleh.
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>>23906 And that's it. I gotta bounce to do something but I'll write up a review just like I did with Raya, if I can find the previous posts I did of that somewhere on this board.
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>>23896 >Remember the Mei has thrown her relationship with her family under the bus just to see her stupid boy band. <This image seems relevant. >>23906 >I'm pretty sure mainland China religious institutions would object to using something sacred like that to appease the Gweilo. Like everything else, writer probably ripped the concept from your average Nip doujin. >Look at that face. It looks like to different people not even related.
>>23896 >>23906 This little bitch is in severe need of a demon slayer.
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>>23884 >Remember how High Guardian Spice had male mermaids. nigga http://www.mylittlemermaid.com/seriespics/urchin.html
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>>23913 hell, even today i still remember the villain, this cartoon certainly isn't remembered as much as the aladdin or hercules ones, but it was still alright.
>>23913 Is that kid supposed to look like Wart with a mullet?
>>23906 >slut choker on this fifth pic I suppose it's too late to ask if this is an elaborate 'shoop?
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>>23910 >William Adams ANON STOP
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>>23917 It "looks" like a set of chainmail rings fashioned into a simple choker. But knowing the type of things degenerate liberals wear, I wouldn't be surprised if they gave it to the kid. >>23911 It cost $175 mill from the mouse. Raya cost 100 mill and made roughly 130 mill at the box office due to pandemic. Add in Disney+ subs against the advertising budget and it probably made back it's money with maybe a little profit. This would still need at least 200 mill to be successful to be honest and it's a pretty bad movie. I don't see that happening. And I'm not the only person who dislikes this, most of the helpful reviews on IMDB list it as 5 or 6 /10, add in the bot accounts that Disney uses to push the score to at least a 7 and you can see how artificially inflated the movie is. Anyone with decent taste can. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5109280/reviews?sort=helpfulnessScore&dir=desc&ratingFilter=0 >>23905 Yes, add in the singing and it's just bad. >>23906 Short review. The movie is bad. Really bad. Raya and the dragon was scraping the bottom of the barrel in terms of talent, Turning red is the red furry creature that lives in the hole underneath the barrel, stealing kids at night and turning them into furries. So the question, why is it bad? It's the graphical style, the writing, the characters. But those are just symptoms from it's creator. >>23820 This review here stated rather truthfully that it was a movie only intended for the director and her friends. And that review as right. Domee Shi, the director, she also wrote the screenplay for this with some help from some other person. She's only worked as a storyboard artist on Inside Out, Incredibiles 2 and Toy Story 4. She has no experience directing a film and it shows. The main theme of the story is "Your family is wrong, you always need friends instead of acting alone and making your own choices and you should always go with herd dynamic and like what everyone else likes." This essentially. >>23871 So there you have it. It's a personal project funded by a major studio that has it's own incompetence to blame but an advertising budget to convince the normies it's good.
>>23890 Why does her dad looks white and why Disney always make Asians look white?
Well just reading the abridged version has been absolute cancer. Funny how quickly talent can vacate an institution.
Watching this makes me wonder if skipping the theatrical release was really out of concern for another coof outbreak, because that'd be a very convenient excuse to avoid box-office embarrassment in a traditionally poor time for movies. The world will never know, I guess. Also, were it not for the explicit use of old-fashioned cell phones, it'd be easy to forget this is set in 2002. There's so much current-year energy it hurts.
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Is no one going to mention that this whole movie is just a ripoff of the plot of The Thirteenth Year?
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My fault for seeing any of it pop up, but twitter and youtube have clips and praise for every minor thing in this movie. People are going YAAAAASSS for one of the MC's friends dancing with a blue-haired girl at the party, hinting she's gay/bi. Yet another scene that can be cut for China and Middle East but they eat it up, even after a day ago they were threatening to burn all Disney stuff because the CEO didn't instantly bash a bill in Florida because Kindergarteners NEED to know about all the 50 genders of LGBTQIA+TurboAlpha and know all the ways to fuck at that age.
>>23362 >>23366 I think "Soul" is still the ugliest Pixar movie, this is the second one. "The Good Dinosaur" was the last Pixer movie with good designs. >>23871 >it's very fembrained in doing so. It treats overly supportive friends as emotional crutches because God forbid women truly be independent without supporting one another like a hive mind, it treats the family like a bad thing, and the whole thing is very annoyingly reaffirming about itself It's about pushing the false feminist narrative that men are women' greatest enemy and that women stick to each other when in reality women' worst enemy is first and foremost other women and men for centuries were women' safety nets. Feminism is just another subsidiary of socialism and the institution of family is antitheses to it (you want to keep your property for and take care of your family first, instead of treating everyone equally resulting in prospering "on the expense" of others, aka the collective), and therefore women should put the collective (women) over their own family. You often see in Western media how feminigger dykes such Lauren Faust keep shoving their fantasies about strong tight female friendships which are way more delusional and unrealistic than typical romance cliches which they screech about. Women friendships can easily end as they easily began, women are exploiters and petty and could end up not talking to someone for years over minuscules, an autistic man probably has better chances to keep life long friendships than a normalfag woman. As far as I know about Western media that is by women for women, you either have what already mentioned above or garbage like Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey which in a way I have more respect for because it actually appeals to the average woman, nothing in between. In Shoujo (I haven't read enough Josei) there are female friendships but there aren't large groups and more natural, in addition, usually the" bad guy" or rival is another female character. I can't remember a single Shoujo that I read which portrayed all males as bad. I think it's most interesting how the Reincarnation/Villainess theme/subgenre is done in shoujo in which you have an active and assertive protagonist (something that wasn't as strong in the past, in general I think that writing in shoujo has vastly improve) that struggle and deal with tough situations while being well written and feminine instead of the typical entitled Mary Sue cunt in current Western media. So there you have it, the more "chauvinistic" Japan has better media for women by women than the feminist West. >>23869 >>23870 >>23872 >>23875 >>23884 >>23886 >>23890 >>23893 >>23894 >>23896 >>23898 >>23906 >>23908 >>23919 Anon thanks for your sacrifice and suffering so we don't have to watch it too! >>23906 >This movie was 2002? Right, Tamagochi and a few other things Did it have good soundtrack with actual songs from the 2000's or that was shit too as expected? >>23893 >fujjoshit and furfaggot KILL IT WITH FIRE >>23919 >>23927 Raya' and Encanto' merch are shelfwarming, Turning Red might have chance to do better considering the "cute" animal character would probably be able appeal to the normalfags.
>>23931 Kind of not really.
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I don't get why they picked a fucking red panda of all things. Red pandas have little to no representation in traditional Chinese culture or myth. Really giant pandas don't fare much better in that regard but they are at least more iconic as the Chinese animal emblem to the rest of the world. The way the plot and the back story it should have been a tiangou (tengu) or especially a húlijīng (kitsune) instead.
>>23936 Red pandas are meme cute (as in popular to like). Dog breeds go through such periods like corgis and currently shibas. It's why they had the capybaras in Encanto adverts and posters: it's marketable.
>>23936 They wanted the marketability of pandas without ripping off Dreamworks Kung Fu Panda, I guess.
>>23905 How progressive!
>>23933 There were later 2000s references though. One kid was reading Twilight and Bootylicious by Beyoncé was also a dance track. The only 2002 thing was the Tamogochi. The soundtrack is more modern day though. The whole time period says it's 2002 but it's so full of modern culture that it feels just last week.
>>23927 >skipping the theatrical release Did they really? Man this thing's DOA. >>23933 >Turning Red might have chance to do better considering the "cute" animal character would probably be able appeal to the normalfags. If they have a cute and good quality red panda plush then that will probably sell. Everything else, movie included, are likely to be tepid at best.
Today was the first day that I'd even seen any television ads for Turning Red. If I didn't have internet access then I would have never known that this movie existed. It seems to me like Disney is trying to bury the movie gracefully.
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everything about this movie I har second hand comes across as if the arguments surrounding it where more interesting than the actual movie.
>>23536 Probably because they aren't autistic cocksucking turbospergs, unlike yourself. Fucking drink bleach, faggot.
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>>23382 >Literally Wyatt Mann's "gook wife" design
So how did this thing do? I've not heard anyone talking about it and I've not really seen anything on the jewtube about it either. Did it just drop of the face of the earth after it released?
I finished the movie and I totally forgot about the ‘Unapologetically Horny’ part, so where is it? because when I heard the word "horny" when it comes from cartoons I can only think of stuff by the canadians like Les Kassos o Peepoodo, stuff like that.
>>24018 It made just 3 million during the first week so I would say it's another finactial fiasco.
>>24020 Haven't seen the movie , but there's a video being posted of the girl in her red panda form twerking at her mother, whose in a giant red panda form, to enrage her. Her friends than yell something like "beat her with your butt," or some shit. If that was as bad as it get's than I don't get the "OMG so horny!" shit from the media, or the "god the makers of this shit are totallty pedophiles" from people bitching about it. Sounds more like it's cringy shit that will be forgotten by most everyone except by the people who wanked it off and got assblasted that people dared to talk shit about it.
>>24020 All the time the 13 year olds spend fantasizing about teenage boys.
>>24021 What does a "good" Disney movie tend to make in the first week?
>>24027 Adjusted for inflation, Disney movie opening weekends >The Lion King: 37 million >Aladdin: 38 million >Beauty and the Beast 39 million >The Little Mermaid: 29 million
>>24034 I meant opening weeks, not weekends. Apologies.
>>24034 >films with male leads make 10 million more dollars on average >disney sees this data and decides to make female bulldyke niggers as the sole protagonist moving forward Wow. They aren't very smart huh.
>>24036 How did Treasure Planet, Atlantis the Lost Empire, and The Emperor's New Groove do again?
>>24036 >Beauty and The Beast has a male lead Are you alright anon?
>>24034 Man I'd like to see where you get your figures from. Okay, I've got a source here, let me go back over those movies. >Lion King. Probably the biggest of Disney's movies. Over a two week period it made 100 million dollars, or about 40 million in it's first week. We'll go by 2 weeks though, as I feel that's a good track of how a movie days when released. https://www.the-numbers.com/movie/Lion-King-The#tab=box-office >Aladdin Same two week period it ended up doing 40 million. https://www.the-numbers.com/movie/Aladdin-(1992)#tab=box-office >Beauty and the Beast Had an initial slump opening week but still pulled in 26 million around the two week mark. https://www.the-numbers.com/movie/Beauty-and-the-Beast-(1991)#tab=box-office >The Little Mermaid 22 million over a two week period. https://www.the-numbers.com/movie/Little-Mermaid-The#tab=box-office So about 20 million or so and it's probably safe to call the movie financially viable. >Atlantis 43 million first two weeks, 20 million opening. Made back it's money. 90 million to make, 180 made back. https://www.the-numbers.com/movie/Atlantis-The-Lost-Empire#tab=box-office >Treasure Planet 27 million over two weeks but was only shown for 11 weeks instead of the usual 30 that Disney does. This movie cost 140 million to make but only made back 91 million. It was also released the same week as Die Another Day, a bond film and a week out from Chamber of Secrets. https://www.the-numbers.com/movie/Treasure-Planet#tab=box-office >Emperor's New Groove 50 million over 2 weeks, 24 million over one week. Cost 100 million to make, made back 160 million. So it's like Atlantis, made back it's money but didn't break 200 million that the studio executives probably wanted. https://www.the-numbers.com/movie/Emperors-New-Groove-The#tab=box-office Now to put into perspective how Turning Red is doing. >Onward (2020) This was just when Corona was hitting, March 2020. Was out for 2 weeks, made 60 million domestic in those 2 weeks. Made a total of ~130 million. Costed somewhere 175 - 200 million to make. Probably lost money on this one. >Soul (2020) This was just when the pandemic was in full swing, Oct 2020. No domestic figures because it was on Disney+ but international numbers are 120 million, half of that being China. It cost 150 to make but with the domestic Disney+ numbers, probably made back it's money. https://www.the-numbers.com/movie/Soul-(2020)#tab=summary >Encanto (2021) This was back last November, when restrictions were starting to ease. 40 million opening week, 58 million over 2 weeks. 227 million made, cost 120 - 150 million to make. Turning Red (2022) Dumped directly onto Disney+, meaning no domestic numbers. The only international figures are from places like Saudi Arabia where it made only 4 million. This movie cost 175 million to produce. One would think Disney is eating the turd sandwhich and dumping it to Disney+ to hid domestic box office figures since they're not obligated to disclose said figures. https://www.the-numbers.com/movie/Turning-Red-(2022)#tab=summary
[Expand Post] Before you say "It could make up those numbers in the coming weeks." Sonic 2 is coming out in actual theaters that alot of people are probably going to see. It wouldn't surprise me if Turning Red does end up losing Disney money.
>>24053 >>24054 >>24034 >>24021 As fun as these numbers are now that streaming provides an alternative revenue stream you're comparing apples to oranges at this point. Straight-to-streaming is not the seem as straight-to-video. There's really no major differences between the screens people watch at home and theaters at this point. I'm honestly confused how theaters haven't completely died at this point.
>>24055 Theaters make studios direct profit from ticket sales. Streaming limits profits as viewership isn't what makes the money. Subscription charges are. So the idea is to get more people to subscribe.
>>24056 You're absolutely correct. Now stick with me on this, what drives subscriber numbers if not properties with high viewership?
>>24057 Inertia.
>>24058 How do you keep up inertia?
>>24059 By having an audience that is full of morons that don't know how to torrent and can't conceptualize physically owning something.
>>24060 Really? That sounds more like what created the market in the firstplace instead.
>>24059 Having content people actually want to watch. All the inertia that streaming had ended in 2015 when companies all axed licensing with Netflix and started streaming everything on their own sites. So, say you wanted to watch the Sci-Fi and USA channel catalog from the 2000's, that requires a subscription to Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, Peacock, and CBS All-Access Paramount+. Why? Stargate is owned by MGM Amazon, Psych and Warehouse 13 are owned by Universal, Burn Notice and White Collar are owned by Fox Disney, Farscape is owned by Flatiron, Star Trek: ENT and NCIS are owned by Paramount, and Andromeda is owned by Lionsgate. Even if you want to watch classic shows, MacGyver and Star Trek belong to Paramount, The A-Team and Magnum belong to Universal, M*A*S*H* belongs to Fox Disney, Hawaii Five-O is owned by CBS, The Man From U.N.C.L.E. is owned by WB,... And, the funniest part is that all of these companies don't have their entire catalog on the streaming services that they DO own.
>>24067 You can yell at me about how bad the business model is, I agree with you. What you can't yell about is simultaneous releases now permanently muddying the waters as far as what is considered "a financially successful film", since Disney will probably be satisfied if viewership is high on Disney+
>>24020 >stuff by the canadians like Les Kassos or Peepoodo you mean french?
>>24020 >>24024 i think the reviewer wrote that with respect to the drawings about the store boy, and the boy-band stuff, also although i haven't seen the movie, from the screenshots and posts/comments i have seen, the way she sells her time with her red panda form at school reminds me of prostitution, specially due t the fact that(unless im wrong) it was to get the money to go to the concert, so basically similar to the shit sizeable contingent of young girls do('member that one chick that sold her virginity to go see bieber or something??) might be more beyond hat, but i have not seen the movie.
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>>24828 Good.
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>>24828 It was also released to streaming services. Box office numbers are less and less an indicator of whether something made money. This applies to both consumers and companies, who have no idea of how to quantify if they're latest streaming service release made money by converting subscribers. The movie probably lost money, but it's incredibly difficult to quantify how much anymore.
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Any shit movie needs shit toys. >>24079 Sure, my bad. >>24830 Yeah I was about to point that, still, it's fun to think how shit they are doing it since the covid situation started.
>>24834 >completely nonarticulated Even disney knows how shit this movie was, don't they.
>>24830 What's a better barometer of a movie's success then?
The asian mom get some traction. A excuse its that the movie shows perfectly how stupid and hormonal people are at puberty.
>>24970 Except the movie paints this as a good thing & not something that should be controlled.
>>24834 Wow, that's shit, even by this film's standards. I wonder if World Class Bullshitters will be finding this junk in an Ollies months from now. >>24018 I clear cookies and history on browser close and saw a few very artificial looking "recommendations" on the front page . Only one I remember is something about the side character's lines in Korean (judging from the title/thumbnail).
>>24834 >BFF Collectable Figure Set >'Collectable' That can be applied to virtually any item that exists, rocks are 'collectable', also more useful than this shit.
But why did the movie not bring up 9/11?
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>>25800 I don't give two shits about Mr.Enter but nothing activates my autism than twitter memes based on wrong information. Here's the full argument instead of the 41 second clip everyone has been sharing. His actual argument is more about how setting the year in exactly in 2002 adds nothing to the story and a certain scene feel inaccurate of the time because of it. He did not want the movie to mention 9/11.
(22.70 MB 640x360 Semi_ TURNING R;ED_E;R.mp4)

>>25813 The only reason it's set in 2002 is because it's when the director grew up. HOWEVER, the setting is not true to life whatsoever. Most of the kids are mix raced with dark skin or there's straight up hijab wearing muslims or even a Shikh security guard. Sure Canada weren't sending any aid to the US over this but 9/11 was still a huge deal. The movie could have & should've been about an overprotective mother in a post 9/11 world even more worried because of her daughter's magical transformation. Completely take out the references to periods too.
>>25814 Anon there's a whole lot wrong with the film than just too many darkies. Don't let your autism get the best of you.
>>25815 I hate the chinese too.
>>25815 Said shitskins also have hair and clothes that are closer to today than back then. It's funny how hipster shit has permeated North America so badly that everyone just looks like the same neon looking bum.
>>25815 >>25817 Anon you don't need to samefag.
>>25813 I know it's misinformation and I do actually agree with the full argument but I just find it and the subsequent webms hilarious. Sorry for activating your autism anon.
>>25845 Ah don't worry about it anon. I've been lurking too long on this board without saying anything anyway.No real harm done
>>23384 It's ridiculous, it's like the designer heard "red panda" and thought "draw a regular panda and paint it red, done". Even though they are totally different species.
>>23495 The Lupin movie looked pretty good in 3d tbh
I always knew /co/ were a bunch of plebians. Only the common mongrel wouldn't be able to appreciate such a modern period piece.
>>25936 It manages to capture and replicate the style and its best attributes pretty well, but it also just kind of pulls/references a lot from pre-existent things already explored in the standard 2d style so how much of it is good application of 3d and how much is just familiarity and good use of source material is still debatable. The best question to ask is always "is there a purpose for it to be in 3d over 2d, and if so what exactly is the reason for that choice?" Because in most cases it always money and not because it benefits from the look. Thats not to say that 3d is always gonna be shit, its still a fairly young medium that has seem most of its best implementation via mixed medium applications and needs to be more refined for it to be better used in its own right. You can even see the same things within its usage in video games now as compared to 10 or even 20 years ago with similar pros and cons like good quality texture work over simplistic architecture with detailed bump mapping or the use of "smear" frames and adding in-between frames on motion captured movements in 3d animation to give things a more natural and less rigid or canned appearance
>>25937 Carlos you borderhopping piece of shit!
>>25936 Yeah its amazing how much they captured the spirit of the series in 3d. Although I got to admit I felt the story needed a few more drafts.
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>>25952 When Lupin is saying Mushi~ Mushi~ into the phone, look at his facial expressions. Or here, when Fujiko is tapping her finger thinking about how to get out of being caught then doing a silly face. It's more than captures the spirit, every single motion done by a character makes them behave like they popped out of the manga. It's why I like the movie so much and why Turning Red is so bad, because you have a 13 year old with an ugly expression twerking. The attention to how a character moves in Lupin is some of the best 3D I've ever seen.
>>25954 >mushi mushi It's moshi moshi, you plebian.
>>25954 Is Japan finally learning how to do 3d?
>>25865 And frankly neither of them are particularly fearsome creatures that one's ancestor wold seek to transform themselves into in order to defend anything. The whole movie is really just not a good conception all the way around. It doesn't seem like it's captured anyone's imaginations either.
>>25958 Are they?
>>25958 >>25964 They did with this movie. Sad that Pixar is being out performed by a 3 year old movie from a country not known for cgi work.
>>25965 Wow, it's like they actually cared.
>>25967 The Nips once again eclipse the west because they still retain some standards.
>>25958 They never really had a problem with making CGI movies, it was more a matter of time and budget. At the very least they never had problems with making cutscenes for their games. Now you can argue that the movies themselves aren't all that good, from a story, dialogue, directing point of view, but this has nothing to do with the use of CGI, all I am saying is that Japs had the capacity of making good looking CGI movies for a long time.
>>24053 Follow up, it's been almost 2 months or 9 weeks. The film has only made back 11 million according to that site and 17 million according to wikipedia. It's a certified bomb.
>>25969 >nips >Having standards >The same country that keeps shitting the exact same character design and limited animation for almost half century by now Lmao no.
>>25997 >The same country that keeps shitting the exact same character design and limited animation for almost half century by now <Meanwhile the country across the pond is relying upon the same media characters that were created nearly a century ago
>>25999 But see anon, this iteration of Batman actually hails from the near future (not the distant future, t hat's a different one) and he's Canadian.
>>25999 We are talking in regards of animation, anon.
>>26003 Fine then: >The same country that keeps shitting the exact same character design and limited animation for almost half century by now <Meanwhile the country across the pond is relying upon said country to provide the animation for every major work for the past forties years Happy?
>>26006 What you just said is not only wrong but you also missed the entire point.
>>26006 >>26006 Honestly I don't know what's worse. Watching the West chew it's own cud and shit out the exact same property but with different styles or the Japanese shitting out different properties with very similar styles. I have to lean into the latter because accidentally but consistenly sometimes a Nip manages to escape, but I can only think of Invincible/Watchmen managing to escape the capeshit curse.
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>>26043 >Watching the West chew it's own cud and shit out the exact same property but with different styles or the Japanese shitting out different properties with very similar styles. Five different series : Lupin III Most Wanted Berserk Rose of Versailles Akira Cat Soup >Japanese shitting out different properties with very similar styles. There's ignorance and then there's full on retarded faggotry exposed in this very statement. >but I can only think of Invincible/Watchmen managing to escape the capeshit curse. >Escaping the cape shit curse. First two examples the dumb ass brings up is more cape shit. You know you could have not spelled out that your functionally illiterate zoomer if you'd only bother to point out shows like I dunno the hit 90's Prince Valiant series for instance. But no you had to choose the stupidest examples of cape shit to justify saying those were the items that avoided capeshit and not even bothering to look at say the successful adaptations of Daniel Clowes Ghost World or Art School Confidential or even latter day adaptations like Kingsman or .Preacher. Are you the same functionally illiterate faggot from another thread who kept on arguing that a hit racing comic from Europe that ran for 50 odd years didn't have life or death stakes compared to Batman comics? Because I'm thinking you're the same fucking moron.
>>26055 Anon we are talking about animation. >>26043 The animation niche in america is not dominated by capes at least not outside the direct to video market which hasn't been anything but Scooby Doo and DC movies for the last ten years; so nothing you've state actually applies here, I frankly do not understand why capes are still mentioned when we are obviously talking about cartoons. ITT.
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>>26056 >Anon we are talking about animation. But it still applies even in animated for those shows don't even remotely look the same in motion. Hell even the styles have changed with Lupin in subtle ways in each of the seasons vs movies vs. Ovas. Motion still stands,. >I frankly do not understand why capes are still mentioned when we are obviously talking about cartoons. ITT. I think it's because that anon really doesn't watch much animation or read anything other than cape shit, and I suspect he's trying to hide is poor exposure to both comics, animation and the arts by acting smarter than he really is.
>>26055 >talking about animation >posts 5 different manga ? Like I know those all have adaptions, why are you not posting the adaptions? The topic is animation?
>>26059 Otakus are retarded, just look that the Gundam autist.
>>26059 >Like I know those all have adaptions, why are you not posting the adaptions? The topic is animation? >See where this autism gets him : >>23454
>>26058 When people say "all japanese animation look the same" they refer in average, not the outliers, you fucking retard.
>>26069 Kind of hard not to pump out generic crap all the time when certain things are what sell & get viewership in Japan the most. Plus so many anime are released seasonally every year that there's more stuff that ends up looking generic compared to western cartoons that don't have that same level of pumping out new stuff.
>>23896 >I like Gyrating. >The very next line. >I'm 13, deal with it. As a middle school teacher I can confirm that this is 100% true. Those fuckers don't understand that is a sexual thing though. They just see thots doing it on tictok and see that videos of thots gyrating gets lots of likes and thus they want to do it. Like you can tell them it's sexual and it doesn't register as relevant as they only see it as a means to imitate what they perceive as popular. Based on the whole of what you posted about this film, it sounds almost procedural generated script based on survey results of what kids are into now-a-days with a few throwbacks to things that kids used to be into. >red panda's >gyrating >boy bands/k-pop (the things that has stayed the same <Tamagotchis forgot the other observations. I swear to god if 8chan decides to stop allowing me to post again
>>26256 >They just see thots doing it on tictok and see that videos of thots gyrating gets lots of likes and thus they want to do it. Like you can tell them it's sexual and it doesn't register as relevant as they only see it as a means to imitate what they perceive as popular. Social media and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
>>26258 Unfortunately the issue is gatekeeping, or the lack there of with social media. Kids have always imitated what they perceive to be popular, but there used to be some level of gatekeeping/censoring-via-availability but with social media there is none. Like when I was growing up everyone wanted to be a TV/Movie star and this fundamentally the same thing. The difference is that there are standards for what can and can not shown on TV or in a movie and there are far less on social media. I think a good solution would be to have multiple age rating for social media rather then just having an everyone and an 18+ rating. Enforcement is an issue, and I know a lot of people are terrified of letting the government in on regulating this kind of stuff, but I think thats the only way that it can be done. We should just take the existing TV/Movie ratings scale and apply it to social media sites. As for enforcement, if we give parents of at least checking to see what kind of rating the content creator their kids are watching are making they can make an informed decision to not allow them to watch their content, or at least make it harder for them to watch it. Requiring a credit card transaction to access the entire social media site isn't a bad idea necessarily, I know it would have stopped me from accessing shit my parents wouldn't want me to, and, card holders can be sent a list of the content that was access on the account linked to that card via that crediting agency which will allow parents to see what their kids are watching and they can be given a break down of how much time is spent on content of each rating. This does unfortunately keep people with bad credit out and possibly pave a way for a social credit system.
>>26291 How about we firebomb all the internet servers along the east coast of America?
>>26292 Its not a localized issue. You would have to take down the internet everywhere on earth for good. I guess if we had a situation like in Dot.Hack where the whole internet goes down in a spectacular blaze of glory we could rebuild a new one that has safeguards against kids accessing social media but that would require a system where safeguards are in place. IDK maybe we should just have 2 Internets. One that has curated content that is accessible for all ages and one that has everything. Applying filters to the regular internet has failed spectacularly.
>>26295 Or you could make being a parent something you have to test for like driving a car. So you don't have genetic rejects screeching bloody murder trying to blame anything but their piss poor parenting on why their kid is a failure.
>>26291 >>26298 The problem with letting the government have control in either of the matters you speak of is assuming that they'll side with you and not against you. Look around. They're already loudly proclaiming how vehemently they are sided against you.
>>26295 >I guess if we had a situation like in Dot.Hack where the whole internet goes down in a spectacular blaze of glory we could rebuild a new one that has safeguards against kids accessing social media but that would require a system where safeguards are in place. The only safeguards you need is to make internet unfriendly to normalfags.
>>26061 >that Gundam autist On /co/?

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