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Anonymous 02/10/2022 (Thu) 13:41:29 No. 22982
‘Futurama’ Revival Ordered at Hulu With Multiple Original Cast Members Returning https://archive.fo/wip/3ekgq >Variety has learned that the streaming service has ordered 20 new episodes of the adult animated sci-fi comedy series. The revival hails from David X. Cohen and Matt Groening. Cohen developed the original series with Groening, the series creator. >Original series cast members Billy West, Katey Sagal, Tress MacNeille, Maurice LaMarche, Lauren Tom, Phil LaMarr and David Herman will all return. John DiMaggio, who voiced Bender and several minor characters, is not currently attached. According to an individual with knowledge of the project, the producers are hopeful DiMaggio will return. Should that not happen, Bender will be recast. >Though DiMaggio did not initially make a statement about the revival, he retweeted several posts in which others expressed their desire for him to return. >“@TheJohnDiMaggio needs to come back as Bender or this isn’t good news, everyone,” one retweet read, while another simply said: “Come on, pay the man!” Later Wednesday afternoon, DiMaggio did provide an update through his Twitter, thanking fans for their concerns and promising to keep people posted on his potential involvement with the project. >Production will begin this month with an eye towards a 2023 premiere. “I’m thrilled to have another chance to think about the future… or really anything other than the present,” said Cohen. >“It’s a true honor to announce the triumphant return of ‘Futurama’ one more time before we get canceled abruptly again,” added Groening. “Futurama” focuses on the life of Philip Fry (West), a 25-year-old pizza delivery boy who accidentally freezes himself on December 31, 1999 and wakes up 1,000 years later with a fresh start at life and a new group of friends including Leela (Sagal), a tough but lovely one-eyed mutant, and Bender, a robot who is fond of drinking excessively, smoking cigars, and stealing anything not nailed down. >“When presented with the opportunity to bring fans and viewers new episodes of ‘Futurama,’ we couldn’t wait to dive in,” said Craig Erwich, president of Hulu Originals and ABC Entertainment. “This iconic series helped blaze the trail for the success of adult animation since its initial launch and we look forward to Matt & David continuing to pave the way and further establishing Hulu as the premiere destination for fans of the genre.” 20th Television Animation is producing “Futurama” with Rough Draft Studios, Inc. contributing the animation. >This marks the second time the show has been brought back since it originally launched in 1999. After its initial four-season run on Fox, reruns of the show found new life as part of the Adult Swim lineup on Cartoon Network and on DVD. Four direct-to-video films were then produced, which were later re-edited into a fifth season that aired on Comedy Central starting in 2008. Comedy Central would go on to air two more seasons consisting of 26 episodes each between 2010 and 2013. >The show developed a strong cult following over the years and was also met with critical success. It was nominated for 14 Emmy Awards in total, winning six, including best animated program twice as well as winning twice for best individual achievement in animation. >“What I love about animation is that it’s possible for a successful show to take a pause and then resume years later, even on a different platform, and pick up right where it left off. ‘Futurama’ is one of those shows,” said Marci Proietto, head of 20th Television Animation. “The excitement from Hulu about returning Matt and David’s genius creation for all-new episodes has been off the charts. I’m thrilled that this incredible team will get to tell more stories, and that our Planet Express crew will have more adventures together. It’s a win for the fans who have loved the show since the beginning, and for the ones who will now discover it for the very first time.”
Was any of the first revival series actually good?
>>22983 The Late Philip J Fry is the only episode from that group that I ever hear anyone talk about.
Considering Disenchantment was shit, I doubt anyone involved has the skill any more to make yet another revival of Futurama any good. The first revival wasn't as good as its first four season anyway. Hollywood has run out of creativty.
>>22983 Having literally just finished a rewatch of the whole thing last night, season 6 and 7 had maybe two or three episodes that had a few mildly funny moments that made me laugh. The rest was extremely lackluster, I also noticed that from season 6 on literally everyone at planet express went on deliveries all the time just so they could have the whole cast there. It made no sense and bothered the fuck out of me. Why would Hermes and Zoidberg and Amy and the Professor and Scruffy be going on deliveries all the time? That shit really irritated me.
>>22982 Reminder that Groening was on the list of passengers to Epstein island.
>>22989 What was up with Disenchantment? Another case of "passion project nobody cares about but the makers, forcing them to come crawling back to their old success"?
>>23024 That sounds extremely likely. Disenchantment was an unfunny take on fantasy tropes that started episodic but then quickly decided it wanted to be an overarching narrative. It was never funny, even when trying to be, the sound design was broken in every episode, most of the voice acting is garbage (except for Maurice LaMarche and John DiMaggio), and by the 4th season it had shirked all pretense of trying to be a comedy like Futurama and wanted to be a serious show about its' unlikable, female, lesbian protagonist becoming queen. Also it stops being fantasy and introduces Steampunk. It's a shit show made by people who are seemingly long past their prime.
>>23027 Right away what bugged me about it was that they seemed to think the idea was at all original and not seen a million times before. Nigga, it was already old when Shrek did it. Yes, we get it, fairy tales represent traditionalism, which is evil, and we need to show that, ideally with plenty of feminism and other degeneracy. I wouldn't mind it so much if they didn't keep pretending it was new, and not the standard treatment of these materials for at least 30 years by this point.
>>23032 Yes definitely. That whole shtick grew old by the end of the first episode, and it never lets up.
you think they will use AL3?
>>23051 >AL3 ?
>>23087 the alien language they developed but decided not to use because it was to complex https://theinfosphere.org/Alien_languages
>>23104 Oh, then no.
>>23105 pity, might be the only salvageable thing from this soon to be shitshow.
>>22982 So all of the sudden they want competition with Reddit & Memey? >>22990 Simpsons formula, reset everything and they will eat it up. However Disenchantment they followed SU formula: Filler episodes that lead to nowhere.
I feel like this show is firmly rooted in the early 2000's culturally and any attempt to make more without substantial changes is just going to be shameless nostalgia milking.
>>23027 >the sound design was broken in every episode That's what the fuck was bothering me. I couldn't figure it out. Something just felt fucking jarring right from the start. Thanks anon.
>>23027 Bean looks like my sister and I wanna fuck her
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>>22982 Anyone know how this abortion is coming along?
>>33826 Hopefully it dies before airing. I don't want Futurama to suffer the Simpsons syndrome.
>>23280 And lots of jokes whose punchlines that are later quickly explained or just fill in with retarded mouth noises to compensate their mediocrity. >>33896 They already got the lame, tumblr approved, unbearable, lazy artstyle cartoon, funded by the leftovers streaming platform to fill what Futurama left.
It'll just end up shit Also, I'm pretty sure it ended fairly conclusively.
>>22982 Friendly reminder that Matt Groening was on the Epstein flight logs.
>>22990 > I also noticed that from season 6 on literally everyone at planet express went on deliveries all the time just so they could have the whole cast there. It made no sense and bothered the fuck out of me. They did the same thing with Archer after season 4 or so and it drove me crazy. The office cast worked well for B stories and in small doses as part of an A plot. But they become fan favorites and are elevated to main cast and suddenly you need them in every script. Literally not enough time to give every character something to do all the time.
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>>34002 Are they still pumping out new seasons of Archer?
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>>34043 Season 14 baby! it's not even bad, just overdone, Harry Jon Benjamins voice is also completely cracked
>>34181 It's a miracle it managed to get a 2nd season without being a Simpsons clone unlike its counterpart: ChoZen.
>>34197 I mean, it's not a clone, but it's still an animated sitcom.
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So, the new episode is out. Thought it felt relatively like the old futurama except this episode's pacing was too quick and probably a bit too meta.
>>35708 >NYPD Ultraviolet >not NNYPD Ultraviolet They had one job!
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>>22990 >I also noticed that from season 6 on literally everyone at planet express went on deliveries all the time just so they could have the whole cast there. Having literally just finished rewatching the whole thing today, I made a spreadsheet depicting this. I don't really consider it to start in season 6, because season six is the movies, with a different structure, that were only broken up into episodes later. And in fact, this issue had only barely begun in season 7. In season 7, the whole crew goes much more often than usual, but most of the time there's a reason behind it. In season 8, it worsens with characters being present for little or zero lines of dialogue and without any reason to be there in the first place, but in the latter half of season 9, and all of last season, 10, these issues practically goes away. It has apparently immediately come back again in the new season 11 though. In Kif Gets Knocked up, when Amy and Kif go for Kif to have babies, only Fry, Leela, and Bender go with them, and only Bender is relatively unnecessary. When Amy and Kif go this time to see their babies return, the whole crew is there for no reason and most of them barely have any lines. I am however pleasantly surprised that the show is not much worse off than the previous resurrections, both in humor and animation. Even degraded Futurama is still miles above most other slop these days. Letters in parenthesis indicate a character that is focused on in an episode despite not getting on the ship. Generally, characters are listed in order of most attention to least attention in the episode. Yes, I have autism.
>>33978 >I'm pretty sure it ended fairly conclusively. It ended with everything reset again, basically set up for more seasons. The only major change at the end of the last season was Zoidberg had a steady girlfriend.
>>35708 >probably a bit too meta. I'm not sure. Having just binged the whole thing over the past few weeks, seems like every resurrection episode is pretty meta.
Rage against the vaccine wasn't very funny, but it did stay surprisingly neutral, mocking all sides. Even the scientists pushing their untested vaccines for easy government money.

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