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Where is Anne Frank (2021) Anonymous 04/26/2022 (Tue) 08:51:14 No. 25514
Wow, this movie has an Anti-Racism message in it.
>>25515 Also anne frankwas literally killed by typhus
>>25516 And thirdly these people don't know jack shit what semites are
>>25514 I wanna hate watch it but the only uploads I found on my usual place don't have subtitles.
They look so old and ugly.
>>25524 That's France for you.
>Racism is increasing every year Yeah, there will always be racism and always will be. that's human nature for us all.
Tell me if you finish this load of crap if it ends with anne getting killed by nazis. Because I wouldn't be suprised, because jews are contrarian as fuck.
Any place where I can download it? Folman is one of my favorite animation directos so I've been looking forward to this movie.
>>25644 Still no subtitles/captions though. Which is what I want specifically to take screenshots.
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>>25514 >DA ANTISEMITISM IS BACK AT AGAIN By refusing to consume dogshit products or propaganda, like those shitty Mary Sue superhero comics? >17 million children had to flee Fleeing from Benjamin's grasp for sure >Don't forget the 6 gorillion Anything to play the victim and ignore massacres caused by bolsheviks that topped Hitler's.
>>25743 Everybody cares about racism.
Racism is still increasing, like school shootings every single year, and there is no cure for that.
>>26399 >still Racism was decreasing for a long time, then SJWs came along and started mandating racism, and saying if you aren't racist, you're a bad person (which they call racist, because to them racist means anyone who doesn't judge people based on race).
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>>26400 >Racism was decreasing for a long time
>>26401 Maybe not in your shithole country, but in the civilized world, it was. So much so that now the majority get called racist for refusing to judge people based on race.
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>>26402 Why all of the sudden shitting on other white countries is no longer considered racist? It was considered racist when you confuse Australians with the British, did they have to play a much more convincing victim?
>>26406 The west is the best. That's why it's the civilization most under fire to make it give up its ideals and become as shitty as the rest of the world.
>>26399 School shootings always happen every single passing year.
>>25514 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qAIRFyR6NyQ There's already a movie like this.
>>26399 Yes there is is facism but burgers are to faggots and lazy to do somethimg
>>26399 The movie ends with a message indicating racism is increasing. why? because all of 8chan and cuckchannel are a bunch of ugly anti-semites.
Racism is increasing because you all exist.
>>26880 Yeah, just like there are many movies of "The Hunchback of Notre Dame".

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