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Anonymous 02/04/2022 (Fri) 05:10:20 No. 22804
Well that Boondocks revival is dead, kinda glad with a dash of disappointment.
Have any clips to show how bad it is?
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>>22805 >never watched the boondocks
>>22809 The fuck are you talking about?
>>22804 It could never be made today, maybe in 20 years or so when the USA collapses.
>>22811 How did everything go to hell in less than a fucking decade?
>>22817 It's really shocking to think about how everything has gotten so bad so fast and how much worst it's going to get before the collapse.
>>22820 Where's the archive faggot.
>>22823 https://web.archive.org/web/20220204032353/https://comicbook.com/anime/news/boondocks-reboot-cancelled-sony-pictures-pulled-the-plug-star-reveals/ >The Boondocks star Cedric Yarbrough has confirmed that the reboot is no longer happening. During an interview with 1-on-1 w/Deuces, the actor explained how Sony Pictures Television has "pulled the plug" on the revival attempt. A lot of fans had been looking forward to The Boondocks tackling Huey and Riley's story in the current world. However, it's not meant to be. Clearly Yarbrough is sad to see the show go and has some hopes that it can be rebooted some day in the future. But, for now, things aren't looking so hot for a return to Woodcrest. Read what he had to say about the show down below. >"I hate to say this, but… The show is, right now, not coming back," Yarbrough explained. "I don't know if this is breaking news, but we've been wanting to do the show. And Sony… they decided they're going to pull the plug. So, I don't know. Hopefully, maybe one day we'll be able to revisit. If we don't then that's what that is. But, I wish the show was coming back."
To add insult to injury the Voice actor for Huey & Riley, Regina King's Adult son allegedly committed suicide. https://archive.is/eLJOD
>>22868 Seems like everything was against the revival, Granpa's VA dying, sons's suicide.
>>22878 *Regina's son.
>>22868 You forgot Witherspoon's son, despite doing a spot on impression of his father, he was told to fuck off.
>>22912 >he was told to fuck off. Was he union or something?
>>22804 Boondocks reboot being canceled was leaked on Cuckchan /co/ a year ago and /co/umblr called it fake because they refused to believe a black writer like Aaron Mcgruder would ever be critical of BLM and fight to keep uncle ruckus against HBO max orders. The same Aaron Mcgruder that tried to fundraise a live-action uncle ruckus movie and openly hatred Obama.
>>22933 He didn't know either, he just wanted to reprise his father's role. >>23000 Based closeted Uncle Tom.
>>23278 >Based closeted Uncle Tom. Aaron Mcgruder legitimately hates most black people more than /pol/.
>>23000 >>23278 >>23749 He's a radleft who hates moderate leftists as well as BLM and Wewuzism, the former for just paying lip service to the black community and the latter because they don't even know what the fuck all of African Americans were fighting for and just assume it's for gibs. The episodes about Obama's election (no black American even bothered learning of Obama's political stances and just voted him cause he black yo) and on what Martin Luther King Jr. being alive today would be are pretty fucking good.
>>23751 >He's a radleft who hates moderate leftists Yeah, kinda hard to miss when he named one of his main characters after one of the founders of the Black Panthers.
>>23751 Yeah the fact he has a character called the white shadow which he uses as an analogy for how some sort of white superstructure is the reasons nigs can't be free is all I needed to know about him.
Tbf I do agree with him that African Americans will never take responsibility until they completely govern themselves but that's what Africa is for.
>>23775 Africans hate African Americans though
>>23773 Huh? That character is just there to watch over Huey, who's a demostic terrorist and a crazy activist. The government usually keeps tabs on those kinds of people.
>>22804 Some things just aren't meant to be in this day and age.
>>23760 >Huey = Huey Newton I honestly feel retarded for not getting this sooner.
>>23786 You're about half way to understanding.
>>23751 Actually made both leftist protagonist likeable, but Uncle Ruckus stole the show: I still remember the live action miniseries they did with the black dentist from Malcolm in the Middle worshiping Ronald Reagan although the real reason why rightwingers switched parties is because conservatives keep approving norms and laws that would put niggers behind bars no matter how hard they try
>>23967 If I recall correctly Uncle Ruckus was created because in part the show couldn't put a white supremacist caricature without risking cancellation, so they just used a black guy to deflect all criticism and besides they also gave him a perfectly reasonable backstory as to why he hates niggers, as he was trying to improve his own life but got held back by his black parents, but also to stealthily make fun of pro-black whites who spout the most racist shit while they themselves being part of the "oppressors".
>>23967 >>23975 It really was a show of its time, season 3 only aired 10 years ago but it looks like a completelly different world. I got uncle ruckus' humor was being tongue in cheek back then but after the past 6 years of race relationships..... Anyways I'm glad the show is not getting revived. Aaron could not get away with something like this any more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHCSL-AKd3w

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