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Wakfu Season 4 Anonymous 06/08/2020 (Mon) 15:48:27 No. 1759
>>1759 I get a feeling the show is far more successful than the game it was based off of
Thoughts on S4?
>>1761 I'd like to see porn of it
>>1759 I know you guys are probably faggots but I funded Season 3, got the Blu-Ray for support ing and never watched it. Was it worth it? Is season 4 worth it?
>>1759 >>1780 Follow up question. Is there a brotherhood of tofu equivalent for subtitles and how are the BluRay subtitles?
Grown up hugo is kinda weird unless s4 is a "years later" kinda deal. At least panty raider feca, osmandiloli and 1 line sacrier lady is gonna get screen time
>>1785 I don't know if it's an 'X years later' thing since everyone else looks about the same age and their designs have barely changed.
>>1761 Tristepin will be even darker but still by far the best character. >>1780 Season 3 has a great start and it keeps up really decent better than most episodes of the other seasons imo but the ending is as cliche and predictable as expected, it comes so close to doing something cool and interesting with real stakes but it squanders that completely and we get basically the same ending as the previous 2 seasons. It is worth the watch but the last 2 to 3 episodes will likely annoy you a lot, it soured the experience for me for sure. I'm for sure watchung season 4, the very end of season 3 leaves us in quite the cliffhanger. Amalia has never looked cuter and the animations gets a bit lewd at timesSome producer has a scat and fart fetish though
>>1760 Did anyone actually play the game?
>>1791 I gave it a try, it was alright. Nothing super special, just alright.
>>1791 Wakfu and Dofus are plagued by sheer magnitude of multi-boxing.
>>1869 >multi-boxing Are those like hitboxes or something?
>>1881 Multi-boxing = people using multiple accounts at the same time since the turns are conducted turn based. Its impossible to tell from mere glance the difference between an authentic player and a multi-boxxer because the latter will have a full team of alts to back him up.
>>1884 They haven't done anything to address it?
>>1887 Never. That's saying no to wads of "free money" from autistic whales from a corporation.
>>1891 People still pay loads of money for that game?
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>>1789 >basically the same ending as the previous 2 seasons. Thanks
>>1892 Indeed, its pay2play to get full access to the game. So a entire roster of characters from a multi-boxxer is loads of money coming in.
>>1894 I never knew the French were such large money whales.
season 3 was pretty shit to me Dunno why you want a season 4
>Get over fifteen times your stated goal >Still go to (((netflix))) So what's the point of kikestarters again?
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>>19803 >rest of the series was already there >surprised the new season will be there too You are a special kind of fucking retard.
>>19803 That sweet sweet money
>>19803 It will be also on other french sites. But netflix is likely the easiest. Oh yeah news. >trailer for oropo OVA. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=HJ_u3gg0Tmg >new teaser for season 4 from their stream https://yewtu.be/watch?v=CcrvK4y7ybU
Ok, it's to watch the OROPO special since it came out. https://mega.nz/folder/zZVlkRaC#UnmawbY4f9E9cM5rP7pdiw

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