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CN studios is finally dead Anonymous 07/09/2023 (Sun) 18:37:32 No. 35257
Funeral this August 1st
Damn, that's actually really sad to hear. CN Studios is barely a shadow of what it used to be but it's still disappointing to see it finally close for good. Here's hoping it's for the better.
>>35257 This is what happens when you kill/end your best shows and keep garbage ones.
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>>35257 Went out like a wet fart, but at least they hired some aspirin hipsters at tumblr who keep nagging about "da' capitalism".
>>35257 Was this the building that had the drawing of Spike Spiegel done by Cowboy Bebop's main artist that got doodled over by cal arts crap?
>>35308 I think it's the only relevant CN building, so yeah, expect it to get demolished or painted over because if you go over there for the bigoted memes, turn the other way buddy. Criticism is hateful
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>>35257 They still animate shit? I thought it was just ai writing and korean outsourced drawing. Whats the new office, some broom closet running an old windows server? Hope those 20 ten minute episodes a year they make don't get delayed in the move, I won't notice anyways, haven't watched it in years
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>>35257 Promoting personal politics, pandering to LGBT idiots, constantly shoving TTG into every single slot. No airing of classic MGM, HB, WB, and Comic Color cartons because the ADHD generation needs fast-paced flashy garbage and fantasy dramas to help them find their sexuality.
>>35472 >MGM, HB, and WB cartoons Wasn't that the whole point of the Boomerang channel, or did that change in the years since I last saw that channel? That's how I found all the old classics back in the late 2000s/early 2010s and they were just starting to add slightly more modern stuff like Pokemon on there when I tuned out.
>>35533 Boomerang last I checked was another dumping ground that ran 75% Teen Titans Go!, another 20% "Old" CN shows like Adventure Time and Regular Show, and then 5% early mornings where they show an odd episode of Dexter's Lab, Courage the Cowardly Dog, or Ed, Edd n' Eddy. Maybe something like Foster's Home or Chowder once in a blue moon.
>>35533 CN started branching to other countries inthe late 90s while producing quality shows. It was that inter mixed with Tom and Jerry and Merry Melodies uncensored. TV in the 90s and early 2000s was wild, you had late night hardcore hentai broadcastings.
>>35538 In which they won't brick back even if adult_swim is getting a retro-cartoon section https://yewtu.be/watch?v=mfN3bGYyR9I
>>35538 >TV in the 90s and early 2000s was wild, you had late night hardcore hentai broadcastings. Isn't that why Urtsukidoji/Legend of the Overfiend was so infamous for early weebs, because it was baby's first hardcore hentai and was sometimes broadcast because "Than annie-may stuff is all the same, probably."?
>>35600 People don't realize how hard this shit was too find. You either dumpster dived on small stores for a long time, knew someone or were left with whatever TV gatekeepers broadcasted.

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