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X-Men comics: Apocalypse edition Anonymous 01/13/2022 (Thu) 07:16:43 No. 22095
Recommendations, starting points and ongoing storylines No matter how bad it gets Also /v/ wants to know where to start if they wanna read Cable and Deadpool.
>>22095 >apocalypse edition >cover is X-Men 94 aka Claremonts first issue So still Claremont edition then?
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Well if we're gonna talk age of apocalypse lets pull of X-Factor 5 (first appearance) and the combined covers of AoA which makes a nice picture. Apocalypse and Cable are deeply intertwined. Fated to die by Cable's hand Apocalypse will use time fuckery to try and kill young Nate as a baby... Which I'll get into after Inferno.
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>>22098 Oh and before I go to bed might as well post the first issue of X-man. See in the AoA storyline there is no cable, only Nathan Grey aka the X-man. So for a couple months cable wasn't published but X-man was.
Special mention for Frank Castle in the AoA. His wife and kid killed by the mutant forces of apocalypse, Frank travels to asia an joins a monastery preaching pacifism. He is known as brother Frank, a kind gentle soul who is inevitably massacred along with all the other monks when mutant forces of apocalypse find and kill this last remnant of peace in this damned timeline. Honestly pretty good death, you don't even wanna know what happened to Peter Parker.

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So a brief word on the age of Apocalypse. The reason why various Marvel characters are dead is it's a different timeline. History was changed, and in this timeline basically everyone is dead. Big A has machines just to process the billions of humans his men slaughter. The global population is small and almost entirely mutant. How did this happen? Well the story starts as always with Professor Charles Xavier. A visionary, a leader, and an inveterate horndog. You might think a crippled guy in a wheelchair never gets laid, and you'd be wrong. (Sidenote: I had a friend who drank and drove, until he wrapped his truck around a telephone pole. So of course as soon as he was out of the hospital I took him out drinking, and asked if his cock worked, I mean hell his spine and legs no longer did. Seemed reasonable. Well the answer is kinda. If he took a shitload of viagra it'd get hard enough for his GF to use him like a dildo, he said there was kinda a sensation, enough at least so he could cum. Now you know) Professor X when he isn't dreaming of fucking his underage students actually slings cock all over the galaxy. But today we are focusing on one particular union. Gabrielle haller. Some more or less random chick. With whom he has a son (he's got several) named David Haller aka Legion. A batshit crazy schizophrenic. Dude has multiple personalities, which by itself no big deal, but each personality has it's own mutant power, and he has billions of personalities. (Okay what the fuck? You ask. I thought mutant powers were genetic? Isn't that the whole point of Mr. Sinister and cable? Now its psychological? Fucking bullshit. Agreed dear reader, but that's the story) And David doesn't see his dad much what with ProfX spending all his free time seducing studen-- I mean saving the worl-- errr well to be honest mostly just arguing with his old buddy Eric Lehnsher aka Magneto. And one day Davie boy gets sick of it. So he does the reasonable thing. He travels back in time to kill magneto so his dad will have the time to take him fishing. David being the horrible fuckup that he is fails. And the manner in which he fails is he kills his dad. About ten years before the founding of the X-Men a youngish Xavier gets his ass mercked by a random crazed mutant, and dies in magnetos arms. So what's Eric do? Well he carries his friends vision forward on his own of course. What a good pal. (In timelines where magneto dies prof x does NOT found the brotherhood of evil mutants and carry Eric's dream on. Because he's a shit friend, father, and teacher) And without the Professor and his telepathic powers to lead them, the new X-Men never find Apocalypse chilling in his alien starship. (Originally the first mutant, a title he shares with Namor, Apocalypse was born a pharaoh in ancient Egypt, and that would have been the end but he also found an alien starship and it keeps him alive to present day) So Apocalypse starts his attack on Earth ten years earlier, and wins. Avengers crushed. Magnetos team fleeing for their lives. The world is his. And this is the age of Apocalypse.
So heres some more pics. They tell a story all by themselves I think.
And with that I'm off to the dentist, miserable sadists that they are. Wish me luck true believers. Any questions asked I will try to answer when I get back. Oh and upload some pages from Inferno! Speaking of which heres the prologue courtesy of Marvel Milestones. Plus young baby kidnapped Nate and Mr. Sinister chilling. Oh and feel free to ask about Nates Grandad. Scott's father, Corsair.
>>22102 >(Okay what the fuck? You ask. I thought mutant powers were genetic? Isn't that the whole point of Mr. Sinister and cable? Now its psychological? Fucking bullshit. Agreed dear reader, but that's the story) Could it be that he was actually born with all of the powers at once but his multiple personalities actually weaken him by dividing his powers? Not unlike The Hulk basically being gimped by his own multiple personality disorder. Has anyone here seen that Legion TV show? Dear lord that was boring. I tried to watch it but could only get maybe halfway through season 1. Hipster trash.
>>22107 They made a tv show for a random nobody like David Haller? I really don't understand the world sometimes. And yeah that'd explain it so I guess. Still seems suspect to me.
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>>22098 <X-Factor #5 >Be me, Apocalypse >Omega-level mutant with vast stores of future science and resources undreamed of by even Doctor Doom >Decide, after centuries to finally reveal myself >Send a growing guy, a fag in a blue leotard, a valley girl, and Frenzy, the only one worth the pittance of money I paid to them >get their asses handed to them by the original X-men >Hrrm >Okay, we'll guess it's time to step up my game >Get gigantic sentient spaceship and enslave it >gather mutants whose power sets resemble the common belief of the Biblical four horsemen, even though the themes are half-assed at best >rescue Angel from suicide, graft biometal wings to his back, and, because I felt like it, turn his skin blue for no good reason >Shock the living piss out of the original X-men by revealing that Worthington not only lives, but he's my pawn >Iceman makes a copy of himself >Death slices through it and all my conditioning is undone in a single stroke >abandon sentient space ship, vowing revenge >Okay, you faggots want to play hardball? Let's get crazy! >Age of Apocalypse, bitches! >still get raped by Xavier's asshole kids
>>22108 >Still seems suspect to me. In what way? It's not like it's unheard of in capeshit, and it''s not like mutants are born with inherent understanding of their powers.
>>22109 For as much as he gets hyped, Apocalypse is kinda a bitch. >turn his skin blue for no reason I mean it was hilarious. The shock on the other xmens faces alone made it worth it. And the worst part is that AoA wasn't even like his master plan. That's just xaviers brats fucking themselves randomly, and with time travel. A total gift to Big A, and what's he do with it? Nothing really. And still gets his ass kicked by a version of Cable. Honestly no one has ever inflicted as much pain, or as often, to the X-Men like the X-Men.
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>>22264 >I mean it was hilarious. >The shock on the other xmens faces alone made it worth it. Yeah, but then he slapped a gold mask on him, so what was really the point? The most hilarious thing about the Archangel story and the Inferno tie-ins later on? Finding out that Walt Simonson can't draw batwings to save his life. I like his stuff, but wings are to Simonson as feet are to Liefeld.
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>>22359 >Yeah, but then he slapped a gold mask on him, so what was really the point? The double reveal. First they see him an fight and that's shocking, but later they see him without the mask and double shocker. Honestly pretty funny prank. And christ I forgot about the shitty wings. Capes too. Honestly I'm positive that's how McFarlane got work. He knew how to draw capes and everyone acted like it was an esoteric art.
Finally recovering from that tooth, gonna reread inferno this weekend and hopefully get some more info down.
>>22097 Im a shit OP. No argument here. >>22100 This was for you Frank.
>>22410 Oh right the tooth. Yeah that sucked, and by the time I felt myself again I had forgotten about this thread. Again I suck.
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>>22359 >"Nathaniel Christopher Summers, named for his grandfathers" >Huh. I have all those comics, but I never really thought about that line before right this minute. >Well, let's see, now... >Christopher would be Corsair, and... >wait, Maddie was a clone of Jean >made by Mr. Sinister >whose real name was Nathaniel Essex Fucking hell! Cable is named for Mr. Sinister?

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