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Ghoul School: New Beginnings Edition Anonymous 04/26/2020 (Sun) 20:29:55 No. 187
New home, new thread same ole name. The ongoing journey of Toonspew as he tries to revive Miss Grimwood's Finishing School for Ghouls. Last thread- https://archive.is/LfmVJ
Anyone know how to contact Toon?
>>324 He usually just shows up.
>>381 I hope he finds his way here.
>>324 You don't contact Toon, he appears or is summoned. If we last until October I hope he shows up, traditions must be maintained.
>>570 He showed up when 8ch went down and used to have a devaintart page before shutting it down.
>>570 How many chickens do I have to kill to get him to come?
>>578 Like I said, it has to be October, you post a Ghoul School thread and he appears. Its just one of those things that happens in October, like Night of the Were-Ed storytimes
>>609 >Night of the Were-Ed storytimes I hope there's one this year.
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Discovered I had an old hard drive full of /co/ stuff from way back in like 2010, here's some art from it. I think Ghoul School is what gave me a thing for monstergirls.
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These were fun
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>>16370 This is all I have. If there were any more, I ain't got em.
>>16370 And, yes, it does trigger me that The Devil has the roman numeral for 14 on it.
I want to pet Winnie.
>>16401 >spoiler You sick fuck!
>>16401 I'd pet some parts of her with my dick
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It's Spooktober. Should we make a new thread or use this one?
>>18237 This one is fine.
anyone care to post Phantasma's version of the pics in the op(that aren't the car-wash one)?
>>18338 Sure.
>>18347 thanks
>>18347 Does anyone know the current progress?
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>>18550 He probably doesnt know about 8moe, does he have an email or something?
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>tfw no Toonspew this year
>>18551 He was here last year.
2022 Will he return?
>>29427 No. Get new waifus that aren't headcanon fan made versions.
>>29429 You aren't acting like the person Uncle Iroh knows you can be.
>>29673 Uncle Iroh would want you to meet a nice girl who isn't a drawing!
>>29676 Uncle iroh IS a drawing!
>>29677 Don't you get snappy with me, mister!
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>>29680 Bratty anon! Needs correction!

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