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Anonymous 07/11/2022 (Mon) 02:31:45 No. 27447
Well, it looks like the people who worked on Amphibia are getting eaten alive by their fans. It's always nice to see a flaming dumpster fire. Now does anyone have the uncensored pics? TLDR The production crew drew porn of the characters during the show's creation and were stupid enough to post them on twitter.
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>>27448 Just some of the saved caps getting passed around the tag
>>27447 Animators being perverts wasn't something since the beginning of animation? Also most modern "cartoons for kids" are being watched for neckbeards and 30 years old dykes instead of actual kids, they should be honest and draw official loli yuri ( I don't know why every recent cartoon panders to that).
>>27452 >Animators being perverts wasn't something since the beginning of animation? Pretty much but this is twitter we're talking about. Then again this is the mouse we're talking about, they've been firing employees for drawing gag porn since Walt's tenure.
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>>27447 >>27448 >>27449 bls gib the FROGGED pussi >>27453 Disney management should go fuck themselves. If they can step into irl politics and push gay shit into cartoons ostensibly made for children it's not as >>27452 correctly stated but that's the demographic they pretend to market it to then their animators should be allowed to draw delicious loli on loli on amphibian on loli action. The userbase of twitter should also go fuck itself. Nothing would thrill me more than if Elongated's fucking around with them over the past few months ends up being the catalyst that destroy the platform.
>there could have been a cartoon that is well aware of adult appeal >they could have made competent adult-oriented cartoons that fully embrace their horny, straight demographic with fanservice (not the key jangling kind) <we get more kid shows with occassional "adult" themes and obligatory agendas instead <artists and animators also have to deal with viewers that sperg out over anything remotely lewd I just want to watch a sexy animated show outside of Japan that doesn't hold back. Is it really that difficult to make?
>>27455 Animation is still largely seen as a kids medium in the west, the closest we got was shit like Stripperella and that was nearly twenty years ago (also depends on how you felt about Pamela Anderson if you consider it "sexy")
>>27455 Yes. Because these are still loony ass california types. They would not make straight horny fanservice shows. It would have even more of the agenda pandering through gays, trannies, & drag queens BLATANTLY on screen.
As if the same hypocritical pricks don't draw and/or look at lewd fanart.
>>27452 >Animators being perverts wasn't something since the beginning of animation? The majority weren't. In the past decade though most animators grew up on the internet resulting in the majority being perverts today. I wonder what Bill Farmer Thinks of all this, being one of the voice actors. >>27455
>>27449 Reminds me of the Warhammer frogs
>>27456 >Animation is still largely seen as a kids medium in America. FTFY
Yet another example of "get woke go broke" steering money away from where it's least deserved. If you don't want to be judged for bullshit reasons maybe don't make a show for the judgemental tumblr faggot audience.
>>27447 >Now does anyone have the uncensored pics? I do. Is it alright to post them here, or should I make a thread on >>>/rule34/ or >>>/h/?
>>27464 Use the lewd thread >>2073
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>>27465 I remembered I can upload zip files.
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>>27447 fucking lmao
>>27466 "I'MmA gUnNa pOsT mUh aRt oNnA dEh TWITTAH!" Soon Disney and co. wil go after Twitter itself. Because blame the products and not the idiots which use them.
You gonna actually post some backlash or is this a thinly veiled porn thread?
>>27447 So it looks like none of it is loli?
>>27462 Where's all the lewd fan-service in non-burger cartoons then? Japan, and all of two or three French cartoons. That's where it's at. It's the whole west.
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>>27471 Well since you asked. The amphibia posts on twitter are full of more of these but I'm not about to post a hundred tweets of the same type of people acting as if an artist somehow molested a fictional character.
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>>27474 >"as long as it's aged up it's OK" YES YOU VAPID TWIT THAT'S EXACTLY HOW IT FUCKING WORKS IRL If it didn't then it would never be OK for adults to have sex because IRL adults are just "aged up" kids. I'm so fucking angry. These pearl clutching swine should be sent to the front lines of the Ukraine-Russian war.
>>27476 It should be okay regardless of aging up the characters or not. They're fucking fictional drawings.
>>27474 >this is what today's youth is doing with their lives Humanity is fucking doomed
>aged up >not drawing official lewds of your minor characters to sell as merch knowing their age doesn't matter because they're fictional characters This is why the Nipponese animation industry is superior.
>>27477 Oh I agree but just playing devil's advocate and pretending that their view that fictional drawing = real child had any merit, their position is still fucking retarded. Because EVERYONE was a child at some point so by their fucking galaxy brain take if you ever have sex with someone that wasn't created as a fucking homunculus then you are engaging in pedophilia. What about a person (being?) like Wreck-it Ralph characters that are "born" ready made in a certain form and never visibly age. Are they never allowed to engage in a romantic act because they might look like children? I mean assuming that they were real and not fictional characters. What about someone like Dizzy from GG who is physical and emotionally an adult but was only 3 years old in her first appearance? I mean after all she lacks "lived experience" and sundry other buzzwords and laws as written are based on numerical age and not developmental age. Does she, as an adult that can nuke countries into oblivion, have to wait 15 more years before she's allowed to fuck or even go on a date? Do they not realize how fucking stupid they sound and how anti-logic their twitter diarrhea actually is? I genuinely despise these people.
>>27481 They genuinely just do not think.
>>27482 Then by their own "logic" they should be treated like infants and not allowed online, or to date/marry, to vote, to own property, or any thing like what humans with agency should have.
>>27483 Agreed.
>>27474 >The community is awesome and safe >Profile pic is yaoi bait by a shotacon gamedev Lmao. >Don't argue with them, just insult them (Because obviously our sides arguments will lose) >Muh pedos How old even are the characters in the show? I went through >>27466 and it seems like they all at least have tits. >cp art My sides.
>>27476 >>27481 If you really want to play devil's advocate and work within the framework of their flawed logic, aging up doesn't really fix things by their standards because you're still fetishistizing the child character. You'd have to be attracted to them in the first place to want to draw sexy pictures of them of any age. For example, the Teen Titans have official adult designs for when they grow up. But just about everyone that draws aged up versions of them draws them in their teenage costumes.
>>27491 You have thousands of 14-16 years old following everything that /pol/ (or any by-product of /pol/) says like a real moral code, obsessed with posting the most edgy "offensive" humor possible and so on. Its the recent equivalent of becoming a teen punk/anarchist, but instead you become the most reactionary neo-nazi ever (the same teenage rebellion). For them, being "cool and rebellious" isn't sing against the rich and parents, its commit hate crimes against minorities and jews.
>>27492 quietus hebrew
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>>27474 To remind everyone on this board that this is just the amphibia fandom reacting like a bunch of babies here's some more normal people I found making fun of them by searching Amphibia on twitter.
>>27494 >To remind everyone on this board Hey newfag, we know that's why we're laughing at them.
>>27455 The West really needs honesty (ignoring that pandering to SJW its a bottomless source of money) and accept that kids don't watch cartoons at this point, that probably the 80-99% of their audience are either manchildren, lolicons or dykes, they should accept that kissless losers always were the pillar that keep the comic industry alive instead of women and minorities.
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>>27474 >>27481 That's why Twatter is for twats and weirdos. It'll come as a surprise to the misinformed sheep that even storyboard artists from Animaniacs and Tiny Toons drew and published furry comics. Dr Seuss drew surreal art, and a good swath of Disney artists from the 40s, 50, and 60s drew pinups.
>>27497 It seems like ten years ago kids were still watching cartoons, but eventually they lost out to anime like comics lost out to manga. And if Twitter is shocked western artists draw porn in their off time, they'll shit a brick when they see what Japanese artists do.
>>27474 >you disgusting proshipper says a lot about the mentality of these tiktok-breathing children
>>27489 >How old even are the characters in the show? the 3 girl are 13 and after the age-up 23, big newt with the taiwanese girl on the right of first pic in >>27449 is 1000+
>>27499 >storyboard artists from Animaniacs and Tiny Toons drew and published furry comics. Source?
>>27477 >They're fucking fictional drawings. Of children, yes. :^)
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>>27499 I love his earlier stuff.
>>27459 >The majority weren't. Maybe not majority, but certainly a good portion of them was. And most of them were not complete degenerates, they just enjoyed some quality cheesecake. Otherwise things like Tex Avery's Wolf cartoons would not get made. >>27473 Are you talking on full out nudity and fanservice? That's tough to find outside of Asterix films where you have naked Aphrodite and a statue gag in Asteix in Britain if that counts. There is more subdued stuff though, like the stripper in the Mask cartoon, Samurai Jack season 5, some slight nudity in Arcane, and so on. >>27455 I am glad Adam Warren was not eaten alive for Empowered and his Gen13 work. As for the cheesecake tiny scraps in Venture Bros, Mike Tyson Mysteries, and Arcane is all we are going to get. Ice and Fire is probably the best we ever got in the west. That and Who Framed the Roger Rabbit, Aeon Flux, and maybe Cool World although the last one was much worse than other series I listed.
>>27525 >I am glad Adam Warren was not eaten alive for Empowered and his Gen13 work. Empowered has some "commentary" years before was mandatory?
>>27525 >Aphrodite <clearly the webm features Venus
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>>27525 I wonder why they made Jupiter black, while all the other gods were white, since this should have been made long before all the woke nonsense?
>>27528 >Cheats on his wife multiple times >Fathers dozens of illegitimate children >Rape is his preferred method of siring said children. It is a mystery...
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>>27528 It would make sense to have Zeus/Jupiter be a nigger as >>27529 pointed out.
>>27476 Twitter people actively look for things to be outraged about for attention, don't question it.
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>>27510 Sadly Yahoo GeoCities doesn't exist anymore. But Cindy Crowell is one of the few big names. She's the co-creator of Filthy Animals. >>27525 >Who Framed the Roger Rabbit, Aeon Flux, and maybe Cool World Don't forget Spicy City, Tripping the Rift, and Stripperella.
>>27528 You clearly have never seen a southern Italian in the middle of a summer. >>27543 >Tripping the Rift I completely forgot that this existed and never watched more than a short clip of the show. I might just actually give it a watch.
Idiots throwing fits over drawn porn on Twitter is always a good laugh, but I do wonder why it's always either underage kids or people with obvious bones to pick that instigate this shit and escalate it to the point of harassment campaigns that'd make halfchan oldfags pause. And to think that this particular incident started only because an underaged asshole convinced some idiot to share their Twitter password just to gain access to Amphibia porn behind a locked account.
>>27594 Twitter is a shithole where you can create your own hugbox circlejerk, much like Tumblr. That's why These retards can't see anything that deviates from their preconceived ideas without going haywire.
Is this making much of a splash?
>>27606 Not really. Outside of their little bubble most don't care about Amphibia fans being offended by drawings. It was trending on twitter for about a day before being drowned by people mocking them.
>>27572 >You clearly have never seen a southern Italian in the middle of a summer. Sicilians are niggers.
>>27466 Anyone got the Spicey stash?
>>27540 I've never understood why people say they're flattered someone likes their characters enough to draw porn of them, as though you have to like anything more then their character design. In fact, not even that sometimes. And is it really so flattering if your character is made into a breeding slave constantly churning out monster babies, or worse getting guro scat snuff vored?
>>27805 So what you'd rather have them sperg out about it?
>>27805 I can see where its coming from thuogh, your drawing arousing people is a compliment, unless its some weird fetishistic people that get hard on your animated toaster or something.
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>>27821 I can tell you are attempting to fish for Brave Little Toaster porn.
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>>27824 Im not asking for it, im making a point that i would feel offended if i was the artist and fidn out that people are getting horny at my toaster.
>>27819 That would be funny, so yes.
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>>27825 Toasters do tend to be rather hot.
How has this affected them so far? Perverted drawings are nothing new, but actually linking them to your professional career is like a disaster waiting to happen
>>27479 Based lolicon
>eaten alive all they can do is bitch on twitter faggot just turn off the computer and keep working on your shit why the fuck does their screeching matter
>>29653 >Work in children’s animation >Parents find out you’re drawing porn of underage characters >They complain to the network, suddenly you’re out of work and have the reputation as a smut peddler and potential pedophile. You have to keep squeaky clean if you’re working in things related to children.
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Whatever happened with vee and kyle carroza? I know there's more smut peddlers in the industry, but who has actually been fired for it?
>>29693 Vee was kicked out of the industry because she posted her shit publicly & in a company employee discord. You can find further developments on her here. >>>/co/29033
>>29660 >things related to children. I refuse to believe that any kid these days would find "current" cartoons interesting, things like Tik-Tok or Youtube animations probably replace cartoons.
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How many people in the industry have been caught drawing smut? It's practically tradition at this point.
I don't know anything about this. But drawing porn of your cast is based as fuck
>>30173 >>30163 Yeah, but it's never been leaked in the past. Osamu Tezuka had his drawer full of smut that no one knew about until after he died and I'm sure some of the "12 old men" of Disney drew some lewds at some point, they just made damn sure Walt himself never saw it. The internet, like with most everything else, makes it very easy for things to leak out there.

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