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Anonymous 10/27/2021 (Wed) 04:37:19 No. 18969
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>Someone unironically inserted a futa doujin as a backstory for a character
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>>18987 Little Witch Academia meets Steven Universe, written and directed by your local Twittards. Also apparently there are at least one lesbian couple and two trannies in non-background roles, plus some more as background characters, and this just in the first episode.
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Put it back in.
Mahou Shoujo is kino! I don't have any EXPECTATIONS of qualty from W*stern trash but I'll at least give it a shot the art is CUTE enough
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>>18969 If it weren't for current year politics I might've just shrugged at this but at the same time, I feel like it's got the same demographic issue with steven universe in the sense that it wants to be a kids' show but keeps attracting a much older demographic.
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>>18969 lmao I wanted to download this to post a rundown, because crunchyroll has capture protection, but there are no torrents for this shit.
(3.58 MB 1280x720 Random Exposition.mp4)

(2.09 MB 1280x720 Phoned in.mp4)

(3.38 MB 1280x720 Natural Dialogue.mp4)

More crap from this show.
>>19010 >normaljews Normalniggers ain't watching this shit anon. The only people who are watchnig are Troons, progs, and anons who hate watch it.
>>19009 that third mp4 is so funny. Please tell me that there's more scenes with that character in it.
(2.43 MB 540x360 bendernlol.webm)

>>19009 >4th one Add some stutters and it's a fucking youtube poop
>>19009 >New magic >Magic with no consequences or limits.. That's just mary sue written in the core of the plot.
>>19009 Are the rips already out or did you get these from other place? >Inb4 watch it on CR I want to rips to do... other things. >>19014 Her voice is way too deep, looks like she's flirting with her daughter
>>19017 I found them in twitter.
>>18969 Jesus fucking Christ. This is what they waited years to release after it was made? A tranny who has to keep using a potion to maintain the illusion...so even in a world with literal magic they're still forced to acknowledge they aren't really the gender they're pretending to be. >>19009 >New magic, with no cost at all! >Your mom was a badass who used new magic and then stopped for some reason! >So the tranny has to take a potion to maintain a spell, but there also exists a type of magic that has been in use for roughly a decade at least that has no cost at all. Protagonists mom also looks like a tranny. They literally don't even think when they write this garbage do they? >Also: Voice acting with a mouth full of cotton balls! I hope everyone who paid for Crunchyroll are forced to watch this like that scene in a Clockwork Orange. They must suffer for helping bring this shit into creation.
>>19009 Is this the same pseudoanime producing studio that made she-ra
>>19027 No, this is from Ellation, an anime convention company who tried to get into animation and go bankrupt shortly after this show started being developed.
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>>18969 Look at that. Needing to sit down, say you're a tranny and signal for fake points on the internet. Look at LWA. Look at just how expressive each scene is. >Takes a potion once a month. Simple sex change spells have been in D&D since the 90s and they're permanent. Hell it's like a level 2 book spell most wizards get at level 4 and you would only need to spend a few gold coins for such a spell from a village wizard. >>19009 >1st New Magic And you've fallen right into the first hole when creating a magic system. There must be a price to make it believable. Take FMA for example, famous rule of equivilent exchange. LWA for instance has their magic tied to the leylines of the earth, with a central stone in the school that the witches recharge their wands from. If you have no price, it's no different from Deus Ex Machina. The Force from Star Wars is in this weird nebulous space because it's basically having the characters act to how the writer needs them to but Jedi and Sith still have to practice their respective ideology for their powers to work. >2nd How can you make a magic show boring. >3rd Okay, that's funny. He's trying to play it straight but his poor audio quality makes it hilarious. >4th How can she be a mother but not have breasts.
>>19031 >there must be a price Maybe the price is that it turns all its users gay and the plot is about the main characters figuring that out.
>Trannies >Fags >Awful English voice acting It's unfortunate since there's actually the skeleton of a possibly decent show trapped in this twittertranny abomination. If they had limited themselves to genre acceptable themes like subtle yuri or mascot romance they would have succeeded in drawing applause from twitter and also have made a show that genuinely apes Japanese conventions (read: not suck.) Instead, like everything Western, the art of subtly is dead and they throw the entire kitchen sink of pozz at you all at once in lieu of any actual storycraft.
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(8.52 MB 1280x720 Old & New Magic Bullshit.mp4)

(2.23 MB 1280x720 Tradition Bad 1.mp4)

(4.05 MB 1280x720 Tradition Bad 2.mp4)

>>19016 >>19024 >>19031 It gets worse. >>19017 Here's the sauce my nigga. https://archive.fo/9EEHb
>>19017 >Are the rips already out or did you get these from other place? They're only on Crunchy for free. Truth is, nobody wants to pirate this fucking mess.
(3.35 MB 1280x720 Nigger Instructor.mp4)

(1.83 MB 1280x720 Not really a kid's show.mp4)

(2.23 MB 1280x720 Bishi Jerk Love Interest.mp4)

(2.70 MB 1280x720 Obvious Jerk Villain.mp4)

(2.76 MB 1280x720 Who writes this crap.mp4)

And the third dose of crap for today.
(2.00 MB 1280x720 InBI5DQ-bTIqYzov.mp4)

>>19040 Here's another gem.
If it weren't for the characters' language, this would pass for children's drek. It certainly does have the hamfisted tardshit "lessons" that wouldn't work for mid/high school kiddos and the school setting down. Also, not touching this shit with a mile long stick, but I would like to predict that whatever this "New Magic" these faggots are blabbing about is invoking the power of Old Gods because everyone loves referencing Lovecraftian horrors in their modern fiction
>>19034 >1st LWA has alot of gay art but Trigger are good enough to keep anything subtext. >2nd >New Magic is just better. You can do anything. Hey, remember when Shiny Chariot absorbed the magic from kids because she herself was a low magic user and thus putting on shows and traveling around, essentially stealing the magical ability from people like Akko. Remember how that was how she did her magic? How do the guardians do magic? They just can and you gotta deal with it. >3rd Slime boy is unintentional hilarity. Mainly for the vocal performance undercutting anything he says. Goes into the room to cry because of all the marbles in his mouth. >4th Is that Mona Mashall? She's slumming it. >5th Snapdragon is your typical effeminate man. Even the instructor is lacking in masculinity. >>19040 >6th Black instructor who's in Asian garb and has an Asian name despite Asia not existing in universe. You'd have a proper military official attached to the military teaching at the academy, someone who's seen war so he's harsh or a former General who doesn't want to go to retirement so he's absentminded yet profoundly wise. Tropes yes but help make their characters. >7th >Mess with that shit Tone of the scene. You'd have cat lady brush her off yet still say thank you. She's a poorly written Mai, except Mai had Zuko, Azula and Ty Lee to brush off of, this shaggy girl has no one. >8th Probably the evil insert of the show. You know how Disney has been doing that with the prince villains, they followed that trend. But more than that he's not even interesting. >9th Imagine being him, charming her to be quiet yet she says "My name is Rosmary and I know how to use a Compass." I'd laugh at line. Like duh, any kid over 12 probably knows how to use one. >10th He doesn't have any intelligence, she really is stuck up. Any sensible villain with 2 brain-cells could take over the academy and not have any of these people pose obvious threats. Please post more, I know it's asking for rubbish but this is way too entertaining just to see what this trashfire is like.
>>19034 That old lady sounds like Barbara Eden.
>>18969 I want to know nothing about this malignant tumor other than lolicon r34 generated from it.
>>19045 OP posted the same shit above.
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>>19076 They literally just shopped in a fucking stock image.
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>>19076 It's just a photoshop image, they didn't even get rid of the faint outline. They just blew it up and put it in the scene. Haha.
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(2.09 MB 640x360 Cross dressing.mp4)

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Dude updating the twitter thread posted a few more. It's as bad as it looks.
>>19076 It could also be indicative of some serious money laundering going on at Cuntyhole. Anyone who actually believes years of sub money was piled into this feted slab is incredibly naive. It's like all this time, they thought they could finally convince everyone, once and for, that they could create an independent, stand alone, cutting edge masterpiece only to be relieved that it's just Dora the Explorer but repackaged as an '''anime''.
Man, even if it wasn't pozzed it would still be garbage. The show has no clear idea what it wants to be.
>>19007 >but there are no torrents for this shit. >The best copy protection is being a shit show Who knew.
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Fight scenes are ehh but there's no emotion behind it. They fight to fight, not like Avatar where they fight for a reason. Also more Slimeboy.
>>19009 >she used her body to pull magic from the earth I'm having Ohio or whatever was the name of that state flashbacks. >>19032 >magic is turning the users and people around them into mentally ill sodomites >the main antagonist wants to stop this before the birth rates drop to zero
>>19034 >last webm Jesus H. Christ, can't you, I don't know, train him to be fit enough to handle a fucking axe?! >second webm When I first saw the whole new magic explanation, I first thought she was talking about technology in >>19009 This cartoon was made by only womyn right? It shows. >>19051 >Hey, remember when Shiny Chariot absorbed the magic from kids Thank God I only watched the first OVA/movies.
>>19034 The last webm really encapsulates the leftist mentality of the show, in that it's better to abandon your family tradition to try something else, instead of working your ass off to be as good as your ancestors. Double points, for not only abandoning your tradition, but taking the tradition of another family(subtext for culture) and make that your own, prime example of globohomo.
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(1.59 MB 640x360 Battle with smile monster.mp4)

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So blue likes pink, because cross dresser says she likes her that way? Peerpressured into a relationship, great. Upto this point I don't think there's been any chemistry between them. HAH, the dude rightfully ditches the boat with him. He's got some intelligence at least.
>>19099 Also the boat doesn't rock, it's like a fairground ride on the worlds laziest river.
>>19095 the second webm fight scene admittedly looks alright. Not as good as the best anime fight scenes, but better than most cartoon fight scenes. I'll give them that.
Mermaid fetish because 40+ year old white women dream of being youthful mermaids. Also a male figure that teaches aggression and foster competitiveness in his children? Probably a real life reflection of one of the writers having father issues. Also that punchline was from the trailer, I remember.
>>19095 >1st and 2nd webms The fighting is trying too hard and still ends up pedestrian at best.
>>19104 >4th webm >father tries to teach son the importance of fighting to protect what is yours and what you hold dear <faggot son just wants to wear dresses and fuck fish
>>19104 >3th webm Of course it's totally not pandering for a girl with barley any background to see another girl and instantly fall for her with absolutely no build up.
>>19104 Are their names really goddamn spices?
>>19104 >You wanted respect, but what you got was his fear. They're not the same thing Absolutely fucktarded takes from a preaching tranny. How comical. Respect and fear are intrinsically related.
>>19111 You can definitely respect someone without fearing him. I can respect an autists dedication to making crappy Sonic comics, even if he knows it's not good for him, but that does not meant I fear him. I can also respect someone who dedicates his life to saving the wildlife, or endangered species, or providing medicine for free, even if he ends up broke. I can respect an inventor who dedicates his life in trying to better the world, even if he ends up broke. I can respect such people, but I do not fear them.
(1.59 MB 640x360 Forced Dialog.mp4)

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(1.63 MB 640x360 We Kingdom Hearts now.mp4)

They also failed at saving that dragon they were supposed to capture. Go figure you send students out on important things.
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(3.35 MB 640x360 My very own gay clone.mp4)

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>>19114 So the villain has showed up and he seems to be the only one with any personality, even if it is creepy.
>>19112 Don't cheapen the word with your platitudes of mere appreciation. Every example you've given is attributed not necessarily to a person, but to a fond regard for the concept of 'dedication.' People are far more than a singular exhibited trait, and to respect a person must needs take that into account. Such respect comes attendant with fear of disappointment in living up to your idealization of said person, or perhaps a fear that they will change and let you down. If you would not fear those possibilities, then you could hardly say you respected them in the first place.
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Sethroth is trying to save this show, in his own weird way. I want him to succeed, so no S2.
>>19118 Hey Bosch can try when he wants to. Don’t compare this shit to him.
>>19114 >>19115 >>19117 Is this nigger trying to out wood Yong Bosch?
>>19116 I'd say there is a confusion on the word "fear" here. In the context of that webm, it was the fear of violence, and I thought this is the type of fear you were referring to. To give another example, I have more respect for a leader who is the leads by example, or is the best person for the job(the most knowledgeable), rather than someone who has a big club in his hand and threatens anyone who doesn't follow his orders with a bonk on the head. From what I understand, and correct me if I am wrong, the fear you are describing, is the anxiety that you might never measure up to your idols, and because you have that anxiety it means you respect them, or that they are mere humans, and not avatars of virtue and thus might fall in decadence. Maybe I am just too introvert, and do not think of people as persons, so all that I can respect is their actions and knowledge, and not necessarily them as a person, so when I look up to them, I think what they do, or what they did to reach that level of mastery, and not necessarily them as a person.
Haven't seen it yet so I have to ask: Is it so bad it's good and thus worth watching?
>>19120 >Deleting your post >>19119
>>19098 >The last webm really encapsulates the leftist mentality of the show, in that it's better to abandon your family tradition to try something else, instead of working your ass off to be as good as your ancestors. That isn't a "Leftist" mindset. It's an American mindset. In Europe, entire generations of families base their entire existence upon being born, learning the tradition, and dying as part of the heritage. To put it in an example: your grandfather was a farmer, you are a farmer, and your children will be farmers. Your grandfather was a lawyer, you are a lawyer, and your children will be lawyers. And decided to defy that concept is asking for disownment. Meanwhile, in America, that idea is much less prone as you have the freedom to chose how you can live your life thanks to "freedom of oppertunity". And, despite the fact that some families do pass their professions onto their offspring, some parents also do everything in their power to give their kids the freedom to chose how they want to live in the world because they do not want their kids to face the same struggles they faced in the profession they chose. However, despite all that, that's not what's going on in the clip. The teacher isn't telling the kid to abandon his tradition, the teacher is straight-up telling the kid "I'm smarter than you, therefore do what I tell you to do". He isn't coaching the kid after seeing him flailing about, or even making the suggestion that there are other ways he can honor his family as the ax doesn't compliment his style. He's just calling the kid an idiot, and dictating his future.
>>19104 >Swearing Why does this actually surprise me?
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>>19125 I always find it a bad sign of writing when you have characters casually swear. It's juvenile and it's not how a character acts, it's how the writer wants a character to act. You can see the puppet strings.
>>19109 The show's name is High Guardian Spice, so yeah.
(1.51 MB 640x360 Lets GO.mp4)

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The cat girl is actually pretty cute. I wish she wasn't trapped in a trash show.
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That's all there is, there isn't any more.
>>19132 They make a shitty sense of speed. >>19095 >Second webm So this has only one sakuga?
>>19132 This will not get an S2. If it does, it's money laundering pure and simple. >Pink and Blue are cousins. That makes the peer pressure relationship from red crossdresser even weirder. Of course they'd find some way to add incest to this.
(1.08 MB 640x360 Not shocking reveal.mp4)

>High Guardian Spice >Rosemary, Olive, Sage, Lavender. Not spices. They can't even get their own names correct. What an absolute shit show this is.
>>19137 I can kind of understand conflating herbs, but olives?
>>19132 >1st webm >magic-made-easy yet no magic barrier to protect the school just like in my magical Japanese animes
>>19140 wait nvm, there's a barrier in 3 webm.
>>19129 It's pretty damn generic catgirl design. anon. Get some less pedestrian taste
>Create prefect fantasy where you can 110% physically turn into a man/woman >Still sounds like a faggot >Still needs an HRT equivalent Anyway, browsed through the various webms. I am surprised they actually went with just making a preschool tier show... for adults. The trailers made it look like one of those early-mid 2000s French magic girl shows. I can't imagine showing this to a kid, nor can I see a family sitting down to watch it. God knows how many poor kids are going to be forced to with their single fujo mothers. What even is the main conflict? Is it all just "Old thing bad-ish, new thing good and better" ?
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>Everybody is a genetic dead end Fuck this world I wish the big bad destroys it. >>19104 >fourth webm How did he turn into a huge faggot with a dad like that? >nobody questions your manhood >ha ha you have no idea
>>19117 >First webm They are dead?
>>19150 Never mind.
>>19034 >with New Magic™ you can do anything! <use new magic to exterminate every faggot, tranny, nonwhite, and leftist in the world <then use it to erase itself forever Hmm. Interesting hole they’ve written themselves into.
>>19155 Why the hell is it that you can do whatever you want with new magic except apparently become the opposite sex permanently? Why is that the only thing you can't do with this newfangled type of magic? I know why, but it's stupid as fuck.
>>19158 Because the whole premise of this show was literally based upon already expecting the intended audience to be stupid as fuck. Especially considering how this scam came into being and the stupid fucks that still continue giving more money to Crunchyroll in the first place. So through this show is Crunchy telling what they really think of you.
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>>19161 Technically it was based on a webcomic.
>>19162 I had no idea this show was based on a webcomic. >they blackwashed the elf I don't even care, but the idea that they raceswapped their own characters just makes me smile and laugh, I don't know why but it does.
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>>19163 >>19162 Forgot to add the second one is obviously a rip off of Madoka Kaname. No wonder the cartoon has random edgy shit. They'reprobably fags who jerked off about how Subversive Puella Madoka Magica was(desptie never watching a magical girl cartoon aside from it and sailor moon).
>>19031 >Look at LWA. Look at just how expressive each scene is. For anime standards, yes. For american animation standards, no.
>>19035 I want to live streaming it, that's why I'm looking for rips. If there isn't any rips then I'll just do a screen record.
>>19165 >how Subversive Puella Madoka Magica was I could write a thesis on that piece of shit show and the braindead trash who hyped it to hell and back. Despite the constant wankery, it contributed nothing to the genre itself, actively harmed it, and worst of all, wasn't even original in its subversion. It just got lucky and hit at the exact right time at the right moment with a shitty meme studio helming it. It's not even a bad show, but it is without a doubt the most overrated anime in all of existence with an audience comprised solely of mouthbreathers who don't even like the genre its in. 11 years later and I'm still fucking mad and as long as they keep making edgy splatterfest mahou shoujo I'll keep being so
>>19095 Why slimeboy? does it imply he fucks slimes?
>>19088 How much money Ellation actually put on this thing?
>>19170 yeah, me too, plus it has got to the same point as evangelion where people fawn over the idea and designs of the characters more than anything else. I watched it week to week as it originally aired and was fansubbed because I had a friend who was gushing over it and I recall it was kind of a shit year for anime otherwise. It was such a slow-moving, ugly, dreary mess of a show and I really did not enjoy it. I guess it must have some secret sauce though, because I don't see anyone reminiscing over Black Rock Shooter and other shit. >>19088 >money laundering well, maybe, but I think it's on-brand for feminists to participate in big projects, underdeliver and then pocket the change (ala Anita), or just squander it altogether on nonsense and then blame the patriarchy for why doing things is hard.
>>19163 >>they blackwashed the elf Technically it was Raye Rodriguez herself, the author of the "webcomic" (I wouldn't call it a webcomic there are like two comics produced in like six years, it's more like an Oc or standalone art) who make Thyme (the elf) and Sage (the witch) brown skinned. >>19165 Yes, Indeed Rosemary started as Raye's character dressed as Madoka. So, she's pretty much obsessed over stuff like Sailor Moon, that's why this show is garbage.
>>19165 >a rip off of Madoka Kaname. Her last name is Magica.
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>>19170 >11 years later and I'm still fucking mad and as long as they keep making edgy splatterfest mahou shoujo I'll keep being so >edgy mahou shoujo >mfw christmas cake mahou shoujo anime
>>19170 >with an audience comprised solely of mouthbreathers who don't even like the genre its in. I like the genre it's in. But then again, I am a lolicon.
>>19185 Does Japanese anime spin-off the western IP Witchblade count as edgy Christmas cake mahou shoujo anome?
>>19188 anime*
>>19170 >I could write a thesis on that piece of shit show and the braindead trash who hyped it to hell and back. Do it, I'd read your autistic dissertation.
>>19088 >relieved *revealed, fucking autocorrect. >>19174 Tried looking on IMDB for production costs then ANN, seeming how this is ''anime', nothing. Of course the human centipede of sycophants over on ANN are eating this shit right up as like a 'fresh air of true female empowerment' that Japanese should take note of or some shit, and are, of course, deleting "hurtful" comments. Though not as ban happy, I swear that site is just one huge Jim Jones tier cult even on a worse scale than resetERA sometimes.
>>19177 >see anyone reminiscing over Black Rock Shooter and other shit. Its Toonami nostalgia for EVA and Madoka aired during the moe boom in the early 2000s. BRS is mostly and still is an internet thing, everyone loved the art with the song propelling it further into the spotlight while niconico made a bunch of mmd's based on Huke's art but besides that not much else. When the anime came out it made some drastic changes to the character and the ova that came before it, also it doesnt help BRS's cannon kept changing. Just recently a new anime was announced for BRS and it looks like its resetting the cannon again.
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>>19194 >new black rock shooter oh. Well, at least we can maybe get some more love for black gold saw then. Jesus, it feels like we're collectively trapped in a time loop.
>>19177 >>19194 >>19202 I thought BRS started life as a game on the PSP. <Goes to look it up >The game was released in Japan on August 25, 2011 https://infogalactic.com/info/Black_Rock_Shooter >The origins of Black Rock Shooter date back to an original character illustration titled "Black Rock Shooter" by illustrator Ryohei Fuke, best known by his handle 'Huke', who posted it on his blog and the online artist community Pixiv on December 26, 2007. Ryo of Supercell was inspired by the illustration and created the song "Black Rock Shooter" based on that character using vocals from the Vocaloid singing synthesizer Hatsune Miku. Huke joined Supercell and provided the illustrations used in the music video of the song, which was later posted online on the video sharing website Nico Nico Douga on July 13, 2008, which as of August 2009 had over 2.2 million views. The song was later used as the opening theme for the 2012 anime television series. The song has also been included in Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F as a playable song. >Produced by Yutaka Yamamoto's studio Ordet and directed by Shinobu Yoshioka, an original video animation (OVA) project based on "Black Rock Shooter" and its music video was announced on August 22, 2009. OH, so it's "Japanese RWBY".
>>19206 >"Japanese RWBY".
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>>19206 <OH, so it's "Japanese RWBY".
>>19206 >Japanese RWBY
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>>19207 >>19208 >>19210 Okay, it's "Japanese Villainous". Is that better?
>>19211 You disgust me
>>19211 The voice acting is surprisingly not total ass, but I'd still prefer the original Spanish with English subs.
>>19206 I genuinelly do not understand your logic, how this franchise is related to RWBY out of all things?
>>19170 >as long as they keep making edgy splatterfest mahou shoujo I'll keep being so I liked Magical Girl Raising Project at least, if only because it had an office lady and a pregnant married woman as part of the MG cast. Then again, I hear its light novels move away from the edgy splatterfest from the second arc onward, but only the first arc ever got an anime so the point stands.
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>>19185 >cake mahou shoujo anime Pic related is about as close as you'll get, and even then it's still way out of the box. Magical girls live and die on the dreams of JC and below. Nobody but the grossest of nerds want old hag protagonists. >>19225 I watch all the nu-MS, and while they're not terrible per se they still miss the mark entirely on understanding what the genre is or paying the slightest respect for it. Instead, they're content to ride on the coat tails of Megucca's mere popularity alone. These shitty edgy shows are not written nearly smartly enough to even attempt subversion of what came before, and it's obvious they don't actually care for MS convention, so they just bolt on another genre entirely (such as Battle Royale) and blandly insist they all belong in a brand new subgenre whipped out of their asses. They don't; fuck these shows. They're all using MS as mere window dressing for whatever poorly written garbage they're spewing out to justify some grimdark edgefest. That's about as far apart as you can possibly be from Magical Girls.
>>19227 Everyone's talking about what isn't Mahou Shoujo, but what is? Monster of the week stories with banal life lessons about friendship and not being a bad person, but with cute little girls?
>>19230 Oh, and a never explicit subtext of yuri.
>>19169 Instead of livestreaming this, why don't you stream something people would actually want to watch? Something that deserves a little bit of love?
>>19232 >Instead of livestreaming this, why don't you stream something people would actually want to watch? Because I'm watching this garbage and I want you to suffer with me.
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>>19231 >Oh, and a never explicit subtext of yuri. There are exceptions, and probably less gay than Crunchyroll's abomination.
>>19227 >Nobody but the grossest of nerds want old hag protagonists >christmas cakes >old hags How dare you! christmas cakes are cute and pure! >pic >married Anon... she is not a christmas cake anymore.
>>19233 You seem dedicated and capable for streaming. You could spend hours watching and making fun of bad and cringey dialogues with 4-5 anons and forgetting about it the next day. Or you could stream something short and good and having fun with 4-5 other anons, have fun with them, remember that time together and doing some contributing towards fun. May I suggest megas xlr or even courage the cowardly dog?
>>19235 I'm not really into magical girls, I have only watched card captor sakura and I only liked the first season, should I watch Utena? People talk a lot about it online. >>19237 I usually stream stuff like Superjail, Futurama, The Three Caballeros and 70s anime. >megas and courage I should livestream those series once. Last week I streamed the Courage x Scooby and it was a lot of fun. However I usually make my streams on saturdays so I don't know if you would be able to catch it up since there's a guy already making streamings on saturdays.
>>19239 >should I watch Utena? People talk a lot about it online. I read the manga and didn't really care for it, which is sad because I wanted to like it.
>>19239 >should I watch Utena I watched the show a few months ago, haven't watched the movie, yet, but I will soon watch it. There is an anime, movie and manga, which from what I heard differ a lot in plot point, and are treated as their own seperate universes, but enjoyed if you watched the previous mediums, so the movie is best enjoyed after watching the show, even if it's a retelling of the events, it expects you to have watched the show. So start with the show. From a visual standpoint, Utena is great, it has some beautiful and creative visuals, however you have to get used to the fact that this is a shoujo anime, so all the guys look like girls. The music, I liked a lot, every duel has it's own unique theme and you can spend a lot of time deciphering what they mean(more on this later). The animation, is ok, the duels aren't that great, but the story and characters do carry them. Now we come to the story, and this is the hardest part to describe, but first you should understand that before they made Utena, the studio just made run of the mill mahou shoujo, including Sailor Moon, so when they made Utena, they had complete creative freedom, so they decided to make a deconstruction(I know this term has a negative connotation nowadays, but I am not using it as an insult) of the genre, it also helped that the director was friends with Anno, known for Evanghelion. The story can be summed up as, girl gets saved by a prince, she loved him so much that she now became a prince herself(though she identifies as a girl), and fights the student council in order to find her prince, and brings the world revolution, but it's more than that, everything about the show, the visuals, the music, the characters, the story are all chuck fulled of metaphors, and you can write articles trying to piece together what it all means. Even the color of the Student Council members' hair is symbolic to a type of rose and what it means. You have episodes like Nanamy's egg, which you can only fully understand if you are a girl I am still not sure if it's about a girl's first period, or miscarriage, speaking of Nanami she had the weirdest episodes, but that is besides the point. The show has 39 episodes and it can be divided into three or four arcs, with one arc being considered "filler", however a thing with this show, is that not only does it have critically plot important stuff in it's filler arc, it has plot important stuff revealed in the recap episodes, the fucking RECAP EPISODES, so you can't skip anything, you have to watch all of it. The weakest part of the show is how repetitive it is, Utena basically fights everyone in the student council at least three times, before she gets to the final boss, but some can argue it is intentional, and the world becomes more and more distorted as she fights those duels, almost as if reality is breaking apart, so you kinda have to drudge through everything. I guess I should talk about the elephant in the room, and please don't let what I am about to say discourage you from watching the show. Utena deals with sex and relationships, and when it came out it was very liberal, you have lesbian couples(one of which gets cucked by a man), not one but three brother and sister relationships, bisexuals, and nowadays trannies will try to claim that Utena is a trans symbol, because she dresses in a boy's uniform, even though she never identified as a girl, and fell in love with a man, she was just a tomboy. What I am trying to say, is that there is a part of the audience that is extremely leftist and interpret the show from an LGBT view, especially Roberta Sugar, which credited this show as an inspiration for Steven Universe. With that said you can perfectly enjoy this show as a more conservative individual. >tl;dr if you want to watch a show with interesting visuals and good songs watch it, then yes, but you have to watch every episode to understand what is happening, even the recap ones and have to drudge through the repetitive content of the stories
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>>19241 To be fair, Akio does sleep with half the cast so it's a Korra type situation where Utena and Anthy end up together but they both sleep with the same guy. Visuals are this late 90s faded pastels with not everything being drawn but just enough to give details. Music is also heavily laden with clarinets that was also typical. Utena has also been sighted as the main anime that alot of yuri artists draw inspiration from. It's a weird but wonderful show for me. Juri best girl.
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>>19241 Thanks for the explanation, man, I'll give it a shot.
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>>19242 By visuals I was thinking mostly of all the things we see in the show, like the desks and cars in the duel arena, all the aberrations that happen in the Student Council, like a train passing through the council, or a baseball match happening while they are talking, the shadow puppets we get every episode and so on. By music I was also thinking of the ones that are played during the duels, as you get a new song every duel, which kinda keeps things fresh. >he fell for the dyke As for favorite characters, I guess it would be Ruka, at first I hated him for cucking Juri again, treating his girl like garbage, and then wanting to go after Juri, but then you learn that he wanted so save Juri from her dyke prison, and tried to give her the strength to overcome her grief, even willing to sacrifice his life, by betting everything on it. Even though Juri fails in the end, he doesn't hate her and supports her, hoping that she might find a better future. Sadly she still ended up as a dyke. >>19245 Hope you enjoy it. Much better than this cartoon anyway. Forgot to mention, that even if you don't watch mahou shoujo anime, and as such don't see it as a deconstruction, because you lack the base knowledge of how those shows are structured, it's still stands on it's own as it is. I can't stress this enough, no matter how filler they might be, even recap episodes, you can not skip them, and have to watch everything in order, from start to finish, which can be hard, so my advice is to not try and binge watch it, watch one episode per day or every other day.
>>19246 >have to watch everything in order, from start to finish, which can be hard >can be hard Have standards really fallen that low? It's hard to magine something more pathetic than not having the limited intelligence required to patiently sit through mere entertainment media, especially since it's not even long.
>>19134 >This will not get an S2. If it does, it's money laundering pure and simple. So about that, I don't think it's ever going to get another season because this lawsuit got thrown at them by the Rothchild's to Ellation LLC? I am not making this up. https://dockets.justia.com/docket/california/candce/3:2021cv06698/384172
>>19134 >Of course they'd find some way to add incest to this. Well it's anime, so that's normal. Oh wait, it's not anime.
>>19007 just record it from hdmi input lol
>>19247 The problem is that the show is very formulaic and repetitive, and even though it might be intentional it's the weakest part of it. I never had a problem with it, but while watching it, I kept thinking it was over-rated, until I reached the end, and thought the show as a whole, rather than the sum of the individual episodes. It's not that standards are low, it's that it's tempting to drop the show in favor of some other 13 episode series that has a more condensed plot and offers immediate gratification, that's why I am asking anon to commit.
>>19241 >and when it came out it was very liberal, you have lesbian couples(one of which gets cucked by a man) You can't defeat the D. >not one but three brother and sister relationships So, nips being nips? >so they decided to make a deconstruction So what did they deconstructed? >however you have to get used to the fact that this is a shoujo anime Is it really? Reading all the posts about it, it sounds more like a Josei anime.
>>19288 >You can't defeat the D. The D dies and the yuri couple gets together >So, nips being nips? This isn't just the usual "I love you niisan", but blood related brother and sister having explicit sex. I am sure there are plenty of doujins with this, but Utena is neither a doujin, nor a hentai. >So what did they deconstructed? Gender roles, the idea or Prince Charming, knights fighting for a bride, femininity and taboo relationships. Keep in mind this was made in the 90s. >Reading all the posts about it, it sounds more like a Josei anime. It might be, I am not an expert on this subject.
>>19288 >So, nips being nips? Is "sweet home Alabama" popular over there?
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>>19290 No but most anime are niche products even in japan. Very few anime or manga reach mainstream popularity, so much of anime and manga is allowed to cater to niche fetishes like incest.
>>19292 >so much of anime and manga is allowed to cater to niche fetishes like incest. Not anymore. Tokyo Youth Ordinance bill 2011 banned both the display and sale of any manga/anime to minors in Tokyo that depicts a long list of 'unhealthy' things, including incest. This de facto bans it outright as obviously that's the largest retailer location for anything manga/anime in the world and youngsters contribute much to sales. Nobody in their right mind ever tries to publish one nowadays since it's financial suicide. The dream is dead.
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>>19295 >The Music Tapes Who? >Nesey Gallons Who? >Julian Koster Who?
>>19294 >Tokyo Youth Ordinance bill 2011 banned both the display and sale of any manga/anime to minors in Tokyo that depicts a long list of 'unhealthy' things, including incest. Plenty of non porn manga still has incestual undertones(or outright incest):https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?perpage=50&exclude_genre=Adult&category=incest&orderby=year . This ban only really affected shoujoshit and shounenshit that would occasionally omnipander and through niche fetishes like incestfags and lolishofags a bone. What seems to have happeed is that most of the niche shit got pushed to webcomics and smaller publishers.
>>19297 >>19298 >through niche fetishes like incestfags and lolishofags a bone Absolutely not. It was already a very niche market, and including it in the ban pushes it to the far off corners of the earth where it's assured to never be financially viable. There is no surprise that it's only webcomics now. I would even wager that the vast majority of the manga included in your links will never ever show it as anything more or less than harmless siscon/brocon hijinks or awful NBR.
>>19300 nah I've read some of the books an several are regular romcom style manga between siblings.
>>19300 >>19301 Should add that by several, I mean around 10 manga that were made post 2011 on that list that has a rating of at least a six and wasn’t yuri or yaoi. Granted that still isn't a lot but several of the authors have okay following counts ranging between 5,000 to 30,000 generally. The biggest one on the list might be Tsukudani Norio who has 500,000 and makes romcom manga based around her niche fetishes like incest and cross-dressing boys (but much of that popularity is because she’s a relatively famous e-celeb though, and I have no way of knowing which percentage are actual fetishists who read her manga.) Most mangaka that cater too niche fetishes usually aren’t super popular, but they never where even before the ban. Most niche fetishes shit was unlikely to get more than a handful of volumes even before the ban. Also, keep in mind that by webcomics I don't mean self-published comics necessarily. Most webcomics (at least the one's typically scanulated and translated that are more than a couple pages) in Japan are serialized in web magazines that are often run by offshoots of bigger publishers. Even the independent twitter comics frequently get published by traditional publishers if enough people retweet it.
>>18969 can't wait for the porn
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>>19315 You're three years late for that.
>can't even properly draw a character sitting in a chair FUCKING HOW
>>19031 You don't need to be explicit with the costs of the magic system. As you pointed out, Star Wars, LotR and Harry Potter (which has severe other issues) all negate this step. Unless the main focus of the show is on the magic itself, as opposed to just having magic present as an axilliary plot element, there's no need to dive into the details. No wait, here's a better way of putting it, if you are going to fucking bother to explain how the spell system works, then you need a cost. Specifically talking about the magic makes it a focus and it has to be costly.
>>19170 The power of Madoka isn't in it's narrative plot (though normies will point this out first because it's the easiest thing to grasp) it's the visually stunning animation. Say what you want about the witches worlds, nothing else looks like Madoka.
>>19329 Worse, they're so lazy they used compressed pngs for background objects. - >>19076
>>19334 >nothing else looks like Madoka. I won't be pedantic and point out that the animation for Madoka is lackluster when I know you meant aesthetic and certain directing choices. Even then, it's not special or unique, even if you reduce it solely to Shaft shows alone. Watch more anime.
>>19336 When I said animation I meant animation. I've seen everything of note from Shaft's catalog and none of it moves like Madoka. This comparison gets even stronger when you reduce it to just the magical girl sub-genre (with some notable exceptions, but none in Madoka's main domain.) Plus you make it sound like aesthetic could be separated from the animation in an animated show.
>>19337 >When I said animation I meant animation Oh, well my mistake then. I shouldn't have assumed you were not simply retarded. Even the lowest budget Precure have superior animation than Madoka on the regular.
>>19338 >Even the lowest budget Precure have superior animation than Madoka on the regular. An incredibly brave statement considering the trash Precure has put out at it's worst, even if I were to admit high-quality Precure was superior.
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Say hello to the new face of anyone who dares criticize this show.
>>19347 He has a point, althought I don't share the beating part
>>19334 >normies
>>19347 this is the second time this specfic nog has become the face of people who criticize prog shit. I remember seeing this same nigger get brought up shitty localizations and he had a chimp out at localization white knights. If he's not some sockpuppet trying to make criticsing this shit harder in normalfag spaces, than he's retarded even by nigger standards.
>>19329 pics?
>>19353 The OP.
>Blood and Violence >Cursing >References to weed and drugs Kids show btw
>>19353 Literally click on OP webm and watch how the tranny sits in the chair.
>>19380 Was it ever explicitly advertised as a kids show? I kind of assumed it was going to be one given the art style, but I was evidently wrong. As delusional as these people can be, I doubt they intended for the final product to be a kids show. I assume the artstyle choice was an attempt to be suversive. >This cartoon that has a sweet and innocent artstyle but is actually dark, violent, and full of cursing Fuck, I can see them masturbating as the thought crosses their mind. pic related
>>19239 >should I watch Utena? >>19235 >>19241 >>19242 >>19246 >>19245 Blessed and Utenapilled. Utena is my second favorite series, and considering that it's surrounded by Twin Peaks, Chernobyl, Breaking Bad, etc. You'll notice that it's highly out of place besides the quality. Utena is the Twin Peaks of anime, people go on lengthy essays to try explain it, but the main focus is to feel it, yes there's a plot, but it's totally secondary to the characters and that's something a lot of lib shit nowadays doesn't understand. Another thing is that Utena does deconstructs gender roles, especially really stiff ones in 90s Japan but it does it by "show don't tell", simply people having fun engaging outside their gender roles. What's Utena about? Much like Twin Peaks, despite all of the weird shit it's about Laura Palmer, Utena is a story about abuse and how hard is to overcome it and why some people allow themselves to be used and abused. Modern lefties that use Utena as some anthem for the LGBT community because it has LGBT characters (including one of the most despicable Epsteins in fiction) are only hitting the most superfluos and skin-deep layer of it, which shows why shows "inspired" by it like Steven Universe fall flat when touching upon those themes.
>>19384 Utena's main antagonist is literally every modern "male feminist". >samefag sage
>>19385 If by "male feminist" you mean a predator who camouflages himself as a feminist to get close up to his victims, like in that one Stonetoss comic, then I guess so, buy I see him more as what modern feminists would call The Patriarchy. He is the de facto principal of the school, so he has power and authority over the other female students. He sleeps with every girl he wants and every girl wants him so again this gives him power of others. He abuses his sister, manipulates his mother in law to poison her husband, and then sleeps with her, poisons his future wife as well, so he doesn't have a problem killing women, might even see them as objects. Regarding the hotel scene with Utena, I have seen a feminist argue that it was rape, not sure if I would go that far, but it definitely felt wrong to me, so at the very least feminists would see him being a rapist that uses his power to coerce women into sleeping with him. Lastly he believes in traditional gender roles, as he tries to make Utena into a princess, buys her jewelry, tells her that she looks better in a dress than in pants and that she should surrender herself to him, her Prince Charming.
Does anyone have a mega or something? I can't find the show anywhere and it looks like a fun time, in the way that horrible train-wrecks typically are.
>>19402 Can anons redeem this one?
>>19393 >I have seen a feminist argue that it was rape, not sure if I would go that far, but it definitely felt wrong to me, so at the very least feminists would see him being a rapist that uses his power to coerce women into sleeping with him. All rape is sexual abuse, not all sexual abuse is rape. Anthy has absolutely consensual sex with Akio, Utena as well, but it is obtained through years of manipulation In that case he would also subvert the patriarchal power, as he's a bisexual (or maybe just sociopathic) as well. Maybe to portray the hypocrisy, but it doesn't seem that way, since he never actually preaches against liberal anything, I thought he fits more with the liberal feminist predator, especially with his grandiose monologues that make him sound so "mature".
>>19402 It's been a week and not a single torrent. No one wants to watch or pirate this.
>>19411 >absolutely consensual sex The argument was something like this: >Akio brought Utena to a foreign place where she knew nobody and had no direct way of contacting anyone for help, so she was alone >her only means of leaving that place was through Akio's car(she didn't know how to drive), and she probably had no money to buy a train/bus ticket >her only source of a clean bed was through Akio, so there was "The Inplication" that if she didn't sleep with him, he would leave her alone in the foreign city with no money and no contacts >Akio had all the power in that moment, and Utena was helpless and powerless >as such it wasn't 100% consensual so it's rape Basically the scene from this webm. I do not agree that it was rape, but it did make me a bit uncomfortable, and I hated Akio even more for what he did to Utena and wished that she wouldn't have fallen for his charms. >In that case he would also subvert the patriarchal power, as he's a bisexual (or maybe just sociopathic) as well. I have seen feminist arguments, that the Patriarchy is toxic not just to women, but to men as well, as it reinforces bad behaviors into men as well, such as being violent and aggressive. They would probably cite how men would beat their children in the olden days, and those children, once they grew up and had a family, would also beat their kids, because this is what they believed to be normal, as well as their wives, because "men are bad". Akio was grooming Touga and Saionji, as well as asserting his male dominance on them, which perpetuated the so called "Patriarchy". I do not agree with these point 100%, I am just arguing for the sake of the debate, so that we might get closer to a truth, and because I think it's fun. >since he never actually preaches against liberal anything He says Utena shouldn't be a Prince, but a Princess, even forcefully dresses her up in a Princess dress, which reinforces the strict gender roles, as only men can be Princes and women can only be Princesses.
>>19413 I can probably agree with the rest but that whole first paragraph is a mess. I do agree that Utena's sex scene had very ambiguous consent, but with Anthy cannot be said the same. I think a problem with Utena's fandom in general is that it's a very confusing genre, magical realism, where there's no defined line between the literal or metaphorical, so her trying to find mundane solutions to the situation, (bus tickets, contacting people, etc) can't really apply. Besides, if we do go literal, it's not out of Utena's character to say NO! to abuse even if it had it cost her to risk all that. She was abused by manipulation, slowly chipping her confidence away into a position in which she would consent. We can all agree she was sexually abused and that's awful regardless whether it was rape or manipulation, but I choose to stick the rape definition to the use of force, in fact, that's one of the morals of the show because if you stick to claim everything is rape, other forms of abuse become less obvious like Anthy's.
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>>19414 I never said anything about Anthy, as I only focused on Utena. Regarding Anthy, their relationship definitely started as consensual, but now it's "toxic" and they are going through the motions. Not even Akio fully enjoys the act, as he is disturbed by Anthy's smile. My biggest objection, would be to the fact that it's incest, not that it's forceful or rape or sexual abuse. >We can all agree she was sexually abused and that's awful regardless whether it was rape or manipulation I can agree with that, it definitely was awful, and Akio didn't have the best intentions for her. As for what "rape" means, according to Merriam-Webster, it includes having sex with minors, since they can't consent, and Utena was 14 at the time, according to the wiki page, but someone will probably bring in the age of consent in Japan, however the last word "deception" definitely applies to what happened in that scene.
>>19415 Well, I don't think you can apply that "minor = rape" here, not because of Japan's age of consent but because, again, its magical realism. Anthy and Akio could be 14 and 20ish or several centuries old if you take the plot literally considering the intentional anachronism I'm guessing not, the series itself puts up for debate the meaning of age itself, placing the characters in a multi grade dorm where it's a microcosm of people of all ages interacting also points to this. >Utena is 14, so is Anthy, but they're considered "adults" by the 10 year old kid. >Kozue is 13, but she sleeps around with older classmates and maybe even teachers but not because she's mature enough, but out of pettiness. >Juri is 16, puberty finished, legal in most of the world yet too inmature to identify and escape her toxic relationship. >Touga and Saonji are 17, nearly adults in every sense and yet, like everyone else, are being manipulated by Akio, an adult whose words of maturity are empty but none of them is mature enough to notice. But so are manipulated his fiancé, who's technically and legally an adult. The only person who doesn't seem to be manipulated by Akio is his mother in law, seemingly being into it to a degree and Tokido from the Black Rose arc who comes from outside Akio's microcosm or coffin where he can manipulate teens as Anthy put it The series seems to lean into "adults can manipulate minors, even late, physically adult teens" which is obvious but for Japan is... revolutionary. But not "minors can't consent" not even IRL is that a thing since legally speaking, MINORS CAN CONSENT TO OTHER MINORS, just not to adults, since in the series that's one of the debates, not an outright answer.
>>19031 I love this silent cute short dork. When is she getting her long delayed but well deserved spin off series?
>>19418 Very well, I shall concede my point that it wasn't rape, at least in the common sense of the word(using threats of violence or blackmail), but it was in a more gray area as Utena clearly got manipulated, but at the same time she probably kinda wanted to do it with him. Even with the term "deception" it would probably apply more to things like lying to a woman that she has a terminal disease and the only cure is to have sex with you, and she falls for it. She would have sex, not because she wants to do it with you, but because she falsely believes that it's the only way for her to live. You might say that this example is a bit ridiculous, and you would be right, I just wanted to give a simple example. On the other spectrum would be Pick Up Artists, who use some rehearsed lines, and some psychology to get a woman to sleep with them, and even though some feminists will scream that this is also rape and manipulation, I wouldn't call it so, especially since even a great PUA will still have to go and approach a few dozen women, before scoring once. Of course Akio doesn't even compare to a PUA, just wanted to say that just by telling a girl that she is pretty, even though she isn't, just to get in bed with her, doesn't mean it's manipulation and rape. Now I think we should go back to the original argument, on whether Akio is a "male feminist" or "the Patriarchy", at least how feminists define Patriarchy? Personally, I believe that in this magical world, Akio is the more or less the embodiment of the Patriarchy.
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>>19380 >>19087 >The lesbian couple know the tranny from parties. >swinging parties. >>19412 https://rlsbb .ru/high-guardian-spice-s01-1080p-web-dl-x264-jew/ >>19419
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My computer knows.
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>>19380 It's a CalArts show they wanted to make for kids yet comes up with this.
>>19393 He did nothing wrong, females at the end of the day are sluts.
>>19421 >no torrent >RAPiDGATOR needs captcha I would love to webm this and upload it here, but fuck that shit.
>>19352 It's like that sperg Billy from One Angry Gamer and how he flipped his lid with a sensationalist "Traitors of America" list.
Crunchyroll’s Newest Anime Gets Review Bombed By Anti-LGBT+ Trolls >It’s no secret that Crunchyroll is one of the best ways to watch anime online. So when they announced they would be creating their own original show — High Spice Guardian — many were excited to see what the company could produce. >While the show originally faced tons of controversy when it was first announced, it was quite obvious that many people on the internet were incredibly excited for the show, with many users on Twitter and reviewers alike showing their support. >However, if you looked at the reviews and comments section for the show on Crunchyroll, you’d get an entirely different picture. >It seems that many anti-LGBT+ trolls, angry about the positive representation of queer people in the show, have taken to leaving as many negative reviews for the show as possible in an attempt to sabotage High Guardian Spice before it can take of >While anime spaces have previously been quite male-dominated in the US with a strong preference for shounen shows, there’s no denying how hits like Sailor Moon, Revolutionary Girl Utena, and Yuri on Ice brought in tons of diverse viewers back when they originally aired. >Likely just as has been the case in comics and video games, this is just another group of people angry to see something they love changing and trying to lash out against that change. >If you want to see what High Spice Guardian is all about to see if it’s good or bad for yourself, it’s streaming now exclusively on Crunchyroll. https://archive.ph/N8myN There damage control by journalists and SJWeebs is here.
>>19438 >>It’s no secret that Crunchyroll is one of the best ways to watch anime online. Stopped reading there.
>>19438 >It’s no secret that Crunchyroll is one of the best ways to watch anime online. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=F0K5s7-k9cs
I literally can't handle this shit, it has to be the most pozzed cartoon to date.
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>>19428 There's other links in the comments. >>19438 >It’s no secret that Crunchyroll is one of the best ways to watch anime online. animetosho and other websites diagree. >it was quite obvious that many people on the internet were incredibly excited for the show Please point out these people, who are not astroturfed bot accounts. >angry about the positive representation of queer people in the show Many places I've seen have this show being based by both sides. > there’s no denying how hits like Sailor Moon, Revolutionary Girl Utena, and Yuri on Ice brought in tons of diverse viewers back when they originally aired. Let's throw in some stuff that's just tangentially related to anime in a boiler plate comment about how anime is more diverse. This statement is fugging nothing.
>>19446 *bashed
>>19438 >many were excited to see what the company could produce. >>19441 Even more pozzed than Queer Force? >>19446 >There's other links in the comments. I'm on it.
>>19438 >it’s streaming now exclusively on Crunchyroll. Or your local imageboard!

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How old are the characters? They sound like old womyn. >make a pastel colored cartoon >its not for children goy!
>We must not let the mere present of weapons determine our actions What did they mean by this? >Centaur looks like a guy, but talks like a girl Well, at least the demongirl looks good.
What vow would you make to the well, anons?
That dwarf was lucky on not braking her neck.
For some reason the cat manage to make a staff. For some reason there is a "bizarro broom closet", why is it shaped that way? It would make sense if it was made for flying creatures in mind, but the damn thing is so stretch, that only fairies could move around it and yet, most of the stuff inside it is too big for the small corridors... And it was all a test, even though she didn't use the hammer in any meaningful way. Gee, she was lucky that she didn't DIE on the fall into the damn test. >The rotting >Nobody does anything except for a mutant cat >Mermaid boy likes girls, for now WeW! See you tomorrow!
>>19476 This really is bad.
Here we go!
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>Your mother was a slut used new magic >So, is new magic not that new? >Being a housewife is BAD! I want to be a strong independent womyn that goes to school! >I must save my little retarded brother in the most stupid way possible! >Hey, why didn't you get in the fucking bucket? You are small a dwarf after all >My little brother will not fall off while trying to get into the bucket! Don't worry. >You are sooo brave, go to school and don't become a housewife like me, even thought without your help, your brother would had died. >Dark elf parents are divorced, maybe because the mother is a dyke or the father is a sodomite or they cheat each other or... I don't know... What the fuck am I watching?
>Main Dyke is annoying, red head drops a truth bomb on her ass >Hey, don't bully! >Try new magic, doesn't read a book first to know how to use it >Plants eat flesh, but didn't kill the blonde girl Its going to be a long season. Also, looks like new magic is going to be destroying the world or something, since the old magic actually has some kind of rules in it. Red head and black elf are not that bad, to bad they are going the sodomite route soon.
>You can do it! >She does Magic, how does it work?

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>Destruction, decay >mfw >RIP redhead

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>Dwarf stops redhead from bullying the Main dyke >Dwarf bullies blondie so that the nigger can get first place Really makes you think. Also the cylindrical things where spinning in one direction, and then they change it to another direction in the next shot.
>Student dying? Whatever!

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That fucking dragon scene, all of it.

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>Dark elf's father has a nigger voice >mfw >redhead is going full faggot How low will he go?
>>19503 >Episode 8 Don't tell me they made 12 episodes of this crap. Do they even know why most modern anime is 12 episodes, or 24 for a 2-cour series, or did they just copy that to make it "more like anime"? Sadly, I think I know the answer.

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>The kissing booth is that way if you are looking for girls or guys or cats, I don't judge That scene encapsulates this whole shit show. >special cookies >when the degenerates turn into stone, nobody falls to the ground >tranny head got bigger
>>19498 They say early on that "new magic" lets you do "anything you want," and to a communist the narrative matters more than objective reality (which can't exist to them). So magic works by you wanting something to happen and then it happening. Unless you're a tranny, then you still have to take hormone torture every month because "if I'm not oppressed, I have no identity!"
>>19509 It's still fucking hilarious that trannies must remind everyone they are trannies.
>Cat is kicking the main dyke ass >Engine noises >Main dyke cuts cat and she is shock >Cat abilities and power goes puff, because the episode needs to get resolved now I wish people would start falling down and braking up, but that won't happen.
>>19509 In a universe with magic, why not have magic give people the ability to change sex on a whim? Like being a transnigga would never be a thing if you could just magic yourself into the perfect woman. People would just do that and continue on with their lives instead of being retarded and constantly whining about how hard it is because they want to be different.
>>19512 >why not have magic give people the ability to change sex on a whim? Because the writers are retards. Thinking about it, two scenarios could happen as a result of magical sex-changes: <Sexuality becomes irrelevant as anyone can fulfill any sexual fetish their partner desires, thereby making people with vanilla preferences out to he the odd-balls <Ultra conservatism as people develop systems to detect and oust people who are degenerate enough to use magic to change themselves
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>>19513 >>19496 >Dwarves become Ultra-Ultra conservative. >Any hint of tranny magic means excommunication from the society. >Dwarf mom here used New Magic to become a woman. >Dwarf Dad Ultra fucking pissed.
>>19513 Fuck, if they wanted to go for that stupid ass victimization plot, they could've gone with a universe where the latter is the case. It'd still be stupid, but at least there'd be a more understandable reason for the victimization. Or go even further and have people view any mages from the school as sexual deviants since the school openly supports the kind of magic that lets you become the opposite sex while other magic users disavow such practices.

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>girl turns into a tranny >still let guys fuck her ass Mental illness, is impossible to understand. >Redhead is not THAT much of a faggot >Sage like boys like look like girls It's almost over. >mfw
>>19518 > Mental illness, is impossible to understand. No, it's actually rather simple. Being fucked by a guy while being a guy is a far different experience than being fucked by a guy while being a girl.
Do the main pink and blue haired cousins go dyke for each other after all or was that just a pointless tangent?
>>19519 Magical genderbending being here, anal feels roughly the same as both sexes. Only vaginal feels different (for obvious reasons).
>>19521 What about the balls slapping, and the lack of mounds?
>>19519 >No, it's actually rather simple. Being fucked by a guy while being a guy is a far different experience than being fucked by a guy while being a girl. Of course, but the tranny will never be a real man.
We wuz elfs an' shiieeett!
>>19524 Pretty sure whatever magical potion the tranny is drinking gives him a functioning set of spermtanks and XY chromosomes. If that isn't a man then what exactly is one to you?
>>19526 One born a man.
>>19527 I don't understand than, how to you define when someone is born a man? Do you perhaps check the genitalia/chromosomes?
>>19529 A man is a man. A man who was born a man. Stays a man. No amount of surgery changes that. Likewise, magic bullshit spells that also still require hormones to keep it active doesn't make that bitch a man.
>>19530 >Likewise, magic bullshit spells that also still require hormones to keep it active doesn't make that bitch a man. It still has to take hormones?
>>19533 Yeah. She says explicitly she has to keep taking a potion every so often to keep the spell going.
>>19534 If it was permanent and not monthly then you would be fine with it?
>>19535 It would still be dumb transformation magic they'd still use as a metaphor for being trans but it would be better than what it currently is.

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>Pic What did they mean by this?
>>19526 >gives him a functioning set of spermtanks and XY chromosomes >him Doubt it, I bet its just a fake sausage and two balls of lard between her legs. After all she needs to keep drinking the potion to have a pseudo male body.
>>19536 Why would it be better? I can see the hormones allegory you're taking issue with, but for me the important intellectual difference is whether or not it gets XY chromosomes for the period and can actually get something pregnant. I guess I can't say definitively the character is in such a case, but for such a progressive show I'm pretty sure they'd have a 20 minutes monologue about how that's just as "heckin' valid shitlords" if all it is is a glorified pair of meattube. >>19538 Too lazy to type him/her/it everytime and I'm taking the stance that if we have magic it's "perfect" sex change until explictly stated otherwise. If "can get a woman pregnant" is not male enough for you and "can get pregnant and carry a baby to term" isn't female enough for your definitions then I can't have a meaningful conversation with you.
>>19540 >I can't have a meaningful conversation with you. OK.

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>Redhead being a unstable faggot >Straight romances are trash

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>nobody questions your manhood Eh, I knew it, she is a fake guy even with magic. >Redhead going full tranny >nigger elf going full dyke RIP. I guess the only good characters are the fathers. >Old cunt doesn't kill the sea monster with a smile What the hell? >Sage use new magic >Kills sea monster by accident >Is not your fault Magic works only when the plot demands it. >They start to blame the big bad >mfw
>>19544 This episode is hilarious because they went out to save the dragon only to slay it and blame it on an evil guy.
>tell Main dyke to keep a secret >She tells the secret at the drop of a hat It was her fucking mother and yet she didn't give a single fuck. The psycho isn't that bad. >tranny teacher kicks the psycho ass, by combining old magic with new magic gee I wonder if this is going to be relevant later >tranny teacher get his ass kicked off screen Can let her fail on screen. I wish the fucking teachers were dead, the demongirl would had to go, but is a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
>catgirl betrays psycho shocking noone
>Sage manage to combine old magic with not so new magic at the spot, even thought she only heard of the term a few minutes ago >Psycho is sentence by death, didn't even manage to kill a background character What a shame. >Big bad are 3 guys If that is true, it would be lame, but knowing this is a tranny cartoon, the big bad is going to be a strong womyn.
>>19548 And that is all she/he/his/zir wrote. Did you rike it?
>>19549 It needs to die. Hopefully no S2.
>>19544 Why does every man in these fucking shows who isn't some sort of bara type end up becoming trans? Can't a twink stay a twink?
>>19551 Because legit fags hate, Hate, HATE bisexuals. And, I cannot emphasize that enough.
>>19552 But why?
>>19553 Who knows, but all reports from bisexual people claim that, whenever they reveal to a homosexual that they swing both ways, they immediately experience legitimate harassments that's everything short of death threats.
>>19540 Nigger its better if magic goes all the way with being gender bending magic than just being a shit metaphor for irl trannies.
>>19553 Autistic tribalism. since bisexuals aren't explicitly on their side they're considered "enemies", even more than heterosexuals because heteros don't threat their dating/fucking pool.
>>19466 >8:00 they cast a Door spell This simple spell of them, destroyed all sense of consistency and logic the show might have, that's it 8 minutes and the show makes no sense at all, and yes you can have those in a high magic setting as well. At first I though it was some sort of pocket dimension spell, and I could have accepted that, though it would ask the question on the state of architecture when wizards can conjure up rooms, but they looked out a window and they saw the city, so this room is in their apartment, so it's a pseudo teleportation spell. Then I started wondering about it's limits, could they have opened the portal to their home town so that they could sleep in their original rooms? Let's say it has extremely limited range(no explanation), could they make a portal to their neighbor's room and play pranks on him or steal from him? Is there some sort of barrier to prevent things like this? Maybe they had to draw some complicated runes on both sides of where the portal is, and you need to know a passphrase to create it, and that could have been explained with a simple throwaway line. I guess the explanation for such a thing is that it saves up space, that you don't need to put doors, and instead can fill the space with a couch or a painting. Ok, but how long is the spell active? Do they need to re-cast it every morning? It seems that it needs the two of them to be cast it(and it doesn't look like a complicated spell, so they are low tier wizards, or maybe lesbian wizardry is inferior to heterosexual wizardry, or maybe new magic is actually shit tier), so what happens if one of them is bed-ridden and can't perform the ritual, then what? You can't access the kitchen and toilet anymore? Can't even escape the bedroom? Do they cry for help from the window, for a magic door repair man to come in and cast the spell for them? What if you are carrying stuff, and need to exit the room, but the spell got deactivated? Gotta put the stuff down, cast the spell and then pick them up again, sounds like a pain. What if the spell failed, and they are on the opposite sides of the room? It looks like they need to hold hands, so they are fucked again, gotta call the magic door repair man? Does the spell start flashing red or starts to fade to indicate when it's about to disappear? But wait, there's more, seven seconds later we see that the inside of the room, has a door opened, and since this is part of the apartment, it means that somewhere in the apartment they already had the room opened, so what was the point of this spell in the first place? Just walk a few feet and you enter the room, did they wall the room in, and now the only way you can access it is either with this spell that needs to two of them, or through the window. Why go through the trouble of this, magic is supposed to make things convenient, but there is no point in this spell whatsoever. It would have made more sense, if they cast the spell when they entered the apartment complex to skip the stairs, and then close the spell, THAT would have made sense. But wait, there's more, at 11:11 she single-handedly opens a portal to the dining room, so it doesn't need the two of them, so that scene when they held hands, was just for show, so I guess they don't need the magic door repair man, but then a few seconds later you see that the other lesbian was in the kitchen making panckakes, so how did they originally enter the kitchen? Did they open the portal, cook the pancakes, and cookies take the tray and close the portal? For what reason did they close the portal? Just to open it again? You also see that this dining room has an exit that probably connect to their apartment, so again, why waste magic on such a spell? Just for show? Why didn't they cast it when they entered the apartment complex, so that they could skip the stairs? Apparently they have no problem climbing a few floors, but walking a few extra feet, now that's hard. I gotta stop thinking, otherwise my mind will blow, as the more I think, the more questions are raised. I am not sure if it's the writers or the concept art artists that should be blamed, all I know is that they put ZERO thought in this whole thing.
>>19553 Faggots hate them because bisexuals can 'retreat into a normal life' at any point. A guy who is bi can stop fucking men, marry a woman, have a nice normal life. Faggots hate that. Straights hate bisexuals because they fuck guys, which is fucking gay.
>>19555 It's a shit metaphor for trannies either way.
>>19553 Because all the letters hate each other, specially the H.
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>>19559 >A guy who is bi can stop fucking men, marry a woman, have a nice normal life. Faggots hate that. Straights hate bisexuals because they fuck guys, which is fucking gay. Yeah, pretty much this. They LITERALLY have a choice and they occasionally CHOOSE to take a dick. That makes them far worse than average rump-wranglers.
>>18969 >"I was born in the wrong body" >"What?" >"I used magic so I have an actual penis and not just a pump wrapped in skin painfully peeled from my body." >"Wait, so you're saying that the only way to actually change sexes is through magic?" >trannies faces when Upon reflection, I love this. It wasn't enough for Kate Leth to ruin the memory of some guy or Hellcat, she has somehow managed to accidentally insult all the trannies by robbing them of their denial with a handwave of magic. They're super sensitive about any implied criticism and they're going to lose their damaged minds.
>>19568 >>19559 Straights hate bisexuals because they're gays in denial, because the fact of the matter is that anyone who isn't straight is gay. Bisexuals argue over who is more gay, but it doesn't matter, because to the vast majority of people, gay is gay. They say it's a spectrum, but anyone who isn't all the way over to one side is gay.
>>19571 Based absolutist
>>19572 It's not even "absolutism." It's that this whole thing about sexuality being a "spectrum" only matters to like 1% of people. 99% of people are just straight. The rest is just a bunch of gays arguing over who is more gay.
>>19544 This show gets worse and worse but at the same time it gets better and better holy fuck, its like Schrodingers Cat with these shows. >3:20 >Redhead has completely become deranged >Redhead has daddy issues and resents his father just because he tried to teach him to stand up for himself <I hate being a guy I see the beautiful mermaids, I want to be a warrior with soft small hands, baby face and beautiful like mermaids, but I am a guy <and I cant change what I am >Actually tranny listening and interjects <HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF TRANSITION MAGIC? This fucking show fucking holy shit
Aw man, someone needs to stream this so bad. I would love to shit on this shitpile with other anons.
>>19582 >steam The episodes have already been uploaded in webm format. Just download them, and stream them yourself on watch.8ch.moe or some other place.
>>19438 review bomb this, review bomb that, how come these faggots stay silent when review doping occurs?
>>19585 c'mon nigger. You damn well know why.
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>>19571 >because the fact of the matter is that anyone who isn't straight is gay. Based
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>>19583 I think anon means that he would enjoy watching it and making fun of it with others, whereas your solution would cause him to suffer and eventually fist-fuck his monitor to death.
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>>19544 >"You let a small boy overpower you and treat your rabbit like a beanbag? Well now you're fucking going to have to take it from ME!" >"But you're my dad. He's my older brother. You'll just stand there and take it, laughing, while he'll beat seven shades of fuck out of me! >"HA HAAAA!" <Later... >"No one's questioning YOUR manhood!" >"Oh, sweetie, you have no idea! I was born a woman, but I used magic to turn myself into a lispy, faggy, yass-qween homosexual man!" <Later >"Hey, why don't you STAY a mermaid! Then we can fuck!" >"How do you fuck?" >"I lay my eggs in the corner and they you go jizz on them!" >"But... but wouldn't I just lay more eggs?" >"...I have not thought this through." <Later >"I... I think I'm a female warrior trapped in a male warrior's body!" >"Dude... you really aren't. You're a female warrior trapped in a twink's body." >"Wut?" <Later >"Hey! Let's go act like silly lolrandom cunts while hunting a monster that can kill us!" >"Good idea!" <Later >"Huh... that didn't work, somehow." >"Let's trap him, instead! >"Sure! What could go wrong?" <Later >"Hey, I'm going to take advantage of your adolescent confusion and groom you as my fucktoy, 'kay?" >"Yes sir! I mean ma'am! I mean--" I knew I would hate this show, but this faggy shit in the writing makes Steven Universe look like Totoro.
>>19467 > End Credits THEY LISTENED TO THIS SHIT AND SAID THIS SINGING WAS ACCEPTABLE? Even the wibbly auto-tune couldn't save the fucking singing. What a fucking scam
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>>19467 <disclaimer: semi on-topic so skip if you're easily triggered or the BO. But I repeat myself... So, anyone with a passing knowledge of /v/ probably knows that Resetera is to vidya as toilet paper stuck to the devil's vagina is to fine cuisine. It's a shitty terrible place full of subhumans who think that regular SJWs aren't "woke enough." I have a story to tell that has a little bit of relation to this "amerime" that has a point. >game comes out >it's Pokémon mixed with furfags mixed with lesbians >"Yay! Woke as fuck!" screamed the faggy gaming press >turns out the lesbians behind the game are absolute TERFs >Resetera goes absolutely nucking futs and begins their usual campaign of harassment at steam >one little problem >Newell's flunkies realize they're in a very bad position: they either offend the lesbian customers or the tranny customers >decide the only way to win is not to play >TERFsbians find out >put game on sale for 41% off >this, for those not in the know, is the same estimated percentage of tranny suicides >Resetera loses whats left of its collective sanity and starts review bombing the ever loving shit out of it >people (like me) with money in their steam wallet (and nothing better to do with it than make these absolute madlasses slightly richer) buy the game to make Resetera so mad, they accidentally crush their dialators >play the game >it's literally Pokémon except they can transform from animals (when not fighting) into tomboy lesbian waifus for your lesbian trainer character >I'mokaywiththis.jpg >Then we get to combat >Oh my fuck, the combat >the TERFs decided to reinvent the wheel, and had decided that what the world REALLY wanted was a wheel shaped like a rhombus >just awful >couldn't finish it >couldn't even make it out of the first region >managed to get to next area, only to deal with complicated analogy for coming out of the closet (which is retarded, because nearly EVERYONE you encounter is a loud and proud lesbian) where a girl isn't sure she should adopt a fighting tomboy waifu (although badly wants to) and then is seduced by the animal in her human form >"What in the--?" >finally realize I'm not going to see "Your lezzémon has learned 'Scissor'" and uninstall the game Why bring this up? I'll tell you why. The relationship dynamics are all the same in that clip as they were in the game. The same as Garnet's mini-selves in Steven Universe. They must be lesbian tropes or something. >"I'm sweet and needy!" >"I'm gruff and no nonsense!" >"We're the old married lesbian couple, and we have seen it all and smile at the silliness of youth. And we're also sweet and gruff." >"I'm the cute little animal! Better catch me, dykes!" >"Oh, you little tease! I'm going to endanger myself and my genital-servicer to catch you!" This can't even be considered grooming, at this point. Grooming is supposed to somehow appeal to the victims. Like lesbian She-Ra, this is just these sad, pathetic freaks making a cartoon for THEMSELVES and NO ONE ELSE so they can pretend they're normal.
>>19513 >>19514 >>19515 Those are really cool ideas, It truly makes me want to write something with that premise.
>>19518 I'm not a psychologist or anything but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the fact that transexualism is related to not identify your biological sex (penis, vagina, external sex characteristics in general) as yours, when sexuality is related to sex preferences. In simpler words, trans is related to whether or not someone sees himself as a man or as a woman while sexuality is whether you want to fuck/be fucked by girls or boys. Maybe he just likes prostate stimulation. >>19524 >>19538 Well, as fas as I know they never explained how those potions exactly works: If she gets XY chromosomes, balls, penis and prostate on top of the physical appearance then you could consider it as an actual male human being.
>>19474 So, did Warrior Mother not teach Rosemary responsible Sword ownership??? Like, in a funny medieval/fantasy world, one would think warriors would teach their children the responsibilities associated with having a FUCKING WEAPON?
High Guardian Spice gets reviewed-bombed after it’s release >High Guardian Spice is out yesterday on Crunchyroll but unfortunately, it’s not getting a good review as any anime or original or whatever you like to call it, (particularly an anime-style fantasy cartoon). >We have seen cartoon-inspired animes before High Guardian Spice, such as Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt and Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi, and also Akubi Chan. However over the years, not much cartoon-style anime would gain that much popularity like the way Panty and Stocking with Gartherbelt had and it’s considered “lost media”. >But for High Guardian Spice, the story behind this Crunchyroll original it’s not really getting a very good reception as they thought it would get. Although some call the show cute and colorful due to the magical girl aesthetic and family-friendly it was considered to be adult content due to its violence and strong and foul language. >And of course, somebody has the audacity to call the show “it’s too painful to watch” but seriously did you watch the show you’re hate-watching it just to stir up some outrage. >Okay, it was a bit harsh to bring this sentence up, but sadly you often cases where YouTubers and other anime fans would often criticize any anime based on their opinion. It is like Kpop stans and netizens have a say about their Kpop idols and mostly criticize them because they don’t like their having their own personality as a human would, they only like them for their music and treat them like they are their objects of desire. >As of High Guardian Spice, despite the anime streaming site Crunchyroll having its own problems, like watching the video and the buffering which was an absolute waste of time, at least the show looks quite cute and somewhat decent. >But let’s face it, people still call it “woke garbage” and “not considered anime-worthy” but calling a show “woke garbage” due to its so-called political outlook just feels like that it’s a complete insult to the creator and the crew who worked on the show. Although the show did have a bit of some error with the voice acting and the frame-by-frame ratio, it feels like they’re trying to make it look almost anime-style original. It had been under a negative controversy which explains the negative impact that came with it. >Anywho, you don’t have to like High Guardian Spice, but if you watch it for yourself and at least give it a chance, you’ll be surprised how far it would go. https://archive.ph/TVPaS Journalists and SJWeebs still mad.
>>19603 >We have seen cartoon-inspired animes before High Guardian Spice, such as (...) Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi This fucker doesn't know a shit what he's talking about
>this entire mp4 If the show had more baffling moments like these, I would have called this a good guilty pleasure but for the most part the actual show leans way to hard in being gay catgirl, amaryllis and granny rosebud are probably the best characters this show has to offer - if anything I got robbed for not seeing amaryllis as a mermaid >>19543 >>19544 >Forgetting to comment that snapdragon (redhead) just beats the living shit out of the tranny hater for insulting him for wanting to be a mermaid - which snapdragon is so feminine and gay that he breaks his wrist in the process, wristlets lmao >Later learns that it was snapdragon's father taught him to take what's yours. Your brother took your pet? Fight for it. >In the end, he still wanted to be a mermaid anyways absolutely comedic
>>19600 >Well, as fas as I know they never explained how those potions exactly works I guess just in real life, it doesn't. >>19611 >the dragon scene They can't do NO wrong, the dragon had to go on his way to say "I'm OK." Same shit with the sea monster "Its not your fault, its the big bad fault!" And to top it all off, the miracle water does whatever the plot demands it to do from cure, accelerate growth or rejuvenate.
>>19612 It's more of the voice of the dragon, the abrupt explosion into fireworks and then followed up with rosemary being a fucking dumbass to sage about how that's stars are made. I did not predict this at all.
>>19586 i mean yeah, but im looking for excuses to bring "review doping" into common vernacular, due to the fact that a bite-size descriptor for the up-vote equivalent to review bombing isn't a thing that is in use currently to my knowledge.
>>19612 >>19613 Regarding the dragon it's pretty obvious they try to pull out a Bathos but It went like shit like every single thing they do on this shit show
>>19467 >make a pastel colored cartoon >its not for children goy! Not defending this shitshow by any means, but what the fuck kind of argument is that? Are you seriously suggesting that if a cartoon decides to cover itself in bright colors, it MUST be "for kids"?
>>19635 >if a cartoon decides to cover itself in bright colors, it MUST be "for kids"? You would be amazed how many people actually believe this. Either they won't even give the show a try, or the bright colors will vaporize their brain and no matter the narrative content within it'll still be toddler shit to them
>>19635 >Are you seriously suggesting that if a cartoon decides to cover itself in bright colors, it MUST be "for kids"? Isn't that what Happy Tree Friends tried to subvert almost twenty years ago, yet people still fall for it?
>>19611 Could you please make a webm of the scene when the teacher mentions fucking HRT to the to Snaperagon and later adds it's okay if he wants to do that?
>>19635 Read some of the news articles about the show, most of them mention that it's for kids/all audiences and how happy they are that children media is putting this so far away, the thing is the show doesn't start having blood, swearing and sex jokes until like episode four so it's implyied those fuckers didn't watch the show beyond the first episode. But what really bothers me is how out of place the sex jokes and blood are. It feels out of place, like when Rosemary gets stabbed during the crab fight and she passes out for Blood lost, it's so unnecessary, It feels forced
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>>19611 All around the world, babies die every day, but Kate Leth lives on and on and on, grower fatter and more dykey as she progresses
>>19635 > Not defending this shitshow by any means, but what the fuck kind of argument is that? Are you seriously suggesting that if a cartoon decides to cover itself in bright colors, it MUST be "for kids"? When their entire fucking aesthetic and their so called "Character Development" hinges on being as childish and unambiguous as possible, yeah, it's 100% intended for the youths
>>19656 >hinges on being as childish and unambiguous as possible, yeah, it's 100% intended for the youths Not that anon, but that's wrong. It could also be intended for manchildren too ashamed of liking shit for youths that feel the need to make their shit edgy to compensate.
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>>19635 >Not defending this shitshow by any means, but what the fuck kind of argument is that? Are you seriously suggesting that if a cartoon decides to cover itself in bright colors, it MUST be "for kids"? Not that anon but it's obviously TARGETING itself to children in order to fuck their brains. Kids like bright colors. Now, SHOULD it be for kids? Absolutely not. Is it attempting to APPEAL to kids? You'd better believe it. You can't indoctrinate children with greys and browns.
>>19421 I did have an idea of running a windows vm and using obs studio to record the playback, >>19466 >>19467 >>19470 >>19472 >>19474 >>19476 >>19496 >>19497 >>19498 >>19499 >>19500 >>19501 >>19502 >>19503 >>19507 >>19511 >>19518 >>19525 >>19537 >>19543 >>19544 >>19546 >>19547 >>19548 but yeah there's this lol
>>19683 >>19421 You can easily get your own webrips straight from crunchyroll. https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp
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>>19034 >3rd webm >"i just came here to cry"
>>19087 >1st webm NOTHING HAS IMPACT this small child just cuts through spiders twice her size with a big ass sword and then troughs impaled spiders like its nothing these fuckers dont need no magic
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>>19518 >>still let guys fuck her ass >Mental illness, is impossible to understand. I forgot the word for it but it's pretty much AGP for women, except they want to be a gay man. So short all fujoshi are potential trannies.
>>19708 That would be autoandrophilia.
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I'm honestly confused. As much as they're a bunch of talentless hacks, I should be able to at least discern what the point of the exercise is. Steven Universe is trash, but I at least understand what the creators are going for. Thundercats GO is trash, but at least I understand what the creators are going for. I don't understand what this show is trying to be. The art style, setting and character ages say to me that it's supposed to be aimed at children like an actual Mahou Shoujou anime. Alright, but this >>19423 matched with drugs, cursing and violence tells me this isn't the case, so obviously, that is not the goal. Now there are some options left. >We *subvert your expectations* partway through the series and take what was appearing to be innocence and for kids for adults >We are doing an ironic anime show, like the Gotron Ferrets from Rick and Morty, the joke is that anime is silly and we will point out the silliness. >We are doing a "dark deconstruction" of magical girls. Not everything is sunshine and rainbows, there's suffering, anguish and despair. These girls are getting deflowered by the cruel nature of the darker sides of reality. Magical girls but mature. First is write out the window, they come out heavy and strong from the start, so there's no way to subvert later. There's no intelligence to writing and nothing is being presented as a joke to be laughed at, it appears very sincere in it's presentation, that throws option 2 out. Last and all that's left is option 3, but, for all it's swearing and violence, I don't see any part of this plot that's meant to appeal to adults. Am I supposed to be entranced by these girls struggles to fight out of a cave for a grade or something? Am I supposed to be invested in the oversimplistic representation of good vs evil? Nothing is wrong with those things, when they're presented in the appropriate light. The blood splashing all over the place tells me this is supposed to be taken somewhat seriously, this isn't plastic stretchy cartoony Tom & Jerry violence. These things we are fighting are dying. I believe other things are dying. What exactly was the point? >they were just so stupid that they thought adding blood, cursing and drugs made it for adults Not quite, because they go out of the way to do stupid things like mentioning tranny shit as well, to give the appearance of depth. So obviously they understand to some extent that these kind of narratives exist (just take a look at Kaine from NieR for a hermaphrodite getting a nuanced story), but they just exposition vomit it. If they weren't aiming or had no understanding of depth they wouldn't have done so. >it's a scam Maybe but if you're going to scam you can make double the money by actually turning a profit with the product, and even if you don't, if you invest more money in the project to make it look better doesn't that mean bigger scam = more money = there should have been more quality? >propaganda There are better methods of delivery for the propoganda. Sure, the tranny character and the lesbian characters are whatever, but the show doesn't even revolve around them. They're mentioned, they're somewhat relevant, they word vomit being LGBT, but that doesn't mean the narrative of the show has anything interesting going on propoganda-wise. Unless I missed the plotline where one of the characters is questioning being a tranny and the show is about them exploring being a tranny like Wandering Son which even does tranny propaganda better than they did. What were the creators trying to do?
>>19785 That's a lot of words to dance around the obvious. It's just shitty woke propaganda trying to peddle itself as a serious story, by shitty woke twittertrannies. Does it surprise you in any way that they're utterly incompetent at anything even remotely related to intelligent design, like say storycrafting?
>>19788 If it's just unapologetic propaganda the trannies would main characters not side notes. Being a nigger would be a main plot thread not a side note.
>>19785 >What were the creators trying to do? A full fledged series from the Madoka fanfics they first wrote when they were teenagers and later edited to add more minorities. It's painfully obvious that many of the ideas for the show were conceived when the authors were in that phase where cursing and blood impresses them and makes them think they look more mature by doing the same. Also source on that manga.
>>19789 Don't be retarded. Things don't have to be blatantly in your face to still qualify as propaganda; that's only the perception of the dumbest gorilla nigger who deserves to be propagandized. It's still woke activism even if the tranny isn't on screen dilating every single second. To the credit of the creators of the show, at the very least they understood that. They aren't completely and utterly braindead.
>>19789 Not that anon, but That's a strict definition of propaganda, Tokenism exists nigger. You also forget that if you're a prog you are not allowed write about "oppressed" groups unless you're a member of said group or you have some liaison that guarantees it"s "acceptable" or "inclusive". Most of the people working on this seem to be white dykes with maybe a couple of people further down the alphabet working on it.
>>19790 >A full fledged series from the Madoka fanfics they first wrote when they were teenagers and later edited to add more minorities. I've read this but I can't actually find the original early comics. Do you have sauce for that claim so I can make a comparison? The original comic looks superior to the show. >Also source on that manga. If you read my post you would know it's Wandering Son. Japanese troon propoganda at least done competently. Hell I'd say it even has nuance. >>19791 >Things don't have to be blatantly in your face to still qualify as propaganda; that's only the perception of the dumbest gorilla nigger who deserves to be propagandized. Well glad to see we came to a similar conclusion. Now that we've clarified the propaganda is a side note, what is the story trying to be in absence of it. If your answer is "nothing", then refer to the earlier statement that if it's pure propaganda it should just be pure propaganda. >>19792 >Not that anon, but That's a strict definition of propaganda, Tokenism exists nigger. Glad to see we agree, tokenism is indeed real. Then, the question becomes what are the tokens being used in service to? The Power Rangers reboot had tokenism, but I can still tell what the main point of the endeavor is apart from the tokenism. If this is another case of tokenism, what was the attempt? >You also forget that if you're a prog you are not allowed write about "oppressed" groups unless you're a member of said group or you have some liaison that guarantees it"s "acceptable" or "inclusive". Most of the people working on this seem to be white dykes with maybe a couple of people further down the alphabet working on it. Reasonable I suppose. Supposing I agreed with you and this was the case then, the dykes should have a main focus dyke. If it's not the main focus, and just tokenism, what is the tokenism in service of?
>>19794 >Now that we've clarified the propaganda is a side note No. It's not a side note. It's not incidental. You keep demanding answers for the poor story you just can't quite figure out the purpose of, completely oblivious to what's right in front of your face. The story is the side note, you stupid gorilla nigger, and the propaganda is the raison d'etre of the endeavor, even if it's more subtle than you personally conceive propaganda to be. Yet every single bit of propaganda ever invented has to have a vehicle of deliverance. With High Guardian Spice that's the story, and that's why it's fucking awful, because it genuinely doesn't need to be good to accomplish its goal. Just watching the initial promotional video for it should tell you exactly what the main priority was in creating it. They weren't 'subtle' there, at least.
>>19797 >You keep demanding answers for the poor story you just can't quite figure out the purpose of, completely oblivious to what's right in front of your face. Well yes you see I ask the question because I don't see the answer, if I wasn't "blind" I wouldn't need to ask now would I? I would just be joining the rabble. >The story is the side note, you stupid gorilla nigger, and the propaganda is the raison d'etre of the endeavor, even if it's more subtle than you personally conceive propaganda to be. >subtle Is it subtle or is it not? I'm honestly confused here. >Yet every single bit of propaganda ever invented has to have a vehicle of deliverance. Not really unless we're delving inside the rabbit hole of "all media is political". >Just watching the initial promotional video for it should tell you exactly what the main priority was in creating it. They weren't 'subtle' there, at least. Yeah I hear the tranny propaganda and the diversity trumpet, but again, there's no main allegory that involves it either. Let me give you an example. Steven Universe is saturated with progressive bullshit. Do we agree on this? Assuming you do, there's plenty of overt shit. However, there's an underbelly to it to, the entire concept of "fusion" as explored in the show has some degree of sexual allegories going into it, with even on episode delving into "consenting to fuse with someone". So there's the overt propaganda, and the subvert propaganda, using these terms what is the subvert propaganda?
>>19798 >the entire concept of "fusion" as explored in the show has some degree of sexual allegories going into it not the dude you answered to, but what you are saying is that when greg and steven fused it was incest?
>>19799 Probably.
>>19798 The writers have stated that fusion was meant to be a metaphor for relationships, both platonic and otherwise, and if they'd actually treated it that way, fine, but when the fusions with the most screentime have romantic connotations behind them, it's no wonder people said, 'This shit is just sex, isn't it?' They shot themselves in the foot and made the show look a billion times worse than it already did.
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>Story about four girls going to a school to become adventurers >The main cast stars a spunky pink swordsman, a blue-haired wizard, a yellow melee fighter, and an elf >One of the teachers is secretly evil >There's some yuri/lesbian overundertones This is just Endro! but bad. Conveniently, Endro! is also free on the same service as this abortion if someone in deadset on using it.
>>19785 >What were the creators trying to do? Justify their existance to the new investors, I wager. If I'm not mistaken CrunchyRoll was bought out by some larger company not too long ago and I suppose they had to prove why they should still exist when they aren't really doing anything.
>>19802 This looks like garbage
>>19814 I meant more in an artistic sense, but if it's just a money pushing scam I suppose that makes sense purely in that sense. My only problem with that theory is why having an in house animation studio would somehow prove they have value as a streaming service? Maybe trying to weedle in on that "Netflix production" dosh?
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>>19825 >>19824 >anime industry literally kills their artists with overwork and underpay Getting tired of this retarded Western myth. Outside acclaimed Japanese third parties have investigated animator salaries and found them to actually be fairly high. Higher than your average salaryman (the prototypical dream job), in fact. It's only the lowest of the low on the totem pole of animators, like crappy inbetweeners, that have shitty pay and that's totally fine and standard. Overwork is a separate issue and emblematic of Japanese business culture in its entirety. Good luck tackling that. Other than that I have no sympathy for the rest of the screenshots. They can whine and complain about how CR advertised and preemptively sunk their show all they want, but they clearly agree with the spirit, intent, and ideas behind the promotion as evidenced by their terrible woke show. The sheer act of creating in and of itself does not automatically warrant applause and accolades, so I'm glad to hear that they were treated like shit and ignored from then on. That's the only proper response to marxists.
>>19825 >literally having to pimp his show for views Ok, that's just fucking sad.
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>>19826 >anime industry literally kills their artists with overwork and underpay Yet Kate Leth still waddles the earth.
>>19826 >Japanese third parties have investigated animator salaries and found them to actually be fairly high. Higher than your average salaryman Could you please share your sources? I'm interested on reading about that.
>>19826 It's not salaries that are a problem, it's how many hours they work a day. You can see the guy in the grey hoodie back there taking a nap and the guy being interviewed says they usually work 9 hour days. People who were working on LWA here wouldn't go home because they saw the hour train ride back as an inconvenience. One animator working on a scene spends it all in crunch so the next guy down the pipeline has nothing but respect for the guy so he spends it in crunch and on and on. By the end, it all blends together in blurred days, power blackouts and caffeinated stimulants. It ultimately a cultural thing however for the company not telling them to go home.
>>19826 >>19832 Also requesting sources. Online sources support narrative that they're underpaid.
>>19815 You look like garbage!
>>19825 >first pic Reminds me of the time Randy Bitchford tried to shill his game with a porn subreddit.
>>19824 >>19825 Anon where did you get these?
>>19825 >Please draw porn of this series, PLEASE! Bitch please, people stopped doing that long time ago. In the year of our lord what people does is take those shit characters, re-create the setting, add Anon as a character and fill everything with good moral messages and fun so the original creators would feel genuine pain and suffering as they see their work being raped into something wholesome they would never make in their miserable lifetime as they cry endlessly in twitter. This is actually giving me a really cruel idea.
So is this just a more woke version of Harry Potter then?
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>>19850 >This is actually giving me a really cruel idea.
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>>19076 https://archive.ph/uRSGW >they didn't even remove the watermark
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>>19856 >they didn't even remove the watermark
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>>19856 I'm fairly sure Shutterstock can sue for this. Sue who and for how much I don't know. Hopefully it fucks over Crunchyroll in some way.
>>19843 PLW bunker.
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>>19076 >watermark
>>19076 >>19856 Talk about cutting fucking corners. They must have severely stoned when they made this shit
>>19875 There is a /co/ board on PLW?
>>19908 Not that anon, but no. I don't go to prolikewoah often, but I guess since HGS is produced by crunchyroll people bought it up to shit on crunchyroll.
>>19956 >>19908 *Brought it up on /animu/
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>>19824 >>19825 >not posting the archives Yeah, the showrunner is a FtM namefag on cuck/co/. She also hired a meme /mu/core musician who's probably a pedophile to be a voice actor. https://desuarchive.org/co/search/username/dino%20anon/page/1/ https://desuarchive.org/co/search/username/d%20i%20n%20o/page/1/
>>20008 Sad, at least when Miyazaki casted Anno as his MC he had the decency to give him a good mic even though he can't voice act for shit either.
>>20008 It just keep getting worse.
>>20008 >mfw reading that and then listening to the vid
>>20009 >t least when Miyazaki casted Anno as his MC What did the play as? A korean?
>>20028 If I could understand your question I would answer.
>Showrunner is a pedo with mental illness >So is one of the "voice actor"s >Crunchyroll apparently tossed them under the bus from day one I'd say "you hate to see it" but this is some of the most entertainment I've gotten out of the show so far.
>>20040 got a source?
>>20041 Yes.
>>20042 than how about you post it?
>>20040 >>20041 >>20043 I dunno if the cuck/co/ tranny showrunner is a pedo (it'd track but I don't have evidence) but the /mu/ "voice actor" she hired was, but if you're looking for specifics, the animu thread that first brought it up has you covered. Also has an archive of their dicksword logs. https://prolikewoah.com/animu/res/57523.html#61158 https://prolikewoah.com/animu/res/61294.html#q61394 https://archive.md/8fmbR https://archive.md/EJ6N5 https://anonfiles.com/P8O7T6R8u8/hgs_rip_zip https://archive.md/0cPSB https://archive.md/cp2Wz >So remember how High Guardian Spice was made by a /co/ namefag? There's a character whose VA has an unusually bad mic and clearly has zero experience with voice acting. Turns out he's Julian Koster of Neutral Milk Hotel, that band /mu/ was obsessed with for years because they made In the Aeroplane Over the Sea back in the 90s (you've probably seen pic related before, it's the album cover). There's allegations of the dude being a pedo and grooming a 15 year old boy that are being scrubbed from the internet, and it seems he's trying to reconnect with the now-grown up grooming victim and getting photos taken with the dude's daughter. If you've ever seen footage of Julian Koster before, this news isn't terribly surprising. There's obviously something off about Koster: he moves and talks uncannily like a child, has this weird tranny voice, and is fixated on children and childhood experiences. Combine that with him proclaiming that he's "not straight" (whatever that means), and well, It isn't too surprising to hear a groomer might have been in the /mu/core band most famous for "I want to fuck Anne Frank: the hipster album." >tl;dr a /co/ namefag hired a literal retard who can't act for her Crunchyroll original "anime," even though he's probably a pedophile, because she had basic bitch taste in /mu/ meme music
>>20052 thank you
>>20040 As far as I know, Raye is not pedo. She's trans, otaku, fujoshit and a mediocre artist obsessed over magical girls, but not pedo
>>20052 >First post Raye explicitly stated she lurks cuckchannel and even posted a screenshot from one of her threads back in 2018. If she isn't blacklisted by now then lurking cuckchannel just isn't a reason to be blacklisted at all.
>>20063 >Raye is not pedo. She's trans Pick one.
The only two good characters are Parsley and Amaryllis when she's holding an axe.
>>20265 >The only two good characters are Parsley and Amaryllis when she's holding an axe.
>>20040 I still get the impression Crunchyroll immediately regretted greenlighting HGS. There was basically nothing after the initial trailer where the studio staff bragged about how diverse their employees were. No promotional shit from Crunchyroll, no announcements (shit, I don't even think they made an announcement when it was delayed), and the release was just kind of unceremonious. Honestly I had just kind of figured Crunchyroll had just quietly shitcanned it and were trying to pretend it never existed after the sheer amount of backlash the initial trailer had received.
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>>20950 >No promotional shit from Crunchyroll, no announcements I imagine they were bullied into it using the Sarkesian Maneuver™ >"S'nice place you got here, Crunchyroll." >"...thank you?" >"Not a lot of diversity, tho. Be a real shame if someone started a twitter campaign full of fake accusations in order to destroy your life." >"Not this again! We've already bent over the table for Funimation! What more do you people want?!" >"'You people?' Anyway, my name is Kate Leth and I'm a lesbian, sometimes. I've got the bestest script ever for a brand new western anime that's so progressive, it will make Steven Universe look homophobic!" >"Steven Universe IS homoph--" >"SHUT UP AND STOP MANSPLAINING!"
>>20971 >steven universe hates homophilia Explain, what did I miss?
>>21013 I assume he meant that all the gay characters on SU are portrayed as mentally unstable people with deeply psycological problems.
>>19034 It still blows my mind how badly everyone just fucked up everything with Slimeboy. The voice actor sucks and it genuinely sounds like he just recorded his lines from home on a cheap microphone he dug out of the trash, the animators fucked up his lip syncing, and the writers fucked up his character and dialogue. It's almost like watching someone dub over the original audio to make fun of it
>>21014 >I assume he meant that all the gay characters on SU are portrayed as mentally unstable people with deeply psycological problems. But isn't everyone on Steven Jewniverse mentally unstable with deeply psychological problems? < in b4 "that's because everyone on the show is gay"
>>21014 Bingo
>>21020 Wasn't the dad character pretty stable? He was straight unless they decided otherwise.
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>>21024 >He was straight unless they decided otherwise. Well I mean you'd have to be pretty gay to want to fuck this
>>21041 Fat fetishes aren't unheard of, anon.
>>21020 The Diamonds are relatively stable, so do most emire gems. >>21024 Have you watched Steven Universe Future? It's revealed that Greg always had Family from like a 10 minutes car trip from beach city. Greg deliverately neglected the lovely family to his son because he wanted him to live his teenager fantasy of living a bohemian life, but all that made Steven useless in society and caused physical trauma and PTSD and I'm not joking, Greg is just as fucked up as everything else in the show.
>>21014 >I assume he meant that all the gay characters on SU are portrayed as gay people. what did he intend to convey with this statement?
Reposting snce I fucked the formating >>21045 >Have you watched Steven Universe Future? Not all the way as I eventually overcame my sunk cost bias and finally dropped the show like I should. >It's revealed that Greg always had Family from like a 10 minutes car trip from beach city. Greg deliverately neglected the lovely family to his son because he wanted him to live his teenager fantasy of living a bohemian life, but all that made Steven useless in society and caused physical trauma and PTSD and I'm not joking, Greg is just as fucked up as everything else in the show. lol of course he is. He's still probably the most stable character. but that isn't saying much in steven universe.
>>21041 >Well I mean you'd have to be pretty gay to want to fuck this
>>21045 >and I'm not joking, Greg is just as fucked up as everything else in the show. <fornicates with a giant mineral space lesbian who then dies and turns into his son who he then turns over to mineral lesbians who disrespect him in front of his boy and teach his son to have dance sex at age... well, whatever age the little shit is. Oh, gee. Are you sure? Are you sure that the balding hippie man-child with broken dreams who sold his son to the aliens because he was too much of a puss to be a dad is a little messed up? Holy crap, I hated every moment of that show. It pained me. /co/ used to sperg out about two things: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and Steven Universe. JJBA was surprisingly awesome, but SU made me want to hunt Rebecca Sugar down and lock her away where she couldn't hurt me anymore.
>>21024 >Wasn't the dad character pretty stable? Would YOU be, knowing that your mentally handicapped kid was being raised by autistic polyamorous lesbians who routinely took him with them on dangerous missions?
>>21061 I suppose you could infer it from anything that happened during the show, I also inferred how much the negligence of Greg and the gems affected Steven's mental health, the point is during Future they show it explicitly. Which made the show's finale even more stupid. >>21048 I should've added that all the gay characters on the show are either mentally unstable or Marie Sues; however this last category only applies to Sadie's girlfriend, which psychoanalyzes Steven and made in 30 seconds the thing that the gems couldn't do during the entirely of Steven Universe Future. >>21050 >I eventually overcame my sunk cost bias and finally dropped the show like I should. You did it good, man. >He's still probably the most stable character. I disagree. As other people pointed Greg is a retarded manchild that neglected his kid and the had several mental trauma because of that. As I pointed before most of Empire gems are pretty mentally stable because they only perform the activities they are programed to do.
>>21024 >>21045 I was only trolling with >>21020, I have never actually seen even one episode of that show.
>>21044 Oh believe me, I know. I'm pretty open about the fact that I'm a chubby chaser. Thing is, Steven's mom looks more like a burly fat guy with boob implants
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>>21081 >Steven's mom looks more like a burly fat guy with boob implants Think about the tranny that invented this crap and you'll understand everything. >pics related: please note how effeminate Rebecca's brother looks and then consider my theory that they may have decided to switch places.
>>21239 is there a pic where you see rebacca's full body including legs and feet? not because of some fetish shit, but because of the angle of the feet, men leave them at a different angle than woman, just look at the troon in charge of... i think the department of health or something in the US.
>>21239 is there a pic where you see rebacca's full body including legs and feet? because of some fetish shit
>>21245 There mostlikely isn't. You must find some photo of >her by some paparazi, but noone would do that since how >she looks >>21246 Oh god anon.
>>21245 >>21246 I'm probably on a watchlist now, but I decided to search. I hate you both.
>>21259 I also discovered that she's apparently transitioning into Andy Samberg.
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>>21259 >>21260 Those are from her Instagram, right? So Rebecca Sugar, the jewish creator of Steven Universe, plageriser of Houseki, responsible for promoting Idpol for almost a decade and being a trash human responsible for fucking Steven Universe. According to her twitter that she doesn't post to, she's a nonbinary bisexual that uses she/they pronouns. So she's drank her own poison and became corrupted as well, because in that picture in the alps, she's wearing a male tee shirt. The absolute state of Clown World. Never would I though she'd suffer at least some of the shit she's sent out through SU. Karma really does exist. I wanna say post more but I think the question is already answered.
>>21265 *Thought
>>21259 >>21260 Is that a female?
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>>21265 >Karma really does exist. >>21260 >First pic She looks Andy Samberg.
>>21267 >Is that a female? It came up in a search for Rebecca Sugar, but now I'm thinking it's the jew from Victorious. But they could be siblings.
>>21260 Damn he's cute.
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>>21259 thank, you, id say that that is a she and if anything as mentioning by >>21265 she is trooning "male" here are the pics of the troon in question i mentioned where you can see the feet think i spoke off, last two are a bit iffy because it cuts off, but you can tell the angle
>>21348 the feet thing*
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>>21348 I'm trying to stop drinking Rageahol™ these days, but one of the most incandescent rageaholic episodes I suffered was watching Rand Paul go after this faggot about forcing parents to let their children transition. This piece of filth refused to answer and just ran out the clock, which is an admission of "yes, we're coming for your children." Of all the crimes that can be laid at Biden's (and his controllers') feet, giving a fellow pedophile unfettered access to an entire nation's children is one of the most egregious.

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