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Sum Gays Dun Quik Anonymous 06/20/2024 (Thu) 03:47:56 Id: cd4890 No. 982115 [Reply]
LIVE THIS WEEK https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule/48 https://www.twitch.tv/gamesdonequick I'm reusing the bingo card with some edits. It actually spent effort on it when I made it and I intend to get use out of it.
Edited last time by Mark on 06/30/2024 (Sun) 01:46:00.
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Squilliam compilation thread – The End of E3gelion Anonymous 06/10/2024 (Mon) 03:39:45 Id: ed8325 No. 978559 [Reply] [Last]
> -1085 days until E3 Since it's summertime and E3 is officially dead and buried, I'm making one final Squilliam compilation video. Any Squilliam ideas you've been sitting on, this is your chance to get them in. Let's take a moment to remember the time every studio used to gather in one place to present their latest and greatest, before everyone started holding their own little conference no one cares about. If you have any memorable moments of past E3s, good or bad, post them in this thread. For old time's sake and so I can put some of it into the video. >I'm a newfag and what is this? It's been an 8chan tradition to make OC from a template based on Squilliam from Spongebob getting a heart attack. Download a template, open it in your favorite drawing/editing software and go nuts. When you're done, post it here (in a reply to the right anchor post to help me keep track of it). >How long do I have? I'm aiming for Sunday the 23rd of June as submission deadline, the video will be released sometime after that. >Can [board] on the webring participate? Of course! Whether it's a video game board, or just a hangout board interested in making OC. All I ask is that you help me find it by cross-posting your stuff here and linking it to the proper anchors. Feel free to share in your post what board you're representing. >What song are you going to use? Walk Away by Dokken >Is there gonna be a mosaic? Yes, see the later post. Try to make your squares E3-related if you can, this is about the death of E3, after all. >Are we never gonna see another compilation again? You probably will, I hope to make another one with a new template next year. I'm not making any promises, however.
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>>984848 Thank yee
>>984780 I have been both too busy and depressed.

Vidya Entertainment and Canerous E-Celebs Thread #3 Back to the Past Edition Anonymous 05/26/2024 (Sun) 00:32:22 Id: e9758f No. 972310 [Reply] [Last]
Previous thread: >>911139 Continuing the discussion of video game e-celebs and z-celebs of all kinds, preferably contained to this thread rather than being discussed anywhere else, as many people rightfully don't want to hear about celebrities. Keep it vidya or at least tangentially vidya-related. Happy birthday to the AVGN franchise. Where did the years go?
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>>985118 I feel this way about almost everyone I watched when I was younger. Even the older Oneyplays videos are a little tough to sit through.
>>984984 >the painfully unfunny fags who leech on current trends are the bigger narcissistics and potential sex traffickers. Not potential. Confirmed. If someone is narcissistic, that someone is guaranteed to be a child rapist.
>>985118 You were young, and thus, dumb The smarter you get (especially with age) the more you realize how retarded and tedious those liberal subhumans are, with their Monty Python-esque unfunny stupidity.

Anonymous 06/10/2023 (Sat) 06:57:43 Id: cf142b No. 841008 [Reply] [Last]
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>>985153 >How does her digestive system work?
>>968287 >Transformers: Kiss Players.jpg

EDF6 PC and PS4/5 western release Anonymous 10/12/2023 (Thu) 16:22:23 Id: a424fb No. 895955 [Reply] [Last]
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>>984944 >>The accuracy of Flame Revolver weapons went from B to B+
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>>985041 What my Japanese source didn't mention, unlike on the wiki, is that the Flame Revolvers were granted a buff in minimum damage. Also the new rule for gatling guns (immediately fire but takes time to reach full ROF) applies to the Fencer's flamethrowers too.
>>984943 >All those energy use nerfs to WD Seriously what the fuck. I hope at least all WD weapons start out fully stocked rather than needing to be charged everytime you want to fire cause my fingers hurt playing her

Video Game Transformation Gimmicks, Alt Forms, & Variants. Anonymous 04/26/2024 (Fri) 00:17:50 Id: 34b5b3 No. 962390 [Reply]
Been wanting to make a thread about this for a while but I've been putting it off cause I thought there wasn't much to go on but fuck it, might as well try. I want to talk about mode changes for player characters, enemies, and other NPCs and how they affect the game in general. It doesn't have to be a combat-based form but even an NPC having an altered state with visual indications. So give me anything you've got about the subject, the only games I can call at the top of my head that I've played about this subject recently are Devil May Cry 3 and Megaman ZX as part of the zero collection. Minor note: Might as well count super modes like Superstar Invincibility from Super Mario Bros. just in case.
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Kamen Rider Memory of Heroes has this as its whole gymmick
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>>984551 In SF1 you can get only a single form depending on which version of the game you're playing. My favorite is Pegasus. The card will appear during combat... But you probably figured that out on your own by now. In SF2 and SF3 you can have more at the same time.
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Slay the Princess Anonymous 10/24/2023 (Tue) 00:39:55 Id: af6767 No. 899282 [Reply] [Last]
Today's the full release of the VN Slay the Princess and it seems like something anons here might genuinely enjoy. For those who are wondering just what the premise of the VN is " You're a nameless Hero whose main goal is to slay a Princess before she ends the world", it's a bizarre horror romance where you'll end up dying a lot. When I saw the first two demos of the VN, I thought it was a unique premise but ultimately believed it couldn't expand upon the choices from the demo, to my pleasant surprise /v/ it has quite a few routes and sub routes within sub routes. For a VN on the cheaper side (by today's inflated prices) of 16 freedom bux or 21 Leaf shekels, there was a lot of love and autism placed into it. I recommend a pirate of this VN for whenever the GoG version is uploaded online.
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It's surreal seeing a game like this becoming so well known.
>>985121 Its literally the same experience as reading a manga while listening to music.
>>985124 I like the ones with branching paths, like a CYOA. Especially if they include that little branching diagram at the end so you can see all the paths and which endings you haven't unlocked yet.

Vidya robots Anonymous 05/18/2024 (Sat) 19:55:27 Id: ead442 No. 969812 [Reply] [Last]
>Robots, machines and other related things. Hello metalheads, what are some bots you like in games? Games about robots or just characters. I know BT is cheating, yes.
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>>984395 Roll is fine, but David needs to fuck off with his "robots are the new niggers" shit.
>>985077 Wouldn't anyone who believed that tripe change their tune to robots bad due to "AI stealing work from artists"?
Reminds men that the newest not-Souls game has a robot loli enemy that doesn't appear near enough.

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Meta Thread Anonymous 07/09/2022 (Sat) 21:54:11 Id: 5c9cb5 No. 640607 [Reply] [Last]
READ THE RULES BEFORE YOU GET SCHOOLED https://8chan.moe/v/rules.html Keep all of the board drama, autism, site issues, feedback and shitting on the website administration here. Do not post about illegal topics, or you will be banned. Thank you.
Edited last time by Mark on 09/30/2023 (Sat) 21:36:52.
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>>984331 Testicles
>>985096 Testicular Torsion

Unicorn Overlord a masterpiece you should not buy Anonymous 04/13/2024 (Sat) 08:42:07 Id: 05097a No. 958103 [Reply] [Last]
/v/ I'm here to say after playing it via emulation of the Switch version that Unicorn Overlord is a masterpiece , 10/10 and as the kids would say GOAT. If not for the fact Elden Meme's DLC is coming out and the potential of Metaphor: ReFantazio, I would say this is JPRG of 2024 hands fucking down. This might even surpass Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir , Dragon's Crown and 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim as Vanillaware's best game, it's that fucking good. <But anon you just spend the first bit of this post practically on the knees sucking it off why are you saying not buy it? The localisation of this game is not great and if you're a Vanillaware fag like I am you should not support the English version of this game period, if you want to support Vanillaware go buy a JP copy of this from Amazon jp or other moon storefront. Yes it's not totally pozzed like say FE or others have been but it still changes the tone and intent of the game >WHO CARES IF THE DIALOGUE IS FLOWERY ANON? You should care as it's still an alter of the original work and an utter disrespect of Vanillaware >WHERE IS THE PC VERSION YOU NIGGER? There is none as for whatever reason the CEO of Vanillware is super butthurt towards PC as platform, which is a shame as the mods of this game would be amazing and patches to unfuck the localisation would also be very welcomed. I think this would've added another 500k sales or even more if it was on steam as let's face it consoles are pretty much dying, even in Japan PC has gotten pretty big (not big enough where it's fully taken over like the west and Slavland), even Atlus was scratching their heads on why Vanillaware asked them to not allow a PC version. >DOES THIS GAME HAVE WAIFUS? Yes it does and they are all amazing but if you're a hag lover like myself Yahna is best girl. >WHERE CAN ONE EUMLATE IT? Ryujinx is what I used and I'm unsure if there are others, so perhaps a kind anon could correct me. <Closing notes If you're looking for something that beats modern FE(FE: Three Houses wasn't too bad but I understand why people might not care for it) this next to StellaGlow will fill that Strategy JRPG niche. How many hours you anons put into it and and who were your favourites? Also SCARLETT A SHIT!
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>>974284 >StellaGlow
Recently finished the game, here's my thoughts on it: Its a great game, as expected of Vanillaware. There are some flaws and things that could have been better of course, largely to do with the writing more than anything else, but I highly recommend it to anyone who even slightly enjoys this kind of game. >Gameplay Outstandingly fun, though I can't help but wonder if part of it ended up sacrificing story aspects for its incredible freedom to approach the game. Somehow, exploring the overworld and doing shit like mining and treasure-hunting was actually fun and enjoyable, which I did not expect at all. The level of customization for combat is shocking for a game like this, though I wish there was a tactics option for Rosalinde and Eltolinde with the number of fairies, because its not like you can predict the exact number of actions they will take if they perform actions such as healings. The game starts out pretty difficult in the early stages (and at the beginning of each arc with a difficulty spike), but you eventually get so many tools, resources, abilities, and customization/freedom to do things the way you want that it eventually starts getting pretty "easy". Though that's a weird way to put it. I played it on Expert, and I pretty much never lost except once or maybe twice by accident when I wasn't paying attention. Doesn't mean it wasn't difficult mind you, but the game gives you a lot to handle everything. I didn't use 90% of my consumable resources and I cleared the game without issue, though I do have a decent amount of experience with tactical/strategy games at this point. So many fun mechanics and stuff. The colliseum was a good time. I beat Amalia pretty early on, and I beat Gerard at low-level 30s which was nice. There was so much to find and/or unlock in this game, figuring out and fine-tuning combat was generally a blast, especially with all the items and abilities and whatnot. It is interesting to see how much my squads changed over the course of the game (and how much they didn't too) >Aesthetics and Presentation Vanillaware is above reproach. Most of the characters in this game are at least A-tier designs by Vanillaware standards. However, I do wish they had more S-tier character designs in this game, like what you'd see in Dragon's Crown or Muramasa. You could tell they were constrained by the nature of the game (having to make "standard" characters since you had to control and fight whole damn armies), and maybe the fact that Kamitani wasn't at the head of this game also influenced that. Still, Vanillaware made some incredible stuff as they usually do. The artwork was beautiful as a whole. Animations were good, though a lot of attack styles were pretty standard. I wish there was more flash to them, akin to GBA Fire Emblem animations if possible. >Music Was good. Could have been better but it was fine. I can't complain from what I remember. >Plot/Story writing

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>>958153 this. you have A waifu. Not waifus. Polygamy is degeneracy

IT'S FRIDAY NIGHT MUTHAFUCKA #232 Anonymous 05/11/2024 (Sat) 01:04:54 Id: d5fb1e No. 967606 [Reply] [Last]
The previous thread is now anchored so it's time for a new thread all about Friday Nights and: WHATCHA' >PLAYAN >WATCHAN >LISTENAN >READAN >EATAN >DRINKAN >FAPPAN >FEELAN
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>>984872 >Christ I'm old. Same, but all the more reason to focus on things that make the happy hormone flow. Beyblade's been going on for just over twenty-five years now. The new marketing, along with remakes of the first gen beyblades, really hammers home that they're aiming for that nostalgia on purpose, too. The "beyblade day" this year had a trailer showing everyone from kids to an old chef playing beyblade.
>>984840 I've seen almost everything except Akito, and will see everything soon, that even remotely has Code Geass jammed in it like Super Robot Wars. I actually like the look of the spinoff so far. People are bitching and moaning about it not being Code Geass but that's what this new canon is for. The writers took the best possible approach to keep the integrity of the original show and it's proper decisive ending while still managing to make CG relevant with new shit coming out again. Lelouch my nigga but his story is over and I can deal with that, just interest is peaked on what this spinoff on Fagney is all about. And how exactly Lelouch doesn't just end whatever shit is happening there as well.
>>984585 Unfortunately, times change, standards change, and the rules are written by a combination of those in power and the perceived majority. People will just use autistic as a generic insult to point out how different you are, medical accuracy be damned. I'm not smart enough, qualified, or have done any research to want to go any further into detail, I just know this is an important observation that I never really thought about before. It is kinda funny, in a morbid "haha we're in danger" kinda way, that their attempt to create a society of unthinking cattle has caused ALL kinds of uniquely broken unironic autists, some good and some bad, to form and congregate. >>984622 >It's literally just people repeating shit they heard other people say The internet's destruction of the English language should never be forgiven. >>984682 >I believe my mind is bright but that doesn't matter if your work ethic is shit and mine is Are you me? >>984921 >twenty-five years I keep forgetting my first encounter with it fifteen years ago was not when the series actually started.

Stream Thread 12: EIGHT The Rock Anonymous 03/11/2024 (Mon) 12:45:39 Id: ff8fe4 No. 945094 [Reply] [Last]
https://8chan.tv/ Post a link to your channel here when you're are streaming. Games, movies, anime, art, programming, politics... Pick your favorite subject! >How do I stream? ∙ Register an account at https://8chan.tv/ ∙ Go to My Channels under your avatar icon, top right ∙ Create a channel, click on it and then the ⚙ icon (channel settings) to find your stream key. ∙ Install OBS Studio https://obsproject.com/ and paste your stream key to Settings/Stream, set Service to Custom and Server to rtmp://8chan.tv/stream/ Some emails may not work when registering Gmail, Hotmail, and Yahoo (and maybe others) all take issue with Cockmail and won't receive the verification email. If you insist on using such an emails or have already registered using one, email sudsshit@proton.me for help with your account. Max supported bitrate is 3500 Kbps. Set Keyframe Interval to 1 for lowest stream delay. Ask here if you have further questions and also on >>>/site/1519 Last thread >>905621 archive.is wasn't working. An archived link will be provided later.

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>>984603 Just you
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>>984242 BONUS STREAM Since this is more spur of the moment (and im already waist deep in a run), I'm gonna stream a solo run of the random dungeon. Might do some other games later tonight but nothing from the actual kingmaker campaign or kenshi- going to save those for Monday Night Nicker and more planned streams. Starting right the fugg now. http://8chan.tv/view/25c2fcb5-1fa2-4bb6-a15f-20c21e57b3c0/

Subliminal Cucking Anonymous 04/23/2024 (Tue) 20:45:44 Id: 25152c No. 961544 [Reply]
After spending my weekend binging a few older Obsidian games, I'm reminded of something that's always kind of rubbed me the wrong way about Bethesda's writing. You ever notice how in games like Skyrim or Nu-Fallout, any dialogue option that shows the slightest hint of confidence or assholery (not matter the player's level) is shot down with characters acting like you chose the "wrong" option and suggesting you be more humble? A noticeable example of this is when you join the Legion and suggest that one of the early missions might not be difficult for you. Immediately your Legate is like >Ummm... That sounds like bravado to me. Stop talking like that. She will say this no matter what level you are, or how many other questlines you've completed. She still maintains this attitude towards you throughout the entire Legion questline. And there are lots of moments in Skyrim and other Bethesda games where they'll scold you for being confident, or where the only remotely confident option will intentionally sound cocky as all hell. This was something I noticed when I beat Fallout: New Vegas years ago and realized that the game didn't scold me for talking like an overconfident asshole. It just said >Oh, you think you got what it takes? Alright then, let's see it. And sometimes even rewarded you for taking the dialogue option that doesn't sound like you sit with your legs crossed. But lately I've played other Obsidian RPGs, KOTOR II and Alpha Protocol, and noticed the exact same thing. Likely Avellone's influence, but in AP in particular it's rewarding to be a bit of a douchebag. Being talked down by people, and not being forced to respond "righteously" as if the game is on their side or give direct "No u" responses, is so refreshing. I hate how passive the player character is in Bethesda titles and other AAA titles. What are some other games with charismatic asshole protagonists?
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>>961544 >She will say this no... >She I get that Skyrim is a game, but how realistic is a female legate? The sword she is wielding would weigh like 10 pounds at least (look how wide & thick they are) Her boob armor restricts her movement. She would have her period in camp! Imagine how unsanitary that is. Where does she piss? She is a fucking woman! Women don't go to battle or participate in war except on the sidelines for a million reasons. What I'm getting at is that ALL videogames are cucking your mind so badly that you're taking the presence of a female warrior for granted.
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>>962159 Somebody had to bump this shit thread, of course. Trying to fulfill this prediction. Great fleshlight by the way
>>985107 >Slowly loads >Saw the shoulders <Immediately recognize the the artist <Knew this image was going to have a dick >Sure enough, there's a dick How fucked up do I have to be to almost instinctually notice this?

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Vidya Lounge Thread Anonymous 06/20/2021 (Sun) 16:37:19 Id: 33c988 No. 343401 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to /v/'s comfy lounge. This thread is for general discussion about /v/-related topics that don't deserve/fit in regular threads. The rules 'may be treated more flexibly here, but please take care not to make a mess and don't be a retard. Rules: 1. The lounge is a shared community with /v/. Posters should have posts elsewhere on the board before entering the lounge. 2. Discussion should pertain to /v/-type content only, such as funposting about video games, more video games, industry matters, and gamer™ interests. Colouring outside the lines MAY be okay, however posters do so at their own risk with the understanding that said posts might be moderated without forewarning at any time.
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>>984998 Are you underage or something?
>>985093 My guess is he's either underage or severely autistic.
>>984998 You should steal one of her panties and jerk off with them

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Amateur Game Development General: Japanese Work Ethic Edition Anonymous 03/13/2024 (Wed) 15:30:09 Id: 40ae53 No. 946073 [Reply] [Last]
The fake enthusiasm is key. Resources: >#8/agdg/ via irc.rizon.net >https://app.element.io/#/room/#agdg:matrix.org via matrix programs >Dev resources: http://8agdg.wikidot.com/resources >Wiki: http://8agdg.wikidot.com/ >http://mu-sic-production.wikia.com >https://pastebin.com/qtDwktHP
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>>980733 Chibi/SD has a really simple formula. >Start off with a generic chibi base All chibi characters in a style have some unifying features. If you look at two or three different characters by the same artist/studio you will see a lot of similarities, from limbs to proportions to head shapes. Put these similarities together and you get a generic template you can make all your chibi characters with. If one character has some special proportions or unusual limbs you might have to vary the template a bit, but for the most part the template should be set in stone. >Add just enough features to make a character recognizable If you have some characters you want to make an SD version of, you need to look at the design, figure out which features make the design unique, and translate them over to your template. Don't go overboard trying to copy features exactly, you just need to add enough so people can recognize it. Overly detailed figures are less readable and less recognizable, so you need to know when to stop. And that's all there is to it. As usual with character design, start with a 2d drawing and turn that drawing into 3D. Much like you would write a script before shooting scenes of a movie, a simpler medium allows for quicker drafts and easier revisions. >>983268 >I don't have any experience with Gimp and Krita at all, so I don't even know how to make better looking textures. Part of texturing is understanding what makes a texture work. For example almost all low-poly models put most of the lighting into the textures instead of woing complicated in-engine lighting. To do texturing, you need to have a general idea of how a surface looks in detail. This part is independent of what tools you use, and just making normal, 2D drawings where you try to replicate the texture of an object will help you get a sense of what's important. This video ( https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=HPwVdOJo-28 ) at 5:50 shows you a few tricks for texture work in Krita. >where I can get some free courses and tutorials which explains me the basic of making good looking animations and textures Take a stab at The Animator's Survival Kit, it's a great resource for getting into animation.

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>>985033 It's a disease, and it's very much contagious.
>>985019 A friend of mine worked on a Metroidvania that was originally a floor-based dungeon crawler in the prototyping phase, had the team not gone through all that experimentation and testing they would have kept trekking on a concept that they couldn't make work and that wouldn't have known that until years into development. A very famous example of this is The Elder Scrolls, the first game was going to be a first-person arena combat game simply titled "Arena", but their prototypes were tedious and repetitive. They added side missions between sets of fights to break things up and found these were much more fun than the core game, development pivoted from there and I don't think the finished game even featured the original concept. Figuring out this stuff early is vital. >>985033 It does look kinda like a scalie OC. The tongue hanging out doesn't help.

Ace Combat thread Anonymous 06/30/2024 (Sun) 07:58:05 Id: 9e3641 No. 984899 [Reply]
Finished all endings in AC3 the other day and I'm impressed with the sheer ambition and variety that this game has. Love the visual style and the various little touches like blinding lens flare when you look directly at the sun. Now I'm looking for some advice on the best way to play AC04 - which emulator, settings and game version should I use?
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>>984963 I only played Wingman so far, but 3 definitely holds up. Branching storyline, unusual locations and a shitload of unique gimmick missions make it worthwhile.
I've only played the first two AC games, though the series is on my to do list >>984982 Any idea when the Wingman devs are going to return to life? I was looking forward to the update/overhauls they had planned, but then they went radio silent.
>>985076 They made deals with Sony to make the DLC PS5VR elusives

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