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BACKUP CONTINGENCY Anonymous 05/15/2022 (Sun) 00:01:11 Id: 2b6503 No. 21406 [Reply] [Last]
I suggest bookmarking these: Fallback plan: https://8chan.se/tkr/ Second Fallback plan: https://redchannit.org/ Last resort: Going back to 8kun - https://8kun.top/tkr/index.html
Edited last time by Flatty on 09/30/2023 (Sat) 16:16:12.
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what's the difference between 8chan and 8kun? is 8kun really 8chan or is it a FAKE of 8chan?
>>67714 8kun was put as as an 8chan alternative back when the original got v&'d by the feds after some New Zealand faggot shot up a church or mosque or some shit after posting he'd do it on the original 8chan Kun quickly went to shit b/c mods Reddit'd their power over various boards (including our own /tk/ thanks, Nitrodude). So when this 8chan came about everyone jumped ship. 8kun now is pretty much DOA unless this place goes down and you're not in Monokron's Discord server

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Posting Guide Anonymous 01/06/2022 (Thu) 01:54:08 Id: 8cd7a0 No. 10967 [Reply]
READ BEFORE POSTING >Where are the site rules? https://8chan.moe/site/res/4481.html >What are all of these New Thread fields? Name - A name you want to use, most of the time you'll want to leave this blank. If you're one of the people here who wants to use a persistent name, you may want to use a tripcode so others can't impersonate you. See https://8chan.moe/.static/pages/posting.html Make sure you use the same password every time, but also don't reuse any password that you use on other websites, and it's recommended that you use a secure tripcode, unless you need to be identified across multiple imageboards. Files - You can attach up to 5, and they don't necessarily have to be images. >Where can I find the source of an image? The source can usually be found by either searching on https://saucenao.com/ or using Google's reverse image search at https://images.google.com/. Before asking for the source, try with both of these first. >How do I save an image in full resolution?

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Edited last time by Flatty on 12/16/2023 (Sat) 07:23:35.

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Tickle machines Anonymous 10/01/2021 (Fri) 01:55:25 Id: 1e0c6f No. 2059 [Reply] [Last]
Robotic hands and computers have no concept of mercy
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>>67745 It's most definitely because of this official 4koma they put out a while back
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>haptic feedback suitts capable of creating tickling sensations are an emergening technology >programs exist that allow stream chats to interface with stuff like vibrators for cam models I wonder how far away we are from this scenario being plausible. Actually tracking the position of the lindividual ittle ticklers and adding clickable buttons where they appear on screen doesn't seem like it'd be too out of the realm of possibility in the next couple decades.
>>68152 Come to think of it, phones sort of do that with QR codes already. Now the hard part is making something that actually tickles. There'd at least be a level of unpredictability to it, since they can't tell when/where someone's going to click.

Futanari tickling Anonymous 09/28/2021 (Tue) 04:44:11 Id: 0c90b3 No. 1819 [Reply] [Last]
i know some of us turbo degenerates have been waiting for someone to make this thread, so i may as well make it, i've been craving for some of it lately.
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>>68047 whoever is commissioning these foot-cock-head boxes, please keep going, this is the hottest stuff ever.
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>>68100 Will do
>>68047 source on the mario pic?

Video Thread Part 4 Anonymous 03/23/2024 (Sat) 19:59:44 Id: 5ab0c2 No. 63776 [Reply] [Last]
Making this thread before anyone else can You know the drill by now. Post vid requests or post vids that other anons requested vid source bc i think it's gold: https://bdsmx-porn.com/video/149749/tickletherapy-ticklish-therapy-vol-2-tickle-and-lick/?campaign=10121
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No harm in trying I suppose... Looking for Oiled Feet Are Tickled Elisa from Tickling-Submission. Or used to be anyway, this and a few others were deleted from their site for reasons unknown and the last time I saw it was on Pornhub before the purge.
So this one is somewhat of an odd request but I figured it's worth trying to ask here. Does anyone have a video where a Japanese lady is tickling her own feet with one of those ear cleaners? I remember watching her in some obscure japanese website but that was literally like 8-9 years ago. She was wearing a light brown sweater and some nylons. The thing that I loved about her is that she was trying to do an ASMR video of her tickling herself but she had to stop at certain points due to her being so ticklish that she was struggling not to laugh in the middle of it. (This was before ASMR was even a thing) I've spend quite a bit of time in Vk digging through every Japanese/Chinese account trying to find it with no luck, so if anyone has it I'd be eternally grateful. Also here's a few of the accounts that have said content that I'm looking for (but not the video itself) https://m.vk.com/video/@id584469759 https://m.vk.com/id631898740 https://m.vk.com/id614544607 https://m.vk.com/video/@id815825247

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Special Requests Thread 13 Anonymous 05/09/2024 (Thu) 12:00:41 Id: 61012b No. 65762 [Reply] [Last]
Previous thread was bump-locked: 51303 long shot but does anyone have any of erimoto's older self-oc stuff? like the 1k watcher stocker pic
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>>68136 Don't have his stuff but he goes by this new pixiv now https://saulgoodman.fanbox.cc/posts/7466448
Figured i'd ask, but anyone got any Koikatsu tickling scenes that may have vanished from some authors galleries?
Anyone have any really good japanese pro wrestling tickling?

Artists You Hate 8: Balls to the wall edition Anonymous 03/11/2024 (Mon) 15:49:49 Id: 924b21 No. 63176 [Reply] [Last]
You know the drill. hate to your hearts content!
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its so cold in the d how the fuck we 'sposed to keep peace?
>>68132 In her first introduction Super Mario Land we see the cover art where she is white and then for the N64 era for the Mario spin offs she got tanned then white again. Always been white, just gets toasted a bit once and everyone think she African black
dunno why people here got a hate boner for Daisy, literally has like 1000 followers. Can we go back to hating HL for the child robot porn please

VTubers Anonymous 12/14/2021 (Tue) 00:42:04 Id: 0e4815 No. 9225 [Reply] [Last]
Post any stuff you got involving Vtubers
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>>68137 Jesus that's a lot of effort, I'm genuinely super impressed. I just put mine in a notepad file with the links gathered under the vtuber names.
>>68138 Same, but that got old quick cuz my notes turned into a giant wall of text. Then I started using discord to send it to myself and well, that's inconvenient too. So at least this way I know wtf I'm looking at.
>>68137 Bro even rated them

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Mainstream tickling scenes Anonymous 10/25/2021 (Mon) 17:31:50 Id: fa50a4 No. 4687 [Reply] [Last]
Mainstream tickling scenes. Post whatever good stuff you got from non-fetish content.
Edited last time by Flatty on 12/16/2023 (Sat) 06:11:02.
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>>68091 >oh wow, Nagasarete Airantō, I remember that scene, it was really cute- >Damn ye! Let Neptune strike ye dead Winslow! HAAARK! >Hark Triton, hark! Bellow, bid our father the Sea King rise from the depths full foul in his fury! Black waves teeming with salt foam to smother this young mouth with pungent slime, to choke ye, engorging your organs til’ ye turn blue and bloated with bilge and brine and can scream no more -- only when he, crowned in cockle shells with slitherin’ tentacle tail and steaming beard take up his fell be-finned arm, his coral-tine trident screeches banshee-like in the tempest and plunges right through yer gullet, bursting ye -- a bulging bladder no more, but a blasted bloody film now and nothing for the harpies and the souls of dead sailors to peck and claw and feed upon only to be lapped up and swallowed by the infinite waters of the Dread Emperor himself -- forgotten to any man, to any time, forgotten to any god or devil, forgotten even to the sea, for any stuff for part of Winslow, even any scantling of your soul is Winslow no more, but is now itself the sea!
>>68067 Your momma

Kemono Thread 3 Anonymous 05/10/2023 (Wed) 18:57:50 Id: eb44f8 No. 46336 [Reply] [Last]
The previous one reached it's bump limit.
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>>52490 Hey do you have any of CodyWulfy's newest art?
Moekaki pls
>>67635 The first link most of the time is for subtitles, the other links are a gamble. You have to copy paste one by one on a browser and it should redirect you to the download. If it doesn't work it means that the file was either deleted or moved to another playlist and you'll have to wait on a update on the Kemono page. Also the videos can be only opened on VLC player

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Shameless Venting your Tickling Fantasies! Anonymous 03/06/2022 (Sun) 03:57:16 Id: 53cd5c No. 15941 [Reply] [Last]
Excuse the picture I think it's funny... This is a thread for venting your tickling fantasies, this started from talk in whyboners thread about our m/m fantasies involving tickling mafias and the like.
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>>68039 Sounds great, hopefully you can handle her stompers. BTW they're genuinely feather ticklish.
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A recent one that's been on my mind: A lesbian stalker tickle torturing my gf and I For context I post hella feet and tickle content of my gf. My fantasy is a lesbian stalker who has a crush on my gf developing a delusional parasocial relationship with her and dislikes the way I keep tickle torturing her. So she captures us both. She “gets revenge” on my girlfriend's behalf by tickling my feet and indulges in worshipping my girlfriend's feet. Problem is, gf is actually so ticklish that worshipping ends up tickling her. The stalker realizes that lickling my girlfriend + tickling me is actually turning me on. But she wants me to suffer. So she somehow rationalizes that the quickest way for me to stop enjoying it is to cum as quickly as possible for that post-orgasm torture. So she puts her smelly feet in my face and gets me off, all while still enjoying my gf’s feet and sending her into hysterics with each lick. Then, because I’m a switch, we get out and tickle her in revenge till she breaks. Happy ending all around >pic related, is us
This story perfectly captures my fantasy: https://www.ticklingforum.com/threads/julia-the-interrogator-f-m-feet.434572/ Basically, having my feet tickled by an attractive female dom who's clearly into this. The fact that I'm 20yo with size 12 feet just like the story's lee and keep my feet as pampered as possible sure helps lmao. I even thought of applying to TickleIntensive become a tickling/foot model but I'm too much of a pussy to star in actual porn. The pic seems to be AI-generated, and it's the best AI tickling piece out there IMO. The ler's joy of seeing and teasing those flawless soles mere inches from her face, the cute lee trying his best to supress giggles as her hands barely touch his heels. Some tools on the table along with a bottle of what I assume might be some sensitivity enhancing lotion like Teeva's T-Oil. Everything implicates that he's there for a long ticklish ride. And judging by the ler's expression, she would love to worship his feet if he'll be a good boy and submit. Or use her teeth/tongue/lips as tickle tools otherwise.

Lost art Anonymous 10/28/2021 (Thu) 11:39:37 Id: e6f93c No. 5200 [Reply] [Last]
Time is cruel, post the art that you were able to rescue. First 5 images by color-arcano Last image by reati
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There was a really old picture on Deviantart of Ms Krabappel from the Simpsons getting tickled with "I like my feet tickled" written over and over again on the blackboard. Does anyone have it? It was in an anime-esque style. The artist also drew one of Lisa getting tickled as well.
This piece appears to have completely disappeared from the internet. Putting it into google image search yields literally zero matches. I've had this saved on my computer for a while, I don't even remember who made it. I do remember that there was a few alts, though. If anyone has them, please share!
>>68124 I don't have the alts, but I do know the artist https://www.deviantart.com/wizterboyd/

Tickling animations Anonymous 09/26/2021 (Sun) 00:06:40 Id: dfe781 No. 1596 [Reply] [Last]
Surprised this thread didn't exist already
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>>68108 >this is 1 month old >posted public on xitter Didn't know Kusujinn was still capable of being this based. Only thing it lacks is sound but that's excusable
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>>68122 Super cute, her expression is adorable.

Any stuff of ttxg ttxg thread/request 09/27/2022 (Tue) 14:57:58 Id: 5d24e9 No. 29933 [Reply]
I think theyve been taking a lot of their art down from pixiv, and only now have I noticed Ive been taking them from granted. Please post anything you may have.
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>>30132 i've only been able to find this one sadly
Anybody got ttxg's Warcraft tickling? There's also Ningguang from genshin
I found an album with lots of ttxg's stuff on vk.com. Unfortunately I don't have a vk account, so I can't access it. Could someone upload the content on another service? https://vk.com/album781453872_300943456

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The Money Shot Anonymous 01/08/2022 (Sat) 15:45:32 Id: 647a26 No. 11244 [Reply] [Last]
Alright, this might be too broad of a concept, but hear me out, I think it's fun: You know how in vanilla porn the climax moment is referred to as the money shot? It's what the whole video is building up to and is normally the hottest part. It's also tipically where you're supposed to finish if you can last that long. Well I think the same concept can be applied to tickle porn too. I'm talking about specific moments in videos where something goes horribly right and they turn so hot it makes it almost impossible for the viewer not to want to cum to that part in particular. It can be anything from a specific line of tickle talk, to a 'ler going for the kill on a 'lee's worst spot, to a particularly tough 'lee finally breaking and having to beg for it to stop. So! In this thread we can share those specific moments that make you go straight for that nut button. Ideally, there'd be a video link, a timestamp, and a short comment explaining why that's the peak of the video. Here's my first few contributions https://biguz.net/watch.php?id=2901211&name=nonstop-foot-tickling-sasha-foxxx 7:30 Tay's been using the comb on Sasha's feet for a while, making her grow a little too confident, then you see her pull out the massager and sneakily get it ready, you know where things are going for a few seconds even though Sasha doesn't and then... Boom! It's glorious, she goes from trying to laugh it up like a pro, to slamming her back into the chair while silently laughing in frustration, to cutely screaming "TAAAY!" and threatening to pass out, but it just DOESN'T stop. You know it's good if it manages to push a seasoned model like that. And then... Tay goes for the other foot. https://biguz.net/watch.php?id=3988756&name=real-tickling-brooke-hill-3 6:19 In one word, panic. She's been doing great the whole vid, then this tiny evil 'ler goes to town on her armpits, she realizes how bad it can get merely seconds in, and freaks the fuck out. I love the useless little hand movements and the extremely genuine "OH NOOOO!" towards the end. "This is legit a person you could get any info out of if you keep that up" is what it feels like. https://biguz.net/watch.php?id=843344&name=cali%27s-new-spot 2:52 You can actually pinpoint the second a new tickle spot is unlocked. And god is it a hot and underrrated one. What she's wearing makes it perfect to exploit too, it's so lovely. I'm not even a fan of Cali's but my god am I glad that was caught on video. Tasha teasing her about it and constantly going back to abuse it to keep her on edge is hot as hell too.
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>>68012 Unfortunately its a "Stimulating Reflexology" vid. https://www.youtube.com/@ReflexologyResearching/videos A bunch of their stuff was on Kemono, but the links are dead.
>>67804 Do you have a source on the last gif
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>>68092 https://spankbang.com/7lkd2/video/venezuelan+tickled This is actually the video where the intro stills come from with is nice.

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