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Tickle Prison Laboratory Tickle Prison Laboratory 07/12/2023 (Wed) 22:16:14 Id: 988aa6 No. 49438
https://www.patreon.com/Fuwakusucado https://twitter.com/fuwakusucado/status/1679010890958483456 It is ready and it is glorious! And since he seems to be open for implementing a character import/export functionin the future, let's share some custom character ideas.
>>49438 Wonder if you'll be able to implement MMD models in the future...has he mentioned anything about that?
>>49443 I don't know. but I don't think that's how these models work
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Alien girl for all you Xenofuckers out there like myself. Absolutely love this game, been waiting for it to come out for a while now. I hope the developer can recognize how much support he will get for an interactive game like this.
Oh, nice! Time to sub to his Patreon.
Mans should make bank being like one of the only 3d tickle sims with a form of quality
>>49447 >Alien girl for all you Xenofuckers out there >literally just a grey skinned human with long feet anon it's fine if you're into that but thats hardly xeno, come on thats like calling a girl with cat ears a furry
>>49478 Yeah, you're right. Just trying to do what I can with what's available... Can't wait for more customization in the future though. :)
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If only we can mod some Skyrim style skin textures.
When I load up the game and I click either 'play' or 'character creator' the game crashes, anyone had the same issue and came up with a solution? I've already updated NET framework, but it didn't help
>>49519 Have you tried obvious things like running it as an administrator?
>>49522 Yeah, even checked in apps & features, but since it's not a programme you install, but run it straight after you unzip it, there isn't much I can do
I have the same problem. Not sure what is going wrong.
Someone posted his patreon to kemono but its already taken down, you can still -technically- find the game on kemono, but, please guys, consider supporting this guy if no one else. This game and what he's done is probably the best tickle game content we have got that wasn't just a quick nut and the project gets abandoned, and if he's actually going to keep working on it he deserves all the support.
>>49527 Amen
>>49527 I haven't even gotten it from there since I'm saving up for it. If the guy makes bank from this then other people will give it a try as well and just imagining the possible scenario where someone like elektratouch released something of this quality... then I'm all for saving a few bucks for it.
>>49525 If you have a second desktop/laptop that's your only option (as for now, he said that he'll try to fix it)
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>>49530 >'Saving up for it' >It's only $5 to join the Patreon and download Damn. Inflation that bad huh?
For $5 I can't complain, it's decently hot. The character, outfit and tool options are limited. But the animations and tool movements/placements are really nice and don't have that cheap tickling the air feel. Building up the girl to the breaking point is hot and the laughs are believable though again limited in choices. It's easy to make the game bug out by doing stuff like changing the girl's position from idle to dance while having her in one of the bondage positions. This would be fantastic with a basic story framework and the girl being put through the various tickle tortures while a taunting voice interjects occasionally. But yeah, got about the same fap's worth I'd hope from a $5 clips4sale purchase.
>>49519 >>49525 I have the same problem as you guys (game crashes upon pressing start or character creation) and windows error log is reporting a problem with the file lib_burst_generated.dll in the plugins folder (specifically it can't seem to access it for some reason. It's definitely not read only or blocked or anything). I don't really know what to do with this information as I don't have the tech knowledge to continue, but just in case anybody else who is smarter than me can make use of this information I thought I'd share it here. He said on his patreon that he will hopefully get another version out today that might fix it.
>>49663 I messaged him on Twitter. He says it's a known issue with older hardware. He's currently testing a new version that fixes it
>>49664 He did and it works like a charm
>>49443 importing custom models would make this GOTY
Ok am I missing something? When I load up the game my girl is just standing in an empty room. No devices or tools are available. I can't change environment or anything. Pressing R brings up a hand and I can tickle her, but I can't change her position at all.
>>49438 Seeing as there's a patreon now and possibly future updates, what kind of features are you hoping for? I'd love more position options (inversion tables and racks ftw) and devices (spinning brushes, tickle lasers, maybe see-through tickle boots).
>>49725 someone needs to tell him to add cat ears as an accessory that you can tease or rub and the girls would react accordingly... I think that would be funny haha...
I feel like people are going to pester this guy into non existence with suggestions since its a rare thing to see a 3d game focusing on this Like some people gonna need to relax and breathe
>>49774 That's part of the joy of having a Patreon. People pay you so they want you to do what they want. Why do you think so many formerly excellent artists only put out a couple of mediocre pictures based on polls every month now?
>>49774 >paying a monthly subscription to be a bug tester for an alpha that's probably years away from an actual release you're damn right I'm gonna ask for what I want this guy's gonna get a couple hundred off me
Alright boys time to share files. Reply to this post if you want some hot new custom bitches to tickle, I have many to share and I know how the file storage system works
>>62038 You got some examples in regards to what you mean by "custom"? I'm curious to see what you mean
>>62040 Well they're "custom" because I created them lol. Check it. I'm going to upload a zip here of my characters, all you have to do is extract them to the below sub folder path and make sure they have a unique number in the filename: \Tickle Prison Laboratory_Data\Save Here's the .zip file. Try these girls out and let me know what you think? https://filebin.net/m7cc14w2f85eajzx
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Post absolutely diabolical tickle torture setups you guys have made in the game. Share how evil you can be! I put this short stack latina babe through hell, with her gigantic fat fucking ticklish tits getting the worst of it. Spinning brushes working over practically every inch of her defenseless boobs. All on max speed by the way. Also, the wiggling fingers doing spider tickles on her belly, thighs, and hips are all on max speed as well. Left the game running with her stuck like this while I went and played some Elden Ring for a few hours.
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Also, I kinda forgot to turn it off before going to bed that night. She wasn't doing too hot when I found her the following morning. Oops. Poor girl.
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I just wish there were more devices to match the aesthetic of the dungeon room.
>>67228 and i wish there were more possible girls to tickle at once; they could even tickle each other and/or themselves :D also: omg, could i get your character? she's sooo cuuute 🥺🥺
this game is fun, but I would like more cell options, a straitjacket, and toe cuffs.
>>67222 Please share your save files immediately!
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Give us a futanari setting. I apologize for nothing.
Also this thread has a bunch of edited audio clips that are perfect for this game https://8chan.moe/tkr/res/60404.html
>>67305 oh, I actually did personally message Fuwakusucado on Patreon a while back, asking him about the possibility of adding a muscular body option or dickgirls. This was his response: "Muscles and futanari are both things that I have wanted to add, but haven't found the time for it yet.. But I do like those things as well so I will definitely add them at some point." So yeah, if you're a fan of defenseless futas getting milked dry while their entire bodies are mercilessly attacked with tickles, just wait. It will probably be a while, but it's IN HIS PLANS. >>67257 He has also specifically mentioned that he IS going to try to implement tickling multiple characters at the same time at some point. This probably won't be easy to implement, so it also might be a while. But he has confirmed that this is on his to-do list. >>67260 You want my characters? I apologize for not being very computer smart, but if I just drag and drop my "Save" folder here, will you guys be able to download it and use the characters I've made? Will that work, or do I need to upload it some other way?
>>67309 Hey there, if you just upload your save files in a zip folder, that would be great. You just have to put them into your own PC and make sure there are no conflicting numbers. They share a lot of characters on the discord group
>>67330 can I even upload a zipped folder here? I just tried and it said the file format is not allowed by the server. Again, sorry for not knowing my way around a computer.
>>67309 Honestly while I do hope they add all that, the thing that the game should probably focus on the most right now would be general appearance customization. Our character options are very limited.
Do you have a link to the discord?
>>67272 thank you very much! 😊
Anybody have some good laugh files for TPL?
>>67542 I have some, will upload later in a .zip file you can have them stored anywhere on your computer and just add them in-game. I have far too many lol.
This gym leader from pokemon is a smokeshow and I've created my version of her in the game. Hit me up if you're interested!
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>>67676 Relevant screenshot
>>67677 Weren’t these all already posted to the audio media thread? I mean I’m all for one stop shopping but pretty sure these plus tons more are over there https://8chan.moe/tkr/res/60404.html
>>67678 Nice! I'd use her
>>67677 thx these a re good!
>>67698 I'll upload her for you here in a zip, you just have to rename the number to a unique one that isn't in your save folders yet
Anyone else down to drop their own characters for downloading? Would love to torture some other peoples OCs/recreations

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