/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Translation Thread Anonymous 09/24/2021 (Fri) 01:07:50 Id: 3cc0ca No. 1436
I'm probably not the one who should be making this thread since I don't speak Japanese, but I saw the idea pop up before and I think it'd be nice to have one. Anyway, I used the magic of google to translate this doujin into English. Enjoy.
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>>66576 Bless you for the releases anon. How much is it to commission these from him?
>>66571 >>66572 >>66573 >>66574 >>66575 These are fantastic! Please could you upload the full thing somewhere?
>>66571 >>66572 Fucking great dude. Out curiosity, which of the muriyari egao did you commission?
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>>66591 These two were from desudesu. But he just... stopped talking to me so that's when I made the switch to biribiri ever since. He's great.
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>>66591 Oh, I'm the one behind this one as well.
>>66543 first page (right to left) Touko: You're Awake? How are you feeling, Aoko? Well, I think I already know how you're feeling (Lit, in that state I don't have to ask) Aoko: Touko, (lit. "big sister") What do you think you're doing? I don't know what this is, but you better let me go! Touko: What? It's just a little bit of harmless fun (Lit: something similar to child's play) Aoko: What are you doing?! Touko: Of course, You were always weak here, ever since you were a little kid. Aoko: W-what are you..- Page 2: Aoko: Stop that! W-wait! (laughter) Touko: So you're even more sensitive than I thought, Aoko: I said stop you stupid bitch! Youko: Even when you're stuck like this, you think you can talk to me like that? You got a lot of fight in you, it seems. (lit. you still look healthy/energetic) Aoko: My stomach is too ticklish! (laughter) Page 3: Aoko: Stop already! I'm gonna lose my mind! (lit. Im becoming stupid/crazy) Youko: You think just because you said stop, I'm gonna stop? Well then... all I need to do now, is make sure you remember this. (lit. I'll force you to remember this sensation) Aoko: What are you talking about? (lit: I dont know what the meaning is)
[Expand Post]I'll do anything, just stop! I'm gonna die! (laughter) page 4: Aoko: I'm here, whew, what a great place to calm down. Youko: She came... Then i'll try it out right now. Ok- Lets see you dance. (literally: as best as you can, dance beautifully) Aoko: Wh-what's happening?? My tummy, feels weird! (lots of laughter) what?.. I can't... wait!! What is happening?! My stomach is gonna break!! -end-
>>66621 Damn, those are some great titles. Thanks for commissioning them. Can I ask what payment method was used for the biribiri translations?
anybody to have any more Orochitickler's stuff? There's few here (thanks very much for them) but I'd love to see more if there's any more translated available
>>66572 >>66573 ...huh. This is the exact same translation I commissioned out of him years ago, almost word-for-word. It was text-only and never edited into the pictures, so I never posted it anywhere, but still. I wonder, did he mention that the translation was already done?
>>66644 Paypal. He's quick to confirm a payment and doesn't wait around. I've dumped a lot on him a couple of times and he always does good work and is reliable.
>>66740 No, if it was text only he might have forgotten. I never commission text-only. I personally consider it a waste of money. I don't care if other people commission text that isn't edited into the picture, but I don't.
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Here's some more.
>>66815 Damn, I love these!
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I know there is a fate specific thread, but I felt it made more sense to post this here.
>>66826 This shit was incredible
>>66823 >>66824 >>66825 >>66826 Rin tickling is so good that even when she's some gachashit knockoff it's still peak. God damn I love that second to last page and it's contrast with those first few. Can you post the Mash and Semiramis ones?
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>>66571 Anon is out here doing God's work. I feel like I owe you at least a beer or something for all the good times you've given us. Also, can we talk about how insanely good yansu's work is? I don't know what it is exactly, but this man draws the most ridiculously tickle fuckable feet I've ever seen. This shit is straight up triggering. He's also obsessed with tickling the living shit out of Rin, which is based, of course.
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>>66830 I did not commission those, unfortunately. However, I'm getting ready to commission something new from biribiri. Here's a sample of the sets I'm going to get done. I'll post here once done.
Excuse me can I ask if how did you commission the person that drew the Genshin ?
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Super underrated artist
I guess that's Russian? Looks so adorable yet tempting, would be nice to get it translated.
>>67553 It goes like this: "Are you so sure we won't find your weak points, young man?" "Such soft footsies! You're clearly staying here for a while".
>>67293 Did this artist ever made F/F content?
I don't know if this is the right thread, but anybody got the translated comic by ppw? https://ppw.fanbox.cc/posts/7954375 The comic is named "Tickling Paradox" and it looks like gold. Also, anybody had that that comic about Darkness from Konosuba being tickled? I forgot the artist but I remember it being post somewhere here.
>>67553 Ngl i would press my face into those huge silky soles and lickle torture the fuck out of that cutie
>>67293 Seconded
>>67632 The one from Friezalin? It's on his pixiv I think
>>67999 If you're talking about the Darkness comic, I was neant the one by Muriyari Egao

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