/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Rules / Moderation / Meta Anonymous 05/24/2020 (Sun) 19:28:17 No. 2 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to /abdl/ - Adult Baby / Diaper Lover Rules 1. Global rules apply 2. Requests should go in the request thread when you don't have enough content (~5 images) to start a good thread) 2a. This thread is not a general request thread 3. All scat content must be spoilered* 4. No advertising or shilling 5. Do not create threads for which there is already an existing thread able to be posted in *scat refers to clearly visible poop. So a picture of a messy diaper change would need to be spoiled, but a brown bulging diaper would not need to be Rules are liable to minor changes, so check back here occasionally. Anything major will likely be announced in a way that all users can see
Edited last time by abdl on 10/13/2023 (Fri) 12:04:42.
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>>37663 >Oh i didn't realize it worked like that Damn newfags... You neither confirmed that was the thread you wanted to make cyclical and even knew how cyclical threads worked. I'm removing that and if you want a new story thread, make it. >can we have endless threads on here? 8chan doesn't have that feature, ask for it to the developers of LynxChan (https://gitgud.io/LynxChan/LynxChan) if you want. 8chan is based on it. >would that be better? Now think how your web browser would handle a thread with 2000 replies with 5 pictures each post. I hope you have a lot of RAM to spare. If you want to talk about the site itself, go to >>>/site/ Dunno why people bring me this stuff... EDIT Added LynxChan address.
Edited last time by abdl on 06/06/2024 (Thu) 18:48:04.
>>37664 >Dunno why people bring me this stuff... You're the guy in charge; therefore you are automatically expected to have total control of and be be knowledgeable of fucking everything. It's just how it is. I didn't fill this pool, I just swim in it. lol

ABDL Video #04 Baby 05/28/2024 (Tue) 13:47:11 No. 37359 [Reply] [Last]
Old thread isn't bumping anymore: >> 33125
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>>38096 Looks like Sophia little from the thumbnail.
Does anyone know which video this scene is from? Who are the two girls? Or if anyone has the video available? Thanks! I'm adding some videos https://easyupload.io/pkbaw0

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ABDL games #4 Baby 03/24/2024 (Sun) 08:36:23 No. 35612 [Reply] [Last]
ABDL Video Games Last thread >>26209 Popular games: The Pacifier Project https://abdlsparrow.itch.io/the-pacifier-project Unity, 3D, third person, role playing Littleington University Patreon is dead, search in the last thread for any link of the game Unity, 3D, third person, role playing Messy Academy https://www.patreon.com/MessyAcademy Visual Novel

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Would anybody be willing to share the newest wet dream diary 4.2 version please I’d be eternally grateful

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Is there any point potty training women? Baby 02/23/2022 (Wed) 12:02:25 No. 9436 [Reply] [Last]
Throughout the life of a girl there's hundreds if not thousands of ways they can easily become incontinent. Mean if you go through the ages: -Early childhood >Bladder not really developed enough to be fully continent -Teenager >Start having periods that causes incontinence -Early to middle adult >Pregnancy causes incontinence -Late adult >Menopause, enough said -Old age >You get the idea About the only age group for females that would benefit from potty training are in their late childhood stage and chances are they are a bedwetter. Be far simpler and easier all round if they were never potty trained. I am aware that this would produce logistical problems as there would be too much waste to justify disposables. They would have to be restricted to the young and infirm while the rest of womankind would need to get used to the idea of being in reusable cloth.

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>>36377 Meant to respond to >>36360
With potential water shortages in the future using the bathroom may become a luxury we cannot afford. Therefore it is important for women to start doing their part now!
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From a /gif/ thread on the other chan.

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Diaper packs Baby 06/08/2020 (Mon) 07:28:52 No. 317 [Reply] [Last]
Images involving packs of diapers. Women holding them forebodingly as if they're about to diaper (You) are particularly appreciated, but feel free to post things like diapered girls with diaper packs and fake diaper pack covers too.
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>>38205 Damn, I really wish we had more like that third one. That subtle tease of diapers in the cart does things for me I didn't expect.

ABDL artists on Kemono Party #2 Baby 08/25/2023 (Fri) 22:07:03 No. 29111 [Reply] [Last]
The previous thread just got Bumplocked ( https://8chan.moe/abdl/res/9300.html ). So We're starting over with a new thread. Peharps we could start by updating these guys?: Ahbagels ("August Requests" is missing): https://kemono.party/patreon/user/3636309 Burritokitten: https://kemono.party/patreon/user/52018436 Carnivaltricks: https://kemono.party/patreon/user/6145172 ), https://kemono.party/discord/server/690076800243597313 Chuckyandmisty: https://kemono.party/patreon/user/8462589 Diaperdork ("Dorkiest Dork poll August 2023", "Sleepover puppy [W.I.P]", "Dorkiest Dork poll July 2023", "Interrupted Beach Time [W.I.P]", "Neighbors [W.I.P]", "Dorkiest dork poll (June 2023)", "Mid change distraction [Dorkiest Doodle]", and "Show me yours i show you mine [W.I.P]" are missing): https://kemono.party/patreon/user/36485862 Goodboycomics: https://kemono.party/patreon/user/8773333 Jerret: https://kemono.party/patreon/user/32304402

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>>38121 Do it yourself you begging cringe-leach.
Big ABDL update on TheLibrarian Hypno if someone could update that would be awesome!
>>38206 looks like sissy shit, hard pass

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Hypno Thread #2 Baby 06/13/2023 (Tue) 05:34:36 No. 26509 [Reply] [Last]
Previous thread >>559 Here's a new file to get started: Bathroom Amnesia (Curse) A brainwashing session that removes the subject's ability to use the bathroom. https://mega.nz/file/M9ZFlZIR#bpn318uPIH0ZLcY_Al9eRyv1W7Y3sJ1vULc7dd14wyQ Posting a couple of things to keep things moving. Nothing new though. https://archive.org/details/ABDL-Hypnosis Assorted files: WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRrelpETmpkVnB0YkhOYVV6VndZbms1V2xwSGVHcE1NbEoyWkRJMWMySXlSbXRNTUhBelZERkdTRlZZVGxOTlJrWkdUWGM5UFE9PQ== n1c0l3/_/d0s31: WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsdFlWZDRiRXh0YkhaTU1FcFhZbnBrY21JeVkzZFRWMmhaWTFFOVBRPT0=

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Edited last time by abdl on 06/13/2023 (Tue) 12:21:14.
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>>38199 >started watching videos of milky breasts What?
>>38202 tits lactating? https://thisvid.com/videos/milky-squirter/ (this one's audio is kinda cringy, I will sometimes add lullabyes as background and mute the original audio)
>>38203 Thanks, Also, kind of jelous of you due to havin success with mm files. I have been unable to get pass bladder retraining

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QTDDTOT / General Discussion Baby Board owner 05/24/2020 (Sun) 19:35:56 No. 5 [Reply] [Last]
Self-explanatory. Sauce request, random stuff and stuff that does not deserve its own thread should go here.
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>>38132 This is usually the explanation, but it's easier for the writers to just admit to themselves, and have the readers admit to themselves, that this is what they want, and then write a much simpler story of "If you walk through this door, you will be magically babified", "man seeks volunteers for nanny robot test", "AGE REGRESSION DRUG DO NOT DRINK UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE BABY" conveniently left out on a table somewhere, etc. The real reason that a lot of the stories are like this is because far, FAR too many ABDLs have severely mentally conflated care and abuse. It's a core part of it and stems from deep-seated trauma. I have one friend who really likes the abusive and manipulative stuff because it's *objectively better* than what [neutral pronoun] their parents did to them in real life. These sorts of people are pretty much broken inside, but aren't we all, to be here in the first place? Then there's the true sickos who actually want to do nonconsensual things involving diapers and jewishs/teenagers. (One of the tells is the amount of justifications piled on everything; ordinary fapfic writers know it can't be justified and so don't even pretend) This was much more common in the Deeker days, including Deeker himself, but it's comparatively rare now. The zeitgeist has shifted.
>>38140 >I can't make the move. My first thought before I talk about myself to anyone is "how can this person use what I'm about to say against me?" "Will they use this information to ruin me?" "Do they need to know this?" I don't apply this to only kink stuff, but everything in my life. One could say I'm paranoid, but it's a result of being hurt by people I thought I could trust. Hi, you're me
Hey, Anyone got a full copy of Pampered Pearl? I think it got nuked when the forum went down, and I can't find it anywhere.

Diaper Edit Thread #1. Baby 07/15/2020 (Wed) 19:46:29 No. 557 [Reply] [Last]
Hello my dear pepole of /abdl/ i thought that we needed a diaper edit thread on this website, so i thought, why not make a new one. This thread is where we can make request's for some diaper edited pictures like this series are for example. [Pitcture 1 is before the diaper edit] [Pictures 2 is after the diaper edit] [Pictures 3 is after the diaper edit, but with a (wet) diaper] [Pictures 4 is after the diaper edit, but with a (wet & messy) diaper]
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Sometimes, subtle edits are better.

Girls und Pampers Baby 11/08/2021 (Mon) 18:00:01 No. 6645 [Reply] [Last]
Since it is clearly evident that in Girls und Panzer they won't get potty breaks how else do you think they go for such long periods of time? Some girls though clearly are more used to using them than others.
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>>37990 There is a surprising lack of Katyusha in diapers. While you'd think there would be more there isn't really in the grand scheme of things.
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>>34065 if you are okay with something months late and my first ever edit yes i can do it for you
>>38139 This looks very good for a 1st try. Keep the up the good work.

AI Generated Diaper Porn Baby 03/29/2024 (Fri) 14:33:02 No. 35729 [Reply]
Old Thread Not Bumping >>29801
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>>38190 the main model is called "luminaverse", based on Pony xl. Then I use varios additional resources, mainly from the "Vixon's Pony styles" series
Made on pixai.art
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I wanted to see how well outpainting handles massive expanding outpainting. I started at 1024x1024 and just kept going until I got this.

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Diapered Lolis IV Baby 10/19/2023 (Thu) 02:41:42 No. 30565 [Reply] [Last]
Few things are better than adorable lolis showing off their pampers. Old thread >>9706 Unbumped posts from last thread >>29792 >>30032 >>30285
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Cartoons in diapers Baby 07/09/2020 (Thu) 21:05:11 No. 496 [Reply] [Last]
Being ian
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>>38037 yeah
The latest ZombieDumb episode has come out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyMPPhuy2KU

Lost media diapered wiki Baby 05/25/2023 (Thu) 13:02:56 No. 25835 [Reply] [Last]
This thread is for lost media from abdl magazines,pornos,art and fanfics from past to today For example this story which i loved but the diaperfag deleted it and no archive on wayback
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>>38063 I don't remember which set it was in, but do you have high quality versions of the Senran Kagura girls they did? I think it was one colored pic and one or two sketches

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>>38138 I believe these are them. I'm only lightly familiar with the series
>>38149 Yep, this is them! Thanks man.

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Cushy Pen rips Baby 01/18/2022 (Tue) 20:26:33 No. 8221 [Reply] [Last]
Can one of you guys please rip Artist and every piece of art from The Cushy Pen (From 2010 to 2022) in a ZIP file?: http://www.cushypen.com/
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>>31232 Yo, Slasher 9, if you ever stop by, I added more to the Ranma 1/2 story. It's up to 20 chapters now, let me know what you think.
>>38137 >>31244 Slasher9 here, read some of the continuation of the original. Loving it, your writing style is great and I love how you develop the characters! I'll hopefully finish that soon to give better thoughts, I'm just a slow reader. Apologies for not getting back to you sooner, I missed the post.
>>38147 No worries, I figured you missed it and it got lost in the thread. Sign up on ao3.org and drop some comments or send me a message. I'm happy to chat more, I just don't want to keep bumping the thread for something off-topic.

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Maternal giantess Baby 12/17/2020 (Thu) 20:49:19 No. 2072 [Reply] [Last]
Shrunken women treated like babies.
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>>37814 oooh rare Bojay can I ask where you got this one anon?
Its in a bojay collection on 8 mises. Not sure which one but i think here https://comics.8muses.com/comics/album/DreamTales-Comics/Shrunken-Women-Art-Collection

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