/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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QTDDTOT / General Discussion Baby Board owner 05/24/2020 (Sun) 19:35:56 No. 5
Self-explanatory. Sauce request, random stuff and stuff that does not deserve its own thread should go here.
>>8678 >>8946 I'm guessing it's psychosomatic. But I've strongly considered pretending I'm incontinent and using "Long COVID" as an excuse. Given that people think it can make your teeth fall out and your bowels go on strike, why can't it stop me from controlling my bladder? I'm only 60% sure that pretending the above is a bad idea. The temptation is very strong indeed
>>8990 Isn't that what Star did?
>>8999 TBH I don't know anything about that person. What exactly did they do?
>>9022 You serious? You don't know about Star and that neverending shitty comic? Where they scammed free diapers from the UK NHS by pretending to be incontinent. Its prime /cow/ material.
>>9033 i don't really want to defend star but playing devil's advocate here i doubt the free diapers story is true because generally you don't get free prescriptions on the nhs unless you're under 18 or retired. at best they'd be heavily subsidised diapers. i mean it's equally fucked that they'd lie about that and think its ok to do that still
>>9033 Is there a link where I can find out or something? No I never heard of him/her.
>>9035 I think only England supposedly gets cucked like that meanwhile the leech countries of the UK get it for free. >>9039 tl;dr Autist writes a comic for over 5 years that goes absolutely fucking nowhere and is completely detached from reality with no sense of self awareness. https://8kun.top/abdl/res/103987.html Although since 8kunt shit the bed hard to find the images to go with it.
>>9040 I know that comic. It builds up to a climax then after 50 pages or something it just seems to keep going like a never ending epilogue
>>9044 There is a lot of drama that goes with it, including DMCA abuse as well as falling outs. Here is a /cow/ thread about it https://kiwifarms.net/threads/samantha-sweetland-toddlergirl-toddlergurl-jammie-sammy-babystar.30770/
I just ran across this miniseries that Arkham-Insanity (https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/89349378) did last year featuring masks. Has anybody else seen any other abdl artwork featuring pandemic style face masks in everyday life (not bondage masks or medical type mask usage).
>>9127 I want to forget mask shit existed apparently it's a fetish to some people now
>>9127 Thanks to you, I've experienced exactly what it's like for a normal person to hear there's a "diaper fetish". Holy shit lmao
>>9136 You must admit that the idea of a girl wearing a pacifier under a mask in public is pretty erotic, especially if she has to talk with it in. It has the same sort of energy as diaper bulges in clothes or other mostly-hidden ABDL play.
>>9136 I hate masks, but fetish uses of it is the one good thing I've seen. I saw a few hot ones where girls would either have a ball-gag or a dildo in their mouth under the mask. I think a paci under there would be pretty hot too. >>9173 is gay.
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>started needing to go to the bathroom a lot more frequently than usual >been going on for weeks now, find urge needing to urinate several times a day >feel like I am starting to lose bladder control >decide to start wearing diapers just in case >suddenly have far better bladder control and needing to go the bathroom a lot less Okay anons not sure what is going on, is this my body subtle way of trolling me that I am better potty trained with diapers or have the Aras been putting stuff in the water supply again?
>>9200 You probably had a urinary tract Infection. It can lead to that and even mild incontinence. Which i somehow find pretty hot. I had that for quite some time when i Was about 14-15. For quite a few weeks i would often leak a bit. A super strong urge would come very suddenly, so suddenly that some pee would squirt out until i could manage to hold it back. It was always just a squirt, enough that i would sit in school with a wet/damp crotch all until afternoon, but not so much that the wetness would have gotten visible. Even tho i Was turned on by diaper shit back then, i didnt think very much of it. Didnt tell anyone about it and it went past eventually. I suppose it Was a bacterial Infection of some sort.
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>>9210 But anon that doesn't explain as soon as the moment I take them off I am a pee fountain? With diapers on I can have steady bladder control. With them of I need to pee constantly. I am paranoid now that Aras have been putting some sort of subliminal messages out there.
Have you tried to have an accident in a controlled environment? Did this last weekend in my house. Wet at the first sign, regardless of wearing diaper or not. I can easily pee when padded but had to focus on feeling loose to let it go when I wasn't wearing anything and it felt amazing when I managed to do it. After the first small struggle, subsequent wetting were natural like I was in my diapers. I live alone and I prepared the cleaning stuff beforehand, so had no problem afterwards. Have you tried something like that? I highly recommend it, the downside is that you need to live alone.
I’m going to have basically a week to myself in May while my parents are on vacation. I’m going to buy some diapers to enjoy and use in the meantime, I think. I haven’t worn much in the past—any cool ideas as for what I can do? Best idea I have right now is watching some hypno, and then laying out a blanket, some toys, and wearing just my diapers as I try to regress and watch baby shows. I’d plan to mess my diapers while watching, playing and eating a babyish snack. It sounds lovely.
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>>9319 Probably want to eat a lot of fruit and veg, lots of fibre. inb4 you find your parents diaper stash
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>>9328 Good idea! Honestly, even the idea of changing my diet a little to prepare and to make my experience better sounds exciting. It's the little things, I guess kek. >inb4 you find your parents diaper stash I wish they were that based~
>>9319 Definitely recommend bluey, it's such a cute show. Alvin and the Chipmunks is pretty good too although it's aimed at a slightly older audience >>9328 I'm one of those kids that the parents would take away video games so when they were gone it was a scavenger hunt to find the thing. 12 yo me did not have a fun time finding out my mom had a massive 12 inch dildo balls and all larger than my forearm in a hidden drawer. I would have preferred to find diapers in there
>>9362 Let me guess, single mother? Mine had one too and I found it when I was in my early teens. Don't remember how old I was, maybe 14. It was regular size, though. At least she wasn't a size queen, I understood what it was and never mentioned it to her.
>>9371 Yea, I never once brought it up. She must have known because when she found my diaper stash she didn't say a word either
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>>9377 Its amazing how often parents just don't want to bring it up probably out of embarrassment themselves. As horrifying as it sounds, imagine if anons managed to reproduce and have kids, then their kids turned out to be abdl? How would you react finding your kids diaper stash?
>>9383 >if anons managed to reproduce and have kids, then their kids turned out to be abdl? That's the wrong question. Just ask if your kids turned out to have <HATED FETISH HERE>. I wouldn't want to my kids to be ABDL and neither I would nudge them in that direction. But if they turned out to be ABDL and I found their diaper stash, I would be way more supportive than normalfags parents would be. When I was 21, my mom found my stash (told this story before, so won't go in details). She didn't say anything, probably because I was about to move to a new (rented) house. I visit her sometimes and she had plenty of chances to bring it up and she never did. That's good because I never talked about her dildo too.
>>9385 >Just ask if your kids turned out to have <HATED FETISH HERE>. I can honestly say I don't hold any strongly negative feelings towards any fetish - even really taboo ones like necrophilia. The important thing is to keep everything consensual and, where that isn't possible, stick to 2D. I don't plan to have kids though. The world's a harsh enough place even for completely normal people. I'd need to be able to at least say there's a 99% chance my kid(s) would have a happy life, but that simply isn't the case. There are too many things that could go wrong.
I just wanted to say that I just had an earth shattering orgasms with an hypno tape, and that for the first time instead of feeling the dread of the purge I actually wanted more. I think I'm begging to crack the code to escape the wheel of bing/purge and ascend to abdl nirvana.
Should this thread be cyclical as it can break the archiving?
Exhentai is hosted in Moldova. Might want to think about archiving if things escalate further in Ukraine.
>>9383 Depends alot. If they were young, I'd use it as an incentive system to buy them diapers. If they're older, I'd make it clear that diapers and such can only be enjoyed in the privacy of their room. I wouldn't want them trying to leave the house wearing one. I'd also make sure they're not posting pictures of themselves online that they will come to regret
>>9383 My mother found me out several times but didn't really say anything about it. She makes jokes from time to time now that my brother has a son about 2yr old. "do you want a bottle too anon?" stuff like that. My father had a bit of a chat with me when tykables had that stink about them making a brick and mortar store in their city because it was all over the news. Just the basic "why can't they just keep that stuff in the bedroom like everyone else?" I guess it's because it's not something we really talk about in 'merica. We're very closeted when it comes to anything about sex besides plastering women all over signs and magazines. Sex and showing love are things we pretty much just all know happens but nobody wants to really openly discuss such things in public.
>>9398 What tape?? I could really go for a good orgasm
>>9521 The Nicole Dosei ones. You can still find them in the hypno thread.
anyone have booster recommendations? trying to get into using them, not sure where to start since there's less discourse on them than actual diapers.
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I see, and you call the fetish 'adult baby' despite the fact most people act like toddlers I uh uh... excuse me one second Of course
>>9937 It's called adult baby/diaper lover. Some of us are only interested in diapers, that's the "DL" side of the name, no baby role-play involved. So, in fact there are two distinct groups. They go together because of the large common ground and, sometimes, people bitch at each other because of differences in the fetish and having nothing better to do. So, in short. My group > your group, my diapers > your diapers and so on. I'm only DL and I don't mind ABs as long they don't do their stuff in public. Problem is that some small minority in them actually do and that brings a curse over all of us. >toddlers and babies This distinction don't even exists in some languages. It's basically 0-2 baby, 3-6 little kid/child, 6-10 kid/child.
https://youtu.be/OaEHL3LPaf8?t=559 Sieg-Pampers am I rite?
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Get ready for more crap on Pixiv. Enforcement has always seemed to be non-existent, so unless the chink owners start telling the mods to get their shit together. They wont move there immediately.
>>10097 Fuck, this is ridiculous. Good loli is getting harder and harder to find on the internet. The last thing I want is Pixiv being shit up by MS-paint level furry porn
>>10144 Its time to kick the porn habit, anon. Use your imagination. Its a mental muscle that will help you later on and outside of fapping.
>>9940 There is nothing more stigmatizing that some guy strutting around a pride parade with a full diaper. I get that this fetish will never be normal but I would like it If normies didn't immediately assume I was a scat fetishist pedophile if they found out I was AB
>>10097 Just hope the mentally ill autists don't try to gatekeep shit like they tried on deviantart.
>>10212 Silence has never improved the optics of any group.
ever combine the infamous peel a pound soup with diapers?
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>>10295 Just look at the trannies. Being loud and vocal sure can hurt your optics. There's a fine line between visibility and insertion where your optics are helped. The gays nailed optics up until 2010 when they won all their battles
>>10212 Good luck convincing normalfags that you only wear an oversized baby diaper to piss in and your room is only full of baby stuff because you want to be a baby. They'll say "eww, gross, creepy fuck", laugh at you, then not give it another moment's thought. No attempts at being a good, obedient housenigger will ever make them not feel intense disgust towards your fucked up fetish.
>>10295 People don't need to know what we jerk off too.
>>10212 >>10295 >>10647 >>10649 >>10662 Think about how amazing it would be if we could throw this around the way LGBT people do. Or trannies. Like if we could shame women into changing a shitty diaper and giving us a handjob or otherwise they'd be bigoted.
>>10714 I don't want to do that though. I don't even like people knowing I'm a faggot. It's not their business and it's why I have a strong disgust with pride crap.
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>>10717 If people didn't know we exist we wouldn't be the poster child of degerates
>>10753 Furries are for sure more known then we are and always will be.
>>10753 >>10768 People definitely know about us, and we're definitely degenerates, but I highly doubt we're the first thing that comes to people's minds when they think of fetishism.
>>10774 Agreed. I just don't think we need to paint a larger target on our backs.
The Ara Patrol has been too quiet lately and it scares me.
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>>11510 Recent photos have been secretly published of the Aras in their training camps and bases. It looks like they are well armed and boosting their numbers. I'm afraid of what they are planning. Our numbers have gotten so low...
Anyone know of any good DL discord servers? Preferably one without a bunch of groomers and kids. Yeah I know, tall order.
>>11527 Isn't the FBI supplying them?
I heard a rumor diaper depot near Atlanta GA has new owners, anybody been by there lately that can confirm and discuss their experience? I used to go there semi-frequently and the previous owners were really nice / helpful but haven't seen them being active on social media for a long time and I haven't been to that part of the state lately. Almost time for me to replenish my stash, was curious if it's still worth going through them anymore.
>>12491 no but i can investigate this sometime next week
I've been wanting an abdl sailor suit for a while now but they're pretty expensive. I've been wondering if I can get away with somehow get away with getting a surplus US Navy uniform and cut it up and sew it up to be shorts and a shirt
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>>12726 This would be so good if it wasn't made for actual toddlers
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There's a website for AI generated greentext and it seems to do a decent job in generating them. Although it requires a phone number to register. https://beta.openai.com/playground
>>12508 Any luck? Would love to know if they have any of the new diapers in stock or if they've increased the amount of items they sell.
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>>12726 Etsy seems to have options. Not sure your budget. Not my thing, but it's cute. >>13181 The ones I've seen are funny, but I hate how everything wants a number these days.
>>13401 I was hoping for a 2 piece. The only one I saw was one that was $250 and I wasn't willing to pay anything near that price for how basic it looked
gf (doesn't know about abdl) says if i pee on the toilet seat again she'll make me wear diapers if only she knew she was threatening me with a good time
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>>13778 CALL HER BLUFF! >get sample of you favorite diaper (2 pack) >have to piss (place one diaper on back of toilet) >call your gf into the bathroom (pick an excuse) <PISS ALL OVER THE FUCKING SEAT (no fucks given) >??? PROFIT! (Post results here)
https://www.montana-cans.com/en/spray-cans/montana-spray-paint/ultra-wide-750ml-graffiti-paint/montana-ultra-wide-750ml Ok kinda off topic but these spray cans have a pampers teal color and they just call the color 'nappies' lol
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>>13862 Have you ever added any childish themes to your sprays?
DAE have a certain picture that was posted here. It was of a immortal diaper loli. Infobox in the corner said she was 200yo~ as I recall. Had ram-style horns, apparently dressed up for Halloween in a purple shirt, no bottom. She was saying "Nada de mimir!" Can't find it, it's driving me crazy.
>>14751 >DAE DA*
>>14751 nm I found it
>>13778 well, do it. make her threats real if she dares. maybe it´ll work out in the end?
Lol what if capcon got swatted
https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/35394/25958787/very-attractive-transexual-diapered-and-regressed >AB Source >pioneer in making videos in the old ages >fallen behind because of not thriving with virtue signaling, inclusion and non-sexual tones enough like other shitty studios >most of their classics have been leaked and provide an unending fap source for everyone >uses non-woke terms like "tranny" could they be more based?
>>15696 always have loved ABS videos. Even back in the day they had interesting / unique videos with decent models. They also don't care if you download their videos. lots of the stories are really intriguing so you actually want to get the video to see where it goes and what direction they take with the scenario. Quick fap I still go for something with apple or lotette in it my dick can't handle them for too long. but if I want to take my time and really get immersed in the video I go with ABS majority of the time, Amy and Felicity were really good, I just wish they had them in updated diapers instead of medical ones.
i think the reason ABS has declined in quality is a combination of, less attractive models, no longer tripling up disposables (BY DEFAULT, i know they still do this occasionally), and not having any incentive to innovate/do anything that different than they have for two decades. there are still some classic (like mid-00s) sets and videos that i have NEVER seen that i would kill for, but i'm not sure if they exist anymore.
Diapers I have tried: -Bambino Bianco -Dry 24/7 -Abena Abri-Form M4 -Northshore Megamax -BetterDry What other non-print diapers are worth trying? The only specific one I have in mind is Trest. Doesn't have to be all white, can be single colored, and I have a preference for adhesive, refastenable tapes with a landing zone but will do the hook and loop thing if it's worth it. Also, is it the case that the various Rearz diaper designs are actually distinct diapers? Or are they all the same base diaper with different prints? Same with Bambino, etc.
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>>15746 Not sure what you're looking for in terms of diaper capacity and stealth. But I'm a fan of the ABU simples, they're what I wear to doctor appointments since they're plain. The simples hold 5000ml, the simple ultras hold 6000ml. I haven't tried these but they hold 8000ml that's the new Tykeables str8up.
>>15748 stealth doesn't matter; i would prefer higher capacity but it's not one of the more important qualities for me personally. thickness, overall comfort (dry or wet), and the general look matter the most. i'll look into the abu simple ultras and the str8ups, thanks.
>>15748 >they're what I wear to doctor appointments I know he very likely thinks nothing of it, but do you need to get out of your own head and tell yourself he thinks nothing of it? Much like telling yourself nobody can see or care you're in a diaper, and if they did see they'll forget after an hour and go on with their life?
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I could see talc baby powder reaching the same type of prices as vintage baby diapers at some point in the future. Especially the original scented ones that have since changed with the international ones being sold at the moment. Hasn't it always been a goal for abdls and abdl vendors to try to copy the scent as close as possible? Remembering that there was an abdl vendor that was selling it in a liquid form during the late 2000s.
>>15746 Some definitely are distinct from eachother. The barnyard are the only ones woth hook n loop. I think Princess and llama are the same with different prints and thicker, then lil monsters, bellas, and lil squirts are the same with different prints.
>>15746 You might try tykables cammies. (the camo pattern one) Or overnights. (I think they are the same platform, just different print, but not 100% sure) the camo ones are hook and loop and of course are a printed diaper, but the capacity is great and the general construction is VERY sturdy. Like, the plastic feels thicker and generally much more rugged than a lot of diapers out there. So if your looking for something you can wear for extended periods of time without clumping or falling apart, or something you can play in without worrying about punching a hole in it, they might be worth a try. Im pretty sure you can get a sample of them somewhere, either from tykables themselves or some company like My Inner Baby.
Has anybody else noticed the 8chan.moe domain seems to no longer work? Is that on purpose or is there a problem the site admins havent fixed? Or is this somehow just a problem with me? 8chan.se works fine though.
>>15947 It may increase in price for collectors, but if someone wants to copy a smell, that is much easier (I think) than copying a diaper. Smells can be reverse engineered and then synthesized, in fact this is something that is done on a commercial scale and has an existing industry dedicated to it. You wouldnt be able to do it for like an individual person scale affordably (I would guess, maybe Im wrong) but if someone really wanted to duplicate a particular smell and then sell that smell as an extract, all they would have to do is send one of these companies a sample of the original and arrange to purchase the scent.
>>15804 When I started wearing I of course worried about what people would think and how they would react. Now I don't even think about it since I've been wearing for so long. Nobody really pays attention or cares unless it's immediately relevant to the situation at hand or you act way out of the norm.
Build a bed specifically for adult with physical disabilities, get lusted after by adults with mental disease https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQ9yRiB-R4M
>>15974 Sure, but wouldn't a doctor wonder if something is wrong medically they need to keep an eye on?
>>16112 I guess that depends on if you go to the same doctor all the time and what you're going to the doctor for. If you go to various doctors who don't know your full history they won't usually think anything of you coming in with a diaper on and should have no reason to check or ask about them unless you're going there specifically for some type of bladder / bowel problems or a full physical type deal. I wore to lots of various doctor appointments with no questions about what type of underwear I was wearing for a long time. Then I went wearing for a basic checkup / wellness visit for someone who would become my PC doctor in the VA healthcare system. Without me mentioning that I was wearing diapers they happened to notice I was wearing them while having me stretch and stuff (guess the waistband peeked out the back of my pants.) They actually didn't say anything during the check up but called me later that day to discuss my bathroom habits. They ran some test and gave me a diagnosis of Functional Fecal Incon. when all the test came back without showing much. I've since had 4 different PC doctors in the system and they think nothing of it anymore. I haven't had a discussion about my diapers or my bowels from a medical professional since the diagnosis. They just see it as normal for me to be in them. It actually kind of helped me jump off the deep end and finally commit to being 24/7, that was like 7 years ago.
How long do you stay on the same diaper? I'm talking about in normal situations and just wetting. I only have access to medical diapers and I've been using Tena slips since they have the best cost/benefit. But... I think I'm changing too often. With 2 diaper changes in the morning and 2 in the evening plus one more to sleep. And if i drink coffee, that's one extra change because you know... coffee. So, that's 4 to 5 diapers a day. If I was 24/7 that would be a incredible amount of money. What do you think?
>>16113 The cliché is always, doctors are autistic, so I guess they really would think little of it. >>16208 I'll stay in a wet one for a few hours. Just clean your skin daily with showers, and use wipes when you change. Mind you I don't 24/7.
So when I first wake up (I don't actually wear diapers btw) I always find myself mumbling about liking diapers, messing diapers, asking mommy to change me etc. Anyone else do this? Makes me wonder if I sleep talk to, kinda concerning with having roommates and stuff
>>16337 yes but i only started once i didn't have roommates anymore. it's a fun way to wake up
Does anyone know the sauce
What's the best pacifier on the market that doesn't shift your teeth?
>>16761 adultpacifier.com have several, been using for years. easily the most comfortable, silicone is just better than all the others in gauge and softness. doesn't have that stupid reinforced side. the shield is just right too, fits the face perfectly
>>16762 any recommendations for teat size?
>>16763 some people like the long one, I prefer the short one. smoother texture and it is the right length for effortless sucking.
Is the construction of kids' pull ups different from baby diapers in regards to being designed to handle a flooding accident rather than a constant trickle of pee? I know that sometimes we talk about how flooding a diaper with a full bladder can cause leaks in adult diapers, and that got me curious about pull ups, since they're generally going to be flooded by a kid who didn't feel the need to pee until the last minute, or who has a full release bed wetting accident. If there are any diaper engineers out there, I was just curious if pull ups are specifically designed to handle those sudden floods.
>>16390 The art style looks very similar to a pixiv artist but I would have to look through my bookmarks to know more, will let you know if I do though.
>>16842 It really just depends on the size of the leak guards and how well they fit. I can completely open the floodgates in my tykables without worrying about leaks despite having a large bladder
Im looking to buy my first pair of plastic pants. What Im looking for is something that: 1) Is REALLY good at stopping leaks. Like, even if my diaper leaks, I dont want pee coming out of this thing. I don't want it to slowly seep out or wick through cuffs or anything like that. Like just really solid leak prevention. Including out of the top front while laying down. 2) Comfy. Wont itch or scratch, and doesnt need to cut off blood to my legs to work. (tight is OK, just not insanely/painfully tight) 3) Quiet. I dont want to sound like Im wearing a plastic bag with every step if at all possible. Like at the very least I would prefer its not louder than the diaper, but would be cool if it could even muffle diaper sounds a little. This one I am flexible on though. 4) Reasonably priced. Again, this is flexible. If its a really good product and will last a long time Im willing to spend some money on it. 5) Available in colors like a royal blue or clear or something. Nothing that is like flowers and balloons, just plain or fairly simple. Not a huge issue, more of a preference. Any thoughts on this? What experiences do others have with plastic pants/diaper covers? I recently got a threaded armor absorbent brief and I really like it, but I tend to slowly leak out the top when laying on my stomach. I dont think its the PUL waterproofing thats leaking, I think its pee thats getting wicked into the hem on the inside of the top front gusset, which then wicks to the fabric, not PUL coated outside of said gusset, which in turn wicks to the waistband, and from there onto my shirt, bed, and pants. I also have issues with diapers leaking from the front as well, and also from the back legs around my butt, so I figure a 100% waterproof cover would help with all of this. Also, should I make a new thread for this? >>tldr: What is a good quality super-good-at-stopping-leaks diaper cover/plastic pant I should get for my first pair? >>(and should I make a plastic pants thread for general discussion of them?)
A disease we all wish we could have. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUQX4qknJho
anybody knows where to find that god damn cloth diaper? I have been looking for it for at least ten years and no search has lead me to an actual place where I can find it. I have seen PP, AB source, AB dreams Blair, now Sunny, where the heck are they getting it from!>??!?! https://kemono.party/patreon/user/23722150/post/62840252
>>17085 Nah, I think you underestimate how crippling of a condition it is to be Australian.
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Weird question, but what are the chances that princess-cereal(attached pic) has a penis? I follow her on twitter and a couple months ago someone said they were thinking about bottom surgery and she replied saying she was too. i always thought she was a bio girl.
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>>17272 I always thought she was a girl too. This recent photo makes it look like her body has a pretty feminine shape. However, the fact that she freaks out so hard whenever the question comes up leads me to believe she might have a dick.
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>>17273 Protip: the hands and feet are always a dead giveaway.
>>17273 I bumped into her multiple times at summercap. if she has a dick, she passes very well. she walked around in just a shirt and a little king most of the con. lol
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>>17274 >>17273 >>17278 I'll be honest. She passes well enough and she's into diapers so much that I'd probably go for it anyway.
>>17280 Very much agree with this.
>>17280 >Samus Amiibo >Pokémon memorabilia >Hatsune Miku (a plushie and a figurine) >Bottle of pills (I think) She's trans. The only things missing are a choker, game consoles and LGBTWHATEVER decoration. It would be better if these people simply admitted their situation instead of trying to hide it. I don't mind trans girls if they pass (this one does). I'm more interested in the diapers, but lying and avoiding the topic pisses me off.
>>17288 Yepp Annoys me on Fetlife too. Trans is an option, but they just choose Female
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Something I was just thinking about. Apparently the idea that trans women tend to have a diaper fetish is becoming a pretty well known stereotype in LGBT circles. There's pushback against it but overall it's just kind of becoming part of 'trans culture.' I do feel like modern society is being unreasonable with the forced acceptance of gender dysphoria, which is something that should legitimately be viewed with the same empathy and compassion you would treat any other mental illness, but if diaper fetishism gets more mainstream acceptance because of it, I'm a little more on board.
>>17305 >which is something that should legitimately be viewed with the same empathy and compassion you would treat any other mental illness Bruh, have you seen how other mental illnesses are treated?
>>17305 >Apparently the idea that trans women tend to have a diaper fetish is becoming a pretty well known stereotype in LGBT circles. Various probable explanations for that are given in the tranny thread including physical problems of transition (incontinence and leakage of some sort is a fairly common complication from SRS and certain transition drugs have diuretic effects), mental illness related sexual obsessions (like a lot of us into this fetish it seems), and the rise of AGP and autist trannies already into various other fetishes (comparable to how furries are often into a various other fetishes). >if diaper fetishism gets more mainstream acceptance because of it, I'm a little more on board. I really don't get why people want their weird fetishes to have mainstream acceptance other than to use it as an excuse to be an open pervert, asshole, or exercise control over the behavior of others and try to shame guilt people when they don't like it. That there's plenty of trannies, political whackjobs, and alphabet people in fact doing that is worth noting here. >>17309 Agreed, most people don't like to discuss or understand mental health. It's nothing new and it persists now. Most people just get upset themselves or have little to no ability or desire to actually be helpful when it comes to this sort of things. For most of history having crippling mental or physical illness would get you ostracized, gawked at, or removed. Mental health treatment and professional psychology itself is mostly a joke at best or a threat at worst. Consider that historically professional psychology and mental institutions were used as a way to deal with political dissidents and society's undesirables not just people who genuinely had problems. In some countries that's still a thing, not to mention how political trannies, gender, and sexuality have become. Now we're at a point where people with genuine problems end up homeless or in prison if they act up too much (one of ironies of deinstitutionalization even if that's not entirely to blame) and people are encouraged and praised for permanently altering their bodies while ignoring or downplaying the negative health effects and that the treatment is not as effective as claimed.
>>17305 This was talked about in the trans thread. I recommend you to check it out. What I think is the most probable explanation is childhood trauma. Parents were negligent, abusive or violent. Maybe even molestation by a third party like an aunt/uncle, cousin or a family's close friend. One feeling often reported by those just getting into diapers is security. They feel secure, safe and free of responsibilities. That may indicate they lived in an unstable environment, maybe being a victim of the things previously mentioned. I don't have data about it but in my experience, the vast majority of individuals identifying as homosexuals and transsexuals reported some case of childhood abuse. So I think it's safe to say diapers and transsexualism are close related, both due to bad childhood. I'm including myself in this. Not that I'm trans but something in my own childhood happened for me to enjoy diapers so much. I tried remembering as much as I could, talking to relatives about the past, staring at photos. But I can't pinpoint a main event that lead to my fetish. I think there's some block to it. >>17310 Incontinence side effects of transitioning don't make someone a diaper fetishist. Troons/shemales/trans are nothing new. Now trans + diapers is a recent phenomenon and, like you mentioned, may be related to the rise of AGP (autogynephilic transsexuals). Before that, most mtf trans were HSTS (homosexual transsexuals)
>>17325 It's probably a contributing factor with the other stuff for why trannies have been increasingly associated with ABDL. I don't think the various users that have mentioned it here really mean that it's a sole cause for any tranny that is also into ABDL. Just having incontinence issues isn't going to give someone a diaper fetish, but when combined with the other stuff trannies are known for it makes sense as contributing. If someone is already into fetish stuff or an AGP focusing on seeing themselves as attractive and sexy it's doesn't seem like a stretch for them to start considering diapers in a sexual manner if they actually develop a need for them as well. It probably also helps that a lot of internet AGPs at least seem to focus on cute and little/young girl aesthetic.
>>17325 >Incontinence side effects of transitioning don't make someone a diaper fetishist. No, but having to wear diapers. as an adult, isn't something a lot of people end up doing, and when forced to do so can make you realise maybe you like this, and it goes from there. For example years a go I was on some meds that had some funky side effects. The relevant ones being dry mouth, so I drank more, it acting like a diuretic, so needed to pee a bunch, and finally it knocked me right out when I went to sleep, and I'd be super groggy when waking up. End result was that had a couple accidents, and the doctor gave me some medical diapers to use until things evened out. Thing is, the medical diapers were trash, they either leaked or clumped up, so I looked online and ordered some samples, and found even the cheap ABDL diapers fitted better then the medical ones, so started using them. This introduced me to the scene, which I was willing to get into more as I started to realise that I actually liked wearing diapers. Would I have done so if I wasn't put in the position were I actually needed to wear diapers? Maybe, maybe not, but it was still a factor
>>17041 See if you can find a pair that are lined with terry towl. I have some and they're great. A little bit thicker then the standard plastic ones but much more comfortable. The towl lining helps absorb leaks to a degree, which helps stop them getting out, and because the outer layer is vinyl they are actually quieter then regular plastic pants. Downsides are they're more expensive, but worth it in my mind, and I've only ever seen them in white, though you could die them if you wanted. Oh, and they do tend to get warm in the summer, but most plastric pants do. They great when it's colder though.
>>17310 >I really don't get why people want their weird fetishes to have mainstream acceptance ABDL specifically relies on physical products, for which lack of acceptance hinders the marketability, availability, and production of. Declining levels of private space due to housing prices also don't help.
>>17041 You're not gonna get something quiet out of a plastic pant, however a rubber pant might be exactly what you're looking for https://youtu.be/3-dPLtnwjlg
>>17403 ooh, thats interesting, I'll definitely take a closer look at those!
>>17390 >ABDL specifically relies on physical products, for which lack of acceptance hinders the marketability, availability, and production of. This is already true of any other fetish that involves inanimate objects and not parts of the body or things produced by it. The major difference between ABDL and other object fetishes is that ABDL diapers are expensive and not reusable (unless you're going with cloth which has its own issues). A sex toy or fetish gear can last years and even quality stuff can be considered cheap for something that may never actually need to be replaced in the person's lifetime. But, it's not like we actually have an ABDL diaper shortage due to it being so niche and most people aren't going to be wearing 24/7 unless they're rich. Even cheaper disposable diapers for babies and medical incontinence can cost hundreds or thousands a year. I don't see what the problem is unless you lack an internet connection and absolutely need to be able to go down to a physical store for diapers for some reason or want to be wearing all the time (which is just impractical even if you have the money and people that have actually tried 24/7 have noted the inconvenience of it and that wearing all the time can lower interest because it becomes mundane). Even then medical diapers are cheaper and readily available as they're not specialty, but they are lower quality. It's not something that is going to change any time soon. >Declining levels of private space due to housing prices also don't help. And? This is true for nearly anything directly sexual or even just frowned upon because it's niche or weird. Just vanilla sex and masturbation requires some privacy (unless you're living in some sort of isolated free love community) because people generally don't want to randomly see or hear other people fucking or fapping/schlicking in public and there's reasons beyond that, such as hygiene and avoiding distracting or being disruptive to others with the activity. The same two things apply to ABDL too. Try to think of it as normal people see it. Normal people generally don't want to be next to someone who just shit or pissed themselves. It's bodily waste and most people are naturally disgusted by anything to do with bodily waste and decay like it or not. People only tolerate it with medical incontinence and children due to there legitimately being a lack of control rather than it being deliberate. Even for people actually into ABDL most of us probably aren't going to want be in same room with some random stranger who may be actively loading their pants. Similarly most healthy adults like sex to some degree, but they don't want strangers doing it in front of them. Complaining that ABDL isn't mainstream accepted is like insisting that people shouldn't have a problem with a guy walking into a bar or restaurant naked or wearing a gimp suit or openly carrying around a sex toy and sitting next to you. If you're interacting with people you're not fucking or aren't comfortable with sexual stuff (which is most of the people you'll interact with on a regular basis) you need to have discretion with sex, fetishes, and kinks to avoid causing offense. This reminds me of idiots on social media talking about coming out to their family about ABDL interests or fetishes. Your friends and family don't need to or want to know about that. It's not like being gay where your same sex lover may be involved in family gatherings or everyday social interactions and may need to be concerned about how you'll have children.
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>>17041 I've used Garywear PUL pants before, they are quiet, but not great for the rest of your concerns. You could stuff a towel inside to absorb leaks. Very soon I'm going to order a couple pairs of privatina training panties. You can customize them to have a waterproof layer or even a fleece lining and a waterproof layer. The store photo, while iconic, doesn't really show how it could be a diaper cover. Luckily that one abdl girl modeled some for resale and put a huge cloth diaper under it. It's going to be expensive but I've wanted these for years and I'm tired of leaks myself.
Guys serious shit!!! I was talking with my BF over discord and he was pretty wasted. We reminisced about our childhoods and apparently we both kept our stuffed animals. I thought it was cute. A couple days later, wasted again he starts talking about how he wants a daddy in his life which me being the top of the relationship kinda fill. Tonight though he started talking about how much he loves onesies and he showed me a couple onesies and even put one on. He seemed insecure about it and kept asking if it was weird that he liked them. I'm seriously wondering if he's ABDL and doesn't want to to admit it. If so I fuckin scored with a little/playmate! I just don't know how to handle the situation or wait to see if he comes out on his own
>>17415 Excessive exclamation points, obvious attempt at exaggerated panicked post style that matches no actual mentally unstable person's posts a lot of people have actually seen. Talks about some random dude met into ABDL without indicating own sex suggesting a tranny playing out fantasy at best. All I can say is "get lost dumbass" because if I used fuck in the insult you'd get off on it in some way, troll or attention whore or whatever sort of moron that gets off on making obvious RP or troll posts on an image board outside of threads involving that.
Has anyone gotten plastic sheets? I want to get some, but ideally they'd be loud, for that extra-baby feel. Recommendations/tips?
>>17419 Breathable plastic/vinyl sheets aren't unusual. A lot of people use them simply because it's far easier and cheaper to clean or replace than a mattress because the main thing is sweat and whatever body fluids that accumulate over time. I've got one of these simply to extend the life of the mattress from normal use. Just getting a cover that doesn't let significant outside moisture though be it spills or general sweat or bed stuff expected can easily be cheaper in the long run than that and a mattress. They're not an entirely an ABDL or medical thing and pretty cheap. The main issue is that most stuff is not designed for full blown bed wetting, but rather to deal with sweat, cum, and occasional leaks or drink spills. You can find them on Amazon pretty cheap.
>>17406 >ABDL diapers are expensive Which is precisely because of the lack of acceptance making it niche. >absolutely need to be able to go down to a physical store for diapers for some reason or want to be wearing all the time Yeah, incontinent people, for one. It's ridiculous how they can't buy the products they actually need in stores. >Just vanilla sex and masturbation requires some privacy (unless you're living in some sort of isolated free love community) because people generally don't want to randomly see or hear other people fucking or fapping/schlicking in public There's a world of difference between fapping and simply wearing underwear under your clothes. If people can accept trans, they sure as fuck should be able to accept people wearing different underwear. >Normal people generally don't want to be next to someone who just shit or pissed themselves. It's bodily waste and most people are naturally disgusted by anything to do with bodily waste Putting aside how ABDLs don't necessarily use them at all, diapers and odor-killing pills like activated charcoal are how incontinent people are able to function in society. Piss and shit would still exist without diapers, so diapers aren't the actual issue. Diapers make bodily waste LESS disgusting. >People only tolerate it with medical incontinence No. No, they really, really don't. Have you ever read about the shit they go through, be it at school, work, their love lives and even at the hospital? The truth of the matter is that people only don't tolerate people wearing diapers past babyhood because they're bombarded with hateful lies about how diapers are only for babies during potty training. If you have any form of empathy, you should be supporting those who need to wear them by calling out negative attitudes towards them wherever you can. >Complaining that ABDL isn't mainstream accepted is like insisting that people shouldn't have a problem with a guy walking into a bar or restaurant naked or wearing a gimp suit or openly carrying around a sex toy and sitting next to you. No, it's like saying a guy shouldn't be treated like a potential rapist and risk losing everything if someone rummages through his drawers without his permission and finds a pair of panties in there. Unless you're a literal baby boomer or a trust fund baby, having a house to yourself hasn't been a guarantee for decades, and even then, you'd need to be forever alone unless you miraculously find someone who isn't a hateful vindictive little bitch. >you need to have discretion with sex, fetishes, and kinks to avoid causing offense. Cool, do you say the same thing about them speaking ill of fetishes and offending fetishists too, or are you just a hypocrite licking the boots of abusive people? Is it okay for us to react in the same way as black people being called the N-word whenever people speak of adult diapers with disgust? It's easy to speak ill of forcing fetishes on others, but it logically follows that forcing one's turn-offs on others would be just as bad, you know. >It's not like being gay Yeah, we're actually oppressed rather than privileged with the entire mainstream media and major companies openly supporting us. Your strawman of people wanting to be able to buy diapers at the store without getting harassed somehow being the same as flaunting their underwear is really forced and does nothing to obscure the actual issue of how our situation is much like that of gays in Saudi Arabia. If you don't think our situation needs to improve, you are either sheltered as fuck, or not an ABDL at all but rather a bad faith actor trying to undermine us.
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>>17310 >>17406 I don't know about other people but for me at least I think there's some very realistic and beneficial goals that could come from 'mainstream' acceptance. This probably means different things for different people but when I say mainstream acceptance I'm not talk about being able to openly flaunt wearing diapers in public or anything crazy. I just want people to view the fetish as 'kinky' as opposed to 'oh my god how disgusting and extreme is this shit?' Sort of like how BDSM has garnered way more public acceptance than what it used to. Or the fact that furries are literally fucking everywhere nowadays. Also, if you date vanilla women, vanilla women can very easily be influenced by society to view different things as acceptable sexy fun as opposed to weird depraved shit. So yes more public acceptance of ABDL is a good thing in that regard. Also, like >>17429 said >If people can accept trans, they sure as fuck should be able to accept people wearing different underwear. I absolutely agree with this. Not just that but the weirdness of the LGBT community in general. If society can wrap it's head around that sort of thing and slowly learn to be 'ok' with it (even if it's somewhat forced) fetishism really isn't that far behind.
>>17420 Are you serious? Try not to buy into modern victim mentality. Yeah some people mistake us for pedos and people discriminate against and bully people with medical conditions like incontinence, but I wouldn't really call ABDLs "oppressed". We're not "gays in Saudi Arabia" as you put it. I highly doubt anyone is protesting in the street or making laws because people like to wear adult diapers for psychological or sexual gratification other than people being against general perversion or because they think we're predators. Someone being disgusted with diapers is not in any way like being called a slur because disgust with waste is a natural instinctual reaction intended to prevent us from potentially getting sick so we're the weirdos in that regard. If anything it's at best laughable and at worst insulting you compare us to gays and blacks. ABDLs weren't systematically enslaved and discriminated against in the Americas for centuries. No one's saying ABDLs can't get married. There's no laws specifically against being into ABDL. No one's being lynched for wearing diapers. We're too niche for most people to care like a lot of weird fetishes. Normies in general just lump us in with all the other perverts. There's not really anything we can do about that and to they're not entirely wrong to do so. We're perverts and weirdos and a few ABDLs are indeed sick bastards. There's nothing wrong with being a pervert or weirdo, but we do need to keep our interests in check. People are always going to have problems with stuff like this, the least we can do is not give them extra ammo or paint targets on ourselves. >>17434 >BDSM That's not as acceptable as you think it is. In some countries aspects of BDSM are specifically illegal and in others it can fall under laws regarding assault because it's assumed that people can not knowingly consent to physical harm. There's some understandable logic to that. There have been legal cases of BDSM going to far and causing serious physical injury. >I absolutely agree with this. Not just that but the weirdness of the LGBT community in general. If society can wrap it's head around that sort of thing and slowly learn to be 'ok' with it (even if it's somewhat forced) fetishism really isn't that far behind. Honestly I'd prefer if it if ABDLs are never be lumped in with the mainstream LGBT movement. Even some gays and lesbians don't like it and have you not seen the shenanigans of certain online alphabet people and how much LGBT stuff is used to try to bully, shame, and guilt people? Gender bender stuff is one of my top fetishes and I like chicks and dicks, but I hate all the modern political nonsense regarding sexuality and gender and how some people try to drag real world politics into fantasy fetish porn.
>>17435 >Yeah some people mistake us for pedos and people discriminate against and bully people with medical conditions like incontinence >but I wouldn't really call ABDLs "oppressed" This is the very definition of cognitive dissonance. >I highly doubt anyone is protesting in the street People literally are running ABDL stores out of towns. >making laws People have been denied custody of their children over being ABDL. >other than people being against general perversion or because they think we're predators It's commonly agreed that reactions like that are wrong when it comes to LGBT nowadays, so people still behaving that way towards fetishes is nothing but hypocrisy. >If anything it's at best laughable and at worst insulting you compare us to gays and blacks. So you ARE just a bad faith infiltrator after all. Get the fuck out of ABDL communities, because we don't want the likes of you around here. We don't owe women, gays, trans people, black people or any other group shit unless they return the favor and stand up for us with the same passion they expect everyone else to have for them. Newsflash: Nobody gives a single fuck about what happened countless years ago as compared to what is going on right now, and, yes, oppression and censorship can be enacted by private companies and the ignorant public just as much as it can be by the government. Absolutely nobody but a pedantic oppression apologist subscribes to the line of thought that a group's suffering is only valid if it's officially at the hands of the government. >No one's saying ABDLs can't get married. Countless tales of breakups and divorces say otherwise. >No one's being lynched for wearing diapers. The comment sections of any news or documentaries about ABDL sure suggest otherwise. If we're not being lynched, it's because we haven't been found. >a few ABDLs are indeed sick bastards A few of anything are sick bastards. The difference is that other groups call out prejudice for what it is and don't let their bad eggs define them out of cowardice. >how much LGBT stuff is used to try to bully, shame, and guilt people As fucked up as it is, clearly it is effective. They have way more skeletons in their closets than we do, but get accepted simply because people have learned the hard way that fucking with them has consequences. The main issue with the ABDL community is that so many "ABDLs" are limp-wristed self-aggrandizing fucks who'll scream themselves blue in the face about how some ABDL company is evil for not donating to the latest in-vogue mainstream cause or whatever, then look the other way as people scream death threats at us and deny us interactions and income as a direct result of the latest hatemonger with a large platform spewing falsehoods about us unopposed.
>>17437 This is a fucking kink dude, not a lifestyle. Stop whining about "muh rights to get off on shitting myself near coworkers or kids". Most people can live an enormously happy life and limit their kink to the bedroom. If you can't, that's what you need to be seeing a therapist about. This "LGBT = ABDL" shit is pathological.
>>17440 Keep trying to force that exhibitionist strawman with zero connection to what anyone's saying. I'm sure the crowd that frothes with mindless malice at anyone wearing a diaper past an arbitrary age will have mercy on you when they discover your diapers if you do.
>>17437 >Get the fuck out of ABDL communities, because we don't want the likes of you around here. You've made me seen the error of my ways. I will never so much as jerk off to ABDL porn eever again. But in all seriousness... "No, I don't think I will." Do you not see the absurdity in angrily ranting about oppression and politics on a board catering to diaper fetishism? I'm just here to get off and discuss a fetish I like with others. I don't care how "oppressed" someone thinks they are or political spergery in a fetish community and from what I've seen most people don't like politics and oppression olympics mixed with their porn. ABDL isn't political, the same as pretty much any other fetish, despite the jokes here about political ABDL. You're an idiot if you think otherwise. Libido and orgasm are just there to make sure you're reproducing and some people manage to get off in the weeds with it which is why human sexual pursuits are so varied and aren't always conducive to actual reproduction. I see little point in taking weird sexual interests in myself or anyone else seriously beyond it being kept under control and out of site enough to not cause problems for me or others. This is why I avoid discussion in gender bender fetish communities. There's always some polititard bringing up real world tranny shit. TLDR; I don't give a fuck about your political views. I don't give a fuck if you think ABDLs are a discriminated minority because most us can't engage in this fetish as desired all the time. Most people can't enjoy their sexual interests or fetishes as fully desired, get over it. We're all perverts and freaks here. I see no point in pretending we're dignified and serious when we're getting off to inanimate underwear intended for pissing and shitting in. >>17440 At least this guy gets it. Anyway, I'm going back to masturbating to adults in diapers now.
>>17442 That's a whole lot of words for "I said dumb shit and got destroyed by the facts".
>>17437 Jesus dude. >running ABDL stores out of towns Plenty of gay bathhouses or adult stores get run out of town. So has Chic-fil-A. There's an ABDL store near me doing just fine. These are just local issues around community standards, visibility etc. >denied custody of their children If you're referring to the recent case in Australia, the decision was based on (a) the father running an online ABDL business, and getting his children to help him in the business, (b) the father wearing diapers openly around the children, (c) the father picking a child up from school or mother's house while wearing a diaper, despite previously agreeing not to. Judge ruled that children would likely feel embarrassed or humiliated, particularly at school, due to their father's behaviour. Again, "ABDL --> Bedroom" doesn't equal oppression. > breakups and divorces Yeah, cause the not-as-oppressed-as-us LGBTs never had breakups or divorces. If ABDL causes a breakup, good. Now you can find someone you're compatible with and who accepts you. It takes time but it's worth it. People can also get stuck in cycles like: shame --> repression of ABDL urges --> urges grow and overcome shame --> 'binge' period (e.g. 24/7, wearing openly, untraining) --> shame. I imagine that if ABDL contributes to a divorce, it's because there wasn't a healthy and stable expression of ABDL urges in the relationship before the wedding.
>>17406 >This reminds me of idiots on social media talking about coming out to their family about ABDL interests or fetishes This is something that baffles me. My friends know I'm a fag, so they probably assume I like putting things in my ass ( truth be told I don't) and while I never admitted it, one guessed correctly that I dress like a girl when I'm alone. They know what my type is, that I like legs, but that's normie level shit. I don't need to know and I don't want to know what turns them on.
>>17446 >These are just local issues around community standards, visibility etc. In other words, ABDL is indeed facing those issues in those communities, hence there is in fact a problem. >and getting his children to help him in the business This part was going too far and the one thing that made the decision make any kind of sense, yes, but there were several parts of the opposing side's arguments and demands that were pure bollocks, such as them arguing for getting rid of one's fetish through therapy (known to be impossible and harmful just like gay conversion therapy. Oh look, another great example of how anti-ABDL and classic anti-LGBT rhethoric are one and the same), as well as the obvious question of what they would have done if he really did need to wear diapers and had the fetish too. What constitutes wearing "openly", for one? If he was walking around in just a diaper outdoors, then that goes without saying, but if he was wearing clothes over them, he'd be doing things no differently from someone who needs to wear them. Should incontinence be a reason to lose custody too? >Judge ruled that children would likely feel embarrassed or humiliated, particularly at school, due to their father's behaviour. Why would anyone at school know about it, and why wouldn't you just have the law penalize those who harass others over it if so? It's like saying gay people shouldn't be allowed to adopt children because they'd get bullied by homophobes. >Yeah, cause the not-as-oppressed-as-us LGBTs never had breakups or divorces. I feel like people in gay relationships most likely don't tend to freak out at their partner being gay, for obvious reasons. >Now you can find someone you're compatible with and who accepts you. The vast majority can't, all because the average person is blinded with irrational hatred. Acceptance isn't something that's found, it's something that's won through fighting for it. >I imagine that if ABDL contributes to a divorce, it's because there wasn't a healthy and stable expression of ABDL urges in the relationship before the wedding. Or maybe she became more controlling and demanding after the wedding under the belief it was some kind of phase at first, had a lapse of judgment and opened up about their bedroom fun to hateful "friends" pressuring her to leave him as a result, or so on. If you're selfish and only ever want to do ABDL stuff, then obviously she'll be in the right to get sick of you, but the vast majority of cases involve the very knowledge of someone's partner not being entirely averse to trying on a diaper or ever having worn one past babyhood for any reason suddenly warping the other one into a histrionic spiteful cunt because mainstream society currently encourages reacting like that. >>17453 You never admitted to liking to dress like a girl, but he guessed it anyways. That's the thing right there: People can guess, assume (correctly or not) and figure out your likes despite you doing everything to keep it a secret. Someone coming swinging at you over a wild assumption is never anybody's fault but theirs.
Is there a brand of diaper where the filling doesnt sag down to the bottom after a wetting or two? M4 are my go to but the filling sags quickly. I tried rearz high capacity diapers and the filling moved down ever quicker. I dont need super high capacity, I just want the wet filling to stay put for several wettings and moving around for a few hours. I think maybe there was an "astronaut" brand that didnt but its been like 5 years and I have forgotten.
>>17468 >opposing side's arguments and demands that were pure bollocks The diaper was "partially exposed" when the father was in public, hence the risk of embarrasment. The judge didn't push for 'conversion therapy', but instead was satisfied that since the father didn't have the capacity to change his fetishistic behaviours, the risks to the children's wellbeing which arose from those behaviours would also remain unchanged if custody was allowed. >gay relationships most likely don't tend to freak out at their partner being gay I thought this was obvious, but there are a lot more breakups or divorces caused by someone coming out as gay or trans in a heterosexual relationship versus someone coming out as ABDL. >average person is blinded with irrational hatred >acceptance is won through fighting >hateful "friends" pressuring her to leave >mainstream society warping her into a histrionic spiteful cunt This all sounds specific enough for me to suspect you've had a rough time with a relationship in the past. I am sorry that happened to you. However, is it more likely that "mainstream society has an irrational hatred for ABDLs" or is it simply that "people have turn-ons and turn-offs"? I am obviously turned on by diapers. I am very turned off by vomit. Some people are very turned on by vomit. Some people like collecting other people's vomit. Do I think those people should be rounded up and arrested? Definitely not. Do I think those people should automatically lose their job or custody of their children? No. Do I think those people should be discrete in enjoying their fetish, and try to avoid exposing that fetish to others who do not share it? Very, very yes. There is a high probability that all of my friends have some kind of sexual fetish, and the number of friends whose fetishes I would want to know is firmly at zero. If I found out that one of my friends enjoyed collecting women's vomit or bouncing on a horse-shaped dildo, I would still care for them just as I did before, but I would also find that knowledge rather uncomfortable and would try to keep it out of my mind when we hung out. The discomfort isn't because I'm a bigot. This discomfort is that those fetishes are turn-offs, and they shouldn't need my validation for their fetish just as I have never needed their validation. Romantic relationships are different. Your partner doesn't have to share your fetish, but you at least need the validation from them that they still love and support you when you indulge in your fetish. But that validation only means something if it's freely offered, not if it's "won through fighting for it". If I was dating someone who told me they liked collecting vomit, I wouldn't be bigoted nor would they be oppressed if I had doubts about our compatibility. If they hid their fetish from me until years later when they wanted to indulge openly and have a vomit collection on the bedroom shelf, I would probably look to end the relationship, even though I still care about them and wish them well because my strong turn off can't give them the validation that they obviously need. You accept that you can't change your turn on for ABDL, I hope you can also accept that you can't change other people's turn offs. Even if those turn offs are 'irrational', because everything in sexuality is irrational. Freud has some rather unflattering insights to share on that topic. Ironically, I'd say that the people who most seem to think that turn offs are 'irrational' and should be 'fought against' are the radical trans activists, i.e. "lesbians are transphobes if they don't want to be fucked by a girldick". So yeah, don't be like those shitheads by equating people being turned off by ABDL as some kind of oppression. By the way, hateful friends pressuring someone to leave their partner has nothing to do with ABDL. Doesn't matter if it's diapers or eating cereal with water instead of milk. That relationship was dead the moment she betrayed her partner's confidences, and didn't have his back.
What are the cheapest ABDL themed diapers on the market. I like wetting but the idea of using a $4 diaper every time seems extremely wasteful and depends just don't do it for me
Are there any ABDL stores in California. It just seems like a blind spot where there's nothing
>>18028 bro theres like a handful of ABDL stories in the entire US. no, there isnt one in cali. surprising, tbh
>>17483 you wont hear back from them, I believe the person replying to you is probably in a younger generation gap where some of the liberties obtained in the past are being considered as a "granted" and not earned, thus, their next goal of advancing forwards their demands from society are greater than someone who has had to deal with this fetish in the privacy of their home alone without any sort of "online communities" and tons of online stores catering to their tastes. Its not a "fucking millenials" or "ok boomer" meme it is an actual thing, simply they actually believe to their core a fetish is a "lifestyle" and if you surround yourself with the same coombrain circle you go down a spiral and you will not come back, SPECIALLY if you are a man. Just like trans people who start transitioning, once you take that jump, its a slippery slope its to late to go back so you commit more and more until you are 60, single, all of your waking hours are spend thinking about a sexual fetish that has isolated you from the real world. The best you can aspire to is finding an escort who will not be disgusted by your kink for some solace of human intimacy in exchange for money. No actual males find Mommys nowadays, and the "Mommys" who are not out to straight out scam you are very likely suffering with tons of mental illnesses which you will convince yourself are "not a big deal" I have seen the pattern quite a lot, if you are lucky enough, you might find a vanilla partner who tolerates your kink, that is an ok goal to aim for. But all of the social media and easily available amateur porn everywhere has lead entire generations of men that finding a Mommy is possible when the best you can aim for is going for a Daddy or a Troon Mommy, as years go by it starts chipping away at you after the years and you might just be ok with being gay as long as you can live your fetish. Its called "prison gay" TL;DR It is the true divide of humankind, people who have achieved a level they feel comfortable with and do not wish to change so much the status quo because they have grown enough to be happy and people just coming into the world with many earned rights but will seek to gain more and more because that is the human condition, striving for more. and that is how you end up with people advocating for pa 3d 0 shit in TED talks.
>>18035 There is no slippery slope. Plenty of people developed "less extreme" desires over time. It's all a matter of acquiring some sensitivity by actually engaging with reality.
>>18040 This happened to me, i did some really weird shit in a exploration phase between 14-16, now other than diapers, im mostly normal
Where can I get a Dakimakura with a fuckhole and a ABDL-themed outer layer?
>>17483 >The diaper was "partially exposed" when the father was in public, hence the risk of embarrasment. The important thing here would be the intent. Accidental underwear peeks are a thing that happens sometimes, diapers or not. This line of reasoning could just as well be used to say incontinent people aren't fit to have children, which is very obviously a fucked up thing to say. If the judge truly cared for the well-being of the children, the right thing to do would be to prosecute anyone giving them grief over their father's diaper-wearing harshly to make it clear that it's not okay to harass people over it. >The judge didn't push for 'conversion therapy' One of the demands was for him to stop doing anything related to the fetish, even in private, with therapy to get rid of it being recommended (but the actual professional rightly called it out for the bullshit it was). So yeah, conversion therapy rhethoric right out of the bible belt. >I thought this was obvious, but there are a lot more breakups or divorces caused by someone coming out as gay in a heterosexual relationship For one, I have to wonder why they even got into a heterosexual relationship, and for two, they basically ended it on their own if they're not actually into their partner. >trans Well, yeah, if you demanded your partner to acknowledge you as a full-time baby and treat you accordingly, they'd be perfectly justified to leave you too. Your examples are of fundamental incompatibilities, whereas a reasonable ABDL just wants to be able to wear a diaper now and then without even necessarily involving their partner. It's only an issue if the partner decides to make it one because of their own vile nature. Also, LGBT is a lot more common and has a lot more incentive to come out of the closet nowadays, so apples and oranges, but not in the way you claim it is. >This all sounds specific enough for me to suspect you've had a rough time with a relationship in the past. Not really, I've just done my research on this stuff. I suggest branching out and reading about the experiences of others once in a while for a more nuanced worldview. >However, is it more likely that "mainstream society has an irrational hatred for ABDLs" or is it simply that "people have turn-ons and turn-offs"? The former, absolutely the former. Negative reactions to diapers are learned what with them being a manmade object, whereas humans have an innate biological aversion to excretion. Yet, people are more likely to react harshly to clean diapers than to urine. Thus, they have irrational hatred. (Incidentally, before you try to excuse it with "associations" or whatever: That is nothing but another word for prejudice. You would only be further proving my point.) >Do I think (...) No. Congratulations. People don't extend that courtesy towards us, and that's precisely where the issue lies. You gain nothing from downplaying it, and you are a self-defeating idiot for doing so. >Do I think those people should be discrete in enjoying their fetish, and try to avoid exposing that fetish to others who do not share it? Very, very yes. Funny how we agree there, no matter how much you try to paint a strawman. >If I was dating someone who told me they liked collecting vomit, I wouldn't be bigoted nor would they be oppressed if I had doubts about our compatibility. If they hid their fetish from me until years later when they wanted to indulge openly and have a vomit collection on the bedroom shelf, I would probably look to end the relationship, even though I still care about them and wish them well because my strong turn off can't give them the validation that they obviously need. A better comparison would be if they liked to wear panties at times and had some lying around. If that's cause enough to turn you into a screeching harpy and make you want to break up with them, then yes, you probably are a bigot. It's not a big deal, and a decent person would just shrug and let their partner enjoy things. >I hope you can also accept that you can't change other people's turn offs. Being turned off by diapers is learned behavior. Many ABDLs went from not being into them at all to loving them later on. In other words, yes, we absolutely can make people more open-minded by fighting back against the anti-diaper hate propaganda that society forces on people far more than we ever force our likes on them. >Ironically, I'd say that the people who most seem to think that prejudice is 'irrational' and should be 'fought against' are black people, i.e. "we want to drink from the same fountains". So yeah, don't be like those shitheads by equating people being turned off by ABDL as some kind of oppression. Two can play at false equivalences. That is how you sound, though, just so you know. Kind of a sign your side isn't looking very good. >By the way, hateful friends pressuring someone to leave their partner has nothing to do with ABDL It's got everything to do with it. Society reinforces hateful attitudes and pushes people who would otherwise be accepting into going along with their hatred, hence why society's attitude as a whole needs to be fought against. >>18035 >you wont hear back from them Bet you would've liked that, huh? Too bad. >they actually believe to their core a fetish is a "lifestyle" And there you go again, trying to force a strawman because you can't handle the facts. It's not working. >people who have achieved a level they feel comfortable with and do not wish to change so much the status quo because they have grown enough to be happy and people just coming into the world with many earned rights but will seek to gain more and more because that is the human condition, striving for more. I'm comfortable personally, but looking out for others and wanting society to improve for ABDLs is something any non-sociopath ABDL would want. It's a matter of having empathy.
Are there any good ABDL-hotels, with ABDL-furniture (but no mommies or hookers. Just the interior and with playgrounds for ABDLs) ?
>>18181 >any non-sociopath ABDL would want. It's a matter of having empathy. If you dont agree with everyone exposing their fetish publicly thus violating the rule of consent to non consenting bystanders you are a unempathic sociopath. Yeah, clearly I am the monster here.
Did Omegle finally ban the abdl tag? Whenever I try to connect with that as my interest I get random strangers. Is it fucking over?
>>18438 I got banned for WEEKS, reason "underage" Did I make it? is this the truly AgeRegression fantasy I wanted? I am 32 lol I havent tried in a while though
>>18438 Looks like it, yeah, I've been using the bedwetter and bedwetting tags instead for a while now, most people there are abdl anyway but you get retards pretending to be kids
Now's the time go let out any pent-up naughtiness before having to hold it in for an entire month.
>>18598 Not doing NNN
I know this gets brought up all the time but fuck it feels like the ABDL internet is disappearing. ABDL stuff seems to be slowly getting phased out of the major social media sites. 8kun is dead and this board isn't very active. I miss some of the old forums from like the late 2000s. File sharing was super common there and you could start discussions about anything without fear of backlash. I know there's a couple other places to go but I don't know how to find good ABDL discords. Fetlife sucks. And maybe there's a couple of other good forums still out there? I've never tried the DailyDiapers one. What I'd really like is for their to be another ABDL chan but that seems unlikely now.
>>18665 >I know this gets brought up all the time but fuck it feels like the ABDL internet is disappearing. Replace ABDL with [INSERT FETISH/HOBBY] and you've got spot on with the internet as a whole. Discord is a perfect example of everything that has gone wrong with the internet. Everyone is retreating to their own secluded little corner with no real way to communicate or find others. As a result it's made the internet a lot smaller and thus killed a lot of communities.
>>18673 Discord has pretty much destroyed forum culture, it's a shame
>>18675 I would say same has been happening with likes of twitter, instagram, tik-tok etc but by far Discord has been the one to do irreversible harm. Tumblr also imploding also really didn't help, honestly I miss how much that place was a containment centre for the mentally ill of the internet.
>>18676 The thing I find really inconvenient about Discord is that it's closed off and hard to index, you can't go searching for a question you have and find an answer someone had to the same question a decade ago on a search engine when the conversation takes place on Discord instead of a proper forum. But yes other social media hasn't helped either and it's absolutely wild that there are entire businesses that live or die based on the behavior of their recommendation algorithms
>>18675 Fedposters and doxniggers destroyed forum culture. Discord is just what people settled for as a replacement.
>>18697 I would say that Discord is worse for both of those issues
>>18665 >>18673 >>18675 It really is something to be old enough to watch the wild west internet come and go. I really do wish we could go back to how it was pre-2008, fuck I'd take 2013 over this nightmare today. We watched 4chan get cucked, and 8chan get raped to death. "Meme" has replaced the word joke. They used to last months or years before becoming stale, now shit is used up in days sometimes. It can never be as it was, I guess you really can't go home again. I'll also admit I'm probably being an overdramatic faggot.
>>18665 >>18773 On that note though what would it theoretically take to get another abdlchan off the ground? It felt like things were going in the right direction with that before the creator freaked out. Also, what would it take to have a new 2000s style forum site created? I don't have any coding experience or anything on the tech end but if the monthly cost was low I wouldn't mind moderating and maintaining something like that. Otherwise, just where do we go from here anyway? Feels like there's no good options left.
>>18825 The environment that allows these things to work just doesn't exist anymore. "Discoverability" of websites is funneled through a handful of massive social media websites, who have control over what is and isn't allowed.
>>18825 >Also, what would it take to have a new 2000s style forum site created? A time machine would be a good start. I'm not shitting on this place when I say this, but this place is as good as it's going to get these days. It's as >>18828 says. And like I said "you can't go home again." Those days are gone, that type of internet is dying. It's not just the thin skinned nature of Zoomers, it's the shift in everything. Imageboards and classic forums are old internet and dying in favor of Discord type communication. While chat rooms have existed for decades now, the way they work isn't even close to how it was. I could keep going, but I'd just be repeating myself. I made a throwaway discord for a AD/BL server. I deleted it and left after 2 months. I just found I didn't like the people there. I just can't deal with the trauma dumping super sensitive faggots every 20 minuets. It was mostly furry and trannies anyway. tl;dr No, just be happy we have this place.
>>18825 There are a couple of open source imageboard projects that you can pretty easily spin up an instance of but that isn't the hard part. The hard part is doing the moderation, getting people to use it, and if you end up getting enough traffic you have to find a way to pay for the server costs. This board is practically the only /abdl/ image board and the amount of traffic is not enough to warrent an entire dedicated site. I enjoy imageboard culture but I think it's hayday is behind us
>>18825 Starting an imageboard is easy, running it is a whole other matter. Aside from costs, raids, Feds etc trying to attract a community to it can be like having your ass covered in heating cream and being paddled constantly. Last time there was an abdlchan it was very reddit and tame and died without a word.
>>18828 >>18869 >>18897 If we're talking about a 2000 style forum, that would be just a project more for nostalgia than anything else. I wouldn't care too much about the traffic as long as it was functional and not very demanding in terms of cost and moderation. If we're talking about an imageboard that would be a little different. I would want it to generate at least as much traffic as here, preferably more but I feel like the nature/reputation of imageboards would lead to a lot of other problems. >>18906 >Aside from costs, raids, Feds etc trying to attract a community to it can be like having your ass covered in heating cream and being paddled constantly. That's the thing that I would worry about with a new ABDL imageboard I think. The nature of imageboards means it's constantly going to be under attack by outside forces and even if server costs are low and maintenance is relatively easy, I would want to have to get into a legal battle to defend a little diaper fetish corner of the internet. >Last time there was an abdlchan it was very reddit and tame and died without a word. If you're talking about the abdlchan that was around months ago that disappeared after the creator freaked out over an imaginary FBI raid I have to disagree. The site had an amount of activity that was almost on par with here and was picking up more and more activity as time went on. This might be controversial but I think moe drives off more traffic that could have come over from 8kun or halfchan or wherever else because this place allows loli and shota content. A lot of people see that and immediately turn around. I know some of you like that because it keeps out normies or whatever, but I don't like that content, I just tolerate it being here, and if there was an alternative that banned it and drew in more traffic, I'd prefer that. I think it's entirely possible that there could be a more active abdl focused image board than what we have here, but it would need to be actually functional, and well moderated.
>>18920 I couldn't care less about loli and shota content, my main gripe with abdlchan was that it was no fun. They did not know about board-tans for example or the Padded Reich. There was virtually no discussion and it was mainly just dumping 3D content. I would call abdlchan flaw is that it was far too clinical and did not invite the natural chaos that imageboards thrive on.
>>18920 >if there was an alternative that banned it and drew in more traffic, I'd prefer that. There's always reddit's ABDL board, and there must be dozens of forums and things with equally strict rules.
I think one of the benefits that imageboard type sites have over other forums or subreddits is the culture of anonymity. Reddit's system produces too much karma-whoring and attention seeking.
>>18869 >I just can't deal with the trauma dumping super sensitive faggots every 20 minuets. Fucking this, I just want a server with racist femboys without a vent channel
>>18930 In that case you want any Hearts of Iron IV server
Don't suppose anyone knows a good archive of pixiv artworks? There's been some decent content deleted from there over the years.
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>>18920 If we're talking about a 2000 style forum, that would be just a project more for nostalgia than anything else. Frankly, I rather post on imageboards. Forums were fun in their time, but even back in the day I started to favor posting on /v/ or whatever than on the forums I was on at the time. The last year I can remember having a account on a forum was 2007, and I had been there since 2003. It's long gone now. > I just tolerate it being here, and if there was an alternative that banned it and drew in more traffic, I'd prefer that. I don't like loli/shota so I just hide the threads and move on with my life. >>18928 Reddit is annoying because you of downvoting and those faggots that think reading your post history is a smoking gun to "get you" with.
Anyone noticed that with modern tv shows most women are wearing clothes that make their butts look huge like it's almost as if they are wearing a diaper?
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Where can I get cute ABDL socks for boys. I see stuff like this all the time for actual toddlers. I want to go on a play date with some cool socks not boring ass white ones or worse tranny socks. There's a million options for tranny socks but some paw patrol socks or even some socks with generic dinosaurs on them? Nah I guess I just have to get bent
>>19381 >socks with generic dinosaurs on them Try Redbubble, a quick search found these, which aren't a million miles off what you've got in the picture there https://www.redbubble.com/i/socks/Little-Roarrrrrr-Dinosaurs-by-LilRoar/51341812.9HZ1B
>>19382 Thanks fen, I'll have to look into it
Does anyone know where can I buy diaper samples? I don't live in the States and based on some people's experience, Murican adult diapers tend to be larger than my country's average medical adult diaper.
>>19394 If you're in the EU then diaper-minister does samples and has a fairly large selection.
Anyone watching the new Gundam series? I noticed some bulges... in spacesuits, no less. Included two screencaps of characters in normal clothes as reference for how the groin areas are normally drawn, to contrast with how they are in the suits. They even seem to have silhouetted thickness when viewed from the side. Those gotta be diapers, or some high-tech equivalent. Last two images even kinda show how the bulge moves with the motion like thick clothing, not like part of the body. (spoilered images are story spoilers, not NSFW)
how are you babies that have to wear really thick diapers staying warm as it starts to get colder? i'm willing to invest in something like a footed sleeper if it's actually worth it, or thigh high socks, because any pair of normal pajama pants i wear has that crotch seam that presses into the center of my diapers. i wish i could just not wear pants, but it's too expensive to spend that much on electricity/heat.
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>>18308 I wish! On a unrelated note: I just went through my first pack of diaps, bunny hops 4 tapes. But honestly, I think I’m addicted to this shit now lol More of a fill with water type, but first couple of times pissing in them were amazing.. actually never thought pissing could feel so good? Weird.. But mainly, I was filling them up nice and full, squirting some pepee lube (that thick gooey stuff) and my dick was sliding around inside a big wet cloud. Literally keeping them on for the day and cumming multiple times. I definitely want to buy more, but thinking of getting different ones. Not sure, but definitely in the same boat of wanting more capacity, sturdier fit and stronger material. Softer squishier insides would be a bonus.. something that really engulfs my dick if that exists? Really want to find a diap that is a complete cock slut
Anyone know if RFSwitched still alive or what happened to him? The last post from him I can find is him mentioning health problems on his Deviantart in September 2020 and the same month was his last post there. I haven't seen anything new from him either in couple years that I know of.
>>5 >>19881 ""something that really engulfs my dick if that exists? Really want to find a diap that is a complete cock slut"" that's what i want too. i want my dick literally inside the diaper, where the gel is, but without all the gel falling out of the diaper. a diaper with a vice-like grip on my abdomen/butt/legs, but inside just this soft, gel-like, wet, mass for my dick to rest inside of.
Apologies, drunk and I know no one likes a downer and venting I guess, but it's just I've been well aware of this fetish and some other weird fetishes I'm into for a decade and usually it doesn't bother me, but as I've gotten into my thirties with no relationship. I'm left thinking at times this would be so much easier if I were simply gay rather than having weird niche fetishes. I know it's well beyond the fetish. I've had mental and emotional issues stretching back to elementary school, but I guess at times the shame and disgust with myself gets to me. We all know that people into this fetish tend to have a problem with binge and purge cycles. I haven't actually worn or used a diaper since my teens due to some close calls with getting caught, generally coming to find myself in diapers as the opposite of arousing, and stuck living with others over the years that I'm paranoid being caught by. I've had times of trying to get rid of it and the only thing that makes it better than self medicating anxiety and depression with booze is that the worst I've gotten in a decade of weird porn is dick chafing. I know this is just one thing, the fetishes... Truth be told I've never really pursued anyone sexually or romantically due to lack of interest, depression, and anxiety. It's just I know I'm fucked up sexually, mentally, and emotionally and there are times where that pains me far more than normal. Rationally I'm well aware that I'm probably going to die alone. Is what it is It's just so crushing at times. ABDL bothers me the most simply because it's my most dominant fetish and how normies perceive it. Gender bender stuff would probably the second most worrisome due to the fact how frustrating it is to have my second most major fetish having reached a point where tranny political shit is constantly intruding. On that I really wish I didn't have to be constantly reminded of real world tranny stuff. I guess there it's feelings of being annoyed with a reminder of reality. I often just want to tell people intruding with pride flags and politics to "Just let me have the fantasy without drama and real world results not living up to the fantasy." Apologies again my friends. Just so frustrating and my weird sex interests are only a part of it I know it's just prominent because the constant focus. I know masturbating multiple times a day to weird porn because of mental health problems isn"t normal or desirable. Again, sorry for being a downer.
>>20600 Pretty relatable. You sound exactly like I was 3 years ago, except I was 28 at the time and thought I was going to enter my 30s with no relationship, no job, no real friends. Today I am married, okay job (it's on a good career path but the pay kinda sucks atm), good friends. I always thought I'd take ABDL to my grave but my wife pried it out of me. Even though she's very traditional, she tries to be supportive. I can tell it's not her thing but she tries and I appreciate that. Anyway my point is your life CAN turn around. But I did have to get out there and pursue change (not by any means implying you haven't tried).
Hey anons I live in a place without easy access to ABDL diaper whatsoever Found pic related cloth diaper in on-line store that delivers here for cheap and bought one Do you guys know this brand? Looks generic to me It'll be my first cloth diaper, any tips?
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>>20600 The last partner I had, I was willing to admit my crossdressing and light bondage fetish within the first year we were dating. I was terrified to open up about it this fetish. I never properly talked about it, I was found out. I left files in my computers trash bin. I had got off a 15 hour shift and was too tried to be bothered fixing a problem with my PC. My partner who knew computer stuff wanted to help me so I could take a nap before dinner. I was laying down when the files were found and I heard "Oh, it was diapers this whole time?" In my own mind it was such a big deal, but in reality the response I got was "It's not a big deal, Anon. I find it kinda cute." Sadly we broke up a few years ago. I do still worry about telling future partners. With the last one what we had was different, but this isn't a blog. I wouldn't worry about the gender bending stuff. While some girls might find it a turn off to have a guy dress up or act like a girl for them, others might be into it. If a girl is into it they might never think about trannie stuff at all. They don't need to enter ether of your minds in the bedroom. I might have a warped prospective since I'm a faggot, so take that with a grain of salt. I just think crossdressing has such little stigma today a girl won't care unless she likes men to act like men.
>>20600 Dude, your words feel like they were pulled right out of my mouth. Only difference being I'm 27 and instead of alcohol, I self medicate with psychedelics and other party drugs. If you were in the UK, you're the sort of person I'd want to hang out with. As if depression and anxiety weren't bad enough in pursuing a relationship, our weird kinks tend to be dealbreakers for most. We're left with a choice of finding a vanilla and risk getting them to convert or accept this or seek existing fetishists. If you were a gay ABDL, the latter seems like a viable choice, the world's your oyster but for straight guys... not so much. Majority of girls with diaper fetish, if they even entertain the thought of a relationship with a guy, it's always for a "daddy" rather than fellow diaper wearer. Once in a blue moon, they'll consider a switch. That's my experience with sites like FetLife or Diapermates at least. And reddit subs are the worst of them all in this regard. And like you said, being into crossdressing but being opposed to trans toxic community and their behaviour makes me feel like a fraud or hypocrite. Not to mention, you can't even say this part out loud since you'd be ostracized from any forum or group and automatically disregarded by potential partners. If there was a way to erase kinks from our brains, I'm willing to bet many of us would go for it. While we enjoy it, it sure makes social life more difficult than it should be.
>>20600 I can't say i'm in the exact same situation as you but i'm not far off. I'm actually bi and only in my early twenties but i also know i'm definitely going to die alone, not just cause of my fetishes just also due to me having way to much baggage from my fucked childhood. I share your habit of self-medicating with alcohol though for me it's more due to ingrained guilt than shame or disgust, i even tried to commit suicide when i was 16 because of it. The perception of abdl by the mainstream is a big concern for me too, you can't even talk to a therapist without the fear of being labeled a pedo. I'm kinda grateful you posted in your drunken state, makes losers like us feel a little less alone for a moment.
>>20704 >If there was a way to erase kinks from our brains, I'm willing to bet many of us would go for it. While we enjoy it, it sure makes social life more difficult than it should be. I've never given that any thought, but I won't deny reading it didn't spark the same feeling. I can handle the crossdressing and the light bondage stuff. It's mainstream enough to not be a issue. With this it feels like such a dice roll. Outside imageboards I've almost never talked to AD/BLs and when I have it wasn't fun. I know acting like a baby is part of the community, but at least people here know it's an act. The ones I talked to on discord were so far removed from anyone I wanted to talk to I deleted my account and never looked back. It wasn't even the barrage of pronouns. It wasn't the lexicon of disabilities, you probably have to with this kink. What did me in was how everyone talked or typed like they were on thin ice and scared to misspeak. It felt like pulling teeth to even get these faggots to say anything. It's not enough to make me give up on finding someone else already in this kink, but goddamn is it rough.
>>20765 I guess I'm lucky, I met up with a few people over a decade ago from before fetlife and we're all AB. it's fun getting diapered together and changed each other. We're all conservative and otherwise normal people that just have this weird connection. But none of us would dare meet anyone new online now, gotten to weird and political. I went to a munch from fetlife once and had to report to the others to steer clear. Everyone was socially awkward and the organizers were strange x3.
>>20711 I really encourage you to speak to a therapist, and I'd be shocked if they equated ABDL with being a pedo. I have a psychology degree and even though ABDL isn't a common area of study for psychologists, Freud certainly had a lot to say about the relationship between personality (e.g. neuroticism, tendencies towards anxiety) and toilet training in the anal stage of psycho-sexual development between the ages of 1 to 3 (e.g. 'anal-retentive'). I mean, even ignoring Freud, the roots of ABDL seem kind of obvious. You have a period of time where our infant minds are particularly impressionable, and during that time we suddenly go from 'intimate, caring, diaper changes' to 'pants down, on the potty, punished for accidents, bright lights and loud flushes when we wake up to use the toilet at night, potty charts and pressure' etc. Especially for those with autistic traits who find it harder to adapt to change, it's no surprise why our brains might have been hardwired to associate 'diapers' = 'safety, love' from such an early age. As a counter-point to the stories above, I remember feeling for all of my early life that if anyone discovered I was ABDL, I would definitely kill myself. I was in my late 20s, kissless virgin and much more comfortable with the idea of being alone forever than opening myself up to a woman and being humiliated for my fetish. Then I met this woman who seemed to be interested in me. I remember hoping she'd leave me alone, I thought humiliation was inevitable. But a big part of me also liked her, so why not go on a few dates, maybe feel what it was like to have a girlfriend, and hopefully she'd just break up with me before she even discovered my ABDL side. Anyway, we liked spending time together, our dates went well and we grew quite close. We began sharing secrets, and after she shared a very sensitive secret of her own, I decided to tell her I found it comfortable to wear adult diapers sometimes. Her response wasn't great. She went quiet, and was like "Oh..." and didn't seem to really understand. She later told me that she felt like she was in a weird dream, because what I said was so completely alien to her. She had no idea ABDL was even a thing. But then she frowned and said "But if that's just something you do by yourself, in your own time, I guess that doesn't change anything." So, my ABDL side was 'tolerated', barely. She didn't want to see me in a diaper, or where I hid my diapers, she really just pretended that my ABDL side didn't exist. One year later, I was dealing with a lot of stress at work, started getting anxiety at night, so I began sneaking away, putting on a diaper, and coming back to bed while she was asleep. She caught me a few times but said nothing. Eventually, that turned into me wearing them while she was awake, sometimes without pants, and she still said nothing so I thought maybe it was okay now, maybe she didn't care. There was a bit of a backlash, she was upset one day and confessed that she really didn't like seeing me in a diaper, that it clashed with her view of me being strong and masculine. I felt really ashamed and purged all the diaper stuff, because I liked her thinking I was strong. But then she saw how ashamed and repressed I was, so she apologised and agreed that I should be able to wear a diaper around her now and then. A couple of years later, she became curious about being a domme in the bedroom - whips and bondage, not really my thing. But I was happy to help her experiment, and in return, she agreed it was fair for me to experiment with wearing diapers more openly, until I was eventually wearing one on a few days every week. She lost interest in the domme stuff, but I could also tell that she was still uncomfortable about me wearing a diaper, like she avoided looking at me whenever I did. I got her to confess as much, and it pushed me into another period of purge and shame. She tried to help me break out of that shame, and I told her that I wanted to train myself to bedwet in diapers every night, so diapers felt like a functional need rather than a shameful source of pleasure or comfort. Surprisingly, she agreed and, also surprisingly, it worked. There were plenty of nights that I forced myself to wear a diaper as part of the training, even when I didn't feel like I wanted to, and it got rid of the shame entirely. No more binge/purge. I used them at night, it scratched my ABDL itch, I had a shower in the morning and genuinely felt no further compulsion to wear them during the day, even when masturbating. Eventually, I also lost interest with training to bedwet, and started to just wear diapers whenever I felt like it, but now with less shame. She could see that helping me let go of this shame was certainly a good thing for my mental health, and she wanted to help. So for the next year or so, she made a point to give me a pat on my diaper now and then, or call me 'crinklepants', just little things to help reassure me that this was okay. This soon just became second nature for her, a normal part of our lives. We got married, and a little while after the ceremony, she told me a secret vow - if I wanted to wear diapers every day for the rest of my life, even if I wanted to wet and poop them 24/7, she would still be excited to be with me as my wife. She literally said "We'll probably end up in diapers when we're old anyway, who cares if you get a headstart." During our honeymoon, I had some diapers with me to help me sleep in case I felt anxious or agitated. One afternoon in our hotel when we were playing on our phones, completely without prompting, she asked if she could diaper me. She was literally giggling when she was figuring out the tapes, and when she was finished, she gave the diaper a pat with a big smile. I had tears streaming down my face and I hugged her so tightly I was worried she might break. It was the most profound feeling of acceptance and love I've ever experienced. Life-changing. It's one thing to find a way to accept yourself, it's quite another to have the most beautiful woman I've ever seen walk in to my study with a cheeky smile and a diaper in her hands like an excited cheerleader for a part of myself that once caused so much shame and self-loathing. So I completely understand where you're coming from with feeling suicidal, like you'll be alone forever. Please don't give up. One thing I will stress though is that ABDL is part of who you are, but it can't be the only part. I think my fear of rejection and shame around ABDL might have, in part, motivated me to put in more effort being romantic, being a more generous lover, but now I also enjoy the benefits of the incredibly strong and loving relationship it built. I sincerely wish nothing but happiness for you, friend.
>>20765 >>20776 As if trying to find local ABDLs wasn't hard enough, once you do, there's always something terribly wrong like you said. First you gotta sieve out the creeps and perverts who start off with graphic description of what they'd do to you. Then, stay clear of the radical libtards who will mark you as a nazi if you disagree with them even remotely. Conservative leaning ABDLs don't even have a platform where they won't be looked down on and I don't feel like making friends with someone with whom I can't be real. And lastly, there's people who can't hold a conversation in text which doesn't bode well if we were to meet. All I'd want is normal friends with similar views/interests only difference being we may or may not be padded while hanging out. If we feel like taking it further, so be it. Fetlife is the platform with most potential but it's overtaken and cancerous. ABDL subreddits are just as bad if not worse. It feels like we just can't win.
Friends, is the diapergirl onlyfans market flooded or worth pursuing? I used to cam a year or two ago(sadly had to stick to non-ABDL stuff due to CB's rules), and had a ton of fun doing it; considering maybe doing the same on OF and make a couple bucks in the process. Probably would be throwing in free non-subscriber pics as well since it's more for exhibitionism than money, but I'm not a Tumblr/Instagram/Twitter type of person and a little extra cash would be nice for more diaps.
Bambino has a great sale, if I had any fun money I'd buy like 6 cases at $81, down from $130 https://bambinodiapers.com/collections/diapers/products/magnifico?variant=41894919078067
>>21065 To judge fairly we're going to have to see a time stamped pic. You don't have to show your face if you don't want. But please write on your puffy panties Merry Christmas with three hearts.
>>21073 I haven't asked daddy about my idea yet, can't post any pictures until he gives the okay to start sharing again! I'm more asking if the market is flooded anyways, besides being young-looking(people usually assume I'm 14-15 and that daddy is my father) I don't have much to stand out.
>>21080 what is it with kinky people and letting their partners control their lives? i see this on fetlife all the time, users saying if you want to message them then you have to get permission from X or whatever. i dont get it. id like a femdom relationship, but fuck no am i going to let my girlfriend control what i do 24/7.
>>21083 1. That's part of having a power-exchange dynamic 2. The majority of vanilla monogamous couples would rather their partner know when they're posting lewd(even if not nude) pics on a loli pastry making forum
>>21083 And beyond that, it's nothing about being controlled 24/7. Completely reasonable for people on FL to have rules in place about messages from strangers, there's a fuckton of creeps and mentally illness on there. Same with anything to do with kinks, he's in charge of what gets shared with the outside world.
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Anyone managed to try the new abenas? They are called Abena Slip instead of Abri-Form
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>>21407 Still not available here. That said, Abenas are hard to find and expensive, meanwhile, the dominant brand for medical diapers where I live is Tena. I wonder if Abena changed the name to "Slip" to directly compete against Tena.
>>21407 how are these different from regular abri form?
>>21412 european tenas are fucking fire. way better than the shit we have in the us
>>21431 Whats the difference between us and eu tena? >>21412 Same here. Incontinents get free diapers from medical supply and classifieds & flea markets are full of diapers from estates. It's usually either tena pants or tena flex, slip is rare. Are the flex ones worth getting? I have tried pants which are ok but I prefer thicker padding
huh. between Tena, Depend, Affective and all these brands; which one is the best? been thinking about buying large amounts, so I'm curious. I've only tested Tena and Depend. I prefer Tena, but if the diaper is too wet, the padding falls off leaving you wearing a wet bag. (btw tena pants feel like adult pull-ups) Depend is softer and has a nice smell lol, but their tapes break too easily.
>>21458 its hard to explain. the european ones are just made better...i guess. like they are made with better materials and have more sap in them. they start out really thin but swell like crazy. rearz sells them and you can get a decent deal on them during their black friday sales.
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>>21458 >Are the flex ones worth getting? The "belt" on those made me curious but I never tried one. Other than that, they look like regular slips >>21460 I like Tena slips because they very discreet under casual clothes and can hold more than a pull-up. Abena Abri Form is better for sleeping, since they feel less wet than other brands and wetness is what bothers me most when sleeping. Tenas can get expensive for everyday use, it's better to save them for those moments a change can take long but you can't wear a bulky diaper. On the day to day, I stick with generics when indoors.
What a hypocrite
>>21656 lmao, but this is not the cringe thread
>>21460 >>21466 Expanding my findings after buying 1kg of generic diapers and a local brand. Very cheap both, but obviously the generics were cheaper. The clerk was very chatty btw, it was oddly fun. He never asked who were the diapers for, he was just interested in selling diapers. This guy even gave me thick opaque plastic bags, which was a much appreciated detail. Honestly the local brands seems more for medical (temporal) reasons and the generics seem more fit for, well, "generic" circumstances where diapers are needed. The generic sizes are larger than the Tena ones, I'm using medium size generics and it fits like Tena large >btw, is it pronounced t-eh-na or t-ee-na? I always though it was t-ee-na and I even misspell it like Teena sometimes. So, in my experience, from better to worse: - tena slip "nocturnal" - any "pharmacy" decent brand - generics - small medical diapers not including abdl diapers rn cuz I haven't bought them. are they even worth in the first place? just by looks alone well, yes, but like do they work as advertised?
>>21680 >ABDL diapers The only way for me to try them is by importing. For the price of, for instance, one pack of Northshore's, Rearz's or ABU's, I can buy more than half year worth of good, local brand, medical diapers. If I go to expensive brands only like Abena, maybe that falls to 4~5 months. And that for constant use. Not exactly 24/7 but close since I like to leave my skin to breath for a couple of hours. >Do ABDL diapers work? Based on reviews (see below). ABDL diapers tend to hold a LOT. Let's remember that for people with incontinence, the idea is to not stay in a wet diaper for too long if you have an active life. Rashes, smell, crotch bulging... that's why medical diapers don't hold much in comparison, except for nocturnal models. Anyway, the reviews. I like this guy's channel because he does good quantitative testing. ABU Space review https://yewtu.be/watch?v=1_NpGMn7VYQ Mega-Max review https://yewtu.be/watch?v=89GjYYCuhOI
>>21680 They work very well. I've only leaked when I was new at it and put it on wrong or if I wet too much. By too much I mean I drank a gallon of water and had a soda. I was drinking that and wetting it for a good 3-5 hours before I had a slight leak.
Babybros; Heniz Carrot and Coriander soup is a convincing lookalike for baby food
>>21680 >not including abdl diapers rn cuz I haven't bought them. are they even worth in the first place? just by looks alone well, yes, but like do they work as advertised? Very definitely. I recently tried out some of the latest 7000ml capacity ABDL diapers and honestly they last too long between needing to be changed. I could put one on at 5pm, drink extra water in the evening, wear it right through to the next morning, and still do my morning pee in it it without it feeling like it was about to leak. I have had leaking issues with some of the lower capacity ABDL diapers, but even those will take a couple of good wettings.
>>21809 I find with the huge capacity diapers the filling starts to sag to the bottom far before they are filled which is no fun because then its like a thin plastic sheet against your junk. Most of the time I have 4 hours so I wear low capacity to get that wet feel before it sags and before I run out of time. I just found the cuties sleepovers xl and they fit thin adults, feel wet after 1 wetting and hold 2 to 3 before leaking if careful. They have a gel vs fluff. Ive been liking them so far over my M4's.
>>21812 >They have a gel vs fluff What does this mean? That the SAP isn’t a dry powdery fluff like most diapers but instead some sort of gel?
More than often I don't have time or feel like wearing, a pacifier is usually a good compromise, it scratches that itch for me. Protip for anyone here I suppose, I'm so fucking busy all the time and work is killing me.
>>21813 Yeah.. its some kind of clearish gel once wet and has a very strong chemical smell vs white fluffy stuff in most others. I only use them for solo play because when my wife wears I like a good facesit/facegrind once soaked for the smell... or to have my wife fasten her used one on my face... but not with that chemical smell. Doesnt seem safe. I just like that those cuties sleepovers are soaked easily, love the solid white look, the absorbant pad goes high in the front, and that they have some wetness feel on the skin vs those high capacity ones that you dont even feel wet until hours in.
anyone know where i can find baby bobbys stories? got hammered off of wordpress a while back and havent seen em since.
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I think this guy figured it out. >be dude into ABDL >average looking but for ABDL community standars chad >generate content >looking for a Mommy >play switch sometimes if find the girl attactive enough to be Daddy >Pictures get stolen to create fake accounts >Remove free content >start chaging for content to make a few bucks AND gatekeep content from scammers. what bothers me the most is that there are so very few studios generating stuff with these kind tones so this shit hits me right in the spot, it would seem to be most of it is sweet with a sprinkle of naught/sexual, shy from Little Haley videos or some very few ABdreams not much get the way I enjoy this.
Not really seeking advice, just sort of venting into the void. I mean, I like diapers, and being diapered, but this fetish is making me feel like more problems are to follow in relationships. If it's commonly percieved as pedophilia to want to diaper yourself or your partner; What's a guy gonna do if they use it against you? For myself, I've understood that relapsing into this fetish is is inevitable, and yet somehow at around this same time of the year, I find that my experiences and partners could've flourished if I asked them to wear the padding. I get that people can like scat or piss alone, but diapers are special, and if you're reading this and are a part of the fetish, you'll understand. I don't want to be accused of kiddy-diddling just because I want to wear baby pants, and enjoy grown women and sissies getting changed and smothered in cum.
>>22075 i know you aren't asking for advice, but i think it really comes down to not caring. you know that liking diapers doesn't make you a pedophile, that is just a fact. you can't change other people's perceptions. if someone else accuses you of being a pedophile, you know they're just wrong.
>>22075 I've always been worried to tell past partners because I'm stuck in my own head and have trust issues. "Will this person use this the way others use revenge porn to hurt me?" At times I've hoped the person I'm with ether is also into AB/DL or has some other kink that might come off as weird. With my last ex, I started with admitting to liking light bondage and crossdressing. We mostly stuck with that for me. I did come clean about my diaper fetish over 2 years later, but I never got to fully explore that before our break up, but I was working on it before that. There was a hardline on no scat and that's fine, it's a big ask. They seemed less grossed by wetting ass long as it stayed in the diaper, but never got them to diaper me before our break up. I was able to talk 'em into checking my pants and asking if I'm staying dry like a big boy. I really regret not saying something that first year. I think about how much I missed out on, but it is what it is, right? I understand not wanting to tell the guy/girl you're going out with. I still feel that way for future lovers. The only reason I trusted my last ex as much as I did was we had a long past before that. I knew they wouldn't hurt me like that. Someone new will be just that, someone new, someone I don't know. If they trust you enough to tell you things than give them the same.
Does anyone know if there's a site that makes it easy to view artists images on twitter? Kinda like nitter but what would be best is if it presents the users images in a gallery format
Anyone have a free copy of the story Clare's Naughty Girl? I remember reading it a long time ago on Wattpad, but it looks like the author pulled it from everywhere and is selling it as an actual book now. It was the hottest abdl story I've ever read, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna pay money for that shit.
Is it just me or do some people take the 'baby' element of this fetish a little too literally? Example; talking to someone and they wanted me to crawl around 'like a baby' ok fair enough but then they said if i find any bits of food on the floor I should put it in my mouth because 'thats what curious babies do' then they said I should bite stuff like a table or chair leg because 'babies learn by biting stuff'. Like wtf bro
>>23592 It might be on par with some of the "owo furry" types. Do they all talk like that? No, probably not. In my time many outside imageboards in this kink do the baby talk more than I like. They're likely fairly autistic, if I had to guess, but it can get a bit grating.
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I think it would be nice to have a general discussion thread so I created one. We all like ageplay and diapers and whatnot so maybe there should be some similarity. I have been doing school stuff and then playing CS: Source and drinking Absolut Vodka. I usually drink once per week beer and rarely booze, now been without alcohol 2 weeks and jeez this shit hits. Listening to this track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNjmGuJY5OE Had a long walk earlier today an ordered some blue fleece fabric with tractor print, gonna make myself two jammies. What are you doing and/or drinking?
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>>24115 Thread merged, please use this one. Also for all user, check the Catalog before making a thread.
>>24140 Thankies, totally forgot there was this thread
>>24146 No problem. It's good for people here to have casual conversation, since most of the time is just request for content.
I woke up this morning to find out my twitter account had been suspended. I can't get into there to see any buzz but is this part of an ABDL crackdown or just a random thing for me? I don't think I've broken any rules on there.
>>24284 I don't have twitter so I don't know. However, I have been usinng nitter to browse it occasionally. This french mirror shows all the r18 stuff too: https://nitter.lacontrevoie.fr/
tfw really hitting me in the feels that I'll never truly experience the sensation of being a safe, loved and cared for infant
>>24303 You could probably have an experience close to true one by using these perfectly safe children medicines from early 18th century :)
>>24304 ill just hop in my time machine
>>24304 > early 18th century Those are from the middle to late 19th century btw. Think you've been on the laudanum
>>24327 Haha my bad, meant 20 th century, the product in pic 3-5 was finally discontinued in 1930's due to fatal overdoses. I always fuck these up as a non-native english speaker
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Can someone explain the drama to me? Everyone is so fucking vague.
>>24421 >Can someone explain the drama to me? >Everyone is so fucking vague. They're women
>>24421 I tried reading up on this a few months ago, but to be fair I don't really know and I don't personally know any of the people involved so take everything with a grain of salt. So Kat is the center of a pretty big kink collective/community in Denver. She throws fetish parties and stuff. Some people were already skeptical of her for this already because she wasn't initially into ABDL at all but adopted it as part of her persona and added it into her fetish parties. She's used to more BDSM type stuff. There's always been some speculation with her that she's into it more for expanding her porn business and doesn't really 'get' the kink or the community. But it seems like for quite a while, the ABDL community in Denver and Kat and her people all got along really well and everyone was having a good time. Eventually however, she ended up pissing certain people in the community off and there's a lot of alleged incidents in the community that made people wary of her. One is that Chloe or Little Diapered Sunshine apparently lived with Kat for a little while, but their relationship was kinda exploitative. There's a few stories about Kat trying to 'groom' the ABDL women she met in order to make content. And also Kat has connections with the ABDreams crew and supposedly screwed Chloe out of some sort of deal with them? Also, there was some sort of confrontation with Kat's then boyfriend and Chloe's previous roommates, where Kat's boyfriend acted aggressively or threateningly? The issue with every single one of these incidents is that it's completely different stories or interpretations from each side. Also, there's a handful of stories surrounding Kat's fetish parties and how female ABDLs would be encouraged to show off or sexually pleasure men at these parties. Also stories of men acting aggresively at these parties and it getting completely ignored by Kat and her former boyfriend. Also, a lot of alcohol and drug use. The ABDL content creator Anastasia St. Claire says that Kat pressured her into giving a guy a blowjob even though she was against it and I believe she's even a lesbian? There was also a story about how Kat's former boyfriend pulled a knife on someone at one of these parties and threatened them as well. The thing is with each of these stories though, that I can totally see it going one way or the other based on what I read. A lot of this could be simple misunderstandings or people sticking to their version of events despite the other's perspective. Also, a lot of this could be blamed on Kat's ex-boyfriend it sounds like? But from what I've seen Kat is still defending his actions as well despite not being with him anymore. The knife at the party incident in particular is told one way as this guy literally being drunk and violent and threatening people at the party, and told the other way that he only took the knife out because there was someone doing rope bondage, but the person who had tied them up was too drunk/high to undo it, and so he only took the knife out to release the person, and then asked the person who had done the ropes to leave. I do kinda wonder if some of this comes from the fact that Kat sees ABDL as just another kink that people do for fun/money and so she treats it that way, and doesn't really recognize the larger 'community' aspect of it, which could lead to misunderstandings, but isn't really malicious. On the other hand though, if some of the stuff that's been said about her is true, then that shows some really bad judgement on her part at the very least and some really asshole-ish behavior otherwise. Like I said I don't really know the details or know any of these people personally so I really have no fucking clue. Given the personalities of some of these ABDL content creators though I wouldn't be surprised if some of this stuff had just gotten blown out of proportion. It's caused something of a split with some community people I guess? ABDreams and that crew is on Kat's side. Chloe, Ella, Panda, Anastasia St. Claire, RileyKilo, and some others are anti-Kat. I'm honestly not even sure who is on whose side. Also, the fact that RileyKilo has been the big spokesperson for the anti-Kat side probably didn't do them any favors. Riley is way too self important and out of touch with reality so I'm inclined to not believe much of what she says.
>>24421 Here's a video if you are interested. Didn't watch the whole thing as it's almost one hour long but all the drama seems to be about lame shit normal people would settle with each other next day it happened. https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZpC5SIPiSLo >>24423 And troons >>24424 Pressured and ecouraged... Adult should be able to say no
>>24424 thanks for the info anon. I really didn’t want to watch an hour long video describing the whole thing from one perspective. I have no interest in actively joining the scene (too many gays and troons) so I have no dog in this fight. Just curious.
>>24426 I tried to join the community in different countries that I lived. EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. troons and queer people started to lead the purpose of gatherings to political activism... that is when I decided I would just hire escorts and not find a way to join any group, Fetlife has truly become a fucking cesspool of coomers, orbiters and fucking egirls.
>>21679 Kys fag
adult babies who have tattoos on their bodies look stupid. and they should feel bad. babies don't have tattoos. all these idiots running around tattooing themselves because they are afraid to be an individual. conformists and cowards. plastic people. retards all.
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>>24453 hmm, I agree in some cases, but it does demonstrate a distinct juxtaposition between the responsible adult and the carefree infant The gold is situations where these two elements contrast beautifully, but then again I just think tats are tacky. There are better yins, but only one yang
dunno how to phrase this but is penny barber looking more... pornstar-ish lately?
Anyone ever try one of those spreader suit things that make you crawl? The concept sounds fun but I bet in practice its not very enjoyable
>>24458 That's basically a description of nearly everything related to this fetish. It all sounds fun thinking about it, but in practice it isn't. Being forced to crawl would get uncomfortable quickly. Using padded mittens loses its charm in a hurry. Pooping your diaper seems cute until you're sitting in it; there's a reason babies cry about messy diapers. The helplessness of needing mommy or daddy to feed you seems hot until all you get fed is pureed food. Wanting to be spanked if you're naughty feels a lot less fun after your butt is on fire. I know other people feel differently, but the fantasy of being treated like a real baby falls apart for me when I try to bring it into reality. Or maybe it just feels too much like bondage for me, idk.
>>24459 For me it's the opposite. Being treated like a baby, having to live like a baby, is pure ecstasy and agony. I came here for the humiliation and punishment. That's what I deserve and it serves my needs. But I must admit, years of hypnosis and diapers and littling has left me in a weird place. A twisted little paradise all my own.
>>24453 Tattoo or not tattoo. Why the fuck do you care? It’s not like they’re getting plastic surgery. >they’re afraid to be conformist Yet you’re out here complaining over a tattoo like every picky faggot, this isn’t a candy store. You don’t get bitches and bitches don’t fuck guys who are picky as fuck. Not every girl with a tattoo is the same unless they’re Californian cunts.
>>24457 They are getting old, it happens to everyone eventually
>>24459 >chastity >messing >babyfood >baby bottles >constantly sucking pacifiers >having baby toys I experienced all of that and noticed that the fantasy element was KEY but bringing it to reality ruined it for me, I guess its better than always wondering though. I have though about getting mittens, spreader bars and booties with spikes to force me to crawl but first of all these things are expensive and also you are committing to it because very likely to sell that, I am starting to realize that may be its not that I don't enjoy some of those things its only that they are supposed to be enjoyed with someone else as part of play/exchange, but the coomer brain has already made sure I cannot get a partner for life. Diapers, baby/little clothes, sippy cups and plushies are supper down my alley though, even if I am by myself.
>>24497 >chastity This was my biggest fetish for the longest time till I finally got my first cage. I was all excited and put it on, hurt like a MF any time I got remotely erect which was often because my mind was like: sweet I'm wearing a cage this is hot! I tried a different style cage and it was more or less the same. They sit in my drawer so that was a waste of time. My diapers and ABDL clothes on the other hand? Worth every penny. I could be doing college work dressed up in a onesie double diapered sucking my pacifier and cuddling my stuffie and have a wonderful time. It's a lot more fun doing it with someone but I have yet to meet another little that isn't 2 hours away
>>24459 >there's a reason babies cry about messy diapers. only newborns really cry about this and thats because using your asshole for the first time hurts for a while
Wasn't there just a thread or post on here about another ABDL chan board on another website? I feel like I completely missed that. Was it deleted?
>>24517 Thank you
>>20777 Holy crap that sounds incredible and dramatic, man. My reply doesn't quite measure up, but I used to... still kinda am, bothered, thinking of what my ancestors would think of me and diapers. I remember hearing viking berserkers would drink the urine of someone who ate certain mushrooms in order to induce their berserker state. And... how would you have ever discovered that unless you were doing some weird crap? To be clear, we're very openly degenerate in modern society in a way our parents and grandparents weren't, but go back a lot further, or look at what people did in secret, and... yeah, humans are humans, and always have been. Though also, we are ultimately a product of our times. We're not a different species than our great-grandparents. If they grew up in the circumstances we did, they'd end up a lot more like us than they did. I'm just glad - I guess you could say proud - that I'm not proud of my fetishes - that is, that I keep them properly secret to quarantine the social contagion, and generally try to be a decent and respectable person and not a pervert-obsessed freak. I'm busy with helping out family and education and preparing for the future financially, and actively making sure my fetishes don't hold back my life in the ways that matter. I still plan to get married and seek out a potential partner and don't let this hold me back. A far cry from degenerates who let their fetishes define them and consume their lives. If I had great-great-grandchildren who did that, I would just be sad that those descendants would throw their lives away like that. But if they handled it like I did, I would understand and be glad they didn't let it consume them.
Is nitter fucked? can't use it to view over 18 tweets anymore
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what are your favorite diaper-change songs and why are there only so few?
How you guys deal with wearing outdoors? Managed to get used to pullups, feel secure and wet without effort problem is... it's uncomfortable to walk while wearing it even when dry I want to know if it's only me. Share some stories
>>24729 I trust Goodnites and Pullups the least, they seem to leak 90% of the time. Goodnites are nice and comfy out and about, but unless you merely dribble-pee over and over, it's going to leak when you give it a normal flood. Every damn time. For that reason if I wear one out, I don't count on getting it very wet. Pampers seem to leak the least in my experience, but I've had the tapes pop on them more than once which can be difficult to fix out in public. I buy one-or-two-size-too-small boxer briefs and use them to hold up my baby diapers so they don't sag much if the tape pops. I did wear one once to the office - never again. It leaked, only a tiny bit but I was nervous for the rest of the day that people would magically know (because everyone pays so much attention to random guy at work's pants-seat)...
Tomorrow I will introduce my gf to pullups. It's one of my longest dream - to have dl gf; I think I was 6-7 when I think about it for the first time. I don't want any rash (pun intended), so it will be not a diaper, but something more simple and convenient. Sadly, It will be european "black" DryNites... But I think any DL can relate to "if it's fluffy and have leak guards - it's a diaper and if it's printed - it's baby diaper". It will be surprise to her: we had a talk about my fetishes and hers (shibari... and ddlg) and she was calm and friendly about my wishes to diaper her someday... She's doesn't enthusiastic about it either, but she is very shy type of a bunny... but I'd already pop a paci in her mouth (she said that that was very calming and soothering experience). Of course I'm somewhat nervous about it: two years ago I was a incelest virgin and now I have a girlfriend that ready to fulfill any of my fantasies (she doesn't said that, but she have very subby nature)... I sneaked package in my wardrobe, because I do want to read her mood first: if she will be too tired or "just not in the mood" or something, I will put the idea to the next day or even late. I think I will use this type of argument: "Hey, you and me already know that you will be messy after our playtime, so I don't want to ruin your panties... so" Cheers to all of my virgin and incels brothers. Don't stop trying to find your perfect gf.
What are some of the few remaining people out there still generating free content? I just stumbled upon this and I thought it was pretty neat https://mybabiedwife.wordpress.com/
>>25123 Obvious fiction disguised as a real blog. What a waste.
>>24918 I've tried on fetlife hoping for gf in the inflatable/balloon, bbw or diaper area But "too many sausages spoil the bangers and mash" (shout out to my disper Britt's) despite my account sharing I'm into women i fucking keep getting diaperfags slipping into my dms And i don't mean trans who identified as women but like cisfags wanting my diaper bulgy I'm kinda bi-curious but i hate seeing cocks irl and in media (due to being raped as a teen by another teen) so i prefer women irl but i don't mind seeing a male fatfur in a dirty diaper or doing a gay/straight rp But seriously if you find someone on fetlife who might interest ya please check what they prefer between the legs and not straight up ride there cock/vag
>>24729 Tried boots slips when volunteering at charity That was a mistake Lucky we could sit but diapers were so thick i was lucky i didn't get caught
>>24541 I wanna take them to bed and have the best diaper cummys with their bootys
Diaper horror storys? (Leaked diaper,being caught,diaper sex gone wrong etc)
>>25127 I think fetlife sucks. Vanilla GF corrupted in to your personal succubus - that's the way. Also, my introduction was successful: she had wear it and make it little wet...
>>25208 I am very confused
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Sauce on the banner?
>>25210 TheEvilEngine
>>25214 I've read some the comics It oddly guves me a kinda sjw tumblr comic vibes but done right and not strawmaning
>>24459 The whole deal is extremely porn-brained and I wish more people would realize that sooner in their lives, as I see it now most if not all the people who "fully embrace it" are just "lying" in some manner (in lack of a better term), because actually, they're just making porn, sometimes obviously for a living. It's just fucking porn. I didn't even need to "try" most of that crap to realize 99% of it isn't actually pleasurable and especially not for me, but it still took me an awful time to feel both confortable with my kink and find ways to embrace it that doesn't make me feel like a fool, because how prominent and everywhere the fake porn-driven narratives are with that fetish. It's just an other humiliation/degradation kink which is an extremely common feature among kinks, having that very softened and very controled humiliation feeling from time to time (which has nothing to do with proper, actual, uncontroled humiliation) is way sufficient for me. I don't want to make it feel there's ways to embrace it that are 100% always wrong, people do as they wish and I don't really care, but I still think that's insane how big and terrible of a mousetrap that whole porn-filled state of mind is, especially paired with some level of repression. It took me years and years to trully stop repressing and to fully realize how much I am into other unrelated sex stuff, and also that I'm actually not into big, seemingly common or even mandatory parts of that kink. Like, I'm not into scat and piss at all, took me an awfully long time to realize you don't actually "need" to, because that's so rarely seen online. I wish there was more people displaying way softer versions of that kink online, that's so hard to find. A huge chunk of all that porn, most of it probably, feels like character assassination to me.
>>5 If I had £100, what male chastity device could I get to make sure I cannot climax if I'm padded (prevents humping). Metal, small sizes. Plus general advice on health and safety with chastity 24/7 as well
https://lilcomforts.com/products/play-mat Only $430 for something you could make yourself for probably less than $80
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>>25453 We need to bring this back don't care what company i will gladly pay for this crib (orginal was $100)
>>25472 Oh man I miss Aww So Cute. I mean the site still technically exists but I haven't heard anything about them in so long I'm not sure if they're still actually operational. But they used to be prominent and they were doing so much stuff to promote ABDL. Not promote it in a cringey 'lifestyle' kind of way, but promoting it as a kink, as a sexy fun thing people do in the bedroom. They had an ABDL show at the Adult Video Awards. They had a short-lived porn site to do a cross-promotional thing with the products. The owner (who's a rich guy who lives in Las Vegas) would do photoshoots with cute models at his mansion and pool. And they even attempted to do products that no one else was doing. Like the inflatable crib idea. I'm not sure what really made them disappear from the ABDL scene but I think they might have gotten in hot water legally when they tried to do branded ABDL diapers. Also, I know the fact that they were so openly sexual about all their advertising and not 'ABDL' in the way that other big companies are rubbed some people the wrong way. Also, the diapers were never that great honestly.
>>24459 Hard disagree. Maybe I'm just a degenerate but I've enjoyed everything I've actually done IRL related to the fetish. Wouldn't be into crawling or eating baby food because I like the idea of being a middle refusing to grow up, but pooping, peeing, giant diapers, changes, spankings, it's all fucking amazing.
>>25475 Only abdl store to show a waterlogged diaper to see max size I've still seen them diapers in some diaper humping videos (tho video i saw that woman fucking airhumping his bulge clearly no where near making him close to even a pre or full) but shame the cribs disappeared as i got jellous when i saw someone in the inflatable community have one with the pouncing skunk inside which i would so join stinky skunk for a sexual baby experience
>>25472 I really wasn't a fan of the inflatable abdl stuff. It makes it seem less real and something you'd do for Halloween. I prefer things that look very close if not identical to something an actual child would wear / use. The closer to reality the hotter it is. >>24459 I'm lucky enough to have a CG that indulges me whenever I or they are feeling like it. I'm not a 24/7 little because that's pretty impossible, but do get treated little a good portion out of every day. I wear little clothes, diapers 24/7, get changed and checked when needed, drink from bottles most of the time, suck pacis, play with toys, am given baths, etc. But I also do big people stuff like cooking, showering sometimes, laundry, cleaning, and yard work, It's a matter of finding a good balance in life with this. One that works for you and the person you're with. I'm always a little boy in the eyes of my wife/CG, no matter how much I pretend to be big. I'm not little when we go out in public, I go back to being my normal functioning member of society self (even if I am still wearing a diaper under my normal clothes.) We also have a good balance in the bedroom and I help take care of her needs. TL;DR: It's not that bad being treated like a baby, but you can't do it all the time, you have to make time for adult activities and a bit of independence.
>>25402 I think you're also assuming that everyone is only into the kink in the same (very mild) way you're into it. And if they appear to enjoy the more extreme aspects then they're probably just confused and really much more like you than they believe. That kind of projection is something everyone does to some extent or another. It's awfully tempting and natural to assume that everyone else is like you, but it also leads to posts like that.
>>25499 >>25499 >I think you're also assuming that everyone is only into the kink in the same (very mild) way you're into it. who said that ? >It's awfully tempting and natural to assume that everyone else is like you, but it also leads to posts like that. in the post in question : >people do as they wish and I don't really care referring to how porn can create delusional views and suggest unattainable desires isn't the same thing as believing that everyone who goes "further" does so because they're delusional
As if JustForFans wasn't a pain to begin with, having everything put into a continous sliding page àla tumblr without any archive solution. Now images have to be loaded in by javascript, so you have to manually slide across every post to load in the images, so downloading all the images you have bought access to is a nightmare, and they log you out if you request too much too fast, so you can't even use image scrapers. So... Just to even watch and grab all the images you have to first check the images category, continously scroll to the bottom (holding down Page Down or END) for 5 years, then you have to manually go to each post and load in all the images by pressing the furthermost image (or if you hack the CSS of the page, the third or fourth-not-loaded image frame) until all has been loaded in, then right click and download each image one by one. Videos have now also fully gone over to HTML5 blob streaming, so good luck grabbing those, I can't be arsed. Justforfans just went full-on anti-consumer. Their design was bad enough but at least you could work around it, but now they've fully committed to being a stream-only paysite with absolutely ass horrible navigation UX. What is even the point of advertising that a producer has thousands of images and videos if getting to any of them is near fucking impossible because you have to load in hundreds of posts before you can even get to them, hoping your browser doesn't kneel from the ridiculous amount of javascript work. At least I know I'm done paying for anything at Justforfans ever again. And what the fuck is up with the alternatives being pay-per-video sites with outrageous prices? jesus fucking christ.
>>25655 You can find many scrapper that just scrap the entire page without any hassle. Idk why you would even consider doing that manually
>>25657 Reading comprehension 0
>>25661 You complain that it’s hard to get images and video from just for fan. That is true,but it’s also true that a lot of scrappers exist that just do that job for you. The fact that it’s hard to get from the webpage is therefore irrelevant.
>>25663 Reading comprehension -100 I literally state that you CANT use scrappers because they log you off when they detect too much activity. You can scrap images in the hundreds, you can't scrap in the thousands. If you scrap in one go with a large zip file they bug out because they get kicked off during the process. If you scrap one at the time your entire PC hangs up because of the bombardment of requests and then after a while you get kicked off anyways because there are too many requests happening at once.
>>25665 Whatever,I don’t have the same experience but I coded my own scrapper and certainly don’t scrap in the thousand. Agree that this kind of website is cancer anyway
>>25663 Why hasn't kemono made a justfor.fans one As there many Inflatable and abdl videos i wanna see especially the damn huge diaper ones
Is anyone else really bored with diaper art at this point? Feels like almost all of it is just random anime character/the same oc with dry, wet and messy alts, not really doing anything interesting. Its like you only need to look at the thumbnail to get everything out of it
>>25777 I feel exactly the same way. Honestly my tastes for diaper content have just become more degenerate as a result because >anime girl but with diaper is just extremely boring to me now.
>>25778 >>25777 Yeah way back I started fapping to JJ and DBZindiapers stuff. Or just flat pictures from diapergals/diaperpunishment or other random picture sites. Now just a picture doesn't do it for me, heck even a video of someone just standing there using their diaper is pretty lame and doesn't do much. I at least need a caption that brings some context to the image. I unironically fap to the plot/idea more than the image itself. Guess I'm one of those people who enjoys the story in the porn, more than the porn itself.
>>25777 >>25778 >>25794 same. i wish abdl porn/art had more: a) standard vanilla pornography sex scenes, just with diapers involved, OR b) detailed plot/narrative elements perhaps i am just a complete degenerate and i have consumed so much diaper smut that i am desensitized to it, but i feel like the novelty of seeing an attractive woman in a diaper, or softcore scenes of semi-attractive women wearing or even wetting diapers, with no dialogue or intrigue, has completely worn off for me. i also feel like there is a lack of specific "fetish" content involving a woman fetishizing diapers directly. this is clearly because a lot of the models involved in abdl don't truly have a paraphilia for diapers, but whenever i've come across this type of content it's been incredible and then depressing because so little of it exists.
When i use ai chatbots before they were censored the most popular thing i test is clawhauzer in diaper First i try asking to write a erotica,fanfic or story where he leans over desk and yiffs in his diaper But then i try really dirty like making him shit himself a huge load as he talks dirty One detail chatgpt added which i liked was someone walked in and then out which i didn't ask for
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>>25848 Oddly she looks like them bad photoshops you see in movies like the love guru or Adam sandlers jack & jill
Diaper art request of controversial furrys Like puppychan pup in diapers?
>>25655 Fair's gotta be fair. Now all of a sudden I could download videos again directly, no html5 blob shit, really weird. It has a setting for switching streaming mode, but I did change it and change it back again when I wrote the quoted post, but it did not change anything. So that softens things up again, site or browser must have bugged out or something. Images still just load in 4 at a time per post and the rest has to be loaded in by javascript though, so that's still a problem. The image url's are only kept in a "<img data-lazy="https://media.justfor.fans/media/9/6/b/IMGNAME.jpg">" code, so there is no <img src=""> to grab from. But if you have a ripper that can sniff out links independent on whether they're embedded or not then it's possible to grab without manually loading them in.
why is weed so popular in the abdl community? it seems like every abdl is a pothead or does other drugs. i dont get it.
>>26303 Is that an issue? Why does it matter? Assuming you're asking that question in good faith I don't think it actually has anything to do with ABDL at all. Weed and other drugs have just been part of youth culture for decades.
>>26325 its not an issue. i just made an observation and was curious. just seems like weed is overly popular in this community compared to the general population overall.
>>26328 LOL, your life is pretty insular. Go get a Ph.D. in Pharmacology or Neurobiology if you want to know the answer.
>>26303 Same reason most troons are ABDL. It's a mental illness thing.
>>26303 Seems pretty simple to me. As much as some of us really want to be a baby or small child again, it's an unachievable fantasy, so substance abuse helps by taking the mind out of reality.
>>26337 God, could you imagine waking up from a drug-induced stupor you've been in for a decade only to find out you cut off your ding-dong and posting pictures of you shitting yourself online. Troons better hope society's take on pharma doesn't change.
think i'll finally be in the position to get some diapers soon after a long time. curious what everyone's go to diapers are? i always just went with abena m4's and the northshore supreme as abdl diapers aren't worth the large price increase imo. wearing accessories and onesies hides the diaper anyway. i want to try the megamax's as well, they look awesome. any recs or should i just stick with the ol reliable's?
What thing's have your and your partner love doing in diapers outside of erotic stuff
>>26507 i traded for a pack of beyond xp5000s from xp medical and they're pretty good. the european tenas are fucking awesome but no one in the us sells them anymore :(. try them if you can find some. other than those, rearz has upgraded one of their diapers, unicorns i think, to hold like 7000 ml or something if you're into wearing a diaper for 12+ hours.
Hey has anyone had any issues contacting bambino diapers before? I just bought.4 cases but only got 3. They haven't responded to any emails. Should I just dispute it with my credit card?
>>26521 yeah dude i would love to try some european tenas. rearz do look good but come with that abdl premium price. really hard to justify 12 diapers for almost 50 bucks!
good etiquette to bump the ancient meetup thread? bored and looking for friends to chat with and or meeting for fun time.
tfw just realized I unironically have a security blankie I find abdl hot, but i dont really have any interest in actually doing it (haven't worn a diaper in like 15 years) but today I noticed that i genuinely feel less stressed when i cuddle my blanket
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Saw this meme and started wondering. Are there any onesies with pepe the frog on them?
>>27945 considering how left leaning all the abdl providers claim to be (except the based abdreams) I would say probably impossible, unless you have it custom made or it pops up like an oddity item in aliexpress or one of those chinese sites.
>>27969 Has AliExpress ever made any good abdl diapers? I've seen the $50 "pride week" diapers which you see on wish,ali etc but never any videos or porns with them on
>>27945 I think the artist Zuago (or Zooago depending on the site) had some toddler clothes on his furries with pepe. He also had some littles in MAGA hats. I can't find the pictures now sadly. Pepe is a cute little mascot I think.
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>>28034 Oh I found it!
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Does anybody have any of this other guys posts? his name was either lorenzopaddedstar or lorenzopadded he had an old tumblr where he would post irl pics but cartoon women would humiliate him too, like a who framed roger rabbit kinda thing there was 3 images im looking for, 2 had lola bunny making fun of him and 1 was starfire and raven laughing at 2 diaper boys with a caption if anyone can find any more of these 2.5d pics id be happy
has anyone compared the northshore megamax pullups to the abena ones? better, worse? someone said the abena ones hold more, but i can't find a comparison anywhere.
>>28035 >>28034 If I had a onesie with pepe being silly all over it I'd be so happy >Fucking retarded captchas
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>>28034 Pepe is adorable
>>28055 Maybe you're cute too huh? Yeah. Bet ya didn't even think about that one did ya little potential cutie. 😚
I was on the zaza while wearing my kaduola xxxxl tape diapers and i didnt sleep until i was super tired. When i woke up a few hours later i found myself sleeping in a puddle of my own pee. I immediately rubbed myself back to sleep. Later my girlfriend scolded me for wetting the bed again and changed me :))
In spite of our rep of being a bunch whiny diaper fags with the worst PR team in history... There's some legit "based" shit (I hate to use that term unless its totally apt). Like the dude who is responsible for the creating pin up girl art was likely a pretty fucking cool guy (he was a huehuehue peru as well). Created the whole trend of putting slutty ass lookin women on war shit n stuff. Later took up career at Playboy at Hugh's request.
>>25848 >>>CIA if you can hear my prayers please psychologically manipulate her into shooting up a Russian school
Anyone heard any news about ABU restocking? They're completely sold out of diapers at the moment, at least in the U.S. They're doing the vault thing again, so hopefully once they restock they'll actually have enough Dinorawrs and Alphagators to not run out of mediums after a week. Failing that, what other companies value privacy and make good cloth-backed diaps? I prefer cloth-backed because I'm a zoomer and before I got some Spaces and Simple Ultras in high school, I'd never seen a single plastic-backed diaper in my life, so to me they're more glaringly "fetish gear" than "babyish diapers" to me. I've stuck with ABU because I'm a creature of habit, and I know they'll come in a plain cardboard box not labeled "huge fucking diapers for overgrown pissbabies" and they don't show up as "Humiliating Ageplay Fetish Supplies and Adult Baby Diaper Company LLC" on payment processors. Their customer service correspondence has been effective and nice to me as well. Any other companies that U.S. anons can guarantee are not an opsec disaster? I also think I read that ABU was owned by the guy that ran Star Diapers, but also that they changed owners/management years ago. If so, that guy isn't involved anymore, right? I don't want to give money to scum like that. Also, when will Proctor and Gamble or whatever's patent on stretchy sides run out? I love Goodnites, but I hate having demons in my archived orders on Amazon even more than I hate having to play chicken with my bladder to not leak on the first wetting. I want real adult Pull-Ups I can flood at least once while sitting down, dammit. Sorry for all the questions in one post, I mostly just lurk here.
>>28292 abu was never owned by the star diapers guy as far as i know. it has been owned by casey strom for years now. while he is a furry degenerate, he knows his shit and turned abu from being a shitshow to a legit good brand in a short time. any of the abdl brands are going to come in plain boxes. tykables, rearz, etc. rearz sucks as a company but makes good diapers.
>>28292 I order tykables and it's all extremely private. My cases came in a generic box and since I use Amazon pay it just read as an Amazon payment on my card
whenever you try to google some fetish you're into these days all the top results are news stories about someone making money with it on onlyfans
>>28336 K mine come in somewhat slightly marked packaging Who fucking cares I can get cases next day free!
>>28292 >y news about ABU restocking? They're completely sold out of diapers at the moment, at least in the U.S. They're doing the vault thing again, so hopefully once they restock they'll actually have enough Dinorawrs and Alphagators to not run out of mediums after a week. Failing that, what other companies value privacy and make good cloth-backed diaps? I prefer cloth-backed because I'm a zoomer and before I got some Spaces and Simple Ultras in high school, I'd never seen a single plastic-backed diaper in my life, so to me they're more glaringly "fetish gear" than "babyish diapers" to me. >>ABU has legit deep fucked lore tangentially, there was a post on 8kun about it. After that thread I try best to not give them my money regardless...
Anyone of you ever bought diapers in third world countries or on open markets in china, india or thailand or even africa? Would like to see mre of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n40r-GvJYt8 Do you know any Diaperlover travellogs?
i randomly found this omo game/instructions that was pretty fun, but dont know where i found them now. anyone has a link? it had you drink water every x minutes for so long then do a couple other things and try to hold it as long as you could.
Anyone know what the hell happened to DavetVivi? Seem like they nuked their online presence completely. Did they have a really bad breakup or something and decided to remove all trace of themselves that they could?
>>29265 are they not on abkingdom anymore? i havent been there in years but thats where they posted most of their content. sad if theyre gone. they had some nice pics.
>>29287 Yeah finally found a random comment on motherless that mentioned this year that they broke up a couple of years ago. So yeah they broke up and removed themselves from the internet. Understandable but really sad.
Looking for video https://uporn.icu/slave-is-made-to-ride-horsey-w-messy-diaper-2029445.html It was originally posted on PH as far as I can tell/recall and is "Not available in your country" no matter which country/vpn you use. Not even good fap material but its like that weird 7/11 video from the 80s... its a fascinating moment in time. It starts with like this strange obese couple giving their "slave" girl an enema, then she gets put in a diaper while the wife/girlfriend (who is also in a diaper) talks about having actual kids and the guy talks about how he doesn't miss being woken up and other really inane stuff. Once the "slave" girl is done she's given a bottle and dances around while they all three talk shit on the old herdiapers.com/readymade videos and how you can hear him tell her "okay go" in one of their videos... they talk about how fake porn is, but sadly this video eludes me to this day. Same people from this video: https://upornia.com/videos/3036172/slave-gets-enema-and-diaper/?promo=10376
>>29356 Does anyone have more pictures of the girls on the left? I used to have a bunch but I think I got rid of them in one of my purge phases.
Do you guys ever wonder if your garbage collector knows your secret? I mean, garbage stinks by default, but there's no way that super heavy, saggy garbage bags filled exclusively with giant diapers full of adult piss and shit don't smell noticeably worse than even a regular garbage bag with rotten chicken and some used baby diapers in it, or even a baby's dedicated diaper pail, when it gets squished, torn, and compacted by a truck after stewing in the sun for a week or two. Even more so if you have small garbage bins as opposed to a big dumpster. And what about the landfill? I've seen videos of the spot where they dump the trash into a trough with a dump truck underneath, and sometimes there's no dump truck available so they just dump it next to the trough to be dealt when there is a dump truck available. You ever think that your soaked, loaded, paradoxically huge-but-babyish-printed diaps have been sprawled out over the concrete for the poor bastards working there to see, smell, and raise an eyebrow at? The idea intrigues and excites me, maybe not to a Pamperchu-tier extent but the idea is entertaining, aside from the collector possibly having suspicions. They must see and smell all kinds of crazy shit people throw away, but do you think there's a possibility that they mentally note your property as "giant diaper dumpster", "really heavy saggy trashbag house" or "man these guys' garbage really smells like shit and piss"? Can anyone in the refuse collection field deny or affirm any of this? I've wondered about this for a long time now.
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>>29639 our neighbor sure as hell does he goes through our trash so often. They are hoarders and go through everyone's trash. I don't understand why they are literally millionaires. I think they just old and bored but yeah it's annoying as he cuts open every trash bag.
>>29639 >live in an apartment complex Even if someone goes dumpster diving (megagross at our complex even by /abdl/ standards, it's nasty), they would never know it's me. >Do you think your diaper has ever been sprawled in front of a worker? Very unlikely. I double-bag for smell purposes. Not because I am worried about detection, but because I enjoy living in a house that doesn't smell like shit. >Do you think there's a possibility the trashman has opinions about your trash? Now no offense but trashmen deal with literal mountains of trash daily and they're just trying to get through it, probably listening to music. Sure, your stinky diapers smell bad but they have constant waves of >literal vomit >baby diapers (in heavy supply all over) >rotted food, including chicken rot, spoiled veggies, sour milk, >dog shit >actual dead animals I honestly would imagine they're more likely to make a mental note when a house has a routine roach problem. Imagine you reach for the bag and five or six roaches run for cover. HOWEVER, in the spirit of giving you a full, non-skeptical answer I Googled around for trash man stories. It seems the ones that they report on as the most troubling are literal dead bodies, human body parts, blood, mutilated animals, live animals, guns, meth equipment, etc. While our stuff may be weird it's not... on that level.
>>24459 Some of that stuff isn't as fun as it might seem, but I think the disconnect between the fantasy of ABDL and the reality of it happens when we look at the Adult piece of ABDL, and more specifically, consent. If we look at the fantasies of this fetish, a majority seem to involve nonconsensual situations. In stories, comics, and other forms of erotica and porn, forced diapering and babying tends to be the main theme, and it makes sense. The fantasy is being a baby again, and that means someone else has total control to decide everything from when and where I'm diapered, to what I eat, what I wear, what I watch, and what end my medicine goes in. This is at odds with the adult reality where relationships rely on trust and respecting certain boundaries. If a CG gets with a little and the little says, "I don't do messing and I still want at least T and PG13 entertainment, but I want to be completely babied otherwise", doesn't that ruin the situation? The fantasy disintegrates when the baby is telling the adult what's going to happen, especially with what will or won't go in their diaper. Of course consent is important so you don't go in for some innocent little time and leave with a belly full of cum, but it also makes the fantasies difficult to fully realize.
>>24453 >adult babies who have tattoos on their bodies look stupid. and they should feel bad. babies don't have tattoos. all these idiots running around tattooing themselves because they are afraid to be an individual. conformists and cowards. plastic people. retards all. Tattoos are fucking retarded period. I know far too many people who can't budget for shit, are always broke but always have new tattoos. >>24459 >That's basically a description of nearly everything related to this fetish. It all sounds fun thinking about it, but in practice it isn't. Being forced to crawl would get uncomfortable quickly. Using padded mittens loses its charm in a hurry. Pooping your diaper seems cute until you're sitting in it; there's a reason babies cry about messy diapers. The helplessness of needing mommy or daddy to feed you seems hot until all you get fed is pureed food. Wanting to be spanked if you're naughty feels a lot less fun after your butt is on fire. I know other people feel differently, but the fantasy of being treated like a real baby falls apart for me when I try to bring it into reality. Or maybe it just feels too much like bondage for me, idk. I feel this way about most ABDL stuff. I've always been into wetting a diaper and then fapping by laying down on my stomach and rubbing while fantasizing about being forcibly regressed to an infant. In reality, I've tried pacifiers, pacigags, bottles with formula, baby food, onesies and it all just makes me feel like I wasted money. I feel like years of regression fapfiction have set an unreasonable expectation of what ABDL should be.
>>29886 Noncon ABDL fiction is shit tier and it's only so prolific because it can be written and consumed by the braindead. Also, anybody who thinks childhood is designed by a lack of boundaries was either abused, or is an abuser.
controversial opinion time but AB and DL should never have been combined. there's so very little DL content. it's all AB/DDLG stuff, which is great sometimes, but i want stuff that leans more toward, like, the 'cute girl who is incontinent' idea. on the one hand, it's great that there's all these diapers people can by, but i miss the days where there was nothing hotter than a girl in an abena m4. it's all too much these days.
>>29902 >Noncon ABDL fiction is shit tier and it's only so prolific because it can be written and consumed by the braindead. Also, anybody who thinks childhood is designed by a lack of boundaries was either abused, or is an abuser. Forced Regression is a part of the fantasy whether you like it or not. Consent in fiction is fucking retarded SJW faggotry. Fuck off back to Reddit with this take.
Do you guys ever get kinda sad when you get turned on by unrealistic porn that could never actually happen? Strange i never used to but it's been happening recently. and im not talking post nut clarity either
>>29982 all the time, i dunno what it says about me lol
>>29982 I mean I have a Mommy that want's to make me into a sissy baby with chastity. But I am not much into being a sissy. I started to get into chastity
>>29982 Unrealistic? No. Likely to happen? All the time.
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Anyone recognise the design? Saw online but no name.
There was a video on This video of someone in scrubs messing a diaper at work, presumably a hospital, that was deleted. Does anyone have it?
>>30260 Cub size 5, they're Coles own brand in Australia
I'm actually looking for a photo from years ago. It's a blonde girl in a diaper (maybe a pullup?) with curly hair jumping on a bed. Any help?
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>>29067 yes please!
>>28790 I got "try agains" from pretend again and I've been pretty happy with them. As a fellow zoomer I can safely say the feel just like the baby diapers I remember snagging
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Does anyone know where this photo comes from or where to find a higher res copy?
>>30847 Pics?
>>29902 Oh, not you again. It's yet another episode of "my kink is the one true kink and anyone who so much as fantasizes about anything different is mentally ill". >>29982 Everything I like is impossible. I have long since come to terms with that fact. I used to get sad about it more often though.
You guys have that artist where 99% of what they draw is trash to you but then the 1% knocks it out of the park in a way no one else does?
can anyone provide source to this short video, please?
>>32292 The giant pampereredpenny.com watermark not good enough?
>>32388 The name dipshit
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Anyone know where this is from
Anyone have pictures of Dandelionwishes? https://8kun.top/abdl/res/65499.html
>>32436 >>32462 she seems trans
>>32465 They have a vagoo
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Lmk when there's a new site like kemono that can make subscribestar their bitch (Can't stand paying for art that isn't commissioned personally)
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Just a fun hypothetical but something I've kinda seriously thought about before and I wonder if any of you have too. I want a diaper girl harem and have always kinda fantasized about running an ABDL paysite. Coming up with scenarios myself and just having women act them out based on what I want rather than all the JFF stuff which is just the same three videos of girls alone in their room pissing themselves repeated to eternity. I have a decent amount of money by American standards but I'm not rich. Could I move to a foreign country that's kind of poor and just hire women there to shoot content for me? Could I just pay some of them to live with me and be diapered 24/7 just for fun? Are there any countries where this would be illegal? Also, it's shitty to say but countries like Ukraine and Russia are looking at major economic problems after the war ends. Could totally just have hot Eastern European woman looking to make easy money. I hear similar stuff about certain places in Southeast Asia. Even Japan's economy is terrible and a lot of women are doing sex work to pay the bills, but I know that Japan's has weird laws when it comes to sex and pornography. This is all just a fantasy but I dream about basically being the ABDL Hugh Hefner. I wonder how feasible it would be.
>>32978 >Could I move to a foreign country that's kind of poor and just hire women there to shoot content for me? Those women will likely shoot you, not content for you
>>32978 pay them enough and the hookers in thailand would probably be game. the average salary is thailand is trash even compared to US minimum wage.
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How would a regular sized guy fuck a girl with her wet diaper still on? It’s such a fun thought about just bending a girl over like in pics related and just take her to pound town while she’s diapered, but the logistics of getting around or through the diaper to reach her pussy sounds like it wouldn’t work. Anyone with experience in that?
other than the few photos around lost webs, was there ever more info/leaks from Peterdaddy/Baby Lollie? they are one of my old time favorites
Is there a way to get anything better than the lowest quality diapers without ordering them? The only things available in my town and the next one over are Depends, CVS/Walgreens diapers, and various shitty pullups. I can't even find mid-range medical diapers like Tena or Abena locally. I live in the US and even though I'm wearing diapers because I want to, it's weird that incontinent adults just get garbage from the major companies. Maybe the stuff at the store is good enough for small accidents, but for bedwetting, it's useless most of the time. Unless you want to wear a diaper plus sleep on a puppy pad, which is probably the point of the shitty diaper to get you to buy an extra product.
>>33549 Unless you're lucky enough to have a really solid pharmacy in your area, no. But out of curiosity, why don't you want to order online? If it has to do with privacy, there are ways to have them ordered somewhere where you can pick them up later. FedEx, for instance, offers a "hold at location" service where you can order something and they'll hold it for you to pick up when you get a chance. Just head over when they text / email you, show them your ID, and you'll be good to go If it's a matter of payment method, you can always buy a Visa gift card in a random store. Once you register it, you'll be set to use it for online purchases
>>33549 adult diapers at pharmacies are more interested in showing off the quantity instead of the quality of the diaper in terms of absorbing/holding anything in your diaper. >>33555 Totally agree. Buy online if you want a diaper, and just stick to plain designs if you don't want to endorse the furfags :)
Why do ABDLs on imageboards tend to hate themselves so much more compared to ABDLs I chat with on any other social media platform?
>>33555 I have no issues with online orders themselves, it's just that I don't have an interest in buying diapers often. When I do buy diapers, its more of an impulse thing or when I'm completely out of them. Either way, what's available locally is more appealing than what will show up next week. I also don't like paying extra for shipping on a product that I don't know I'll like until it shows up.
>>33588 Surely that question answers itself: because they're on imageboards.
>>33588 Image boards tend to be alt-right leaning, and that often means being influenced by reactionary kink-haters talking out of their asses about "degeneracy" and "cringe". Right-wing ABDLs therefore tend to be self-flagellating doomers who actively make things worse for the community by eagerly spreading the word about bad apples that would have remained obscure otherwise, being under the delusion that kiwitards and their ilk will find them to be "based" exceptions who won't be up against the wall. Of course, leftards are just as bad with throwing ABDL under the bus for the sake of kowtowing to LGBT supremacy or whatever pop culture social justice issue is currently being pushed by Twitter and mainstream media.
>>33590 Unfortunately, without ordering your only option is crappy store brands. You can look at pharmacies and medical supply stores too, maybe even thrift stores, but they'll very rarely have anything good The wait and the shipping costs for online diapers suck, but store-bought diapers truly are the worst of the worst, and with very few exceptions, anything you can buy online is so much better it's not even funny
god i love diapers so fucking much i need to move out already i cant take it i need to use one right now but its impossible to do it discreetly
>>33633 I feel the same way anon
Don't suppose anons know an alternative to kemono since they absolutely refuse to fix fanbox and subscribestar scraper?
>>33638 That's the stronghold of the aforementioned leftards, though. You should try to respect and love yourself for who you are rather than getting caught up in left vs right brainrot, because when it comes right down to it, neither of them has our backs.
So I've decided to step out for a bit, trapped in a bit of a depression-unstability cycle and I have decided on trying something different this time around and cut on some of the things are starting to feel a bit of an unhealthy mechanism, for me at least. Before stepping out I figured I might as well share the degeneracy with all you sick perverts, it should probably be 3 mega links, will not reply to any questions nor do I expect anything in return for it, and when they are taken down, they are down for good because I am wiping my HD, just fap away fellow babs if I dont read you again, have fun in your journey VmpGYVYySXhWWGROVldoVllUSjRWbFpyV25kVWJIQlhWVzVPVGxKdFVucFhhMlF3WVVaS1dXRkVRbFZpUmtwb1ZrWlZlR015VGtWUmJGWlRVbGM1TTFaV1VrdFRiVkY0Vkc1T1dHSkhhRzlaYTJoRFVrRTlQUT09 VmpGYVYySXhWWGROVldoVllUSjRWbFpyV25kVWJIQlhWVzVPVGxKdFVucFhhMlF3WVVaS1dXRkVRbFZpUmtwb1ZrWlZlR015VGtWUmJGWlRVbGM0ZDFacVFtRlRNVmw0WVROd2FWSnJOVlJWYWtaTFpHYzlQUT09 VmpGYVYySXhWWGROVldoVllUSjRWbFpyV25kVWJIQlhWVzVPVGxKdFVucFhhMlF3WVVaS1dXRkVRbFZpUmtwb1ZrWlZlR015VGtWUmJGWlRVbGQzZWxaSGRHdFNNVTVJVld0a1YySkdjRTlWYkdoRFZsRTlQUT09
>>33786 Is it just me or are these just turning up empty folders? Did bro purge already?
>>33787 Dead Dead Dead
When I go online to retailers it seems like they make ABDL bottles out of glass. I have heard borosilicate is strong, but I'm worried it might not be as comfortable as plastic. But glass is the most common, so maybe it's good? Can anyone please give their thoughts on glass vs plastic bottles?
Would you people say that the people who sell ABDL related videos and photos on sites like justforfans mostly to pay for diapers are prostitutes or not? I think it's difficult to say yes because ABDL has a lot of non-sexual components for a lot of people (of course for some it's just sexual which is also okay). I would say the vanilla onlyfans stuff where women show their tits and ass would count as prostitution (selling your body) but I'm not sure if that's also the case for ABDL content.
>>34419 the definition of prostitution is exchanging sex for money, so no, i don't think they are prostitutes.
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Hope everyone is having a good valentines with the person they love, but if you don't have that, that's ok too. Love shouldn't just be important one day a year, so treat every day like it could be your last. Love you all.
>>34544 Love you too, anon! I'm single now but that's my choice to better enjoy my diapers. Also, I have other problems in having a regular relationship but I'm fine with it.
>>34546 >I have other problems in having a regular relationship Hey babu tell us We all go through shit in life, opening up helps. One thing i love about this place is that I can be completely honest and not have to worry about a reputation system like karma or some other crap So why not share what you're feeling?
>>34575 I already mentioned it in the 24/7 thread but this general would be a better place to talk about it if someone else happens to be in the same situation. I have erectile dysfunction and it affected my past relationships to the point I bought a hollow strap-on for me to use. It helped more than I expected and convincing my ex to try it was easier than I feared. Also, I talked to psychologist but it didn't help much. It has been a while since my last relationship and I've been having both a happier and healthier life, so I'm confident my ED may have diminished but only time will tell for sure. Now I'm mostly interested in keep going 24/7 and not looking for a partner. If I do meet someone I'll probably have to quit being 24/7, unless she's an ABDL herself. That would be the best possible scenario.
>>34600 Ooohh babu can't get hard for his gf but he tries. that's cute! You do belong in diapers and you're doing the right thing by going 24/7 maybe you'll find a nice mommy and she'll milk your limp dick everyday sorry couldn't resist... but in all seriousness I'm sorry to hear that and i hope you get better >hollow strapon not a bad solution for someone with ed. Gotta say i'm curious about how it worked if you don't mind telling Anyway in case of trouble pop a blue and be happy anon
>>34600 >I have erectile dysfunction Any idea why? I feel that's typically a symptom of a bigger issue.
>>34637 I got tested for diabetes, high blood pressure and prostate cancer, was clean for everything. Like said before, I went to a psychologist and his conclusion was psychogenic ED. His theory was that I went through some form of childhood trauma, maybe sexual molestation. It is possible something bad happened to me during childhood but I don't remember it and neither I live near my family or want to ask them about something this sensitive. The psychogenic thing made sense because I used to be much more stressed and lived paying rent in shitty apartment. 2020 was particularly bad not only due the pandemic but also that I feared loosing my job on a daily basis. Regardless, that was years ago. I'm living much better now and in my own place. >>34636 I'm not into this mommydom stuff but thanks for the laugh. >Gotta say i'm curious about how it worked if you don't mind telling Wear the harness, stick your dick into the dildo, tighten it and go down in your girlfriend. Depending on the size she'll probably need some lube. We had a positive experience, she enjoyed the size and I felt confident to satisfy her so we ended up using it frequently.
>>34546 i'm in a similar position: single (mostly by choice), thought for a long time that loving diapers was my biggest problem in maintaining a relationship. turns out i have lots of other issues though, and at the end of the day if i just let myself i can be happy with my diapers and it's okay if that means being single.
>>34662 I managed to sneak in the subject of diapers with my ex gfs and their reaction, without exception, were unfavorable. Since I'm single now, I decided to focus on diapers. But the loneliness builds up, so I'm in pursuit of a relationship. I'm ready to quit diapers when I find one, unless she's into them too but I'm not counting on that. That's just me, if you're ok enjoying your diapers by yourself, more power to you. And if you're one of those with a diaper girlfriend, you're lucky, try to keep this relationship. >turns out i have lots of other issues though Share with us if you want to. Letting it out of your chest can help.
>>34691 any ex girlfriend i told about my interest in diapers, was not interested. one of them indulged me though, so having had diaper sex, it almost feels like i don't need it anymore and am okay enjoying them by myself. of course i'd love to have a girlfriend who also loves diapers. or at least, will wear them for me and have fun doing it. but this seems unreasonable to expect. >Share with us if you want to. Letting it out of your chest can help. it's just the usual childhood upbringing stuff people go to therapy for. my parents didn't teach me how to be in a healthy relationship because they didn't know either. i have a difficult time with intimacy and trust because of bad experiences of betrayal and cruelty from friends and ex girlfriends. everyone ends up leaving me. i have been closer recently to wanting to try to find a relationship and being ready to quit diapers, but right now i'm honestly more interested in organizing my adultbabysource collection.
Well, if it cheers anyone up, I've managed to finally achieve the opposite. While my wife isn't into diapers herself, she definitely indulges me a lot. As I type this, I am doing tummy time in a poopy diaper with a full bottle of milk and my stuffie under my arm. Honestly, I can't really ask for anything more. I feel like the next natural step is playpen + baby monitor + baby tablet with parental controls, but at that point I wouldn't be able to post here anymore while in littlemode, probably. To be clear this isn't a 24/7 arrangement, but today's my day off.
>>34737 If I can ask what do you actually mean when you say "diaper" cause i am really confused. (sorry for me english)
>>34740 Abena Abri-Form Comfort Plastic-Backed Briefs, Level 4, Medium Size, known as an "Abena M4" for short
Anyone have a comic, looked like Merunyaa's style, but I couldn't find it just by looking around on the Internet. It was a bunny boy in charity being pushed in a stroller by a woman. Think there was a decent number of pages to it, but I just can't seem to find it anywhere.
>>35404 In chastity, not charity
>be me >into diapers and small dick humiliation >see >>34654 >anon literally has to use a strapon to fuck his gf >they both enjoy it >instant diamonds are you still there anon? please share some stories Have some diaper + strapon pics, love this combo.
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>>35435 That's it! Thank you, comic made me rock hard lol
>>35433 >please share some stories I don't have many stories. The sex was just regular sex but with me wearing the strap-on and it lasted as much as she could take. We didn't do humiliation play. She did some size difference jokes between me and the hollow dildo that I found more amusing than embarrassing and that was it. One thing that I did find sexy was by how she invited me. She laid on the bed with the strap-on by her side, that was everything I needed to know. If you wonder how it feels, the hollow dildo takes away most of the dick's sensibility. This can be good or bad depending on your point of view. Other than that, some positions put too much pressure on the base of the dick, specially on the balls, so I had to use one hand to hold the dildo in place which would probably not be necessary if I could keep an erection. Overall, something that started as a workaround to a problem turned out to be quite enjoyable. Still, it's not a thing I'd recommend if you have a healthy sex-drive. Maybe if you're curious, you can buy a cheap one to try but switch to something made with medical-grade silicone if you're going to use it frequently. Some random pics to make this diaper related.
I've always used plastic backed diapers but recently bought a pack of Little Kings to try. My only experience with cloth backed was maybe 10 years ago when I bought cloth backed M4s. After a few wettings, they would start leaking through the actual cloth backing and would make a huge mess. Do I run any risk of that with the Little Kings, or is their cloth backing pretty waterproof? Also, can the tapes be undone for readjusting and stuff, or do they loose their ability to grab once they've been removed? It's hard to try these out when I have a pack of Trests that I absolutely love.
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>>35594 ABU claim to have a 7500ml absorbancy for Little Kings, but I suggest adding an insert or doubling up with another or a plastic backed just in case. I wear at night, and my go to has been wearing Little Kings with a Northshore MegaMax, and a rearz omutsu cloth (plus pins to keep the velcro from peeling off).
>>35600 I'm sure this can seem a bit excessive to most, but my wetting is somewhat infrequent, and when I do it's a steady stream so I need to be properly padded to prevent leakage
>>35594 Hot take: lil kings are trash. They sweat and make your thighs and clothes feel wet, they do nothing to hide odors, they occasionally leak sap out of the pores, and they begin to stretch after some wearing. Which causes them to slide down, or forces you to readjust the crap tapes constantly.
>>35606 Not a hot take at all. I grew up in the time of Plastic-Backed Diapers and nostalgia aside, they are far superior over Cloth-Backed.
>>35601 If you are not incontinent, try to pace yourself more. If If I go for more smaller wettings instead of bigger floods, I can nearly get double the amount of pee in a diaper before leaking.
>>35725 It's about the bulk.
Anyone know the story behind these two pictures?
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>>35594 >>35617 You should probably try pic related. The reviews say its a cloth hybrid that does not feel damp on the outside when wet. I hate most of all the ABDL designs but these are pretty close to what I think Pampers would look like. I want to try them but broke. https://www.pretendagain.com/cdn/shop/files/TryAgainTuffy_1080x.png?v=1695327859
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I could really use some advice about pacifiers, I feel like I have never found one that suits me correctly, that I enjoy playing with, biting softly, toying with in my mouth, I have managed to go to bed and sleep with it in my mouth (the smallest ones I own) but it always feels like I need to keep an extra degree of attention on it to actually actively enjoy it and play it with, like I am forcing it a bit too much, I want it to be natural in my mouth. I have tried a few nuk 4-5, then I splurged a bit with pacifier addict items like size 10 and a size 12. What are your experiences? what do you recommend? I was considering giving babyyourdoll pacies a try, but I dont want to feel like I am falling for misleading advertisement from the reviewers.
>>35815 damn it dude, trying real hard not to shill this but have you checked the site? has heaps of pjs and cutesy clothes, definitely my jam https://www.pretendagain.com/
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>>35815 I got put in one of these when I went to see Dune 2 with frens. In terms of feel they're like a Kingz but more robust, and they do not sweat the way cloth-backed ABUs do. They're also suiper-thick, which I like. Overall, super expensive but I recommend trying.
>>35843 Young man, boys in diapers have no business seeing big kid movies like Dune. Next time consider being responsible and seeing something more appropriate like Kung Fu Panda instead.
>>35900 You can't tell me what to do! >:(
>>35904 There really is nothing cuter than a little guy acting like brat. You might think you can get away with it but there are paddles and time out corners and other babyish consequences for naughty fussy little baby boys that get a little too big for there soggy britches.
Hey there I'm getting paranoid that AI will take over the internet and before it does I wanted to creat my own archive. Would anyone be willing to share their own archives they have already made? I'm really only looking for drawn/anime stuff.
>>35904 Dammit I looked
I’m trying to build up my collection of diaper girls packing heat. Unfortunately, this is all I have, though I thought I had more. Does anybody have any other pictures of diaper girls with guns?
>>35941 https://www.instagram.com/night_nurse_bunny/ This girl has a few on her page if you have a way to save pics on IG
Any of you guys watch baby youtube? I like Ms Rachel myself
>>36058 You might want to elaborate
Curious what you guys do when you're going through a period where you can't get diapers. Really in the mood for them but life situation doesn't allow it at the moment. Porn works for a little lol but anything else?
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>>36167 Basically man haha. I stopped reading this place a while ago because it gets me wanting to wear so bad. Hopefully I can get some soon but man it sucks. Been years now since I've worn.
>>36166 at my current age this is never a problem. when i was younger, i would just have to cope with porn and fantasy. when i was REALLY young i would create makeshift diapers out of blankets and pillows, obviously to minimal effect.
Does anyone have that Jerry Springer clip where a woman admits to having a lesbian Mistress and being into age play to her boyfriend and is then diapered and either put into a crib or playpen on stage?
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Does anyone know of puddin.stitch? Last I know of her is Instagram 2021, and wasn't that into content to look deeper.
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how many of you are FBI agents pic related
Heyo Im looking through the banners and stuff and this one was particullary interesting to me though i cant seem to find the og high res image its edited from. I tried reverse image searching it but all i got was a dead site. Any help would be great.
if i want to post pictures of myself in diapers, write horny erotica, is tumblr still the best platform to do that?
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anyone got the source?
>>36720 cheers
https://boards.4chan.org/hc/thread/2447932 I don't know if anyone here would/should care but the other chan is possibly cracking down on diaper content. The /hc/ thread was deleted and the diaper thread on /aco/ had the OP image deleted. I've been active in the /hc/ diaper threads on 4chan for years. Why would it suddenly not be allowed? Hopefully it's just an overzealous jannie and not a permanent change. Hopefully if there is a crackdown on ABDL stuff over there though then maybe more people will find this place? I miss how active things were in the early days on the original 8chan. And maybe eventually some other options will pop up for ABDL imageboards.
>>36764 I browse the ABDL threads on /aco/, sometimes there are new pics there but don't try to engage in conversation, it's absolute shit. This is the pic that was used on the OP, it features a brown stain, which could be fine to be posted in the thread but as OP the jannie may have thought that was scat and removed it. /hc/ diaper threads are good but I don't go there much. Just checked it and there's a new one already. Apparently, the jannie is retarded and banned the OP for violating a rule for tasteful content(see second pic), LOL.
>>36766 The 'tasteful' thing makes no sense compared to the rest of that board. Also... probably shouldn't be posting something with an Anon's IP address in it.
>>36767 >Anon's IP address The dude posted himself, check the archives, it was deleted later. And you can't do much with only the IP anyway and it's very likely it's a VPN because it's not a good idea to be posting on Cuckchan raw.
Okay, I don't want to fuck another diaper lover over this IP thing, I'll repost the other pic that was later posted on that /hc/ thread.
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>>36770 Is it just me or has 4chan become unusable since they enforced Captcha on anons that wanted to stay anon? I'd go on there every now and again before they started forcing logging in on people, and this just settles whatever chance they had for me to go back. Publicly posting the DL's IP is cringe, but this fuck deserved it for poking the bear.
>>36764 Ive seen diaper threads deleted before on /hc/ and its usually random and not a reoccurring thing. Janny prob got triggered by the autistic text he put with the OP
Does anyone have the sugarylittle video where she is tasked by her mom to help toilet train her little sister but ends up in pull-ups herself?
>>37037 I'm sure it's on empornium or omo. Check there.
>>36766 Nice, I knew of /aco/ but I did not know of /hc/ is there any other sub-chans with abdl in them?
Any info on this cutie from MMM diapers video "triple trouble part 1"? Internet name, been in other clips ect. Called Christopher in the vid. Video is on Omo.org
>>37946 They used to be incredibly common on /b/ but it's really not worth it to try to participate in those nowadays. /d/ has a thread but I prefer /aco/. /hc/ is just diapered women but if you want diapered men then /hm/ has it. I feel like I never show up when one is going on but /gif/ will occasionally have threads. Also, I've seen ABDL meetup threads on /soc/ before.
>>37970 thats some nice deets, thank you anon!
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I was not sure if I should make this post on incontinence or not but that one seems to be saging and I would like to keep this one from getting lost. This one is going to be a bit of a blog but I sort of noticed a MASSIVE increase in my mood and my day-to-day life experience I thought I'd share in case someone is struggling with a similar situation. I am 100% aware that people here come to get porn and fap, yes, I do too, I get it, nothing is going to change that, but its good to identify unhealthy patterns in your life if you're struggling with difficulties. I have been dealing with unhealthy addiction to porn in general, plus getting into AB/DL and living alone definitely worsened my situation by purchasing baby and AB/DL stuff to have around to keep me tempted and semi-horny constantly, constantly in the need of fapping. As I spend my teenager years dedicated to fapping to abdl stuff, my life passed me by in the blink of an I and today I am practically a 34 year old virgin with practically 0 interaction with women and this has always nagged me in the back of my head. Yes I have hobbies, yes I have a stable job and I can provide for myself, I can enjoy stuff that I do on my free time, either by myself or with friends but there was always something bothering me in the back of my head. The thing that has always been something casting a great shadow of sadness and anxiety inside of me, a constant underlying depression that made me from time to time just f$@# ending it all. Its insane how clear my head feels currently, being mostly free of that, free of unexplainable and unbearable sadness that I need to be constantly hiding in front of everyone and I cant really put my finger on. I have simply started enjoy more the cutesy-non-sexual side of AB/DL, not out of some sense of shame or that it is wrong or dirty, but merely because I believe it was something spiraling out of my control and taking me to very dangerous places mindset-wise. Just to clarify, I have not stopped wearing/using abdl stuff, I have not even stopped entirely watching porn just stopped mostly scenes involving sex or masturbation, another thing I have been doing differently has been not masturbating and taking some zinc supplements, getting a bit more sunlight and exercise. For some people is probably going to sound extremely silly and prude to watch stuff, wear abdl attire and not get horny and fap, if you are able to manage it and still be healthy more power to you, this has been a terrible hindrance for most of my life and today I feel like I am dropping a heavy chain from my ankle and I am finally free. I dont know if I am fully committing to a NoFap thing but right now, to know what my daily emotional instability used to be and feel the way that I am feeling it feels like I have scared myself from wanting to fap in the foreseeable future if I am being honest, concerned I might not be able to escape again from those harmful emotional roller-coasters. Initially I felt like it would be impossible for me to enjoy the non sexual side, but after committing to wearing as much as I can at home but simply not indulging in sexual feelings has brought about an interesting new array of feelings and enjoyment into my life, coloring and playing a bit while in baby attire, using my paci more and drinking from sippies and bottles. You can find ways of enjoying this without the orgasm/masturbation part of it, it feels may be a bit cringy at first but its about the exploring different things and finding what works for you. TL;DR Fapping too much could be causing all or most of your depression and anxiety, try cutting down a bit if you can
>>37976 Gonna have to press X here. "One simple trick" solutions to the travails of loserdom are mostly memetic poison. People try them while they're in a productive mood (read: not depressed). They experience a spike of positive energy due to engaging in the power process (read: doing something), and one month later, they're raving to their friends and online about this *one simple trick* that's changed their life. Two months later, the productive mood runs out and they fall of the wagon. Alternatively, their "one simple trick" becomes a stepping stone to a larger process of transformation, which could have started with anything ("I'm going to dye my hair green!") and which they subsequently attribute to later success. This is the same sociology behind fad diets. The "true solution" to your problem is a little bit of everything. Better diet, taking exercise, finding a group of friends, reaching professional success, replacing high dopamine activities like scrolling with slower hobbies like reading or gardening. Unfortunately this is not an easy prescription, so people fall for supposed silver bullets like NoFap.
>>37978 Truest thing ever said on here. If your life sucks it's almost certainly not because of one reason. It's hard work but you will have to change multiple massive aspects of your life especially diet and exercise. Masturbating in excess can of course be bad like anything else but not uniquely so unless you are truly draining your days doing it. Most people do their business in under 15 minutes. And these changes are usually just a cycle of motivation like you said which you will fall off of most likely which is normal. Just try and be consistent as you can putting in work and definitely just spend less time online in general which is causing a lot of these societal ills at this point. There is no simple easy answer just self-reflection and work.
It bother anyone else in retrospect that for those of us who got into this fetish pretty young we basically grew up Reading abdl stories that almost always revolved around noncon/sexual abuse, usually by parents. I mean it was framed as no big deal but actually going through with any of those "punishments" as a parent would absolutely land you 20 to life. Yeah sure there were a few wholesome ones where the main character was actually into it but those were pretty in the minority. I mean like 90% of the fiction for this stuff is basically rape fetish stories with a different aesthetic.
I recognized it, but I was so horny that I didn't care. I could tell that the quality of writing was much better than anything a teenager could produce, so most of these stories were adults writing about young adolescents having forced enemas, chastity punishment, and all other kinds of weird shit. There were a few authors who took things too far with sex stuff and I avoided those because it grossed me out, like babybobby or whatever he calls himself that writes the same story over and over again about a young boy being sissified and actually raped. I felt even weirder after I turned 18, but I figured it's not wrong if I've been jerking off to this content since I was 12 myself. Now it has come full circle and I write similar stories, but I purposely omit the age and let the reader self insert as whatever age they want.
Hello, thought this might be a useful thread, any idea who is the artist?
This is from lemondrop: https://e-hentai.org/g/2280897/54cd36317e/ But this should have probably been posted in the QTDDTOT/General.
>>37998 I never thought much about it since I haven't read anything like that since I was 15. I remember somehow finding Deeker when I was 13ish. I'm a moron, but to my own credit I did feel something was off about the place and stopped reading content there. Then and even now I hated anything sexual in the stories I read. I'd skip those parts or never read it if there was any sex. Finding this fetish before finding normal porn must've fried part of my brain. It was years of diaper fetish stories and drawings before I tried watching normal porn of people fucking and I didn't like it. Still don't for the most part. I know I'm not asexual. I just get very little out of watching other people fuck.
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Rape is rape, I'm not going to defend it. The other stuff though, I wanted to say something about. The "forced" aspects of many stories solve a dilemma for those of us that insert ourselves into the characters, which is the shame aspect of it. I remember someone once discussing why they liked abdl stories featuring robots malfunctioning and treating their charges as babies. The robots just plain don't know any better. To them, you are literally a baby. They're not someone playing pretend, they have the ample force and ability to treat you exactly like what they think you are, and while all of these stories are gonna be unrealistic, it's a story that helps let you, as the person inserting themselves into the protagonists role (usually), not feel guilty about being yourself (indirectly as the character!), letting it happen to you, it's relatively judgement free. You don't have to feel ashamed in situations that are outside your control. For many of us, in an ideal world, we could engage with our desires without any feelings of guilt or shame for being dependent on a caretaker, engaging in social taboos, and hell, it'd be a bonus to also be loved while doing it. There are many "globalized" fetish stories where this is exactly what's achieved. So the forced aspect is a usually a guise by which we can let our own guards down as the self insert protagonists. There's another subtle element to that as well, which is that someone who is forcing us into something usually wants that thing themselves. Some of us want someone into diapers, want someone into being a caretaker. Someone who wants us dependent on them. Being forced by someone is of course an immediate solution to that desire. Not only are they someone who's fine with the thing we want, they'll even make us do it! Circling around to the humiliation aspect. I think it's just a byproduct a lot of time. While there's absolutely a lot of folks who are into humiliation (exhibitionist sissies come to mind), I think the humiliation is something that just comes natural when we're trying to have a story that's grounded enough in reality for it to not break our own immersion. Globalized fetish stuff might break one person's immersion, magic might break yet another's, obviously for some here, being forced into it is immersion breaking (and also fucked up and illegal irl). But it's all relative to whoever is reading it really. Vanilla vs chocolate vs strawberry essentially. What about the parental aspect? There's an element of convenience to it. Everybody's got a parent, and their parent is usually a trusted loved one who under most circumstances has our interests at heart. They're someone who's had natural control over us as children, control that by it's nature is socially acceptable. I don't think it's hard to imagine why parents would be a natural target for the antagonist of an ABDL story. Parents also offer a bit of the taste of what many of us would have possibly liked while growing up. There's a theory in psychology I remember hearing, though it's name I forget. Basically, our subconscious knows what our desires are, and our subconscious also knows that bedroom behavior, sex stuff, is deeply intimate and usually only done in a "safe place" from a standpoint of relationships, socially, whatever. It's safer to act out our desires, at least typically. Fetishes from this theory are then byproducts of our subconscious mixing the sexual with our repressed desires/needs. I can't say how true this may or may not be. It's something I've only heard once before now and haven't heard since but it suits the conversation. Anyways, this has dragged on for a bit but I hope it makes sense. Smut is smut, it doesn't have to entirely make sense at the end of the day after all, lizard brain go brrrr. I also say, as it's worth possibly reiterating, not everybody who writes this shit is actually intent on acting on it. There's creeps out there for sure, but it seems like we way over focus on them and try to attack far more people than is merited. Everybody here should be 18+ and know better. And with reading this, hopefully folks know even better than that now.
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>>38132 >There's another subtle element to that as well, which is that someone who is forcing us into something usually wants that thing themselves. I think I agree with everything you said. The "forced" stuff rang true for me. We all know it's not realistic. IRL being forced to do anything would require a police level responses and even then a part of me would chance it. At least I feel that was a male. I never fully understood my feelings with the forced aspect. It always contracted my true feelings, but it's my go to for fapping. Why do I want to be forced into something I not only know I like but have done voluntarily already? The conclusion I came to is my insecurity toward this kink. I find it hard to open to people. Of the few people I've dated only one was trustworthy enough that It didn't bother me for them to know I was into it. They still had to find out by mistake; a long story that doesn't matter. I can't make the move. My first thought before I talk about myself to anyone is "how can this person use what I'm about to say against me?" "Will they use this information to ruin me?" "Do they need to know this?" I don't apply this to only kink stuff, but everything in my life. One could say I'm paranoid, but it's a result of being hurt by people I thought I could trust.
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>>38132 This is usually the explanation, but it's easier for the writers to just admit to themselves, and have the readers admit to themselves, that this is what they want, and then write a much simpler story of "If you walk through this door, you will be magically babified", "man seeks volunteers for nanny robot test", "AGE REGRESSION DRUG DO NOT DRINK UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE BABY" conveniently left out on a table somewhere, etc. The real reason that a lot of the stories are like this is because far, FAR too many ABDLs have severely mentally conflated care and abuse. It's a core part of it and stems from deep-seated trauma. I have one friend who really likes the abusive and manipulative stuff because it's *objectively better* than what [neutral pronoun] their parents did to them in real life. These sorts of people are pretty much broken inside, but aren't we all, to be here in the first place? Then there's the true sickos who actually want to do nonconsensual things involving diapers and jewishs/teenagers. (One of the tells is the amount of justifications piled on everything; ordinary fapfic writers know it can't be justified and so don't even pretend) This was much more common in the Deeker days, including Deeker himself, but it's comparatively rare now. The zeitgeist has shifted.
>>38140 >I can't make the move. My first thought before I talk about myself to anyone is "how can this person use what I'm about to say against me?" "Will they use this information to ruin me?" "Do they need to know this?" I don't apply this to only kink stuff, but everything in my life. One could say I'm paranoid, but it's a result of being hurt by people I thought I could trust. Hi, you're me
Hey, Anyone got a full copy of Pampered Pearl? I think it got nuked when the forum went down, and I can't find it anywhere.

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