/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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QTDDTOT / General Discussion Baby Board owner 05/24/2020 (Sun) 19:35:56 No. 5
Self-explanatory. Sauce request, random stuff and stuff that does not deserve its own thread should go here.
>>36167 Basically man haha. I stopped reading this place a while ago because it gets me wanting to wear so bad. Hopefully I can get some soon but man it sucks. Been years now since I've worn.
>>36166 at my current age this is never a problem. when i was younger, i would just have to cope with porn and fantasy. when i was REALLY young i would create makeshift diapers out of blankets and pillows, obviously to minimal effect.
Does anyone have that Jerry Springer clip where a woman admits to having a lesbian Mistress and being into age play to her boyfriend and is then diapered and either put into a crib or playpen on stage?
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Does anyone know of puddin.stitch? Last I know of her is Instagram 2021, and wasn't that into content to look deeper.
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how many of you are FBI agents pic related
Heyo Im looking through the banners and stuff and this one was particullary interesting to me though i cant seem to find the og high res image its edited from. I tried reverse image searching it but all i got was a dead site. Any help would be great.
if i want to post pictures of myself in diapers, write horny erotica, is tumblr still the best platform to do that?
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anyone got the source?
>>36720 cheers
https://boards.4chan.org/hc/thread/2447932 I don't know if anyone here would/should care but the other chan is possibly cracking down on diaper content. The /hc/ thread was deleted and the diaper thread on /aco/ had the OP image deleted. I've been active in the /hc/ diaper threads on 4chan for years. Why would it suddenly not be allowed? Hopefully it's just an overzealous jannie and not a permanent change. Hopefully if there is a crackdown on ABDL stuff over there though then maybe more people will find this place? I miss how active things were in the early days on the original 8chan. And maybe eventually some other options will pop up for ABDL imageboards.
>>36764 I browse the ABDL threads on /aco/, sometimes there are new pics there but don't try to engage in conversation, it's absolute shit. This is the pic that was used on the OP, it features a brown stain, which could be fine to be posted in the thread but as OP the jannie may have thought that was scat and removed it. /hc/ diaper threads are good but I don't go there much. Just checked it and there's a new one already. Apparently, the jannie is retarded and banned the OP for violating a rule for tasteful content(see second pic), LOL.
>>36766 The 'tasteful' thing makes no sense compared to the rest of that board. Also... probably shouldn't be posting something with an Anon's IP address in it.
>>36767 >Anon's IP address The dude posted himself, check the archives, it was deleted later. And you can't do much with only the IP anyway and it's very likely it's a VPN because it's not a good idea to be posting on Cuckchan raw.
Okay, I don't want to fuck another diaper lover over this IP thing, I'll repost the other pic that was later posted on that /hc/ thread.
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>>36770 Is it just me or has 4chan become unusable since they enforced Captcha on anons that wanted to stay anon? I'd go on there every now and again before they started forcing logging in on people, and this just settles whatever chance they had for me to go back. Publicly posting the DL's IP is cringe, but this fuck deserved it for poking the bear.
>>36764 Ive seen diaper threads deleted before on /hc/ and its usually random and not a reoccurring thing. Janny prob got triggered by the autistic text he put with the OP
Does anyone have the sugarylittle video where she is tasked by her mom to help toilet train her little sister but ends up in pull-ups herself?
>>37037 I'm sure it's on empornium or omo. Check there.
>>36766 Nice, I knew of /aco/ but I did not know of /hc/ is there any other sub-chans with abdl in them?
Any info on this cutie from MMM diapers video "triple trouble part 1"? Internet name, been in other clips ect. Called Christopher in the vid. Video is on Omo.org
>>37946 They used to be incredibly common on /b/ but it's really not worth it to try to participate in those nowadays. /d/ has a thread but I prefer /aco/. /hc/ is just diapered women but if you want diapered men then /hm/ has it. I feel like I never show up when one is going on but /gif/ will occasionally have threads. Also, I've seen ABDL meetup threads on /soc/ before.
>>37970 thats some nice deets, thank you anon!
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I was not sure if I should make this post on incontinence or not but that one seems to be saging and I would like to keep this one from getting lost. This one is going to be a bit of a blog but I sort of noticed a MASSIVE increase in my mood and my day-to-day life experience I thought I'd share in case someone is struggling with a similar situation. I am 100% aware that people here come to get porn and fap, yes, I do too, I get it, nothing is going to change that, but its good to identify unhealthy patterns in your life if you're struggling with difficulties. I have been dealing with unhealthy addiction to porn in general, plus getting into AB/DL and living alone definitely worsened my situation by purchasing baby and AB/DL stuff to have around to keep me tempted and semi-horny constantly, constantly in the need of fapping. As I spend my teenager years dedicated to fapping to abdl stuff, my life passed me by in the blink of an I and today I am practically a 34 year old virgin with practically 0 interaction with women and this has always nagged me in the back of my head. Yes I have hobbies, yes I have a stable job and I can provide for myself, I can enjoy stuff that I do on my free time, either by myself or with friends but there was always something bothering me in the back of my head. The thing that has always been something casting a great shadow of sadness and anxiety inside of me, a constant underlying depression that made me from time to time just f$@# ending it all. Its insane how clear my head feels currently, being mostly free of that, free of unexplainable and unbearable sadness that I need to be constantly hiding in front of everyone and I cant really put my finger on. I have simply started enjoy more the cutesy-non-sexual side of AB/DL, not out of some sense of shame or that it is wrong or dirty, but merely because I believe it was something spiraling out of my control and taking me to very dangerous places mindset-wise. Just to clarify, I have not stopped wearing/using abdl stuff, I have not even stopped entirely watching porn just stopped mostly scenes involving sex or masturbation, another thing I have been doing differently has been not masturbating and taking some zinc supplements, getting a bit more sunlight and exercise. For some people is probably going to sound extremely silly and prude to watch stuff, wear abdl attire and not get horny and fap, if you are able to manage it and still be healthy more power to you, this has been a terrible hindrance for most of my life and today I feel like I am dropping a heavy chain from my ankle and I am finally free. I dont know if I am fully committing to a NoFap thing but right now, to know what my daily emotional instability used to be and feel the way that I am feeling it feels like I have scared myself from wanting to fap in the foreseeable future if I am being honest, concerned I might not be able to escape again from those harmful emotional roller-coasters. Initially I felt like it would be impossible for me to enjoy the non sexual side, but after committing to wearing as much as I can at home but simply not indulging in sexual feelings has brought about an interesting new array of feelings and enjoyment into my life, coloring and playing a bit while in baby attire, using my paci more and drinking from sippies and bottles. You can find ways of enjoying this without the orgasm/masturbation part of it, it feels may be a bit cringy at first but its about the exploring different things and finding what works for you. TL;DR Fapping too much could be causing all or most of your depression and anxiety, try cutting down a bit if you can
>>37976 Gonna have to press X here. "One simple trick" solutions to the travails of loserdom are mostly memetic poison. People try them while they're in a productive mood (read: not depressed). They experience a spike of positive energy due to engaging in the power process (read: doing something), and one month later, they're raving to their friends and online about this *one simple trick* that's changed their life. Two months later, the productive mood runs out and they fall of the wagon. Alternatively, their "one simple trick" becomes a stepping stone to a larger process of transformation, which could have started with anything ("I'm going to dye my hair green!") and which they subsequently attribute to later success. This is the same sociology behind fad diets. The "true solution" to your problem is a little bit of everything. Better diet, taking exercise, finding a group of friends, reaching professional success, replacing high dopamine activities like scrolling with slower hobbies like reading or gardening. Unfortunately this is not an easy prescription, so people fall for supposed silver bullets like NoFap.
>>37978 Truest thing ever said on here. If your life sucks it's almost certainly not because of one reason. It's hard work but you will have to change multiple massive aspects of your life especially diet and exercise. Masturbating in excess can of course be bad like anything else but not uniquely so unless you are truly draining your days doing it. Most people do their business in under 15 minutes. And these changes are usually just a cycle of motivation like you said which you will fall off of most likely which is normal. Just try and be consistent as you can putting in work and definitely just spend less time online in general which is causing a lot of these societal ills at this point. There is no simple easy answer just self-reflection and work.
It bother anyone else in retrospect that for those of us who got into this fetish pretty young we basically grew up Reading abdl stories that almost always revolved around noncon/sexual abuse, usually by parents. I mean it was framed as no big deal but actually going through with any of those "punishments" as a parent would absolutely land you 20 to life. Yeah sure there were a few wholesome ones where the main character was actually into it but those were pretty in the minority. I mean like 90% of the fiction for this stuff is basically rape fetish stories with a different aesthetic.
I recognized it, but I was so horny that I didn't care. I could tell that the quality of writing was much better than anything a teenager could produce, so most of these stories were adults writing about young adolescents having forced enemas, chastity punishment, and all other kinds of weird shit. There were a few authors who took things too far with sex stuff and I avoided those because it grossed me out, like babybobby or whatever he calls himself that writes the same story over and over again about a young boy being sissified and actually raped. I felt even weirder after I turned 18, but I figured it's not wrong if I've been jerking off to this content since I was 12 myself. Now it has come full circle and I write similar stories, but I purposely omit the age and let the reader self insert as whatever age they want.
Hello, thought this might be a useful thread, any idea who is the artist?
This is from lemondrop: https://e-hentai.org/g/2280897/54cd36317e/ But this should have probably been posted in the QTDDTOT/General.
>>37998 I never thought much about it since I haven't read anything like that since I was 15. I remember somehow finding Deeker when I was 13ish. I'm a moron, but to my own credit I did feel something was off about the place and stopped reading content there. Then and even now I hated anything sexual in the stories I read. I'd skip those parts or never read it if there was any sex. Finding this fetish before finding normal porn must've fried part of my brain. It was years of diaper fetish stories and drawings before I tried watching normal porn of people fucking and I didn't like it. Still don't for the most part. I know I'm not asexual. I just get very little out of watching other people fuck.
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Rape is rape, I'm not going to defend it. The other stuff though, I wanted to say something about. The "forced" aspects of many stories solve a dilemma for those of us that insert ourselves into the characters, which is the shame aspect of it. I remember someone once discussing why they liked abdl stories featuring robots malfunctioning and treating their charges as babies. The robots just plain don't know any better. To them, you are literally a baby. They're not someone playing pretend, they have the ample force and ability to treat you exactly like what they think you are, and while all of these stories are gonna be unrealistic, it's a story that helps let you, as the person inserting themselves into the protagonists role (usually), not feel guilty about being yourself (indirectly as the character!), letting it happen to you, it's relatively judgement free. You don't have to feel ashamed in situations that are outside your control. For many of us, in an ideal world, we could engage with our desires without any feelings of guilt or shame for being dependent on a caretaker, engaging in social taboos, and hell, it'd be a bonus to also be loved while doing it. There are many "globalized" fetish stories where this is exactly what's achieved. So the forced aspect is a usually a guise by which we can let our own guards down as the self insert protagonists. There's another subtle element to that as well, which is that someone who is forcing us into something usually wants that thing themselves. Some of us want someone into diapers, want someone into being a caretaker. Someone who wants us dependent on them. Being forced by someone is of course an immediate solution to that desire. Not only are they someone who's fine with the thing we want, they'll even make us do it! Circling around to the humiliation aspect. I think it's just a byproduct a lot of time. While there's absolutely a lot of folks who are into humiliation (exhibitionist sissies come to mind), I think the humiliation is something that just comes natural when we're trying to have a story that's grounded enough in reality for it to not break our own immersion. Globalized fetish stuff might break one person's immersion, magic might break yet another's, obviously for some here, being forced into it is immersion breaking (and also fucked up and illegal irl). But it's all relative to whoever is reading it really. Vanilla vs chocolate vs strawberry essentially. What about the parental aspect? There's an element of convenience to it. Everybody's got a parent, and their parent is usually a trusted loved one who under most circumstances has our interests at heart. They're someone who's had natural control over us as children, control that by it's nature is socially acceptable. I don't think it's hard to imagine why parents would be a natural target for the antagonist of an ABDL story. Parents also offer a bit of the taste of what many of us would have possibly liked while growing up. There's a theory in psychology I remember hearing, though it's name I forget. Basically, our subconscious knows what our desires are, and our subconscious also knows that bedroom behavior, sex stuff, is deeply intimate and usually only done in a "safe place" from a standpoint of relationships, socially, whatever. It's safer to act out our desires, at least typically. Fetishes from this theory are then byproducts of our subconscious mixing the sexual with our repressed desires/needs. I can't say how true this may or may not be. It's something I've only heard once before now and haven't heard since but it suits the conversation. Anyways, this has dragged on for a bit but I hope it makes sense. Smut is smut, it doesn't have to entirely make sense at the end of the day after all, lizard brain go brrrr. I also say, as it's worth possibly reiterating, not everybody who writes this shit is actually intent on acting on it. There's creeps out there for sure, but it seems like we way over focus on them and try to attack far more people than is merited. Everybody here should be 18+ and know better. And with reading this, hopefully folks know even better than that now.
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>>38132 >There's another subtle element to that as well, which is that someone who is forcing us into something usually wants that thing themselves. I think I agree with everything you said. The "forced" stuff rang true for me. We all know it's not realistic. IRL being forced to do anything would require a police level responses and even then a part of me would chance it. At least I feel that was a male. I never fully understood my feelings with the forced aspect. It always contracted my true feelings, but it's my go to for fapping. Why do I want to be forced into something I not only know I like but have done voluntarily already? The conclusion I came to is my insecurity toward this kink. I find it hard to open to people. Of the few people I've dated only one was trustworthy enough that It didn't bother me for them to know I was into it. They still had to find out by mistake; a long story that doesn't matter. I can't make the move. My first thought before I talk about myself to anyone is "how can this person use what I'm about to say against me?" "Will they use this information to ruin me?" "Do they need to know this?" I don't apply this to only kink stuff, but everything in my life. One could say I'm paranoid, but it's a result of being hurt by people I thought I could trust.
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>>38132 This is usually the explanation, but it's easier for the writers to just admit to themselves, and have the readers admit to themselves, that this is what they want, and then write a much simpler story of "If you walk through this door, you will be magically babified", "man seeks volunteers for nanny robot test", "AGE REGRESSION DRUG DO NOT DRINK UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE BABY" conveniently left out on a table somewhere, etc. The real reason that a lot of the stories are like this is because far, FAR too many ABDLs have severely mentally conflated care and abuse. It's a core part of it and stems from deep-seated trauma. I have one friend who really likes the abusive and manipulative stuff because it's *objectively better* than what [neutral pronoun] their parents did to them in real life. These sorts of people are pretty much broken inside, but aren't we all, to be here in the first place? Then there's the true sickos who actually want to do nonconsensual things involving diapers and jewishs/teenagers. (One of the tells is the amount of justifications piled on everything; ordinary fapfic writers know it can't be justified and so don't even pretend) This was much more common in the Deeker days, including Deeker himself, but it's comparatively rare now. The zeitgeist has shifted.
>>38140 >I can't make the move. My first thought before I talk about myself to anyone is "how can this person use what I'm about to say against me?" "Will they use this information to ruin me?" "Do they need to know this?" I don't apply this to only kink stuff, but everything in my life. One could say I'm paranoid, but it's a result of being hurt by people I thought I could trust. Hi, you're me
Hey, Anyone got a full copy of Pampered Pearl? I think it got nuked when the forum went down, and I can't find it anywhere.

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