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QTDDTOT - Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread Anonymous 06/19/2021 (Sat) 04:34:07 No. 14184
The Taito Superman arcade game from 1988 has this woman as an unused graphic. Is she an existing DC character?
Considering the game itself has little to do with the comics or film, its probably a random model imported from another game, recolored and used for testing.
>>14184 I checked most of the covers of Superman publications that would have been contemporaneous with the development and couldn't find any designs that matched that. If it is based on an existing DC character, I would guess that it's either an unused prototype design for Supergirl or an original design for Supergirl. The build is about right, the color palate is Superman-esque, she's the most major Superman-related female hero, the boots look similar enough, and her hair is the same color and length.
>>14208 Not the OP, but though I agree with you, there's something very adult woman about her, like a gal in her thirties. Also, the costume's ringing some bells but I just can't find it in the ol' memory cells. I feel like this is an unused boss-fight villain. It's too bad the image is so small.
>>14247 >but though I agree with you Sorry, that was worded wrong. I think you're possibly correct in that they might have made Supergirl to look like that, but I can't shake the feeling that it's someone else.
>>14248 I thought she resembled the harbinger a little.
>>14208 It's probably not Supergirl considering how Kara Zor-El was erased from continuity and off limits at the time, and Matrix as Supergirl was a new character who only debuted in 1988, and didn't look like this. Granted, she is a shapeshifter, so it's theoretically possible. Also, I doubt Taito gave enough of a fuck to care either way, and DC might not have cared either. She could also just be a random Phantom Zone criminal or something.
Will it ever happen that going forward with the timeline we actually will see a retired capeshit? Like spidy with all the time conversion is pushing 40. Same as batman or ironmanwhich he died and got taken over by a stronknig Are we gonna see spiderman #2000 where he actually hang his web shooter and let whoever is the new character take over?therefor actually ending The amazing spiderman
>>14270 The original Batman retired in DC Super-Stars 17, from 1977, and died in Adventure Comics #462, in 1979. He never came back to life or anything, though according to the wiki he did once appear as a spirit in JSA #82 in 2006. To be clear, the current Batman is not the original, but a multiversal doppelganger of the original, and technically his first appearance is considered to be in Superman #76, from 1952, which is said to be the first time Superman and Batman teamed up, which means they were never in the Justice Society, which means this must be a different Batman (and Superman) than the original versions, which were in the Justice Society. Also note that this second Batman's history from before Superman #76 is considered to be very similar to the original Batman's history up to that point, just without particular differences, such as the aforementioned Justice Society thing, and the fact that the original Batman (and his whole universe) seemed to move more in real time, while the second (current) Batman operates on a sliding timescale, so he ages much more slowly and is much younger than the original. While I'm at it, I should also note that that second Batman I mentioned, though technically the current one, has had aspects of his history altered a few times, most notably after the Crisis on Infinite Earths. However, he is still technically the same guy, but history changed around him. Batman has generally had his history changed less than other major characters, though. Also, while the original Batman was from Earth-Two, and there is another universe called Earth-2 and later Earth 2, that is technically a different universe entirely, created by Alexander Luthor, Jr. in 2006. Earth-2 had a history very close to Earth-Two, and its Batman was already dead, but the point is that it still wasn't actually the same as Earth-Two. After the Flashpoint, Earth-2 had its history drastically changed, and the Post-Flashpoint universes drop the hyphen to make it slightly easier to identify them, so from there, we'll call it Earth 2. Earth 2's history was drastically different from Earth-Two, but did feature doppelgangers of people who were well known for being from Earth-Two. Still, it was technically not the same universe, and also was really different anyway. Also, in 2015 Brainiac of Earth-0, who had escaped the Flashpoint and then absorbed Crisis Energy and became super powerful, went throughout time and grabbed cities from various notable moments throughout the multiverse, such as the moment before a universe got destroyed, and brought them to the present. Then he turned all these cities back into whole universes, including Earth-Two right before it was destroyed in 1986. Then he sent a few characters back in time to make sure that places that were about to be destroyed won't be destroyed anymore. So technically there is a splinter timeline/universe of Earth-Two that currently exists (though note that it's outside the "local multiverse" so it's harder to reach from the main universe), however, this is still just an alternate timeline/universe that splintered off of the real Earth-Two, which was still folded on top of Earth-One to become New Earth in 1986. Also, Batman of Earth-Two was dead well before 1986 anyway, so the Batman of the new Earth-Two is also dead. With Batman out of the way, I'll also mention that the original Superman retired in 1986 and died in 2006. He briefly came back to life as a zombie in Blackest Night in 2009, but so did everyone else who ever died. The original Wonder Woman also retired in 1986 and then left reality in 2006. All my explanation for why the current versions and the Earth 2 versions and New Earth-Two versions aren't the originals still applies here. I mention those three because they're among the most famous characters ever. Of course, it applies to many others as well. The more obscure, the less likely it is that they'll get brought back to life. There are plenty of Justice Society characters who died and stayed dead. The first two Blue Beetles (Dan Garret and Dan Garrett) died and stayed dead, and while the third one (Ted Kord) currently has some sort of Post-Flashpoint rebooted version running around, note that the pre-Flashpoint version's story ended completely, and the pre-Flashpoint version of his best friend, Booster Gold, is still around (as the current Waverider), as a distinct character from the Post-Flashpoint Booster Gold, so for Booster and characters close to him, especially those who were heavily altered, like Ted Kord, they really are completely separate characters. A similar case is with the original Supergirl. Kara Zor-El died in 1986. History was then altered so that she "never existed," but really she did, but people didn't remember her. A new Supergirl, Matrix, debuted in 1988, but while she is called Supergirl, she has an entirely different story. She is not the same character. Later, Kara's ghost would appear a few times, and they would say there was some fucked up multiverse shit that was preventing her from being rebooted into the new history, but they solved it, and then she was rebooted into the new history. So technically the Kara Zor-El of New Earth is the same soul as the Kara Zor-El of Earth-One, but they have entirely separate, though similar, stories. Kara of Earth-One's story completely ended and then Kara of New Earth's story began. She would then be fully rebooted again after Flashpoint. Technically the same person, but really, it's a completely new story, that begins from the beginning and counts no elements from the old version as canon (though many current elements are shared with the old version). >tl;dr: Lots of characters died for real and stayed dead. The simplest examples are the original Batman and Superman. Go read those if you want.
>>14253 >harbinger That's it! I don't think it's her, but, minus the red helmet, that's who she's reminding me of. Thanks, anon.
>>14295 The thing over her right breast sort of evokes the shape of Harbinger's costume, not to mention the general color scheme, but those weird things on her arms look more like Lady Quark, also from the Crisis on Infinite Earths. Of course the rest of her doesn't look similar at all.
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Is the design on the Legion Flight Ring ever used in-universe as a logo for the Legion itself? Has their backstory ever been elaborated on, or is it just tech that exists in the 31st century?
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>>14184 >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Valiant#Reprints >Hastings House produced seven hardback Prince Valiant books in the 1950s, using the illustrations by Foster but with the text simplified by Max Trell and for the last two books by James Flowers. >text simplified Does anyone know what they mean by this? It's really vague, since it can either mean that the text itself was made to be more simple i.e. more legible, or that they fucked with the prose. I'm curious because I seemed to have found a source for the comics, but it seems to be the '50s reprint. Thanks.
We all know that Disney is a cancer woke machinecheck pixar, you can see the shift from good movies to dumb soulless cashgrab and is align with when they got bought off... circa Brave period but when did they become one? It was a slow change and we can see the wokeness creep into it or did it change one day without upcoming call? And did DreamWorks had more shit movies then good ones?
>>16446 If you look into disney history, you'll find that the pozz was always there under the surface. It started innocuously enough from Little Mermaid on where men started being portrayed as either bumbling buffoons or villains with no real middle ground bar some exceptions (Simba in the Lion King Which doesn't really count since that entire story was stolen from Tezuka anyway, and had it's own shit with Timon and Pumba being portrayed as "good friends" in the same way homos used to hide themselves. and Aladin (though Jasmine is still the "strong independent princess" archtype.)There's been interviews where certain animators claim Gaston was designed to essentially be western bara. Basically, what happened is that the wokeness was always there, it just was so innocuous at first that it didn't affect the bottom line until Current Year when the films stopped being about telling stories and started being about the wokeness for wokeness sake. A book I would recommend is something from the late 90's called "Disney: The Mouse Betrayed" it's about half boomer nonsense (Disney bought Hollywood records and signed Glen Danzig and Insane Clown Posse, they're trying to corrupt our kids!" Though maybe they're right with the latter, too many juggalos.) There's also stuff in there about (((Harvey Weinstein))) two decades before the MeToo shit. You'll also see a bunch of other stuff about Disney sneaking in subversive shit even in the 90s, see that even in the 90s they were sucking up to China, etc.
>>16449 >Which doesn't really count since that entire story was stolen from Tezuka anyway
>>16496 Sure you can trace the story to Shakespear, however entire scenes were lifted from the anime. yewtu.be/watch?v=vHps2iC8W3o
>>16449 >bara Link to these interviews? >>16223 >expecting new-/co/ to have even heard of Prince Valiant You might as well ask elsewhere, mate, unless you get really lucky. If it helps, I've never heard about this change, but I've only read the later reprint (up to 1980); I'm sure it's neglible, but yeah I would still look into it.
>>16449 >you'll find that the pozz was always there under the surface Since the 30's?! You need to give handful of examples to prove it, you only mentioned the 90's. >It started innocuously enough from Little Mermaid on where men started being portrayed as either bumbling buffoons or villains with no real middle ground Huh? The main male characters such as Eric and king Triton are fine, side characters are usually comic relief. >Aladin (though Jasmine is still the "strong independent princess" archtype.) Jasmin was just the rebellious type, that started with Ariel, but she is saved by Aladdin so I wouldn't count it. >There's been interviews where certain animators claim Gaston was designed to essentially be western bara Souce? >Timon and Pumba being portrayed as "good friends" in the same way homos used to hide themselves That's probably the only thing I count as progressive in 90's Disney. >see that even in the 90s they were sucking up to China And they failed back then like they do today.
>>16449 >If you look into disney history, you'll find that the pozz was always there under the surface. It started innocuously enough from Little Mermaid So not "always." It started with the Disney renaissance. I'll accept that The Little Mermaid was intended to have feminist messaging, and they admit Beauty and the Beast was rewritten to make Belle more feminist. Belle was also the last white Disney Princess until Tangled, like 20 years later, and nobody is going to pretend Tangled isn't SJW. But still, it wasn't "always" there, it started with The Little Mermaid, in 1989. So under (((Michael Eisner))), once the Disney family lost control of the company. But that must be pure coincidence.
>>14184 I was recommending Wakfu season 1 to a buddy and when I went to track down a torrent for him I remembered that Nyaa.se is fucking dead. I found a link on Nyaa.si https://nyaa.si/view/577738 but it looks dead, and then I think I remembered somehting about the number of seeders being wrong due to the old tracker. tl;dr >is this torrent still alive? https://nyaa.si/view/577738 >is there another place to get the old subs?
>>16497 Wasn't this complete bullshit though, as in the scenes from Kimba were taken from the series/movies that were released after the Lion King in the first place?
>>16653 >started with The Little Mermaid, in 1989 Anon take your meds.
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>>17425 Anon he's a fucking idiot. I hate to shill youtubers but its already been proven the Lion King never ripped off Kimba. If anything newer adaptations of Tezuka's work actually ripped scenes from the Lion King for its own cinematic scenes. https://youtu.be/G5B1mIfQuo4
>>17428 YMS fucks dogs & promotes bestiality as normal.
>>17429 Not the guy you are replying too but he is correct in this instance.
>>17430 I'd say it's open to a lot of debate. My point still stands YMS is a horrid degenerate. I wouldn't take any of his word as gospel.
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>>17429 >YMS fucks dogs & promotes bestiality as normal. AND, if memory serves, he's a diaperfur, so everyone can safely ignore him because he's a degen faggot who shits his "Cool Cat" suit and then plays with it.

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>>15942 I found a few examples of it being used in their HQ.
>>17422 Torrent appears to be dead, however I have found a live torrent here. https://nyaa.si/view/1024005 It's unfortunately quite big(1 gb per episode) because it includes both French and English audio(can't opt out of either in the download). >>17432 No argument on how insufferable these "I'm a movie critic" faggots are but still in the same vein of thinking I wouldn't take that comparison video as gospel either.
>>17435 Thanks.
>>17435 That second pic scratches the autistic architect part of my brain really well.
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Anyone know if the Mask comics are any good? There was also a 2020 series recently and wondering about that as well.

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>>17587 Some people hate the mid 90s comic for the fact that Stanley Ipkiss isn't the sole keeper of the mask, which constantly gets past onto various people. My cousin got me a couple because we would watch the CBS series. The Mask is the same as in both the series and movie. With the usual madcap stuff. Reposted because I was going to sleep in front while typing.
>>17587 the 2020 comic has some Current Year bullshit to my knowledge. I recall hearing trump or an expy plays a major part.
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I'm getting into old static shock and it's truly a good read, I only knew him for the cartoon but damn it's a well written character, with normal teenage flaws and a belivableish black neighbor. Plus he actually use his power with brains rather then arrive, spark and leave Should I try out blood syndicate and icon since it's in the same city? How do I read them? I mean going #3SS then #3BS and then #3I&R to start again with #4SS #4BS and #4I&R etcetc or there is another reading order?
>>17427 Disney has bragged about how they delayed Beauty and the Beast for years to make it more feminist. You don't think it applied to the movie they released two years earlier? I haven't heard them openly bragging about it, but compare Disney's version to Andersen's. It's a hell of a lot more feminist, losing the original's key themes in the process.
>>18428 Yeah I'm sure Disney really wanted the suicide part in their G rated adaptation about a dizzy mermaid fawning over a prince and land people. Foot fetishes be damned.
>>18427 >I'm getting into old static shock and it's truly a good read, I only knew him for the cartoon but damn it's a well written character, with normal teenage flaws and a belivableish black neighbor. Plus he actually use his power with brains rather then arrive, spark and leave Dwayne McDuffie really was a one in million writer. He actually knew what he was doing, both when writing the original comic and adapting it for tv.
>>18437 You're avoiding the point and you know it. >>18427 Personally, I was a bit disappointed in Static Shock once I actually read it. I think McDuffie became a much better writer as he went on. Static Shock was a little simpler than I expected it to be and thus a bit more SJW than I would have liked, as it lacked some nuance that I've seen in McDuffie's later work. Though I only read his solo stuff and not appearances he had in other Milestone comics. Maybe I should look into those.
>>14184 There is mangas with similar plots or characters like Sentry or Green goblin? Villain with enhancement abilities at cost of his sanity with gadgets but not too sci-fi. Someone trying to be a hero but with a uncontrollable power. Yes, there is /a/ and I have a edgy taste, just asking.
Archer gets S13, but no Malory cause Jessica is dead and no Ray because he's had enough.
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>>19658 left one looks better, are both of these CGI?
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>>18814 >cute bunny is JFK instead of fox >fox is stuck in a destiny string where he'll end up marrying a disgusting Greek for his money Absolutely disgusting.
>>19663 not that anon since I don't repost twitter memes. But I do know that the left one's a cosplayer.
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>>18427 >"Ah'm'll MELT you" >"Ah'm'll" >"AH'M'LL"
>>19665 >>19663 Yeah cosplayer. Even got the lighting correct in each scene.
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What the hell is Batman's inner armor weave supposed to be?
>>19873 Scifi stuff. Kevlar is weak to knives
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Why is Damien so racist?
I remember buying this Fantastic Four comic it must've been 2002-2003 or so. They were trapped on an alien ship or other dimension or something. Sue Storm was turning into one of the aliens somehow. Ben and Reed ended up fighting for a bit. I remember Reed saying something about having to roll with the punches because Ben could still really hurt him. I've looked and looked and can't find anything that fits that came out in that time frame. Unless I had bought something older but the art style definitely seemed like early 00s or late 90s. Does that ring a bell for anyone?
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I know I'm going to regret asking this. I KNOW I'm going to regret it. Every time I'm on TVTropes (don't judge me) and Grant Morrison comes up, the faggot tropers who handle his stuff keep referring to him as they/them/their and it's not only jarring as fuck, it's a little disappointing that he's such a anus with the pronoun shit. All The Tropes calls him a dude, like a sane person would, and it's no surprise to me that TVTropes has been infected with the SJW virus, but I can only assume that they're following his "preferred pronouns." Here's my question: is Morrison really that big a shit-head, or is he just doing it for the shiggles to annoy people?
>>20502 He's not even a nog. He's a gook.
>>19873 >What the hell is Batman's inner armor weave supposed to be? Mithril.
>>21323 Honestly should just be magic or alien material.
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>>21324 I think the gist of it is: >Waynetech puts millions into research >Batman gets first dibs >When the next upgrade is ready, Batman, again, gets first dibs, then Waynetech makes the previous stuff available to buy for police, peacekeepers, and whomever else will benefit from it without killing people >Batman stays ahead of the current bleeding edge and is less likely to be killed by some dick with armor that will cut/shoot through his stuff
>>21328 Were comics a logical one person made narrative then that would work. Too bad comic writers can't work together & all want to push their own ideas. Not to mention no consistency among artists. What I'm saying is, no answer will really come because comics aren't written to even make sense in universe.
>>21330 Man, do you remember back when writers actually kept track of continuity instead of rudely throwing everything out the window and typing their disgusting SJW headcanon? Good times.
>>21321 Bumping for this
>>21330 No consistency among artists would not be as bad if they changed along with the whole creative team, or maybe at least stuck around for a whole story arc. Writing situation is just a mess. There is so much continuity it's hard to keep track of, and good chunk of it is trash. It is annoying however when a new writer comes in and throws what just came before into trash, completely ignoring setups provided by the previous team. Bendis is the most notorious for this. It might have been better to switch to a very loosely connected story arcs, with each being a standalone and self contained. Kind of like Italian comics do it.
>>21353 >Bendis is the most notorious for this. Byrne is also a complete choad for that sort of thing. An issue of What The...?! back in the 90s had stories about the local superhero bar, and one of the tables was designated the "Byrne Ward" because it was occupied by characters Byrne had raped for shiggles. >Turned Scarlet Witch and Vision into Wendy the Good Witch and Casper the Friendly Ghost, ending their marriage and making her crazy because reasons >Cut off Namor's ankle wings and gave him some sort of oxygenated blood disorder which I believe is usually ignored, these days... and riding The Griffon into battle was just nuts. >Non-Fixit Gray Hulk because reasons >Nerfing Superman only for future writers to restore him to former power levels >Cringey 4th wall breaking things, like the Trial of Galactus and She-Hulk (I know She-Hulk was loved by some, but "talking to the camera" in comics is just awful to me) >Cuckolding Ben Grimm by his best friend, Johnny Storm >Mindraping the ever-loving hell out of Susan Richards and starting the whole "Malice" nonsense There is a type of writer who is the equivalent of a kid coming over to visit your kid, who sees all your kid's beloved toys and thinks "I can break these." Byrne and Bendis and >>21321 are like this with work that came before. There's no respect, just destruction that other writers will spend years (or decades) trying to clean up.
>>21321 Morison was always a weirdo, anon. As far as I know his pronoun shit is genuine. I think he even went as far as to retcon his past gender to say he was always a they/them.
>>21353 It's almost like this kind of system doesn't work. You can't tell a coherent story with an ever changing creative team & no amount of progression.
>>21362 How many times are you and the capeshit autist going to rehash the samae talking a points?
>>21364 Do you think only one person can be dissatisfied with comic books? Why else do you think no one even bothers storytiming or even talking about weekly new capeshit issues?
>>21369 Because they hate women, they're racists, they're homophobic, they're probably anti vaxxers and they cannot stand how stunning AND brave every single new issue is?
>>21369 No but your points are almost always word for word a repost of the last 30 times you talked about it.
>>21370 Yes. >>21371 Almost like nothing changes so the same point stands.
>>21373 >Almost like nothing changes so the same point stands. You can always talk about non-big two capeshit comics so you stop time looping.
>>21374 Why? The rest of them are garbage, too.
>>21374 Because no one cares about indie books. Look at how Locke & Key, Resident Alien, Umbrella Academy, & Sweet Tooth were butchered in live action. No one cared. People only cared about Invincible because it was animated capeshit.
Embracer buys Dark Horse comics https://archive.md/Rsd6d
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These edits are pretty funny.
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>>22825 Fuck, that's a good punchline.
>>22825 And he wonders why he cant keep a steady marriage.
>>21813 What's this comic called?
>>23128 I think it's AMERICANIZASIAN.
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Could Ben 10 turn into a nigger?
>>23194 Only the gay ones from outer space.
>>23194 The Omnitrix doesn't accept dna from subsapient animals since intelligent races would be driven nuts by their feral natures. So no Ben couldn't turn into a nigger.
>>21813 Got any more edits? This is some great LOL
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>>23309 >have the capacity to draw cute anime girls >draw disgusting charicatures of westerners instead >make basic political commentary to boot
>>23307 >last pic >tweet Will Luna realize that women needs to know their place?
>>23311 You know this is an edit right?
Archer Danger Island's version of Pam gave me a feeling so complicated. I'd like any cartoons or comics where there exists a character, or art designer who is a completely shameless musclegirl fag who dares me to enter his magical realm in every episode.
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>>23594 Proper fit as well, the type you get hauling around heavy machinery. If she does have any body fat, it's in thighs, ass and tits.
>>14184 Help me out /co/mrades I was suddenly reminded of this very weird cartoon, which I assume got canceled early on, where the main character was a superhero/detective woman solving crimes in a futuristic city (which looked more like 90s cities + zeerust elements like those weird circled collars on all shirts). One thing that I recall standing out as a kid was the fact that the mayor of the city she was protecting was also the henchman of the main villain and would send her on suicidal missions on purpose.
>>23626 cybersix?
>>23627 No, but thanks for the suggestion as it looks way cooler than what I had in mind.
>>23633 Still a no, it was much lower quality
>>23675 Still no, though it's getting closer to the style. I'm starting to wonder if it was even real, but I have some images in my mind and search engines are turning nothing. Thanks a lot though.
>>23626 >>23655 I barely remember the show, but "canceled early on" and "much lower quality" makes me remember that Stripperella existed. Could that have been it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9kw4RxcUkA
Started watching Ruby Gloom. It's a neat little show.
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Black Dynamite is pretty good.
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>>14184 Did everyone in the Aku timeline only exist because of Aku and his actions or will all the characters we've seen in Jacks adventures also appear in a Aku-less timeline?
>>24310 Even if they did exist in some form they'd be effectively different people. To erase someone's entire life but have someone with similar DNA exist in his place is still a different person.
>>24226 Sir this is "Questions that don't deserve their own thread" not "statements that don't deserve their own thread". >>24310 Possibly, possibly not. We have no idea. I assume Aku's rise to power had massive population shifting implications so it's fairly unlikely they would after thousands of years divergence, unless they're one of those really old dudes like the guy that guarded that one time portal.
>>24310 Aku didn't influence literally everything everywhere though. He left some places untouched. Like the Imakandi planet.
>>24310 The characters would look identical, but their life experiences and thus who they fundamentally are as people would be different due to not growing up with Aku as the supreme power in the universe.
>>24323 Aku severely changed the world. Between his mass destructive events many people would migrate. As the Earth became mined unto death this would increase. As well Aku has an interstellar empire. And so even more humans wound up as colonists. A future without Aku would differ in it's population within the 2nd generation and this split would become more marked as time went on. As we read the period of time wherein Jack appears the individuals he meets are almost certainly unique to that timeline. And the odda of them ever being born, their parents even being born or meeting, are ridiculously low.
are there any good non capeshit comic ? I got tired reading manga and light novel a few weeks back and find a complete tintin and alpha art which kinda re ignite my interest in western comic
>>24978 Dont you ask this exact same question every week?
>>24980 nah first time I ever post in /co/ I usually only lurk at /v/
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>>24978 Here are a couple of charts I have saved from pre-exodus cuckchan /co/, but I haven't read everything on these charts. I can vouch for Bone, Scud the Disposable Assassin; and liked what I've read of 100 bullets, and Cerebus so far. I also remember liking Elephentmen, but I haven't read that in a while. A Lot of these also contain capeshit or non-capeshit big two books. It's a given you should make sure to pirate everything you can. Even if they're good, there's a 90% chance the creator turned into a fag, like western creators tend to do.
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>>24995 >>24978 Some more charts I found from here:https://imgur.com/a/efZc7
>>24995 >Big Guy God damnit Bane go away already.
>>25003 Do you feel in charge?
>>25003 Hi I'm CIA
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>>24978 What kind of stories or genres do you like? Recommendations in >>24995 are ok, but some of them are pretty normalfag tier. I would skip anything Bendis, Aaron, and Ellis books that aren't Transmetropolitan.
>>24995 thanks for the reccomendation >>25011 I like light stuff like tintin or uncle scrooge but outside light stuff I like it when the main character is an antihero protagonist or just evil
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>>24978 Since you mentioned Tinti I'd suggest some BD I've recently read
>>25013 >first image Oh no....
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>>25012 >tintin You might try Blake and Mortimer then. It's in similar vein, but with a dose of scifi and mystery. It's an older comic, so be ready for something that's word heavy. For something more serious, but in a similar vein to Tin Tin, there is Corto Maltese. It is aimed at adults and the main character is inserted into fictionalized versions of historical events. Both of the abovare a bit more serious than Tintin or Scrouge, but ultimately light pulp adventures at heart. For some lighter adventure stuff you could try Yoko Tsuno, The Duck Avenger and Papernik New Adventures scanlations, Campbells, Asterix, and Venezia.
>>24996 Is Blacksad only 5 volumes? I've gone through volume 1 and it's pretty damn good.
>>25016 >blake & mortimer I read blake & mortimer and its pretty good but start of pretty strange I read them following the france release and not the english release so the first volume is Plutarch staff the story starting with the government having access to a start wars tier fighter is clashing real hard with the 50s background but it does get better as the story progress the later volume is more grounded which makes it more enjoyable and yeah its clearly heavier than tintin its very close to a hercule poirot comic >yoko tsuno I read yoko tsuno beforehand and I like it, the french sure knows how to draw women. The story is good the "mystery" doesnt clash with the time period the story is in too bad the english version is a bit hard to find I only able to find one website and it doesnt have all the enlish version >duck avenger I dont like the duck avenger story because it clash with the established lore. as far as I know the superdon (I think the name's different in english version) story start with donald getting a winning lottery ticket that was owned by gladstone which clashed very hard with the established lore (the story where gladstone have a day where he is unlucky because when donald and gladstone is playing when theyre a kid they got hit by lightning and because theyre hit in front of some symbol their luck get reverse, in that story donald and gladstone find out the way to get back the luck back for gladstone or take the whole gladstone luck away for donald, and it ended up with gladstone wining so its the lore where if donald try to fight gladstone even when he is at the most unlucky point he will lost. but in the superdon orign story he able to get gladstone lottery and able to claim it. The prize of the lottery is a villa ( I forget the name) who was owned by fantasious (something along that line a great robber) and donald able to find the secret of the villa which makes donald get the fantasious power (not really a power more like a suit, a list of thing he had on his car, and a villa self destruct button) then donald somehow able to make gearloose modified his car to have the same thing as the list and then he able to stole uncle scrooge money and donald get daisy, and scrooge on his side while gladstone get the blame later gladstone find the money but he trigger the self destruc mechanism and the money is flying everywhere and not gladstone needs to collect them all, while donald is fine. but I guess you can said that donald able to get superdon power because at that time its the same day where gladstone luck is at its lowest and gladstone still havent fix his luck but in the superdon origin story gladstone able to find uncle scrooge money that is hidden on the villa based on his luck (I forget whether gladstone find the money on the next day or not because if its the next day then its kinda in line with the lore but he is still unlucky because he trigger the self destruct mechanism which scatter the money. I do know that this isnt the first story where donald able to bead gladstone luck the earliest one is probably that story where both donald and gladstone get a boat from scrooge because tax reason and then they try to find scrooge because the news said scrooge have gone missing and gladstone did find scrooge first but scrooge is missing because he wanted to he want a holiday and because gladstone find him scrooge got angry and scratched gladstone out of the inheritance list.
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>>25021 3 in english right now. Part 1 of They All Fall Down comes out in July.
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>>25014 >Oh no.... Oh yes >>25021 IIRC there's another volume that was recently published, but I'm not sure of there are rips out there >>25024 Only 3? that's a bit underwhelming. There are very good Blacksad scans in spanish done by the Mansion CRG comics community. They scan and archive comics specially niche french stuff. On a related note, why there aren't more BD threads on this board? by the looks of these replys looks like it's something anon actually enjoy, but most of the comic threads on the catalog right now are for shitting on american comics.
>>25025 Fucking hell that comic disturbs me. Even now it makes me upset. 3 in total physically with the first volume containing several stories while the others focus on one long one each. They All Fall Down is the newest entry. Not a very big series since it takes a long time to y'know draw all that.
>>25025 >On a related note, why there aren't more BD threads on this board? by the looks of these replys looks like it's something anon actually enjoy, but most of the comic threads on the catalog right now are for shitting on american comics. I't easier to talk about something that you don't like or find upsetting than it is to talk about what you like. There was an eurocomics thread that died because the people who posted in it rather go to capeshit or cartoon threads to bitch. Even /v/ mostly talks about the shit they like in opposition to modern games.
>>24980 >>24978 Just lurk around some threads not centered around capes.
>>25049 There aren't a lot of those and they usually die very quickly so I don't blame anon for not checking non cape comic threads
>>25022 Looks like you are quite well read. I will post more recs for the antihero protagonist. Euro: >Requiem the Vampire Chevalier aka Requiem Vampire Knight - evil people get reincarnated in hell as vampires, zombies, or other monsters and fight ones of other kind over supremacy in hell >Barracuda - it's an edgy and degenerate comic about pirates >Long John Silver - John's and doctor's another adventure that happens years after events ofthe treasure island >Undertaker - wild west antihero undertaker who gets strange burial contracts >Black Sun - main character is a former special forces agent who travels through post apocalyptic Europe with his Darpa dog robot and a sweet gun >Jeremiah - postapocalyptic comic. One of the protagonist is an idealist, other one is an opportunistic scumbag, but has a soft spot for his buddy >Torpedo - psychotic mobster in 30s New York doing mobster things >Diabolik >Zaroff - eccentric aristocrat who likes to hunt people becomes the hunted. It's an unofficial comic sequel to The Most Dangerous Game American: >Grimjack - it's about a sword or gun for hire in a city at an intersection of different dimensions >Witch Doctor - main character is a good guy, but a prick. He is an occult doctor and supernatural issues in comic's setting are treated like diseases, parasites, and other medical problems. >Mysterious the Unfathomable - one of the main duo is a selfish, prickly antihero magician who sometimes helps with crimes involving supernatural. It was story timed here a while back. >Cerebus - antihero aardvark barbarian who is interested in money and not much else >Grendel - where to even begin. It starts as a vigilante or gentleman criminal story, but it turns into something very different over time >Ice Cream Man - anthology connected together by a malicious being that appears to people as an ice cream man
What is the horniest/lewdest Batman comic? He has some very fleshed out villainesses and heroines that I would like to explore and go deeper into.
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>>25204 >villainesses >heroines >batman comics Anon....
>>25214 >cat women doesn't exist >poison ivy? Who? >oh fuck harley she's a whore >barbara Gordon? Who cares about jims kid? Anon are you retarded.
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>>25215 Yes they all exist. But Bat books are obsessed with objectifying the men even before the era of woke said sexy women aren't allowed anymore.
>>25216 That's some jew talk anon. Men can't be objectified. It follows the old pulp tradition of showing muscle men doing manly things. To be emulated by impressionable youths. Hell check the old Tarzan covers. And he's straight as an arrow.
>>25217 Impressionable youths don't read capeshit comics. Not since the 80s. This is all done for eye candy. >jew talk Who do you think made these companies & characters?
>>25217 >>25216 You both sound like low effort wannabe /pol/acks that somehow got rejected for being even more autistic than the usual Anon there.
>>25219 >rejected Anon 8moe /pol/ is pretty dead. >>25218 You may have a point there. I maintain it started as an innocent tradition, but perverting such things is the bread and butter of sheenies, and now is almost certainly adjacent to gay porn.
>>25220 Just wait for them to have Jon have implied gay sex with the pink haired twinkus.
>>25221 Christ. This world needs to be burned.
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>>25222 Well if Russia has it's way, you may get your wish. I'd rather the comic industry burn. Speaking of which, what does everyone think the muslim response will be to MCU Kamala? Any hopes for outrage on Marvel's HQ in minecraft?
>>25223 That's not Carol Danvers. With luck Rogue still kills her though.
>>25217 >Men can't be objectified Women are objectified sexually, their only value is being sexy Men are objectified as sacrificial utilities, their only value is dying to protect women/kids
>>25225 i couldve phrased this better but i thinkmy point gets across well enough
>>25225 I disagree. Men build. They create. Their worth is in their vision. And the strength of their hands. To kill is a mans work, to die is a women's.
>>25227 still sacrifice their lifetime toiling to build civilization to make sure women and children are comfy
>>25228 I would argue they work not sacrifice, to create a place where they are happy to live. Women being comfortable is a side effect. Not the end goal.
>>25229 >Women being comfortable is a side effect. Not the end goal. there are men stuck paying child support for other mens kids, because its "the best interest of the child." ex husbands are held responsible for "maintaining the lifestyle their ex wife] became accustomed to" via alimoney/spousal support. in some countries it is even illegal to order a private paternity test because they dont want cucks weaseling out of their child support payments. society sees men as slaves whose only purpose is to work and die for women and kids. being an incel (aka not having female approval) is considered one of the biggest shames possible
>>25230 bringing it back to comics, the difference between superhero and supervillain is the heroes all die or risk death for women and kids at some point. if you have superpowers it is your responsibility to risk your life. that is literally the tagline in spiderman, with great power comes great responsibility. when peter parker tries to take vacations or retire hes shown as selfish
>>25231 and thor too, when he takes a mental health break, hes shown as a fat lazy selfish cowardly slob. his job is to get back out there and die for women and kids. if earth was 100% grown men then his burden would be relieved, he would no longer be expected to risk death or to sacrifice anything.
>>25232 contrast that with female super"heroes" who have no expectation to die for anyone, theyre celebrated simply for being powerful, empowered, and sexy
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>>25233 lmao wonderwoman's big "sacrifice" is that she had to let her boyfriend die.
God damnit anon all I want to do is fire my grappling hook to catwoman and Talia, you're telling me there are no good comics for that? Bullshit.
>>25204 >>25236 >What is the horniest/lewdest Batman comic? <the first few issues of Catwoman's New 52 run, where she fucks Batman and gave us this sequence <Batman Confidential #17-18 where Batgirl chased Catwoman into an nude club and had to strip to enter. <90's Catwoman drawn by Jim Balent, the guy that would go on to do Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose.
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>>25223 >Well if Russia has it's way, you may get your wish. Russia its hostile against porn and probably don't care about pandering to "neckbeards". Their industry don't have any jewish propaganda but the chance of any "big tiddie perfect girl" its low. Maybe I'm wrong anyways.
>>25239 My wish is for it all to burn. That's what he's refrencing.
How was heroines behavior before all the woke shit? It seems to be more cheerful and maybe "childish" in some cases, before everyone being a stone cold "independent women".
>>25237 Thanks, anon. >third image >that censoring Now that's funny.
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>>25241 I know X-23 was more of a tortured character who wanted to actually find herself instead of living in Logan's shadow as his clone. WAS. Now she's just a generic Whedon quip machine that NEEDS to be Wolverine. Fucking Tom Taylor that bitchass motherfucker.
>>25244 I didn't disapprove until I was told that I did. I didn't care until I was told that I did. Now I'll do whatever it takes to see the authors and publishers dead and these stories erased from history. Congrats, I guess.
>>25245 Anon are you havin a laugh?
>>25216 >even before the era of woke said sexy women aren't allowed anymore. Weird thing its that there is a supposed "non-feminist" lesbian/bi women market that its ok or even demands sexy women with fanservice, a market that SJW seems to ignore.
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>>25265 You'd think that. In my experience, most lesbians just want to turn women into ugly men.
>>25266 I say supposed
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>>25265 Look man it's not fanservice if Tan Amazoness Heroine #4 just happened to have her face buried in Big Tiddied Villainess #6 while bearhugging her. Now if Big Tiddied Villainess #6 happened to like that there's absolutely nothing wrong with that you bigot.
>>25214 >circumcise dick I knew that batfag was a jew weapon to keep the poor man down
Anon you're trying to hard.
>>25277 Circumcision is pretty standard in american hospitals, sadly.
>>25270 Too bad there isn't a drawfag around to redraw it.
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I recall hearing years ago an anon saying how they love how King of the Hill ended nicely with a big summer cookout, but that episode, where a different version of the main theme is played over the happy ending, is the 5th to last episode. There's four more after that, and the last one is a pretty regular episode where Kahn has manic mood swings, with a normal ending sequence. Why didn't they release To Sirloin with Love as the last episode? It would have been perfect.
>>25286 Either the network played the series in the order in which they were made or they thought Kahn suffering would be funny.
>>25288 I looked at their public air dates to be sure. The finale-like episode is also where it's finally revealed what Boomhauer does for a living just before the end. Zooms in on his wallet. He's a ranger.
>>25294 That's airdate order, but is it production order?
>>25295 The order they produced them is irrelevant if they didn't air the finale final. Just like how Smoking Bandit aired before Bystander Me, so Peggy was working at the Arlen Bystander before she ever got the job, creating a plothole.
>>25244 >guys on the internet mainly These people don't think of how pathetic its to give a bunch of potential losers behind a screen that much power?
>>25298 You can take it as a plothole, or you can just watch them in the order that was actually intended. Why you would want to deliberately make the show worse for yourself, instead of recognizing how the network fucked up, then just fixing their mistake when you watch it, is beyond me. This happens with many shows, and there is no reason to just damage your own enjoyment and not even see it the way the artists intended. It's not like anyone gives a fuck about what the network suits think. Nobody is defending them and saying you should watch it in their envisioned order, like some might do for the actual creators of the show. You should do what the actual creators intended, because by your own evidence, you'd enjoy it more.
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>>25316 Nope they really don't.
In the episode of King of the Kill where Donna goes crazy, is just me, or is she drawn significantly curvier than usual? And in the same episode, there's a bit where Melinda pulls up her shirt to show off her abs. This wasn't even really an episode about sex. Were the writers and animators just horny this episode? >>25317 >Why you would want to deliberately make the show worse for yourself I didn't know that was supposed to be the final episode until it was just about over and the alternate main theme began playing. Though I did have a feeling something was different towards the end when Bobby was winning a state competition solo. Things were just going too well too close to the end of the episode for them to pull a partial reversal and have Bobby take second place, like in the shooting competition.
>>25334 >Get your own identity. Oh god, it's a strawman gone wrong.
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>>25470 Oh you wanna see a strawman gone wrong?
>>25471 I've seen that one before though. The other was fresh to me.
>>25471 What I find hilarious is that I guarantee you the writer's sole argument against this sort of thinking is "people literally™ unironically think this" as a way of decrying it without making even the tiniest argument against it when writing either panel.
>>25473 Exactly why I posted them.
>>25473 Every single one of that people probably is lining up to lick Japan shoes, there is no point to "humanize" them or portrait them beyond a caricature.
>>25286 Fox decided to order an extra four episodes at the last minute. Those four were only aired in syndication.
>>25469 Yes, that sucks. My asking why you'd make it worse for yourself was in response to saying that production order is irrelevant. It isn't, obviously, and ignoring it when you've found evidence that it was obviously intended to be viewed differently is only harming yourself. But at least now in your head you can mentally rearrange the episodes into the proper order. A few years ago I rewatched the entire DCAU and tried to get it into the proper order, but some shows were meant to be viewed in production order, and others in chronological order. I didn't manage to guess right every time, but I made a chart as I watched, and noted what the right orders should have been. So it wasn't perfect when I last watched it, but it will be next time I watch it. Except I probably will never watch it all again because it's a fuckload of episodes and I don't have that kind of time. But at least I have my chart now.
>>25472 How come have you missed Whor era? That same issue has some of the dumbest writing I have ever seen in comics. >Absorbing man has Titania working with him >Titania takes a while to realize that Thor is a woman now >As soon as she does, she give up the fight in the name of sisterhood >She sucker punches absorbing man to knock him out, and lets herself and her partner be caught >This is accompanied by apology for Absorbing Man's behavior >Titania renders weeks of work, damage, money, and lets herself and her criminal associate to be put in prison for years just to own the misogynists Crap like that is why I can't take people claiming that Jason Aaron is a good writer seriously. This is as bad as America Chavez comic by Gabby Rivera.
Which are the recommended animated DC movies? I've watched >Mask of Phantasm(Liked it) >Return of the Joker(Really liked it) >The Dark Knight Returns(Also liked it) >Under the Red Hood(Plot made no sense by the end but damn if it didn't tug on my heart strings and I would love to see more red hood) >Assault on Arkham(Dumb fun but it felt off in the animation, in the sense that every sentence was followed by a pause at least a second longer than was necessary)
>>25651 Assault on Arkham is also a poor tie in to the Arkham games. As for other recommendations. >The Batman vs. Dracula >Batman Ninja (Subbed only. Dubs being terrible aside, the dub is literally adlibbed. They didn't translate the actual script.) >All-Star Superman >Superman/Batman: Apocalypse >Superman vs. The Elite >Justice League: The New Frontier >Justice League: Doom >Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths >Justice League: Gods & Monsters >Superman/Batman: Public Enemies
>>25651 Batman/Mr. Freeze: Sub-Zero is pretty good. If you like Mask of the Phantasm and Return of the Joker, this is the movie that goes between them (Well, in addition to a ton of episodes of tv shows). Also, Mystery of the Batwoman is the same continuity as well, releasing after Return of the Joker, and is also a pretty good movie.
>>25652 You'll have to find fansubs for Batman Ninja as well, due to the official subs being the dub dialogue.
>>25728 Actually there's 2 official subs. On the blu-ray itself, they included actual subs to the japanese dialogue.... in the special features. Rather than y'know the audio section of the menu.
>>25652 Gods and Monsters was quite nice. I liked those incarnations of Batman and Superman. Thanks anon!
>>25734 Ayyyy that's good to hear. Glad you enjoyed it.
What its the most edgy take in Archangel? There is others characters that anger its a big part in them? Not insanity or evil, just anger, aside of Hulk and the Red Lanterns.
>>25992 Speak english.
>Apparently there's an animated sequel to Under the Red Hood >kind of difficult to find >deeper digging reveals it's kind of an animated webcomic Choose Your Own Adventure where the only animated bits are used from Under the Red Hood and the rest are kind of phoned in God damnit. I don't want a sequel to UtRH I just want more of Red Hood interacting with Batman and Gotham as a whole. Even something like Arkham Knight barely delivered on that.
>>26046 There's Arkham Knight if you're that desperate.
>>26049 Like I said, it barely delivers on it. I wish it had more interactions between Batman and his allies beyond just Oracle. There's a part at the epilogue of the game where you go into the GCPD section where they have all the gadgets from the villains, there's a display for the Arkham Knight's helmet or gun or something where Gordon gives a brief summary of who the Knight is and how Batman acted kind of weird around him. I wished to see more of that.
>>26050 I think they cut down on the allies so they could give Mark Hamill a paycheck include the stupid Joker stuff, because we can't have a single piece of Batman media without the clown.
>>26051 >because we can't have a single piece of Batman media without the clown. It makes me so fucking angry that someone looked at the plot of Origins and went "early years batman being hunted down by 8 assassins on christmas eve isn't an interesting plot, let's have jokerfaggotry instead and push the assassins to a really tiny minor role besides Bane".
>>26052 It is shitty that they spent a bunch of the marketing hyping up Deathstroke, only to boil him down to one boss fight in the early game.
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I miss how acceptable big breasted women in cartoons used to be, such a shame that liberals now listened to the worst examples of women when making female characters.
>>26302 This is a factor in the incel problem?
>>26308 What's with the uptick in reddit tier responses?
>>26309 I'm saying that it seems that most kids exposed to "sexy women" in cartoons and video games ended being incels today, still better than being brainwashed by SJW I guess.
>>26310 That is "video games cause violence" tier reasoning.
>>26071 Calling it a boss fight was too generous(I cannot understand anyone who actually liked that fight) but that's the issue with so many of the assassins, instead of building up the stakes to a climax they show up only to be put down as fast as possible. Come to think of it that was also the case with a lot of the side missions in Knight/City as well.
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Now here's a very important, serious, not magical realm question(that my friend wanted me to ask) for the purposes of research. Would Batman be a better story if it was a Black General type deal with all of his villains being lusty ladies who want his dick and do crime for his attention, to his increasing frustration?
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>>26339 Comics would have to be able to tell a story first. That said, it would make at least characters like Harley Quinn better if she was made a Joker henchman turned Batman fangirl. Catwoman's already a whore for his attention. Poison Ivy's just a hippie.
>>26339 What makes Batman stories fun is to mix cape comics paraphernalia with detective comic stories and tropes and to see a guy obsessed over the death of his parents to recover from every hit he takes. How would you fit "villains being lusty ladies who want his dick and do crime for his attention" on that?
>>26346 "I can't fuck these ladies, take responsibility, give them pearls and be a parent because I've lost mine".
>>26346 >How would you fit "villains being lusty ladies who want his dick and do crime for his attention" on that? Have you ever read a noir story?
>>26339 Noir could work but I'm wondering what other settings, plots and characters could make this actually work apart from being cheap smut. Maybe an Alice in Wonderland type scenario where Batman is a warden at Arkham and the villianesses adopt their persona due to their trauma that Batman has to heal?
>>26350 >Batman is a warden at Arkham and the villianesses adopt their persona due to their trauma that Batman has to heal I can see a VN working with this premise.
>>26345 >That said, it would make at least characters like Harley Quinn better if she was made a Joker henchman turned Batman fangirl. What would make Harley Quinn better was if she was back to being a villain, a Joker henchman with a somewhat tragic backstory. Trying to make her anything more than that has been a disaster.
>>26352 >>26345 Instead of making Harley a Batman fangirl, wouldn't it just be easier to make a version of the Joker that's a woman from the start and just have her be a psycho yandere for Batman like the Joker already is.?
>>26353 Martha Wayne? A live action female Joker can even work? Who would be the actress?
>>26352 A Joker henchman yes but a villain on her own is bad. If she isn't Joker's henchman or Batman's crazy cum dump then there's no point to have her. >>26353 What're you fuckin gay?
>>26356 Man clearly wants clown titties, how is that gay?
>>26357 Because he has to genderbend Joker to get them instead of just using Harley.
>>26350 Believe it or not I don't want it to be completely smut. Just a bit smutty. I was replaying Arkham Knight recently and there's this bit with Catwoman after she's caught by riddler, she goes >You haven't apologized <For what >For this, criminals like Eddie left me alone until I started associating with you. They think I help you. And Kevin Conroy responds, in the most "I'm so tired of this shit" voice <You do.
>>26356 >A Joker henchman yes but a villain on her own is bad. It can work for the rare story where for some reason Joker isn't there. There can be one story where she tries to pull herself away from him, only to find she can't actually bring herself to do it, and come crawling back in the end. There can be a story or two where Joker is missing and Harley thinks she is fulfilling his wishes while he's away. But yes, even a story where Joker isn't actually there, Harley should still intrinsically be his henchman.
Any page for wallpapers?
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>>26339 This was not what I meant.
>>25471 First one you hide redskull and normalfags will agree with it and realize its a straw man gone wrong. Second one is going too strong on keywords that triggers their training and they will immediately refuse it
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It's is true that Frank become a icon for police and military (ignoring any character background) or was exaggerated?
>>26809 A lot of Military guys used the Punisher skull, but mostly because it looked cool. Military guys tend to use a lot of stuff because it looks cool without really caring where it comes from. I remember a couple guys not using the Punisher skull, but instead the symbol of the Iron Warriors from 40k.
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>>26809 Exaggerated. The skull simply looks cool and edgy in a way that appeals to normalfags who've never touched a Punisher comic in their lives. "The Punisher is an icon for police/military" just seems like an easy spin for Marvel to rage-bait people into reading another Jason Aaron story.
>>26810 >I remember a couple guys not using the Punisher skull, but instead the symbol of the Iron Warriors from 40k. There's a joke in there somewhere.
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Recommend me some 90s cartoons with attractive women who are skinny with hour glass bodies like Jessica rabbit with big boobs. I've already have Animaniacs, King of the Hill, who framed Roger Rabbit,
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>>26810 >>26932 I saw a bunch of pics of russians and ukranians using the symbols of the inquisition or other imperial logos in the ongoing war, shits hilarius.
>>26809 The question is: did they manage to sell Ninja Punisher at all?
Seeing all the lewds posted on /delicious/ and /ss/, I want to know, what is the list of shows, made in the past decade, that are actually worth watching and/or are non-pozzed?
>>28637 That's a pretty loaded question. It'd be easier to point out shows to avoid than shows that aren't pozzed.
>>28637 Primal, the only one I can think of.
>>28641 Just list off all the ones worth watching in green text, and pink text it if the show is pozzed despite being worth watching. Sort of like: >Good Cartoon 1 >Good Cartoon 2 <Good Cartoon 3 >Good Cartoon 4
>>28643 I'll just recommend Over The Garden Wall, Primal, & Kid Cosmic. I know at least Hilda has interracial couples. Don't know if it has any gays shoved into it but it is on Netflix.
>>28483 People only care about Marvel censoring the original skull, others complain about taking Frank out of the "street/semi-realistic" environment. It seems that the comic retcon Franks origin and also gave him superpowers
Out of curiousity, if modern capeshit writers are so obsessed with making villains out to be good guys, why do they never do anything like have Poison Ivy "greenifying" absolute deserts like North Africa and West Taiwan? You know, solve real problems.
>>29075 Because they're not good writers, the characters aren't good people, & the companies don't wanna piss off China.
>>29076 That, and their obsession with thinking that making something subversive is automatically clever and interesting. It isn't, especially now that antiheroes are the biggest cliche there is.
>>29075 The problem with the big two is the status quo of real life. The geopolitical nature of the world can't deviate much from the real world except for 'what if's. The mere presence of all these superpeople, let alone their actions, should change the course of history. The world should become it's own setting like DnD, or maybe fallout would be a better example. Instead, the timeline keeps grabbing things back from ours, mere lip service is paid to events that should be world-changing, and the world isn't allowed to have things like greenification of deserts happen. That said, deserts have their own flora and fauna so terraforming them may have a negative effect on said lifeforms. That's just off the top of my head though.
>>29102 >That said, deserts have their own flora and fauna so terraforming them may have a negative effect on said lifeforms. I mean things like the Sahara, where nothing grows. I don't mean "deserts" like the Middle East and Midwest America.
>>29102 Almost like superhero stories shouldn't be reflections of reality but what we should strive to be & dream of. Almost like it should be entertainment first or something. From there you can still have conflicts & allusions to reality but from the lens of a fictional world tackling the problems. Star Trek did it for decades.
>>29075 I'm pretty sure various villains have done that. I could have sworn I read some Swamp Thing stories from like 2014 about precisely what you describe. Might have been Floronic Man doing it, though. Or maybe that was a different but similar story since of course Swamp Thing would deal with stuff like that often. As has been mentioned, the stories end up being about how it doesn't actually help as much as it just disrupts equilibrium and causes more damage. >>29102 Watchmen and some other stories are about what you describe, the effect of these things on the world. That's why things work best when very specific real world events aren't mentioned often. 9/11 making Doctor Doom and Magneto cry is famously stupid since they do things a million times worse than 9/11 every day. Meanwhile, in the DC Universe, Imperiex was busy destroying the entire universe, and tons of major characters died, but to be fair, I can't recall any times DC actually mentioned 9/11 in universe. Because maybe it happened, but nobody would care since the world is such a nightmarish hellscape that 9/11 wouldn't even be newsworthy. Also, DC is helped by the fact Lex Luthor was president at the time, so there was no George Bush to set up the inside job. President Luthor's inside job was a giant kryptonite meteor instead. Much cooler. I mostly bring this up to point out how stupid it is to have Spider-Man meet Obama. Things like that shouldn't be referenced very specifically, especially by that point in the timeline, because yeah, things would change, and it's more fun if it's more sci-fi and more related to the story. I can buy early stories having Kennedy or Johnson or Nixon as president, but after a point it begins to beg the question of why things haven't changed more. On the other hand, sliding timescales make it so the past essentially becomes more and more like our world as it shifts further and further into the past. The Fantastic Four were the first people on the moon, until the timescale slid far enough so that their origin story took place after Apollo 11, so now Armstrong was the first guy on the moon.
>>29075 >why do they never do anything like have Poison Ivy "greenifying" absolute deserts like North Africa and West Taiwan? You know, solve real problems. Aside from the obvious, that'd be a bad fit for Ivy, given that Swamp Thing already exists and even the most charitable interpretations treat her "love" for plants as an extension of her psychopathy. Plus, it'd make DC pairing her with Harley Quinn more ridiculous.
>>29126 Yeah, the only "heroic" thing I could see Ivy doing is finally killing the Joker when he inevitably kills Harley at some point and then Batman stops her because "muh justice, muh due process, you can't kill my genocidal clown boyfriend."
>>29123 >9/11 making Doctor Doom and Magneto cry I would have thought Magneto would be happy given 9/11 was a triumph over the goyim non-mutants. > I can't recall any times DC actually mentioned 9/11 in universe. They might have just relegated it to special issues with Superman flying down meeting NYPD and NYCFD personnel and posed in front of the American flag at Ground Zero. But not in the mainline universe, no. The only reason I can think people would support real life events in comics is trying to go back to WW2 and say, "We had Superman fighting Nazis and Captain America punching Hitler so comics have always reflected the real world 1:1" Ignoring what propaganda is and the purpose it serves vs. regular storytelling.
>>29276 >reading dark avengers thunderbolts because bullseye and gargan venom >there is like 3 times when iron patriot osborn starts to talk about "in universe" politics like why the chinese radioactive men needs to hide his face to not show a chink beating american men, show the thunderbolts as non-lethal as possible and make songbird the leader because she was the most "friendly-looking" of the team I read it a time ago and not full I read Siege instead after a few volumes but probably there is a lot of that. Also the time when JJ Jameson prefer to have Moonstone Ms.Marvel instead of Gargan Spider-Man as the hero city because "sex sells" textually.
I got this shitty comic off of archive.org, would anyone be interested in a storytime?
>>29466 No one could stop you.
>>29469 I take that as a yes?
There is any comic specifically about fighting without superpowers (or least not Dragon Ball Z levels)? Even If its keyboard warrior pseudo-realism. Not "realistic" necessarily, Tekken 4/Undisputed 3/Jean-Claude Van Damme film level of bullshit would be nice.
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>>29541 Lastman?
>>29544 Both DC and Marvel never try a Bloodsport setting? Even when "Martial arts" movies were super popular?
>>29546 No they've done a lot martial arts comics. But specific tournament martial arts? Not a lot. Recently there was the Robin solo series where Damian's fighting in a death match tournament that allows resurrection because of Lazarus magic.
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>>29547 How did they get away with this?
>>29585 Damian's mixed race so it's not racist.
>>29585 Comics are irrelevant unless one character turn gay or "big" events happen.
Could someone explain why there's such a huge following for King of the Hill? I tried watching a few episodes, and I do get the impression that people sympathize with Hank, but are completely missing the fact that the creators of the show are making fun of people like him and his friends (For example, the show opening with Dale oblivious that his wife is cheating on him). If anything, it's almost like watching a progressive knock-off of Last Man Standing.
>>29662 Anon. It's not a spiteful satire. It's actually incredibly down to earth. Just because the characters aren't perfect people doesn't mean they're meant to be hateful mockeries.
>>29662 What >>29663 said and it's blue collar comedy done right.
>>29662 There's an episode in a later season where Bobby discovers a Ray Jay Johnson record and becomes obsessed with trying to understand how the hell it's supposed to be funny. By the end he simply has heard it so many times that he starts breaking down and laughing. That episode made me feel like how I feel about King of the Hill in general. After watching it enough, propane becomes funny. But also, you're missing the point about how much it mocks the characters. It is making fun of many of the characters, but not in a mean-spirited way. Hank is boring and square to the point that it's comical, but when it comes down to it, the show still ultimately is about how he is not only a good person, but someone we should look up to. Dale is portrayed as crazy and also oblivious, but sometimes he's onto something right, and he is a good dad and a good member of his community, even if he's a cuck. Now his wife is the one who is just a fucking bitch. They try to do a couple episodes from her point of view, but I don't think they ever go as far as acting like she's not horrible, which is what a modern show would do. A modern show would act like Nancy is right and Dale is a bad guy.
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>>29695 >By the end he simply has heard it so many times that he starts breaking down and laughing. That episode made me feel like how I feel about King of the Hill in general. <BUT...
Why are 'The Gorillaz' called that? Is it because they have protruding apelike mouths?
>>29735 1: A group of gorillas is called a, "band," and Gorillaz are a band. 2: Damon and Jamie were born in the year of the monkey. 3: Gorillaz were originally meant to be anonymous, and originally undergoing the name, "Gorilla," it could be referring to, "Guerrilla," as in, "Guerrilla Warfare," which is un-open and anonymous. 4. Also a reference to the first 'manufactured' band, the Monkees.
>>29748 Okay. Still, I think their mouths look apelike. Is that a coincidence or intentional?
>>29764 It's just Hewlett's art style. He seems to have a fondness for drawing monkeys and apes, as he often includes them in his art. It would not be surprising if the pronounced jaws and downplayed noses were a result of that fondness.
Not sure if this is worth a whole thread so I'm asking here to test the waters. Are there any accounts of a line or scene that was so funny the crew had to stop working for a little while because they were too busy laughing? Or to a lesser extent, accounts of the same that the crew mentioned during interviews and commentary were an absolute blast to work in and aren't just saying it to puff up the project. Same question goes for other types of scenes, tragic, horror, etc.
>>30784 For live action productions, you'll find tons of bloopers like this. For animated stuff, you might find some footage of voice actors having difficulty because they keep laughing at a line, but it would be less, because the nature of the recording process is different. I don't have any off the top of my head. They might exist. But voice acting is frequently done with one actor at a time, and it's done in a soundbooth, and it's not as physical, and these factors and many others would make it easier to not crack at a line.
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I read a manwha of MHA were you faceless hentai protagonist submits Mirko and other heroines with his dick, to the point of breaking their heroic spirit a bit. There is any DC/Marvel equivalent of this? No mind-control, rape, antagonists and Peter If you can. Sorry for the coomer posting. The artist is ratatatat74
>>30793 This has nothing to do with your hentai begging, but why does Japan have such a radically different view on selflessness and altruism than the west? Seriously, how many Japanese properties have some theme of "Selflessness is opressive/naive/bad"? Compared to the US and Europe where selflessness is praised as a virtue to aspire towards.
>>30794 >why does Japan have such a radically different view on selflessness and altruism than the west? Collectivist culture vs. individualistic culture. In Asia the MO for most cultures is sacrificing yourself for the greater whole, you’re expected to keep your head down and be another worker ant for the good of society, hence why a lot of Asian works have themes of living for yourself or “rebelling” through selfishness. Compare this to the west where there’s always been a culture surrounding ambitious and/or greedy pricks that better themselves through using others. Not to mention a tendency towards “fuck you, I got mine” mindsets from the average person. Because of this, to ensure people aren’t cutting each other’s throats on an hourly basis, religion and indeed counterculture in the west is centered around the collective working to better the whole. Look at all the fringe political ideologies in the west (communism, fascism) they’re all collectivist in nature.
>>30794 Altruism and/or Charity are looked down upon because they are interfering with fate. And fate is important because it is how the universe is making you pay for what you or one of your ancestors did in a previous life: By helping a person out of a bad situation you are dooming them to a subsequently worse fate.
>>30801 Is that the same reason Chinese walk around people who’ve been hit by cars instead of helping them?

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>>30804 That is largely because of a specific court case where some dude was forced to pay for an old lady's medical bills because he was the one who was nice enough to help her, and the court decided that now she was his responsibility, or decided that he wouldn't have done that if he wasn't guilty. I forget what the specific reasoning was and I'm too lazy to look it up. But you can. This was relatively recently (like within the last 15 years or whatever) and it made things worse. But living in poverty also does that. Desperation breeds selfishness. These people had to learn early and they had to learn fast that it's a chink eat dog world out there. Most didn't have enough to share much, and if they did, others had already learned enough to take advantage of their charity and scam them for all they're worth. The communists made this worse with their disastrous policies leading to widespread famine, not to mention deliberately taking young people and sending them out to work on failing farms (so even if there wasn't a famine, they'd be thrust into a near-starving situation anyway), as well as all sorts of other horrible policies people here should be well aware of. But frankly, China was a shithole like this even before the communists took over. So while things have been getting worse since then (with perhaps a brief period of improvement that did little to curb overall trends), really what China is is a perfect example of how it really is difficult to build a culture that actually allows charity and teamwork. The communists can try to force it, but the individuals will always find ways around it, and the result is that they just end up even greedier and less empathetic than before. >>30794 I find it very interesting how some major Japanese superhero properties, like One Punch Man and My Hero Academia, are essentially about "heroes" being in it for the glory, trying to become the most famous, or the top of their class. In the west, this would nearly automatically make them bad guys, and they'd have to learn a humbling lesson before they could be treated as actual heroes. Or maybe they could be treated as very flawed characters, who are bad guys on the surface, but then deep down we get hints that maybe there is some actual altruism deep down. Booster Gold is really the closest western stuff gets to these Japanese superheroes, and he's treated like a jerk, a buffoon, and then, quite quickly, is shown to be severely humbled and we learn that his bravado is largely an act. And then that wasn't enough so the same thing happened a few more times until he was treated as some sort of ultimate underdog who was basically the opposite of his original self. Or for a more famous and even more clear example, there is Spider-Man. Spider-Man started off looking for wealth and fame, and then within the span of his first issue, he learned that that made him the bad guy, and trying to live down the guilt of that early character flaw is his entire motivation from then on. It's very interesting that Japan doesn't seem nearly as concerned with their heroes, you know, actually being good people. Hell, even Goku, who the story makes a point to say doesn't do it for glory, is still ultimately self-centered, and does it purely for his own will for self-improvement. That seems a lot more noble than the stories of One Punch Man and My Hero Academia, and it leads to some interesting themes and character moments, but it's still interesting that the main hero isn't interested in heroics, outside of a few specific moments.
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>>30801 Sometimes you need a helping hand to be able to dig yourself out of the ditch however.
>>29695 >After watching it enough, propane becomes funny. Propane isn't funny. Hank's obsession with propane is what's funny.
>>29662 >but are completely missing the fact that the creators of the show are making fun of people like him and his friends Yes, that's the point. The characters are semi-realistic stereotypes. >it's almost like watching a progressive knock-off of Last Man Standing. Believe it or not anon, things weren't so polarized once upon a time and you could actually make fun of stereotypes without condemning them to the status of "people from the evil opposite side of the political spectrum". Everyone is made fun of in good humor, and the majority of the main cast are shown to be good people at heart, and the show has a happy ending for them. Hank very much saves the day all the time even as the show continuously mocks the stereotype he portrays more than anyone else since he's the main character.
Question: if someone somehow stumbled onto two of pic related, which is apparently VERY underproduced, and a Walmart exclusive, what would be the best place to sell them at scalper prices? >t. guy who absolutely did not buy two of them while rubbing his hands like a jew
Men wanting a pretty girl that is not a insufferable cunt the 100% of the time its a real reason of why japanese stuff its so dominant in the west now?
>>31346 Men wanting women who aren't insufferable Men wanting stories that are actual stories and not ideological propaganda disguised as stories Men wanting protagonists that are actually protagonists instead of author inserts, more propaganda, or incompetent jokes meant facilitate propaganda.
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>>31341 Bumping for this. Apparently Americans got jewed out of this thing while Canadians got a bunch of them (for a change, since it's usually the other way around). Now I'm wondering if I should just sit on them for a couple of years and see what happens.
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>>31371 Just found this. They were something like $70-$80 Canadian each. Now they're currently going for $120 American
Having jew's remorse which is an oxymoron, I think and am now trying to decide if I want to become one of the many scumfuck scalpers I actually loathe. It would be a one-off, because I don't feel like making this a full-time gig, but my conscience is niggling away at me. Maybe I'll just hang onto one of them for myself and see if I can trade the other one for a Titans Return Trypticon or Scorponok in the future.
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How do you distinguish between "dumb", "dumb fun" and "just horrible" comics?
>>31736 By how much pain you are in.
>>31736 If you personally are having fun dummy.
>>31736 Dare I ask for context of that frame?
>>31949 >Dare I ask for context of that frame? If you do, you're a braver man than I.
>>31949 The title of the story is in the image file. I haven't read it, but you could find it easily enough.
Darkseid is just a powerful alien or really a omnipotent eldritch horror? It seems that his representations switch between these two. What about Highfather?
>>31974 He's not quite omnipotent, but he's very powerful, with limited (but significant) reality warping abilities. While the New Gods were born as gods, that is their race, they were not all born in the roles they have now. Darkseid was not originally the lord of Apokolips, he usurped that role and the power that came with it, and presumably gained more power in other ways beyond just being born with it. Some of these ways are scientific, though in the stories, magic and science are really treated as one thing, so you could say that they are sufficiently advanced aliens in that way. But the difference is that at some point Darkseid became the pure essence of evil itself. Darkseid isn't just evil, evil is Darkseid. The body you usually see isn't his true form, because his true form is this abstract concept, and it can't be truly destroyed because it's a core aspect of existence. The New Gods are from their own universe, so there is only one of each in the multiverse. Each time you see Darkseid, it's the same guy, though he can split himself up into multiple bodies, and they might not all be as strong, as that's used to explain why sometimes you see him get beaten in fights by guys like Superman, who shouldn't even be close, but has frequently been shown as such. It should be noted that you don't have to be born of the race of New Gods to become one. Like Shiloh Norman, the third Mister Miracle, is a human who came to embody the same concepts as the previous Mister Miracle, Scott Free (Highfather's biological son who was traded to Darkseid), so Shiloh Norman is also a god. Also The Black Racer gets around by possessing a human, and Darkseid possessed human Dan Turpin in Final Crisis, after he was killed but his ghost was still running around. It should also be noted that The Justice League has many times been said to be the next generation of gods, The Fifth World, and they did it in 2015 in the Darkseid War story. Luthor took on Darkseid's role, Batman took on Metron's, Flash took on Black Racer's, etc. It was temporary though and Darkseid's daughter arranged it so he would be reborn as a baby who then got his powers back and I assume he's since grown up into an adult Darkseid again but idk I never read much after that story. >tl;dr: The race of "New Gods" are born as gods and that seems to mean they represent some core concept of reality and their bodies aren't as core to their being as with mortals. That doesn't mean they have powers. Mister Miracle doesn't have any powers, for example. They gain powers through artificial means, and it seems like the role they fill in their pantheon, the thing they actually represent, can change. Darkseid and Highfather weren't born as important gods, they were basically regular guys of the race of New Gods, but they became important gods later. Darkseid's original origin by Jack Kirby is in New Gods #7, by the way. Now for a related question that I've been looking for an answer to. How did Darkseid come back to life after Final Crisis? And what issue/story did this happen in? What do I need to read to understand what happened to Darkseid between Final Crisis and Flashpoint? I've heard people say Flashpoint just made him alive again, but naw, I don't buy that. I'm sure there's some autistic shit explaining something. Final Crisis is still canon post-Flashpoint, and gets referenced heavily.
>>31977 Versions of events still happened post Flashpoint in the New 52 but that's chocked up to them not committing to a full reboot. None of the events pre Flashpoint can line up with the New 52 history even with the reintroduction of characters/histories post Doomsday Clock. Don't think too hard about it because it just doesn't make any actual logical sense.
>>31979 No, that's not what I mean. Of course certain things in the past were changed, but Batman shooting Darkseid is a major plot point that continues to be referenced heavily post-Flashpoint. So what I'm wondering is if they ever actually explained how he came back to life. Admittedly I haven't read all of Morrison's Batman, and I'm sure I'm missing tons of other stuff that could be where they explained it. But usually I can find the answer through web searches, but that's not working here. I can't think of any other Crisis fuckups as major as Darkseid being alive again without explanation even though his death is still a major plot point. It wouldn't take much of an explanation, but in the past, there have always been explanations for anything like this. Wonder Woman wasn't a member of the Justice League throughout the Silver and Bronze ages? That's fine, Black Canary was there instead. Hell, right after Flashpoint, Alec Holland was alive again, and the uninitiated might chalk that up to Flashpoint, but no, it was because of actual plot stuff that happened in Brightest Day. So I have a hard time believing that they explained it for Alec Holland (not even Swamp Thing, since him not actually being Swamp Thing is something that remained canon), but not for Darkseid. I've heard people say "don't think about it, it doesn't make sense" for lots of things that, once I found the right issue, actually were explained. That's why I'm hesitant to accept that explanation here. All that said, I haven't found the answer yet. I'm gonna need to go read a bunch more 2009-2011 DC stuff, I suppose.
>>31982 No, I'm not talking about the origin. I'm talking about how he came back to life after Final Crisis. The post-Flashpoint "Present" still takes place after the "Present" immediately before Flashpoint. Elements from before then can be changed, but the general history still happened. Specifically, Final Crisis and Darkseid's death still happened. They're referenced often. It's important you understand that none of these Crisis events are reboots. Man of Steel is Superman's origin, but the beginning of it takes place "Ten Years Ago," and then the rest of it takes place over Superman's history up to that point, leaving room for the general gist of the history up to that point to still happen, but things that happened in Man of Steel take precedent over them. The same thing happened with Justice League: Origin, the New 52 origin of the Justice League and their first meeting with Darkseid. It's very different from previous origins of the Justice League and their first meeting with Darkseid, but it takes place "Five Years Ago" specifically so they can say all the other stuff still happened in the next five years, except for the things that are specifically contradicted. (Yes, ten years of history plus all the time since the Crisis on Infinite Earths was now compressed into five years, but you're just supposed to roll with that.) One of the things that is specifically mentioned as having happened is Darkseid's death, specifically due to being shot by Batman with a radion bullet. So I'm not asking about Darkseid's origin. That takes place in the distant past and can change a bunch. Frankly, it's almost never very important to stories. What I'm asking about is how he came back to life after Final Crisis, because "the present" post-Flashpoint still takes place after Final Crisis, and Final Crisis is referenced heavily. And yes, they do also say upon Darkseid's first appearances post-Justice League: Origin (in release order) that it's the first time they've fought Darkseid since then. That's just a fuckup. Because other stories published at the same time, and before, and after, all kept referencing previous appearances of Darkseid, most notably Final Crisis. But I find it weird that they'd have him alive again and specifically reference the story where he died but not say how he came back to life. Flashpoint doesn't fix this, and usually even with a Crisis event, DC doesn't fuck up that hard, so I'm left thinking I just missed something. I can't think of another time they fucked up that hard. It would be like after Supergirl or Flash died in Crisis on Infinite Earths, they just reappeared as if they never died, but then kept referencing the time they died (not just the story, but the specific events). It would be like if they were super scared of The Anti-Monitor because he killed them, but then no story ever explained why they were alive again.
>>31988 He didn't "come back". Batman killing him caused him to be split through the multiverse as independent Darkseids. I think.
>>31990 What's the source on that? I see there's a footnote there but I wonder what issue it links to, because that's bullshit. Darkseid being a single guy throughout the multiverse, who goes from universe to universe conquering each, is more important Post-Final Crisis and Post-Flashpoint than ever. Maybe the issue cited in that footnote explains it, but I wonder what issue it is.
>>31992 It's true, anon. It's why you have things like Darkseid in DCeased as a zombie. They haven't kept that cosmic rule for a long while.
>>31993 Is that's the issue it's from? Okay, then I can disregard that SJW trash. I'm not surprised when SJW shit disregards continuity. I would have been surprised otherwise, though, because although there certainly have been fuckups, even related to this topic, this would have been the most major continuity fuckup DC has made. I mean, it still is, but I'm not surprised if it's that SJW trash that did it. So basically it wasn't actually explained at any point between Final Crisis and Flashpoint?
>>31995 Anon. This is big two comic books. You should've realized a long long long time ago they don't care about respecting canon continuity or the rules set up behind characters.
>>31996 Naw dude, until very recently they were absurdly autistic about it. There were explanations for practically everything. That's why I'm singling out this one instance. It's probably the biggest unexplained continuity fuckup they've ever done, especially if the explanation is what I was just told since that's just an even bigger fuckup. I can't think of any instances of mistakes as big as Darkseid just being alive after the story that was about his death, when that story is still heavily referenced as canon, and then the later retconned explanation is that he's split into many Darkseids even though it was a recent major plot-point for the major plot thread running through the major multiversal events that there was only one Darkseid in the multiverse. In fact, I'd be interested in seeing examples of the biggest plot-holes and continuity errors in comics, especially ones that never later got an explanation. Most usually get explanations later on. Now, maybe if I read the actual issue the explanation is in, it will make more sense in context. But if it's really in Justice League Incarnate... well I just really don't want to read that series.
>>31997 You really overestimate their dedication.
>>31998 Well sure, but until now they did have enough dedication to cover things like this. That's why I'm focusing on this thing in particular. It's the worst instance of anything like this.
>>32326 All of them. It's kind of his entire gimmick.
>>32354 Hello, newfriend. >>32509 >All of them. It's kind of his entire gimmick. Absolutely this.
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>>31993 >"The Multiverse is dying and it's all your fault!" Good.
>>32633 He'll be raceswapped for sure.
>>32633 He'd be dead by the end of the film.
>>32691 That's unquestionable for every villain in the MCU though. Loki only lasted as long as he did because they had a plan for Avengers & he was REALLY popular.
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>>32633 They can't race-swap him to black. Volcana is a brunette, not a blonde, so (((they))) won't be putting a black with her. She's not a ginger, so they won't be making her a negress. Add to that, her best friend is Titania who is a now a pajeeta, so they're probably more likely to leave him white and nerdy and hire Kelly Marie Tran to be Volcana. And how sad is it that I can make that prediction accurately? Screen shot this.
>>33465 Nothing ever matters.
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>>33465 That map makes my fucking head hurt. >you can travel to Apokolips >you can travel to New Genesis >you can travel to... wait, what? Apparently, LITERALLY Heaven occupies the same general sphere as two alien planets, so it must be possible to use a boomtube to get there. Same with Hell. I'm honestly surprised Superman and Flash don't spend their weekends wearing Mother Boxes and pulling people out of the Lake of Fire until the demons catch on to what they're up to. Honest to goodness, the D&D map of the spheres makes more sense than this. The numbering system of the Earths is fucked, too. And what the hell is BIZARRO WORLD doing in there?! Why is Destiny beyond the Source Wall when Dream's realm is within? Why does Nightmare have a jew ruling it? Too many questions, not enough answers. >Grant Morrison Motherfucker. I like his own stuff, but he is rough on the other kids' toys. He should never have been allowed near the main DCU.
>>33466 Go home, Owlman. You're drunk. Your motivation is dumb compared to all the other Owlmans in the omniverse, anyway. >>33465 The cool parts of the multiverse are mostly just when universes that literally can't work together because of being reboots of each other, or being originally from different companies, or being completely wacky concepts, like Captain Carrot, are able to interact with each other. And of course tried and true staples like the Mirror Universe are always fun. But the way modern movies use it, where it's just a bunch of random shit that might as well just all be the same universe, or a bunch of one-off things that aren't truly fleshed out into a whole universe, is just stupid and pointless. Barry Allen meeting Jay Garrick is cool because Jay Garrick has his own rich mythology but inherently can't work in the same universe as Barry Allen (well, until they changed things so they could). Owlman being the reverse Batman is cool because reverse Batman. Doctor Strange meeting Reed Richards and Professor X but they're from other universes for... reasons, is just stupid and pointless.
Was lighting considered fire by the asians, or did the writers just pull this outta their arse?
>>33606 I don't know, but I do know that Jews consider lightning to be fire. That's why they have special kosher light switches. A normal light switch might produce a spark internally, which they deem to be the same as starting a fire, which is forbidden to do on saturdays. So there is some precedent to the idea.
>>33606 Writers for the most part used western classical understanding of elements and added dashes of Asian concepts to it. If they went with traditional Chinese elements, we would have benders of: >water >fire >metal >earth >wood If Japanese was the go to, the elements would be: >earth >water >fire >wind >void Instead, wood and metal bending are only subsets of water and earth. I have seen lightning associated with wood and with metal in Chinese philosophy. Japanese supposedly put lightning with many different elements. One motif that stuck out to me is association of lightning with rice fields. There was a belief that lightning helps rice's growth. Several Japanese words for lightning incorporate kanji that symbolizes rice field. If manga is anything to go off of, lightning tends to be associated with air, water, or replaces void among the classical Japanese elements. As >>33609 said, the lightning's association with fire likely comes from Jewish influences. According to Talmud, the sky was made of fire and water, and they come together during storms.
>>33606 Because fire condensed becomes lightning. >>33616 >>33609 >Immediately blames the jews.
New questions: Can earthbenders bend shit? Can waterbenders bend piss? Do they need a full moon to do so? >>33619 >Because fire condensed becomes lightning. Explain.
>>33620 > Can earthbenders bend shit? Why would they be able to do that? > Can waterbenders bend piss? Probably, since it's mostly water. > Do they need a full moon to do so? Unlikely if it's outside the body. If regular water benders can manipulate the water inside vines, then urine outside the body should be no problem. Inside the body however your guess is as good as mine. I would guess they do because you have to overcome the other person's own will and physical self-control, it's not just dead water lying out in the open.
>>33619 >Because fire condensed becomes lightning. No. Fire is a chemical reaction that requires oxygen. Lightning is a group of electrons jumping from one object to another. They are two different things but heat from lightning strike can ignite some materials. >>33620 >Can earthbenders bend shit? No, but water benders probably can since turds are about 50% or more water. It would probably work the same way Katara's mud bending did.
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>>33627 Aren't fruits and vegetables mostly water, too?
>>33626 >Why would they be able to do that? Animals poo on the ground so often that most of it must be poo. Even bugs have to poo, and there is an estimated 10 quintillion of them on earth. With 10 quintillion bugs pooing for as long as bugs have been on land, how much of the dirt is poo from them alone? I don't think the avatar world would be much different.
>>14184 Why have there been only two games based on DC's Superman comics and films that are above passable in quality? One being the 1988 Taito arcade game, the other being Superman: the Man of Steel for Commodore 64, BBC Micro and ZX Spectrum? Pic related
Legend of Korra should have had a story arc in its 3rd or 4th season that went on about Korra and her friends searching the Earth and other dimensions for clues about a 5th element called "aether".
>>33633 Because you have low standards. That C64 game is shit. Also because it's hard to actually make the player feel like Superman. It's simply hard to even conceptually design an action game where you can do the types of things Superman is able to do. Sonic "goes fast" as far as video games go, but if he could fly too, and be super strong, then he should just be able to go around the whole earth and smash whatever he wants, and if you couldn't, you'd feel cheated. This of course doesn't just apply to Superman, but Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern, and even any version of The Flash that actually replicates the ridiculous powers he has in the comics. It's hard to make video game characters as powerful as upper-middle tier capeshit characters, and Superman is famous enough that when you aren't as powerful as he is supposed to be, you feel it. Even a relatively weak early Post-Crisis Superman, or DCAU Superman, is still way more powerful than any video game character, at least at any moment when you can actually control the character. Obviously things like cutscenes (including attacks in turn based RPGs, since those attacks are just cutscenes you select) don't count. Yeah, you could do a turn-based Superman RPG, but that's no fun at all. No immersion. You want to feel like Superman, and that won't happen if you take turns and then just pick cutscenes from a list and watch them.
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>>33634 >>33620 >Can earthbenders bend shit? What is earth, anyway?
>>33643 Minerals.
I think, like, all elements are just one elements, right, And everyone can like actually control all elements and like they'd be like super powerful and stuff, but the Man wouldn't let us common people do that, and like he came up with all that elements bullshit to make us think that we can't control everything and that elements are like part of this really separated system and kingdoms and people but like not really. Mental barriers man, the strongest barriers of all, like, man, this sucks
>>33648 Unironically, something I noticed is that the argument can be made that their not actually bending "elements". What they are bend is just starts of matter (Air is gas, water is liquid, and earth is solids) and energy (Fire).
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>>33633 My son and I found the Justice League version of Ultimate Alliance passable.
>>33633 The Superman returns video game is the best superman video game and laid decent groundwork for what a superman game could be.
>>33652 >energy (Fire) You could consider fire to be most closely related to plasma and end up with only states of matter.
How old were the members of The New Mutants during the early parts of the series of the same name?
>>33718 I think they were in their mid-teens, with varying ages in that range.
>>33718 I don't know the answer off the top of my head, but you could check the first Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe from after the series started. Check each handbook in the order they came out, until you find each character, or a collective entry for all of them. Their ages will be listed as whenever the Handbook came out, but if you get one from soon after the series started, the ages will be very close. Sometimes the entries will say how old they were when they first appeared, anyway. If you see an entry but an age isn't listed or is listed as unknown, check corrections in following issues, as they might be included there. If not, then it probably does actually mean that their ages were never mentioned anywhere, unless they were mentioned later in a flashback or something.
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What its the most psychedelic or "satanic" Doctor Strange run? Because they insist a lot with the "dark magic" and every character has its edgy phase.
>>34112 Edgy phase Strange looked like this. Writing wise, there's probably darker.
>>34113 >Writing wise, there's probably darker. Any idea or recommendation?
>>34115 No clue. I never read Strange comics when I was still reading.
>>34120 The 80s were also a "edgy phase" for most comic characters?
>>34154 That started in the '80s but peaked in the '90s.
I lost my folder with /co/ recommended comics infopic on various genres that are not capeshit...anyone have a backup of it that wants to share?
>>34184 Try the share thread.
>>34185 Tired already, no things like pic related. I had this last one saved on a normal fag chat sistem as I was sending it for more comics spreading, but I lost all the others I had
>>34113 How edgy phase Black Panther looks like?
>>34223 Like Huey Newton I guess, mixed with Malcom X.
>>34228 malcom x resigitered as malcom in the middle for me. quite the mental image haha ahhh drool is dripping out of my mouth
>>34228 Any picture of that? I just get Black Panther with a trench coat
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Why people was like this in the 80s?
>>34405 You mean straight? Because the government didn't dedicate enormous resources to brainwashing/molesting children, then making it so the (white) men who remain straight are discriminated against by every agency the government can control, in an attempt to encourage them to be gay and thus destroy western culture so it can be replaced with caveman cultures that don't value things like individual lives or freedom.
>>34539 I mean why they accept having sex that fast?
>>34555 Are you implying people are SLOWER to have sex now?
>>34555 He just has a certain animal magnetism.
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These guys are really that violent in the comics or its just a exaggeration? I see a lot of cases like this.
Are there any DC heroines who fight in a dress (not skirt, but full on dress)?
Are people here as stupid as cuckchannel that they cant even give a straight answer to 5 digits traffic quality art that obviously big corps ALSO will bend over just to get it thus is a very wanted and probably general information, and simply fall over to the same 6 letter GITGUD because they have so little brain to begin with? What a bunch of miserable fucks straight outta battle royale and no other screenplay wants them.
>>35706 What the fuck are you even saying? Take your pills, anon.
>>35706 draw a space marine already you coward
>>35709 Thats your pills cunny >>35713 Not until5 digit you cheapskate
Why did Kick Ass (the series) take a nosedive after the first run? Kick Ass (the run) is great and shows a mild amount of realism for the realities of being a superhero in a no-powers world, but Kick Ass 2 starts strong only to nosedive because the author backed out of everything he set up at the start. Kick Ass 3 was rock bottom and only served to definitively tie-in Kick Ass with the rest of the author's works. The ending of Kick Ass 3 makes the premise of Kick Ass (2018) nonsensical. What was the point of having so many inconsistencies between and within runs? Why was the author so obsessed with niggers, especially in Kick Ass (the run)?
Does anybody have that one page of Dresden Codak with the red line darting around randomly, showing how garbage the layout is?
>>38245 A friend found it, here it is if anybody wants it.
>>38245 >>38277 One of my biggest regrets in life is giving this faggot money back when I was a teenager and backed his Kickstarter for a physical art book and stickers because I thought the style looked nice. What should have been a cool comic about a brown tomboy cyborg with art deco stylings instead turned into a weird pseudo intellectual mess that inspired the artist to become a tranny. What a disgrace.
>>38315 >instead turned into a weird pseudo intellectual mess that inspired the artist to become a tranny. Do tell, I completely forgot the faggot existed.
>>38315 >that inspired the artist to become a tranny It’s disturbing how common that is
>>38322 Honestly I don't know too many details since I stopped following his work after the Kickstarter (circa 2013). It was a few years back when I found out, in the midst of following up on webcomics to see which were still active. This Tumblr post (https://archive.is/8CswH) seems to be his "coming out," directly stating if he'd ever read his comic, he'd have realized sooner. The post was accompanied by the following image, and in deciding to identify as genderqueer/non-binary I can only assume Kimiko was a self-insert for his fantasies. Take a look at his new appearance and tell me he's not trying to "become the girlfriend."
>>38335 To add to this (but not get too off-topic) there seems to be a large crossover between transhumanists/futurists and tranny types. It's made me incredibly skeptical of anyone and anything focusing on transhumanist themes. That's all probably enough for it's own thread somewhere else though.
>>38336 >there seems to be a large crossover between transhumanists/futurists and tranny types That's because their entire philosophy is about how the body is a prison that they need to be freed from.
>>38337 I mean I can understand someone believing that but I don't get why "I should turn myself into a woman" is such a common conclusion for them.
>>38338 >but I don't get why "I should turn myself into a woman" is such a common conclusion for them The short version is that it's an alchemical process to reach enlightenment in their Gnostic Hermetical religion. They're a man (Thesis) who chooses to become a woman (Antithesis), and clashing of these two aspects destroys them both for the purposes of reforming into a "better" being (Synthesis). Here's some videos going into the topic in extreme detail: https://odysee.com/@newdiscourses:9/the-queer-gnostic-cult:7 https://odysee.com/@newdiscourses:9/the-gnostic-parasite-james-lindsay:e https://odysee.com/@newdiscourses:9/as-below%2C-so-above-james-lindsay:2
>>38339 Wait, isn´t that, like, the same shit? I mean, i kind of understand that, by going to the other extreme of the espectrum, you go against the current, but is not like you destroy something. In the end, you are still inside the logic of gender, with the only difference that now you are on the other extreme. Literally, is nothing but running in circle beliving that, at the end of the day, you will find what you are looking for.
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>>38340 >In the end, you are still inside the logic of gender, with the only difference that now you are on the other extreme. As I said, that's the extremely short version of it. There's a lot more to it, such as the belief that reality is entirely subjective and that changing the words you use for reality will cause reality itself to change. Yes, they think they're wizards by changing the dictionary definitions of words. >Literally, is nothing but running in circle beliving that, at the end of the day, you will find what you are looking for. <Why do you think their universal symbol is Ouroboros? Which they use in literally everything.
>>38341 All right, they are a bunch of crazy people that decided to start a cult. I understand
>>38335 >Take a look at his new appearance and tell me he's not trying to "become the girlfriend." Definitely since that's a not a iphone. >>38341 >>38342 You guys are overthinking this shit, they're just your average nerd that developed AGP fetish from consuming too much porn, and they already believe playing robot legos with their body will improve their life. The only difference between the AGP trans humanist and 'normal' one is the normal one doesn't think being a woman means you're the ubermensch.
>>38336 I thought transhumanists found the flesh disgusting and wanted to become robots.
>>38348 That's the most obvious type, since metal is both durable and replaceable. doing bioshock shit like shooting bees from your arm or become a real furry could qualify for transhumanist. Even then the most hostility i've seen against trannies was more of a 'you're going it wrong' vibe. Meaning they're not against the idea of changing sex just it's current execution.
>>38354 It seems kind of pointless to cling to sex at all if your goal is to transcend the animal flesh, but I guess most of them never really had such lofty ideals.
>>38354 >>38372 >It seems kind of pointless to cling to sex at all if your goal is to transcend the animal flesh If you actually look at a lot of the material, it's esoteric in it's design and philosophy but all of it boils down to these morons just wanting to be able to have sex all day with no responsibilities or repercussion for it. Can't speak that as the basis for all of them though (Marx just wanted to write shitty philosophy all day), but that is Rousseau's reason for starting the modern incarnation of all this trash.
Is the original 1960s "Movable Fighting Man" GI Joe with the scar a character in modern incarnations of the franchise?
/co/ is pretty dead, but that seems to be from lack of topics rather than lack of trying. Should a "What are you watching/reading?" thread be made?
>>39150 >/co/ is pretty dead, but that seems to be from lack of topics rather than lack of trying. I could create a thread for new /co/ related releases this year most of them get overlooked but I don't have much time. >Should a "What are you watching/reading?" thread be made? try
>>39150 >>39153 I think there should be more in-depth discussion about older things instead of just lazily shitposting about how new things sucks but muh culture war . Furthermore, I believe the tor fileposting ban contributed and just in general 8chan.moe is quite dead outside of /v/ and the latinx/pajeet boards.
>>39163 No one's stopping you from making a positive thread.
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I tried watching the X-Men cartoon as an adult and was greatly disappointed by how retard it is. Is the Claremont run which the cartoon is based upon, any better? In the cartoon Storm was abducted to build shit, instead of using her power to do something fitting it and actually matters like causing famine or turning some desert into fertile area. In the comic do OP characters actually get to do OP shit? Do government and corps try to recruit, abduct, etc them? Or the comic is just as retarded as the cartoon?
>>39215 Crish Claremont comic is considered the best run ever for the X-Men, but I have not read it yet. But I think you are asking too much for a kids show.
>>39218 Most action shows don't live up to the test of time. Not everything can be what the DCAU achieved; Spider-Man is a great example because its a decent adaptation hampered down by shit pacing.
>>39219 And studio network censors not allowing actual on screen punching or even mention of blood.
>>39223 Is that why the later DCAU (Teen Titans, Justice League Unlimited) would have those flashes of light when a punch landed?
>>39231 Teen Titans wasn't part of the DCAU. But also no because violence was shown plenty on JLU. It's just the flashes emphasized the power behind the punches.
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Is no one going to answer my questions >>39215 ? Did all the /co/mic reading anons leave?
>>39240 >Is the Claremont run which the cartoon is based upon, any better? Its one of the best in the series, if that doesn't answer your question nothing will.
>>39232 Technically they were in the dcau but a different version.
>>39243 No the DCAU specifically refers to the shared universe from Batman The Animated Series to Justice League Unlimited.
>>39242 To be fair that's not specifically telling him anything.
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>>39244 No, they exist along side Static too.
>>39255 Anon that's called a reference. Tim's Robin in the DCAU. Teen Titans Robin is clearly Dick Grayson. He becomes Nightwing in the future.
>>39256 I mean "Titans" comes right out of Batman's mouth, well a version of them are.
>>39215 Most of the most retarded things from the cartoon are retarded because they're originally from the comics, largely Claremont's run, but his comics have much more time to develop them, and they came from a long continuous arc, and they weren't quite as dumbed down for younger audiences. The cartoon had to pick and choose which stories to adapt, and in doing so they got cut up a little bit and lost some impact. That said, I watched that whole original show recently and it was awesome. Well except for the last season where the animation changed, but I could still tolerate it. Also, yes, in the comics characters are generally more OP, but it's more on special occasions when they get powered up or get really mad or something. >>39219 I watched the whole Marvel Animated Universe from the '90s a while back and I appreciated Spider-Man specifically for its pacing. It was the closest I've seen a show come to feeling like the way comics, at least '70s-'80s comics (which are my favorite, and the source of many of the stories adapted) feel. Individual issues/episodes which tell a story, but larger story arcs are significantly important, but most of them wrap up after five or six issues/episodes, so it's not like you get totally locked out forever. Then there are longer arcs beyond those, but they aren't so significant that you feel very lost if you don't start at the beginning of them. Also, you don't really notice that he doesn't punch anyone. It's weird when it's pointed out, but they did a good job not making it noticeable. >>39256 You're missing his point. He is saying that the team called the Titans exists in the DCAU. Not that the TV show called Teen Titans is part of the DCAU. Yes, the original post was talking about the TV show, but the next post replying, which these others are descended from, said "a version of them are." He was making the point that though the TV show isn't canon, the characters exist in the universe.
>>39257 You're reading too deep into it. >>39258 I missed that distinction.
>>39218 >asking too much for a kids show No and this is why we can't have nice things. >>39219 >test of time No, it's an issue of being well written regardless of the demographic it's aimed to. >DCAU achieved Even the majority of DCAU isn't great; TNBA - meh, especially in compare to BTAS. BB - with the addition of worst girl Max, the writing took a nosedive and there are quite few bad episodes and I say it as huge BB fag. Static Shock - too kid friendly and the animation started to lose its high quality. Zeta - random OC bullshit, so many other DC characters deserves cartoon more than boring shitty robot. JL - excellent writing, terrible animation and thus terrible action scenes. JLU - the only thing unlimited about it are the retardation and animation errors, the capeshit writing staff just couldn't write story arcs longer than three episodes and had to retcon superior previous shows to go along with their made-up bullshit. I'd say the best action cartoons are BTAS, STAS (only one bad episode!), BB if you don't count the bad episodes, Samurai Jack 1-4 (season 5 is bad fanfic and full of retcons for muh mature audience) and PPG I guess, as well maybe My Life as a Teenage Robot and perhaps Dexter's Laboratory. There are other action cartoons I haven't watched yet, so maybe there are other cartoons worthy of that title. >>39232 >because violence was shown plenty on JLU It was more edgy than having any good action scenes. The most violent shit I remember from it was Supertard beating the shit of Captain Marvel for no good reason >It's just the flashes emphasized the power behind the punches No, it's poor attempt at anime copycat and covering up the dogshit animation. >>39244 >Batman The Animated Series I know it's officially part of DCAU, but Bruce having completely different personality, aka being likeable and not insufferable asshole, and different art style, I just don't see it as part of DCAU.
>>39258 Thanks for the answer anon! However, what about this question as well: >Do government and corps try to recruit, abduct, etc them? Also, I find it a bit odd that you agree with me about the cartoon having retarded moments, yet still enjoying it. >Well except for the last season where the animation changed, but I could still tolerate it You mean the new Disney plus season? You didn't mind Morph being brought out of the dead just for the sake of trooning? My brother is watching it too, he said they did smarter things with Cyclops powers. He is more religious than me yet, has greater tolerance for leftist bullshit. >he doesn't punch anyone Fucking karens
>>39287 >>Do government and corps try to recruit, abduct, etc them? Yes. All the time. >Also, I find it a bit odd that you agree with me about the cartoon having retarded moments, yet still enjoying it. It's not enough to spoil the whole show. Not even close. Also, the things you're complaining about I wouldn't even say are really "bad" retarded. Retarded can be fun, and part of the territory with most capeshit. Though the last season of X-Men is the other kind of retarded where it just actually gets dumbed down and not quite as good. But still has its moments, and it's a short season. >You mean the new Disney plus season? No, I mean the actual last few episodes of the original run. They're markedly different from the rest of the series, and look like maybe they were trying to make the artstyle look more like the style used in the contemporary Spider-Man show, or something. The writing also seemed to take a hit. But it was only a couple episodes and the ending was still pretty good. I will not acknowledge that the Disney version exists. Obviously it's SJW propaganda, as you pointed out. I don't need to sit there and watch the whole thing just to confirm, when the creators loudly brag about it years before release. >he doesn't punch anyone >Fucking karens Yeah, when you have it pointed out to you, it becomes more noticeable that whenever he makes contact, it's more like a tackle. I wonder if he ever kicks anyone, especially while web-swinging. In my head he does, but I don't remember in the show, because the show does a good job making the fights seem natural, so it doesn't feel like he should have punched but didn't. I suppose there's a lot of shooting web in people's faces, but Spidey does that a lot anyway.
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>>39414 Thanks for answering all my questions, anon! >Retarded can be fun, and part of the territory with most capeshit I agree, the issues are with X-Men and its ilk, are that they're so pretentious and take themselves too seriously. I generally think that John K. was right about post-60's capeshit being a mistake, capeshit should be for kids, or very young teens at most. So, I gave X-Men' Calermont a second chance and finished the first issue despite the pretentiousness and shitliberalism. While it's better than the cartoon for the most part, I still prefer Kirby's X-Men which was much more easy-going and wackier, not to mention the xenophobia allegory wasn't pushed that hard. It's weird how the X-Men members in Claremont' run are older, yet act like teens (which is cringey, though nowhere near as cringey as the shitlib moralfagging) just as in the cartoon, whereas in Kirby's run they're younger but act a lot more mature. Cyclops in Kirby's run was the most developed and rounded character in what was wacky comic. I really like his personality there, being stoic, tragic and mature character. In contrast, Claremont' Cyclops is a faggy douchebag. I mean, both are cucks, but Claremont' one is the bigger cuck; I don't see Jean kissing Angel in Kirby's run (she probably goes out with Angel in attempt to make Scott jealous). It's such a huge shame Kirby didn't continue to work on X-Men, it's my favorite collab of him and hack Stan Lee, so much better than overrated Craptastic Four. Overall, I'll try to continue both watch and read 90's X-Men, I'll see how much I can endure. I really loved the X-Men cartoon as a kid, it was such a letdown to rewatch it as an adult and not enjoying it as much. >SJW propaganda Indeed, and wokness is the next stage of shitliberalism, so it's only natural that shitlib X-Men would also take the next stage and become woke. The worst part of all, is that the new X-Men merch will follow the art style of that garbage, just like PPG did with the 2016 reboot.
>>39439 First of all, don't worry about new merch. You shouldn't be buying it anyway. You know the companies are evil. This just makes it easier to not be tempted to buy the merch. You're correct that Claremont is the one who added the politics to X-Men in the first place. Stan Lee claims he always intended the allegory, but that's bullshit and anyone who has read even a single issue of his X-Men can plainly see that. Still, Claremont is also responsible for many classic character and storylines. There is good with the bad. But given that we've seen where things went afterward, how things Claremont started got worse and worse over time, I understand why you may find it hard to read now. It's a shame, because he is the guy who created, if not literally then effectively, Wolverine, Storm, Nightcrawler, Colossus, and so many others. It should also be noted that many of his stories have nothing to do with politics, because he does tons of stuff where the X-Men just go to space and fight aliens or whatever, and those are some of his most acclaimed storylines, and some of the most acclaimed storylines in comics in general. Also, Lee/Kirby Fantastic Four is awesome. I don't know what you're on about. But I personally think Thor is Kirby's best work. He clearly was passionate about it and took many of its concepts to his Fourth World work with DC. But then DC didn't let him actually give that series an ending, so it ended up not being much different than his work on Thor. But Thor was awesome. Starts a bit weird and Kirby comes up with the mythology over time, slowly taking more and more stuff from actual Norse mythology and tying it in, and that's when it gets cool. If you like '60s comics and want stuff that's not proto-SJW propaganda, read stuff by Steve Ditko. Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, The Incredible Hulk (the first six issues are Kirby, then Ditko takes over for a long time), Blue Beetle (Ted Kord), The Question. Ditko is awesome.
>>39481 >First of all, don't worry about new merch I saw cool arcade cabinet of old X-Men games including the Marvel vs Capcom and it had the ugly nu season art, ugh. This kind of thing is expensive anyway, but I thought it was cool until I saw the art they use for it. >You shouldn't be buying it anyway I bought the Mafex Jim Lee Gambit fairly recently, he is great action figure and I'm really looking forward for their Rogue! I don't think Medicom is particularly evil, would be beyond amazing if they will able to pull proper Kirby style action figures! Their DCAU offerings are shit though (good DCAU action figures never ever, the DC Direct/McFarlane ones are meh). I will admit my sins mostly getting Riri, she's just cool toy design unlike Miles Morales, even if her character is shit of buying few Hasbro's MLs, but I'm very nitpicky like I'm only getting pinless designs. I imagine they will never finish making OG animated X-Men designs now, Mafex still hasn't tackled it and the only option is expensive stupid Barbie size Mondo. >politics to X-Men You know, Kirby successfully did in Machine Man what X-Men failed to do, combining minority allegory with capeshit. Instead of being pretentious, preachy obnoxious "rubbing in your face" and having shitty "deep" political debate, he intertwined gracefully the politics with his story, in simple manner, paralleling Machine Man with minority/ies, being one of his kind, different from humans and prosecuted by the government. And while in the pics examples I gave the direct parallel is to blacks, it isn't necessarily limited to it like X-Men being almost completely, if not fully paralleled to Jews. There's no grand political debate between shitty strawmen characters, just an enjoyable story with sympathetic hero. Yes, if we take the shitlib allegory with muties, monsters, etc to its fullest, then truly minorities are destructive and dangerous and need to be physically removed. Of course I disagree with Kirby' stance, but this is well written and hence enjoyable and not cringey. Heck, I once read some alpha bet soup manga, Shimanami Tasogare, and despite my complete hatred and disgust towards faggots, I enjoyed it, because it was well written and beautifully drawn. So this is why I believe the real issue with current entertainment industry isn't that it's ruled by shitlibs, it's that it's ruled by shitty hack writers with no artistic integrity. Imagine the same quality of writing with far right politics instead of woke, it would still be insufferable cringe. If only few people can write good, imagine how even fewer people can write story with politics good. >Stan Lee He was mouthbreathing hack and thief. X-Men did have that allegory, but it was very vague, subtle and toned down. I haven't read much of post-Kirby drafts X-Men, but I remember they made random reference to civil rights movement which was hilarious because everyone there was still white. I know he went full politics in his shitty Silver Spoon as Dexter's lab rightfully parodied Silver Surfer. >hard to read now I wanted to say that Claremont' politics aged like milk, but in fact they were already complete bullshit by then. Apparently, Claremont' Magneto wasn't based on Malcolm X and Kahana, it was even dumber, he is based on Menchem Begin while Xavier is based on David Ben Gurion, their roles should've been reversed (Begin ended up as GAE Quislingstein and Ben Gurion was a racist Nigsoc), also they both were appalled by the sight of faggots. Not to mention, there was no real debate between the two as Ben Gurion ruled with an iron fist, so Claremont went full delusional with imaginary scenarios that couldn't happen like lefties do, just total lunacy and sheer ignorance by him. Must say that with this new information that Xavier and Magento are supposed to be two ugly secular Polish Jews arguing with each other, takes away almost completely the coolness that Claremont' X-Men supposed to have, it's reaching level of cringe and idiocy that shouldn't be possible. I'm just going to ignore their existence for the most part from now on while continue reading the comic. >It should also be noted that many of his stories have nothing to do with politics Nice, I will admit he is still leagues above the current leftie writer despite being nearly equally retarded. However, I was really disappointed to see that X-Men vol 2 isn't a reboot but spin-off of the horrible patchwork that X-Men vol 1 is, which kept switching hands between different artists and writers, it's not coherent piece at all. Furthermore, I was dumbfounded how a comic from 1991 references a comic from 1974, almost two decades apart! We need to return to the days before CCA when there was more than two main comic companies and greater variety of genres, and hopefully no shitliberalism, but that would be too much to ask. >most acclaimed storylines in comics in general Yeah... I don't have high opinion of big two recycled capeshit slop.
>>39481 >>39546 >Lee/Kirby Fantastic Four is awesome If you read enough Kirby stuff, you should know that Fantastic Four is Marvel's inferior Challengers of the Unknown but with capeshit and womyn character. I just hate their team dynamics and the team itself; they're like dysfunctional nuclear family with Reed being the workaholic cuck autismu dad who does nothing cool with his superpowers another poor Plastic Man knockoff, Sue being the useless (the combination of right wing karen censorship with shitlibs ideal of shoving women resulted in the lamest female characters) slut mom, The Thing being a manchild who throws tantrums and argues with his little brother. Johnny is the most sane and sensible one yet doesn't leave his fucked up family which he should. While he isn't annoying like previous ones, he is still a boring character, maybe if he had complex about his destructive powers like Scott, he could be interesting, I mean he has villain tier superpowers. I'm not fully sure if their adventures and foes suck because of them or independent of them. I truly consider Fantastic Four to be Kirby's worst work, it's so boring and annoying, I don't care for any FF crew, except maybe Johnny, but not really. Even gypsy Dr. Doom isn't that cool, I mean he is obsessed over lame autistic cuck Reed, maybe Darkeside gave me too high standards, but I do enjoy Kirby's other stupid villains like Magento (remember when he was simple narcissistic asshole who want to rule the world and abused his subordinates and not based on milquetoast Mencham Begin?!) and Dr. Scuba (the only great part in OMEC). >Thor is Kirby's best work Nah, that would be New Gods (Space Opera) and Kamandi (Post-Apocalyptic adventure), meaning not even capeshit. New Gods was Kirby true passion project, shame DC was so greedy and couldn't comprehend new genres outside their usual capeshit slop. Kamadndi was soulless corporate project turned into gold by Kirby's hands. I tried reading Thor, it was pretty boring, the first stories are just lazy retelling of Thor growth, I guess it improves as time passes by and Norse mythology wasn't beaten to death like Greek mythology (I will probably go back to it at some point as I hope to read everything Kirby was involved with) . I wish we got use of African mythology but current hack lefties would make it awful anyway. >He clearly was passionate about it Any passion Kirby had during his 60's Marvel years was crushed by Stan Lee. >many of its concepts to his Fourth World True >not being much different than his work on Thor It's very much different and unique than Norse mythology, it's also different genre. >But then DC didn't let him actually give that series an ending, Akcshually they did years later (The Hunger Dogs), but not exactly as he wanted because capeshit slop must live-on forever. I find the fact that they didn't let him properly develop his intricate space opera more disturbing than no ending, like I really wanted to read about Darkside' lover and how she ended up with DeSaad seeing Darkside gentle side, etc. As an avid Kirby reader, I'm already used to no ending from Kirby, but it's also true to DC and Marvel in general. >Spider-Man I finish the Ditko run and need to do proper summery in hopes to open a thread and discussing OG Spiderman comic. Overall, it was quite fun read. >The Incredible Hulk I read it, it did have failed anti-commie propaganda though. It was interesting to see that originally Hulk wasn't retarded hurr derr Hulk smash, but strong, paranoid and assertive in contrast to Bruce Banner timid and shy character. Kirby tried to make interesting capeshit version of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, but it fell flat. You can see how Kirby tried to give more depth to capeshit slop during his 60's Marvel era, but kept blocked by douchebag Stan Lee. Honestly Kirby's works before and after his 60's Marvel Era are much better, Sandman is so livelier and more fun and so The Demon, etc, he just had a lot more artistic freedom as much one could have under big two and definitely before the Karens' CCA (it's called Golden Age for a reason). >Blue Beetle I tried reading a bit the OG Golden Age, it was cool to see Bluetooth-like technology in the 30's-40's, maybe I should continue. It's not bad by any means, but it isn't captivating either. >Ditko is awesome I hope Ditko is the same case with Kirby and he writes better off Stan Lee's influence. Spiderman was quite fun, but his run ended not with a bang but a whimper. In addition, his Hulk continuation was out of his' and Lee' asses, so random and bizarre.
Any alt-news site about western cinema and comics? I know that there is a lot of them (I remember visiting one some time ago but I forgot it's name). Something like Sankaku.
>>14184 Can't find the Invincible thread, but is it true the author is a modern Stan Lee? >Leeching on talented artists >Mediocre writing >Without redditors he would've been stuck as an Amazon wagecuck >>23626 Bakshi's HBO cartoon? >>38315 >pretentious shitty comic that made no sense whatsoever >only the drawings made it appealing <author becomes a tranny Every fucking time with these people who think they're hotshit because someone on their socials keep on stroking their egos
>>38315 >>38335 Reminds me of Joe Goes. Many such cases.
(212.63 KB 720x866 Tranny privilege, youtube.jpg)

>>39657 And there was the other tranny webcomic artist who also mutilated his talent along with his genitalia, forgot his name but his comic was based on a talking raccoon with a girl in a Calvin & Hobbes-like setting.
(353.79 KB 800x800 Disturbing.png)

>>38335 >First Image. The author admits that he's dependent on others to define his own individuality and susceptible to outside influences controlling his life.
>>39825 >his comic was based on a talking raccoon with a girl in a Calvin & Hobbes-like setting. Sandra and Woo
>>38323 This sort of thing makes me feel like cartoons about girls, or even cartoons in general are cursed.
(1.17 MB 750x992 Shimmer_In_Her_Underwear.png)

(744.40 KB 735x905 Shine_In_Her_Underwear.png)

What episode of Shimmer and Shine is this from?
>>40053 This might help.
>>40053 The episode where you fucking killed yourself. https://archive.li/search/?q=Suicide+Method

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