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Anonymous 07/25/2023 (Tue) 00:35:22 No. 35676
Sy hypothethically if you are aiming for millions of sales/traffic for your art, webcomic, whatsoever What are the list of things you d need to do, in total Or the summary of the criteria thstll effect the values... Especially in comic since, as they say, quality matters.
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what is expected of 6 digit traffic illustration or comic art portofolio? maybe like rinotuna or similar, how to count the qualities needed to achieve the specific amount of sales other than trend, so it's about features and qualtiy
>>34921 What the hell is this pic supposed to be? It looks like chicken scratches. if this is what you think is gonna get you six-digit traffic to your site, I think you need to find another field of interest. I’m sorry to say that, but it’s the Truth. Also, nice OP on a dead forum, stupid
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You know, I honestly think you've gotten better since you first started this strange shitpost campaign. Your shit looks unfocused but there's this underlying difference in structure that makes me think you might be purposefully drawing below your skill level to continue baiting anons. Perhaps you're using your non-dominant hand or something or maybe you're actually bad and just copying from a reference more. Either way, I want you to know that I see your progress and it isn't zero. Keep it up.
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How do one translate sales into content/quality? Like basically knowing how much, how many, what kind to do for the social media content, in this case, of comicartoonsphere, illustrations, images, arts. Like i want my posts to regularly hit 50k likes and traffics, what do i do for it, specifcally, in a single canvas?
>>35634 Well. Not to be an asshole or nothing. But have you considered drawing something intresting?
>>35635 >asshole your sentence makes no sense >something interesting this is, obviously, vague and subjective. especially with your lack of example. I'd need to have something more exact for an answer. keep it coming.
>>35636 Okay well this is mean but I dont know you and have no reason not to be completely honest. Your drawing is boring. Whats even going on in it? Who knows? What am I supposed to feel? Who knows. Who would feel anything with this? It communicates busy, and chaos. But nothing in particular. I mean whats even all going on there. Waaaaaay too much is the answer. Anon what the fuck is this. Go get an idea. And then draw it. Tl;dr. Try again.
>>35637 >>35637 Not mean, not that it can, but it is Very retarded. i asked you how to translate sales to content. basically numbers to image. a technically universal answer i dont ask of your "interest". that's like you only. a not paying customer, with 0 money. probably also talent and experience. a very subjective rather than universal answer. and as a translation of value, your opinion may also worth 0. tldr; try harder,. otherwise, this is pretty stupid and useless to me. also, very UNinteresting. i dont even feel much about it. maybe because theres nothing to feel useful in your opinion...which i didnt ask for.
>>35637 but hey, maybe you just misread it, so, by all means, please try again... if you, actually catch my drift that is.
>>35639 Okay. Looked again. Still sucks. You dont actually take criticism very well do you? Gotta wonder why you asked then.
>>35640 well it's not mine, so why am i taking crits for it? You need to learn to read, it seems. get it? I ask about translating quality from value, which means it needs to have numbers, but you just go on this...bout of rants, so it just wastes my time, dont you think? tldr: you wasted my time with things i didnt ask. hell it's not even mine. get it? do i have to go on a long route? or you just really dont know how to score numbers and only go around as a hobo asking for people to "make you feel", because you are broke, illiterate and has, no money to learn how to read and make yourself happy? which is, unsurprising, i guess. anyone who thinks they are too smart to read, is probably of no use to me now.
>>35641 >Like i want my posts to regularly hit 50k likes and traffics, what do i do for it, specifcally, in a single canvas? Words mean things bro. You ask how to get more likes with an apparently stolen unfinished drawing. So the answer is steal better art asshole. The longer answer is learn fucking english you idiot.
>>35642 and you dont know. hell you cant even fill the canvas with 50k worth content but these...selections of your "feelings".. you actually think your comments are even, remotely intelligent? you must be kidding me. not to be rude but, hey, you are pretty short on braincells yourself isnt it? >steal better art doesnt work that way. do you evensteal something 50k? or even 100? holyshit. maybe go back to basic, like, learn to count, faggot. >english No need to tell me how stupid you are. at least pretend you know shit that getting randomly agitated just because you dont know english. tldr: try again, loser.
>>35643 So this is weird spam. And is offtopic. And your gonna get banned. And I still dont know what your even doing. Are you okay? Like did you bump your head maybe?
>>35644 pretty on topic. you talk shit too. i m just blending in. maybe dont be too sensitive.It's like you never get told that you are retarded. Tough time? >spam nonsense >did you? I dunno. you cant even count. >>35642 but never mind. im the one who needs answer, proper one. maybe your brain got mashed and blown in... lets try again. maybe theres actually something smart there. pretend there is no picture: do you actually, ACTUALLY, know how to bring traffic, from content? there, i rephrased for you. guess i m the more hardworking one, isnt it?
>>35645 >didnt capitalize I Oh finally, gr4 lcp it is.
>>35644 >? and you call that english. if thats all you can speak, i guess i d rather just get banned than reading your unfiltered garbage where you cant even make simple conversion without losing balls. also that image has more traffic than your balls, so maybe you have issues with your, perception of reality.
>>35647 Whatever you say crazy. Enjoy your ban and stop posting.
>>35648 whatever, schizo. learn to count next time so you dont get your ass fried like this again i ll still be waiting. maybe you'll start breathing out thru your ass and, actually memorize something smart,useful, and actually, on topic? Bye
>>35649 Yeah sure whatever crazy dude. Enjoy your ban. have a shitty day. blah blah blah.
>>35649 yeah shit, i should have ban you first. guess i was too nice.
>>35651 Yeah I guess, but you were too slow and so I banned you first. Live and learn bro. Next time ban anon as soon as he replies. Only way to win yo.
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Looking for methods to translate, convert content from sales projection, vice versa. Basicalyl arranging materials in your canvas or panels adjacent to the sales, traffic, so on. maybe something like 5 digits or so. any off topic will get banned early so please read carefully
>>35653 Now this is spam. Poor move buddy.
>>35652 nothing to learn from you. also i lied. i reported you the first time. guess your mom spoils you as mod huh? learn to read again. here i ll just report you again
>>35652 enjoy the ban!
>>35654 well you are off topic too. poor move, loser. Try and sound more intelligible maybe. Enjoy the ban
>>35657 Oh yeah. Totally. I mean Frank is definitely gonna ban the shit out of both of us. My only hope is he kills the threads first and so I get overlooked. But honestly hes banned me before. Like a lot. Its not a big deal I know how to get around it. But you dont.
>>35648 also no need to pronounce your mental illness dude, it's like you are just looking for dates here. try and make your post less personal and more academic. the world dont just revolve around you and your feelings.
>>35658 whatever man, i just need someone who can count. and you cant. being occupied with your "feelings". Which arent v interesting. I dont need to get around it. you are stupid and unintelligible. maybe i d have listen to you if you can actually provide real example than just..blabbering about your "genius" in an anonymous board. have a nice ban
>>35659 Are you still butthurt I said your drawing sucks? Just get better dude. Practice. But seething wont make it any better.
>>35660 okay well 1 then its 2. then it goes to 3. and you will never guess what comes next but its 4! OMGWTFBBQ I CAN COUNT? You need to learn english bruh. I have no idea what your asking cause you cant tell me.
>>35662 goddamn. excused for being funnily retarded. Here it goes, TLDR: I NEED to know what to draw in exact, to generate some 6 digit sales or traffic, clout, likes and comments, in your social media, web comics what so ever And i reckon one single stickman rarely just make 6 digit on its own, so i need a MORE SPECIFIC prediction and rating of things, so i can sort of, MAKE SOMETHING EXACTLY 6 digit get me? Must i explain all these so you can understand such simple sentence? or nvm, i guess you dont really know anyway.
>>35661 You look like you take it personally too, retard. sorry that your "opinions" are too shallow, m8. didnt knwo your ass is spread like that. Maybe try learning english, practice, and stop your seethings. Your "feelings" dont comprehend as any realiable academicsubjects, even in the anoninterwebssphere, much less for dependable source for sales prediction, even in "art" or "comic".
>>35664 What the fuck are you even trying to say retard! Look I dont have time for this. Go explain your ass to vamp before he bans us both you fucking asshole.
>>35665 i have explained
>>35665 why do i do my "best" when it's not the "best" you want. Like, predicting the customer. easy
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Good marketing and an interesting concept, find a demographic, be it age or subculture and shill a lot on social media. The way media is consumed is also a thing to be careful with and can be used as a marketing tool: Let's say, you make a first issue free with ads on a webcomic platform, and then make the rest paid but showcase some teasers of the subsequent issues. Just make sure you make something unique but that connects with the demographic you want, else you become a drop in an ocean. Don't get all anal about piracy either, you paywall something too hard and you don't get any exposure.
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>>35668 Adding to that, I don't mean that the only thing that should be unique is the work, I meant that for marketing as well. I'm going to be that faggot and mention the example of eceleb Moistcritikal, he's paying for animations and working with Polish guys to make his edgy comics with the paypig money he gets from his fanbase. Building up a fanbase also takes time, be sure to communicate with people and don't be too much of an autist.
How about you stick to one thread, for starters?
>>35678 They get derailed... by you mostly.
>>35668 >>35669 ...can this be more direct? I m just asking "how it translates" So i just need the kind of answer like "X total of traffic is equal to A amount of marketting, B amount of quality, C of so on; And B especiallyis made of so on so forth." Like that
>>35678 >>35678 As in i just need shorter answers. More direct. Mathemathical, "secret formula" because it s easier to pinpoint
>>35681 >As in i just need shorter answers. More direct. Mathemathical, "secret formula" because it s easier to pinpoint There isn't one formula, especially now that twitter continues to decay and AI is getting big. You need to get lucky and it's exponentially more difficult to get lucky now than it was five years ago. Things might get easier again if some new social media platform comes along that makes it easy to share art with public like twitter did for a while.
>>35683 >no formula Makes no sense. You speak as if the value decreases in a systematic pattern and affected by various elements. That alone is datas so it does not just randomly or at least, infinitely. The nature of the concept lies in market value and this has numbers. Maybe not formula but clearly "algorythm".
>>35680 >can this be more direct? No, you fucking retard, you're not a optimized corporation and those are actually struggling right now compared to independent endeavors. >X total of traffic is equal to A amount of marketting >B amount of quality That's not how it works.
>>35685 Wel thre are less than corporate assessments available these days. And much more sucesful. If any, much general too. >not how it works How so. It works in numerics here and there.
Bump. Metrics
>>35676 Im gonna level with you bro. You are ESL and also retarded. Thats a bad combo, and you are unlikely to ever find success. Now stop spamming boards with this nonsense.
>>35686 You can't even grasp english, how do you expect to grasp economics? Just make a Patreon and get some paypiggies to fund your art by making porn.
>>35691 my toefl passed, faggot. You are the weird native who cannot even count. Maybe finish your kindergarten math first before using the internet. >porn As i said, this place is not for underage. Go home kid.
>>35689 and you are a faggot and a schizo moron. You need to level yourself first. Go home kid. Finish your homework first. Dont mind my success, you are the retarded one who has trouble reading the word "metrics." . Spelling.
>>35694 >Dont mind my success What "success" do you even have?
>>35704 The one you fail to get. Also not getting distracted by your own uh "superiority". Seriously this is a simple topic you dont need to go out sperging at but you just cant help cant you? I really am just enabling you by mere wall of texts. How pitiful you are.
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>>35728 Basically you dont know right? So these are all spams right?
>understand the current market, make something interesting >pitch to a publisher (there are some smaller ones too) or make a successful indie distribution model (and maybe breed flying pigs while you're at it) >make your name/works known You give off the impression you don't have what it takes to do any of those steps. Good luck.
Oh, and I forgot to mention: >don't quit your day job Whatever happened to the guy making a scifi cop drama comic, anyway?
>>35734 You must be the most infuriating person to talk to in person.
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>>35763 Because you have successfully convinced everyone here that everyone who doesn't speak English as a first language needs to be genocided.
>>35771 Yeah. Well said anon. Fuck everyone who doesnt speak fuckin english.
>>35771 Spam >>35773 Garbage

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