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God's'Dog Anonymous 12/30/2021 (Thu) 01:08:17 No. 21612
>be an eastern orthodox icon carver >announce you're writing (not illustrating, sadly) a comic book >a comic book in a fantasy setting using a bunch of now-obscure saints and monsters from christian mythology >get almost $200k thrown at you in crowdfunding money Is the christian comic book finally coming into its own? Will it be just a bunch of esoteric wank? Should I read Serenity? I'm not the biggest fan of the colored art, if I'm honest.
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Polite sage for posting so shortly after making an OP, but this page drives me nuts. The page would be so fucking good if only the first frame had the angel diving straight down instead of at an angle, but nope, the artfag just had to point the sword at the leftmost panel to guide the reader instead of going for a bolder, more iconic page. I don't know shit about comic panel layouts or flow, but I feel enough for this to bug me.
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Thoughts on this one?
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>>21613 As someone who knows shit about comic panel layouts or flow, I can tell you this page truly is some vanilla shit.
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>>21615 Is this an improvement? The flow still isn't great and there's only so much one can do without redrawing the wings.
>>21619 so shit it literally makes me want to vaxx myself
>>21620 F Not sure why I thought this one would be a good idea, it breaks the flow. I'd probably be better off just learning to draw and making my own shit to learn composition instead of editing someone else's comic. If it were fucked with enough, one could probably make the figure in the top panel plus the three panels below suggestive of a sword hilt plunging into flesh, but the bottom panel would likely need a redraw.
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>>21621 >>21619 No. The whole comic reeks of cheap art. A lot of panels are boring and there is a lot of unfilled space everywhere. There is no fixing it. Only complete redesign. There are the alternative scribbles of the page just from the top of my head and I ain't using values or colours or anything. The whole page was meant to give some vertical speed or something and it just looks so static.

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>>21622 It's a real shame too, because the main writer is a solid artist himself. I was pretty excited when I heard he was making a comic, expecting he'd illustrate it too and bring a more iconographic style to western comics, only to get this instead. >>21614 Haven't read it, but it's on the backlog now.
>>21623 idk man, his works look pretty basic too and I'm friends with some artists who actually worked in orthodox churches so this does not come out of my ass. But even if his biblical illuminations were good, converting that into a comic is a whole different beast. It requires completely different techniques unless you want to tell a story in a way specific to reading church interior frescoes with all of it's wacky layout and transitions.
>>21624 Gotta admit, even though I like eastern Christian icons and art I'm still too new to it to have much taste in it. Is there anything particular you'd recommend besides just visiting Orthodox churches? >unless you want to tell a story in a way specific to reading church interior frescoes with all of it's wacky layout and transitions See, if someone actually managed to pull that off that could be interesting, but I'm not sure how accessible it would be.
>>21626 >Is there anything particular you'd recommend besides just visiting Orthodox churches? Your best option would be befriending an Orthodox artist/illuminator or art historian specializing in it. Because to value and judge orthodox art, you really need to understand how it's made. It's a weird combination of pure technical skill, tradition (canon) and artist's creativity yet still walking on the edge of what is canonically acceptable yet new. You can't measure it objectively such as "this has more colour" or "this one has better anatomy" >See, if someone actually managed to pull that off that could be interesting It could be pulled off, but that is a very, very niche interest which requires very high skill in both illumination and comic design, tho I wouldn't be surprised if it was already done. Remember, the frescos, mosaics and reliefs on the portals and the walls of churches should together tell a story as a big sequential art piece, much like a comic. You could say that frescos are predecessors to comics, much like Roman triumphal column are predecessors to frescoes.

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