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Anonymous 04/07/2022 (Thu) 05:54:14 No. 24792
Seeing how RWBY is getting an adaption, the number of Japanese fanart for Adventure Time is still going along with some indie comics getting a lot of art and that one Nick fighting game briefly topping becoming a decent seller in Japan. How rare are westaboos nowadays?
>>24792 Western things being popular in Japan isn’t that surprising. I remember a bunch of Japanese devs were asked to name their favorite game in a Famitsu interview a few years ago and half of them said Skyrim was their favorite game.
>>24796 Video games are one thing, I think op is leaning more towards the cartoons/comics.
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>>24824 What anon is saying it as evidence that western properties are popular in Japan, which makes sence once you learn about japanese history. >>24792 >How rare are westaboos nowadays? For what i've seen they are still putting out the Toon Mix two or three times a year, which is fun, I guess. I wish I had the money to import some of this stuff. Nevertheless, the nips are obsessed over the same properties and characters: South Park, Steven Universe, Disney and Ladybug, so eventhough It looks cool at the first glance, it gets very repetitive really quickly, and they rarely do anyhting outside the said properties; three years ago some Vampair series doujins were sold and posted online which is cool but I wish they did more niche cartoons and less normie garbage like Steven Universe. If you wanna check it out just search #TOONMIX on Twitter. Is is the event's official webpage, if you wanna know when they are hosting it: https://www.akaboo.jp/event/item/20193394.html
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It genuinely upsets me seeing actual talented japanese artists waste their time on art for western media that's just blatantly inferior.
Is all this disgust what Japanese feel when they see weeaboos doing the same thing for trash properties like SAO, BHA, and Dragon Ball?
>>24836 Do you get upset when you see artists enjoying a property you don't like? but jokes aside, you have a point, westaboos usually only focus on a couple of CN and Disney properties, which is kinda lame, not even good series, just mediocre crap like Steven Universe. But then again, when put their hands on something good like Tres Caballeros they only did gay furry garbage so I'm ultimately I prefer them saying aside from the properties I like. >>24837 I guess so? I prefer korean fanart, frankly because there's more variety.
>>24837 No, because all those things are popular in japan as well, and they don't have a cultural equivalent of anti-weabooism of the west.
My understanding of manga industry is rather limited since so little of news is translated to English. From what I have seen in few stories that were, and what's there in manga itself, it looks like comic westaboos are not very common and animation ones even less so. Most people interested in western comics are ones working in manga industry. Occasionally, western references or inspirations can even be spotted in some manga. I do not know much about cartoons so I will focus on comics. >Capeshit It is not held in too high regard. Most fans got into this through films, but they are a sliver of the market. Only characters I have seen with substantial followings are Batman and Deadpool. Spider-Man, Superman, X-Men and other popular american titles are recognized but not read by many. I heard that new licensed Batman manga where Joker is taking care of Baby Batman is doing very well, as did the recent Deadpool manga. Originals do not get much attention in spite of films. >Creator Owned American books They are held in higher regard, but people tend to care about older stuff or ones that started in 80s and 90s. TMNT, Crow, Hellboy are some examples. I have seen them in translated to Japanese and referenced in manga and anime. Moore's work after Watchmen is unknown, and he himself is not a particularly big name in Japanese circles from what little I have seen. Other big names like Kirkman, Morrison, Ennis, Ellis, and Vaughan are nobodies. Frank Miller is probably the biggest American name in Japan overall, to the point that several Japanese swiped his artwork. Battle Angel Alita is the highest profile manga to do it. >Fringe Indies These are more popular than "mainstream indies." Helltaker for example is getting a lot of attention, more than books like Saga. Some kickstarter indie projects got a good amount of Japanese readers supposedly. >European They tend to be more popular that American books from what I have seen, and held in much higher regard. Europeans regularly get awards for the best foreign manga, while only one American book ever did. Japanese industry magazines interview European authors. Moebius is probably the biggest name, followed closely by Enki Bilal. There overall seems to be more European stuff makin it' way over outside of TV, films, and video games. Tintin gets some appreciation while Asterix for some reason is unknown. Overall, everything foreign in comics is very niche in my experience. Even among westaboos. Most of them are far more interested in western films, tv, video games, literature, other fine arts, cuisine, and history.
>>24892 Hellboy got too big for it's britches. TMNT is best just reading the original series. Same with The Crow.
>>24892 >Spider-Man He's the capeshit character I see referenced the most in manga though, and gets the most fanart from jap's who aren't deep into capeshit in my experience. He's also got at least two Nip adaptions, his manga and his tokunatsu adaption.
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>>24910 >>24911 I was under impression that Spider-Man's comic popularity peaked in Japan around the time of the TV series. From then on it was a steady decline. There was supposed to be Spider-Man: I'm Not A Hero manga, but I can't find anything about it past the announcements from 2018. Yusuke Osawa was supposed to do it, but I could not find any information about the manga after it's initial announcement. I think it was eventually re-titled to Spider-Man: Fake Red as Osawa was the one who did it >Spider-Man: Fake Red It was cancelled after 15 chapters due to its bad sales. The hope was that film and game's success would carry over to manga too. It had an interesting idea and was a good read, but not many people were interested in the manga. Japanese seem to only care about Spider-Man movies and games these days.
>>24916 Japan had a love for the MCU movies but just like everyone else they've seemed to have lost interest after Endgame.
>>24892 Well, the european comic is more artistic than the regular american comic, and there are cute girls and boobs so I understand why the japanese like them. Hell, the french and the japanese have very close relations in animation. >>24903 Hellboy looks cool and it's an interesting concept until you realice is the story of the protagonist being cucked out of his story over and over.
>>24903 >>24946 Can you elaborate? I read Hellboy to the end and didn't really notice that.
>>24947 In almost every mayor story Hellboy had been pushed away from his protagonism. Going to lead humanity and claim the throne of King Arthur? eat shit because Hellboy doesn't "believe in destiny" and instead a nobody replaces him just to die in a few pages because of old age, then Hellboy defeats the witch queen just to die like a dog. Going to save humanity from the cthulian dragon? eat shit because he dies anyway because of the fire the piromaniac bitch I alwaus forgot the name was the true savior of humanity or some shit, and the best hellboy could do is sacrifice himself to create a new world. There are a few more stories like that but I sincerely forgot.
>>24946 >>24947 The thing is Hellboy himself doesn't want to be the protagonist. Every call to action he active runs from or ignores. Which is kind of thematically the point because he's refusing to embrace his destiny as bringing about the apocalypse. So that already can be annoying to some people. He kills monsters sure but he's more bothered by it all than some badass action hero for most of the original series. Then there's just the issue that you go from the relatively straightforward Hellboy comics to the very very long list of BPRD comics that serve to expand the world immensely but come at the cost of so much happening at once. They're not bad but it really loses that original charm you got just following Hellboy. Then there's a whole lot of spinoffs for older BPRD stories with Hellboy, Abe Sapien, Lobster Johnson, & the mech suit from WW2. Plus a franchise this long has a lot of changing artists which is something I'm personally not a fan of even if Mignola's art is a love or hate matter of taste.
>>24949 The thing is that even if he doesn't actively participates the apocalypse happens anyway. Hellboy honestly infurates me, because it has great ideas and great starts for stories, but in the end they just kick hellboy to a support role or just conclude the story in the most boring and disappointing way. The thing is that Dark Horse it was Dark Horse, right? have many many stories which end the same way. The Goon have some arcs leading that way not sure if The Goon is still being published, the witch girl story that was storytold a while ago suffers the same and I believe it was produced by Milogna, the same happens to that story about the witch hunter without eyes. It's like everyone just agreed to make interesting stories just to cuck their protagonists in favour of some irrelevant niggers, or wamen, or both.
>>24958 Yeah every time Hellboy fights destiny, it just happens anyway. Doesn't take up King Arthur's sword. Some other guy does to lead the army for him. Doesn't take the throne of hell. The russian little girl demon takes over. He goes his whole life fighting becoming the harbinger of the apocalypse. Fucking everything dies because of the dragon anyway. In the end he just gives up & lets his death happen. Probably unknowingly giving life to Abe's descendants that may worship Liz who's somehow alive now. Like I said, got too big for it's britches. Too complicated. Maybe Dark Horse writers just try to hard to be subversive when the basics of storytelling are foundations there for a reason. The protagonist should be the driving force of the story. Not dragged on a leash through it.
>>24959 >try to hard to be subversive And you hit exactly where the problem is. Subverting expectations and all that shit would be good if it's followed with some actual story, not just being subversive for being retarded.
>>24964 Yep. Ironically very hollywood for an indie publisher.
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Speaking of The Fury, Hellboy's girlfriend looks familiar.
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>>24910 >>24911 funny, there have been more spidey manga since these posts.
>>24946 >>24947 >>24948 Humanity got cucked out of dominion over the earth by frogmen, who in turn will get cucked by whatever comes after and so on unto eternity. >>39569 Well it has been a year.
>>39569 >loli Octavian Fucking nips
>>24792 MLAATR wouldn't surprise me considering this appeared out of the blue one day.

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