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Anonymous 08/08/2023 (Tue) 13:47:02 No. 35946
How is appeal measured in art. Comic art. Like its social media reach. Its element and such. Like other than trend, what is qualities.
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Can someone explain to me in words how make something 'LOOk' translucent+refractive+reflective like just enough to make it so, like in comics-lineart especially when bunch of it occurs together nearby and make , supposedly,in theory, infinitely bouncing lights i jsut need like, a sentence or summary, how it to be drawn in scenes or panels. resolved. just enough to be called "oh look its glass"
refraction and reflection internal reflection
appeal isn't measured in art
>>35952 huh? So wheeere does it gets its traffic or value then.
>>35951 ...not just those words but actually its application in an object or drawing...
>>35954 It's simple: learn to draw
>>35955 Draw what? Circle? Also if you actually know how just spill it here.
>>35956 read loomis
>>35958 Might ve missed abit but refresh me on translucency. Which i dont think was covered enough/at all there.
Kill yourself
>>35960 Cryharder
>>35958 Bump. There isnt.
OP I really want to give you some genuine and sincere advice but you write like you have brain damage and you've made like ten threads asking the same thing that just amounts to "how do I draw this" or "how do I get comic sales" and if you can't google those things to at least get a basic idea of them to discuss I don't think you're going to get a satisfactory answer.
>>35964 You cant seem to write the "basic idea" in (10 times) less sentence than all those links to "alleviate" your points, either so maybe you are just slow, weak and probably retarded and maybe even cant use mspaint and seemingly does not know anything about sales or translucency other than "Ask my dad" or "uh, ctrl R" You also try so hard to look wise and slow so you probably have no money and is an unemployed unreliable fraud with mental illness keklul Maybe try harder but i guess you are way far beneath me and any words you pop just shakes every single foundation of your existence mostly with you being retarded
OP talks like a space alien trying to probe for info on human culture. The way you're asking such a broad question of "how do I get popular and financially successful through comics?" makes it sound like you have no idea what you're doing. If you can give a little more background information, like what genre of comic you want to draw, then you might get more helpful advice than "kill yourself".
>>35996 It is so general but you cant even go over it without screaming KYS. Looks like you got issue so stop asking for this "background information" you cant proces because the fucking police academy thinks you are dirt and you are not some disgraced detective being jailbaited either. Also i have done HUNDREDS of threads trying to make this as quick and simple enough but cuckchannel just cant keep their stupid dongs in their butt and uses every SLIVER of chance to make them selves look good with the least comprehensible effort to their vocabulary so you can tell cuckchannel to get your druggy snorty nose clean up or just scram because they dont look any wiser here so might as well realize their opinions arent very smart or effort to begin with Seriously this dont need to be this confusing nor boring. Also it s not board because the fucking site has tens of boards and you are only ONE here. If you have "questions" that is not about schizophrenia or attempts to validate your shit opinions that you dont gonna take yourself, lay it over so i know there is a brain or otherwise, chill it, close the thread, you dont know, and go home.
>>35998 ur faget lololololololololololololololololololololololol
>>36000 Stfu
Bump this nonsense
>>35946 >>35998 Anon, you've been given the advice before that there is no one magic bullet to become popular with your art. Just make art that other people want to see. If you honestly don't know what that is then go on pixiv, or baraag, or which ever other social media art site or go on the /v/, /co/, /a/ spinoff of your choice and see what the new hot seasonal shit is or what's a long time beloved character/series and draw that. And if even that's too complicated, just start drawing 2hus.
>>36007 >magic bullet Well nobody ask for your stupid magic bullet either. Either lay it prorperly or scram. And also nobody practice circles and got the owl so i dunno what yer talking but wasting my time by acting wiseass with your 2 cent quotes you pick from imdb cuz you cant seem to write anything else harder than that >want to see What is this. So you have an inch of brain remains. >new hot seasonal Thats just derivative. Are you like illiterate or something? >2hus Whats dumb 2 iq slang is that Ok you are not completely retarded so you get another chance to sound polite and educated or at least intelligent in my thread
>>36025 >Thats just derivative. Here's the thing what do you want updoots and twitter gold on social media or do you want to use social media to advertise your work to prospective employers or contractees? If it's the latter then just work on your stuff and put out a sampling of your work. Just figure out your "thing" and do it. Don't forget your contact information. If it's the former then literally just draw Penny/Gwen/Raven/Katie & Julie/Lilo/Avatar girls/your OC/etc. scissoring the fuck out of each other. Make it a timed exclusive on fanbox or some shit. That's your two paths in as plain a language as possible. I don't know what else to tell you man. >2hus <Whats dumb 2 iq slang is that >he doesn't know about the Toehoes and Raymoo lmao
>>36037 Look i am indeed asking the BIG question. Also if these porns are so in the market might as well just close your eyes and fuck with your imagination because it is faster to get over with.
>>36040 Why don't you get an actual/physical job, while the option is still there, and save off on this porn drawing trip?
>>36042 Not your goddamn business. Just answer the question, or go back to your job and save off on this thread hopping garbage you are on about because god knows you "got a job" yourself, asswad
>>36042 Also i am not doing porn without the numbers, cunt.
>>36052 > i am not doing porn without the numbers You've got it backwards anon. You do porn to GET the numbers.
>>36053 Well porn dont take stickman either apparently So please explain it all properly
>>36051 I'll soon have two jobs. Why? Because like you don't want to physically work. But pretty soon it's going to be hard for you to make money off of Begtreon, TikTok, Fanbox, and Pixiv. Unless you can bring something noteworthy to table. Though you're on here and therefore not putting any effort to what you're aiming for.
>>36063 well you already have two jobs. A troll and a spam. >Noteworthy You cant explain whats that either. So i dont know how to follow. >effort Asking you is an effort. As you are such a thrillride of information center. Otherwise, then maybe this lengthy complain of yours about your nonexistence complaint has been an effortless steaming of pile of shit that you asks AI to generate for you since it is so easily texted eyes closed.

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