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EARTHWORM IS BACK, kinda....... Anonymous 11/21/2021 (Sun) 01:53:27 No. 20315
>The project hails from Interplay Entertainment Corp., which owns the rights to the “Earthworm Jim” games. Interplay has partnered with APA to bring the project to television. >The series will also bring in new characters as they navigate the galaxy, where each planet is home to a race of anthropomorphic animals. Jim’s ultimate quest is to find his true home among the stars: a near-mythical planet called Earth. <Interplay would also confirm that Doug TenNapel is not apart of the show. >TenNapel would also respond to a Twitter user who stated, “Ok I watched the trailer and it’s so far off character that it feels like a Disney Star Wars sequels crisis. I’m expecting they’ll just call your comics non canon even though they are in fact the ONLY canon. Worse, that EWJ4 game looked like a flash game from 2002. No soul.” >He responded, “Yes, I’m still doing the comics! Just focusing on NFTs now…” https://archive.md/37yLh https://archive.md/kcGNF
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>>20315 >No Doug the Absolute Madman >No Dan Castelanetta The solution to 2021 is 1488
>>20315 >“Yes, I’m still doing the comics! Just focusing on NFTs now…” I guess having enough sense to be anti-SJW doesn't make you actually smart.
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>>20409 >I guess having enough sense to be anti-SJW doesn't make you actually smart. Doug's actually crazy as fuck. Don't get me wrong, I love the knucklehead, but there's a vid he did with Patricia "Everybody Loves Raymond" Heaton where they recall the time they were pitching a show they had come up with to one of the networks. Patricia arrives with her gameface on, ready to seal the deal. Doug showed up looking like Doug, wasn't prepared, and had a spergout over some minor point. They didn't get the pilot money. Good gravy, do I want to have sex with her
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>>20411 You have shit taste. Debra's an old hag. I'd like to see the attempted pitch failure, and any other spergouts. Where's the interview? The only other recent thing that I remember was Cardboard.
>>20409 Why? Stonetoss just became a millionaire selling NFTs.
>>20426 I've been pretty sure NFTs were a scam, Stonetoss himself made comics mocking it as such (just save the images and you crash the market). Didn't he get permabanned from all the traders because rayciss hand-wringing recently anyway?
>>20422 When my son was little, I bought him a shit-ton of Tennappel books because we both thought he was amazing. Cardboard and Ghostopolis were great, as was the island one, the name of which escapes me. And CreatureTech and Power Up. And the one with the kid who had the pet T-Rex. >I'd like to see the attempted pitch failure, and any other spergouts. Where's the interview? It was on his channel. The two were talking in his home studio. I'll be fucked if I can find it, though. I think he deleted a shit ton of stuff after Doug and EVS locked horns. I'll keep looking for a bit, but I'm not having much luck. Any searches for both their names usually just brings up Patricia... and those mommy milkers.
>>20440 Okay, so I managed to find A CHANNEL for him, but it looks like jewtube wiped all his "problematic content" (ie. all of it, including the Patty interview). Doug being Doug, I'm sure he went on rant binges about Covid, stolen elections, and how EVS is a demon-worshipper who diddles children.
>>20409 If you're stupid and you make a million dollars in 22 minutes, you may not in fact be stupid. >>20429 >Didn't he get permabanned from all the traders because rayciss hand-wringing recently anyway? This is correct, but 1. he already made his money, 2. that's on brand for him since day one, and 3. with crypto shit you don't need the big traders to trade, you can go fuck off and do your own thing at any point. I would say it is definitely stupid to *buy* crypto shit, because at best it's literally just gambling, but it's certainly not stupid to fleece retards of their money.
>>20409 >make a million dollars selling urls to pictures to retards >people say you're the dumb one well I'm glad you're so smart and poor anon far be it from you to sell out, even a little, may you continue to reap the benefits of being so very smart for the rest of your life. I hope you never have an opportunity to not be smart for one second, may you never ever be tempted by any meaningful sum of money to cause you to deviate from your smartness, we NEED people like you to serve as shining, smart beacons in this dumb wasteland, because otherwise there would be no-one to tell people how smart you are whilst you carry their food orders to their tables
>>20315 >Doug Tennapel hates it as usual Didn't he also want nothing to do with the original cartoon from the 90s? I understand he doesn't want his creation to be mutilated, look at Stephen Hillenburg's.
>>20501 Last time I saw Doug did not really care all that much. He sold portion of his rights for cartoon, and then for the game. It was not too bad deal at a time, but not the best long term. He admits he kind of fucked up, but on the other hand if not for the cartoon and the game, far fewer people would know about Jim. Doug still can make comics with his version of EJ if he wants to.
>>20315 "Mom, have you ever felt... not so fresh?" Still funny even after all these years. But I doubt this new series will be able to hold a candle to the original.
>>20513 >Doug still can make comics with his version of EJ if he wants to. How good are the EWJ comics?
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>>20513 And he's invited to supervise his creation whenever a new game pops-up, however since the character is not on par with Super Mario, EWJ will get brought up once in a blue moon: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=7Oa54-vFTTc Also, shady Coleco revival console.

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