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Futurama Reboot Anonymous 06/30/2023 (Fri) 06:10:29 No. 35022
If you were holding out any hope for this at all, I'd take a close look at the episode list. Looks like they have some opinions on modern politics. https://archive.ph/0DKoi
>>35022 The 3 extra seasons on Comedy Central already had the show going contemporary. Add a decade of Id-Pol on top and it doesn't look very appealing.
>>35022 They want the South Park audience without any of the nuance on (usually) making fun of both sides of an issue. It instantly dates all the episodes though. It's as bad as The Simpsons. Also let's not forget that Matt Groening was on the Epstein flightlogs.
>>35033 There is any realistic chance of stop this?
>>35027 Who didn't get invited to the island without knowing what the fuck was going on just to get some leverage on them? Not defending any diddler just saying a good portion of visitors surely got fucked over it.
>>35041 Even the most convincing innocents knew what was going on, but they didn't give a shit, as long the plebeians had their minds elsewhere
>>35120 They've fucking got him....
>>35120 >manure >not semen Where's the cum edit?
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>>35027 >Also let's not forget that Matt Groening was on the Epstein flightlogs
>>35123 Hope he gets better. I actually do enjoy his comics cartoons.
>>35022 Fucking finally. Cowards have bent to the right for too long. Time to stand up against those censoring fuckos.
>>35454 >right >censoring Reminder that the PMRC and ESRB were both created due to top Democrats (Al Gore's wife and running mate, respectively) attempting to censor music and video games. I know you're trolling, but half/co/ let too many of your kind run unopposed, until new idiots thought they were in good company.
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>>35456 Fucking Bill Clinton signed COPPA, the predecessor of both PIPA and SOPA (approved by Obama himself). Although the Children's Television Act was signed by Bush, that piece of paper not only made cartoons suck but also brought another slippery slope that keeps snowballing to this day. >Political correctness everywhere >Dumb fucking messages that have nothing with the cartoon <Lots of CalArts hipsters will use it into their convenience just to get shielded whenever their pedophilic intentions are indoctrinating the underage
>>35454 The only thing the right ever gets away with censoring is the forcing of gay shit upon children on network television, and in some schools. And they rarely manage that much. Everything else is left wing censorship.
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I need porn like this. Why isn't there any?
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>>35478 I think he's pointing that Futurama despite having liberal morals, it's still not liberal enough. They had a rageboner for Richard Nixon and pulled out dated jokes that you need to use an encyclopedia to see where the fuck the punchline is.
>>35027 >South Park >nuance >le making fun of both sides You're the kind of brainless consooming mongoloid they want to reach with this garbage.
>>35482 They have actual power and influence, people like you are just a loud minority.
>>35483 That has absolutely nothing to do with the post you're replying to. The post you're replying to said nothing about popularity. Get the fuck out of here, fucking 8chan of all places, trying to disregard an idea by saying it's unpopular, as if this site is for status seeking women. That has nothing to do with how correct an idea is, you fucking retard.
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>>35483 >>35484 Lamo, pwn3d
>>35027 The thing with South Park is that they have to double check (in reddit) if it's okay to mock certain topics: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=qOEXUJ1Egew But in case if everything is going to the woodchipper, they pull out this: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=Qgy2iX8Sn6o

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