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Rick Should Have Died Early Anonymous 05/22/2022 (Sun) 07:04:10 No. 26242
He is the main antagonist up until the governor shows up and Hershel/Dexter should have killed him for screwing them over repeatedly. Dexter didn't even do anything wrong and actually tried to help Rick's group only to get murdered because Rick had to go and simp for his unfaithful wife.
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Can you even say what the fuck show you're talking about? Did you learn the 6 W's of writing in second grade or did you sleep through it?
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>>26248 Only one of the most recognizable graphic novels ever made you moron? You are on /co and have never heard of The Walking Dead? >show Oh, you're one of those guys who just watches TV all day. Next time stay out of my thread.
>>26249 The comic is only recognized because of the show.
>>26250 It was already a very successful comic before the show, you retard.
>>26257 Successful doesn't mean popular or well known. It only got massive attention after the show.
>>26267 Pack your things and get out of my thread.
>>26268 Never.
>>26267 That's not true. >>26242 Yeah I guess. Whatever really.
>>26305 It's very true. What you think Invincible sales just blew up on their own? It's the same with every indie comic that gets adapted. The larger crowd of normal people don't give a shit about comics till there's a show or movie made. Except for big two comics. Those don't get boosted for a lot of reasons.
>>26306 >"The larger crowd of normal people" AKA not the people you are talking to on a comics and cartoons imageboard. Obviously, "successful" in this context means for comics, and not for normalfags. The Walking Dead was extremely successful as far as comics went at the time, getting a good amount of normalfag attention, even before the show. Of course nothing compared to a tv show, but anyone who was even marginally aware of comics at the time was very aware of it.
>>26314 Successful means jack in a niche market where most of the niche don't even buy the comics either.
>>26317 It does when you're talking to that niche, on a board specifically for them. Context matters.
>>26318 If you're gonna play it like that, it's not popular or successful. Do you see anyone here praising the comic or storytiming the whole thing? No. No one here cares.
>>26319 >If you're gonna play it like that, it's not popular or successful. Do you see anyone here praising the comic or storytiming the whole thing? No. No one here cares. NTA and I have no horse in this race, as I don't care for most zombieshit. But I vaguely recall there was a dedicated walking dead thread when the comic ended in 2019. What is it about this niche discussion that upset you this much, to the point you have to continually be pedantic and bump a thread that would have probably slid off the catalog by now?
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ive been reading this comic and so far lori's been nothing but a dumb whiny cunt, this panel is the most satisfying thing ive seen so far in this series
I read up until around when rick and his son almost got raped by hobos, what happened after that?
>>28467 i dont see why not just read it and find out yourself but
>>28510 Because im sure it went to shit. And when i say shit i dont mean things go badly and theres problems, i mean the comic is shit.
>>28510 they flee the area in wich they were camping when they realize theres a massive herd coming right towards where they were stationed and rick finds out eugene was lying about being a doctor or whatever, dale gets bitten and is acting like a whiny faggot and gets kidnapped by cannibals who planned on hunting the group one by one, in the midst of all this they find father gabriel who appears to them with the whole "would you like to take a moment to talk about our lord and savior jesus christ" attitude they dont trust him he convinces them hes not a bad person he gets fed they hide out in his church and he knows the area well so they use him to navigate trough the cannibals hiding out in the woods stalking them, dale gets his other leg cut off and eaten and he taunts the cannibals with eating "tainted meat" and then he passes out, they dump his body near the church in an attempt to scare rick's group into getting sloppy to make them easier to hunt but rick thinks ahead and figures out their little psyop and he reasons that the last thing they expect is for the group to go out after them so they all go into the woods, track one of their stalkers and rick confronts their leader, they have a little talk he explaiins their lore and how they came to be cannibals and then rick reveals theres a sniper hiding in the woods behind him and he forces them to hand over their weapons, they then take them back to the church and mutilate and torture them and burn them alive one by one while gabriel is shitting his pants, then they encounter aaron, a member of a settlement called alexandria who is recruiting people and who has been watching them from afar the whole time and fuck should i continue? im tired of typing
>>28512 fuck i cant tell if the spoiler all worked or not
>>28511 im curious as to what isnt shit to you then since this comic feels more or less like every other westoid comic out there to me
>>28514 i think this comic is pretty consistent in quality, i havent seen any serious deviation for better or worse honestly, the pacing feels the same, the art is the same, the dialogue style feels the same, everything feels consistent to me and i like that
>>28511 you're right it went to shit, i mean probably not in the way you think, i just realized that i dont really enjoy kirkman's writing all that much, it mostly just makes me cringe and i feel like i have to force myself to enjoy it, and the art was all fucked cause of the retarded inker ruining it almost every issue hoping people wouldnt notice, i was just enamored with the whole premise of zombies and the idea that kirkman introduces but not the execution, it always feels meh to me, the writing in invincible i consider to be pretty unappealing as well as the art, i just dont fucking like western shit, i try and i force myself to like it but sooner or later i just have to admit to myself that its all trash i hate it, its all faggot shit especially everything made by dc and marvel, i wish it wasnt but it is, thats why no zoomies give a fuck about comics, just animu moe blob shit from japan cause even though its declined in quality it still manages to be better than the shit the west churns out
>>28511 >And when i say shit i dont mean things go badly and theres problems, i mean the comic is shit. nevermind it was what you were thinking, my bad i just skimmed it cause i was too focused on my own reply, but yea now that i've read it and reflected on it i came to the same conclusion, its shit
>>28512 I do recall the part about the cannibals, so the hobo rape must have happened before that. They were neighbours and killed their children and ate them, right? >>28514 Well you start off with a cool premise liek the walking dead did, then slowly get lazier and lazier and start throwing just shock value instead of an actually engaging story. Hell, its why i always hated crossed, it was just edgefest: the comic instead of something with any depth to it.
>>29657 then again name one comic that isnt? i struggle to enjoy anything western, reading a comic and trying to genuinely enjoy it feels like a struggle every single time while i can enjoy manga effortlessly, you can dismiss this as >hurr you're just a weeb but this entire generation of mine watches anime and only a handful of faggots give a fuck about comics, hell not even comics just woke capenigger shit from hollywood >>29658 >They were neighbours and killed their children and ate them, right? yes >slowly get lazier no thinking back on it i never really liked it, i just liked the show so i forced myself to "like" the comic,

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