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/co/ Pain Thread 7: Nothing new under Hollyweird Anonymous 07/05/2023 (Wed) 21:10:13 No. 35154
Apologies for the delay. My internet was out for a time. Thankfully the steady pace of this board allows for such waiting periods. We return now to our regular summer of trash. DC announces a new anime project. Suicide Squad Isekai. Wherein Harley Quinn & Joker are isekai'd into a generic Japanese DnD styled fantasy world of dragons, ogres, & rape p'orcs. Directed by Eri Osada & character designs by Naoto Hosoda. The latter known for animation work on a few productions such as The Garden of Words & 5 Centimeters per Second. The Seth Rogen TMNT movie is still on the horizon & clocking it at number 1 for ugliest animated movie of the year. Ruby Gillman was ugly but only for it's human designs. Here? Everyone is hideous. The Flash came & went. Another box office bomb for DC & the chronological end of the Snyderverse. Blue Beetle will be officially part of the new DCU cinematic universe under James Gunn. Another low effort animated movie for their animated movie universe has been pumped out. Then finally we have the recently released Nimona. A half baked movie based on an even more horridly produced comic of the same name. By a woman who was cheated on by her gf with a man, married said gf, then decided to cut off her breasts & now calls herself a man herself. Who wouldn't want a movie of a comic no one read by a lesbian with penis envy?!
>>35154 Cool. Now can you please clean up niggerpill? GG just doxxed him so hes afraid of /v/ now, so hes shitting up your board.
>>35155 I'm just here to be angry about /co/ media, man.
>>35154 >All those VAs and character models Teenage Mutant Nigger Turtles
>>35157 Notice how none of them are actual voice actors & just celebrities. Several are even women voicing what are supposed to be male characters.
>>35158 This is a trend that has been going as long as the 90's with Pixar hiring for Toy Story.
>>35159 Maybe but notice how they hired actors who were experienced in comedy & doing funny voices. Jim Varney & Tim Allen come to mind. Even Tom Hanks had experience with changing his voice or overacting. Giancarlo is the only one here who has some experience but I'm pretty sure Fary Cry 6 was motioned capture so he was just acting normally. John Cena has acting experience aplenty BUT his voice does not fit Rocksteady beyond just being an idiot.
>>35159 Toy Story wasn't at all the first. Hell, immediately before it, they did The Lion King, where the kid from Home Improvement sees his dad, Darth Vader, die, and then he grows up into Ferris Bueller.
Post it here, too, then. That would help solve the problem.
>>35162 Did you reply to the wrong thread?
>>35161 Doesn't that still suggest it's a 90's trend? Or are there examples of it occurring in the 80's as well?
>>35165 >Or are there examples of it occurring in the 80's as well? Oliver & Company had Billy Joel, Cheech, and Dom DeLuise. Even earlier, The Rescuers ('77) had Bob Newhart, Joe Flynn, and John McIntire. It was never the idea of having big-named stars in the cartoons that was the problem. It's when said big-name actor became the reason to go see the movie. Aladdin was the first real culprit of this because Disney attempted to sell the film solely off of how they included Robin Williams in it, and things just continued from there. Though, there was that brief period during the Aughts were Yidsney was putting out excellent films and not selling them on the star power alone.
>>35163 No. I meant to reply to this guy. >>35155 Post that info.
Figured I'd post the trailer here. As an anime fan who enjoyed both James Gunn's Suicide Squad and Batman: Assault on Arkham, I want to be excited for this, I really do. Unfortunately, DC has been rather consistent in screwing things up like Marvel, so for the time being I'll just keep my hopes low.
>>35176 Cute Harley Quinn. Fuck everything else.
>>35176 >As an anime fan who enjoyed both James Gunn's Suicide Squad Why?
Leaked set photos for Deadpool 3. Costume is slightly different but mostly the same. The top chest area below the neck, the gloves, & the belt buckle are ever so slightly different.
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The Ruby Gillman film had a poor opening at the box office, yet The Bad Guys had a better start. Not sure why, but maybe the marketing was meant for the girls, like with Pixar's Turning Red? As for the story: >another lame coming of age cartoon film involving somebody trying to fit in >the mermaids are just cunts, not much else >the kraken grandma was mostly right all along I don't like most of the character designs. It looks like those 3D models that you'd see in a Grubhub or Kroger commercial.
>>35184 I didn't know it was possible for Turning Red to be done wronger but by God did dreamworks do it. Teenagers are such an easy demographic to pander to yet they completely messed it up! I don't even think they needed to change the story all they had to was not give it an ugly art style and it most likely would have been profitable.
>>35184 I'll tell you why. >reveal the entire plot in the first trailer >horrible editing aside it's just another by the numbers kid discovers their inner power story >the most human looking character in the movie is a mermaid >all the humans look like horrible stick monsters with droopy faces & noses while their eyes are too close together >Ruby herself is so obviously not human that the hiding among them to wanna feel normal aspect falls apart immediately >muh highschool drama setting If you can't grab your audience immediately with the visuals & story then you can't be surprised when they don't come. The Bad Guys had the advantage of a furry audience plus spy/heist movie elements.
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>>35154 >Nimona I only know its existence during Blue Sky studios getting its life support unplugged >Creator of She-Rah being also involved No wonder why it still got funded but by Netflix, they always scoop up leftovers. >>35176 >Isekai >Soycide Squad As expected, despite the great purge of progs. they still won't let go what it seemed to work.
>>35187 >The Bad Guys had the advantage of a furry audience plus spy/heist movie elements. That and great visual design.
>>35191 Ehh... It's whatever. It's still just cal-arts but with a more painterly texture. >>35189 She wrote the original comic.
>>35192 >She wrote the original comic. So a vague apology with a reminder that she's devoted to update her vocabulary like a robot is what it takes to not get blacklisted from Pedowood?
>>35159 >>35160 Yeah, but celebrities are mainly casted out fame and not talent.
>>35224 >the D slur ???
>>35227 In reference to the word, dyke.
>>35226 Yes. That's the problem. >>35224 She cut off her boobs & wants to be called a man now. She's a protected class.
>>35229 >Dyke remains offensive Is it the equivalent of "niggers"? https://yewtu.be/watch?v=wmYxQTiqvKk
>>35255 No, twitter niggers try to treat every word they find offensive at the moment in a similar matter to no avail is why they censor themselves. Fag, Dyke, Coonskin, Paki, retard, and so on.
Deadpool & Wolverine on the set of Deadpool 3. Movie will probably be absolutely awful but at least after 23 years, we have Wolverine actually in yellow & blue.
>>35275 Needs more blue. Also, I would have went with the orange/brown version of the suit. But I guess this isn't going to be very much like the other movies Wolverine is in anyway. I also guess I won't be watching it since Deadpool 2 sucked, and the last several X-Men movies all sucked even more.
>>35179 Aren't his eye supposed to be exposed so they can add the cgi over them?
>>35276 You'll watch a pirated copy and we all know it.
>>35279 No. The first movie used a mix of both CGI & physical white eyes. >>35276 I don't like the brown suit. Wolverine is best in yellow & blue or yellow & black.
>>35280 I haven't watched the last several X-Men movies, and I'm too autistic to just skip some. To watch Deadpool 3, I'd have to watch Dark Phoenix and New Mutants, and given that I did see the trailers for those movies when they were coming out, I know for a fact I will not be able to sit through those pieces of shit. Therefore, I won't be able to bring myself to watch Deadpool 3. >>35286 >I don't like the brown suit. Wolverine is best in yellow & blue or yellow & black. Yeah, but if it's Jackman, it feels weird for him to go from the outfits we see him in in the other movies, right to the yellow spandex. The brown and orange seems like it would be a more passable compromise. Work up to the yellow spandex after a movie or two of the more faithful but still more muted colors. Then again, this is Deadpool 3, so it's not like it's gonna try to be faithful to the other X-Men movies. All it's gonna do is make it a little bit harder to pretend Logan was the last movie in this series.
>>35287 Deadpool 3 is playing with the multiverse to merge Deadpool & the X-men into the MCU. It'll be a complete reboot so at the very least more comic suits like these could become the norm in the future. Granted the future for the MCU looks grim.
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Anime seems to be the next thing in the future after comics. Any ideas or predictions?
>>35291 Anime & manga have already over taken comics for years now. You must live under a rock.
>>35292 I mean in a "cinematic" context, after both MCU and DCEU really are over
>>35294 Never gonna catch on as a successful thing. Hollywood is terrible at adapting books already. They can't & actively refuse to adapt anime/manga accurately. Unlike comics, people actively watch & read the the source material. So they expect that shit to be respected.
>>35276 >I also guess I won't be watching it since Deadpool 2 sucked And, the first one didn't? >>35289 >Deadpool 3 is playing with the multiverse to merge Deadpool & the X-men into the MCU. <But, the X-Men already exist in the MCU, along with Iron Man and Blade. All the movies made since 2010 are just fanfiction, like Yidsney Star Wars.
>>35298 None of those were made for the MCU, anon.
>>35299 And, the problem is...? Just let me live in my fantasy where none of the movie movies made after 2009 exist.
>>35300 You cannot live in ignorance.
>>35298 The movies were so profitable that they don't bother with other things? Not MCU-related
>>35305 Disney has tried a few cartoons after the acquisition of Marvel but none of them ever caught on. DC at least tries to spread into other mediums. Granted they're nearly all crap too so it's not exactly much better.
>>35291 >Any ideas or predictions? They're finally going to drag the Naruto movie out of development hell twenty years too late.
>>35298 >And, the first one didn't? Well not nearly as badly.
>>35154 Cursory glance at the cast for Mutant Mayhem, and we've got: >CCP-simps John Cena (Rocksteady) and Jackie Chan (Splinter), which is more egregious for Chan because he was born in Hong Kong; also, Chan has now gone back to playing a Japanese character ("if" this incarnation is supposed to be Hamato Yoshi) >Filthy Hollywood Heeb from Vancouver Seth Rogen (Bebop) (Bebop is Black, but has usually been played by White actors, though this was changed in the 2012 series and the 2016 Out of the Shadows film, but is now being played by a Chosenite (((white))). I guess there weren't enough Black vas to fill the role this time) >Ashkenazi Paul Rudd (Mondo) >Maya Rudolph, a half Jew-Black mutt whose has a penis-shaped head has been incorporated into her character (Cynthia) >Degenerate Wigger Austin Richard Post (Ray Fillet) Then there were these funny names: >""Ayo"" Edebiri (April) >""Shamon"" Brown Jr. (Mikey) What is is with niggers naming their children with joke names? With names like Peace Eshiet, or Philonese (pronounced Felonius) and Larcenia Floyd. Interestingly, Raph's va is White, and the only one of the Brothers who is played by a White (or at least, he's listed as just "Caucasian") va. Probably more I could talk about (like O'Shea Jackson Sr. or Hannibal Buress, but I think that's a lot more than what I can go on about rn) I wonder if there's gonna be a mention of Furry Town or Jennika from the IDW comics?
>>35316 To be named anything that doesn't sound white even if it makes no sense.
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>>35316 Black people quite literally make up names just to seem special. They seem to really wanna make April colored & sized like a turtle so maybe she'll end up their Jennika.
Seems that movies are going to be delayed
>>35423 TMNT should already be finished. Unfortunately.
No one's ever really gone. Except Frank & his guns. Banished to the Chud dimension aka Weirdworld for the crimes of being a straight white male who uses guns.
>>35427 So, are replacing him already? also of course, laser guns like in the comics code because regular guns are icky. Seriously, how much money can they pull out from the ether to prevent crashing?
>>35428 Going by Disney's losses just in this year alone, I wouldn't give them much longer. If they were smart, they'd scrap the comic division all together. The synergy with the MCU doesn't boost sales. Comic stores either convert to manga or tabletop products to stay alive. It's not like the actually use the comics for writing inspiration. So just cut out the middle man completely at this point.
>>35428 >>35429 You keep saying this for years, When its going to happen?
>>35431 It's been happening. It's literally happening right now.
>>35431 Iger himself is saying they're cutting down on Star Wars and Marvel content. It's all tumbling down
>>35427 >X-man miss marvel With her being a mutant in the shit tv show, and the x-men's ability to make clones of someone who died and copy the memories of said dead person into the clone making them believe they're the original bring people back to life, this was obvious. I recall in the final issue of that character-assassinorial run, and moonman was saying some shit about how anyone else would have stopped killing criminals by now. it's baffling how the writer can't comprehend why someone would want to kill gangsters, murderers, rapists etc especially after their family was shot to death by them. Maybe they just associate all crime with niggers now, but what about the mafia? Are they now good boys who did nothin'? I suppose Italians are a minority. These hollywood snobs seem to be willfully ignorant about just how horrible criminals can be.
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>>35433 He saying that shit for years! Like since the whole Solo flop! It's the same "marekting speech" as usual, but God i hope the corps and the writers are kill themself with this stike for good. Fuck both of them!
>>35453 >He saying that shit for years! True. But Pisney has been nuking the box office with a full on Arial assault. It's either fire their rainbow haired shit writers and undo all their fanfiction crap, or sell off both Star Wars and Marvel.
>>35453 >Sega Faggot Fart will have a very damaging effect on my business. Well, you did your part too buddy.
>>35470 But anon, it can never be the people in charge of these companies at fault. Clearly it's the actor's faults.
I know that this is something that really shouldn't be said here but there's a very frighteningly real possibility of a fat disgruntled woman attacking a theatre somewhere this upcoming weekend. So if anyone here is planning to go to the theatre please be vigilant for your own safety and the safety of others.
>>35473 What do you mean? Tell me more!
>>35473 >t. fat disgruntled woman
>>35473 I've heard nothing about feminists against Barbie though.
>>35477 That's because Barbie is the official mascot of spoiled cunts.
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>SpongeBob "Behind Closed Doors" Lost Media refers to NSFW pornographic drawings of SpongeBob SquarePants characters done by the show's storyboard artists that were discovered by a lost media researcher in July 2023. >On September 21st, 2012, comic art magazine Hogan's Alley published an interview with people how worked on the popular animated series SpongeBob SquarePants titled "The Oral History of SpongeBob SquarePants".[1] In the interview, show's former writer and storyboard director Kent Osborne describes Behind Closed Doors, a book of crude and obscene drawings of SpongeBob SquarePants characters drawn by storyboard artists working on the show around 2001. The drawings were done on Post-It notes and placed on the back of the doors, so if the door was open no one would see them >On July 18th, 2023, YouTuber[2] LSuperSonicQ uploaded a video about the book, revealing that he was in correspondence with a person who had a copy of it. In the video, LSuperSoniq talked about the book and showcased the book's cover and six of the images found in it, most of which depicted SpongeBob SquarePants characters in a sexual manner or engaged in some sort of sexual activity. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=mo1xHGhgjZQ
>>35498 Now if only someone from here can get their hands on a copy so the full uncensored hellfest can be uploaded online, especially the parts the faggots refused to release.
>>35498 Why has this been found but all the lewds of Anne, Shasha, and Marcy are still missing?
>>35451 My issue that Punisher just doesn't work in the Marvel universe. You're mixing a street level character (of the caliber of crime fighters and anti heroes like The Shadow, Diabolic, Kriminal, etc.) a fucking cosmic level, unitard wearing universe. It doesn't make any fucking sense and it's a disservice to the character and the concept. Frank is basically Murder Batman but with a worse sense of style. He should be in neo noir shit. Now if you want to portray him as and antihero or critique his behavior (which would absolutely get an innocent person killed in real life at some point) that would be fine but to do so you need to do so by contrasting him with a foil that does the same thing that he does, but non lethally and/or more subtly. So basically Frank vs. (not) Batman vs the criminal element. Once again you need a noir setting for this kind of thing.
>>35477 >my enemy its fucking fictional They hit this low a lot.
>>35529 >you need to do so by contrasting him with a foil that does the same thing that he does, but non lethally and/or more subtly Isn't that Daredevil?
>>35543 There's been several characters to fit that requirement, I think, but the problem is that they aren't consistently linked with him. He needs to regularly play off of someone. Instead it's just occasional crossovers where < [X Character] Frank you have to stop this is a comic book we don't do things like this here. >[Frank] No. <[X Character] *shakes head* You're irredeemable Frank. I'll leave you to your own devices so as not to disrupt the status quo. >[Frank] I'm going to go shoot someone now that somehow literally no one in our universe has dealt with. I might also paraphrase Rorschach. Frank's popular to his fans because his solo stories are basically justice porn. Which are fun but are one note. He's undeserved by the lack of story complexity.
>>35523 This, I want to see squidward being gassed by nazis.
>>35528 Because it hasn't been 20 years since amphibia released
They really may as well have killed Frank Castle again. He's being replaced again. >Frank Castle has disappeared, but a new Punisher saga begins. Joe Garrison, a retired S.H.I.E.L.D. black ops agent, is brought back into the action after his past rears its violent head.
>>35562 Forced change and fake outrage to drive clicks, again.
>>35562 OK sooooo where are they going to take this that with a new guy as Punisher that wouldn't have worked with Frank? The Chris Kyle fanboys like him mostly just for his emblem anyway. The sub portion that actually read Punisher only cared that he's "''based comic book hero that actually kills villains and pedos"" and ignore that he has the same basic issues that other comic characters have that they tend to disparage. Wasn't that the reason they killed him off? Because they didn't like his secondary and tertiary fans? So what was the fuck was the point of killing him off then? I do like that emblem better than the classic one but maybe that's just because of the over saturation of the classic Punisher skull?
>>35587 A white man shooting criminals is bad and racist. A black man shooting white racists is empowering and progressive.
>>35588 He's still white you fucking retard.
>>35587 They didn't actually kill off Frank. They sent him to Weirdworld & he only goes by Frank now. They'll have this guy kill racists & alt-right trolls.
>>35589 Fuck, he looked black in the thumpnail. They'll do something, we just don't know yet. Also he will do what >>35591 said.
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>>35292 >taken comics for years now You mean? >Let's get the license based on the trendy anime that it's making tumblrinas go apeshit Because they went from Death Note to Cowboy Bebop, it's a matter of time when FullMetal Alchemist gets thrown into the woodchipper. >>35504 >2nd pic Has anyone noticed they shaped SpongeBob's face with Beavis' features? >>35560 It seems is all just sex jokes.
>>35593 The Japs already beat Netflix to the shitty live action adaptation for FMA.
>>35593 No I mean anime & manga are literally more successful & popular than comic books. The actual productions. Hollywood can't replicate that success with poorly made "adaptations".
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In case anyone cares because no one actually watched Secret Invasion, Rhodey has been a Skrull since Civil War at least. Nick Fury's wife who he never mentioned or even hinted at this entire time is actually a Skrull. Emilia Clarke is the daughter of Talos the Skrull & also the/a Super Skrull.
>>35733 So so so so so, what you're saying is that everyone on Planet Earth, including myself and (you), are Skrulls? Also, God that is some piss-poor CG. <INB4 "it's alway been like that"
>>35735 The CGI has actively gotten worse. It's only being beaten by The Flash in that department of being utterly terrible. Still not good though when Disney is the biggest entertainment company in the world.
>>35733 I'm surprised anyone still cares.
>>35741 Not many do going by viewership & ratings being the lowest ever for these MCU shows.
>>35588 There was this black british Punisher but seems to be a obscure incarnation
>>35783 UK and France need to be nuked
Oh right, 5th season of Dragon Prince came out.
>>35815 On July 22. Wow a whole lot of fanfare for that.
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Would you look at that. TMNT Mutant Mayhem still looks terrible. Not just the design choices but even the animation sucks. There's no weight or energy behind it. It needs to have much faster movement. Especially in action scenes. All the voice actors still suck & don't fit the characters.
>>35820 >There's no weight or energy behind it. It needs to have much faster movement. Especially in action scenes. All the voice actors still suck & don't fit the characters. Rogen was only out to capitalize on something from his "childhood" cheaply, and most likely only saw about 4 episodes of the original when he was young anyway.
>>35820 Everything about this (especially the art design) looks very ugly. I hate that Spider-Man has made stuttery animation a popular thing now, it doesn't look good or fluid. It's like anti-animation.
>>35834 Agreed. 3d animation should be 'smooth', I don't want the animation im watching be like a cutsence of a game running on a toaster.
>>35834 It's not as stuttery as Spider-verse but it still sucks. Like everyone's moving like you would in a dream.
>>35835 >>35836 I don't understand the appeal of it. It's stylish, sure, but when I'm reading a comic I'm still imagining the actions taking place fluidly, not like a stop motion dream. It's a really weird trend that I hope disappears soon.
>>35852 I think it's an attempt to make 3d animation look more like 2d animation, the holy grail of 3d animation. You can save many man hours on your productions but make it still look good. The method to this madness in this for this is 2d typically drawn on the 2s (12 frames per second) why not do that with our 3d animations as well. With how many people dick sucking niggerman and guilty gears attempt at it expect more of this shit in the future.
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>>35853 >I think it's an attempt to make 3d animation look more like 2d animation <It's retarded when the Japanese tried it, it's even more retarded when Westerners think they can make it work. >the holy grail of 3d animation. You can save many man hours on your productions but make it still look good. No, you don't. That's just a modern myth of the industry. 3D animation requires far more work, time, and money than live-actions films, or even 2D animation.
>>35852 There isn't really an appeal to most people. Seth Rogen however only knows weed & crassness. So the style is just ugly by design because he thinks that looks awesome, I guess.
>>35853 >You can save many man hours on your productions but make it still look good. Yet the Code Lyoko kids were still ugly in both variants.
>>35854 >>35856 I didn't say they were successful at it but that's the goal. From my understanding 3d asset creation takes a lot more time finish than 2d but it pays off in the long run since you can reuse assets where as every 2d frame is a new drawing so you have to start from scratch each time. Please correct me if i'm wrong.
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>>35857 There's some tricks that allow reusing 2d art, but generally correct.
>>35820 What's with the framerate? Are they rendering it in real-time on an original PlayStation?
>>35865 Hanna-Barbera cartoons are probably the "best" example of this. >>35853 How about 2D animation that looks like 3D? https://yewtu.be/watch?v=taE3PwurhYM
>>35857 >From my understanding 3d asset creation takes a lot more time finish than 2d but it pays off in the long run since you can reuse assets Yes, and no. Re-using the assets is only a good defense if it's for the purposes of long running projects. TV shows using CGI are a good example of this. However, it's a huge waste of time and money if you're using it for a one-off project, like a movie.
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>>35868 >>35857 It's not just reusing assets, but easily moving the camera. Say you have a 2D animation, and the director doesn't like the angle it is "filmed" at and wants the "camera" positioned at a different angle, the animators would have to redo everything from scratch, including backgrounds, this is why stuff like this must be set in stone during storyboard phase. With 3D animation, the animator simply moves the camera and waits for it to render, making even last minute changes a somewhat easy task. The other advantage would be things like lighting(though it can be done with 2D as shown in Klaus), water fluids, and other mathematical intensive stuff such as an object exploding into a million pieces. That shit is really, really hard to do with traditional 2D animation. Then there is also using 3D animation as a form of rotoscoping for 2D, such as with the Tarzan movie, so you get the advantages of camera movements from 3D.
>>35852 They've been recently hiring inexperienced animators into the industry some are weebs. >>35868 >Re-using the assets is only a good defense if it's for the purposes of long running projects. You can give the assets to other companies for marketing purpose. McDonalds does it a lot.
>>35895 Or to a company that makes dental care videos, after you're reboot shits the bed.
>>35852 >>35853 It's more likely they're all trying to modernize squigglevision.
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>>35154 So apparently the appeal of Nimona is that the self-insert had subtle hints to her mental disorder, not forced, but subtle. So to achieve the perfect tumblr cartoon it must include: >Preschooler humor >Embracing being a flaggot as long you 100% mean it, unlike "DA DISNEY CORP" >Remind everyone that it IS aimed for a mature audience despite its fucking humor that would annoy any child with a 5 second attention span
>>35943 Yes, tumblr users are immature and perpetually teenagers, so you need to use childish humor while also trying to seem edgy or mature. That's literally all there is too it.
>>35945 They even got their own sailor mouth blacklist: >>Faggot >>Retarded >>Sperg >>Tranny If you want to be the new George Carlin: You better start adapting yourself into playground insults while limiting your vocabulary into "fuck" and "shit", sometimes "cunt" or "bitch" as long you're shitting on turfs or whatever their new boogeyman is. And insult white people like if you're going through a mental breakdown.
>>36034 >insult white people like if you're going through a mental breakdown Well, George Carlin really liked to do that. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=o2ZgzzSXYV8
>>36034 >>36035 That's the point. George Carlin was a bitter old fucker angry at anything white, conservative, & Christian just because. Little difference compared to modern day leftists online angry at their parents for trying to raise them be normal.
Marcie movie on Apple+ and a Netflix version of the Monkey King.
>>36193 A sudden Peanuts movie about a side character? Odd but okay. They've done no advertising for it though. The Monkey King movie however just looks ugly. There's hundreds of them already & dozens of animated versions. Like it's trying to be Disney & Dreamworks but the neither the style nor the editing on the trailer are doing it any favors. Now it'll probably be a lot more generic too compared to hard chinese made & marketed versions that go more into the taoist philosophy aspects.
>>36194 It isn't sudden. Apple has been putting out Peanuts related content for several years by now.
>>36194 The Peanuts one is them trying to make Marcie gay for Peppermint Patty who is also gay now
>>36200 It's sudden when you see no advertisement being done for it. >>36201 I don't want to believe you but I fully expect it at the same time.
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>>36200 Apple has been founding shit aimed at preschoolers, they really know their hipster audience.
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>>36201 >trying to make Marcie gay for Peppermint Patty who is also gay now I'm just tired of this shit.
>>36201 >The Peanuts one is them trying to make Marcie gay for Peppermint Patty who is also gay now I remember that being a joke made because she was a tomboy. Now it's not even parody anymore.
>>36201 Fuck, the writers union, be a joke stay a joke.
>>36213 I hope they're all replaced and blacklisted
>>36215 *replaced and blacked
They're trying to Cali-fy Gundam of all things.
>>36258 Nothing about this looks like Gundam beyond well the scuffed custom mobile suits themselves. The art is too sketchy & flat. The eyes look really beady. This isn't made for or by Gundam fans. Compare it to the anime, that I honestly didn't even hear of till this was announced, this is supposed to be the sequel to. Featuring none of the characters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwe2YJFpiNE
>>36258 I had a feeling they were next on the block of nip companies to take tainted money after Witch from Mercury and all the dyke bullshit surrounding it.
>>36264 It's clear Witch from Mercury wanted to be a yuri romance but for some reason the show must have been cut mid way through. No idea why unless sales numbers were just that bad. There's just no way it was setting up so much only to end with a rushed partial conclusion & a time skip intentionally. Even the romance was left vague. Regardless, American casual normalniggerfags weren't exposed to Witch first. They had IBO & Unicorn on Netflix way before.
>>36266 And Gundam Wing on Toonami even before that.
>>36268 I know an SD Gundam show also aired on I wanna say CN for a while too.
>>36273 That show was called Superior Defense Gundam Force. The first season initially aired in America and did rather well but we never got the Japanese exclusive second season.
>>36279 Update: We did get the second season but only on blu-ray box sets.
Arlene Sorkin, the original voice actress of Harley Quinn from the 90s Batman: The Animated Series cartoon recently passed away as confirmed by Neil Kaplan on social media. https://archive.is/QqLgJ#selection-149.63-149.76
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>>36297 >>36300 Should be it's own thread.
>>36297 Was she vaxxed?
>>36302 Then make it.
Is it a bad sign that there is ZERO discussion about the upcoming Scott Pilgrim anime?
>>36333 The less attention it gets, the better.
>>36333 Would you also dig a reboot based on the shitty soap opera that was Twilight? Because that's what Scott Pilgrim is about. Netflix are now striving to gain back their hipster audience.
>>36333 What's there to say? It's an undeserving way too late production by an actual anime studio. For an adaptation of a comic that can't stop being an ironic hipster "us gamers amirite?!" annoyance. If it wanted to be a love story about growing up seriously then that would have been fine. But it's all the ironic detachment, dry humor, horrible characters, & again annoying "haha bing bing wahoo" video references that really drag it down.
>>36338 >Would you also dig a reboot based on the shitty soap opera that was Twilight? Depends on how it's adapted. I hear the sex-swapped Twilight story (Yes, that's a real official thing) is pretty much High School DxD.
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Bill Watterson is back after over twenty years of Calvin and Hobbes, but he's not illustrating.
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>>36338 >Would you also dig a reboot based on the shitty soap opera that was Twilight? >Not wanting a 900 year old, 7 foot, blonde haired, blue eyed, British Norman who angsts over just being near you. We all made fun of twilight. Flip the genders though and you can see the appeal.
>>36343 Flip the genders back and I cannot see the appeal.
>>36343 It's not about the premise being dumb. It's about the writing sucking.
>>36340 To some extent, Tsukihime is already gender swapped Twillight, but with a nun, instead of a werewolf, and predating Twillight. If you want something more modern, then Call of the Night(Yofukashi no Uta) is for the most part gender swapped Twillgiht.
>>36338 Is this homosexuality but with a right-wing filter?
>>36343 >Literally you, the protagonist So the dykes from Fanfiction.NET can score big time as long they focus on fetishes? Because the homoerotic films are a totally fan-favorite by RottenTomatoes' critics no matter how utter shit is. >>36353 How is it homosexuality if the author will never fuck? Being a celibate is new black apparently. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=BHGm2WIIcTU
>>36343 >We all made fun of twilight. Flip the genders though and you can see the appeal. Pretty much your average monster girl romcom slice of life anime/manga?
I hope you got good health insurance, I've been on chemo ever since I watched this.
>>36373 Why does EVERY character's face look like a colon and a zero? : 0
>>36373 It's crazy how you can pinpoint how this franchise went to complete shit after the original creator stepped down as the showrunner. I mean my goodness they even made Marshal Lee black. Just because they made Marceline's mom dark skinned.
>>36375 Because current day industry animators have near zero experience or skill in actual construction and anatomy and so long as what you're making is quirky and relatable you can get away with the ugliest, most uninspired visual style in the world.

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>>36373 >Fionna being a walking disaster and a drunkard >Retarded cat for the catpissed dykes >Blackwash the vampire, despite being a pale creature Yet, the real outrage is that Youtube marked it as safe for children to watch. How dare they!? It's a cartoon for big boys who browse (but also policing wrong thinking) reddit's dark subforums without shitting their pants. >>36376 Reminder that the creator himself dragged trendy artists from tumblr forcing TimeWarner to get even more nepotistic than ever. Also he conned his audience with his other mediocre cartoon despite being produced by Channel Federator: The god-damned pilot had to be crowfunded, but like in any other cult, they made an exception and forgive him because it was all worth it. I'm fairly sure that's how propaganda is produced, profits don't really matter at the end
>>36376 Total. Vigger. Death. >>36389 >Channel Federator It's weird how they have a jewtube channel that makes lore videos for shingeki no kyojin among other things. But yeah, Pendleton is a fat hack. Truly the Mark Mann of cartoons.
>>36389 Propaganda it is yes but look at the state of CN now. Or just WB in general. Their DC movies failed spectacularly. Even HBO Max was a disaster. Profits do matter but the problem is they get none from this audience they pander to. Because they're adults like the ones they hired to ruin their network to begin with. 30 something tumblr type freaks.
>>36373 Diary of a Spastic Fat Girl and Her Fuggly Cat.
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>>36392 Everything WB makes that makes bank is completely unrelated to capeshit. It's fucking hilarious. >>36389 She's a slut too!
>>36373 >>36394 I don't understand who this appeals to. Manchildren? Wo-manchildren? Nobody?
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>>36406 Yes. At the very least some people are making the best of it.
>>36406 All 3
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>>36394 >>She was about to flip the bird >>But she flipped a V sign instead <<OMG I TOTALLY GOT THAT INNUENDO <<Censorship can be so creative!11!!
>>36413 >But she flipped a V sign instead Anon, that's the English equivalent of flipping the bird: https://archive.ph/xKiIL <The British gesture - the two-fingered "v" with the palm facing inward - is a "double phallus", Dr Morris quips. <Although scholars and historians continue to debate its origins, according to legend it was first displayed at the battle of Agincourt in 1415, although this is widely regarded as mythology. <The story goes that English soldiers waved their fingers at French soldiers who had threatened to cut off captured archers' first two fingers to prevent them shooting arrows. The English were thus boasting they were still capable of doing so. It's because of this that L4D2 received a different cover when it released in England.
>>36414 Yeah but Fiona was probably representing a vagina with it. Because gurl power I guess?
>>36333 It's banking on the nostalgia of people being banked on nostalgia for 2000s/10s comics about gaming nostalgia about the 90s. It's so far removed from the modern audiences it's unreal.
>>36408 >think that homosexual porn gives this show worth Opinion discarded, faggot.
>>36422 Don't put words in my mouth.
>>36408 Would've been better if he were pouring Tabasco sauce on his junk. >>36417 Pre-2001, maybe. Post 2001 and 2010s, no.
>>36413 >>36415 >>36421 She's flipping her heckin vagina! OMG LOL!!!
>>36413 It was probably executive meddling, now I want to see the rough boards and see if my hunch was right.
>>36414 The fact she's doing an English-specific gesture just comes across as weird and referential, because as far as I know everything about this and Adventure Time was very American and was made by Americans. It's like hipsters constantly mentioning British celebrities even though it's all just the same thing of a different flavor. Maybe the writers think it makes the immature wino furbaby mom look more sophisticated? Is it even censorship? If you're in England people will recognize she's flipping someone off. Is it a kids show or an adult show?
>>36462 It's trying to be more "adult" but so far all I've seen of that is the tour bus girl saying "Jesus!" at Fionna dropping her pants. Unless you count the fingers but that means nothing to american audiences.
>>36462 > Is it a kids show or an adult show? It's PG-13 category. I remember when "parents" cried about Regular Show using one word that a majority of kids say all the time. Whereas show's like this are token and can bend the censor any which way ever.
>>36414 I highly doubt they'd bring a fairly obscure obscenity into the show, besides didn't the middle finger quickly make the "v" sign obsolete? Hell, the horn signatures used by punks or metalheads still ruffle some feathers (meaning "I horned your wife's ass", not worshipping the devil like they want you to believe) or even the top tier hand gesture: The Shocker. >left4dead Censorship cucks always have to pull out the pettiest shit just to prove a point, how many British discovered such hand gesture existed nowadays? >>36417 So this is why redditors keep repeating to themselves that Netflix are having a redemption? As long the soap opera doesn't include really mean words or jokes like back in the day
>>36474 >besides didn't the middle finger quickly make the "v" sign obsolete? No, it's still commonly used. At least it seems like it's always used with movies featuring British/French characters. The two that come to mind is Kingsmen and Red 2.
They made a Peter who laughs now
>>36502 Did they make a Peter who rapes?
>>36507 >>36502 Both are Peter Griffin.
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>>36507 >Did they make a Peter who rapes?
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>>36373 Any time some woke person tries to make a "relatable" adult protagonist in a modern-day setting, it always showcases enough bad choices to fill a bingo card. It's hilarious.
>>36518 It's always women too.
>>36518 It's always middle class women who live completely outside reality and think they know better than everyone else.
>>36518 Having a hard time "adulting" themselves.
>>36518 This video alone should be more clear on what their intellectual humor is all about.
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>>36381 It's also the fault of art schools and the complacency of the good animators of yesteryear. The schools because they decided to throw out all their lessons on Classical Drawing all the way back in the late 1960s because they were contemporarily unfashionable, which meant they effectively have no one in the teaching circuit who even knows how to teach Classical Drawing and within another generation there won't be anyone alive to do so. The animators are also at fault because they were too short-sighted to think about anything other than themselves and never set up any proteges or considered retiring to share their knowledge until it was too late. Plus the fact rich faggot students don't want to learn and the schools would rather let an art form's knowledge die completely than shrink their capitol footprint, but that goes without saying.
>>36574 This is for 6-7 year olds, right?
>>36703 It's supposed to be ironic! You know, 30 year old dipshits doing preschooler shit while being awkward as possible because that's the only thing they can do without upsetting their faggot audience. Also it seems the guy behind that video is a closeted pedophile because he was luring little kids in one of those RLM subreddits, his name is AIDS Moby: A much more pozzed Moby.
>>36502 Are you talking about spiderman?
>>36712 >Spiderman Probably, but what they really didn't count on is if there are infinite Spidermen that means there's a Nazi or KKK Spiderman.
>>36781 Tangential, but any story dealing with a 'threat' to the multiverse destroys its own conflict because if there's an infinity expanding amount of universes for any possibility then it would have already been destroyed if it were possible to do so, meaning that its not possible meaning that there are no stakes.
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AI generated Vampirella as Robin. Could this work?
>>36809 Yeah but the pic currently shows too much covered.
>>36809 No. She needs to be flat chested with no makeup.
>>36831 >flat I'm not sure you're familiar with Frank Frazetta, but I'm sure you know that.
I think I found out part of the reason why modern comics are so shit. It's because the people who actually wrote many of the older comics were actual writers who wrote books. For example, Henry Kuttner, a member of the "Lovecraft Circle", wrote numerous Green Lantern stories during the mid-40's.
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How's Futurama Season 8? I keep hearing it's alright but I don't trust normalfags.
>>36870 Anything based on modern politics is shit.
>>36874 You should accept that this is the standard from now, its been like 5 years.
>>36916 Yes entertainment has really sucked for the last 5 years. Probably longer.
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Netflix live action Avatar, made without the original showrunners, is real. It looks as terrible as expected.
>>36921 >Ozai His eyes are more round due to asian rather than sharp. He looks like a guy in cosplay. I'd give his Fire Lord robe another run through with costume, it doesn't stand out. >Iroh Face looks okay, beard is wrong though. He has mutton chops and goatee, not a full beard. It's minor but if he has a deep voice like Mako he could actually pass, much better than the M.Knight one that used an Iranian actor. >Azula Lol, no. It's like she hit the cookie dough and gained 20kg. Azula is supposed to be one of the thinnest characters in the show. A mix of thin beauty and raw power that comes being a fire bending prodigy. I'd also say she has almost no muscle mass either, as it's pure athleticism on her design. She should have angular cheek bones, not 3rd generation aremi-mutt happa features. This is also her first big acting role, way to bomb your career right out of the gate. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Yu >Zhao Design isn't too bad either to be honest. The ethnicity I'll bring up again but I'd give him a pass if he can have a presence like Jason Issacs. >Zuko I can't stop laughing, he looks like the Ember Island players version brought to life. It's amazing how bad he looks. Can we also talk about the armor designs? They look like Netflix bought them in bulk from a Chinese period piece. I'm not saying they have to be 1 for 1 but something to make the characters stand out more.
>>36922 The problem is the Fire Nation are based more around Imperial Japan but Ozai's actor is Korean. Of course no one is gonna be exact in looks but they should've kept the racial casting pool for each nation consistent. Yeah Iroh's got too full of a beard. This again is a case where they need to cast an actress with sharper features to actually match Azula's design. Then her costume design is where things start to fall apart. She, Zhao, Zuko, & heck even Iroh are supposed to be wearing armor in the show. Her first appearance in all red isn't but the gold trimmed dark red outfit is. Which I can only assume is what her look here is supposed to be based on. Well obviously Zhao's still supposed to be asian. He just looks more white in the cartoon. My issue is the guy's hair is way too long & the mutton chops aren't long enough. His should be like Iroh's where they burst outward like flames. Then again we go back to the costume. All the color is sucked out & the armor is replaced with leather. It's like they got their costume supplies off fucking Amazon. Then Zuko is really really bad in costume & actor look. Doesn't look nearly angry enough, his scar looks like a bruise, & more leather "armor". It's embarrassing how little effort they put into this. With how bad everything was with M. Night's movie, at the very least, characters actually wore armor. They learned nothing.
>>36948 This show is probably a lot more /v/ worthy than here but also why not just download the clip normally?
>>36949 Retard is probably a shill. <Downloaded a video of all the relevant parts, including the cunt's clip.
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>>36951 I don't know If people are accepting nude scenes and "sex jokes" again
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>>36950 >Dumb /co/cksucker ignoring the video is filtered through invidious. Yeah man I GOT HIRED during the production of Mario with Rabbis crossover game reducing Rayman's role as insignificant cameos, spoiler alert: Sam Fisher will face the worst fate, even worse than Jade's
>>36963 >the video is filtered through invidious <Still relying upon Jewgle for content Either exorcise it completely, or not at all.
>>36950 Man this is stupid. I don't even know what possible logic there is being this nonsense show.
I'm a slowpoke but The Amazing Digital Circus has passed 20 million views on youtube. Tumblr and the like are going crazy over it and I wouldn't be surprised if it gets an actual season with how well the pilot is doing. https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=HwAPLk_sQ3w
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>>36989 Man it is really blowing up. Even Undertale took a few weeks to get a fandom going, this got one in only a few days.
>>36989 >>36990 Until I see normalfags with that stuff doubt every viewer inflation.
>>36972 >>36970 >>36963 >>36962 >>36951 >>36950 Despite everything rayman is the best character in the show. Shows you just how the show sucks honestly. And yes it was written by a poo.
>>36989 >>36990 I think it's well animated & could be a fun mini-series but it could easily devolve into a deepest lore or relationship drama thing like so many of these kinda of projects do. Remember the creator, Gooseworx, is trans. So easily it could all fall apart.
>>36948 >>36950 I watched the first episode. MC and his boyfriend were fagging it up constantly. Unlike how Castlefagia hid the fag shit until later, this time it's obnoxiously upfront and ready to tank their viewers. It was so bad, I knew it couldn't last, and that big faggot was either gonna die or betray GazorHawk so he'd be left alone. Is the rest of this worth watching, even for LOL material? >>36990 Animation was nice. Writing was terrible. As expected of something headed by a tranny.
>>36997 >Is the rest of this worth watching, even for LOL material? No. No it isn't.
>>36994 >it was written by a poo The poo actually.
>>36999 Good point.
>>36994 >>36999 The same Poo who ruined Castlevania alongside Warren Ellis (reminder he wants to go all the way to Soma because he's his favorite character), and the same Poo who's set to ruin DMC. Who's next, he slithers his way into Sega's good graces with "Yakuza but the actual writing is like the Yakuza 1 dub"?
>>37002 He likely will stop if his father will grow balls and beat him up or just kick him off. I've heard he's daddies boy. And ofcourse his father is a richfag.
>>37003 That explains way too much.
>>37002 Shankar got ousted in a power struggle with Ellis just before the latter got MeToo'd. The one you want to blame for Castlevania nowadays is Kevin Kolde, one of the lepers from Adventure Time.
>>37008 No it was definitely all of them. None of them played the games, bragged about that like it was an achievement, & looking at Shankar's other work it's very telling he had control over it. Ever notice Castlevania, Nocturne, & Captain Laserhawk all feature long haired dark skinned men who are also super hard gay?
>>37008 Shankar and Ellis laid the groundwork, and at the end of the day there will be enough Commiefornian (((college))) graduates who are of the same breed as the normalfags who enjoy this Joss Whedon-wannabe writing that they don't need to be there for their stink to propagate. In fact, leaving Castlevania lets them branch out to ruining other franchises, it seems.
>>37010 His self insert? I was wondering about the hard gay content and was just putting it down to netflix.
>>37018 It's not an obligation but more of a quota. Even then not every show has them. But all of Shankar's productions do. Especially his self insert show. I think that's why he tries to present himself as this hardcore edgy metalhead dude. He's insecure about being seen as gay but also can't help living vicariously through his creations.
>>37019 Yeah I can see it I could only stomach about 10 minutes of Lazerhawk. I found the gay stuff too much to stomach, that and said gay characters always have this weird post colonial anti-white axe to grind.
>>37020 Oh yeah after that the white faggot has sex with pagan min. Oh and then some stupid stuff about racism and rebolution that goes nowhere AND A DOUBLE twist villian
>>37019 >It's not an obligation but more of a quota. Even then not every show has them. But all of Shankar's productions do. Especially his self insert show. I think that's why he tries to present himself as this hardcore edgy metalhead dude. He's insecure about being seen as gay but also can't help living vicariously through his creations. They should've long banned nutcases like this from making shows.
>>37024 The problem is it's nutcases in charge of entertainment industries.
>>37021 They may sell the idea that Ubisoft-topia became "da fascist colony" but in reality it shares so much in common with a marxist shithole. >Tv stations backed by the government >Expendable living creatures like if they're machines >Terrorists just happen to be ones who won't comply to the dictatorship But of course, it would be right-wing propaganda if the rebels weren't just two Gary Stu's doing anal every time they get the chance, it's like an even more pozzed Far Cry plot. >>37022 MY FUCKING SIDES I know that street-shitter's existence ever since the outcry of Apu representing his toilet of a country around the world, yet that's his most popular video on his YT channel. How long until his league of redditors start spilling their soymilk at their phonescreen once his new shitty videogame cartoon hits a dead end just like his take on Castlevania?
>>37026 They should've been banned as well. But their rich prick bloodlines run too deep, has too many connections and political ties.
>>37030 Sadly the era of failures actually punishing your career is over.
>>37031 Twatter, Tumblr, and Reddit are the determining factors now. A movie could be so bad that it makes Ishtar look like a masterpiece. But as long as either three says it's gold, it's gold.
>>37036 Not really. Plenty of movies users of those places love or hyped up have been failures. This is more of a problem with video games. Blue Beetle bombed hard but Spider-man 2 sold 2 million units on release.
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>>37038 Anon, 2 million is very low by triple AAA standards. It has to break even by selling at least 10 million at the very minimum these days because of overblown budgets on marketing, graphical assets, and everything else that isn't gameplay related. If it doesn't meet that number by the end of the week it's going to drop and will fail to meet sales expectation. Also >>37037 >Copium Learn the law of the land or fuck off, cuckchanner. The more your kind do this the more unwelcome you're gonna feel. Pic related.
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>>37038 >Blue Beetle bombed Even the most devoted r/etards who kept spamming the launch date on Youtube couldn't save it, I hope they pulled out a Salvador Allende for failing miserable propagating their waste of time that lasts 1 hour and a half.
>>37038 I meant it as idiots honestly believing that Twatter, Reddit and Tumblr has the final say so. Idiots the likes of Shankar included. Though majority of them only use such sites to crowdfund their trash. So as not to piss away their rich prick money. Because the smarter ones know the hype will loose traction.
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>>37038 >but Spider-man 2 sold 2 million units on release Anon, did you forget about the leaks over the summer detailing how Sony wasted at least $200 MILLION on each of their individual games: https://archive.ph/G9e3W That's just regarding the budget for developing the damn things. It's not accounting for marketing and PR, which would double that number at minumum. In addition, you also have to factor in retail and shipping costs as well. Which would result in the actual total cost being somewhere as high as $600-$800 million. ALSO, this is all assuming that inflation doesn't occur. Even in the healthiest economies on the planet, inflation is an ever present fact of life, that increases 3%-5% every year. Meaning that, Sony need to make the quickest return on investment as possible because total money made in the short term is worth more than the same "amount" of money made in the long term. But, trying to be the most liberal with the numbers, for the purposes of giving Sony as much leverage and advantage as possible, let's just assume that the actual number they need to make back is $300 million, within six month's time, just to break even on the project (IOW, all their debts are paid, but there's practically no money in the bank afterwards). Assuming each person bought the game at full price Sony would need to sell at least 5 million copies of the game over six months. Did they make this deadline with the two games where we have a confirmed budget number for? Let's first look at Horizon. It was finally confirmed in April, over a year after release, that the game sold 8.4 million copies: https://archive.ph/z2ha3 Assuming that the game sold at the same pace over that 14 month period, that means that the game only sold 3.6 million by the six month deadline. But, that's a highly inaccurate way to calculate it. What else do we have? Well, in August of 2022, which is the end of the six month window, we have a report stating that 50% of all PS5 sales were the result of bundles with Horizon: https://archive.ph/Gxrnn Assuming this to be true, worldwide, let's look at the sales of the PS5 from February to August of 2022. As of January of 2022, the number is assumed to be 15-17 million: https://archive.ph/PEqSm And, by August, that number rose to 21 million: https://archive.ph/i9Gf8 Assuming that numbers are accurate and being the most generous, that means that 6 million PS5s were sold over those six months, with 3 million accounting for sales of Horizon. Well, what about non-PS5 bundle sales? We don't need to worry about the PS4 as it only accounted for 5% of sales: https://archive.ph/pnSRc So, how about standalone PS5 copies of the game? Well, apparently, that accounted for 80% of the games sales: https://archive.ph/DnGSc So, with that piece of info, that means that, over a six month period, over 15 million copies of Horizon: Forbidden West was sold. I don't know about anyone else, but that seems a little off to me. Oh well, regardless, I guess that means Horizon'' did in fact make it's money back. Congratulations Sony, though I do question why you lied and said that it sold only half as much as it really did. Let's move onto TLoU2. There's only two types of data that I can find concerning the game's sales. The first is the amazing announcement of having sold four million copies within the first week: https://archive.ph/yaoid The second is this Ledditor breaking down the game's performance over a seven monther period, where he outlines the game's player stats, and ultimately comes to the conclusion that TLoU2 barely attracted any additional sales after it's first month: https://archive.ph/kfwFa But, regardless, it does show that Sony managed to pass the 5 million mark that I generously gave them. So, again, congratualtions are in order for Sony. Thank God they didn't need to sell MORE than that five million number, right?
>>37051 He made an insert-self, Universal Soldier type cartoon about kissing on a man, sucking and taking dick up his greasy curryhole. He's all kinds of lost.
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>>37055 Don't reply to niggerpill
>>37039 >>37054 Well as long as it's actually a failure regardless of the initial sales boom.
>>37029 >it's like an even more pozzed Far Cry plot *post 3 Far cry plot Far cry 2 despite there being minimal plot was more intresting then this. Even far cry 3.
>>37092 To think the fan theories were a lot more thoughtful on an interview video with Esposito, one of the letters he was reading said: >The female protagonist got raped and conceived a child while her pedophile rapist got a bullet into his head >The child later got abducted by the dictator to be his successor since he's not able to have children on his own What did they do instead? A pozzifyed Cuban revolution where the anarchists who sunk the island into the toilet are portrayed as the heroes and the game will guilt trip you when choosing the easy way (abandon everything).
>>37106 Yeah I've heard FC6s story sucks. But sodoes the gameplay.
>>37107 It's a retro kind of cringe.
>>37107 >Half the shit they credit the "government" with "operating" don't require the government in the first place to exist >"It's the governments job to solve people's problems"
Hey, anyone remember that Jim Carrey film from two decades ago where God takes a holiday and leaves Carrey in charge, and one of the things Carrey learns throughout the movie is that all of life's problems cannot be solved by simply wishing them away? Well, Yidsney looked at that movie and said: <FUCK THAT!!!
>>37107 >Le 56% race mixed mutts >Nigger music >We love our nation, we swear >Only the government may wipe my ass >Kewl and hip vidya references And just like that, Viacom doubles down on being the biggest cocksuckers. Funny how they're still sugarcoating that retarded meme that Is democracy despite leading to tyranny, exterminating any opponents, the USSR was a great example of democracy by following their logic.
>>37114 And the villain being her own father who's bad because he doesn't just grant EVERYONE'S wishes has a terrible song. Way too upbeat.
>>37114 Pixar's artstyle is no longer special or unique, even the competition manages to pull it off.
>>37107 A Nu-Schoolhouse Rock, eh? Their trans-binary kids are already not alright.
>>37107 Yeah no, we need a government the same way one needs a tapeworm. >>37114 >There is a traitor amongst us. That had to be intentional, probably an intern snuck up that line for shits and giggles.
>>37107 I can't see a single part of this that anyone would desire.
>>37114 >Chris Pine as the voice of the king antagonist >Just after playing (one of the the antagonists) in "Don't Worry Darling" Pine has become another go-to actor for portraying male villains who uphold a fragile status quo so that they can be used to show how evil men are (and even if this statement sounds so cliche, there is truth to it). So as the maxim goes, you either die a hero, or live long enough to become a villain, but he always was a mediocre hero to begin with.
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Miles new suit in Spider-man 2 PS5 is quite literally a corporate sponsor made design by Adidas in order to sell merchandise based on it. Poorly made from the looks of it. The lines on the arms & chest don't even connect. The shoes themselves are $230. A quite literal designed by corporate committee suit made for the soul purpose of shilling overpriced products to niggers with too much money & no sense.
>>37196 Shieet I finna cop on' dem' mufuggas on da first o' da month, babeh! I gon' be the richest nigga in da' hood lookin' on dat ICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shieeet
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>>37200 Unironically a better crossover than whatever the fuck the Scooby x Courage one was supposed to be At least we got Lil' Eustace, he was already balling but this cements the farmer as an honorary playa
>>37196 Run-of-the-mill crap.
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>>37201 Did Eustace win at the end of the movie?
>>37201 Eustace Bagge rapping is something I never thought I'd see. Also, I edited the video to remove the annoying intro and outro.
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Well it's really coming out. The first teaser for Netflix's ATLA is here. It looks decent for the most part. So we can expect the writing to suck. I'm still suspicious of the lack of Japanese cast when the Fire Nation are supposed to be based around Japan primarily. There's also still the costume issues mentioned before here >>36923 so still remain wary.
>>37256 Be honest, is the only reason people give a shit about this stupid show is because it's more Avatar, or because they want to see just how bad it is?
>>37257 Bit of both. Depends on what side you fall on. Consumer mindlessly eating up more product or fan who wants to see it done right but knows it'll fail.
>>37256 It looks generic...
>>37260 I mean Avatar isn't exactly the most unique kind of story.
>>37286 It definitely rivalized Teen Titans when it comes to pseudo-anime that many 2000's fagolescents jizzed their pants at because Japan is so taboo, both cartoons have spawned endless porn enthusiasts and both shows have been squeezed into mush, at least Nick knew when to quit and sent Korra into a dead end hole just to finish the contract with the delusional hipsters so they could move on and poz other franchises. Quite hilarious that it almost dethroned Spongebob but nobody noticed it.
>>37296 >both cartoons have spawned endless porn enthusiasts Still a drop in the bucket compared to something like the Loud House.
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>>37256 Ehhhh. It looks like a hazy dream. Like if someone were to make Shamalans movie today instead of back in 2009. Appa and Momo don't look any better than early CG. The bending also seems to involve too many particles. Zuko at 1:03 for instance goes for an over head kick but the fire doesn't have much of a length before it becomes smoke. Kiyoshi Warriors are also using wooden fans, not metal ones. Suki's headband also wasn't detailed as it was a piece that needed movement and intricate detail would be too much to animate. I'm nitpicking but I'll probably say this is better than the 2009 movie, even if it does look kinda cheap.
>>37301 Also, who in book one do you think they're going to racebend because they're Netflix? My money is on Jet. Maybe throw in some blacks with the Yuyans or Earth Kingdom Troops.
>>37301 Basically yes there's a problem with trying to over detail the designs instead of recreating them basically but with high end materials.
>>37258 >fan who wants to see it done right but knows it'll fail. I've come to hold these sorts of people in contempt, for knowing the problem and still letting themselves get duped out of desperation. The cattle, at least, are too brain-damaged to know better (but still deserve to die for enabling en masse).
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>The Marvels Bombs as All-Time Lowest MCU Weekend With $47 Million https://archive.md/vgQeM
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>>37346 Not even a pointless Beast, redesigned to look more like the 90s cartoon version, cameo could save them. Disney keeps tiptoeing along with finally doing X-men shit but they can't just commit to their "plan" for whatever fucking reason. In other big news, Madame Web got a trailer. Y'know, Madame Web? Yes the old crone but also based more on the young one named Julia Carpenter who's also in this movie but as one of 3 Spider-women. It's another NOT Spider-man Sony movie that may or may not tie into Venom 3 that may or may not feature shota Peter Parker. This movie features not only 3 Spider-women but one of them is tarred race swapped & all of them are missing the most important feature of spider adjacent costume besides the symbol. The fucking lenses. Featuring Ezekiel Simms as the villain. Who you ask? Why he was just some random guy who got spider powers but used it to get rich instead of being a hero. Yeah he's the villain here for some reason instead of like Morlun. They wanna do the Spider-totem shit without committing I guess.
>>37350 >In other big news, Madame Web got a trailer. Y'know, Madame Web? The old esoteric lady who constantly annoyed Peter by giving him moral lessons? At least, that's how she was depicted in the Fox cartoon.
>>37256 wow, that actually looks competent. No niggers, good casting, good music and good shoots and decent visual effects. How the fuck is this a Netflix production?
>>37351 Yeah that old biddy. >>37352 >no niggers Never say never. Netflix already tarred Nami's sister in One Piece despite having Usopp as the prominent black character already.
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The Scott Pilgrim Shitflix show apparently just dropped. Haven't seen it personally, but from what I'm gleaning from cuckchan chatter, it seems like a cross between FF7 Remake and He-Man Revelations as it masquerades as a more accurate adaptation then goes full retard: >Scott loses to Matthew Patel and seemingly dies. Patel goes on to usurp Gideon Graves (supposedly interviews already admitted Scott wasn't getting much screentime and they wanted the shock of the first episode to match the "shock" of the slice of life in volume 1 turning into supernatural combat shenanigans) >It's more "Ramona Flowers vs. The World" -- apparently it's her turn to be the "protagonist who learns they were kind of a shit person the whole time", and episodes focus on her and the exes >They cut out Stephen's gay arc, but conversely Wallace seduces Todd Ingram into being gay and breaking up with Envy (he's dressed like Scott because Young Neil's shooting a movie about Scott's life after his apparent death, and he and Lucas Lee auditioned) >Turns out Scott's kidnapped. Main villain is Future Scott trying to stop himself from letting Ramona destroy his life >They may have excised Scott and Knives' past relationship >Lisa and Nega-Scott aren't in this show, and the Twins are the only Evil Exes not to have a spotlight episode Here's some torrents if you care to verify: https://scene-rls.net/?s=Scott+pilgrim&submit=Find https://rlsbb.ru/scott-pilgrim-takes-off-s01-1080p-web-h264-successfulcrab/
>>37354 Don't you see anon? This is different from all those examples of shitty streaming service peemakes and shititual successors because Scott Pilgrim was already shit! >Main villain is Future Scott trying to stop himself from letting Ramona destroy his life Are you saying that Ramona Flowers ruined his whole generation?
>>37354 Damn this sounds like they are going to trump the og with stupidity
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>>37354 On the plus side, Roxy apparently leglocks and makes out with Kim.
>>37357 Did they put hentai drool kissing in this
>>37354 >it seems like a cross between FF7 Remake and He-Man Revelations as it masquerades as a more accurate adaptation then goes full retard They already said that the anime (Yes, it's an anime) was going to diverge from the comic, so I don't see why that's surpri- >Scott loses to Matthew Patel and seemingly dies WAIT, WHAT? >It's more "Ramona Flowers vs. The World" >Wallace seduces Todd Ingram into being gay and breaking up with Envy >Main villain is Future Scott trying to stop himself from letting Ramona destroy his life You're fucking with me, right? <Searches up the shows plot: https://archive.ph/q7OFR Oh, dear God, it's that and MUCH worse. As opposed to the film (Don't watch it, it's shit), that follows the comic up to volume four and then improvises the rest of the story, this show basically drags the entire arc of volume six and makes it the entire story. >>37355 >>37356 I remember liking the original comic because of how stupid and silly it was.
>>37359 Netflix managed to ruin a whole generation of videogame cartoons
>>37354 >Could have just done an adaptation >Instead we get this shit >Somehow worse than the shit live action film The absolute state, everything Netflix puts out is absolute garbage.
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>>37359 >>37360 >>37361 Is it better or worse that this wasn't Netflix's fault other than lying about in marketing but instead falls squarely on O'Malley? Turns out he all but said this was all his idea on a reddit AMA even if both Saru animation and Netflix wanted to just do a normal accurate adaptaion,
>>37380 >This actually wasn't the fault of Netflix >Nor SARU's
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>>37380 If they were going to do this they should have called it “Scott Pilgrim Presents: Ramona Flowers Levels Up” or something like that. But I guess that’s like saying “ If they were going to make one mistake they shouldn’t make another”, which is technically true but better not to make the first one.
>>36701 they still teach that book at several of the drawing schools / animations schools however seems to be less focus on it in alot of places. Especially america.
Steve Urkel's animated Christmas special is coming soon. It was announced in 2021, but it was eventually pushed back to this year.
>>37402 I thought it was nuked along with Batgirl.
>>37402 >>37403 It should've been. Who's nostalgic enough for Steve Urkel to wanna watch this?
>>37405 There was nothing else on tv back then, that was literally the main reason why these shitty sitcoms got ratings on the first place.
>>37406 Yeah sure but I can't imagine now over 2 decades after the fact that it'd turn a profit with a special.
>>37410 TURD RAIDER CONFIRMED For a second I thought the reference sheet was showcasing the dyke from Legend of Korra in a prom dress.
>>37413 I'd take an attractive brown lara croft over this crap
>>37406 That and Rabbit Ears and/or chicken's foot with VHS was a more affordable option for most. To be honest I miss it. Especially the heavily edited Saturday Night movies.
>>37380 >[show reboot] is very pro-[show/character] How and why did this become newspeak for "The original is problematic so we fixed (read:castrated) it"?
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>>37358 Yeah, but apparently pantyshots on an adult woman is too much for the Netflix faggots and the Hapa.
>>37453 >he isn't aroused by Ramona's gaping black void. Fag.
Found out that Justin Roiland had a life before doing Rick and Memey. Here's an interview going over the Disney Channel cartoon Fish Hooks that he wrote for. Also, finally saw Ruby Gillman, found it to be rather lame.
>>37457 He also worked in a series of parody skits for VH1, whole thing felt like a Collegehumor special hour block but it's gone from the webs, only the channel 101 site remains live.
>>37354 >Turns out Scott's kidnapped. Main villain is Future Scott trying to stop himself from letting Ramona destroy his life This is really funny to me. In the OG it was pretty much implied that both Scott and Ramona were horrible people, and Scott only manages to redeem himself by understanding that fact and moving on to be a better person. Saving himself from Ramona seems to me like the best solution for him. >>37359 >I remember liking the original comic because of how stupid and silly it was. No, you remember liking it because it was a printed webcomic in a world where videogames and nerdshit were considered lame, and lesbian sex (and homos to some) were seen as risquè and hot. It has always had horrible pacing and just straight up ass pulls, but it was much more understandable back then as the normies hadn't invaded and corrupted every hobby under the sun.
>>37132 >That had to be intentional, probably an intern snuck up that line for shits and giggles. I bet you think Barenaked Ladies' song Blame It On Me was just marketing for sus game, too. https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=bkaO7pSWx28
>>37479 Everyone knows about that, what I'm getting at is the stuff where they bothered to put some thought on it, like Mr. Sprinkles or the poorly drawn doodles racemixing with their neighbours that are drawn better.
They retconned Nightcrawler
>>37510 It's not even that Azazel is a good character. It's just that futa Mystique is stupid & gay. It also completely takes away Nightcrawler's dynamic with his dad. The guy he sacrificed his own soul to keep bound to earth so he can't make an army in hell.
Wanted to settle a couple of bets One of the things I said I would do in another thread is that I would go to my local Barnes and Noble, and count how many capeshit series I see in the manga section. For reference, the manga section takes up sixteen shelves in the store. Of all those series (Which I think is 200-300 series), only fifteen are capeshit, with the "largest" selection being from BHA (Followed by Fire Force). And, even then, all those series put together do not take up an entire shelf. Meanwhile, when I go the the "graphic novel" section, consisting of nine shelves, five of those are capeshit and another shelf is comprised solely' of adaptations of other works (Cartoons, vidya, novels, etc). Giving the benefit of the doubt, I decided to pursue things further and see if any if the remaining three shelves had possibly worthwhile original content. The overwhelming majority of the series there disgusted me because it's: <Ugly-ass art (This CANNOT be emphasized enough) <More zombie/gore shit <Dude weed, LOL <Dykes/Fags <Niggers That being said, I will admit that there are ten series that grabbed my attention and I will have to see about reading later. They are: >Lady-Bird >Long Lost >Once & Future >Sailor Twain >Search for Hu >Villainous (No, has nothing to do with the Mexican cartoon) >Virtual Hero >Urban Animal >West of Subdown >Wicked Things Will have to report back later in if any of these are good.
>>35154 >Flash with the gay jew It felt like a MCU's rejected plot with awkward moments, Erza Miller is both unbearable in the movie and real life, I just hope he gets the electric chair for that shitty movie alone. They had to shove in Keaton just to appease the nostalgiafags and who fucking killed his jewy spic mother anyway? If the whole thing became a mocap movie and nobody would give a shit or notice any difference. The only pro I could find is Michael Keaton dying again and again in an endless loophole, about time that smug trained monkey gets himself killed by a greater force, not even the Mary Sue could save him. >>37359 >Scott ends up regretting his life choices And now the show getting shit on by its fans because they got cockteased into thinking they were adapting the soap opera comic into the cartoon, this is same people that can't take sarcasm even if it slapped them right in front of their faces.
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New Madame Web posters. So two of the Spider-women costumes have lenses but they're so clear that you can see the actresses eyes. Completely missing the point of the spider lenses.
>>37613 >woman with glasses <no lenses I bet the guy on the left will be some sort of villain or traitor.
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>>37614 That's Ezekiel Sims. Literally the villain, yes.
>>37615 Of course he is. The MCU is no longer going through phases, it's going through menstrual cycles. And it's running low on eggs.
>>37616 What I don't get is how they're taking a one off Spider-man adjacent character like Ezekiel Sims but essentially giving him Morlun's roles. Just use Morlun at that point.
>>37613 Low budget is low budget.
>>37617 He will give Tom the PG-13 beating of his life eventually, he is a S-tier villain (before multiverse stuff).
Suicide Squad Isekai got another trailer & it completely went under the radar because I didn't hear a thing about it till now.
>>37683 They flooded the mile with so much of this same-same crap, that anything "new" they pump out is just not worth the first notice.
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Some credible Suicide Squad Kills the Justice League leaks.
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>>37720 >>37721 Literally just got confirmed >That Ivy Holy fuck, Americans sure love ugly shit! These AAA face models remind me of shit like pic related.
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More leaks! This time for the Wolverine game. The hacking was real.
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>>37755 Also some test footage. Jean will be playable.
>>37721 If that's supposed to be Ivy and Harley's fuggly Greta Thunberg looking love child then they can have this nonsense.
>>37760 No it's literally Ivy. Either Arkhamverse Ivy reborn from a sapling or Earth 2 Ivy.
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More Wolverine gameplay leaks. It's just nu-God of War meets Arkham detective vision.
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>>37721 More Ivy.
>>37196 almost every suit in this game is utter shit, not only the first game had more but most of them looked better
Anyone seen Blue Eyed Samurai?
>Warner Bros. Discovery And Paramount Could Become One Company In Industry-Shaking Merger https://archive.ph/MIYUQ < After months of speculation related to two of Hollywood's biggest media companies, it seems that a huge, landscape-altering deal could be on the horizon. Warner Bros. Discovery is reportedly in talks to merge with Paramount, as reported by Axios. While it's cautioned that things are preliminary, WBD CEO David Zaslav did recently meet with Paramount CEO Bob Bakish to discuss a possible deal, which would potentially happen sometime next year. This would further alter the movie and TV business as we know it. <Zaslav is said to have spoken with Shari Redstone, who owns Paramount's parent company, National Amusements Inc., about a possible deal. This is also not the only talk we've heard lately regarding a possible takeover of Paramount, with Puck recently reporting that Skydance Media and RedBird Capital Partners were eyeing a potential deal to buy a majority stake in NAI. Talk of a potential sale of Paramount began last year but has heated up recently. The main reason being that Paramount, in all likelihood, will not be able to survive in the ever-evolving media landscape that is moving increasingly away from traditional TV and towards streaming.
>>37761 >>37771 They certainly made her into an ugly, bucktoothed little snot gobbling. Jeez. >>37786 >will not be able to survive in the ever-evolving media landscape that is moving increasingly away from traditional TV and towards streaming. Excuses, excuses.
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>>37787 Doesn't even sound like a child either.
>>37792 Is it supposed to be an incredibly short adult or a child?
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>>37802 Child.
>>37792 >>37810 Well, they can have it all. Harley Quinn has become so overrated that it's not even funny, and her relationship with Ivy is the only thing "fanboys/girls" gush about.
Why are Western comics so painful to read? Yesterday, I decided to start reading some of the comics I have listed on my backlog. So, I started with Teether and Scud: the disposable Assassin. To start with, Teether is a shitty "horror" comic that tries to drag on the story of an eldritch loli monster across four issues and doesn't work (Primarily because it's trying to make the monster out as being "moral"). Don't read it. Scud, however, is a zany action-comedy about a robot assassin taking jobs to pay the medical bills for the purposes of keeping his first mark alive because he explodes as soon as his target is killed. This might be a fun read if the artist of the comic wasn't tripping on acid for most of it. Half the time, my eyes actually hurt as I cannot decipher what the fuck is going on in in these panels. No to mention the fact that all this exposition in the story takes up far too much time to get through.
>>37846 For comparison, here's a manga that I have been reading called Desert Rose. Compare the action an exposition in these panels to what you see in Scud.
And, I just found another problem when trying to find Western comics to read: where the Hell do I even fucking start with most of these series? For example, here's one series I want to take a look at, The Coven. I cannot, for the life of me, find jack about this series. And on top of that, there seems to be several iterations of the comic. Is there anything at all like a "comic book database" that tracks what series come out, which material is the sequel/prequel to which, and actually explains to me what this series is all about?
>>37855 Another advantage manga has over comics. You can start from volume 1 & even older stuff gets new printings or collected omnibuses. It becomes harder & harder to find anything for just early 2000s comics.
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>>37786 >TimeWarner and Viacom on merging Just metastasize already and dupe the manchildren who thought they were fighting the good fight, sooner or later they have to realize both companies are just controlled opponents flexing their loyal dead-brain consumers. >>37787 Nick got diddly dick on what to play in those dead air segments and Spongebob is the perfect filler show to go along with Teen Titans GO
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>>37876 Nick has Nicktoons and look at what they did to the channel. Cartoon Network/Warner screwed itself over by playing stupid political games. But it's all still a race to the bottom.
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I read somewhere that Disney tried to reboot W.I.T.C.H l "Il cuore dell'amicizia. W.I.T.C.H. Il reboot (Graphic novel)" I have been reading people claiming shit is very lame and "an unneeded reboot" Some people claim they put hints for Taranee being bi and more shit like that. So far most reviews are negative

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>>37533 >Villainous So, this was better than Scud and Teether, but the story leaves very little to desire. It's a five part capeshit story about a lizard girl who wants to join the superhero squad of her world. However, upon the first day of her internship, she finds out that the heroes are actually killers who slowly dictate the course of the world and the media (Bascially, the Kikes), and framed for her own muder after finding this out. She then joins up with the main "villain" group, where were also burned by the lying supers, and they plot to overthrow the evil "heroes". The reason why I bring up the story being five parts is that the plot moves along really quick. It doesn't really give the reader anytime to settle in the story being told. The art is okay, and I could actually make out the action taking place in the panels, but I didn't care much for the style as it felt like the artists was afraid to make the lizard girl look cute (The other female characters looked rather decent). Long story short, okay art, pacing could be better, and the story is rather cliche. 3/5 stars.
>>37913 >Some people claim they put hints for Taranee being bi and more shit like that. It's modern Disney & a foreign comic so pretty obvious they'll go that route for the brownie points.
>>37913 Also, the new generic not-animu art looks like trash compered to the Canepa/Barbucci style from the original comic
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>>37855 >where the Hell do I even fucking start with most of these series? It happened the exact same to me with Spider-Girl (and several other comics but this one I remember the most), I was really interested about it so I grabbed what It looked like issue 1, but I was confused with the first chapter because it didnt felt like an introudction, then I realized Amazing Spider-Girl was the follow up to Spider-Girl and then I stopped reading. Regardless of quality, I hate when this shit happens. Anyway, try to search always for comic book reading orders, sometimes they are a headache but they do help a lot.
>>37933 (goy vey) You're still dealing with an overgrown child who got chewed and spit out by every race known in humankind, but 10 times older than you and they always play dumb whenever you question if they got a failed abortion hidden in their cave. You're still a lapdog in their eyes whose purpose is to be the shoulder to cry on, fucking an old hag it's another feminist psyop that'll you end up regretting deeply if you fall for it.
>>37961 What the fuck are you even saying?! Take your schizo pills!
>>37961 No one's fault you're a Disney freak. But anon is correct. They always play that game for GLAAD points, and the mouse has become infamous for it.
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>>37966 >>37968 Wait what the fuck, I thought I was replying some guy with mommy issues who's into old hags that are triple his age. Never reply when you're half asleep.
A documentary about the ReBoot CGI cartoon is coming in mid-2024 to celebrate its 30th anniversary. Nearly everybody involved with the show has aged, but it's nice to see it all again.
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>>38048 >The amount of creative freedom. Ain't that the truth. https://e-hentai.org/g/2256720/ac510402bc/
>>38048 >>38049 After The Guardian Code, I know I should never want to see anything new with ReBoot ever again, but I still want so badly to just see what was gonna happen after the last episode. That ending was one hell of a cliffhanger.
>>38048 I heard the documentary team managed to find the masters for the entire series on some obscure disk format as well. Hope it gets remastered or something down the line.
>2024 You really should accept that shitty quality and "woke" stuff are the standard now.
>>38097 Of course it's the standard. That's why the industries are dying.
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>>38098 Trying their hardest to cater both rock bottom redditors and the sensitive tumblrinas who are glued to their cellphones policing wrong thinking while just pirating their shitty products.
>>37846 I liked the basic set up for Teether, being that the little girl was struggling with whether she had just been resurrected by Shub Niggurath as a hybrid with a mission of vengeance or whether she was just a piece of ol' Shubby with memories of a little girl that got eaten. But everything else was a disappointment. Plot didn't really go anywhere ether.
>>38107 If that's what the comic was about, that would be interesting. However, the actual "plot" (If you can even call it that) is about a little nigger who "dindu nuffin" trying to save himself from his white friends who want to kill him to "appease"(?) the gods and end the nightmare they caused by botching a demon summoning ritual. Looking back on it, the comic went straight into absolute irony territory when the nigger pulled a gun out is his backpack. Let me repeat that in case you missed it: The middle school aged nigger, who's going to school in the middle of the Bumfuck Knowhere Mountain Range, and thought that he was the best of friends with all the other kids at the school just the day prior, pulled a fucking gun out of his backpack!
>>38110 Pure coincidence goy dear reader.
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>>38097 Like hell.
>>38114 Few exceptions do not make a standard though.
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Madame Web still looks terrible. The costumes are overthinking the simple designs while missing the important quality of the white spider lenses.
>>38160 All of Sony’s bootleg mcu films have been trash. Frankly all cinematic universes, especially those made in response to the mcu, are worthless.
>>38161 This is true.
>>38160 >missing the important quality of the white spider lenses Pedowood couldn't make a Halo movie without showing Master Chief's face. They refused to make Starship Troopers with the original suits (which would have been a lot like a Halo movie). It was hard for them to make the Dredd movie, and look at its predecessor. They don't believe that they can make a movie where they don't show the character's eyes and faces all the time. Nothing will convince them that it's possible to keep an audience with a protagonist dehumanized in this manner.
>>38160 >That godawful logo on the suit just spreading the spider legs wherever >That fucking Negressman with a fro lmao, this is some next level garbage >>38167 Anon, main actors in a movie are required by law to be able to show their face on screen unless they consent to do otherwise.
>>38188 >main actors in a movie are required by law to be able to show their face on screen unless they consent to do otherwise. Got a source for that as it sounds like absolute bullshit.
>>38167 Reminder that Dredd's current owner literally makes it a contractual requirement for licensees that Dredd keeps his damn helmet on. He does it because he considers 2000 AD one of the last remaining parts of "modern" English culture anyone cares about and it needs to be preserved.
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>>38160 Looks more like a spoof comedy if anything. Or better yet, a Cinemax After Dark film. Already has the name.
>>38188 >>38189 It's not a law but a contractual obligation. Some actors have it in their own contracts while with others it's just a studio rule. Hell they won't even let characters wear domino masks anymore. It's stupid as hell.
The next Clone High season is coming this February. It's gonna be just like last season.
>>38289 Definitely looks like every other adult animated comedy.
>>38289 How the fuck is this garbage getting more content? Streaming companies must be really desperate
>>38312 It's a trick of marketing: this isn't "two seasons", it's one season split into two for the purpose of inciting FOMO in late viewers.

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>>38122 Every year the machine keeps pumping out and perpetuating this shit and it's on the verge of a severe meltdown.
>>38321 Not until the movies stop just barely funding these companies. Another crisis in hollywood caused by a world crisis will do it.
>>38343 >They have infinite money, seems to be the only thing that they care about ESG's on the decline, Normalfags stopped giving a fuck about superheroes, and Disney lost so much money that they couldn't extend the copyright of steamboat willy via congressional "donations". It's been overall a money loss and woke companies are cutting corners just to survive at this point and the ones that championed this shit are slowing down just to get a little more money to last a little longer cause they realized nobody outside their circle likes their shit as much as they thought since they were propped up by venture capital before covid give them a small boom due to everyone being locked inside with fuck all to do.

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Some madman leaked an entire SpongeBob movie last night through Twitter. It looks absolutely horrendous.
>>38343 Even the people the machine was producing this for weren't buying it, reading it, nor watching. They never do. Majority of those frauds on YouTube were and/are "reviewing" free copies, which they always sell for a higher price elsewhere. Sadly their sheep are so fooled they believe and give these fuckers money. But what did these companies achieve by catering to such people as this https://archive.is/7JYC6? What was DC and Marvel/Disney's ROI from queerwashing and race swapping their popular characters? Disney was called out for trying to farm all those GLAAD points. >>38349 And it's got Wanda DYikes in it.
>>37092 Post-2 Far Cry games have decent-to-good concepts with increasingly bad executions, but I haven't played Far Cry 6. >Far Cry 3 Jason is a soft and frat-y white guy who takes on the role of a hero but comes close to turning into a murderous lunatic because the people of the island are backward savages given guns with a culture where it's impossible to tell who is or isn't an enemy. He is egged on by the very feminine and enchanting wiles of life on the island personified in Citra because he isn't able to do everything he's capable of in America and completely lacks purpose there. >Far Cry 4 It's Dune but tropical, and you're caught between a manipulative and zealous traditionalist and a bloodthirsty and hypocritical progressive. It was held back by cowardly writing and time constraints. Everything after Pagan Min's reveal of how he would have and will give up the island to Ajay is written as if it was the end of Act 2, but the game ends. You don't re-liberate the island from your chosen terrorist faction. You have the option to kill its leader on the spot after a thinly-veiled threat is made against you and the fate of your adoptive little sister is revealed. Whether you spare or kill major characters, nothing about the story changes. >Far Cry 5 An examination of a dichotomy between carefree blissfully ignorant small town freaks who rely on the government to do everything for them and a cult led by people who have recovered from real problems of American life (first in rural life in their parents, then in the government with CPS and the military, then in urban life after they're separated) but take the reins of governance because of their knowledge of an imminent disaster yet are going too far. The execution is terrible. The "say yes" motif and forced abductions don't work at the gameplay level. The story was written in a unisex manner because the executives were too afraid of inviting controversy with what could happen to a female player but didn't want to remove "player choice" despite it being a FPS. There are major signs of multiple rewrites in the files, and this is most likely due to Ubisoft's push for its games to be apolitical between 2016 and 2020 because of Trump's election. The three factions making up the Resistance don't have any serious criticisms to be levied against them other than their lack of seriousness. The ambiguity of whether the people you're supporting are right is gone until the end of the game, and you can't spare major characters as you could in the previous title.
>>38349 Oh wow. Those leaked storyboards are true then. Is that a fucking troon?!
>>38356 When audiences aren't going to see your movies & you actively can't get a profit off them, yes they fucking matter you stupid knuckledragging fuck!
>>38349 So is someone going to dump that shit in here, or it's not even worth a torrent?
>>38356 Their real audiences all left after they were told to fuck off, were called bigots, and everything else. Why? Because of their honest reviews and opinions. >Again, they can farm infinite money. From those rainbow haired, trust fund faggots on TikTok and YouTube? My ass. They made Batwoman the best of both worlds; a sassy, section 8, proud black luzbians and look at the reception. Hell, they even made Obi Wan Kenobi bisexual, and fucking big titted TRANS-Transformers, and what money did they get from this? They can't even afford to make proper costumes for their shitty capeshit films. Looking like they yeeted that shit from the fucking Salvation Army dumpster.
>>38366 And that money isn't making up for the billions invested & lost into these movies.
>>38360 Our Spanish-speaking friends seem to have some more information, but as far as I can see still no link to the actual movie. >>>/ac/32330
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>>38376 It's another slop for their cattle to stfu and keep on consuming same thing with the THIRD Fairly OddParents reboot, they should just fuse with TimeWarner and implode already. I guess the Ren & Stimpy revival will be just another stiff 3d pseudo 2d animation, just like in the Spiderman movie.
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Poster & trailer for Netflix's Avatar The Last Airbender live action adaptation. While they're obviously trying a lot harder to actually adapt the costumes & looks of the characters accurately, issues with materials or designs aside, there's still problems. Everything having to be CGI environments means a lot of it looks very very obviously fake. At some point it makes the transition to live action pointless if there's no practical sets. Then there's the acting. I can't blame it on just the way the trailer is cut. Netflix is horrible at making trailers. The acting for Katara & Sokka in particular do not make me confident in the performances. I will say the actor for Zuko actually sounds pretty damn close to original cartoon Zuko. >>38384 Because they're run by idiots. Do the constant failures of the MCU post Endgame & all of the Snyderverse not make that obvious to you?
>>38385 >Poster & trailer for Netflix's Avatar The Last Airbender live action adaptation. The poster looks like it's for a bad Chinese flick from 20 years ago. >>38384 >Why all of this companies don't discard that the first time it failed? Because you have people at these companies that are going to keep pushing their politics or die trying.
>>38385 That poster looks ass.
>>38385 It will most likely be better than M Nigh Shyamalant's movie, that doesn't mean it will be good. My biggest complaint, just from this trailer, is the lack of energy from the cast, as well as the muted colors, should have been closer to the more colorful scenes from Hero 2002.
>>38389 Yeah there's a telling lack of energy & believability from the cast in the trailer. Like a fanfilm where the actors aren't being enthralled into the script. Just reading lines halfheartedly.
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>>38385 >New trailer's already (sneakily) altered continuity fairly hard and confirmed they dun fucked Ozai/Zuko's Agni Kai, so I'm not expecting good things.
>>38391 You could just post the E;R tweet.
>>38385 Why would people watch this over the original cartoon it's based on?
>>38394 Storytime that comic if you're so great!
>>38394 I don't care.
>>38394 That's the lube before the assfucking.
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Fuck Kevin Smith.
>>38401 What did he do this time?
>>38402 Look at it!
>>38403 Well, there's a black guy on the left so outside of that I'm not comprehending much.
>>38404 Anon it's He-man Revelations season 2.
>>38405 Oh, I know and it's not doing so hot after Kevin smith's first shot and the results have shown as the show's preview has shown a very negative perception.
>>38401 I'd rather not, the guy looks like a ghoul wearing someone's skin.
>>38401 That a Fisher Price Heroes cameo at the back?
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>>38407 Yeah He-man's.
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On set photos of Daredevil & Bullseye in their new suits in Daredevil Born Again. I hate them. I already didn't like the Netflix Daredevil suit for being too tacticool & overdesigned. Plus he barely wore them in the fucking show called DAREDEVIL! This new one is at least using more & brighter reds But it's still using the same MCU design philosophies for the design. There's also no logo. Meanwhile Bullseye is just pure shit. The excuse is the design is based on a concept design but it doesn't even look like that either. Surprise surprise they don't give him his logo either.
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>>38593 If they're being retarded by thinking "Oh the comic book design is too silly for live action." then why did they actively make the design they are using worse?
>>38594 >Four pic So many innecesary panels.
>>38593 Beard looks just as low budget as the suits.
>>38596 That's another thing. Why did they give him a beard?
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Teaser for Deadpool & Wolverine. Marvel & Fox's deperate attempt to get butts back into seats after love for the MCU has dried up completely. We get a movie that's essentially Marvel's Crisis on Infinite Earths but with Deadpool & the Fox X-men universe. The TVA is part of the plot though so good luck making sense of this if you haven't watched Loki.
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Official cast for MCU Fantastic Four has been revealed. Pedro Pascal as Reed Richards. Vanessa Kirby as Sue Storm. Joseph Quinn as Johnny Storm. Ebon Moss-Bachrach as Ben Grimm.
>Decide to try watching Cleopatra in Space >First season of the show is actually okay >It's very similar to the average cartoon that used to appear in the Aughts on Disney Channel >Nothing actually pozzed about the show (Aside from a fat niggeress that's a side character, and some gay jokes) >Get to episode five of season two >An episode dedicated to Cleo staying at her friend's house over "Spring Break" <Her friend's parents are dykes You fucking idiots! You just HAD to ruin a good thing, didn't you? Well, there goes another show into the dumpster.
>>38671 I like the two girls in the first poster.
>>38671 Typical.
>>38674 Imagine my astonishment.
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X-men '97 trailer dropped.
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The creator of El Tigre, The Book of Life, and Maya and the Three, Jorge R. Gutierrez, to keynote the first "Autism in Entertainment" conference on April 5: https://archive.md/FUkQv
>>38677 It irks me somewhat that Jean is pregnant, not that its bad mind you, but i smell bullshit in it. Also, why the hell does it look so stiff and fake?
>>38679 It's 3D.
>>38677 And I just noticed that they gave Storm the dyke hair cut.
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>>38681 Be grateful they didn't give her the outfit too.
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>>38683 And it's animated by Studio Mir. The same koreans behind Korra & Voltron. With Krakoa era references in the video. Dead on arrival.
>>38684 Oh god. Is american animation dead?
>>38685 No. Powerhouse is based in Texas. Okay maybe yeah american animation is dead.
>>38683 I guess the only goal for shit like this is to inject poz where previously there was none. Imagine reviving a beloved show just to add fags because people aren't allowed to escape even in their nostalgia.
>>38671 >some gay jokes <Her friend's parents are dykes Acknowledging fags in CURRENT YEAR is a one-drop rule, my friend. Your fault for missing the red flag. >>38687 I don't now what's worse; that it's deliberate demoralization to associate Morph with gay shit forever or that the showrunner grunts they have on this are low enough on the (((totem pole))) that they independently, earnestly thought making him a they/them was sensible and nobody could push it back in the writer room because it could legit murder their job.
>>38689 Ah fuck off anon.
>>38690 He's not entirely wrong but at the same time there's a big difference between tolerating people with different traits & force acceptance of pure identity bullshit. This show & modern X-men comics want to do the latter so they suck.
>>38683 Why are they being cryptic about what they are going to do with Morph and Wolverine? They ran off the fans that actually cared ages ago. >>38690 They have the whole world bowed in their direction. Yet the alphabet community is still crying for representation in 2024.
>>38694 >z gen normies cares more about pretty colors, women character design and any other irrelevant shit than plot just like netlifx she ra
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>>38678 >Autism Everyone is so open minded to the point of humanizing insults, how long until faggots appropriate the term "faggot" as their own nigger-word? >>38695 >She-Rah the sexually confused 16 year old What's worse is that it caught up with rule34 spergs, I think that shitty reboot got more porn than the original.
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>>38670 <Reed turns to Latinx >Grimm gets to stay Ashkenazi and even get played by mischling Yekke (very close to Kirby being an Austrian Jew) What gives?! Why not making Grimm an Ethiopian/Yemanite Jew? Why only diversity for the goyim?
>>38739 If it makes you feel any better, they cast a Guatemalan Cuban to play Marc Spector.
>>38740 >another Latinx disguised as a Jew No thanks https://nypost.com/2023/03/07/phony-hasidic-tiktok-dad-hayim-cohen-charged-with-molesting-adopted-sons/ "Cohen — who claimed to be a Hasidic Jew from Brooklyn despite being born Jeffrey Lujan Vejil in the Lone Star State — was busted last month after one of his sons went on a podcast to anonymously report being raped and abused, the local paper noted."
>>38739 Because he's the only cheap star power Disney has available. >>38742 >no archive Found the redditor
>>38744 >Found the redditor More like a newfag, but whatever.
>>38689 >>38691 >>38693 >literal jewish men Kirby is literally the king of comics, the man drawn and wrote comics since the 30's to 90's (with a brief break in the 80's), creating almost the entire Marvel cast and strove to create more than basic capeshit yet corporate types such as Stan Lee always stood in his way. In contrast to popular opinions, Kirby' 60's Marvel were actually his weakest work which I fully blame on Stan Lee. However, I would argue that X-Men was their best collaboration as Stan Lee' soap opera hackery finally led to something good and found something to work with and not against. As for OG 60's X-Men there was very little to none of annoying political allegory and politics in general which Claremont introduced in his X-Men iteration that was used as the base for '97 X-Men. Kirby' and Lee' (tragically) *short run X-Men was mostly insanely and hilariously wacky capeshit. Yes, there was once a random reference to civil rights movement (and I'm quite sure it was post-Kirby layouts) which is extra funny because OG X-Men was completely bantu free, otherwise the xenophobia allegory was really toned down. They were more focused on actually saving the world and fighting evil muties instead of fighting for le equality like faggot Claremont version. *The comic did continue long after Kirby stopped drawing including layouts, and like with every comic Kirby stopped working on it, it turned into shit. >He's not entirely wrong He is, the dumbass can't tell the difference between Kirby' X-men and Claremont' X-men >>38690 This Those dumb causalfags don't read comics.
>>38750 >Never read the comics The problem is that consumers still buy plastic crap, still share on their social medias drawings of their retarded Mary-Sue heros, it's all a goyslop of flashy colors by the easily impressed. The worst part is there are backers who always will be there to fund propaganda, even if that fails: just blame capitalism, that alone guarantees that their cattle won't stop sucking off their udders. It's worth mentioning the indie side is not any different.
>>38756 IDK, I mean biggest consumers are childless shitlibs in big cities. I do miss how in the 90's when we were allowed again to have all-white cast cartoons/shows and bantus had their own all-bantu cast ones after two decades of forced diversity. If only Bruce Timm would just finally make that Kamandi cartoon and maybe New Gods mini-series and then move with Shane Glines to work for the rodent and make character designs for 60's X-men and other Kirby' marvel stuff with former DCAU and JLA writing staff work on these, that would be beyond awesome! I would also love to see somehow Rouge and Gambit (he kinda looks like Kirby design anyway, they could make him a beatnik) being added to 60's X-Men. >>38757 I doubt that dumb culture war nigger buys anything, I wonder if he is going to call next Batman and Superman proto woke too after finding out they were also created by da literal juice. >consumers still buy plastic crap Dying adult collector base isn't enough to sustain the market. The American Comic industry has been slowly and steadily getting killed by Karens and shitlibs since the 60's, with capeshit being the main and dominate genre shifted from kids to men-children and infantile normalniggers. My nephew has been brainwashed to like Niggers Morales and female Pakishit knockoff of Plastic Man, but he doesn't care that much anymore of Spiderman, like all kids he is mostly into video games like Minecraft and shit like Captain Underpants. As a plastic crack addict I do buy occasionally some rare good Marvel Legends based solely on character design as the stuff I like are quite obscure and don't get good toys (for example Boss Fight Studio' Phantom is dog shit or Kirby's characters will be never done in his art style and instead of looking like 3DPD abominations) and it's just beyond pathetic and sad at this point how bad DCAU offerings are, even the Nips dropped the ball with them I really need to continue studying 3D sculpting , the only decent ones are *stupid Barbie size or le "soft goods" shit that can barely be posed without tearing the fabric. *Though technically, BTAS shouldn't be considered as part of DCAU as it is different art style and a whole different personality for Bruce. We also starting to see capeshit fatigue among the normalniggers which would end up, hopefully soon, in complete collapse of the Big Two as they're now only exist as scripts for Hollywood movies and general IP farm.
https://archive.is/XX3jv >"A picture of the cast of Superman: Legacy was shared by the director, writer, and co-DC boss James Gunn on Instagram today. Among the actors in the photo is Nicholas Hoult, who is portraying Lex Luthor. The title role of Superman is being played by David Corenswet, while Rachel Brosnahan is taking on the role of Lois Lane. The photo also includes Skyler Gisondo as Jimmy Olsen, Anthony Carrigan as Metamorpho, Edi Gathegi as Mister Terrific, Nathan Fillon as Guy Gardner, and Isabela Mercad as Hawkgirl." Wow, only Hawkgirl is raceswapped! And Jimmy is actually played by a freckled person! Louise is mid though, but oh well. However, while Superman is going to be kept white, the movie isn't focused about him, it's going to be another quirky superhero team movie by the one-trick pony, edgy pedo, James Gunn. If they're not willing to let Superman be Superman, they should just let him fade away, but of course they can't let their IP ever expire. Mr. Terrific probably going to be obnoxious smart nigger like he always is and Metamorpho will be CGIshit abomination. I still feel bad for Henry Cavill, he actually cares about the source material, but always get run into shit writers and directors, he could've been an amazing Superman. I would've posted the picture of the cast, but apparently all torfags now are considered CP spammers and the site owners couldn't be bothered to find a better solution. archive.is, etc only works on my Tor for some reason and I need to solve goolag cuckcha for it…the internet just keeps getting worse and worse each year…maybe one day it would become so bad and unusable that I could for the most part quit it. Soon the internet would be only for normalnigger activities: working and shopping, with occasional "free" music and AI generator for bread and circuses. it'sallsotiresome.jpeg
>>38794 >Capeshit cashcow dried up into dust I'm surprised they still haven't made an animated series based on the explosive dyke (forgot her name, Bettybombshell something) a female version of Superman bad and somehow she doesn't face the consequences on the shit she causes because her cat shows up to the rescue. Completing the holy trinity of reddit's goreslop with no thought limited to only "imperalism bad, capitalism bad, too many white characters": >Invincible >The Boys <And that gurl power comic However my main concern is that Amazon might extend that capeshit trend in where both DC and Marvel fall into that rabbi's hole where they just bastardize the shit out of their characters just to cater to the blunt edgelords at reddit.
>>38805 >However my main concern is that Amazon might extend that capeshit trend in where both DC and Marvel fall into that rabbi's hole where they just bastardize the shit out of their characters just to cater to the blunt edgelords at reddit. Does anyone actually watch this shit for anyhhing except the gore?
>>38805 So exactly what Snyder cultists want?
>>38750 But the thing is - they never have their "straight" characters like Miles Morales representing pride month because they're that token. Hell, if they had Black Panther wrapped up in a pride flag, it would be considered problematic.
>>38809 >they Who are they?! Most famous Jewish comic creators were born before the 40's and are long gone and dead, most, if not all of their characters are white. >they never have their "straight" characters Icemen and Tim Drake. >they're that token >it would be considered problematic The elites (which are not just consisted by Jews) are pushing now that Africa wuz queer n' shit until white Christian colonialists came. The real reason they, as in the executives, corporate heads, etc, are not faggotwashing black characters is because they don't like to put all the brownie points in one character, they want to spread it and have an entire cast full of diversity . Being a bantu is already a brownie point in itself, hence no need to add another brownie point. >Black Panther Nigger, he was created in the 60's, his creators; Kirby has been dead for three decades and Stan Lee for 6 years. Black Panther is just one of Kirby' many characters, his real passion project was New Gods, not that you stupid casulfag would know. Even if Kirby was still alive, you think he had any say?! He has been eating shit from both Marvel and DC during his lifetime. >Miles Morales I doubt the quislingstein would mind if they added another brownie point to his nigger latinx character. BTW, you could've also added Blade to your stupid short list.
>>38812 You're not understanding what he's saying at all. He's saying that comic companies with their brownie points addicted, fart huffing, SJW cowtowing, retarded out of touch people still around wouldn't make a straight character do the gay shit. Now he's actually wrong about that since DC's done this multiple times with Nightwing, actual Superman, & Wonder Woman already.
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>>38812 >Who are they?! The slack-jawed idiots trying to appease tumblr faggots, dykes, and other whathaveyou that don't even read comics in the first place. >Icemen and Tim Drake. What about Aqualad? >The real reason they, as in the executives, corporate heads, etc, are not faggotwashing black characters is because they don't like to put all the brownie points in one character Bullshit. Fag gag - "Who we say, when we say." Again. Batwoman was made the best of both worlds and what was the reception? Is she currently portrayed as being a proud and black homeless dyke. Or did they revert her back to being a narcissistic white one, and isn't the latter to be considered a serious no-no? >I doubt the quislingstein would mind if they added another brownie point to his nigger latinx character. BTW, you could've also added Blade to your stupid short list. Because of the trans flag in his room, "fans" were speculating that Gwen was actually Glen, and this was quickly hushed up for reasons. But I stopped caring back in 2009. You're that Kamandi guy which comes here every once in a while. When he makes a come back as a nose ring wearing twink, don't you dare get mad. >>38814 I'm aware of that and them shipping Cheetah and Wonder Broad. All that's the reason why I stopped trying to get back into reading capeshit.
>>38817 Aren't you the same anon who wrote >>38693 and specifically replied to >>38750 which was in discussion regarding how supposedly X-Men was woke shit to begin with because it was created by Jews? >Batwoman That was live-action, not comic. >You're that Kamandi guy WTF are you talking about? >don't you dare get mad You dumb nigger, you think I like characters being raceswapped, faggotwashed etc?! Do you even read what you are replying to?!
>>38814 If you follow the reply chain >>38693 >>38750 >>38809 it's safe to assume the "they" he refers to are Jews. He also specifically talked about black characters which also were created by Jews. Otherwise, his reply to >>38750 makes no sense.
>>38817 Well not just the Cheetah thing. They're literally had a lesbian Valentine's day pride special comic with Wonder Woman. >>38820 Jews still work in & control the industry. Maybe nowhere near where they did to begin with but they're there. Really though "they" should be more broad.
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>>38819 You're the one banging on about the Jews, shekel daddy.Yes I wrote >>38693. But do you see anything written about Jews? >That was live-action, not comic. You clearly don't know what you're talking about, and I'm therefore not going waste anymore time conversing with a plebbitor. >>38821 That means she's officially LGBT now.
You're both schizophrenic
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>>38824 It'd be big news if they ever made Wonder Woman officially gay or even bi. Right now all we have to deal with is Tom Taylor's gay medieval AU fanfiction.
>>38824 Wow you're truly illiterate schizophrenic nigger who don't understand basic context. Let's go through it slowly so hopefully your retarded mind could follow; you wrote >>38693 in follow of >>38690 which was a reply to >>38689 that talk about Jews, also taking to consideration your sentence "They have the whole world bowed in their direction" you're most likely referring to Jews in context to the previous replies, then it was safe to assume it was the same when you wrote "But the thing is - they" in reply to >>38750 which was about >literal jewish men. Who would think your "they" in those replies refer to general comic editors, executives, etc when you retard nigger reply to posts that specifically talks about Jews?! Your so called "they" is completely fucking random and out of context! >shekel daddy I shat on Stan lee and Brian Michael Bendis because they deserve it, Kirby doesn't. Go ahead and shit on the creators of Batman, Superman and Phantom too while you're at it, you braindead nigger
You're both schizophrenic
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This is your new Crow from The Crow reboot played by Bill Skaarsgard. No I'm not joking. They Donte'd Eric Draven.
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>>38830 >dmc the motion picture
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I don't wanna make a thread for this but Kent Melton has died. He made 3D sculptures for Pixar and other companies in the 90s and 2000s. He'd make these Maquettes of characters that the animators could use as a reference, his last movie credit was Paranorman. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_Melton https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1913604/ https://www.cartoonbrew.com/rip/kent-melton-disney-and-laika-maquette-maker-dies-at-68-238476.html
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>>38839 >Meeting and working with some of Walt’s “Nine Old Men” while sculpting for the Walt Disney Classics Collection was extremely educational for me. As you probably know, those guys literally wrote the book on feature animation. The artist that most inspired me was Marc Davis. He was a soft spoken Renaissance man. A master of design, drawing, painting, sculpture, storytelling, and basically everything else he ever put his creative mind to. I can truly understand why Walt valued him so highly on so many of his various projects. >As I steadily sculpted my way through the list of his characters at WDCC I met with Marc at his home studio to get his insight on each piece. I remember the time I was showing him my sculpture of Snow White for his notes when he called his wife Alice in to take a look. She pointed out that Snow White wore a wool dress and that I’d put too many fine wrinkles in the drapery making it look more as if it were made of cotton. Where else could you ever get that kind of invaluable information? That was the day I found out that Alice was not only a very talented artist but she’d also worked on costuming the actors for the live action reference of Snow White. Thankfully, it was just impossible to visit them without learning something new.
>>38839 >>38840 Yeah that's unfortunate. Even if he was an animator, he had a vital role in reference material.
https://archive.md/LHNWa >A ‘Batman Beyond’ Feature Is Being Pitched By ‘My Dad The Bounty Hunter’ Co-Creator Patrick Harpin And ‘Spider-Verse’ Artist Yuhki Demers t. The artist of "Spidernigger, Spidervagina and Spiderfat in 10fps" and the co-creator of "What if Boba Fett, but nigger family man in Pixer art style" pitched new BB Film, urgh. Oh boy, so there might be an animated Batman Beyond film by nigger worshippers...sigh. I was expecting live-action shit of BB, but didn't imagine there would be any attempt to make a cartoon after Kevin Conroy's death. On the bright side, it looks like it will be full reboot rather than the usual cursed reboot-continuation situation we keep seeing. If it will be greenlighted, will it be worse than Epilogue? No. Could it be as horribly awful as Epilogue? Maybe, the only way it can reach its level is by making Terry date Max, aka worst girl or faggotwashing Terry. However, those scenarios unlikely as Dana is peepo of color, but then again it didn't stop the shitty BB comics from gypsywash her, so there is a possibility. >Another factor that could help the odds of a Beyond reboot getting a greenlight is is that animated Batman titles have sold well for WBD I see, so the niggercattle bought the shitty Blu-Ray version without the grain and the gay brighter colors for dark cyberpunk setting show (how come no one got mad when worst girl became few shades lighter?! Where are the woketards when you actually need them?). The only things they should've done for the Blu-ray is removing the green lining from "Black Out" and properly upscale it, but the narcissistic assholes always feel like they should give their own touch as if they're creating something original and new but what they actually do is destroying past creations. Thank goodness, I bought the DVD and rip it and even got another copy as spare. >… two seasons of Bruce Timm, Matt Reeves, and J.J. Abrams’ The Caped Crusader. When is this shitshow comes out? It's been around three or more years since it was first announced.
>>38847 Stop reddit spacing sentences for no reason. And no there won't be a Batman Beyond movie because it was shot down at the concept stage. So nothing to worry about. For now. Terry will show up in Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 2 voiced by Will Friedle again. With Kevin Conroy showing up in Part 3. Not good either but it's better than an entire shitty movie or SSKTJL being Conroy's last performance.
>>38848 >spacing sentences for no reason Anon, there is a thing called paragraph, it's divided by sub-subjects. No spacing is just as bad as too much spacing. >it was shot down at the concept stage Souce? I want to believe! >Terry will show up in Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 2 voiced by Will Friedle again Ugh, at least it's not in DCAU style. The character designs for this movie are really ugly and complex though, I can only imagine how awful the animation is. >SSKTJL being Conroy's last performance Truly tragic
>>38869 A paragraph is multiple sentences in on. You basically spaced every sentence or sometimes 2 for no reason. But back to Batman Beyond, nothing is officially said it's cancelled or shelved but it's basically just stuck at the concept stage. So unlikely it'll happen considering everything going on at WB & the mentioned Tomorrowverse movies. Which aren't exactly doing well but it shows DC WB will greenlight of lot of crap. If they haven't done the same for Batman Beyond then it's not happening.
>>38739 >Reed turns to Latinx He is more closer to average europeans than hispanic people (culturally).
Baking new thread.

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