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Kid Cosmic Anonymous 02/04/2021 (Thu) 04:38:47 No. 9381
>Craig McCracken >Rob Renzetti >Inspired by classic comics, including Dennis the Menace and Tintin <Netflix Original It's got some potential, but the team is retarded at the moment. Another season is already in the works.
>>9381 >Another season is already in the works. Aka they're splitting season 1into two parts. But I'm somewhat hopeful, any project with direct involvement with Renzetti is typically good.
>>9381 The kid looks like someone from Jet Grind Radio as drawn by a European comic artist in the 70s. I like it.
>Obligatory negress It's trash.
>>9382 >Season split If this trend continues in the modern era into 2025 I'm gouging out my eyes so I can never watch anything again. Fuck execs for doing this regardless of the show or it's quality.
>>9423 Its seems to be a standard at least on streaming.
>>9397 you bitch about the nigress but not the giant darkie/hispanic in the picture?
Ugh, why do western cartoons keep turning me more and more into a shotacon?
>>9381 >>9432 Personally I think it's just nice to see boys drawn with normal hairstyles instead of awful modern hairstyles. >shotacon Just because you think they're cute doesn't necessarily mean that you want to do them.
>>9432 Did you added him a nose with MSpaint? If that's so, then, based autist, I do the same, sometimes
>>9425 Looks like I'm gouging out my eyes and mailing them to Ted Turner. Is Ted Turner still alive? Did he finally die after being unable to cope with being a furfag?
>>9440 No, it's there in the original art. He has a visible nose in the series too.
>>9432 A shota is a common target for milfs.
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>>9461 when will the be a /ss/ board?
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>>9463 Be the change you want in the world.
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>>9463 >>9464 Kid's soon gonna get chocolate milked, American or Mexican style.
>>9381 >>9427 Actually, the giant spic bothers me for some reason. He looks like his art's at odds with old timey filter, too smooth like the calarts niggerstyle. Same with the alien dude in pic 4 of OP.
>>9479 >He It's a loli, Anonymous.
>>9482 >giant loli That's just fucking awesome.
>>9483 Yeah Craig "I fuck Lauren Faust everynight" McCrackhead got one thing right, he picked the exact characters necessary to bait people into watching regardless of the shows writing, a teen, a shota, and a loli. The man knows exactly what he's doing.
>>9381 <cheap motion-tween animation like Wander Over Yonder Was NuVoltron the only Netflix "original" that had decent animation? >>9479 I'm not keen about the character designs either, there's something dull and generic about them.
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This has been out for a week anyone watch it or are we all gonna just discuss how it looks?
>>9510 Got a torrent?
>>9382 >season 1 is just 10 episodes Looks like they're going that route.
>>9510 I gave it a shot and watched the first episode; the opening scene showing all Kid' stuff and the music fooled me to believe the show is happening in the past, but turns out it has the same cancer timeline as ours and Kid Cosmic is Kid Hipster. The plot was boring and the characters' personalities are as flat and generic as their designs. The animation was incredibly choppy. In addition, the characters had Calarts bean smile and side mouth on the cheek like anime. I'm starting to think PPG was one-hit wonder and Faust is the more talented out of the two. >>9513 Just use https://kimcartoon.to/ or www.thewatchcartoononline.tv
>>9510 I watched all of it. I actually liked it a lot. It's not incredible, but it's a simple and fun cartoon and there wasn't any agenda-pushing or political nods that I can see, other than the main villain in the end being a very patriotic US government "Man in Black" bent on conquering the galaxy. Though honestly at this point portraying the US government as corrupt or evil is like calling a horse a horse, not to mention it's meant to flip the classic humans vs. aliens comic book plot fodder on its head. The aesthetics were cool, I liked the setting, each character got some time to shine, things didn't always turn out as expected and everything got wrapped up with a neat little bow at the end. The message of the show mostly revolved around the classic "it ain't the powers make the hero" and dealing with feelings of inadequacy. It seemed almost like they didn't expect a second season at first, since everything got resolved nicely and they just casually name dropped a potential future threat just in case they did. It could have easily stood alone as a 10 episode adventure until the very last couple minutes. I recommend it. It was a breath of fresh air in this desolate, political wasteland we call western animation. Don't know how season 2 will turn out but I'm optimistic.
>>10018 Oh, one last addition: You can really see the benefits of the show not having to adhere to public broadcasting standards. There are direct spoken threats to kill in dialogue, directly referenced deaths of characters, real-looking guns that actually fire bullets and casual dismemberment (though no blood or gore to go with it).
>>10019 >broadcasting standards Is there anybody still watching cable TV now that streaming is becoming the new standard? It's a shame that most of the enforced restrictions from TV producers are still (mostly) carried over for cartoons, even under Netflix or wherever. I thought the show was fine until the army showed up. The evil biker did not look threatening at all despite the voice acting, and while I get that the show was going for a US Dennis the Menace style, his design stuck out as a lazily designed villain.
>>10019 >no blood or gore Well not entirely wrong.
Oh & uh sleeping aliens.
For the kids!
>>10022 Hah, totally forgot about that scene since it passed by so quickly. Loved that whole sequence.
Finished it. Was really good. Wish more people were talking about it. Whole thing is just genuine innocent fun with heart. Made me tear up a little sometimes too. So I really dug it. It was kind of dumb fun how they parodied Power Rangers. Specifically Power Rangers with the shitty theme song that won't stop saying the team name & always fighting aliens.
>>10022 >>10023 >>10024 Well at least Craig doesn't have to worry about the censors much.
>>10020 Its refreshing for a show to acknowledge an actual government presence for once, you can only fight aliens so many times until you start asking where the military is?
>>10325 Yet another reason Sym-Bionic Titan's cancellation still stings.
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Season 2 is already out. Seems like it's really just Part 2 of Season 1. The main villains are Thanos Fantos and a planet killer. I was hoping that Flo (Jo's mom) wouldn't mind the others (especially Jo) getting the other stones, but I guess she's too focused on managing the cafe.
>>17745 A lot of Anons already assumed it was a split season. Netflix tends to do that for some reason.
>>17746 If a season on average is 12 episodes then yeah that's essentially what they like to do for some reason.
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The "3rd" and final season's released a few days ago. I haven't seen it yet, though.
>>22965 >pic Real subtle. Let me guess, his wife was involved some how
>>22965 Oh shit it has? Gotta download it.
Finished season 3. I love this show. So much.
Despite some weird pacing decisions that final season was a really satisfying conclusion. Lots of Papa G spotlight and some feels but no cheap shots. Glad it ended on a high note instead of just quietly getting canned long after it ran out of ideas. Hope we see more shows like this.
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>>23273 I enjoyed it, too; not many cartoons have a conclusion, and it was nice to see one end well (even if it's rushed). My main gripe with it was how convenient all of the aliens understand and speak English, and how the only character with a translator was the cat. A missed opportunity for more (or at least a joke about it).
>>23276 Obviously it's galactic basic. Duh.
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Just finished the entire series. Writers had a nasty habit of shitting the bed each time a "finale" came up. Always felt disjointed and rushed. I absolutely hate Jo as a character and she made season 2 a complete slog. Anytime she opened her mouth for a "speech" it felt retarded. They almost had something interesting going on with the Jan vs Flo dynamic of how to be a good leader, but ruin the nuance by making Flo the obvious winner of "who is a good rolemodel". Flo had an incredibly ugly design all around. It had beanface and mouth, but it wasn't as bad as usual as far as I can tell. Some ugly animations here and there, but mostly okay. There were a few jokes that had me laughing out loud and I haven't done that in a while. No overt politics though it did have some hamfisted morals. Some plot holes are miles wide Chuck can't shoot lazers for shit, but can perfectly nail a tire with an average firearm over 100 yards? The government requires that they never speak of space or saving the earth ever again, but DON'T forcibly imprison Chuck? Pre-cog stone stops working whenever it would be most fucking useful? but they kept the rhythm going well and it was entertaining. I should mention season 2 was pretty garbage as we shit on Kid every single way we could as we sucked off Jo for how great she is. Papa G resolution was nice. All in all it was pretty good, definitely rough around the edges, but I liked it in the end.
>>23952 Have you considered you don't like black women, anon?
>>23952 Yeah season 2 was definitely the weakest link and it felt pretty mean spirited toward Kid for most of it. Considering the show was called Kid Cosmic I felt like he ended up sidelined pretty hard but I guess they had to give some of the absolutely massive ensemble cast time to shine and give Jo and Flo an arc. Speaking of, I kind of wish they hadn't gone the route of giving everyone and their mother (literally) a stone. Most of them never really felt like real characters or part of the team. Made for some funny gags though so maybe that was worth it.
>>23955 It's not even because they're black, though I did feel the "replace the white male kid with the black female" felt the tiniest bit predecided by staff politices, it again wasn't overt. Jo's main character flaw is that she is unsure of herself, which is pretty fucking boring to watch. Any time Jo makes a poor decision, it's because Queen Jan coaches her into doing so. This leads to an infuriating cycle of Jo's only lesson being learned is "don't listen to Jan" as opposed to make a fucking decision. >>23957 >Considering the show was called Kid Cosmic I felt like he ended up sidelined pretty hard but I guess they had to give some of the absolutely massive ensemble cast time to shine and give Jo and Flo an arc. I understand why they did it, but making the joke at the end of the first season that Kid Cosmic is the "Comedic sidekick" and then stealing his powers and giving him the comedic "turn into goo" stone was just a kick in the teeth. Not to mention the only "breakthrough" kid had that season (figuring out using goo to shatter erodius) gets undone in season 3 when that turns out to be a fantasy. Kid gets to do only one cool thing the entire season and it wasn't even real. >Speaking of, I kind of wish they hadn't gone the route of giving everyone and their mother (literally) a stone. Most of them never really felt like real characters or part of the team. Made for some funny gags though so maybe that was worth it. I would agree that they aren't real characters or part of the team, but it made for a fun gag, and we didn't bog ourselves down in the nitty gritty of it.
>>23958 Kid isn't an anime shonen hero. He's a kid. He's impulsive, bratty, & bad at using his stone. He's not overshadowed by Jo because they wanna shit on Kid. It's so she grows as a character while Kid has to grow in little ways to support Jo's growth & drive the plot. It's not that Jo needs to make her own decisions, it's that she's listening to the wrong influences when she's unsure of what to do. Jan's teachings only pushed her away from her family & friends. She should have taken her mom's advice & funny enough supported Kid at times when he knew they had to actually do something. I fully get your criticisms though so I won't knock you for not loving the show.
>>23959 >Kid isn't an anime shonen hero. He's a kid. He's impulsive, bratty, & bad at using his stone Notice how him being, impulsive, bratty & bad at using his stone are actual character defects he can grow through, as opposed "I am unsure how to make decisions", which is shit. Just being unsure of yourself is mary sue levels of character flaw. >He's not overshadowed by Jo because they wanna shit on Kid. It's so she grows as a character while Kid has to grow in little ways to support Jo's growth & drive the plot. Jo doesn't drive the plot though, she constantly gets dragged along by it. Kid forces her to start looking for stones, Jan convinces her to be a retard at the party, Jan convinces her to act retarded in other places. >It's not that Jo needs to make her own decisions, it's that she's listening to the wrong influences when she's unsure of what to do. Jan's teachings only pushed her away from her family & friends. She should have taken her mom's advice & funny enough supported Kid at times when he knew they had to actually do something. I understand this, I agree that's how it's written, and that is what is depicted. My problem is that's fucking stupid and a slog to watch with a boring conclusion. Yes Jan is obviously a bad influence, she's so blatantly a bad influence with no redeeming qualities until obvious good role model Flo knocks sense into her. Which is boring. Would have been a nice breakthrough for Jo's character if she learned to make decisions on her own, with both Flo and Jan being depicted as BOTH being bad examples to follow. As it stands it just becomes "Flo was right." which is boring and barely progresses the character. >I fully get your criticisms though so I won't knock you for not loving the show. I like the show I just hate Jo's entire character arc, her complete lack of character flaws other than "I'm not sure". Whenever she takes a backseat it's fine, when the plot relies on her it gets silly.
>>23960 I mean Jo nearly gets herself killed because of her decisions influenced by Jan. So I'd say she's pretty flawed. Kid drives the plot. That's what I'm trying to say. Well that's like your opinion, man. And that's fair.

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