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Justice League Unlimited Animated series Anonymous 03/18/2022 (Fri) 11:35:26 No. 24094
>5 threads for shitting on crap >none for actually good stuff Talk about episodes, characters, side characters, plot holes and girls. Why it can't be replicated again. Why Superman was so underpowered in this. Why Booster Gold is the best character
>>24094 You'll only invite that one autist who pretends the justice league series was a huge contradiction to the animated Batman & Superman series'. Anyway, these two shows are essentially the perfect Justice League media that can't be done again for a few good reasons. Most of all, love for the material that wasn't afraid to embrace it but still take it seriously. That's the big difference between live action media. They don't have any love for what they're making. Everything has to be an edgy dark twist on the ideas with washed out colors, no morals, no heroism, & no passion.
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I realize now gorilla city is basically wakanda. >>24095 I hope to invite others too. >They don't have any love for what they're making Didn't a producer wanted paul dini to write a movie script for free? What was his name? >Everything has to be an edgy dark twist on the ideas They watched the dark knight and thought "Yes needs to be edgier and darker"
>>24094 Are you sure you don't wanna argue about batman beyond again?
>>24095 Crisis on Two Earths and Doom were great films set in the pre-flashpoint animated movie-verse. Its not that it can never be done again, you'd have to be retarded to believe that, but Warner doesn't want to spend the money or tell people like Bruce Timm where the redline is drawn.
>Crisis on Two Earths muh power woman, muh dick. I used to really like the Question storyline in Unlimited, the one regarding Cadmus and Superman turning kind of evil.
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>>24095 Is Young Justice a good successor to the Justice League cartoons? Or is that also going for the modern, edgy spin for the umpteenth time?
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>>24103 Movie verse wasn't really a thing until Flashpoint started the New 52 line of movies that shared a universe. Before they were all movies that were made independently of each other. Problem is we exist in that post era where everything has to be edgy & connected. That's why they started over & are repeating the same mistakes. >>24111 Young Justice was promising. Until they cancelled & revived it. Now it's way too edgy & politically driven. Halo is now a non-binary middle eastern girl who dies horrifically but keeps resurrecting.
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>>24112 I mean, the Teen Titan's comics were already pretty fucking edgy before the cartoon came along, so Young Justice is just returning to its roots.
>>24113 I'm fine with violence. I'm not fine with lesbians, they/them pronouns even on martians, or suddenly gay fish niggas.
>>24114 Not to be degenerate, but what if they're more for eye-candy than "representation"?
>>24115 Because that's not the kind of world we live in anymore. Look at this & tell me it doesn't remind you of Life is Strange. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=CH4MG1mi4qs
>>24116 >drinking and shooting a gun Yep. Also I'm probably seeing what I want to see but it always feels with "modern" lesbians that they course correct so hard into not wanting them just to be eye-candy that they pick the ugliest looking designs and characters for it. I got that feeling a lot with Arcane as well.
>>24117 Oh you're not imagining things. Even actual lesbians don't understand feminine beauty. They just subconciously want to replace men with a butch woman.
>>24113 >just returning to its roots It's roots are evidently shit.
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>>24113 Weren't the young justice comics that were contemporary with the TT cartoon notoriously un-edgy, to the point people half-jokingly commented that the young justice cartoon was the teen titans adaptation while the teen titans was Young Justice adaption?
>>24122 Young Justice comics started with Robin, Superboy, & Kid Flash versus a cat girl who's power was having irresistible big boobs.
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>>24100 >little piggy.mp4 I liked this Batman to be honest. >>24124 >vesus a [..] girl who's power was having irresistible big boobs. Black General?
>>24151 I liked the batman from The Batman cartoon, from what I remember he seemed pretty well adjusted in comparison to most edgy and dark batmen.
>>24153 That might have something to do with the fact he's a rather young Bruce. I think he's like 20.
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>>24094 >>actually good stuff >JLU If you're blind dumb and deaf. >>24095 >justice league series JL was great despite its minor writing flaws and lousy animation (which is nowhere nearly as bad JLU) unlike the pile of steaming shit that was Justice League Unlimited Retardation.
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Watching JLUR feels like being Parasite' victim, instead of energy you feel like your brain cells and will to live draining because it's so unbelievably bad and stupid. Slowly you become numb and used to this shit and you just watch it with expression of utter disgust on your face and disdain for the hacks who wrote this pile of garbage. At some moments it become so bad you get blackout trying to figure what the fuck you were watching and getting jealous of characters who got beat down and lost their conscious. This thing was so fucking so unwatchable, I'd rather rewatch the deer eating shit scene from Eight Crazy Nights in loops, because at least it has good animation and I don't need to focus my consternation on awful writing that make my brain cells want to commit suicide and me wanting to join them. >First retarded arc of JLUR, Project Cadmus, The Rise of Glowniggers The Cadmus plotline is fucking dogshit, you know from the get-go about their miserable existence, there's no actual interesting secrecy or any nuance, wit nor wisdom (JLUR dumbass writing). The so-called cat and mouse chase between them and Justice League is dull and predictable, the so-called witty dialogue between Waller and Batman is just pathetic showoff of paper tiger and childish mannerism of "I'll get you first! No, I'll get you first!". The plot twists are dumb and boring (muh presidential campaign was fake all along! I wasted 75 million dollars just to piss off Superman! Ha ha ha I'm a genius!) and relied on characters being retarded and acting of character ('member how Superman outwit Mr. Mxyzptlk several times?! 'Member how he kept his composure? Well look at him getting pathetically jealous of 10-year-old boy and falling for the dumbest most obvious trap ever, acting like hotheaded drooling moron!). There was no real payoff no consequences of some major Project Cadmus' actions, ones which had entire episode dedicated to them; 'member planting the seeds doubt, fearing there are traitors among the Justice League organization? Nothing happened with it. And what about Superman destroying an entire city for no good reason during a charity event? It was just mentioned as sidenote by Lois Lane after Superman was shown to roam free without anyone giving him a weird/distrusted look. The source of tension and infighting between the Superheroes is more than often, once again a result of inconsistent character writing; Batgod, I mean Batman, who supposed to be the smartest, getting mad at Superman for sending Doomsday, who is known to be connected to the Cadmus project, to the Phantom Zone which the logical thing to do instead of handing him back to Cadmus. Speaking of Cadmus and Doomsday, we were told in that very episode that the reason behind the establishing of Project Cadmus was the revelation of the Justice Lords, yet Doomsday who was created during project Cadmus already appeared when the Justice lords came, nothing make sense in this shitshow.
>>24172 Later, after the Question get his hands on all the Project Cadmus files, he finds out about how president Lex was killed by Justice Lord Superman and then confront Superman about it. While they argue, he brings out how Superman tried to lobotomize Doomsday and instead Superman telling him it was self-defense as he almost got killed, he answers "that was different" because this whole drama and dumb plotline can only progress by the characters acting retarded and thus in response panicked Question goes to kill Lex and gets kidnapped instead by Project Cadmus and afterwards saved by the Justice League. Then once again, Superman acting like a raging retard wanting to take an action against Cadmus despite "no obvious proofs" (Question literally have them on his computer, but did anyone bother to go to check it? Oh no, that would be logical thing to do and we can only write drama using stupid characters because we're stupid people! In addition, you would think the Cadmusfags would try to retrieve it and destroy the evidences, but again, everyone in this show is braindead) dragging the show into another longass boring drama, yapping like bunch of old ladies. Then Lex hacked into the Watchtower using their canon, an event which I found to be overtly depressing and grim despite no one "magically" getting harmed due to children cartoon censorship, and the thing is this kind of atmosphere which reached its peak at that event was throughout the entire Cadmus plotline which I deeply dislike as I see it unfitting to Justice League team and basically, they just implement the Bat family conclusion on everything, it's all so bitter and edgy which of course they would as JLUR is just another Batwankery in the end while also shitting on Superman and others. Later Superman and the rest of the team, except for genius Batgod, decided to hand themselves to the government in attempt to clear their name, but that's a stupid decision (as expected from less than room temperature IQ of JLUR characters) since biased project Cadmus is part of the government, therefore they can't expect a fair investigation. Now Batgod opposed it (in contrast to his sheer stupidity regarding Doomsday), however by reasonings which were too general and wrong. I loathe how the hack writers kept shoving politics (main reason why Project Cadmus is fundamentally awful and boring idea for an entire plotline) into a children cartoon, yet wanted to stay vague and avoid being implicit for the sake of their forced drama and conflict. Meanwhile, missiles were thrown at the Watchtower and instead of exploding, they contained endless clones of the faggy teen superhero team and Power Girl whose mission is to blow the Watchtower… truly unlimited retardation, it would've made sense and being more interesting if it was infiltration of small group, but they already did that with "planting seeds of doubt" which nothing happened with it, sigh. During that event, Batgod went to visit Waller again, he begins his accusations by asking her how can she believe that Justice League was behind the huge expulsion and the destruction of the abandoned Cadmus facility which stupid because why would biased Waller who's in charge of Cadmus, an entire project dedicated to dismantle the Justice League not believe that?! In his arguments, Batgod also mentioned that they surveille Waller for months, yet the greatest detective in the world couldn't find any proofs, instead it was "solved" by the Question just barging into some Cadmus facility and stealing 3TB of files, so much for suspending complexed "mystery case". To salvage Batgod reputation who failed to tackle one of the greatest threats to Justice League existence, turns out he was after Lex Luthor which brings us to whole new level of hackery; so Brainiac controlled Lex all this time since STAS, he claimed that Lex survived his direct shooting instead of getting killed because it contained nanotech, yet in that very episode from STAS Brainiac also directly shot at Mercy who didn't die nor turned into a dumb plot twist which by the way, it's the fourth time they are pulling this shit: first time was in STAS crossover episode with TNBA when Bruce was under control by Brainac' nanobots (so Brainiac survived outside of Lex and went through all that trouble controlling Bruce to get him to build a spaceship when he supposedly could've easily use Lex instead and also not wait for years, it just keep getting dumber by the minute) , second time was in Batman Beyond when Superman was controlled by Starro (biological) , third time in dumb ROTJ when Tim was controlled by Joker using microchip/nanotech which makes it pretty much completely identical to Lex/Brainiac shitty plot twist and so it's almost the same thing in STAS case just they didn't stupidly wait years for it. If it wasn't enough, Brainiac also mentioned that he protected Lex' body yet he got cancer, and then the absolute hack writers try to go around it by saying he cured Lex' cancer when with amazing bullshit technology the cancer shouldn't have evolved to that critical point in the first place. Then the hackery continues as Lex manage to convince Brainiac who is clearly smarter and is a cold rational and emotionless program and have full control over Lex' body to cooperate together. Later, BrainacxLex abomination create copies of the Justice League members who match their strength and brings out their inner demons, now Batgod who is the weakest and has the worst inner demons manage to swiftly get rid of his doppelganger faster than anyone else. In addition, Wonder Woman and Superman replace partners which suggest what was already proven and shown in JL that Wonder Woman and Superman are about the same power level, however Mongul which was weaker than Superman in JL beat the crap out of Wonder Woman yet fail to do the same for Superman. Finally, Superman gives a speech about how they're guilty of hubris which they *weren't and therefore they're going to dismantle the Watchtower, but hey the hacks gotta drive that retarded Cadmus plotline 'till the end. Then commie Green Arrow out of all spoke against it and so the Watchtower remains while the canon/energy weapon is gone and badly animated characters clapping and cheering, having wonky eyes some of them don't even have fully drawn hands as if it was the perfect metaphor to the QAULITY of JLUR, and by that I mean, burning heap of trash. *The destruction of the city by out of character Superman has nothing to do with the Watchtower and it's only the hack writers Superman' fault and as for muh evil space canon, first it was hacked so none of their fault, second the government has it too as was shown in dumb ROTJ, but again why I should I expect consistency and logic from JLUR… P.S. I summarized the second arc as well and also referred to the godawful animation, lousy dubbing and individual/episode specific faults of JLUR which I will post these later. I also have a whole long section just for every little detail in schwarbage epilogue which completely ruined Batman Beyond.
>>24172 >>24173 >>24171 Oh boy here we go.
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>>24172 >>24173 >it isn't a copypasta Nigger I know you hate reddit spacing but that doesn't mean paragraph indentations are your enemy.
>>24151 you didn't post the best part of, the scene right before his song where circe wants batman's..... >>24175 >>24177 ehhh you can ignore him
>>24192 >circe wants batman's..... More like am I blue balls, am I right fellows?
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>>24177 >>it isn't a copypasta It isn't and I'm proud of it! I worked hard and for long time on these, which is why I'm quite ecstatic to finally post it! Initially, I planned to open a thread for both JL and JLU, but maybe it for the better to separate great JL from the inferior and dreadful JLU. >paragraph indentations are your enemy I usually do separate to paragraphs, I didn't do it in this case because I saw it as one continuous unit without much of significant differences. I am fully aware it's long, after all I did summarize an entire plotline that went through two seasons! Since it bothers you so much maybe I'll do it with the summery of the second plotline though it's not as long. >>24175 Republica - Ready To Go - https://yewtu.be/watch?v=SiaaJfWXAI0 >>24192 >if we ignore the shit writing it will magically go away!
>>24094 There's too many extreme autist's on this board.
>>24200 >I usually do separate to paragraphs, I didn't do it in this case because I saw it as one continuous unit without much of significant differences. Separation of ideas is not the only reason to use paragraphs my man. It comes down to basic readability. Theoretically I can construct massive sentences with enough commas and semicolons using my vast knowledge of the English lexicon to further extend the contents of one massive run one sentence, and technically, since the meaning of the overall sentence will remain semantically correct, it is not incorrect to do so on that basis, that doesn't mean it's a very fun fucking sentence to read nigger.
>>24173 >>24172 Use paragraphs you absolute mongoloid, it looks like you want to show us how unironically autistic you are rather than having an actual discussion. This is unreadable, borderline shitpost.
>>24207 >Separation of ideas is not the only reason to use paragraphs It's the main reason, idiot. >Theoretically I can construct massive sentences First, sentences and paragraphs aren't the same thing, moron. Second, what you're doing is artificial padding and verbal puke without any actual meaning to it, implying that my essay which actually has content to it is the same thing is utterly ridiculous. >>24212 I already explained it here >>24200. >unironically There's no such word, only stupid faggots use it instead of genuinely. >rather than having an actual discussion I do, sorry it's too long for your attention span and you can only read five sentences at a time. Just because its length doesn't mean it lack substance, in this case on the contrary.
>>24172 >>24173 Did you post these with the intent of other people reading it?
>>24325 >There's no such word You understood the meaning and gave a substitute, you defeated your own argument. Fucking prescriptivist.
>>24325 >refuses to make his shit readable <bitches about using the word "unironically"
>>24326 Yes, reddit spacing faggot. >>24328 Nigger, just because you can use inferior and bad version of existing adverb doesn't make it an actual word. >>24329 Ok illiterate, do you want me to repost the same thing with separated smaller paragraphs to accommodate your poor attention span that is limited to twitter posting?
>>24177 >it isn't a copypasta Can we make it one?
>>24429 >Yes, reddit spacing faggot. Okay anon, now stick with me on this. You want others to read your post right? But you formatted it in a way that made other people refuse to. Not a single person has bothered to engage with it. You've completely failed in your goal to get other people to read that shit. What can you do so other people read your shit? >Ok illiterate, do you want me to repost the same thing with separated smaller paragraphs to accommodate your poor attention span that is limited to twitter posting? Sure.
>>24172 >>24173 The hell is this?
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>>24467 The post's of an extreme autist who can't format for shit and basically insured that most people won't read what he says even if he reposts in a readable format due to him coming across as a faggot in subsequent post's defending his textual Diarrhea. To be fair though, most wouldn't have read his post or engage with him even if it was in a readable format, because people here are sick of reading pages of autism from the capeshit and anti capeshit autist fighting.
>>24468 >goes to comics and cartoon imageboard >doesn't want to read pages of autism Why would you even come here?
>>24469 >Everbody has the same amount of autism as me and you don't belong here if your tired of seeing page dumps of autism Kiss my ass. Your breed of autism was much less common about a year ago and the other autists at least know proper formatting. Now every day there's some fag's verbally hatefucking each other and people like you getting assblasted at whoever belittles your ilk.
>>24470 Anon there's more than just 3 people here.
>>24470 >>Everbody has the same amount of autism as me and you don't belong here if your tired of seeing page dumps of autism No, that's not what I meant. What I meant was exactly what I said. Why would you come here if you don't want to read other peoples' autism (about comics and cartoons, in this case). It's literally the entire point of this board. >Your breed of autism was much less common about a year ago and the other autists at least know proper formatting. You have no idea who I am. Do you think I am the retard who doesn't know what paragraphs are? No. He is a retard, but not for dumping his autism. He's a retard for doing it badly. And a fag for how he acted afterwards. A year ago this board was already shit. This board was always shit, and if we count it as the spiritual successor to 4/co/, even then it's been shit for well over a decade, since your ilk came in and started acting like autism was a bad thing, like it wasn't the entire fucking point of the website. If you thought this board was good a year ago, you're a massive faggot. If you think it's good now, you're a massive faggot. But it's the lack of autists getting super autistic about things that made it bad. Instead it's replaced by nothing but faggots like you saying nothing at all, since apparently all you want is some milquetoast circlejerk about the greatness of whatever terribly drawn SJW trash has been pumped out this week. Go fuck yourself. The retard who can't into paragraphs is a massive faggot (and all his opinions are wrong) but at least he cares.
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>>24471 Correct, there's at least 6 users according to the board list. Your point? >>24472 >You have no idea who I am. Do you think I am the retard who doesn't know what paragraphs are? No. He is a retard, but not for dumping his autism. He's a retard for doing it badly. And a fag for how he acted afterwards. My bad. I assumed you were the paragraph autist come to defend yourself from the gastly redditors into faggoty shit like "formating." >A year ago this board was already shit. This board was always shit, and if we count it as the spiritual successor to 4/co/, even then it's been shit for well over a decade, since your ilk came in and started acting like autism was a bad thing, like it wasn't the entire fucking point of the website. If you thought this board was good a year ago, you're a massive faggot. If you think it's good now, you're a massive faggot. Nowhere did I in these post: >>24468 >>24470 say this board was ever good, just that autism slapfights that go on for days on end like what happen in the Batman thread where less common and that the paragraph autist was more autistic than regular autist because they knew proper paragraph spacing, hence me calling him an extreme autist. > Instead it's replaced by nothing but faggots like you saying nothing at all, since apparently all you want is some milquetoast circlejerk about the greatness of whatever terribly drawn SJW trash has been pumped out this week. Go fuck yourself. The retard who can't into paragraphs is a massive faggot (and all his opinions are wrong) but at least he cares. <If you disagree with me you must be a circlejerker who loves pozzed cartoons and uncaring person who writes nothing but garbage posts Are you the pro-capeshit autist? Feel free to call me a faggot if I'm wrong. But if you are than you are exhibit A for why I think you are faggots. You think your brand of autism is god's gift too man. There's difference between making long posts when appropriate and having page long arguments where either person is never going to change their opinion as you so often do with your anti-capeshit boyfriend. That is assuming you're the pro capeshit autist, but my overall point still stands if you aren't. Since you seem to be convinced that I'm some low effort faggot who does nothing but shitpost. Here's some post's I made on this board outside this thread. Not all of them meet your standard of apparent autism, but I would hardly call them "saying nothing at all." Feel free to tell me I'm wrong: >>18915 >>18930 >>18927 >>18934 >>24235 >>24230 >>24237 >>24247 >>21358 >>23322 >>22520 >>22889
>>24475 The point is you can't just randomly say someone is this person when they make a single sentence remark.
>>24479 Fair enough. I assumed only the guy himself would take offense at my remark.
>>24475 ><If you disagree with me you must be a circlejerker who loves pozzed cartoons and uncaring person who writes nothing but garbage posts Yes, because I sincerely wonder why else you would come here if not for autism. Take it away and all you have left is a bunch of uncritical pozzed cartoon circlejerking. If I didn't want autism, I could go anywhere else on the internet. But instead you've come here, to the Mecca of autism. I sincerely wonder why else you would. >having page long arguments where either person is never going to change their opinion How many times can I ask pic related? Also, judging by your posts that you link to there, I'd have assumed you were the one you refer to as the "capeshit autist." I fail to see the difference. Your own posts look exactly like the things you're complaining about. Maybe you're autistic after all, but your autism prevents you from seeing your hypocrisy. Or perhaps you're just a Chris-Chan-type autist who hates seeing others like himself because he considers them mirrors into hell.
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>>24482 >Yes, because I sincerely wonder why else you would come here if not for autism. Notice how I complained about Specific Autists in my post and nether bitched about autism in general? Almost like I'm complaining about a specific autists I don't like. >Also, judging by your posts that you link to there, I'd have assumed you were the one you refer to as the "capeshit autist." Yeah you're him. Even used the same image. I checked the X-men thread archive and your using the same images. You can also find me in the archive duking it out with the anti-capeshit autist and agreeing with you if you care. https://archive.is/9Pmq9 Why be coy now? You didn't seem to give a shit when I and other people called you the capeshit autist before. Why give a shit now? >How many times can I ask pic related? Yes and? Since when has autist's complaining and screeching about other autist and using autistic as either a pejorative or descriptor not been common on imageboards? It's been that way since I first started going on cuckchan in 2010. > Your own posts look exactly like the things you're complaining about. Maybe you're autistic after all, but your autism prevents you from seeing your hypocrisy. Or perhaps you're just a Chris-Chan-type autist who hates seeing others like himself because he considers them mirrors into hell. Lol. Read what I'm actually writing. My bitching isn't "autism bad." It's "I think these specific autist suck and I don't like them." I think you and anti-capeshit suck because you both play off each other and what would be standard autism becomes identifiable autism that eventually get's stale. It was novel at first in the x-men thread and interesting things were said by you than, but it got tiring because you had what was almost the same damn argument in the meta thread and than semi-rehashed it in the Batman thread. >Cape shit bad. It doesn't have consequences or permanence and there's no reason to ever read it. It should have an ending like all proper stories should. <eh, it did have permanence for a while and alot of the old shit is still good. It's not worse off than things like terminator. The good shit is still good. >Why read shit that doesn't have a real ending when you can read shit that can <Well actually it did end in a way because [insert capeshit continuity autism here] >you're a faggot and defend shitty writing <I don't think it's shitty at all you queer Then one of you eventually stops replying for a while until you find each other again. Than an iteration of the above happens. I'm not even the only person to bitch about you, since there's at least one other guy who thinks you both became annoying as well. You're admittedly not as bad as the anti-capeshit autist but you are his biggest enabler as you are the only one who still insists on having an actual argument with him when his autism flares up. Which is how you ended up being called his boyfriend. Autism is well and good but past a certain point you stop being a likeable autist and become a annoying autist. There has always been autist who are autistic in a way other people don't like so they eventually become infamous. It happened on cakekike/v/ with people like the anti-turn based autist, Luciano, that one Tornigger who didn't like Dragon's Dogma in a strange way, and the one autist here who kicked off this reply chain in the first place.
Thanks for killing the only good thread in this boards, you stubborn retards
>>24488 Sorry. I got carried away in the hyper autism myself.
>>24488 Nigger you never once posted in any of my good threads. The fuck should I post in your gayass thread?
>>24490 What were your good threads than nigger?
>>24491 Hah! If I tell you that you'll just insult them. Also what do you want from me? I don't really watch cartoons man. I have nothing on topic to say.
>>24488 Bro the thread went to shit from the start.
>>24492 You can at least autisticly screech with the rest of us.
>>24494 I am never going to watch epilogue. They ruined batman beyond with that shit. And yeah fuck this show in general I guess.
>>24495 That's the ticket!
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>>24495 Yeah Dana was worst girl. Should've ended up with Max or Melanie.
>>24497 >Max Damn anon. I mean if you wanna racemix at least bang Dana. >melanie Now she was perfect, even a catburglar too so it fits old bats obsession.
>>24498 Terry doesn't have to hide his identity with Max, she's a tomboy, & she's got them dick sucking lips. Dana was just bitchy. Melanie is top tier best girl though & Terry could've fixed her.
>>24499 Anon shes a half dyke negress with dyed red hair. If he dated her Terry would have been drinking the soy in a week flat.
>>24500 >half dyke I don't know what random ass shit tie in or reboot comic you've read but Max in the show wasn't bisexual. Terry's already too pretty & has Bruce genes to cancel it out. Soy would do nothing to him.
>>24501 >drink the soy goy. Its fine Oh shit you aren't just pushing racemixing. Anon look at her and tell me she's never licked a lil rug. Come on. Be serious now.
>>24501 Even as a kid I always thought terry was girly looking, and it always bothered me. >>24502 Dyed hair was still a punk thing and not a pozz thing. Although punk kinda was a precursor of pozz in a way.
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>>24502 That's racist. Next you'll say Batman needs to be black because he wears an all black face covering costume.
>>24503 Okay the show came out in the late 90s. Punk was already dead. Its set in the far future where punk is even deader. And whats the only music we ever hear in the show? Electronica. More specifically dance club mixes. You could argue she's a raver, but she seems pretty straight edge to me. Well other than the whole looking like a dyke thing. And yeah Terry was always too slim.
>>24504 That's unrelated, also nigger batman sounds really gay. So double no. No anon all I am saying is she looks like a dyke, and when have you ever seen a nigger woman touch a computer? So dumb. Dumbest character on the show.
>>24506 Again, Dana.
>>24505 >Okay the show came out in the late 90s. Punk was already dead. Weren't a lot of it's aesthetic carried other into alt rock though. >No anon all I am saying is she looks like a dyke, and when have you ever seen a nigger woman touch a computer? About as much as I see people in bat costumes fight crime. Suspension of disbelief my nigger.
>>24507 She's an asian who was shown to be unable to do match. Dana will never not be hilarious, also way hotter than Max, like in a different league.
>>24508 Not that haircut or hair color. That was always a gay thing. >suspend muh disbelief I can believe a dude works out his whole life and is an absolute beast at kicking ass and taking names. Do I believe he is competent at curbing crime? Hell no. Not even in universe has he ever deterred even one junkie from stabbing a guy.
>>24509 *math
>>24510 That's a job for the cops.
>>24512 Apparently, but the message of Batman has also always been. A. Thats a job for the cops B. When life gets you down punch a nigger
>>24513 It's okay when the nigger looks like an alligator.
>>24487 >Almost like I'm complaining about a specific autists I don't like. Yes, I argued it was hypocritical. >You didn't seem to give a shit when I and other people called you the capeshit autist before. Because now you're saying autism like it's a bad thing. >Since when has autist's complaining and screeching about other autist and using autistic as either a pejorative or descriptor not been common on imageboards? Because you're doing it in regards to people having on-topic discussion, with your issue, as far as you're stating it, being that they're too autistic and that their arguments are futile. Yeah, it's called the internet. I'd almost prefer the filthy casual anti-capeshit guy over your arguments, since at least he gives half of a shit. >I think you and anti-capeshit suck because you both play off each other and what would be standard autism becomes identifiable autism that eventually get's stale. If you've been on here since 2010, you would have understood that it all got stale many years ago. These are the same arguments and conversations we've been having since well before 2010, and it got old well before then. Has there been any good new stuff on imageboards since the late 2000s? But I stick around because I've got no place else to go, and I know you're the same way. Again, where do you think you are?
>>24487 >the anti-turn based autist I think this is referring to me, even though I've only ever actually talked about it in like two threads ever. But people got tremendously butthurt, and it's hilarious to see that like two hours of arguing over the course of a year has created butthurt that has rippled into other boards. It's also ridiculous to compare that, or some guy who doesn't like Dragon's Dogma, to Luciano, who as far as I understand is a guy who spams the same (sometimes contradictory) things clearly for the sake of disruption and annoyance, and not out of autism for what he is actually saying. Luciano is a very different case than all of the others you are mad about. He's more than likely some sort of shill deliberately trying to simply make the site unenjoyable. He's not a guy who has strong opinions or interests and comes here to share them, as the site is for.
>>24522 >Yes, I argued it was hypocritical. It what way. Not all autist get along. >Because now you're saying autism like it's a bad thing. Where? I'm more specifically talking shit about you and other guys I don't like. That's different thing than saying all autist are bad. <Because now you're saying autism like it's a bad thing. >Because you're doing it in regards to people having on-topic discussion, with your issue, as far as you're stating it, being that they're too autistic and that their arguments are futile. Yeah and I'm allowed to find certain things more annoying than others and bitch about them. >I'd almost prefer the filthy casual anti-capeshit guy over your arguments, since at least he gives half of a shit. a lot of people prefer to talk with their lovers. Even when they fight :^). It what way don't I give a shit? Because I think thoughts you don't like? Wasting time arguing back and forth seems like a fair case for me giving a shit. >I'd almost prefer the filthy casual anti-capeshit guy over your arguments, since at least he gives half of a shit. Sure but it can certainty be more noticeably stale, When it's the same two guys who keep fighting. It's like a bar fight between different people every day vs the same two drunks who keep showing up at the bar two fight each other other the same topic. There both rather stale, >>24523 Sup. Paper mario was better before Miyamoto got highly involved and were as good as main mario games before that. >Luciano is a very different case than all of the others you are mad about. He's more than likely some sort of shill deliberately trying to simply make the site unenjoyable EH, entirely possible but the genuinely mentally ill are like that. Granted either way he's far out of range of autist's so your point is fair. I just started name dropping people off the top of my head, and I remember you because you derailed a donkey kong thread to say what amounted to people who played chess were gay and only storyfags like RPG's and turn based games. You were quite memorable to me because I made you quite mad and you kept replying even though I couldn't be more obviously be bating you.
>>24524 >>24522 >ecause you're doing it in regards to people having on-topic discussion, with your issue, as far as you're stating it, being that they're too autistic and that their arguments are futile. <Yeah and I'm allowed to find certain things more annoying than others and bitch about them. Eh. I should say that. My point is less "it's all futile" than "this posting style annoy's me so I'm going to bitch about it". A lot of your argument seems to hinge on some kind of autism comradery, "your obviously autistc so it's hypocritical to bitch about other autist's." Why? I don't think it's hypocritical for me to dislike you, anti-capeshit, and paragraph at all.
>>24524 >>24522 Fucked up the formatting after: <a lot of people prefer to talk with their lovers. Even when they fight :^). It what way don't I give a shit? Because I think thoughts you don't like? Wasting time arguing back and forth seems like a fair case for me giving a shit. I meant to write: >Sure but it can certainty be more noticeably stale, When it's the same two guys who keep fighting. It's like a bar fight between different people every day vs the same two drunks who keep showing up at the bar two fight each other saying the same words they said to each other before. There both rather stale, but one is certainly much more monotonous in my view. I have a habit of revising stuff in my head and not actually writing down. My bad.
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Here's your Flash.
>>24534 Would have more appropriate in the /co/ pain thread, But okay.
>>24535 This thread went off topic from the start.
>>24536 You can make an attempt to keep it on topic you know.
>>24538 It's still justice league related at least.
>>24534 >break into people's room, threaten, and rob them >only get charged with "harassment" and get $500 bail If I were them, I wouldn't be very upset about the words he said to me. I'd want him punished for the breaking and entering and the threats during a robbery.
>>24525 >A lot of your argument seems to hinge on some kind of autism comradery No, it's not that you're autistic too, it's that you're here too, and this is the Mecca of autism. If there is anywhere you shouldn't get mad about people getting mad about comics and cartoons, it's here. >You were quite memorable to me because I made you quite mad and you kept replying even though I couldn't be more obviously be bating you. Not that guy, but I think the same thing is happening right here. You think it's bait, and don't realize that people come to this site specifically to argue over stupid shit. You aren't baiting, you're giving me an excuse to vent my autism. You aren't making me mad, you're making me happy. And it's the same with the anti-capeshit autist, and the anti-Justice League cartoon retard in this thread. I think they're retards, but I come here specifically to argue with retards, and these guys give me an excuse to talk about shit I like. Why would I be mad on here just from seeing opinions I don't like about things I do like? I don't have to come here at all. The only things that make me mad on this site are newfags and others ruining it with things like rulecucking and related SJW shit. But autists who disagree with you shouldn't make you mad, they should make you happy, because they're someone to talk to about things you enjoy talking about.
>>24551 >No, it's not that you're autistic too, it's that you're here too, and this is the Mecca of autism. If there is anywhere you shouldn't get mad about people getting mad about comics and cartoons, it's here. Nah. getting mad about other people's opinions is also part of the autism. if I'm understanding your basically saying "stop thinking like you and behave like me." I'm allowed to get angry at things and bitch. It doesn't have to be things you think or reasonable to get mad at. > You think it's bait, and don't realize that people come to this site specifically to argue over stupid shit. You aren't baiting, you're giving me an excuse to vent my autism. You aren't making me mad, you're making me happ The only part intended to be bait was when I said: >Sup. Paper mario was better before Miyamoto got highly involved and were as good as main mario games before that. To the other guy. The last time I talked to him on cakekike /v/ I didn't really argue with him. I just kept copy pasting in "nice reply Didn't read" to him while he kept replying to me because he seemed to want to have the last reply. I assume even you would agree that's obvious bait.
>>24554 >Nah. getting mad about other people's opinions is also part of the autism. Yes, it is. I don't get why you'd get mad about people arguing about comics and cartoons on the comics and cartoons board on the most autistic site on the internet. >if I'm understanding your basically saying "stop thinking like you and behave like me." Yes. >I'm allowed to get angry at things and bitch. It doesn't have to be things you think or reasonable to get mad at. And then I'm allowed to bitch at you for that in turn. >I just kept copy pasting in "nice reply Didn't read" to him while he kept replying to me because he seemed to want to have the last reply. I assume even you would agree that's obvious bait. Or alternatively, he was baiting you the same way. You sound like that one comic of the two anons arguing and each going "U MAD" when really they're both just sitting calmly and typing at their computers.
>>24555 >Yes, it is. I don't get why you'd get mad about people arguing about comics and cartoons on the comics and cartoons board on the most autistic site on the internet. <I get it's standard image baord behavior to get mad at shit but I don't get why your mad at shit Okay? >And then I'm allowed to bitch at you for that in turn. Cool, We both agree. >Or alternatively, he was baiting you the same way. You sound like that one comic of the two anons arguing and each going "U MAD" when really they're both just sitting calmly and typing at their computers. Possible but I doubt it. All his replies came across as him berating and whining at me for daring too shitpost at him, but it's not entirely off the table.
>>24497 >>24499 >>24501 >>24507 <likes worst girl <shits on Dana Every single time and opinion discarded Max was insufferable retarded Robin wannabe generic sassy black bitch who constantly, ever since her first appearance, reduce the BB series' quality. >hurr derr Dana is bitchy Why people keep forgetting how much of a shit boyfriend Terry is?! He keeps ditching dates (including one time which resulted in Dana getting kidnapped by Ratboy) and never shown to do something in compensation, not to mention the time he took her to Splicerz center just ditch her and investigate and worst of all cheat on her! Dana is a saint and borderline a masochist for staying with Terry. Furthermore, how could Dana get proper character development when worst girl kept being shoved?! >>24498 >Now she was perfect She tricked Terry and almost got him killed by Jokerz. Like father, like daughter. >>24501 >Terry's already too pretty No, he is just very handsome. >Bruce genes Fuck Bruce Timm and fuck schwarbage epilogue. >>24502 Max was insufferable bitch, but not a dyke. >>24503 >>24505 >Okay the show came out in the late 90s. Punk was already dead. >Its set in the far future where punk is even deader Cyber punk, you fools! >Dyed hair Worst girl design with her pink hair and yellow shirt just screams for attention and compensation for poorly written character. >Terry was always too slim He is a teenager, I'd say that Dick in TNBA was way too thin. >>24508 >>nigger woman touch a compute >Suspension of disbelief You worst girl lover forget how much of dumb *diversity hire Mary Sue Max is; she is a woman, black, raised in divorced poor family and yet is genius and can kick ass. And as her for fucking "brilliance" she displayed in the series; she went to investigate the room of best girl Curare' target and sadly only almost got killed and shame she didn't, she went to investigate the VR machines despite being told not and end up getting addicted (which should've happened in the first place considering her background, lol) and best of all when she seriously asked Terry "wouldn't be easier for you Terry, if everyone knew you were batman?" Only shit taste morons like worst girl! *Dumb executiveniggers forced her upon the show staff in retarded attempt to appeal to girls and all of the staff hated her besides Alan Burnett who almost paired Terry with worst girl if it wasn't for Bruce Timm which is why I don't wish Bruce Timm to get fucked to death >>24509 >Dana will never not be hilarious What?! How?!
[Expand Post]>way hotter than Max, like in a different league >when the even the showrunners wrote the only guy who has shown attraction to this bitch was faggy Kobra prince whose reason to fall in love with her was her very own obnoxious sassy disagreeable personality
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>>24637 I'm not going to engage seriously with you as you seem far too annoying and not fun to talk too unlike the capeshit autist.
>>24637 Shes an asian who literally cannot do math without a calculater. That's hilarious to me.
>>24638 Fuck off to /a/ weeaboo >>24639 >Shes an asian who literally cannot do math without a calculater In which scene did it happen?
>>24640 In the first minute of episode 15 season 1. "Earth Mover" https://youtu.be/rRZC2TXumnc
>>24641 Shit 15th total episode but it's actually season 2 episode 2. Sorry.
>>24640 >Fuck off to /a/ weeaboo Where do you think you are?
>>24641 Thanks! It is truer than ever today. I guess Dana already lost her honor when she started to date a *former delinquent like Terry. *It's mentioned in "Big Time" that Dana and Terry already know each other when they were 14 year olds, however it uncertain at which point they actually started to date (before he got to Juvi or afterwards). >>24642 It's alright, as long as you got the episode name right, it's easy to find.
>>24644 Yeah the episode sticks in my mind for several reasons. It's super dark, and has some great character moments. It's a real detective story too. One of my favorites, so that opening is just lodged in my head.
>>24637 Stop being autistically pissed about Bruce Timm. It wasn't ever funny.
>>24646 It's not a joke anon, Bruce Timm is a goddamn hack, and deserves to be beaten to death.
>>24647 You're fucking insane then.
>>24651 Nope, Bruce just ran with some bad ideas.
>>24652 Sure thing anon. Sure thing.
>>24653 I take it you disagree? Very well then anon. Let's start with epilogue. Defend it if you are really so inclined. Or admit the man had some truly terrible story arcs.
>>24661 No. I genuinely don't want to engage you at all.
>>24666 You started a conversation solely for the purpose of informing you that you don't wish to have a conversation? You realize you could have just said nothing? Anon you perplex me.
Seems like a lot of /co/ discussion is this spergery. I guess because so few users are left.
>>24645 It is a great episode, but for some reason I'm not huge fan of it despite my love for weird eerie shit. I guess what bothers me is how Jackie came out of nowhere and was suddenly Terry' and Dana' friend and of course she never appeared again. I wish Terry had other recurring friends instead worst girl and lame Howard...there was Jared, black guy who seemed nice and planned to be one of his friends, shame he was replaced by the sassy niggeress. What are your other favorite episodes? My main ones are: Black Out, A Touch of Curare, Bloodsport and Eyewitness. I also like a lot: Babel, Lost Soul, April Moon, Ace in the hole, Rats and Where's Terry. Golem and The Winning Edge also come to mind. >>24495 >never going to watch epilogue Lucky bastard and wise decision, it's even worse than you can imagine; it's complete assassination of Terry' character and the subtle and touching master-disciple relationship between Bruce and Terry. >fuck this show in general I guess Certainly, there was one great episode and like three good~decent episodes and there were all badly animated and spread too thin in the sea of garbage. >>24646 <stop caring about things, you should make me laugh! Why there are so many dumb normalniggers lately? >>24647 >Bruce Timm is a goddamn hack Indeed >deserves to be beaten to death No, he saved Terry from worst girl and let him stay with Dana which is why he get partial pardon. Also, there's the two-part episode "Apokolips…Now!" in *STAS which he wrote and it's excellent, but we must not forget how he usually has retarded ideas, self-insert (ugh) and he is batwanker subhuman. Maybe if Timm was obsessed with Kirby' writing as much as he is with Kirby' drawing (and rightfully so), he wouldn't be such a hack. *STAS is the DCAU series with the most consistent quality, there was like only one bad episode. Shame they shat on Superman too in JLUR, sigh. >>24661 There's also Batman and Harley Quinn movie which I only watched the trailer for it, thank goodness.
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>>24470 >>24472 >>24475 >>24482 >>24487 >>24522 >>24523 >>24524 >>24525 >>24526 >>24551 >>24554 >>24555 >>24556 >This entire back and forth about my post is almost the same length as my original post which anons could've read instead Truly big brain >>24551 >anti-Justice League cartoon I already told you moron, it's only for JLUR, JL was good. >anti-Justice League cartoon retard in this thread. I think they're retards, but I come here specifically to argue with retards First part is false, second part didn't happen. >>24451 >>24468 >>24470 >textual Diarrhea Have you lazy retards ever read a single book in your life? Because, shock! Many of them don't have paragraphs! The essay I wrote is barely a book page and again it's a summary of two seasons. >B..but we're illiterates who just want to shitpost twitter length posts! Fine, I'm going to repost with smaller paragraphs for your smaller brains: >First retarded arc of JLUR, Project Cadmus, The Rise of Glowniggers - for dummies version The Cadmus plotline is fucking dogshit, you know from the get-go about their miserable existence, there's no actual interesting secrecy or any nuance, wit nor wisdom (JLUR dumbass writing). The so-called cat and mouse chase between them and Justice League is dull and predictable, the so-called witty dialogue between Waller and Batman is just pathetic showoff of paper tiger and childish mannerism of "I'll get you first! No, I'll get you first!". The plot twists are dumb and boring (muh presidential campaign was fake all along! I wasted 75 million dollars just to piss off Superman! Ha ha ha I'm a genius!) and relied on characters being retarded and acting of character ('member how Superman outwit Mr. Mxyzptlk several times?! 'Member how he kept his composure? Well look at him getting pathetically jealous of 10-year-old boy and falling for the dumbest most obvious trap ever, acting like hotheaded drooling moron!). There was no real payoff no consequences of some major Project Cadmus' actions, ones which had entire episode dedicated to them; 'member planting the seeds doubt, fearing there are traitors among the Justice League organization? Nothing happened with it. And what about Superman destroying an entire city for no good reason during a charity event? It was just mentioned as sidenote by Lois Lane after Superman was shown to roam free without anyone giving him a weird/distrusted look. The source of tension and infighting between the Superheroes is more than often, once again a result of inconsistent character writing; Batgod, I mean Batman, who supposed to be the smartest, getting mad at Superman for sending Doomsday, who is known to be connected to the Cadmus project, to the Phantom Zone which the logical thing to do instead of handing him back to Cadmus. Speaking of Cadmus and Doomsday, we were told in that very episode that the reason behind the establishing of Project Cadmus was the revelation of the Justice Lords, yet Doomsday who was created during project Cadmus already appeared when the Justice lords came, nothing make sense in this shitshow.
>>24709 Talking to yourself isn't gonna make me more people engage your ranting nonsense.
>>24712 >>24712 Later, after the Question get his hands on all the Project Cadmus files, he finds out about how president Lex was killed by Justice Lord Superman and then confront Superman about it. While they argue, he brings out how Superman tried to lobotomize Doomsday and instead Superman telling him it was self-defense as he almost got killed, he answers "that was different" because this whole drama and dumb plotline can only progress by the characters acting retarded and thus in response panicked Question goes to kill Lex and gets kidnapped instead by Project Cadmus and afterwards saved by the Justice League. Then once again, Superman acting like a raging retard wanting to take an action against Cadmus despite "no obvious proofs" (Question literally have them on his computer, but did anyone bother to go to check it? Oh no, that would be logical thing to do and we can only write drama using stupid characters because we're stupid people! In addition, you would think the Cadmusfags would try to retrieve it and destroy the evidences, but again, everyone in this show is braindead) dragging the show into another longass boring drama, yapping like bunch of old ladies. Then Lex hacked into the Watchtower using their canon, an event which I found to be overtly depressing and grim despite no one "magically" getting harmed due to children cartoon censorship, and the thing is this kind of atmosphere which reached its peak at that event was throughout the entire Cadmus plotline which I deeply dislike as I see it unfitting to Justice League team and basically, they just implement the Bat family conclusion on everything, it's all so bitter and edgy which of course they would as JLUR is just another Batwankery in the end while also shitting on Superman and others. Later Superman and the rest of the team, except for genius Batgod, decided to hand themselves to the government in attempt to clear their name, but that's a stupid decision (as expected from less than room temperature IQ of JLUR characters) since biased project Cadmus is part of the government, therefore they can't expect a fair investigation. Now Batgod opposed it (in contrast to his sheer stupidity regarding Doomsday), however by reasonings which were too general and wrong. I loathe how the hack writers kept shoving politics (main reason why Project Cadmus is fundamentally awful and boring idea for an entire plotline) into a children cartoon, yet wanted to stay vague and avoid being implicit for the sake of their forced drama and conflict. Meanwhile, missiles were thrown at the Watchtower and instead of exploding, they contained endless clones of the faggy teen superhero team and Power Girl whose mission is to blow the Watchtower… truly unlimited retardation, it would've made sense and being more interesting if it was infiltration of small group, but they already did that with "planting seeds of doubt" which nothing happened with it, sigh. During that event, Batgod went to visit Waller again, he begins his accusations by asking her how can she believe that Justice League was behind the huge expulsion and the destruction of the abandoned Cadmus facility which stupid because why would biased Waller who's in charge of Cadmus, an entire project dedicated to dismantle the Justice League not believe that?! In his arguments, Batgod also mentioned that they surveille Waller for months, yet the greatest detective in the world couldn't find any proofs, instead it was "solved" by the Question just barging into some Cadmus facility and stealing 3TB of files, so much for suspending complexed "mystery case".
>>24714 To salvage Batgod reputation who failed to tackle one of the greatest threats to Justice League existence, turns out he was after Lex Luthor which brings us to whole new level of hackery; so Brainiac controlled Lex all this time since STAS, he claimed that Lex survived his direct shooting instead of getting killed because it contained nanotech, yet in that very episode from STAS Brainiac also directly shot at Mercy who didn't die nor turned into a dumb plot twist which by the way, it's the fourth time they are pulling this shit: first time was in STAS crossover episode with TNBA when Bruce was under control by Brainac' nanobots (so Brainiac survived outside of Lex and went through all that trouble controlling Bruce to get him to build a spaceship when he supposedly could've easily use Lex instead and also not wait for years, it just keep getting dumber by the minute), second time was in Batman Beyond when Superman was controlled by Starro (biological) , third time in dumb ROTJ when Tim was controlled by Joker using microchip/nanotech which makes it pretty much completely identical to Lex/Brainiac shitty plot twist and so it's almost the same thing in STAS case just they didn't stupidly wait years for it. If it wasn't enough, Brainiac also mentioned that he protected Lex' body yet he got cancer, and then the absolute hack writers try to go around it by saying he cured Lex' cancer when with amazing bullshit technology the cancer shouldn't have evolved to that critical point in the first place. Then the hackery continues as Lex manage to convince Brainiac who is clearly smarter and is a cold rational and emotionless program and have full control over Lex' body to cooperate together. Later, BrainacxLex abomination create copies of the Justice League members who match their strength and brings out their inner demons, now Batgod who is the weakest and has the worst inner demons manage to swiftly get rid of his doppelganger faster than anyone else. In addition, Wonder Woman and Superman replace partners which suggest what was already proven and shown in JL that Wonder Woman and Superman are about the same power level, however Mongul which was weaker than Superman in JL beat the crap out of Wonder Woman yet fail to do the same for Superman. Finally, Superman gives a speech about how they're guilty of hubris which they *weren't and therefore they're going to dismantle the Watchtower, but hey the hacks gotta drive that retarded Cadmus plotline 'till the end. Then commie Green Arrow out of all spoke against it and so the Watchtower remains while the canon/energy weapon is gone and badly animated characters clapping and cheering, having wonky eyes some of them don't even have fully drawn hands as if it was the perfect metaphor to the QAULITY of JLUR, and by that I mean, burning heap of trash. *The destruction of the city by out of character Superman has nothing to do with the Watchtower and it's only the hack writers Superman' fault and as for muh evil space canon, first it was hacked so none of their fault, second the government has it too as was shown in dumb ROTJ, but again why I should I expect consistency and logic from JLUR…
>>24709 Fuck yeah. >more frens Yeah you nailed it man, he really needed more friends, and the ones they used were always just there for a day and then gone. >fav eps Jeez you just named at least half of em lol. Uh ace in the hole for sure, so damn good. April moon of course I mean that fucking ending man. Rats and where's Terry. Shit man this show was fucking great. Honorary mention to the ep where jokerz get a prototype tank jet, and every single mad stan episode. >on epilogue Yeah, and that's exactly what I think from hearing about it. No interest. And furthermore why? It just kills the whole soul of the show. >on bruce timm Fair enough. And I do reall like his older stuff. I think at some point he just drank the soylent kool aid. Or maybe there was an editor back in the day reining him in. >bats and harley Oh God that looked terrible right?
>>24712 >>This entire back and forth about my post is almost the same length as my original post which anons could've read instead Most anons probably haven't read the back and forth between me and the other guy either, much like your original posts. It is formatted better though. Your point? >Have you lazy retards ever read a single book in your life? Because, shock! Many of them don't have paragraphs! The essay I wrote is barely a book page and again it's a summary of two seasons. Never in any nonfiction book, essay, or summary I read unless it was significantly old. The only time I have seen a modern book with paragraphs as long as yours were one's written in "steam of consciousness" or other narrative devices. There are no hard rules for writing paragraphs, but it's a commonly taught rule of thumb that is your paragraph get's too long you should break it the fuck up! The average paragraph is typically something like 200 words or five sentences according to everything I can find regarding paragraph length: https://howtodiscuss.com/t/how-long-should-a-paragraph-be/106307 https://www.thesaurus.com/e/writing/how-many-sentences-are-there-in-a-paragraph/ The academic tier one's are less likely to specify recommended your paragraphs should be, but even they state a single paragraph shouldn't exceed more than one page. They also explicitly state if you want your paragraphs to remain coherent you need to break them up in some way if they get too long(pic also related): https://wts.indiana.edu/writing-guides/paragraphs-and-topic-sentences.html https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/academic_writing/paragraphs_and_paragraphing/index.htmlwrit9ign We're not academics, and I doubt anybody on the comics and cartoons board of a mongolian basket weaving forum expects you to write like one. However, most of the shit written in them is sound advice for writing in general. The fist paragraph here >>24173 is fucking 1087 words long! I kept losing my place when I first attempted to read it, because not only are their no paragraph breaks; your writing is filled to the brim with run on often lacking punctuation. Not to say I'm completely free of grammatical fuck ups or spelling mistakes in my writing, but fuck man, I don't think anything I posted in this thread is as error prone as what you wrote, nor to the point of being a pain in the ass to read. You say shit like "it's just a summary bro" as if it being a summary makes it less shit. Compare it to the summaries/synopses from sites like litcharts: https://www.litcharts.com/lit/all-quiet-on-the-western-front/summary https://www.litcharts.com/lit/all-quiet-on-the-western-front/summary Or IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0468569/plotsummary?ref_=tt_stry_pl https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120737/plotsummary?ref_=tt_stry_pl Notice how they have actual formatting unlike your original post? There has admittedly has been a downward trend of people being unable to read longer paraghprahs since the internet, but even when I look though pre internet books paragraphs rarely average out to anything more than 500 word paragraphs, while having proper and easy to read sentences unlike you. 500 might be too generous as it might just be closer to 300: https://standardebooks.org/ebooks/thomas-paine/the-age-of-reason/text/single-page https://standardebooks.org/ebooks/apsley-cherry-garrard/the-worst-journey-in-the-world/text/single-page https://standardebooks.org/ebooks/thomas-bulfinch/bulfinchs-mythology/text/single-page The only non-fiction books I've found that approach your paragraph length were the ancient greeks the seem to approach set between 300-800 words per paragraph. You have some nerve, acting as if your anything more than a mediocre writer whom acts like a passive agressive woman when confronted with his bad writing habits. I read your shit the first time you posted it, I refused to respond to your opinion on the show because your posting format is a massive red flag. I have never seen someone who writes like that and wasn't some kind of extreme autist whom put's all other autists who frequent this place to shame. Your reaction only further solidified my viewpoint, you are a faggot and I will not treat your opinion with any kind of respect(even if it vaguely aligns with my own) because you frankly don't deserve it.
>>24723 >but even they state a single paragraph shouldn't exceed more than one page Well actually, the advice is more that several paragraphs should go on the page and a single paragraph shouldn't take up more than a third of the page at most. When I copy and pasted that 1087 word paragraph to see how long it was, it took up 1 1/2 pages in word. What single paragraph needs to be that fucking long past the 1800s? Even the greeks only made them that long because they were writing densely reasoned theoretical treaties that probably couldn't be split that easily. Not fucking plot summaries with opinion thrown in.
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>>24724 >>24723 >Never in any nonfiction book, essay, or summary >The only non-fiction books I've found that approach your paragraph length were the ancient greeks Looks like your searching abilities are as poor as your reading comprehension:^) >your paragraphs I explicitly said that in the original post I hadn't divide to paragraphs, it doesn't necessarily make it one singular paragraph, you moron! >you are a faggot and I will not treat your opinion with any kind of respect(even if it vaguely aligns with my own) Who is the passive aggressive bitch, again? >often lacking punctuation Now you're just bullshitting.
>>24800 >>24800 <This outlier means by writing habits are justified >I explicitly said that in the original post I hadn't divide to paragraphs, it doesn't necessarily make it one singular paragraph, you moron! ><I didn't make parapgrahs, but here still paragraphs Cry me a river bitch. Notice how it's all philosophical texts and not capeshit summary posts? He probably could have broken what he wrote as well. >Now you're just bullshitting. LOL give me a couple hours and a write an entire break down of your writing style is shit.
Could we please argue about the show, and not grammar?
>>24805 He started it.
>>24803 >>24807 >>This outlier >>>Never in any nonfiction book, essay, or summary >Never Just admit you were wrong, faggot. >philosophical texts and not capeshit summary posts And now you're pathetically nitpicking after being proven wrong. >give me a couple hours It's been days, lazy retarded liar. >an entire break down of how your writing style is shit FIFY retard >He started it No, it was you, lying metanigger >>24805 Same, but the dumb metanigger rather focus on form than content because he can't defend his crappy series.
> Animation As if the writing itself wasn't bad enough, the animation is equally as bad. It even managed to have worse animation than JL and JL had bad animation. To think this crappy series was made by big corporation as WB and they put out this, it is easily one of the worst animated cartoons ever made and the worst one I've seen as anything this bad I would've dropped almost instantly. The animation is shoestring budget using two gook animation studios and you can just see it. The unbelievable amount of wonk faces (which admittedly was one of the few sources of enjoyment in this garbage cartoon), off-model proportions, overuse of CGIshit, etc. The CGI was so ugly and not rendered at all, it was overuse (ships, rockets, vehicles, machines) to the point they had one scene that just looks like from an outdated video game rather than a cartoon and they even did flags in CGI which were so ugly and jarring that it was distracting. The action scenes are so dull and bad; the movements are too crude and fast, cheap blurr/anime action lines to the point the actual action is barely visible, most action poses are just zooms and rarely good view with full body. At least JL action scenes were clear and not blurred trash. The girls usually had wonk faces at one point or another as most of them have drawn irises unlike the guys (though there were few cases like that for them as well, gender equality! Most noticeable case was Warhawk wonk face in a zoom screenshot). Poor Kara was probably the one suffering from it the most, more than half of the time she had wonk face and was off-model, I can barely remember moments of her not looking uggo, heck they even used some horribly drawn frame of her in the opening, top kek. There were even moments with heavy serious talking and then you had wonk/off-model face in the background (Wondy when Batfag was preaching) or in zoom (Wondy when Shayera talked to her) which was unintentionally hilarious. There was also another ludicrous scene when Plastique looked derpy and stressed as she stays in the same elevator with John Stewart, totally not suspicious. Another example for mistake was a scene where Lex mouth was open and his teeth were in his skin color. One of the worst and dumbest shit they did was drawing Copperhead and Livewire looking happy and excited when everyone else was anxious as Lex shown to be a cruel leader who can easily outtake them all. Some notable examples to the cheapness and laziness of the animation: 1. Huntress jumping the same way three times to avoid the lasers and it's all straight angle jump 2. The background story of the Viking prince which was literal PowerPoint presentation for two seconds. The show also had so many animation errors: 1. Wonder Woman climbing as if she climbs on smooth surface and not rugged one, full of edges 2. Terry talking while only white teeth can be seen and "lips" moving, instead of the teeth also moving and the mouth being shown 3. Green Arrow lip synching was done badly due to reuse in talking animation in which didn't had teeth at all 4. Lex Luther talking with double lips 5. Random criminal who was just awkwardly stop moving for minute and then starts running 6. Huntress moving her head weirdly as if a frame was missing, and the dubbing doesn't match the animation like Black Canary screaming: "get out of my way", but gently touching Huntress and doesn't move her mouth, unless Huntress said that which is also weird and make no sense 7. Black Canary blinking with her eyes open so you see only the lines of the eyelids move without the skin of the eyelids 8. Wonder Woman trying to break Devil Rey' helmet and then it shown being break in a zoom without Wonder Woman hand on his neck, separating it to two unrelated events 8. Wonder Woman turns her head too fast and you can see blurring of two frames together 9. The kick that pushed Deimos into his doom wasn't properly animated so it looks like Deimos just falls out of nowhere like a retard 10. Tala moving her mouth without her lips and suddenly she has black dot on her lips. > Dubbing Even the part that was supposed to be safe from lousiness, had its problems. All the foreign accents (except the British ones of course) were awful, notably Tala poor Russian accent and so Fire what supposed to pass as Brazilian accent. Vixen voice actor had times when she couldn't emote for shit. >>24717 >Jeez you just named at least half of em lol. Sorry, I basically named an entire season! However, there are 52 episodes overall. >ace in the hole It was quite emotional episode and the action was great always. >April moon of course I mean that fucking ending man The whole cyborg gang setting was so cool! >Rats It's such bummer that its only episode dedicated to Dana and Terry and Terry still remain a shit boyfriend afterwards. >where's Terry Just for shitting on Max alone makes it a great episode. >where jokerz get a prototype tank jet Joyride was nice, it's a decent~good episode imho. >every single mad stan episode No, the Zetashit crossover episode, Countdown, was the worst episode in the series and unwatchable. After Mad Stan went to sleep, it completely goes off the rails. >It just kills the whole soul of the show The very premise of the show to add. >I think at some point he just drank the soylent kool aid I hardly doubt Timm is woke with all his sexy girls drawings and his self-insert Batgirl fucking his husbando her boss. >Or maybe there was an editor back in the day reining him in While he was always heavily involved with the productions of the shows, he rarely wrote episodes. He is more of an animator/artist rather than a writer. >Oh God that looked terrible right? It's kind of amazing how Timm and Dinni hate Dick even more than Terry. Also, Harley Quinn on her own is shit.
>>24923 >cherry picking inbetween frames Man, you really are retarded.
>>24924 He's very desperate for people to listen to his schizo ramblings.
>>24925 If he reduced his posts to a reasonable length, then people may be interested in what he has to say.
>>24926 Maybe. But he really doesn't have any comprehensible or objective to say. Only a fixed autistic mad obsession with Bruce Timm & Justice League Unlimited.
>>24922 >Never in any nonfiction book, essay, or summary I said: < Never in any nonfiction book, essay, or summary I read unless it was significantly old. The point was, I had never seen your writing style in what I read unless it was old. Thus, your implication that everybody who disliked your writing style was a dumb redditor or twitterfag who never read a book is wrong. They would probably just read something that isn't formatted like a philosophical text. You are correct in that it wasn't unheard of in the 20th century for writers to write paragraph's as long as yours. I found another writer who wrote like this called Richard Ithamar Aaron. This doesn't mean my point that it's extremeply dated writing, except for maybe contemporary philosophical writing. I looked up every pre-internet essayist I remember reading in school and skimmed their shit. Not a one I remember wrote like you do. I skimmed though Bertrand Russel's shit, and his paragraphs weren't as long. I skimmed Ludwig Wittgenstein's shit, and his paragraphs weren't as long. I skimmed Mark Twain's shit, and his paragraphs weren't as long . I skimmed George Orwell's shit, and his paragraphs weren't as long. How does this disprove my point that you write in ways most people won't bother to read, ESL? You could doublessly find more examples of non-fiction books approaching your paragraph length. Shorter paragraphs will still be the norm. >And now you're pathetically nitpicking after being proven wrong. Nah, I said something similar before your reply here >>24724 . <Even the greeks only made them that long because they were writing densely reasoned theoretical treaties that probably couldn't be split that easily. Not fucking plot summaries with opinion thrown in. Again, my point was that your shit is attypically formatted in a way that was atrocious and made it hard to read. People aren't idiots for not wanting to read it. >It's been days, lazy retarded liar. I tried learning gimp or some shit, so I could edit over a screencap of your post, but I gave up. I then tried editing your screencap in MSpaint, then gave up halfway since it was becoming unreadable. Since you want it, I'll post what I wrote before giving up. > No, it was you, lying metanigger Nah, I was just another bitch post until you singled me out for calling your writing "textual diarrhea." Not my fault it got under your skin. >Same, but the dumb metanigger rather focus on form than content because he can't defend his crappy series. Learn to read. I didn't imply that your opinion isn't wrong. I'm callnig you a faggot for bitching at other people who thought your post was unreadable because of formatting. Thus, I'm giving you a hard time because you deserve it. As evidence at how upset you are because I'm bitching about your writing style. Here are the annotations for the edited screencap that I didn't finish by the way. 1. Why did you put this part in parenthesis? It's not an aside or optional information, where parenthesis typically used; it's a major reason you think the show is shit. Another thing, why do you type ""member" instead of "remember?" You do this multiple times throughout your post. If it's a rhetorical thing, it's better off dropped. This kind of thing only works in spoken shit, not text. Your first paragraph is admittedly alright, despite these issues 2. The second paragraph is where things get real shitty. You have no idea when to end a sentence. I thought it was a lack of punctuation, but your sentences just extend on and on with "and this happen, and that happened, therefore this happend." I wrote like this when I was 12, until my teacher told me to cut that shit out. It comes across as rambling by itself, made even worse with it all being one singular paragraph. Most of the shit of this length you bring up to defend yourself are published books/essays with much bigger fonts and less rambly sentences. Who want's to read all this shit in the standard 10pt font? Am I supposed to make my font bigger to read your post, you faggot? 3. This is the perfect place to start a new paragraph. You finding shit too dark is an entirely separate point from your other writing complaint. You could have rearranged a few words and it would have made the perfect segway into a new paragraph. 4. I got your point, but it is awkwardly worded. Should have went with something like <instead of the hack writers doing this, they should have done something with those "seeds of doubt" they were planting
>>24934 >>24922 Forgot my picture. also some corrections > They would probably just read something that isn't formatted like a philosophical text. *They would rather read something that isn't formatted like a philosophical text >You are correct in that it wasn't unheard of in the 20th century for writers to write paragraph's as long as yours. *You are correct in that it wasn't unheard of in the 20th century for writers to write paragraph's as long as yours upon further research. >This doesn't mean my point that it's extremely dated writing, except for maybe contemporary philosophical writing. *This doesn't mean my point that it's extremely dated writing, except for maybe contemporary philosophical writing, doesn't still stand. >>24927 >>24926 >But he really doesn't have any comprehensible or objective to say He's plenty comprehensible past the autism and the" RAH RAH FUCK BRUCE TIMM" bullshit. To summarize his own thoughts out of spite, and to see how he reacts: >He thinks JLU is a step down writing and animation wise from JL. >He thinks the Project Cadmas storyline was full of contrivances, too grim, and written by retards >He thinks the show jerks Batman off too much. I admittedly haven't watched the DCAU in it's entirety in years, so his complaints may have merits. He format's and writes like a foreign knock-off of a channel awesome reviewer though. The entire time I was reading his shit, I imagined an Eastern European Nostalgia Critic look a like making funny faces and yelling.
>>24922 >>24934 >>24936 One last correction > I didn't imply that your opinion isn't wrong. * I didn't say your opinion was wrong.
>>24936 Writing & animation is debatable. Of course a recurring villain group in a long running show will feel inconsistent sometimes but his issues are likely overblown because he's a spazz. Batman is DC's most popular character. Timm wrote a nearly perfect version of Batman who's still an incredibly flawed person that fails all the time. He's not a perfect Gary Stu. Probably why Justice League Batman always relies on help from other heroes & his wits to solve problems or fight since he has no powers. The man saved WW by singing. Oh what a Gary Stu!
>>24951 >Oh what a Gary Stu! You forget that, even before Justice League, the show spoils that Bruce eventually ends up all alone until Terry shows up. All his friends don't want to be near the guy, his surrogate family groans whenever they think about him. No one knows what happened to all his cockteases. Bruce just isn't a happy person. Also, it doesn't help all that much when, once JL(U) enters the picture, he and J'onn are the only ones who are really mentally broken. And, while J'onn eventually found a place where he can be happy and move on, Bruce never managed to do the same (Not for a lack of trying). Remember that, at Clark's grave in JL, Bruce admitted that Clark ultimately emboldened the type of person that Bruce wanted to be but could never achieve. Then, in Epilogue in JLU, Waller stated that Bruce is the one person who has seen the worst of people, and managed to walk back without losing his mind. In some ways, that's probably why the episode where they turn into children is one of my favorites (Aside from Wonder Tease). Because it depicts Bruce for quite literally the person that he is.
>>24951 In his ramblings, He also mentions that the show did superman dirty. Again, I haven't watched the DCAU in it's entirety in years, but I recall him coming across more assholish after STAS. I recall they explicitly tried to make him come across as the gruff older guy in Justice League. He does come across as condescending in a lot of the clips I see of the Project Cadmus arc. Alot of people bitch that they never really "got" superman in the DCAU; save for the animated series and the superman adventures tie-in comic.
>>24953 Who'dathunk the guy defined by trauma that pushed away even his own surrogate son would have lots of issues & end up a miserable old man all alone. Makes me sad he didn't end up with Diana who clearly had feelings for him & would've been a positive change on his life. >>24955 He probably feels Superman is more an asshole because of the shit Luthor pulled to make Superman look like an unreasonable asshole when Superman thinks there's a bomb under a park.
>>24924 >cherry picking inbetween frames >>cherry picking No, those were scenes that could be easily seen without stopping the animation, not inbetweens. And speaking of cherry picking, you're the one who does it as you conveniently and completely ignored my entire criticism (I doubt you even bothered to read it) which goes beyond the pics I posted. I can post more images as examples to prove my point. >>24951 >Writing & animation is debatable Nope >Of course a recurring villain group in a long running show will feel inconsistent They weren't really recurring, they only brought back Grodd and his second attempt at villain organization in the third season after the tiresome and retarded Project Cadmus. Only Lex was reoccurring and they made up unbelievably dumb bullshit that Brainiac controlled his body all this time since STAS (which I already explained before in my summery, but you disingenuous faggots would rather argue against strewman argument you made up in your heads instead of reading and refer to my actual arguments), additionally they drastically change him from crooked CEO to this genius mad scientist which is also absolute bullshit as he barely managed to get some villains to work under him through bribe in JL and now he suddenly knows everyone' weakness and rule them by terror and fear. >Timm wrote a nearly perfect version of Batman who's still an incredibly flawed person that fails all the time. He's not a perfect Gary Stu Have you retard actually watched JLUR?! He fixed the timeline, avoided Parasite who beat the crap out of Metamorpho and Elongated Man, joined a fight against powerful wizard, easily beat his doppelganger and being the first to do so before the rest of the Justice League members despite being the weakest and having the worst inner demons, surviving fight against the Shadow while he wrecked everybody else, fighting Flash villains while Orion jobbing to them. Worst of all; throwing Batrang at Darkseid which made him stagger, Kicking Drakseid which actually throws away Darkseid and last but not least, being the very first who was able to able to avoid Darkseid Omega beam, all meanwhile Superman got his ass kicked by Darkseid! And again, dumbass, Timm barely wrote episodes despite his heavy involvement in the production. Now go ahead and defend the self-insert BatgirlXBatman pairing and "Batman and Harley Quinn" movie you shit taste moron. >>24953 >the show spoils that Bruce eventually ends up all alone until Terry shows up. All his friends don't want to be near the guy, his surrogate family groans whenever they think about him. No one knows what happened to all his cockteases. Bruce just isn't a happy person. >Bruce never managed to do the same Already in dumb ROTJ Bruce reconciled with Tim and Barbara so there is that and then in schwarbage Epilouge, which Timm said in the BB dvd feature that he specifically wrote this pile of utter garbage because Bruceshit supposedly deserves to be happy, thus he in fact became a happy person. Terry turned out to be Bruceshit ' clone son which means Bruce not only regained his friends, but also got an actual family. The whole premise of BB (which is Bruce ending up alone and a new unrelated Batman came along) is completely ruined and I have yet even touched how Terry' own character was also completely butchered (and other stupid shit that happened in that godawful episode) to achieve Timm' dumb goal of redeeming Bruceshit and give him a happy ending. Bruce don't deserve to be happy; he is eternal bridgeburner asshole who pushed out anyone who cared for him, most notably Dick who was manipulated and treated like a dirtbag in TNBA and eventually got cucked by his own adoptive dad I honestly wouldn't judge Dick if he had gone full Karamazov on him , with the sole exception of crazy cunt Waller who only admired him from afar which further proves how awful is Bruce' personality that the only person left to care for him was the crazy distant admirer evil glowniggeress. >>24956 >end up a miserable old man all alone See above, both Timm and Dini ended up reversing it because they couldn't let their clearly asshole husbando getting what he actually deserves. This one of the main reasons why Bruce is such a shit character, he never faces the consequences to his actions, it always ends up somehow in his favor! >guy defined by trauma that pushed away even his own surrogate son would have lots of issues That doesn't excuse his very poor treatment of Dick...in fact he even rudely bothered Dick while he was looking at old album photos of his life before his parents got killed, and you'd think as someone who shares the same trauma would be empathic and sensitive, but nope because he is insufferable asshole. Not to mention, he also beat the crap out of a criminal in front of his wife and child, but it was turned out to be a good thing since the criminal reformed afterwards, because Bruceshit can never do wrong! Although BTAS Bruce was somewhat bland, he was likeable and a good person. Ever since the soft reboot TNBA, Bruce just became insufferable asshole and by JLUR was also a complete overpowered Gary Stu. >Makes me sad he didn't end up with Diana who clearly had feelings for him & would've been a positive change on his life She probably ended up marrying a nigger like Barbara, after all once you go black you never go back:^) Shame she didn't stayed somehow or ended up having children with Steve, who is clearly the better and superior choice. >Superman is more an asshole because of the shit Luthor pulled to make Superman look like an unreasonable asshole when Superman thinks there's a bomb under a park As I already explained in my summery, Superman was originally depicted in DCAU (STAS and JL) as a calm person who relies on his brain non less than his brawn, yet he falls to the most obvious trap and refuse to actually check whether there is a bomb or not. Besides that, and him getting pathetically jealous of Billy (and beat him up), he argued with the Question that it was different when he tried to lobotomize Doomsday when he should've replied that it was done in defense and he almost got killed instead of that dumb answer. Also, he wanted to immediately get back at Cadmus for kidnapping and torturing the Question, yet again he was presented as hotheaded buffoon as supposedly the League still had no proofs for Cadmus' wrongdoings (also despite Batfaggot surveilling them for months) when the very reason that the Question got kidnapped and tortured by them WAS BECAUSE HE STOLE 3TB OF FILES FROM CADMUS FACILITY AND YET NO ONE BOTHERS TO LOOK FOR THEM! And you disingenuous faggots try to deny that JLUR is dumpster fire, so yeah, it's way more than just simply turned him into an asshole, but rather completely flip 180 degrees on his original characterization and turn him into a retard (like most characters in this garbage series).
>>24987 For some reason my pics weren't posted, so there...
>>24987 No one reads your ramblings.
>>24173 >>24172 Honestly anon despite everything I actually agree with pretty much everything you said. I was never a big fan of JLU as a whole though I do enjoy it, don't get me wrong. I just didn't enjoy it as much as the original JLA. JLU had a few good moments but overalll kind of sucked. One thing you didn't mention that I didn't like was that the overall dynamic between the original 7 was gone which was something I sorely missed from JLU. Another thing I missed was Hawkgirl trying to dive macefirst into something only to get immediately fucked up nearly once per episode which made me laugh every time.

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