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Anonymous 03/18/2022 (Fri) 21:02:33 No. 24119
Same-Sex Kiss Restored in Pixar’s ‘Lightyear’ Following Staff Uproar Over ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill https://archive.fo/bl7Os
Am I the only one who's noticed that they're being rather sexist when it comes to LGTBBQ+^R# characters? Why is it always lesbians and never fags?
>>24120 Because lesbians are safer I guess. Or maybe they hate men. Probably a bit of both.
>>24120 >>24123 Also because the bad stuff about fags is well known, the bad stuff about dykes is more occluded knowledge. Every knows the problems with the limes, but only the hardcore homophobes know the horrible stuff about the lemons.
>>24125 In case you are wondering, todger-dodgers are promiscuous and disgusting like the butt-fuckers are, in every way, but to a slightly lesser degree as women are somewhat less recklessly horny than men are. The area of horribleness that they excel in compared to the gays is in the areas of abuse, as before, there is overlap, gay guys are rapey, but lesbians are even more likely to do tings like rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment. You see, women are more attractive than men are, even to other women, and women are more selective than men are, as men will settle for less than women will be willing to. Also take into account that just as there's a fetish for straight men/.boys among gays, lezzies have a fetish for "converting" straight women/girls. Add the fact that women are far more entitled than men are, and far more likely to cross lines to get what they want when it's denied them (often because they know that they get away with it), and you can see the problems that exist involving sexual misconduct and lesbians. This is made worse by lesbian bed death, as lesbos will look for novelty to excite them in new partners, which sometimes extends even to unwilling ones (often because that's just some added spice to the excitement). There's also the fact that other forms of abuse, like the infliction of pain (physical or otherwise) could be another source of hedonistic pleasure for them, and not just sexual, but also the appeasement of their egos (and holy fuck to lesbians have egos, take a woman, add a lot of mental instability, a feeling of immunity to consequences, and a victim complex that gives them a sense of superiority, and you got the typical smug-assed danger-haired liberal/commie dyke). But as for the parts that go past the overlap and truly diverge from their male counterparts, is the other kinds of abuse, the non-sexual kinds. Physical abuse is a huge likelihood when encountering a rugmuncher, when she's not hitting softballs, she's itting anyone she thinks she can get away with wailing on, most often one of her fellow bitches that she's cohabitating with at the time (and cheating on), but literally anyone in striking range is also a valid target for her. With her partners, sometimes the violenceget her excited and what begins with a beatdown morphs into a brutal sexual violation with an emphasis on humiliation. Let's also talk about non-physical abuse, as these are women, and it's really in the realms of the psychological, emotional, and financial abuse that they truly shine. They are manipulative, narcissistic, and sadistic in their use of indirect means to harm those around them, often over the petty kinds of trivialities that women attack others over. Just as before, the targets could be anyone who they decide they want to hurt, but most often it's someone they are in a relationship with, most often in a position of vulnerability and secrecy. All this applies to violent and sexual abuses, as well. Bisexual women are known to use the fact that their partners are worried that they might switch teams at any time and abandon them in the process as a good way to make their partners squirm under their thumbs. in truth, all women are bisexual, at least to some degree, and most lesbians have had sex with men. Which is something that sets them far apart from gays for whom those who had heterosexual sex are the outliers. Women like inflicting pain of various kinds, they are surprisingly sadistic, and often openly proud of that fact, gloating about their capacity to harm others, most particularly including those who make the mistake of loving them. Other women are the most common targets, the sisterhood is a myth and a feminist lie.
Easy with the reddit spacing.
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>>24127 Wasn't that study flawed as it asked any lesbians if they had ever been abused in a relationship as opposed to whether or not they were abused in any lesbian relationship?
>>24128 Pretty sure the statistic comes from many studies.
>>24119 Another movie that will be refused certification in China.
>>24119 >List all the movies with gay in them. It's never enough for these freaks, is it? Always gotta push that degeneracy.
>Pixar Reportedly Scrapped Gay ‘Luca’ Storyline: ‘How Do We Do This Without a Love Interest?’ https://archive.fo/LFo91 <Disney has been at the center of a PR firestorm ever since the Florida state legislature passed a bill that banned the discussion of sexual orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through third-grade classrooms in public schools. The legislation’s detractors, who dubbed it the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, quickly called on Disney to stop funding politicians who support the bill. While it is a fairly standard practice for corporations to fund politicians in both parties in states where they do business, Disney eventually backed down and pledged to stop supporting state legislators who voted for the bill. <However, the process has placed scrutiny on Disney’s relationship with the larger LGBTQ community. While Disney has recently incorporated extremely subtle references to homosexuality in some of its films, many critics feel the company has not done nearly enough to make their movies inclusive. <That may be beginning to change, as Pixar recently restored a same-sex kiss that was previously cut out of the upcoming film “Lightyear.” But according to a new report in Variety, the studio has long wrestled with questions over how inclusive its films should be. <Recent films like “Soul” and “Inside Out,” which took place in New York and San Francisco, almost included references to the cities’ large LGBTQ populations, but details including a rainbow sticker on a window were ultimately scrapped. But the most tangible example of this internal tension may be the 2022 film “Luca.” <“Luca” tells the story of two male sea monsters who have a friendship so intimate that many critics interpreted it as a gay allegory. The film’s creative team has acknowledged that they discussed such themes, but refuse to explicitly say if the characters have a romantic relationship. <“Some people seem to get mad that I’m not saying yes or no, but I feel like, well, this is a movie about being open to any difference,” the film’s director Enrico Casarosa said. While some undoubtedly appreciated the relationship in “Luca,” members of the LGBTQ community have long complained about media featuring characters that appear to be gay without ever acknowledging it. <To make matters worse, new reporting from Variety indicates that Pixar executives also considered making the character of Giulia, a human girl in “Luca,” gay, but the plans never materialized. A source who works at Pixar said that the studio, which has had intense internal deliberations about whether to include same-sex couples in background shots of recent films, could not figure out a way to write a gay character without a romantic plotline. And apparently, this was not the first occurrence of such a roadblock. <“We very often came up against the question of, ‘How do we do this without giving them a love interest?’” the Pixar employee said, noting that the studio ultimately decided to abandon the idea. “That comes up very often at Pixar.”
>>24156 Yeah, Pixar probably should have died after they ran out of movies from the luncheon, it seems like everything after Wall-E was just kind of shit. Except maybe Up and the first Wreck-it Ralph.
>>24157 Wasn't Ralph explicitly not Pixar but Disney doing 3DCG without them?
>>24165 You're right, I got confused because I saw John Lasseter worked on it.
Who''s willing to bet the kiss gets cut in foreign markets anyway? >>24156 >Pixar executives also considered making the character of Giulia, a human girl in “Luca,” gay, but the plans never materialized. >A source who works at Pixar said that the studio [...] could not figure out a way to write a gay character without a romantic plotline. Sounds like a dodged bullet. An interesting lesson as well: if you can't virtue-signal in your story without distracting from the main plot, you probably shouldn't do it.
>>24120 because nobody minds lesbos as much as fags even one of the chicks from Tatu said as much, also said she would disown her son if he was a fruit
>>24120 Men predictably have more of an innate disgust reaction to sodomy and are more likely to align that reaction to what attitudes they follow in the real world. The gay coalition over gay men is irrelevant because that group is already part of their agenda, so they target the tastes of heterosexual men. Heterosexual men, particularly porn addicts and those whom are similarly inclined, get titillated when they see two attractive women interact sexually. Thus, the plan is to turn heterosexual men into supporters of girl-on-girl to weaken their general disdain for homosexuality. Man-on-man is a separate issue, but once the heterosexual man avows support (theoretically) for lesbians (premised on fantasies sold to them by pornographers), they look hypocritical to the normalfag perspective if they continue full-bodied opposition to displays of male homosexuality. It is through this tactic that fags mainstream themselves. That and zoomers existing. Their whole generation drank the gay kool-aid.
>>24204 >The gay coalition winning* over
>>24119 TBH, I am glad. I want parents to go see this shit with their kids and swear off House of Mouse product afterwords. The faster they move with gay shit the more people will reject it and the ones that don't are lost anyway. The ideal outcome from this is that there will be that many more white parents who will stop buying Disney shit for their kids.
>>24168 >could not figure out a way to write a gay character without a romantic plotline. that is a stark admission that shitdick is all being gay is and that heterosexuality is the natural default.
>>24156 >New York and San Francisco, almost included references to the cities’ large LGBTQ populations lol
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>>24120 Pic related.
>>24120 Same reason Lesbians are first in LGBT but back in the 80s it was known as GLBT. They have the innate sense of wanting everything to be about them, because womyn.
>>24290 That happened because all the leaders of the movement at the time died of AIDs and the bulldykes that were left took over.

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