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Does anyone still read this shit? Anonymous 05/06/2022 (Fri) 14:03:47 No. 25803
>one strip every 1-2 months >little to no improvement on art since the beginning >story pace is slow as fuck >the only interesting storyline (Minmax's party) is on hold until we get on with this gargoyle fuckboy plot Why am I still reading this shit?
>>25803 No one even knows what the hell that is.
>>25805 It's Goblins, a webcomic that was kind of popular in the early 2010's, but was memed on being overly dramatic and heavy-handed with characters being sad
>>25803 >it's still alive I'm impressed. >still reading this shit? I'm even more impressed.
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>>25803 I assume you somehow didn't notice that the the author turned himself into a tranny too. I don't read it by the way, I just read the bad webcomics wiki article.
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I haven't read it in years. I recall it started out kind of interesting, but I gradually stopped reading due to lack of updates and Thunt's drama, spergery, e-begging, and giving far too much information on his personal and mental problems that also leaked into the comic. I still don't understand how the fuck he managed to get $180k for that Kickstarter for a CCG based on the comic that never actually got released due to a combination of Thunt's issues and D&D copyright. He even got mad and insulted people when they asked him for updates on the CCG years afterwards. There was also the $275k for an animated series on Indiegogo that never got made either that was supposed to have Billy West and Phil Lamarr cast in it. Honestly, I'm kind of impressed he scammed his fans out of at least half a million dollars over the years. >>28111 And also continued to e-beg for funds for tranny surgeries even after all the donations to the comic and backer money he got for projects that were never finished. Most recently he was begging for a new tablet. He changed his name to "Ellipsis" too. Why do so many trannies pick either childish or stripper sounding names? And yeah, it's not worth reading. The Bad Webcomics article and Thunt's Kiwi Farms thread are the only thing worth looking into at this point. >>25844 At the very least we got some memes out this thing.
Didn't he had a break down because his mother told him he was a rape child? >>28115 And of course he destroyed himself because of "feminism".
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>>28116 I don't think he ever mentioned exactly what caused that long hiatus and breakdown in 2014? I don't recall anything about Thunt being a rape child, but he did say that Kin being a rape slave and Goblin Slayer getting a humiliating and brutal torture and death was based on revenge fantasies about his mother being a rape victim. I'm a bit doubting on that explanation because it was only brought up as a defense of Kin's rape and enslavement backstory. I mean, rape and enslavement used for drama and character motivation isn't unusual in stories and "almost raped" is a kind of a meme due to the "that happened" style sexual assault stories on the internet. It doesn't help that it's rather over the top and vague in the way it's described. The alleged rape involves his mom being kidnapped at 16, held for three days, and being raped and tortured by 4 different guys during that time, even being held off a balcony by her ankles and threatened with death at one point which reminds me of Batman interrogating people on rooftops. I don't know when this was supposed to have happened. Thunt is in his 40s at this point and he makes some references indicating he grew up in the 80s, but he says his mother was 16 at the time so I'm guessing sometime in the 60s or 70s? There's also that Thunt's behavior over the years make it seem like he has some sort of Cluster B disorder which would suggest exaggerations, over dramatizing, and out right lying for sympathy and personal gain. He had a custody battle with his ex a few years prior to the breakdown too. Maybe that had something to do with it. I really don't feel like digging through more of this. Links to his current blog archives below for those interested enough, though I know he deleted some stuff in an attempt to make himself look less bad and I think some stuff has just been lost in the website getting repeatedly redesigned over the years so there are parts that are probably only preserved in archive or saved by other anons if they still exist: https://goblinnews.blogspot.com/ https://www.goblinscomic.com/blog
>>25803 What the fuck happened to the author anyway?
>>28269 Do you mean before he started making a webcomic? I assume he watched Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame one too many times.
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>>28115 Converting the goal of 4500 CAD to USD... about 3500 USD. Since when do drawing tablets cost that much? And the current raised money is nearly 10k CAD. The fuck? That's enough money to build a high end gaming PC even with inflated new component prices currently. What is he using the extra money for? And why are people donating that much? I get the sense people funding him just have no sense of the value of money and what things are worth.

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