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Anonymous 05/19/2021 (Wed) 15:59:16 No. 13083
Smiling Friends finally got picked up, kinda cool i guess.
Great to see that Zach is getting his show picked up. I still wonder what happened to Hellbenders, however.
Neat, I wonder how long it's going to last for. And who else might make a voiced cameo. Why did adult swim have to be told by internet retards they should have picked it up? Are they too stupid to just ask people if they wanted it? That's basically how a lot of the cartoon network originals were greenlit and that worked out great.
>>13086 Have you seen the kind of crap that they have greenlit out of their own free will lately? They are completely out of touch. Hope it lasts longer than World Peace.
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>>13088 (heiled) >Hope it lasts longer than World Peace. JEWS RULE!
>>13083 My main is concern, would that make Zach become another Arin Hanson? Foreseeing in an Oneyplays video: >He's got a bright future, he might block all of us on twitter on the next three years >>13084 We'll most likely never see a finished version of the pilot, as a matter of a fact: Zach deleted his funny shit from Youtube, from 2pac to the pedophile guy skits.
Bump for sneak peek and <Getting delayed to 2022 Definitely looking like it will require a rather specific taste to enjoy. Not that I'm complaining.
>>20171 It seems to be targeting Zach & Co's very own niche fanbase as well as people who enjoy stuff like Superjail
>>20171 the Witch blows time dust into the camera, forcing us back to the beginning putting us in an eternal time loop
>>20172 I for one hope we get some of Zach's patented monkey noises at some point. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=3xXsWuLqYpM
>>13083 Great. Remove Lazzo and the molasses goes away and everything starts moving again. New ATHF, shows like this we want, great, and they finally cut off that faggot Tim Heidecker and he's forced to make his own shit and go on Chapo to remain relevant.
>>20206 >ATHF They kissed and make up with the black guy who voiced Frylock?
How long until they sell out? If he haven't sold out already.
>>20532 Cusack is way more likely to sell out than Zach. They did an interview recently with that kid from Stranger Things. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=zj0s2PR46mI
Premiering in one day, and the fanboy hype is real. The smartest thing [as] can do is immediately capitalize on this. I'm talking plushes, figures, phone cases, yellow/pink dildos, etc. Zach really was the smartest out of the whole sleepycabin crew, by not causing any drama whatsoever to obtain that "likable wacky goofball smol creature" status. I remember when he purged all of his twitter posts around april of 2017, wiping any "edgy jokes" or trump/jontron defender posts. Also deleted the annoying orange sex offender cartoon and the pedophile cartoons too.
>>13084 >I still wonder what happened to Hellbenders, however. Iirc from the Sleepycast podcast and oneyplays he has said that they were asked to change so many things with the show to the point where the trajectory of the plot would not have made sense (it was supposed to culminate with something related to hell).
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The show's about to premier tonight at midnight for any fellow burgers. Any predictions you want to make before it officially releases? How many seasons will it last? Will there be any controversies? Is this going to be the next Rick & Morty? Maybe I'm just endlessly pessimistic but I do hope it does well.
>>13088 They've been out of touch since the message board got cucked back in 2009... Or maybe it was 2007... Whenever they stopped using lithium anyway. And now the ASMB is closed.
>>21907 >How many seasons will it last? 2, maybe 3. >Will there be any controversies? Likely one nothingburger. >Is this going to be the next Rick & Morty? Most likely not. Will likely be a cult classic, but not break much ground in the mainstream. >Maybe I'm just endlessly pessimistic but I do hope it does well. Same. Definitely has plenty of potential. Real shame I won't be able to stay up to watch it. Guess I'll just wait for someone to upload, regardless of whether or not it's official.
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>looks garbage >pilot is just reused jokes from decade old newground videos >newer teaser is not funny at all imagine all the pitched cartoons and people picked the same type of garbage that plagues modern adult swim but this time people pretend to like it because a literal lets player is making it. You all waited for an official newgrounds cartoon go watch mao mao or something, cn has been sitting on the fate of that show for 3 whole years.
Fuck [as].
Why the hell did every episode of the entire season of Smiling Friends air one right after the other tonight? The teaser afterwards still says "on the next episode of smiling friends" and shows an episode they've already aired. Did someone at Adult Swim purposely sabotage this?
>>21922 They're just adopted the streaming business model where you release the entire thing at once and then do a "normal" TV run. Jojo Part 6 did the same thing. Dumped all 12 episodes in December, then will do a "normal" TV run in a week or two. Looking online you can stream all of the episodes from the [as] website, so there obviously wasn't a reason to wait as far as dumping it all at once on TV if you just so happened to want to. I can't say it's the best strategy, but it certainly is a strategy.
>>21923 I guess it works as a business practice but I still think it's retarded and worsens everyone's already hair-thin patience and attention span. That's a whole other discussion though, guess I've got something to start watching tonight.
It peaked on the second episode, after that it got slightly stale with some good moments.
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>Want to watch it. >notice you apparently need a cable tv to see the entire season. <oh well ill just watch episode 2 >get blocked >stream wont play for me. does anyone have the full season? can you share it? how long until someone uploads a torrent of the full first season?
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>>13083 Does anyone know what the goblin witch thing is supposed to be and what those two flaps of skin on its face represent?
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>>21931 Get it before it's taken down: https://mega.nz/folder/Eg4QyADZ#zNukWcVVt9-Qc95zfiHrcw >>21934 That's Glep. Seems like that's a mouth and not much else. Trying to find out what kind of creatures the Smiling Friends staff are is also a mystery that may one day be expanded upon and/or (hopefully) mocked.
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>>21940 you are true blue mate cheers
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>>21943 >big mouth >wonderful shows baited me
>>21940 how did you rip every episode?
>>21940 Sweet, thanks man.
>>21925 >>21923 Its more legal than anything else, from what I've read they wanted on streaming the same day as tv but due to the way the contract is structured they couldn't unless they dumped everything on a single night.
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Honestly the humor in SF is pretty shit. I remember listening to zach criticize the same type of humor on sleepycast ages ago. It's basically dry "jokes" (aka just talking in a monotone voice) and screaming followed by a jumpcut. I guess it's cool that ng can get more... publicity(?) from smiling friends, because despite how shit that site has become, it's still special to me, and once you get past the front page, you can find some gold.
>>21940 Good shit. Overall, I liked it. Not gutbustingly hilarious, but it definitely has that old-timey Newgrounds feel to it, for better or for worse.
It's entertaining but I didn't laugh. Though I'm hard to make laugh.
>>21940 hey, he got foot salad man and David Firth, neat.
>>21934 He's a little goblin witch thing. Yeah, your picture is correct, each flap is just the upper and lower part of his mouth. >>21993 I'm conflicted. I like it and I think it works fine for a show like this but it works best when it's shorter and not drawn out over a longer period of time (aka like a flash cartoon). If the show gets another season or a special then it'd really start to get stale.
>>21993 is newgrounds still around?
>>22038 Yeah, they essentially got a new resurgence after the whole tumblr porn ban. Basically porn artists using it to dump their stuff and host vids youtube hates or walls off. Though they still refused to host some content like loli.
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>>22040 >they still refused to host some content like loli I think that was after twitterinas blew smoke up Tom's ass about giving shadman "a platform", which is fucking retarded because shad hasn't posted to newgrounds in over a decade, and uses twitter more than his actual website. >they essentially got a new resurgence after the whole tumblr porn ban I think the true resurgence was the influx of kids coming to the site after Friday Night Funkin got popular. Considering most kids use the bare minimum of two or three social media sites, I feel like the kids that populate nugrounds right now will eventually start their own community if tom retires within the next decade. Kinda like how sheezyart still lives on in the form of furry smut sites. But in all honesty, I think Tom will probably only consider giving up newgrounds when he's on his death bed, and even then his spirit's will power might continue to nurture the site beyond the grave. Late 2013-early 2017 was the site's ghost town era. Flash was becoming unsupported, their most popular animators started working on mediocre tv cartoons, and internet culture was changing. Basically before the tumblr furries arrived, newgrounds was populated by a few spammers and some BBS oldfags. The feelings I got from that era of newgrounds were pretty comfy in retrospect, but I'm glad NG has found long-lasting relevancy again.
>>22044 the internet needs a place where animators can post their pilots and let networks try to pick them up
>>22045 And that place is called Vimeo
>>21909 >Most likely not. Will likely be a cult classic, but not break much ground in the mainstream. Good. Fuck the mainstream on this show, we don't need another Rick and Morty success. But it's nice instead to have a comfy newgrounds throwback.
>>22226 I wouldn't mind another season or two but i wouldn't want another athf.
>>22046 A lot of stuff is hidden there or hard to find because they dont advertise.
>>22230 That's probably because Vimeo actively discourages content likely to eat up their bandwidth. Since they make money from users, not ads, anybody dumb enough to have uploaded a viral hit gets "asked" to pay the bill or has their shit deleted. And that's happened a lot, apparently. https://nitter.snopyta.org/fatalfarm/status/1416117865594249216
>>22234 So the search for a website to host show pilots continues.
Watched the first season. Comedy was good, but the pacing feels off. Every episode feels like it ends a few minutes too early. Odd considering the pilot got the pacing down almost perfectly. How they get 13-15 minute episodes next season, or focus on plots that work better for the 10 minutes they have now.
>>22226 >>22227 I'd definitely wager there's enough content to make it last that much longer, but I feel like anything past that would start to reach into feeling forced, for lack of better term.
It was nice. It was pretty funny and they didn't look like they sold out yet.
hello im mr. /co/ this is my board where i shit the post MANGA IS SUPERIOR TO COMICS i shat the post this is the end i love you
>>22413 The show will run out of content it could adapt when Zach loses the ability to think up bullshit hypotheticals on the fly.
"Dry witted improv" was the worst thing to happen to American comedy, post-ironic or not. None of the jokes really made me laugh, and when there was potential for a good punch line, it just pissed me off when there was no punchline. Like for example, when Charlie's grandma explains why she's in hell, he responds with "uh ah grandma I-i dont think they shoulda done that to you" and she doesn't follow up with it
>>22533 The punchline is the reason she was there. If anything the line after it shouldn't have happened at all. The problem is not additional dialogue not existing even after that.
https://archive.is/GYs5w >Smiling Friends renewed for Season 2 <But so is Birdgirl The AS giveth, and the AS taketh away.
I loved eve'ry second of this show. So happy for Zach and Co to finally have a large avenue and seeing all these memes made out of it fills me with sheer glee that I hadn't felt since MDE World Peace premiered. I just hope that it doesn't decide to suddenly have a storyline or gets co-opted by female writers. Can we talk about Oneyplays ITT as well? How's Chris game coming along?
>>13088 >Have you seen the kind of crap that they have greenlit Not to mention their bumpers look like one of those shitty ironic humor images from tumblr. >>21993 Should've gotten SpazKid wanting to fuck the Green M&M, that shit never fails. >>22040 They used shit on fetish artists, now the mods want to get blowjobs by them. >>22973 And fucking Mr. Pickles got a spinoff, as if the main series wasn't retarded enough.
>>23287 >chans >>23282 >lolipedoshit >Simptendo Herdniggers pls, go and stay go.
>>23279 Although Negrogrounds is now selling Tankmen NFTs, watch as the cocksuckers defend that shit like they did Shadman.
>>23294 I've heard people saying ">shadman" like some sort of meme for years, but I've never heard what the cause is.
>>23302 He's just an infamous edgy artist & >shadman is just a meme that born as a joke of disgust or shock to his art being posted.
>>23302 His art used to be posted all the damn time on cuckchan and most people despise his fetishes
>>13096 >Jews start clapping for themselves for covering the screen with a blanket Wew laddy.
>>21940 Anyone considering a re-up?
>>23305 His art is also generally shit, especially when he started leaning hard on the chromatic aberration meme.
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>>23302 >shadman
>>23320 He's also an ugly shitskin.
>>23294 >Negrogrounds is now selling Tankmen NFTs <Not even as a joke >>23302 Edgelord artist wanted to cross the limit by drawing lolies, then he started drawing porn of real life children. Burned bridges with his league of loyal retards, except for one, during his recent funneh shitposting spree caused by a heroin overdose. Bearing in mind, they never broke up with him early because he's a crackhead closeted pedophile with mommy issues living in the streets of CALifornia, but because he ditched his humble personality.
>>23972 >like guy who draws loli porn for a living >but no, now he's too degenerate! I don't know what people were expecting.
>>24030 Fuck off back to 8kunt Jim.
>>24031 it's just a herdnigger derail. Don't bite and just report and ignore.
>>21943 >Not on par with any of those shows So it's good? Honestly reminds me of shit from old [as]
>>25258 It's the best show they have had in years, knowledge of Oneyplays/SleepyCabin lore enhances the experience as half the show is adapted from Zach's hypotheticals he uses to torment people, usually Tomar.
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>>25263 It's pretty funny, hell even my mom likes it but am the only one who feels an early 2000s [adult swim] vibe from that show? Speaking of early [as] there was a stop-motion show with this surreal vibe? The Whispering Truth? I think it was called? Shame the Robot Chicken guys kind of raped stopmotion animation.
I can't believe they cancelled Mr. Frog.
>>25273 He shouldn't have thrown that chair at that lady.
>>25275 Or choke slammed that other girl.
>>25272 >The Whispering Truth? Created by the author of Xavier Renegade Angel, so that's why it's phylosophically weird.
>>25283 OH shit, I'm glad he got another show, it was so great, I hope we get another season.
There was a recent summer "special" where the Smiling Friends go to Brazil. Short but neat. They went back home because Pim forgot to book a hotel. They dodged a bullet; don't go to Brazil.
>>28218 Blessing in disguise but if that was me, I'd be pissed. You plan this big vacation & just have it fall apart because of an incompetent friend who didn't do what he was supposed to. Even worse when Pim keeps trying to shake off the blame even though it's all his fault.
>>28238 He booked the flight, he didn't know he was also supposed to find them a place to stay, usually people divide these responsibilities.
>>28239 Alan sent him the hotel information. Granted it should've been on Alan to really tell him to do it or make sure he did it beforehand.
I watched it some time ago, it's nice, it's better than anything there is currently out there, but overall, it's mostly ok with few great moments. The pilot/first episode was basically recycling of Micheal and Zach' old youtube jokes with creepy moments and non-functioning Australian white trash family. The best episode imo, was episode 4 with the Halloween theme, the scene when everyone ganged on the demon for having black face was hilarious and I burst from laughter! My least favorite episode was the one afterwards with the fast food theme, I see what they were going for, but it felt forced and stretched it wasn't funny. >>28218 This was unfunny, but at least it wasn't a full episode.
>>28240 Why didn't Alan just book it instead of looking up the info and then shoving it off on Pim through a fucking email/text message?
>>28273 Maybe Alan is lazy.
>>28273 My guess is Michael and Zach thought it'd be funny if it was Alans fault, but they gaslight everyone into thinking it was Pim's fault.
>>28278 Ah yes, Zach's iconic gaslighting.
>>28281 He's never forgotten the Herculad incident.
>>28282 Herculad is honestly my favorite Disney character.
>>20535 I wanna fuck Finn Wolfhard so fucking badly. Fucking weird tim burton jew motherfucker gets me so hard.
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So for April Fools Day, [adult swim] released 3 puppet versions of previous Smiling Friends episodes plus the first episode of season 2. Go watch em if you haven't already.
>>39236 Nice, time to "rewatch" them
>>39236 Did anyone record the whole episode during the stream?
>>39251 Thanks!
I was extremely impressed with the 3d assets used in the first new episode. Although the humor only really hits if you are at least tangentially acquainted with Streamer jokes, it really shows that the people behind the show love animation and art for its own sake. The fake PS1 game on CRT looked absolutely spot on.
>>39276 I think Zach may have gotten a much looser leash to bring in more NG animators following the popularity of the first season, which sounds great.
>>39320 He should get the jewish fuckboy to make a cameo who got anally upset at his gremblo trend, after all he wanted Chris Chan to voice the grease spill in the McDonald's murder episode.
>>39428 Who's this sperg, I'm curious. He got assblasted over gremblo?
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>>39251 It's the search engines that make it difficult, specially Goygle. >>39438 His name was Adam Bach (((Cohen))), of course he got anal over a big nose caricature, too bad Encyclopedia Dramatica's servers shit themselves so there are no proper archives of him.
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>>39428 >he wanted Chris Chan to voice the grease spill in the McDonald's murder episode. What in the absolute hell?!
>>39488 https://yewtu.be/watch?v=06R7mspyoRw This plan was of course before CWC was revealed to be a motherfucker, so instead they went with Harry Partridge doing his best CWC impression.
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>>39501 What about 3GI? Are they going to get Chris Chan one more time for the Shrek 2 reanimated project?
Next ep when
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>>39554 >that Joel Haver bit
>>39560 By the way, is Joel Haver gay? I mean, it wouldn't affect my opinion of his work but he's uploaded some pretty homosexual stuff.
>>39563 yeah I'm sure he's gay, has a good sense of humor though
>>39554 >Second episode launched They got the most disgusting looking actor to portray as the show's current president beaten by Mr. Frog by one vote and doxxed the only voter who made the change: The little green thing. Quite funny how they borrowed from Trump vs Biden 2020 debate, where the host kept on interrupting Trump and Ocasio Cortez's idea of doxxing anyone voting against her lackies.
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From Twitter https://nitter.poast.org/bbbnonnon/status/1793253906086248634 The speaker sounds exactly like a japanese youtube comment section google translated to english
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>>40012 >The world is full of unreason. Preach.
>>40012 She doesn't look very Japanese
Joel Haver episode is on Sunday
>>40080 What's this about? Are they out of ideas already, again? They got a good formula to create over 50+ episodes instead make about side characters and e-celeb cameo this already look like their last season.
>>40092 Yeah, what the fuck. This turned into zombie simpsons fast
>>40092 There is absolutely no way they'd be able to keep the same level of humor and energy for anywhere close to 50 episodes, the entire goal from the start was to make a funny show that features a bunch of random cameos (and references to personal hypotheticals).
>>40097 Even in season one they wanted to give Chris Chan a cameo but that fell through when he fucked his mom.
>>40092 >e-celeb cameo Even the first episode of season 1 had Plinket as a guest star. The show was always going to feature old internet culture. The hell episode also had a half a second cameo of James Rolfe. With that said, I did enjoy the president episode, maybe also because I did not know who the guy was IRL, and I really enjoyed the Doug Walker cameo, as I enjoyed his content when I was an early teen and he was just starting out. I have also read some comments that Charlie's costume when they went to kill Satan's daughter was supposed to be a Linkara cosplay, but I think it was just a generic vampire slayer one. >>40099 Nah, this was before he fucked his mom. They couldn't bring him, because of budget.
>>40099 >Chris Chan a cameo but that fell through when he fucked his mom. Why, they had too many motherfuckers on the show already?
>>40092 I have the same feeling. The first season's formula could have lasted for another two at least before reaching the current point. It's like the series has skipped four seasons into the future. I think it's because of animation studio and management shifts behind the scenes. Many of the suits changed between seasons one and two. The directors of season one's episodes don't work on the show anymore, and Adult Swim and the animation studios attached to the project have packed the staff with producers, directors, and storyboard artists to milk it. The future of the series will depend on the Valentine's Day Special, but I think it won't reach the same heights it did in the first season.
There will be one (1) transgender cameo and a vivziepop cameo in season 3.
>>40103 Brandon Rogers will get a character cameo before Vivziepop ever agrees to one. She is very left leaning & extremely tumblr. She would not get along with Zach & crew.
>>40100 RLM are coming back as villains in another episode too. >>40104 This, the Smormu "I'm with her" shirt got a lot of asses blasted. She might fold if this gets a season 3 or 4 purely for PR.
>>40105 >Mike is now fatter than Rich wew
>>40101 But they never got Mike on the show?
>>40107 They got James Rolfe for a one frame cameo, so Mike Matei is a possibility. They can get him to play a parody of Inspector Gadget. It writes itself.
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>>40107 I hope it's in a Cyber 8 like parody.
>Season Finale The writing and jokes really took a nosedive compared to season one. Is it still Zach and Michael writing the scripts?
>>40314 They're probably still getting used to the whole syndicated 22min episode format.
>>40316 But it's not 22 minutes. Each episode is still only 11 minutes.
>>40327 Anything longer than a youtube video, you get what I mean.
>>40314 It's different, isn't it? It's not bad, just not episode 1 desmond/bliblie energy.
>>40314 They got burned out after the Frowning Friends episode, I guess they did leave, also they got other shows to work on.
>>40097 I feel this is getting truer by the episode, S2 had some good parts but I haven't felt the same oomph from any of the jokes, minus the aliens one since it was apparently already shown to some con goers and it has been written quite a long while ago The snowman episode sucked ass but the demon wife and Alan episodes were pretty good
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>>40408 I guess Zach's at his peak remains as an exclusive to his let's play buttbuddies and the ditched podcast with Stamper. >Snowman episode Waste of a cameo, Bill Nye dying horribly was the only funny gag they could come out with. >Demon wife I wouldn't be surprised if she was based on the @whatever podcast where all whores burst into tears over simple questions.
So where's the Mega with all of the episodes?

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