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/co/ Pain Thread 4: You go girl! Anonymous 07/27/2022 (Wed) 03:51:49 No. 27852
Welcome to the next thread for any & all /co/ related pain in comics, movies, or TV. Somehow the MCU's 4th phase is now over with a whole lot of nothing happening with a point to build up to. But hey now you're getting... Aztec Namor & Ironheart in Wakanda. I got a question. Wakanda niggas wear white & do dumb dances at a funeral for their king? Why do the buildings look like sand castle buildings you find in the middle east? I though Wakanda was super advanced. Next we got.... She-Hulk without the sex appeal & way less clever comedy. Fun. Least they're really determined to flanderize Daredevil now. Speaking of which, there's also 2 new animated shows coming to Disney+. The first, a continuation of the 90s X-men cartoon. Assuredly they won't ruin them like they have in movies & comics, right? Then the next is a prequel Spider-man show that makes literally no sense in the established MCU.
At this point why care. I wanted green /fit/ babe out of Shehulk and I'm barely getting that, and shoving Daredevil into something that's wildly different than the tone of the series I used to like him in just isn't a draw but the exact opposite. Oh Marvel/DC announced a fuckton of movies this year, what's new it's not like I'm obliged to watch any of them if they don't look interesting. Oh look, none of them look interesting!
>>27853 Oh believe me, I don't watch any of them either. It's just cathartic to talk about them sometimes & why they're bad. Like I admittedly would've liked a Black Panther movie years ago but they ruined it by niggerfying it to hell & back. Even the music of the trailer for this movie & the soundtrack of the first movie was just all nigger rap. We could've had some actual badass tribalistic ambiance but nooooo. Worked out for Disney though since niggers act like the last last movie was the most important milestone in black history.
>>27854 Well, let's drown in the cartharsis. Speaking of Black Panther's music, reminder that; that shit got nominated and WON an oscars for best music or sound design(I'm unsure which). Not to mention the hilarity of the whole arc of Wakanda in that movie is "We want to expand and reach out to the rest of the world with our kang technology" and the way they achieve that is going to some shithole in detroit or wherever and hanging out with little children instead of like addressing anything like how the first scene in the movie had human traffickers in Nigeria or wherever.
>>27856 Yeah & the movie wants to treat Kilmonger as somehow in the right at all. Hell it doesn't even make sense why he's a black supremacist that wants to rise up against the white man. His life sucked purely because of other black people! His father for betraying Wakanda to be a criminal, his uncle for leaving him behind, & just being stuck in a ghetto for the rest of his young life. He should be angry only at Wakanda then want expand from there just because. Instead they try to paint this narrative like he's a victim of circumstance because of muh evil white man. Niggers ate that shit up too. Whether the movie intended to or not, he's still the vicious villain that kills his own allies on a whim but still tries to make him sympathetic. It's just so messy. And yeah there's no effort to actual call out Wakanda's isolationism being the reason Africa is the way it is. They made no effort to stop the slave trade, cure illness, or even just educate people outside their kingdom. Yeah that's comic accurate but when you want the resolution to be Wakanda finally starts helping other people, it should be focused on their own continent full of people far worse off than little niglets in Detroit Chicago Philadelphia playing basketball.
What i find funny is that something i said years ago came to pass. As soon as they run out of the plots and characters people like, the MCU is dead on the water, people wanted to see the avengers doing cool stuff on the movie, not the current year shit, and thats exactly what happened, good riddance.
>>27558 >Bruce Timm The "Apokolips…Now!" episode from STAS proves that he could write good stories when he doesn't have Batwat dick in his mouth. I hope woke Abrams and Reeves won't stop the homo batwanker from doing his usual self-insert so "Batman: Caped Crusader" could fully realize its trainwreck potential. It's also shame he doesn't get to direct the live-action "Batgirl" movie, think about it, a batwanker killing the batwank, but then again, it's impossible and also, it's better for DC to churn out Batman during this woke era rather than raping good characters. >Barbara, and then later abandoned her (along with everyone else, due to stuff that happened in Return of the Joker) >for Bruce casting her aside (even though later we learn he had a good reason) What?! I haven't watched yet The Mystery of the Batgina (and I'm not looking forward to), but in BB it was clear that it was Barbara who left Bruce after she got tired of his endless bat autism. >>27647 >I kept hearing a lot of good things about Batman: White Knight but when I read it I just got a lot of dumb plot contrivances and shit like pic related all over the place I haven't read the original one, but they made Batman Beyond squeal and oh boy it is shit as usual if not even more look how they massacred my girl, Dana , though at least it has some great lulz worthy moments. There is also another shitty Batman Beyond comic running at the same time, yep, not one but two shitty BB comics at the same time MAKE IT STOP , however this also not your average shitty BB comic, in fact it's the worst comic I've read so far second one would be Golden Age Batwat I could barely stomach the prologue and two issues, I'm just skimming through the latter ones to avoid further brain damage. >>27783 >>27799 >nigger Robin I want to see adult nigger Robin in live action, it's what the batwankers deserves. >>27858 >As soon as they run out of the plots and characters people like MCU was always aimed at normalfags who had vague knowledge of said superheroes, however it was easier for the hacks to write them not completely awful (as they're A list characters) and as you said the audience have developed attachment to them and want to see more of them rather than new characters.
>>27859 Oh good lord it's the Bruce Timm hateboner autist.
>>27858 >As soon as they run out of the plots and characters people like, the MCU is dead on the water But they didn't run out. Not only could they have kept using the characters they were already using, whether they required recasting or not (like they recast the Hulk), but if they must use other characters, they could have used the X-Men and the Fantastic Four. Not only that, they could have just expanded the roles of the second stringers that were already there. Instead they decided to lean hard into SJW shit. They weren't out of ideas, they just deliberately ruined everything. Also, you're forgetting that nobody liked Iron Man or Thor before the MCU. Hell, people barely even knew about Captain America. And that's to say nothing of Ant-Man, Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy, etc. The MCU was made of the characters that no movie studio wanted to license. Marvel movies were already the biggest trend for nearly a decade before the MCU (a full decade if you count Blade), but all the characters people actually cared about, X-Men, Spider-Man, Daredevil, Punisher, Fantastic Four, Ghost Rider, were all used up. Yes, Ghost Rider was much more popular than Iron Man in 2007, even if he was still much less popular than X-Men, Spider-Man, or Hulk. Marvel Studios got lucky they were able to use Hulk at all due to some rights reverting to them. >What?! I haven't watched yet The Mystery of the Batgina (and I'm not looking forward to), but in BB it was clear that it was Barbara who left Bruce after she got tired of his endless bat autism. Yeah but the idea is that he alienated everybody and made them leave. Because women aren't responsible for their own actions or decisions. What the fuck is "Batwat?" Stop it. Stop trying to coin your own phrases. >it was easier for the hacks to write them not completely awful (as they're A list characters) Iron Man and Thor were most definitely not A list characters. Captain America was B list at best, if you're being very generous. Ant-Man, Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy, D-listers all. But they weren't going full SJW, they were actually trying to make decent movies that people actually like (maybe not you, but normalfags at least), so the results were mediocre at worst. Now they're making movies nobody wants. They don't think anyone likes SJW shit, they think people SHOULD like SJW shit, and therefore they force it on you and are willing to destroy the companies they work for to do it. The MCU may die but the people that did this will live, and they never liked superheroes in the first place so they don't care that they ruined it. In fact, they are glad they did, because they saw it as being for males, and therefore they hate it.
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>>27862 >Yeah but the idea is that he alienated everybody and made them leave. Because women aren't responsible for their own actions or decisions. Yes, that's exactly the idea, he pushed Tim away too, though in his case it wasn't just due to be an autistic asshole, but presumably also out of guilt and safety. This has nothing to do with feminism and you haven't proved that it was by intention that Bruce was the one who cast Barbara away. Well, those characters were main ones at Marvel revival which is the base of modern Marvel and as I said those movies were aimed at normalfags. P.S. You didn't quote the other post regarding the MCU decline >>27858 >>27860 I literally began my post with a praise about him, he is great artist though his art suffers from sameface syndrome, he wrote an amazing two-part episode in STAS which I already mentioned and saved Terry from breaking with Dana and getting paired with worst girl Max instead. In addition, he wanted to create faithful Kamandi cartoon I wouldn't judge past what Kirby wrote, as every post Kirby writing Kamandi has been unexceptionally garbage which unfortunately got blocked by a dyke feminigger executive. With that being said, he is responsible to the abomination that was Epilogue, His "Batman and Harley Quinn" movie was shit and he also ruined "The Killing Joke" with his usual self-insert as female character who wants the batang inside her bleurgh . So as you can see I have fair and balanced view on him rather than just black and white.
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>>27857 It's just so fucking comically inept. It's like all of the posturing about being "African American" the African part more or less boils down to thick ugandan accents and dumb aesthetic choices.
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>>27864 Strange upload. Let me try again.
>>27862 But anon, they cant do the x-men or the fantastic 4 because sony owns them. >>27859 Of course they were movies for normalfags, but they were harmless popcorn flicks, now not even normalfags taht just wanted to consume ocassional hype capeshit stands them.
>>27866 Fox owned them. Disney now owns Fox. Sony only has rights to Spider-man & a bunch of other related Spider-man characters. They share it with Disney so No Way Home was really a split profit between the two companies.
>>27865 Hey, black guys are outside having sex, this kind of videos are just a white men thing.
>>27870 >he doesn't know about the black israelites or the yakuub kangz truthists Just because they're out raping doesn't mean blacks don't do the same race supremacy shit but way stupider since they have nothing to actually justify it.
>>27863 >Yes, that's exactly the idea, he pushed Tim away too, though in his case it wasn't just due to be an autistic asshole, but presumably also out of guilt and safety. This has nothing to do with feminism and you haven't proved that it was by intention that Bruce was the one who cast Barbara away. Tim isn't even mentioned until that movie that is effectively the series finale. I doubt it was thought of as far ahead as the beginning of the series when Barbara first shows up. >batang Stop it. >bleurgh Stop that too.
>>27852 >She-Hulk without the sex appeal In that she's ugly? The trailer has shots of her beginning coitus with some guy while in a short dress.
>>27862 >Also, you're forgetting that nobody liked Iron Man or Thor before the MCU. Hell, people barely even knew about Captain America. >And that's to say nothing of Ant-Man, Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy >Guardians of the Galaxy Where does this line of thinking come from? Is it just X and Spiderfags who think that there is nothing besides their corners of Marvel? Captain America was well known. Iron Man was popular enough to warrant an animated series and people are wanking to ghost in the bottle to this day. Abnett's GotG had a reliable readership that managed to buck the tread of steady decline plaguing most other Marvel titles. Until Bendis was handed the reigns. And most of these rights were actually sold in the 90s. Hollywood studios barely did anything with them until rights eventually reverted back to Marvel.
>>27852 > The first, a continuation of the 90s X-men cartoon. Oh no. Not like this. Not like this.
>>27876 She ain't no bombshell, that's for sure. Terrible CGI obviously hindered by overworked VFX artists doesn't help. >>27878 Oh yes, anon. Just like this. Or would you rather have the comic continuation?
>>27879 Gambit's simultaneously the luckiest and unluckiest fucker in his love-life.
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>>27852 >We Wuz Panthers 'n' Sheeit I actually didn't mind the run with Shuri as Black Panther in the comics. Never really took to T'Challa, to be honest. I was pretty appalled when I saw they'd rewritten Shuri to be a Mary Sue with meme shit and a fucking attitude problem. "Be quiet, colonizer!" Hey, cunt, maybe if your country of miserly faggots had shared the wealth, the jewboats wouldn't have dragged away so many slaves and we'd all be happier. >Shulkie Love how her hair's perfectly styled when she hulks out instead of the jewfro she's rocking. I could have sworn Alison Brie was supposed to be Jen back when this was announced.
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>>27879 >born in full uniform Who made this shitty comic?
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Something just doesn't seem right here.
>>27879 >Inserting the modern crackwhorea shit into the 90s What's the point of the comic then?
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>>27879 Gambit being a cheeky fuck as always. Also, why the fuck is cable arresting deadpool? They are buddies. >>27888 To piss everyone off of course.
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>>27881 You probably find Shuri BP more appealing because women in skintight bodysuits is appealing. I don't blame you. Honestly I've never even read BP comics. >>27882 Steve Foxe. Not much credit to his name. >>27888 Synergy, trips-man.
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>>27872 >I doubt it was thought of as far ahead Batman Beyond wasn't planned, genius! It doesn't matter when something was planned, all that matters is if it makes sense and makes for a good writing . There are a lot of major issues with ROTJ and I'm not a big fan of Tim getting tortured, however the following state in his relationship with Bruce is logical conclusion and goes along with Batman Beyond' premise. Even if your weak tea retarded argument is taken to consideration, BB premise is that Bruce ended up all alone and isolated due to his selfish and poor behavior and new unrelated Batman came along. Dini and Timm already pushed this idea when they went from BTAS somewhat bland but kind Bruce to soft reboot TNBA insufferable asshole Bruceshit. Barbara stayed with Bruce until she got sick of his crap, realizing that he will never change and always put his crime fighting obsession over his loved ones. The earlier scene when Barbara makes a snarky remark doesn't contradict it and of course she would hold grudge for the person who is her ex and former boss. Your questionable claim that it was Bruce who intentionally cast her aside and for good reason which we supposedly learned about later on is complete asspull and utter bullshit! If you want to complain about feminism in BB then there is Max, but Barbara?! Nah. You're exactly like those dumb liberals who see racism everywhere. >>27866 I was talking about those movies appealing to normalfags in the context of choice and replacement/addition of characters rather than sjw crap.
>>27879 It has been a long time since I cared about the Xmen. What's wrong besides the most generic shit? Also let's forgive all the mutants which are, basically, fucking psychopaths.
>>27895 It's doing the same thing the current comics are doing in the mainline. X-men & all mutants now live on a living island called Krakoa. Making essentially an mutant ethnostate with immunity for all past crimes. Essentially Charles has made his own Genosha. Kicker is they've figured out a way to "resurrect" dead mutants through totally not cloning these pods that recreate their living bodies.
>>27896 Oh, it was another timeline? well, fuck Marvel and fuck the X-men. I wish I could draw to make my Captain Batman Gordon and his unit of superhuman crimes investigation.
>>27897 Yeah the pages I posted above are a continuation comic of the 90s series now copying that element from the mainline series. Also Wolverine is in a polyamorous relationship with Jean & Cyclops.
>>27890 more suprised he would help bishop do anything.
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>>27898 Even before the disney takeover, why the fuck was marvel so obsessed with fucking over scott and ruining his relationship with jean? >>27899 That too, but i just have a soft spot for cable and deadpool's antics after cable & deadpool.
>>27902 Same reason they're obsessed with never letting Peter Parker be happy in a stable relationship. The status quo is more important than good progressing stories.
>>27903 I get that, but it seems they go out of their way to fuck him over, i know hes not the most popular character but come on, that would be like constantly fucking with and emasculating leonardo in the TMNT because raph is more popular.
>>27904 Like I said, simply just easy drama to fuck over characters to keep them from changing or making them worse so they're more "interesting". >that would be like constantly fucking with and emasculating leonardo in the TMNT because raph is more popular. Haha yeah. Imagine if a show did that.
>>27905 Didnt they stright up make him a villain? >Haha yeah. Imagine if a show did that. What did they do to my boy leo?
>>27906 At one point Cyclops hosted the Phoenix force to forcibly police the world. X-men & Avengers stopped that. Leo's not the leader in this show. Raph is. Leo is basically treated like a bumbling incompetent idiot who gets shown up by the rest of his brothers. Constantly tripping over himself in slapstick fashion. Same show turned Splinter into a fat washed up celebrity that abuses his sons. The voice actors for the turtles are also all niggers or kikes. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=Y_fCOoK5oYc
>>27907 Jesus christ, is that show atleast over?
>>27908 Yes...... but it's getting a Netflix movie. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=viDiinipw8A
>>27909 Of fucking course. Well atleast i got shredder's revenged, thats more that i can say about the x-men.
>>27910 Yes but we still have to live with the IDW TMNT comics that went to shit after a tranny took over as head writer. He even shoved in a turtle OC as a mutated foot ninja turned turtle with a yellow eyeband. Even gave her a lesbian pig love interest. Then, even worse, there's still the upcoming Seth Rogen TMNT movie project in the works.
>>27881 >the jewboats wouldn't have dragged away so many slaves the jewboats wouldn't have bought so many looser slaves from the victors of those midwestern african tribe wars*
>>27914 How, exactly, were they "loose?"
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>>27887 >Something just doesn't seem right here. No shit. A normal writer who wasn't a faggot would have had Batman just stand there until they put down the TVs and GTFO of there. One day there will be an accounting for every single sentence written by these pieces of shit.
>>27887 >Something just doesn't seem right here Yeah, Batman doesn't beat poor people and follow the law like the rigid autist he is. >>27916 >would have had Batman just stand there I don't think that's the main issue. >>27904 >because raph is more popular Aren't all of them more popular than leo? He is boring and annoying leader type, the only things he has going are his blue color and swords. >>27905 Mike and Leo look like Venus...I wish Playmates didn't fuck up and made accurate toys of them, it's the only good thing that could've come out of this trash. >>27908 The toyline barely lasted one-two waves whereas the 2012 was consistently on the shelves for at least 5 years and had one the greatest playsets ever made. I don't like the 2012 series either, but the first release turtles' designs were great looking and had gorgeous sculpts. >>27911 >Then, even worse, there's still the upcoming Seth Rogen TMNT movie project in the works Sounds like they're really trying to make Playmates go bankrupt...now Playmates switched and relies on Miraculous Ladybug as their bread and butter, this how far TMNT and playline action figures have fallen. >Seth Rogan Will it be worse than the Bay Turtles?
>>27887 Yeah, nu-Batman doesn't care if a bunch of "peaceful protesters" burn and loot a bunch of Mom and Pop stores. But as soon as they start marching towards Wayne Manor, they're the lowest of scum.
>>27877 >Where does this line of thinking come from? Is it just X and Spiderfags who think that there is nothing besides their corners of Marvel? Captain America was well known. Iron Man was popular enough to warrant an animated series and people are wanking to ghost in the bottle to this day. Captain America was well known, not as a character but as a symbol and a name. Nobody knew his story, his villains, his supporting characters. Iron Man was popular enough to have an abysmal failure of an animated series, and nobody remembered it the instant it was cancelled. >Abnett's GotG had a reliable readership Relative to post-crash comics, which means nothing relative to the general population. I'm not talking about quality here. You might as well say normalfags love Booster Gold. >And most of these rights were actually sold in the 90s. Hollywood studios barely did anything with them until rights eventually reverted back to Marvel. Who had the rights to these particular properties? I wasn't even aware. But either way, the fact that those studios didn't actually care enough to use the rights still proves the point. >>27893 >this autist This post doesn't disagree with a single material fact in the post you're replying to, but you act like it does. Also, your interpretation of Timm's Barbara Gordon is forgetting other things he has created with the character, like that terrible Killing Joke movie. Though it is not the same universe, it certainly informs his interpretation of the character. >Batman Beyond wasn't planned, genius! It doesn't matter when something was planned, all that matters is if it makes sense and makes for a good writing >Your questionable claim that it was Bruce who intentionally cast her aside and for good reason which we supposedly learned about later on is complete asspull and utter bullshit! These two arguments contradict each other. You're also misunderstanding the first argument you were replying to there, as one was specifically talking about the author's intent, while the second was talking about the story. You ignore the author's intent for an argument that was specifically about the author's intent, but then say the author's intent is important when replying to an argument that was specifically about the end effect of the overall story. >I was talking about those movies appealing to normalfags in the context of choice and replacement/addition of characters rather than sjw crap. Normalfags don't like that shit either, though.
>>27909 if there's a bright side to the the Rise movie, is that it's too many years too late to make much of a difference. Sad in that the animation for it is very very close to something like Motorcity which was good.
>>27920 >I don't think that's the main issue. Is it not? Batman's compassion for the poor is balanced by his sense of right and wrong. I've got a couple of Batman comics buried in my pile where Batman and Robin, on separate occasions, have felt sympathy for the thieves while still forcing them to do the right thing. Then they usually make an anonymous donation or offer the perps a Waynetech job the next day. Batman letting some poor bastard's insurance premiums go up in the service of social justice is fucking disgusting.
>>27933 Yeah it's out of character for someone like Batman who's supposed to be obsessed with his war on crime but has a compassion for people genuinely down on their luck. Hell he even tries to give his villains chances to change for the better. Course they never do but that's how he is. Problem is two fold. One is that comics don't have an end point for characters or the world so villains can't just be reformed. Problem two, being more relevant here, is that out of character writing happens because there's no strict editorial guidelines/continuity oversight to keep things consistent among writers.
>>27907 >Leo is basically treated like a bumbling incompetent idiot who gets shown up by the rest of his brothers. Isn't that Donnie's shtick? >>27887 >>27916 >>27920 >>27921 >>27933 >>27934 I think you guys all missed the Wayne Tech logo on the TV being stolen. As in, Bruce is delighted in watching as his company's merchandise is being stolen.
>>27935 Donnie wasn't incompetent. He's a dork & a tech geek but he was always a major contribution to the team dynamic. Michelangelo if anything is the comic relief but even he shouldn't be falling all over himself. That's even worse. Sure his company doesn't make a profit but the real problem is the store loses profits, inventory, & takes it out of the pay of the employees. It's horrific writing to have Bruce just shrug it off.
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>>27935 >Isn't that Donnie's shtick? More like Mikey's, but not really, since he's mentally the youngest and no one really expects much from him. >>27935 >I think you guys all missed the Wayne Tech logo on the TV being stolen. I missed nothing. Bruce is going to let the insurance companies pay for it instead of stopping the thieves with a warning or getting Waynetech to replace them. That's not Batman's way.
>>27942 Selling Waynetech brand TV's doesn't mean the store is owned by Waynetech. Probably a shitty chain struggling for business.
>>27935 >As in, Bruce is delighted in watching as his company's merchandise is being stolen. My TVs got stolen today. I was really bummed about it. But I think whoever stole it was probably more happy to get it than I am sad to lose it. The total happiness in the world increased. ♫ So whatever.
>>27943 That makes the image even worse. Bruce's company is selling those TVs to retailers, and then those retailers make money buy selling the TVs to the public. So, Bruce has nothing to worry about as he's still making money off of those stolen TVs, but those retailers are losing money because they have to rebuild everything from scratch. Where's the justice in that?
>>27959 >Corpo-rat CEO tacitly approves of looting as long as it doesn't effect his bottom line. At least it's accurate, also didn't Batman have a villain that was basically the Black Bloc personified? Or do they just not use Anarky anymore?
>>27959 Yes exactly.
>>27925 >Who had the rights to these particular properties? I wasn't even aware. But either way, the fact that those studios didn't actually care enough to use the rights still proves the point. They sure cared enough to buy them. In the 90s Marvel was selling off the rights because of financial troubles. Most studios bought something, scripts were commissioned, and some films entered development. What stopped them was risk aversion and typical development hell. Fox had everything X-Men and Fantastic 4 related, Daredevil, and likely few more. They let Daredevil rights lapse to Marvel after the Elektra movie. Universal has Namor and partially the Hulk and related characters. Other characters are more hazy due to the chaos in the 90s and confidential deals. Captain America bounced quite until rights finally went back to Marvel. Lionsagate had Iron Fist, the Black Widow, the Man-Thing and the Punisher. Colombia owned some rights too, like Black Panther for example. Sony at one point bought almost all major characters, but they decided to Stick with Spider-Man. Thor was in their hands too until they let them lapse.
>>27935 nu-Batman is sitting idly by as stores are looted and burned down. Why? Because these people have a "right to do so" and the "insurance companies will cover it all." That's just the writer's insert political opinion.
>>27925 >doesn't disagree with a single material fact in the post you're replying to Then why the hell try to weaken the ROTJ film argument without any further acknowledgement that the general idea is true?! > Also, your interpretation of Timm's Barbara Gordon is forgetting other things he has created with the character, like that terrible Killing Joke movie I literally mentioned it in my overview of Timm' career ffs. You're forgetting that DCAU wasn't just one-man project and while Timm was involved in the production of BB series, he hasn't written a single episode so to claim that post-TNBA Barbara or even TNBA Barbara (he wrote two episodes none of which had her character in it) is completely his own writing is absolutely ridiculous. In contrast, Amanda Waller in the abominable Epilogue was completely Timm' self-insert and her writing was awful as it can get and didn't make any sense what so ever. >These two arguments contradict each other >You ignore the author's intent for an argument that was specifically about the author's intent, but then say the author's intent is important when replying to an argument that was specifically about the end effect of the overall story No, they aren't at all! I guess you confused this sentence: " Dini and Timm already pushed this idea when they…." as author intent when in fact I described the story ("…insufferable asshole Bruceshit"), in other words the events that happened in TNBA (Bruce being workaholic manipulative asshole which did lead to Dick leaving Bruce and such) go along and align with BB' premise and Barbara leaving Bruce in BB despite BB not being planned. The opposing claim that anon has made about supposedly that it was Bruce who left Barbara hasn't been given any sort of evidence; it wasn't mentioned in BB, not ROTJ and neither Mystery of the Batwoman. >Normalfags don't like that shit either, though Well duh, that's what I said in my original post you tryhard idiot. And you blamed me for arguing for the sake of arguing when you're the one who actually does it. Go ahead and call me autist, I'm literally am one so whatever.
>>27982 >They sure cared enough to buy them. In the 90s Marvel was selling off the rights because of financial troubles. Exactly. See the issue here. Studios bought up every property they could get their hands on because a bankrupt Marvel was selling them for dirt cheap. That's a far cry from actually making a movie. The rights are the least of the problems when it comes to making most licensed studio movies. Getting the rights to Fantastic Four wasn't the hard part, waiting until Marvel was a big enough theatrical draw to make them confident in a Fantastic Four movie was, hence why they made a whole ashcan film just to keep the rights, in the hopes that one day making a real movie would be a good idea. The ones that Marvel Studios was built on were the ones that no studio cared enough to make movies out of, or to even make ashcan films just to keep the rights. Except Hulk. They got lucky with Hulk. >>27986 >Timm didn't write Barb episodes of Beyond He was producer and had significant say. TV shows are never just the product of the credited writer. The credited writer is the guy who does the initial draft, which may be vastly different than the product that ends up getting made, after having the input of a small country put upon it. >tryhard That word doesn't mean what you think it means. >I literally am one Well that was obvious.
https://yewtu.be/watch?v=8wm9ti-gzLM Hahahahah Haha... Hah... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH
>>27986 >>28004 I guess I'll put my two cents in and say that Timm needs to lay off the Bat-Titty and Dini needs to give it up with The Harley Queer Show. Because they're only helping DC to push the real money even further away. What hasn't been done with fucking Batman? Hell, Grant Morrison made him into a cowboy and pirate. Enough with the Batman, Harley, and fucking Joker.
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>>28004 >Timm didn't write Barb episodes of Beyond Let's be precise here you disingenuous moron, again Timm hasn't written a single episode of BB and DCAU isn't one man project! >He was producer and had significant say. No deny here, genius. It doesn't mean that Timm gets the whole credit as you moron trying to claim and downplay others' major contributions. >TV shows are never just the product of the credited writer. And by the same token they're not just the product of the producer either, stupid. See above. >The credited writer is the guy who does the initial draft, which may be vastly different than the product that ends up getting made, after having the input of a small country put upon it He still gets to write the whole thing, your pathetic attempt to discredit and belittle the importance of DCAU writers is utterly disgusting and idiotic! Fuck you for disregarding the first and only good episode with best girl Curare! "A Touch of Curaré" is another terrific episode in the entire excellent season one and a great episode through and through. The scene of which Barbara talks with Terry about her and Bruce shared past is touching, pleasantly written, goes smoothly with BB' premise and add so much to it, not to mention of course aligning with predecessor TNBA' events. And to completely credit it to Timm is complete foolishness to its core. We both know very well what atrocities happen when Timm actually writes something involving his shitty husbando. All you're just left with is even weaker tea retarded argument. >That word doesn't mean what you think it means. I know exactly what it means and you're the perfect example of it with your lousy arguments. >Well that was obvious. Sure thing, normalfaggot. I argue about things I deeply care about, you just talk out of your ass and proven to be a lame casualfag. You don't give a shit about BB or even DCAU to great extent, you're just a casualfag retard with poor knowledge. >>28009 >Dini needs to give it up with The Harley Queer Show WTF are you talking about?! He isn't even involved with this show! Just because him and Timm created her doesn't mean they're in every project she shows up, it's not like they have control on their creation, it's owned by a corp. >guess I'll put my two cents Less than two seeing your egregious claim above. >Because they're only helping DC to push the real money even further away What do you mean? The eternal batwank cashcow is the only thing that keeps DC relevant. 80's prior it was Superman that got wanked. >Timm needs to lay off the Bat-Titty Well sorry to tell you, but Timm and your other favorites, Abrams and Reeves are going to make another Batman cartoon for everyone' enjoyment! >Enough with the Batman, Harley, and fucking Joker I agree, however until the woke era ends, I rather have endless batwank.
>>28010 >WTF are you talking about?! He isn't even involved with this show! Just because him and Timm created her doesn't mean they're in every project she shows up, it's not like they have control on their creation, it's owned by a corp. That maybe so. But under-the-table-creative-insight can and does happen with such things. >What do you mean? The eternal batwank cashcow is the only thing that keeps DC relevant. No it's not. They went hard with the LGBT crap, made almost every popular character bi and/or gay, and are still not making any money. Even the fucking crazy black homeless Batwoman is not pulling any money. It's sad because DC ruined itself to appease people that don't even read/watch the shit they pumped out for. SJWs never do. They just send in mail-in-demands to these companies then move on to the next. >Well sorry to tell you, but Timm and your other favorites, Abrams and Reeves are going to make another Batman cartoon for everyone' enjoyment! And that is also what has helped DC to go broke. They have other interesting characters at their disposal and wont use them. Even Pisney has been using obscure Marvel characters to promote SJW agendas.
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>>28023 The important thing about She-Hulk is that Jennifer is under control of herself & able to use her powers naturally. Problem here is that they make it out to be like she's stronger & able to get herself out of a sudden panicking situation for no reason. She should never be stronger than Bruce or as adept at this point to just launch herself back up instantly. The only point of Bruce being there to "teach" her is just to make fun of him.
>>28023 Isn't getting drunk the whole point of drinking? >>28024 The hulk even in the mcu has already displayed far greater feats of strength than what is shown in this clip, but yeah it's pretty clear the intent of the writers is that Jennifer is better. Muscle mass doesn't account for much apparently.
>>28026 >Isn't getting drunk the whole point of drinking? It is if you're depressive or just want to kill yourself.
>>28023 >>28024 >She-Hulk She is stupid vaginawash character to begin with and the only good thing about her pointless existence is being a muscle girl. I mean the whole schtick with Hulk was being modern rendition of Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde with capeshit twist on it as Kirby did and wasted his talent in Marvel and getting all his works degraded by Stan Lee' hackery. As with any MCU crap, Hasblow put all their effort and cheapskate budget into. The base muscle girl body is really good (could use slight tweaking in the hip era, make it more feminine) and I hope they're allowed to and will reuse it for a good comic ver she-hulk figure. mfw great Big Barda action dolls and action figures are never ever >>28027 There are some happy getting drunk cultures like in Germany with their Oktoberfest. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=fvV5mryQF1I >>28015 >But under-the-table-creative-insight can and does happen with such things >muh assumption >source: trust me bro You'll need a lot more than that to blame this shit on Dini. >No it's not >are still not making any money You just contradicted yourself, anon as you admitted that anything not Batfag is failing. >Even the fucking crazy black homeless Batwoman That shit got canceled ages ago. To your reminder Da Batman movie made $770.8 million and is the fourth-highest-grossing film of 2022. They stayed relatively low on SJW shit, because again Batman is DC scared cashcow and the only thing that keeps them afloat. >DC ruined itself Along time ago, when both them and Marvel stopped making comics for kids and started making comics for "adults" because capeshit is le serious business. But the real redpill is that big corps are always shit and it is individual creatives who are good. >And that is also what has helped DC to go broke Again, batwank sell well almost no matter what it is and DC is a lot more cautious with him. >They have other interesting characters at their disposal and wont use them Good, I don't want to see them getting raped. I don't understand why you want it though... >has been using obscure Marvel characters to promote SJW agendas Yeah and the MCU is dying as a result, normalfags couldn't care less about those characters and the sjw crap doesn't help either.
>>28027 >It is if you're depressive or just want to kill yours Then why drink alcohol instead of some other drink?
Cyborg Spider-WOMAN
>>28010 First of all, I never said the other writers didn't have impact. I was arguing that your downplaying of Timm's involvement is dumb. Secondly, you have no idea how autistic I am for the DCAU. I bet you didn't even watch it in proper viewing order. I bet you didn't even know to watch Justice League's "Twilight" before Static Shock's "A League of their Own," and to watch "Blast From the Past" between "A League of their Own" parts I and II. The problem isn't that you're autistic, it's that you're autistic in the wrong way, that stops you from understanding simple things but doesn't help you understand trivial but fun things. It also leaves you speaking very idiosyncratically and sounding like a retard. Stop trying to coin your own phrases. >>28029 >She is stupid vaginawash character to begin with and the only good thing about her pointless existence is being a muscle girl. Not true. Originally she was treated as a significantly different character, and her stories had very little to do with Hulk. Her stories were very little like Hulk stories. She was not meant to be a replacement, and she wasn't even very similar anyway. She was given her own gimmicks and appeal. And then feminists took it all away and just made her an awful copy of Hulk, in the name of making her better, somehow. And for the record, Supergirl was also not just a female version of Superman until SJWs got to her either. Batgirl was always feminist shit, though. At least starting with Barbara Gordon (nobody cares about the original Batgirl anyway). >I mean the whole schtick with Hulk was being modern rendition of Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde with capeshit twist on it as Kirby did and wasted his talent in Marvel and getting all his works degraded by Stan Lee' hackery. Jack Kirby only did like the first six issues of Hulk, which then got cancelled, and then he did a few guest appearances, like in Avengers. Steve Ditko, who did the second Hulk series, once he got his own stories in Tales to Astonish, deserves a large amount of credit for what people remember Hulk as, since those first six issues were full of ideas that didn't work and got tweaked as they went on. And for all the things you could talk bad about Lee for, I can't imagine what issues you have with his work on Kirby's Incredible Hulk. Except for the time he forgot Bruce Banner's name and called him Bob. That was pretty notable. But not anything that ruined the story.
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>>28044 <I never said the other writers didn't have impact. I was arguing that your downplaying of Timm's involvement is dumb You disingenuous nigger you tried to credit Barbara' writing to Timm and tried pull this crap as if the producer is a god. I never denied his impact whereas you suddenly mention the existence of writers only after I brought it up twice, you disgusting liar. <you have no idea how autistic I am >'Memeber how I insult you for being an autist, ackshually I'm not a failed normalgroid, I'm an autist too just like all the cool kids! <but muh view order! Nigger if you actually gave shit and were autistic and not a literal retard, you would look up behind the scenes, writers, etc. You didn't even know that the initial anon claim about Bruce being the one who left Barbara has no backup to it what so ever, yet you were so thrilled to argue in favor of it, making a complete buffoon out of yourself and continuing so doing. You can't even try to go on and refute my claim about how the scene of Barbara talk with Terry or even how the episode "A Touch of Curaré" in general isn't great. You're a literal retard casualfaggot and no more. >she was treated as a significantly different character So fucking what! Of course, they won't make a literal retard female character as it is revolting. >had very little to do with Hulk Nigger, she is literally called She-HULK and has almost the same powers and similar appearance. >She was not meant to be a replacement Duh, just like Supergirl, she is a lazy uncreative vaginawash version. But unlike Supergirl her character is even more stupid as she lost what made Hulk unique in order to make her appealing; having similar personality disorder like in the Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. >she wasn't even very similar anyway. She was given her own gimmicks and appeal See above, she only keeps the powers without the twist added to them. She sucks and isn't unique at all. >Jack Kirby only did like the first six issues of Hulk He did only five you self-proven casualfaggot. The six one was by Steve Ditcko making up bullshit with Stan Lee. >which then got cancelled Even so, it laid the base for Hulk character and as I've said it then got degraded. >And for all the things you could talk bad about Lee for, I can't imagine what issues you have with his work Of course, you can't casualfaggot because you haven't read them! Not that it would matter if you actually did as you're genuine retarded with minimal reading comprehension.
>>28048 Most female capeshit heroines are only good for cheesecake eyecandy. They should not be real heroes though. They exist purely for the gimmick of having a vagina.
Somehow, the creators of Brickleberry are still producing cartoons: https://archive.ph/sEfSb
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>>28023 >Jenny-Sue >"Hay guise, I can lift over 40 tons but did you know I could lift myself?!" >"Hey, Jen, I know that it sucks having a body that's female perfection and being strong enough to punch a rhino to death, so how about I show you a positive: you can never get drunk again. So you can spend thousands of dollars on expensive drinks and never even feel a buzz, when you could just be drinking soda pop!" Fucking Mark Ruffalo. I bet he nearly orgasmed when he found out he'd be replacing himself with a stronk womXn.
>>28050 The Brickleberry guys are suspect as all fuck. They show full male nudity at all times on Paradise PD but you never get any tits that aren't the Captain's when his testosterone patch wears off.
>>28010 >>28015 You guys sound like Dr. Smith and the Robot arguing, you know that? >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyH33DXusTY&t=7s
Good news, everyone! The Batgirl movie has been axed by DC! It will no longer be released on ANY platform! https://archive.ph/B0OM0
>>28057 unexpected. They seemed detetmined to lose money to oush an agenda.
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>>28057 Serves them right for using the gay-ass leather suit. >"Alright, you and Knuckles go down through the skylight, and me an' Crust'll go through the--" >"Shh! Did you hear that?!" >"Is it the Bat?!" >"Naw, man. I ran with Joker's crew. You NEVAH hear the Bat." >"Well I hear something! Sounds like... the squeak of an entire suit made from leather?" >*SQUEAK* >"She's ovah there! Shoot!"
>>28050 >>28054 My faggot of a brother keep watching them, so you guys might be into something. >>28053 How long until Marvel and Disney die? I'm exausted of all that shit they keep pushing. Also, didn't they replace ironnigglett for a chink?
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>>28031 >see this pic >certain it's some troll edit >search it just to make sure >IT'S REAL! IT'S FUCKING REAL! This is the most shocking thing I've seen as plastic crack addict. I mean I also thought I'll never see a fat barbie, but this? THIS?! I can't believe it's not error or something…it has to be, it has to be. So Hasbro is no longer stratified with just making overpriced cheap knockoff quality playline toys thanks to their licenseshit monopoly, now they inject pc crap to boys toys…and boys toys are almost completely immune to that crap (like the only major example I can think of is Captain Planet), unlike girls toys that always gets all the crap because they have to be "educational" and "appropriate", bah. There are unbelievably so many dumb controversies and shoved propaganda surrounding girl toys coming both authoritarian left and right not realizing that toys aren't real or worse just wanting to groom girls because they're more easily impressionable. Like with boys' toys a controversy is usually about kid actually getting killed for crying out loud, but no skipper growing a chest will make girls grow up to be whores or Barbie being super thin will make girls grow up to be anorexic. We should let girls only play with baby dolls or have a fashion doll with vitiligo. And the hypocrite dyke feminiggers are completely silence about it, because as I said girls are easy target to propaganda and a woman' greatest enemy is another woman. It's like the Victorian notion of educating and raising a lady never left and is deeply embedded in Western society to this very day even among lefties, not that I have a harsh objection to it in its original historical context when there was also high demands and expectations for men. Hasbro and Mattel should just burn to death like DC and Marvel, both became giant corps who swallowed almost all their competitors. >>28049 >Most female capeshit heroines are only good for cheesecake eyecandy Which is why they suck. >They should not be real heroes though No, if a character gets a good amount of screen-time, then it should be developed. Any writer should aspire to have both his characters and plot to be interesting and good, as both depend on each other and either weakens or strengths each other. As for nicely~well written female superheros take for example DCSHG despite being mostly a comedy show. Diana is given a more rounded and developed character; she is perfectionist to a fault in which she would emotionally collapse, she is smart and kind but often have hard and failing at reading the room and understanding social cues due to coming from what would be considered a different word, but she is also arguably a bit autistic. She is charismatic and moving as a leader figure should be. Not to mention a lot can be learn and seen from her different interactions with different groups of people, such as her tense relationship with her mother which she hopes to please and impress in contrast to, as expected, more easy going attitude with her friends. It does help a lot that the show has good portion of slice of life which the lack of it is something that I usually find very annoying and disappointing in capeshit, especially when it's a character that supposed to have secret identity. >They exist purely for the gimmick of having a vagina. >dumb horndog just want a mindless fan service Pleb, the best fan service is the one that goes smoothly with the plot and it is part of it.
>>28057 Finally, some victory for the gingers! >>28058 >lose money to oush an agenda They cancelled it because their streaming service is failing, not because go woke go broke. I would've agreed with you if it got released and bombed. >>28061 >gay-ass leather suit I don't think leather is necessarily bad, I mean the Catwoman suit in Burton' film was cool and good looking. This suit however, is just too thick and wrinkly and has terrible design, it's like fantasy inspired armor but actually completely modern and looks dull and boring. >>*SQUEAK* I think you demand too much realism for capeshit, whether Batman wears leather fabric or not he is completely vulnerable to bullets which he dodges by his plotarmor, unless you take the actual heavy armored suit that the Nolan and Reeves films have.
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>>28023 Wow. Disney/Marvel's own bootleg Shrek and Fiona. >>28029 >You'll need a lot more than that to blame this shit on Dini. You go on about Kamandi. But Dini had all this time to push for an animated series.Whereas Timm has his BTAS remake coming to CN. >You just contradicted yourself, anon as you admitted that anything not Batfag is failing. Gotham High sucked. The Batman sucked. 55% of the people that paid to see the latter suffered from buyer's remorse. >That shit got canceled ages ago. Amazon, iTunes, Apple TV. Nobody's really buying the shit. >Along time ago, when both them and Marvel stopped making comics for kids and started making comics for "adults" because capeshit is le serious business There's a right and wrong way to go about making comics for a mature audience. And thinking that tons of sex, violence, and F-bombs is what makes a mature comic a mature comic; wrong way to go about it. >Again, batwank sell well almost no matter what it is and DC is a lot more cautious with him. That sagging Bat-Titty must be running dry. Because DC can barely stay in the Top 50 with sales. >Good, I don't want to see them getting raped. I don't understand why you want it though.. That's not the point. But whatever. >Yeah and the MCU is dying as a result, normalfags couldn't care less about those characters and the sjw crap doesn't help either. Bitch, demand, then move on. That's all they do. If they so cared, they'd consume their own damn products. But, no. Straight males such as me gotta do it. >>28049 >They exist purely for the gimmick of having a vagina. When you have, gadgets, powers, and money to boot. That's not really needed. >>28050 They were the better Tim and Eric when they had The Damn Show. Don't know about their latter stuff. But Brickleberry made me laugh at times, especially the song Miracle Lake. >>28057 Excellent.
>>28069 I'm worried the rumours about Joker 2 being a musical with Lady Gaga might be true or not mostly because I enjoyed joker for being a remake of an actual good old movie. Today that's more than what hollywood is cappable to do. Probably is going to be shit or be coopted by the people who shat on the movie and their fans to begin with.
>>28065 When most female superheroes are just the existing male heroes but with a vagina, there's little reason to have them exist in the first place. Their stories will only be worse versions of the male original's stories. Thus why they're only good for porn.
>>28069 >Kamandi It was never made, the only reason we even know about it is because Timm himself talked about it, whereas Harley Quinn Show is actually released without any credit to Dini besides the fact he created her character, that kind of show isn't even Dini's writing style. It's oranges and apples, your comparison is completely retarded. Furthermore, Dini has been working on Batman: The Adventures Continue you clueless fool just like you didn't have any idea about the upcoming Batman: Caped Crusader cartoon. >55% of the people that paid to see the latter suffered from buyer's remorse Source? Not that I expect any from you. >Amazon, iTunes, Apple TV. Nobody's really buying the shit CW shows are aired outside of HBO Max and CW, but now most streaming services trying to focus on creating their own exclusive content. No denying they're failures. >There's a right and wrong way to go about making comics for a mature audience Anon, capeshit is a childish genre, trying to make it for adults only is stupid. >sex, violence, and F-bombs These and the vast yet shallow social commentary are what sets apart capeshit for adults from capeshit for children. Capeshit has become a trend among normalfags because society has become infantile, and even then normalfags don't care deeply about that shit like some of us do. >Because DC can barely stay in the Top 50 with sales Both big two are doing shit with comics and survive on live-action crap for normalfags. >That's not the point It clearly is as you want other characters to get adaptations in current year. >Bitch, demand, then move on. That's all they do. If they so cared, they'd consume their own damn products. But, no. Straight males such as me gotta do it What are you even talking about at this point?! We initially argue about how only Batman makes money for DC, you tried to counterargue that by giving an example how even Marvel started to branch out of their main characters, yet those aren't making money either which makes this counterargument worthless. >>28071 >there's little reason to have them exist in the first place. Their stories will only be worse versions of the male original's stories It depends on each character, like Supergirl could become her own thing, but something like She-Hulk is pointless.
>>28073 What can you even do with Supergirl that wouldn't just be retreading or replacing Superman?
>>28075 Take advantage of her dual identity being different and younger. Her longest lasting classic run put her in college and used her being superpowered to put spins on a bunch of classic college student plots. Also have her take the place of a princess to protect her from assassination.
>>28077 >college No. >Also have her take the place of a princess to protect her from assassination. Little tired too but can at least be a simple short story arc.
>>28078 This was a 1970s college, before they became communist indoctrination centers.
>>28079 Pretty sure the 70s is exactly when the commie rhetoric really kicked in though. Especially through hippies. So no even having it take place in the past would be a dumb idea.
>>28081 >blood >swearing Ooooh so edgy. How & why does Mikey have hair? Why does he look like 70 years old?
>>28082 There's time travel involved.
>>28081 If leo knew Mikey was capable of creating a time portal, why didn't they do it earlier when the resistance was still strong? Four minutes in, and there's already a giant plot hole.
>>28083 Your point? The turtles have magic in the show & have used magic in previous incarnations. That's not an issue.
>>27960 Oh fuck, anon you touched a memory hole there. I think anarky disappeared as a villain with the new 52 stuff, im pretty sure he shows up on the Batwingthe negro batman from Africa where he got a stadium as a new land while the rest of the city got evacuated in the storm After that I am pretty sure he never gets any attention anymore by the DC suits
>>28081 it's okay even though it's Americanized nakamura+imaishi
>>28075 The easy and obvious answer would be to relocate her to different and less important city Like Nightwing. But then I kept thinking about it, suddenly remembering my favorite episode in STAS, "Unity", and like why not just let Supergirl get stuck in Smallville since Superman thinks she is too young, etc and she would face each time a different type of paranormal threat and deal with it without anyone knowing about it? I think it would be a fun concept! Maybe at some point Superman will find about it but keeps quiet, or he actually knows about it which is why he insisted that she would stay. >>28082 >>swearing What was it? I didn't hear anything foul. >>blood >barely 4 years have passed since the original run At least NuSamurai Jack could excuse the dumb and shitty shift in tone and style by claiming the original audience have grown up and therefore the series should "grow" too (more like devolved and disregard plots and notions from the previous seasons WHEN THIS SHIT WAS SOLELY CREATED TO BE A CONTINUATION AND GIVE THEM RESOLUTION! ). Which further begs the question why this shit movie was made?! The fact it's not kid friendly is a complete admission that this TMNT version is a miserable failure. Netflix eventually canceled Dyke-Ra because it didn't click with little girls and the toys didn't sell, yet they wasted budget on fucking Rise of TMNT movie… >Oh wait there is "after school" logo in the end So Netflix thinks it's appropriate for kids?! I guess we will keep hearing about drop in subscribers. >>28084 Because it will kill Mike and most likely they thought they still have a chance. By going back to the past they're changing the future entirely anyway; it's not like it would've save the resistance, but rather it wouldn't exist in the first place.
>>28089 >What was it? I didn't hear anything foul. Badass ninja warrior
>>28093 >Badass I see now, thanks.
>>28092 I just think it's weird that Mikey could've done this at anytime, and they chose the moment where they're completely fucked. Since they knew that going back in time to change the past would've erased the future, then there's no point in fighting the Krang any further. Sure, Mikey would've died from it, but at least their chances would've been better if it was done earlier.
>>28066 >I mean the Catwoman suit in Burton' film was cool and good looking. And vinyl, not leather. She must have been basting in her own juices for hours. >I think you demand too much realism for capeshit I demand good writing and not Gail Simone being an absolute cunt. "Hurh hurh, first they raped Ms. Marvel and now they're forcing Batgirl to run around in the same flexible, breathable fabric as Batman? Not on MY watch!" It's retarded. I have a nicely worn in leather jacket and I can tell you it still makes a little noise. When you rely on stealth as your primary weapon, skin-tight leather/pleather is NOT your friend.
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>>28089 >>28092 Okay, anyone know what these said and why they were deleted?
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>>28104 its just >>28091
>>28091 Leo says "badass" in the opening footage. Yeah I can't say who this is for. The kids who grew up with this show probably largely are old enough to at least handle this stuff but like it's being marketed specifically on the kids section for Netflix. So it really doesn't make a lot of sense why they're aiming for an older audience in tone but not in where it ends up.
>>28103 >not leather My bad I looked it up, it was actually from latex. https://web.archive.org/web/20150325012228/http://www.anothermag.com/art-photography/2072/costume-designer-mary-vogt-on-michelle-pfeiffer-s-catsuit >Gail Simone She wrote for the overrated and godawful JLU, enough said. >When you rely on stealth as your primary weapon, skin-tight leather/pleather is NOT your friend Fair enough
Watched the new Predator movie 'Prey'. Better than expected by a mile. The marketing didn't do it justice. That said, it fumbles away all that good will at the very end when it erases the events of Predator 2.
>>28120 >Erases Predator 2. Garbage, an urban setting is great for a Predator.
>>28120 Haven't watched it yet and not really interested, but I find it funny a fan film beat the studio to the punch on the "Indian girl fights a Predator" in 2019. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZBh2BW9CMs
>>28120 How many evil white male are there?
>>28124 A lot but they were french. >>28123 Almost like it's a pretty basic concept that the comics did for years. The same comic explaining where the pistol in 2 came from has a predator during the american civil war.
>>28123 The Predator: Dark Ages fan film is pretty good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRD8jAk274I >>28125 Yeah, there are so many stories from the Predator, Alien, and AvP comics and novels over the years that could work great as series and movies. I assume the main reason there have never been any direct adaptations of the comics by the studios is because while Alien and Predator have both been owned by the same company the comics and game rights have been in the hands of Darkhorse and various game developers/publishers over the years so they would have to be paid for any story adaptations of their works. IIRC Darkhorse still has all the publishing rights for their Alien/Predator comics they made before Disney and Marvel, but they can't make anything new. I doubt Disney wants to pay them or any of their writers for any use of the stories considering they initially refused to pay royalties to the various preacquisition Star Wars, Alien, and Predator novel authors.
>>28126 Don't need direct adaptations & I was fine with them erasing Alien vs. Predators from the movie canon but it's not worth it at the cost of Predator 2.
It was dumb how they made the predator's species all the same as him. In particular, the idea that blowing themselves up was part of some code is dumb as the original predator clearly blew himself up to spite Dutch. That's why he laughed manically, because he was denying Dutch the satisfaction of killing him and taking his corpse as a trophy.
>>28153 A lot of the AvP stuff has it that the self destruct device and the "honor" surrounding it is mainly Yautja making sure less advanced races don't get a hold of their technology and destroying things they consider abominations like Predalians. AvP Extinction had them using a one of their gauntlet nukes specifically to destroy a hive created by a mutant Predalian Queen. There's a lot of scifi species that show no real concern about the equivalent of of some barely sentient tribal apes getting access to nukes which seems weird at best. Concrete Jungle's plot was based entirely around that. One of them managed to allow Yautja technology to fall into human hands who is than exiled in disgrace and a century later there's a bunch of humans with reverse engineered technology more advanced than intended so they send the exile to deal with it and reclaim his honor.
>>28156 Forgot to mention that they also have instances of using it to prevent a hunting ground from being destroyed like someone taking care of a game preserve. The first AvP film had a flashback of them detonating a nuke to deal with a city that got over run by xenomorphs after a hunt got out of hand. Yeah, the original Predator is laughing at Dutch seemingly out of spite when he activates his self destruct, but a lot of stuff outside the films indicates they use them for more rational and understandable reasons.
>>28157 >but a lot of stuff outside the films indicates they use them for more rational and understandable reasons. You mean stuff written afterwards, by other writers
>>28158 I don't get the problem with this? I recall a comparison made between Star Wars and Lord of the Rings is that Tolkien made a world that spawned a story and Lucas made a story that spawned a world. I don't see any problems with other writers building in the sandbox another writer created. Lovecraft became so popular mainly because his original works were almost entirely free of copyright and he even encouraged others to use his material in their own stories during his lifetime. The biggest thing that annoys me about modern copyright is that people can't take a story and elaborate and build on it. The idea of copyright is a very modern thing anyway. I understand that the communication of the internet and increased world population complicates things, but a lot of what copyright has become is nonsensical and hurting the public good, especially due to things like corporations being consider as "people". Originally copyright's intent was to allow for authors' to derive profit from their works for a certain amount of time and then it would pass into public domain to allow other authors to extrapolate, add, derive, and build on it. Now we're at a point where companies can hold rights for a century and things can fall in to a copyright hell where no one alive can make claims, but copyright says no one can make copies or more out of it. Yes, I understand that myths and legends did not have copyright, but I also think what would material like Arthurian Legend and Journey to the West be without others building and extrapolating on it?
>>28159 >What would material like Arthurian Legend and Journey to the West be without others building and extrapolating on it? Substantially less favorable to cuckoldry
>>28159 >Lucas made a story that spawned a world. < The biggest thing that annoys me about modern copyright is that people can't take a story and elaborate and build on it. These two things are diametrically opposed. Lucas (Operating as Lucasfilm, which is a corporation) still owned Star Wars, and everything related to it, until 2012, but that didn't stop him from allowing other people to building upon it as long as (1) they pass the idea by him and (2) he received residuals from them using his property. In fact, under Disney, SW still operates the same way as before they bought it. However, where the difference exists is that Disney is more selective on who can access the property and how they use it. It seems more like you're displeased with how people choose to use their copyright rather than the laws in place.
>It seems more like you're displeased with how people choose to use their copyright rather than the laws in place. You're right. Copyright on its own isn't really the biggest issue it's how people abuse it. I loved a lot of the stuff in the original Star Wars EU. There were certainly some questionable or bad part, but it was awesome that there was this big world beyond the films that other authors made. Even before Disney owned Star Wars Lucas used ideas from decades of the EU for the prequel trilogy. Knights of the Old Republic, Galaxy of Fear, the various stuff based on Luke's Jedi Academy, Mara Jade, and Han and Lei's kids. That's stuff I grew up with and loved as a kid. I know people bash Lucas for some of his writing and production decisions, but I honestly enjoyed the prequel films. Disney ruined Star Wars, not Lucas. His worst decision was selling Star Wars to Disney. They're the ones who decided nearly all previous EU material was no longer canon which was partly out of not wanting to deal with having to pay previous writers anything as mentioned above. Companies like Disney and overprotective authors are the biggest problem. They're greatly responsible for modern copyright laws. It's worth noting that the Walt Disney company specifically lobbied heavily for copyright extensions to prevent their works becoming public domain. The company is largely responsible for the Copyright Act of 1976 and the Copyright Term Extension Act in 1998. Beyond Disney the DMCA was result of concern from the film, televison, and music industry and in the 1980s various film companies tried to make VCRs illegal which would have killed a lot of amateur and indie film making and low budget distribution. Related, I hate authors or IP owners that basically tell the fans, "Stop having fun, you can only enjoy this on my terms." in any way. Once a work is created and people come to enjoy it I don't think it's wholly the author's anymore. It's incredibly frustrating to have most fiction so many of us grew up with and helped shape us be in the hands of others and not only restricted heavily in how it's used, but then adapted badly with profit and politics being the main focus of the adaptation rather than just creating something good that builds on the previous work and the fans will enjoy. George RR Martin for example is a massive hypocrite on that. He admitted that he got his start writing fanfiction and it was what led to him developing his own works, but then discouraged fanfiction of his material and called it lazy to write fanfiction and this is all despite a good chunk of the Game of Thrones TV series being glorified badly written fanfic itself. There's been plenty of individual authors that have been very restrictive on fan works as well. It's not even just original authors. It seems wrong to have an author's family and descendants restricting and profiting off things decades after the author's death. Again, you're right. It's not the idea of copyright itself I have a problem with it's how restrictive copyright laws have become and how they have been and are abused. I apologize if this comes off as too much of rant.
>>28095 >I just think it's weird that Mikey could've done this at anytime, and they chose the moment where they're completely fucked It makes sense because it's last resort act. >then there's no point in fighting the Krang any further It's safe to assume they thought that they could defeat the Krang in their own timeline which is why they didn't use the time travel immediately and continued to fight instead. >but at least their chances would've been better if it was done earlier Again, there wouldn't be any chances since the krang wouldn't get released in the first place…of course the movie has to fuck up this simple time travel solution to have its convoluted plot. >>28107 >The kids who grew up with this show probably largely are old enough to at least handle this stuff The youngest ones would be 10-year-olds and the fan base for the show is already small as it is, I mean RoT flopped so hard that Playmates had to look for new directions, so alienating them isn't a smart move, not that anything involving this mess is smart. They won't get any merch money from this; Playmates won't ever touch RoT again, not even with ten-foot pole and they were already burnt once with Netflix (NuVoltron). >>28159 >Originally copyright's intent was to allow for authors' to derive profit No, Copyright was created for enabling governments to exercise censorship much easier and for publication companies to have monopoly, creating a system in which the governments and corps are sharing the same bed and benefiting from each other. The idea that copyright has anything to do with protecting artists is nothing but corporate propaganda. Furthermore, IP is not a real property and shouldn't be artificially limited.
>>28159 >>28169 You don't need to space out every half paragraph. >>28170 Yeah plus Rise doesn't even have toys to appeal to adult collectors. So the movie thankfully will be the last of it. Seth Rogen's movie is still coming though. 100 bucks says it'll be on par with Michael Bay's horrid movies but with "haha weed" & jew jokes.
>>28120 Why there was the idea that the Feral predator was female?
>>28082 >>28091 >>28093 >>28094 >>28107 >>28170 You guys do realize that The Transformers movie did the same thing back when it premiered in the 80's, right? In fact, theatres were so outraged that some censored the swearing in the dub.
>>28173 The what now? >>28174 I don't remember that at all.
>>28175 >I don't remember that at all.
>>28180 Huh. Neat.
>>28181 There's another scene later one where Ultra Magnus shouts "Damnit!" while struggling to open the Matrix.
>>28182 That's okay.
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But why?
>>28185 That's fan art.
>>28048 Everything in this post is absolutely retarded. But the one that gets me the most is how you claim I have no reading comprehension while not only misrepresenting practically everything I said, but even cutting off a quote in the middle of a sentence just so you can misrepresent it. >And for all the things you could talk bad about Lee for, I can't imagine what issues you have with his work Deliberately leaving out the rest of the sentence "on Kirby's Incredible Hulk" shows that you are being the disingenuous one. You clearly don't even read comics, and you accuse me of it, right after I went on an autistic rant about the actual history of Incredible Hulk creators? Go ahead and say what problem you have with Lee's work on The Incredible Hulk, aside from the time he called him Bob. Even Kirby's contributions to Hulk are overrated, as while he certainly deserves credit as primary creator, if you were gonna be autistic about it, you'd admit that Steve Ditko is the one who really solidified the version of the Hulk that became the definitive one. You're the filthy casual who thinks he knows a lot because he's heard of Jack Kirby and has heard that he deserves more credit than Lee, but you don't even know why, and you go on to ignore other iconic creators. As for all your garbage about She-Hulk, you complain about her being too similar, while at the same time complaining that she is too different. Yeah no shit she has similar powers and name, but her personality and types of stories set her apart. The fact that you think names and powers are the only or even most important things to the actual stories shows that you don't actually read them. You might as well say that Reed Richards is the same character as Plastic Man. >He did only five you self-proven casualfaggot. The six one was by Steve Ditcko making up bullshit with Stan Lee. >calls me a casualfaggot for something simple like that >misspells Ditko's name Be careful if you're gonna do things like this. And to call Ditko's work on anything, let alone Hulk, "making up bullshit" is ridiculous. He went on to do many Hulk stories after, much more in the style of what we would think of as the Hulk today. To say it was degraded by Ditko is absolutely ridiculous. His run was excellent and a highlight of silver age comics in general. >>28075 >What can you even do with Supergirl that wouldn't just be retreading or replacing Superman? >>28091 >The easy and obvious answer would be to relocate her to different and less important city Like Nightwing. But then I kept thinking about it, suddenly remembering my favorite episode in STAS, "Unity", and like why not just let Supergirl get stuck in Smallville since Superman thinks she is too young, etc and she would face each time a different type of paranormal threat and deal with it without anyone knowing about it? I think it would be a fun concept! Maybe at some point Superman will find about it but keeps quiet, or he actually knows about it which is why he insisted that she would stay. Have you guys never heard of Supergirl before? She had a very popular series for 30 years, with several popular revivals over the years, and this is exactly what it is. Supergirl is very distinct from Superman. Not just because she's younger and a girl, and not even just because she has a completely different cast of supporting characters, but one angle that has also been played upon successfully is that she was actually raised on Krypton and thus feels its loss much more closely than Superman does, and has a harder time acclimating to Earth. There are like 60 years of successful Supergirl comics, and most of them are actually good. It should be easy to adapt, but feminists keep making her girl Superman just so they can complain about her being girl Superman, despite the source material always giving her much more depth than that.
>>28159 >I don't get the problem with this? It wasn't the original authors intention, it was other writers who either didn't understand or didn't care.
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>>28159 >Originally copyright's intent was to allow for authors' to derive profit from their works for a certain amount of time Originally copyright was created to censor and control the flow of information. In that regard it has never changed.
>>28188 <Everything in this post is absolutely retarded <Because I said so! That's not how counterargument works, casualfaggot retard. >no reading comprehension >minimal reading comprehension My bad anon, you're right, apparently, I was too generous and you do not have any reading comprehension:^) <shows that you are being the disingenuous one. You clearly don't even read comics Nice projecting lying casualfag retard, I'm not the one who claimed that the six issue of hulk was by Kirby. <I went on an autistic rant about the actual history of Incredible Hulk creators No, retard you just went with the most general description of her "unique" comics and once again proved yourself to be a dumb casualfaggot by not knowing that the six issue wasn't made by Kirby. <Even Kirby's contributions to Hulk are overrated Literally created the character you imbecile, and as I've said before Kirby' creations in Marvel got degraded. <you complain about her being too similar, while at the same time complaining that she is too different No, no, zero reading comprehension retard. I complained that she adapted the powers of Hulk, yet without the twist that make them unique and stand out. She is lazy vaginawash copy who is similar to hulk, but in extremely boring and half-assed way. <The fact that you think names and powers are the only or even most important things to the actual stories Retard, there's a clear reason to cash on existing character, in which you can expend on the brand by creating a lazy new version of it, in the hopes keeping the original audience and in addition gaining a new one. Character that shares the same name and powers of said an existing characters, is nothing but just a lazy vagina/faggot/nigger/etc version of said character. Of course, there could be cases when said character can become its own thing without shitting on the original character, but then there are ones who are irremediable shit like lazy She-Hulk who is a boring watered down eye candy version. <you don't actually read them Keep projecting, you fucking retarded liar. You're such a retard, you think people won't catch your lousy and easy to detect lies. <You might as well say that Reed Richards is the same character as Plastic Man Oranges and apples, completely retarded comparison. Mr. Fantastic doesn't try to capitalize on Plastic man' superior existence like say Supergirl and She-Hulk, just sharing powers it's not enough, you need the name as well, see above genuine retard. >Have you guys never heard of Supergirl before? She had a very popular series for 30 years, with several popular revivals over the years, and this is exactly what it is. Supergirl is very distinct from Superman. Not just because she's younger and a girl, and not even just because she has a completely different cast of supporting characters, but one angle that has also been played upon successfully is that she was actually raised on Krypton and thus feels its loss much more closely than Superman does, and has a harder time acclimating to Earth. There are like 60 years of successful Supergirl comics, and most of them are actually good. It should be easy to adapt, but feminists keep making her girl Superman just so they can complain about her being girl Superman, despite the source material always giving her much more depth than that What a nice wiki article quote:^)
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Someone stole Brenden Small's guitars.
>>28206 Brutal.
>>28195 Propaganda video
>>28204 What part did you not understand? >>28211 t. Disney employee
>>28170 >>28195 Modern international copyright law is heavily influenced by US copyright for obvious reasons. The US copyright acts of 1790, 1831, 1870, and 1909 as well as the International Copyright Act of 1891 were fairly reasonable when compared with what came later even if things got a bit muddled along the way which is why the act of 1909 was created to superseded previous copyright acts. There's the Copyright Clause in the Constitution even: "To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries". The copyright act of 1909 was written with the intention of benefitting public good over the good of the author: "This copyright law is passed not primarily for the benefit of the author, but primarily for the benefit of the public." is even the reports submitted at the time. Even the first government regulated copyright law, the Statute of Anne in 1710, was designed to give authors control over their works and deal with publishing monopoly. After the French Revolution the National Assembly believed that published works were public property and any rights given to the author only existed to compensate them for the effort. This influenced French copyright laws going forward. Yes for much of history government and religious authorities focused mainly on censoring any works they perceived as harmful rather than being concerned with the public good or the good of the author. The modern concept of copyright has only existed for a few centuries but there's clear intention with copyright law developing along with the concept in many countries to benefit the public and avoid perpetual monopolies being created by publishers or the original author's estate. Things went reasonably well for awhile and then we developed modern corporations that can heavily influence governments for their own interests and have plenty of money to throw around in the courts and the idea that corporations can be "people". Now we're at a point where copyright law is abused and rewritten to benefit those companies more than anything else. >>28211 >>28213 The main issues with the video is it kind of misrepresents the Statute of Anne and presents things as though the concept of copyright existed long before the invention of the printing press. Copyright and copyright law is fairly modern and has only been around a few centuries. There wasn't really much to stop anyone from copying the work of someone else or using it for their own purposes for most of history, but the thing to remember about that is it wasn't easy to do so in the first place. Communication and travel were difficult for most of human history. Books and writings had to be copied by hand which was a labor intensive task and required someone who could actually write when literacy rates were low. Even the printing press required dedicated manual labor to build, operate, and maintain. The Statute Anne was something of a compromise between the British Parliament and the Stationers' Company. The Parliament repeatedly rejected the Stationers' Company's attempts reestablish their monopoly by getting more restrictive laws passed which resulted in the company being forced to go with something far less restrictive than they wanted and even then they later abused the flaws in Statute for their own ends. The video does acknowledge that part, but at the time the Statute was considered a good thing with good intentions by the parliament and much of the literary community at the time. It's just that it left out a lot of protections later laws would provide and was narrow in what it did actually cover. It was flawed more than anything else. For example it only covered "books", not other types of work and it was ambiguous as to whether previous publishing rights before the Statute were grandfathered under the laws before the statue. The lack of definition and omissions in what was protected led to various court battles and legal confusion and is why it was eventually repealed and replaced.
>>28171 >toys to appeal to adult collectors What adult collectors? The select few twatters who actually buy toys and aren't just culture warrior faggots? We all saw what happened with Dyke-Ra. >100 bucks says it'll be on par with Michael Bay's horrid movies Seeing the pic you posted, I think it safe to assume that at least the turtles won't be as appalling as the Bay turtles. Maybe if the characters have nice designs and Playmates won't fuck up, I'll even get a few. I did buy Bebop and Rocksteady from the shitty bay film to go along with my first edition turtles from the 2012 series, which I didn't like either, but had some great toys. >>28174 >comparing RoT flop to the most successful franchise in the 80's Also, that movie was released in theaters whereas RoT is in streaming service alongside more kid friendly content. >>28214 Of course, they would excuse Copyright as benefiting and whatnot to justify it, it's just the same shit as with welfare state or any other statism bs! The government would excuse anything wrong it does in the name of greater good! Weren't the covid lockdowns and experimental shots enough to see through that? >"To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries" Which is utterly failed at it and done vice versa. Just think about the entire scientific journalist system in which people don't get any pay for the paper they submit, neither those who do the peer review, and the one who gets money (and the copyright) is the scientific journal who put those articles behind a pay wall. But this is not even the worst aspect about the evil and unjust IP laws, medical patents prevent competition and make sure that every new remedy will be beyond poor' people reach which is absolutely vile. >After the French Revolution They needed to know which heads they gonna off, so of course anonymity wouldn't allow them to do so and therefore they enforced copyright. >modern corporations that can heavily influence governments for their own interests >at a point where copyright law is abuse Statists keep failing to understand that when you let the government intervene in the market, you end up letting the market intervene in the government too! It's a two-path system which feeds each other. The so called "corruption" of an already corrupt law was inevitable! IP is nor real property, it not tangible and it's not limited, it's nothing but arbitrary government definition like trans people and gay marriage.
>>28214 >Modern international copyright law No such thing exists.
>>28185 The fuck is that? Modok in a shrink-suit?
>>28174 >You guys do realize that The Transformers movie did the same thing back when it premiered in the 80's, right? I remember. I was in my early teens and I remember being shocked that they thought it was a good idea for a kid's movie. That, and they fucking killed half the characters I loved just to sell new toys that weren't even compatible in size. Seriously, Springer's head in the action figure is WAY smaller than Hot Rod's.
>>28120 Do the squaw and the Predator end up joining forces against the white "invaders?"
>>28206 Brutal, hope the guys get caught. >>28215 >some sort of angry libertarian/laissez-faire/anarchist rambling ...ok...? >>28217 Not in the literal sense of there being a single copyright law across the world, but as in various countries have agreed to near identical or similar laws and enforcements due international treaties and agreements. The Berne Convention, the Buenos Aries Convention, The TRIPS Agreement, and the WIPO copyright treaty are all examples of this. >>28221 The MCU might actually be making him fully robotic. It wouldn't surprise me they would make a change like that.
>>28120 Yeah, it's not as bad as expected, but I wouldn't say it's good either. Kind of perplexed that they went with the gun from Predator 2 being given to the to the main character by a trapper and not taken away by a Predator at any point. It implies the Predators are going to come back later and kill everyone in the village or just her. Interesting, but it seems weird they leave that hanging over the end and it seems unlikely there will be any sort of sequel or tie in actually showing it.
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>>28226 >...ok...?
>>28229 Not really sure how one is supposed to engage with a response that isn't even making an argument and is more of an angry rant that doesn't even focus on the discussion of copyright. The post is basically just the standard "government and regulation evil" and "free market good" rhetoric. I'm confused that he's complaining about Statism and government regulation and intervention in economics and property, and "welfare state" when not having any sort of government intervention there or social safety nets would makes things so much worse. Just look at historical and modern examples of what happens when a company or private individual is not being watched so they don't poison, injure, or kill people while trying to make a profit, even with those regulations we still have problems with that sort of thing. Corporations can do what ever they want with no government even trying to reign them in? That's how you easily get the sort of dystopian corporate feudalism we see in cyberpunk fiction. Our systems are flawed and there's a lot of selfish lobbying and corruption, true, and I think laws should ideally be designed to protect people from each other and not themselves, but I have a hard time taking any sort of "The system is broken and needs to be removed or replaced" seriously at this point. It's nowhere near bad enough to require that in most parts of the world. I've seen so many keyboard warriors who make that sort of argument and then don't really give any idea on who would build the new government or how that too would not be corrupted over time or wouldn't be something worse. These people rarely give any indication they would be willing to risk their lives for this sort of revolution and rebuilding the system in that manner either and the ones that do come off as the an example of "Until a man is twenty-five, he still thinks, every so often, that under the right circumstances he could be the baddest motherfucker in the world." I don't see the point with arguing with angry revolutionary and "tear down the system" fantasies because the people bringing that up rarely want to have a civil discussion or do anything other than rant about the evils of the world.
>>28156 concrete jungle the ps2/xbox game, or concrete jungle the darkhorse comic, or concrete jungle the book written off the comic starring dutchs brother in NYC?
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>>28228 It'd be against their honor code to just kill them for revenge. If anything they'd reward her for besting a predator in combat. That still wouldn't explain how they'd get the pistol. They'd be giving something to her. Not the other way around. >>28223 No. The frenchies tie her & her brother up for bait to ambush the predator. He proceeds to kill all the french from there.
>>28233 I assumed they'd be coming back just to retrieve the Predator armor and weapons lying around and that would lead to them killing more humans and getting the pistol from her.
>>28235 Maybe if they resist I guess. Which wouldn't be too out there considering Naru knows they're hostile. First day of war chief & she'll just lead her tribe to genocide.
>>28161 >Substantially less favorable to cuckoldry Blame the French for that, they're the one who added Lancelot as a Norman fuck you to their Anglo-Saxon subjects. >"Hon hon hon, Ze Fraaanch knight is cucking ze English king." Though I guess the French got theirs in the end when some Japanese mushroom man turned Lancelot into an NTR fetishist with an Emo alter ego and turned their greatest king and his paladins into a boyband with a nudist weirdo and a femboy.
>>28237 >Blame the French for that
>>28230 >Not really sure how one is supposed to engage with a response that isn't even making an argument and is more of an angry rant that doesn't even focus on the discussion of copyright. I did you just conveniently chose to ignore it and tries to strawman by not even tackling those said arguments but trying to undermine the basics, but don't worry I'm good at them too. >The post is basically just the standard "government and regulation evil" and "free market good" rhetoric It's not just , it's the base for it and tied to it as we are discussing laws that are created and enforced by the government. Not to mention, that you purely argued from government intention perspective without proving how this intention actually plays in real in life which I did, unlike you. >I'm confused that he's complaining about Statism and government regulation and intervention in economics and property, and "welfare state" when not having any sort of government intervention there or social safety nets would makes things so much worse. Wrong, look at the high numbers of children growing up without a father because the government finance single mothers. This only became prevalent phenomenon thanks to the welfare state. I suggest you read some of Gertrude Himmelfarb books discussing and comparing Victorian England to the Modern one, discussing the escalation in crimes and kids being born out of wedlock. >Just look at historical and modern examples of what happens when a company or private individual is not being watched so they don't poison, injure, or kill people while trying to make a profit In the case of private individual if you live in country which to bear arms, you can defend yourself instead of hoping the police will arrive in time. In the case of a company, you can sue them and get them closed unlike governments agencies who will continue to operate no matter what horrible things they've done. For crying out loud, the recent experimental shots were funded, approved, pushed and enforced by the government! This thing couldn't happen without the back of the government. If you fear an entity with a money, then you should fear even more so an entity with money, arms and no accountability to hold. >even with those regulations we still have problems with that sort of thing Which just proves those regulations are useless. >Corporations can do what ever they want with no government even trying to reign them in? That's how you easily get the sort of dystopian corporate feudalism we see in cyberpunk fiction. No, they aren't, it's vice versa as we see today that's the direction we're going. Let me teach about the principle of "the invisible hand"; when there is actually free competition and not the shit we have today, it makes sure there wouldn't be monopolies/duopolies/etc or "too big to fail" because if certain company is successful and in certain market, it will invite a new company to compete and take share of that certain market and by that ensuring companies will try their best to provide good service and products for low prices as any new company can compete and try to overdo the other company. This only possible when you have free market and no regulations which makes it hard to establish a new business and enter that certain market as those regulations are in favored and lobbied by big corporations. Furthermore, going back to the discussion about copyright issue, besides the simple fact of corporations lobbying to prolong the copyright and sustain their unjust monopoly, we also see how those corps keep buying other corps or companies solely for their IP and firing the workers of those corps or companies, resulting in greater monopoly, unemployment (which can't be easy solved as there is no free market and welfare system encourages it) and poorer services and products, because again government sponsored monopoly like every monopoly. >Our systems are flawed and there's a lot of selfish lobbying and corruption, true Which completely contradicts your argument above. You yourself admitted that the ones who shape the copyright law are the corps and not your benevolent protecting government. >and I think laws should ideally be designed to protect people from each other and not themselves Everyone thinks it, the important question is are those laws are necessary and therefore have the impact which follows their intention? Or it's just empty words which results in opposite and negative impact?! "The road to hell is paved with good intentions". Again, the case with IP laws has no legs to stand on, because not only is that IP is not real property as it's not tangible and neither scarce which are the conditions that create the need for property rights in the first place. But also, copyright results in hurting actual property rights by limiting one' use to his own property and changing the definition of homesteading in which the property owner isn't the one who was the first to occupy it. >ideally Sound like a utopian commie talk which ignores the reality that doesn't let a flawed theory work in practice. >but I have a hard time taking any sort of "The system is broken and needs to be removed or replaced" seriously at this point I think your confusing change done in moderate pace to revolution, we all should aspire to the former one as the French revolution proved to be disastrous. >It's nowhere near bad enough to require that in most parts of the world Oh, it already is and it will get worse, USA' debt is now reached the point of no return. There's already recession as we speak and it's just a matter of time until it will become like The Great Depression which by the way was prolonged thanks to government intervention, as usual. >I've seen so many Doubt.png Or that you argue some incredibly stupid ones or those who just get acquainted with these ideas because your basic bitch arguments are easy to refute. Do you really think that libertarian intellectuals didn't went through them?! Read a book! > keyboard warriors You're also one as you argue in favor of keeping the status quo. >make that sort of argument and then don't really give any idea on who would build the new government or how that too would not be corrupted over time or wouldn't be something worse As I've said before, collectivist, I'm not in favor revolution anyway. I have no specific idea about leader, because that something that completely depends on finding the right person which is complex issue for any type regime as it goes beyond ideology, but laws?! That would be easy! You should just have laws to protect only real property, laws that prevent and make it hard for the government to add new laws but make it easier to cancel them, etc. The other main issue is the government should be small and only have army, police, courts and jails, that's pretty much it though fellow AnCaps would argue no even that and rely on small community managing itself like how humanity did for hundreds of years until statism became a thing. >These people rarely give any indication they would be willing to risk their lives for this sort of revolution and rebuilding the system in that manner either and the ones that do come off as the an example of Because libertarians aren't retards that are backed by the elite like Antifa. They're fully aware that they're minority and as it is they couldn't pull a revolution which will be succeeded.
[Expand Post] >"Until a man is twenty-five, he still thinks, every so often, that under the right circumstances he could be the baddest motherfucker in the world." What is this dumb quote?! >I don't see the point with arguing Yet you're and not in a direct way, you slimey hypocrite. >with angry revolutionary and "tear down the system" fantasies because the people bringing that up rarely want to have a civil discussion or do anything other than rant about the evils of the world Strawman and ad-hominem, pat
>>28230 >>28243 >with angry revolutionary and "tear down the system" fantasies because the people bringing that up rarely want to have a civil discussion or do anything other than rant about the evils of the world Strawman and ad-hominem, pathetic like your economical knowledge.
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>>28120 I had saw it already through the various Darkhorse comics. If they wanted to adapt something into a movie, then it should be Predator: Homeworld. >>28157 A few in the comics chose to blow themselves up after they were bested by their prey.
>>28246 we should have a Predator thread.
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>>28243 >>28244 I really, really do not care about theses posts or anything in them, can we please get back on topic or at least something related to /co/? Even the copyright discussion was kinda on topic. Go back to /pol/. >>28247 How about an AvP and Alien/Predator thread in general? There's a lot more than just Predator in that setting. On that subject, I've always liked the Colonial Marine Berserkers. They're kinda like a cyborg cross between a Big Daddy from Bioshock and a Dreadnought from Warhammer. The images are all of Shitkicker from Aliens: Tribes, but Berserkers show in multiple comics with the Weyland Yutani and the Colonial Marines. https://avp.fandom.com/wiki/Berserker_(combat_unit) https://avp.fandom.com/wiki/Shitkicker
>>28248 Fuck yeah! Also that shitkicker is badass.
>>28247 >>28248 The deed is done.
>>28248 >I really, really do not care about theses posts or anything in them Yet you only quoted mine and not >>28230 too. >the copyright discussion was kinda on topic It is and again that slimey anon 28230 decided to ignore my main arguments against copyright and instead used strawman, ad-hominem and basic bitch arguments against the libertarian ideology itself which I refuted and still managed to bring it back to the main copyright discussion which shows you clearly didn't read those posts all the way through or just purposefully playing dumb.
>>28082 Where? Where the heck was the swearing? Do you think "Badass" is a bad word? Do you really think kids shows haven't show Blood before? Gravity Falls did worse than this tame and realistic amount of blood.
>>28267 Yes. It is. Some have in the past but it's rare on american TV. Gravity falls didn't have characters bleeding. It had ghost possessed stuffed animals. Horrifying sure but not a living character bleeding or swearing.
>>28226 >The MCU might actually be making him fully robotic. It wouldn't surprise me they would make a change like that. "Oh nooooes! I just realized that hydrocephalic people might be offended!" Yeah, I can see them doing that. Not sure how they plan to get away with it since Patton "Fuck My Wife's Cold, I've Got A Meaningless Trophy To Collect" Oswalt already had a tv show with Modok.
>>28275 No one watched it so no one's gonna be confused by Modok's a robot now.
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>>28267 >Do you think "Badass" is a bad word? Only when I see it in a gearbox game.
>>28267 >Badass is there something that can be categorized as "Goodass"?
>>28289 Yo muddas
>>28288 Man, fuck Randy.
A lengthy interesting article on CGI in hollywood. https://defector.com/inside-hollywoods-visual-effects-crisis/
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>>28354 Soulless.
>>28354 I hated every second of that. Utterly devoid of skill and talent and the voices were grating, pale imitations. I hope everyone involved in this gets hit by a truck.
>>28354 What the hell was the budget for this shit?
>>28120 I'm not an expert on native americans, but the main character is clearly played by mixed raced. Kind of breaks my immersion.
>>28354 What the fuck happened to Buster's voice actor?
>>28289 >is there something that can be categorized as "Goodass"?
>>28360 Well problem is by this point there's no pure blooded natives left who aren't extremely old or outright incestuous bred criminals on reservations.
>>28333 >Ideally, there would be at least one head visual effects supervisor on set at all times. That supervisor can come in one of two flavors: one from the studio, with their eye constantly on the budget, the other from the effects house to anticipate post-production needs and how their house will handle them. Knowing who to take orders from after the fact is difficult enough for VFX artists. But oftentimes, as one source told Defector, there’s no supervisor on set from either side. >“If they’re not there, then what you get in the actual footage could be a lot more difficult to work with.” <Exactly how much money do studios save by not having their own set supervisor there? >“A laughable amount. Maybe $1,500 a day.” >Three sources told Defector that they also rarely deal directly with the director or a director of photography to ensure picture consistency, an observation echoed by an anonymous source who spoke last week to New York magazine. Some directors, one of our sources noted, don’t understand visual effects enough to offer useful feedback anyway. “They just defer to the visual supervisor,” they told us. Otherwise, all VFX artists get are orders from “the client,” and those orders are often conflicting, late, or both. >One former VFX producer told us that his house would routinely outsource their own assignments to other shops without telling the client they were doing so, a practice that they say is common within the industry. Explains so much >"The industry needs to unionize, full stop" Everybody says this. but I doubt a few VFX studios unionizing would do little besides insure that film studios stick with cheap scabs
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>>28362 Charlie Adler wasn't invited. Ben Giroux is voicing Buster now. https://nitter.net/charlie_adler/status/1348057224262819841 https://nitter.net/BenGiroux/status/1559446821054734336 Also new leak: https://files.catbox.moe/1jvg7l.mp4 (file too large for 8moe, and I'm too lazy to reencode it).
>>28390 Now this is actually enjoyable. Some bits are not funny, but the animation is pretty fucking good.
>>28390 This really doesn't work. it feels so artificial.
>>28354 Something about the animation is off and it's not just how flat it looks.
>>28354 >Those frames Fucking disgusting, below anime tier
>>28358 >>28431 >>28436 I guess they didn't pull all the stops after all.
>>28438 i think the problem is that there is a lot of stops
>>28354 It's like one of those Adobe flash cartoons from the late 90s to early 2000s without the constant buffering. >>28390 Makes this even more silly and not needed. But they ruined the character anyway.
Ben Reilly Scarlet Spider will be in the next Spider-verse movie.
>>28471 Yeah, miguel shows up in the trailer and beats up miles while a bit of the spider-man unlimiter intro plays.
>>27852 Just finished watching the Popeye Animatic ( https://archive.org/details/popeye-movie_202208 if you wanna check it out) and as much as it pains me to say it I understand why it never took off as a project. Don't get me wrong I was having the time of my life, a lot of the jokes and visual gags got a smirk out of me and the idea of an origin story for Popeye that made him an outcast rather than the usually really popular guy that he is was pretty cool. References were also on point, Brutus having a lil song and dance in the style of Barry White had me in stitches, Tom Kenny is the greatest voice actor of our generation and the finale where the abuse comes full circle and Popeye just opts to end it with him was unironically powerful, especially given how vapid most modern toon morales tend to be. Fight scenes and the island-world around the characters were also really nice, gave me One Piece lite vibes, plus I like how they didn't make Olive and Popeye's relationship romantic other than an implication in a single scene, makes their bond feel so much stronger at the end of the film. However the movie is full of little problems, like, Jeep is just there with no explanation, Brutus has 4 scenes tops that establish his relationship and motivation and then they do fuck all with him doesn't even get to throw hands with Popeye as an adult for fuck's sake, the music was really forgettable (though I am assuming it's mostly due to it being unfinished), there's a fish and pelican duo who're supposed to be some sort of comedy backdrop so that kids don't get bored and they're just annoying, characters just know how to do very specific things on the fly, there's a bunch of nu-3D animation tier jokes (you know the unfunny kind where a family friendly cartoon character does something that's not family friendly) that feel lifted stratight out of Hotel Transylvania and they suck, and generally speaking a bunch of transition are just unfinished. Probably would have been an absolute classic if they had like 10 extra minutes of screentime to connect some scenes or make them tenser, removed the comedic relief and made Brutus do some other shit.
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>>28473 And it still would have been better than THE FUCKING EMOJI MOVIE
>>28354 The original Tiny Toons wasn't that funny, Animaniacs basically blew that cartoon out of the water. I wish the furfag stalker case was real forcing Tiny Toons to be buried for good.
>>28501 Consider Tiny Toons to be like an animated answer to Saved By the Bell and 90210. But for kids and with Looney Tunes.
How about that trans nigger Pinnochio fairy?
>>28519 And people wonder why USA citizens are moving to Mexico of all places.
>>28524 It's nothing to do with the media. Because it's californians moving to Mexico. It all has to do with cheap rent & real estate down there. Hell they even come to Texas to buy properties to rent.
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>>28519 Pics related.
>>28519 I think it is genuinely hilarious.
>>28557 Sup niggypill.
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>>28561 Poor toph, had it not been for suki she would have gotten the sokka dick she so wanted.
>>28561 Wouldn't really call her "disabled" either. She has frigging super powers to compensate for the blindness. It's like Daredevil being "disabled". Related, it's annoying that people have tried to compare Toph with General Amaya from The Dragon Prince due to the head writer from ATLA working on it. Amaya would be a liability compared with Toph. Why the fuck would anyone put a deaf soldier or general on the frontlines? Hearing is incredibly vital in a combat situation and she has nothing to compensate for being deaf while Toph does have earthbending to compensate for blindness. It seems like the only reason Amaya wasn't simply cured considering the setting's magic can fix quadriplegia is because of the weird vegan philosophy with dark magic that mostly just seems like the Elves and Dragons being racist towards Humans with the way its presented. Kinda hope that show gets canned with the Netflix animation cut backs actually. >>28588 I assumed Suyin and her kids having noticeably darker skin than Toph and Lin is because at some point Toph and Sokka did actually have a relationship even if brief. We know Suyin and Lin are half sisters. Lin's father is mentioned as some guy name Kanto with no real description beyond that, but Suyin's father is never named.
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>>28519 >How about that trans nigger Pinnochio fairy? I thought we weren't allowed to call them "fairies" anymore?
>>28592 Reminds me of that scene from Conker's Bad Fur Day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKGc5MoVnrA
>>28561 She wasn’t the main character though. The story wasn’t centred on her trials. The probably was a ‘Mary sue’ but it wasn’t an issue because of the role she played in the story. If for example Katara had been a Mary Sue it would have been bad because of her position in the story.
>>28598 What's crazy is Toph has something Mary Sues like Rey & Korra didn't. Training. She herself says that she learned earth bending from the badger moles personally. Then the fact she fought in tournaments in secret provided further training to hone her skills. She wasn't just instantly able to perform force skills she had no knowledge of even existing nor knew 3 elements at the age of 6.
>>28561 And they'd be right to call it woke propaganda because, apparently, it WAS woke propaganda. What the leftists fail to realize since they're sociopaths only able to ape authentic human interaction to support their arguments that you have to like and agree with them is that most of the things they advocate for were done first and better by folks completely at odds with their ideology and that their involvement TAINTS these things and reduces them to propaganda. A leftist pervert incorporates their bodily fluids into a dessert. They later reveal their actions after others have already unknowingly consumed the tainted confection then claim that the people who ate without complaint MUST be part of their degenerate community. The leftist then goes on to cite the truism that human elements, from flakes of skin to discarded eyelashes to blood from casually bandaged wounds have historically wound up in desserts and thus the entire confectionary discipline is, in fact, dependent upon their freakishness. The idiots like >>28598 and >>28600 undermine opposing arguments with their bumblingly incompetent protests that fail to levy any sort concrete criticism, much less disprove the delusions and selective disingenuous interpretations which the leftist has established their absurdity upon.
>>28600 I kinda agree AtLA was better than LoK, but it doesn't seem fair to call Korra a Mary Sue. Korra learning bending quickly is consistent with what was shown in AtLA. It seems Avatars in general become bending prodigies due to having learned the elements repeatedly throughout their past lives. Aang learned elements other than Air in less than a year while most other benders seem to require years of training at least to achieve the same level of skill with their element. Even the Kyoshi books have her learning very quickly or displaying innate talent for bending she hasn't been trained in. Another thing is that Korra very much has overconfidence, aggression, and problems with authority as character flaws. It's notable when Amon outmatches her the first time it scares her intensely because it's apparently the first time she's experienced any real brush with death or permanent consequences. Later she ends up with what seems to be PTSD due a combination of a nearly getting killed by the Red Lotus along with apparent lingering nerve damage from mercury poisoning.
>>28590 >Why the fuck would anyone put a deaf soldier or general on the frontlines? Target practice >>28602 >Aang learned elements other than Air in less than a year while most other benders seem to require years of training at least to achieve the same level of skill with their element. You forget that Aang either tied to do things his own way or shortcut the process, on several occasions. Like that time he tried to learn firebending from Jeong Jeong and burned Katara because he thought he his teacher was treating him like a child. Or, when was being a wuss about Toph teaching him. Or, when Guru Pathik was teaching him to control the avatar state, and he rejected the final step. Or, how the entire premise of the show is that he run away from his responsibilities. Korra, after learning how to airbend (IOW, the first season), never really encounters any problems with her personality that she really has to overcome. >Even the Kyoshi books have her learning very quickly or displaying innate talent for bending she hasn't been trained in. Are these the same books that make Kiyoshi a dyke?
>>28602 Again, Korra knew 3 elements, without any prior training, as a toddler.
>>28603 >Korra, after learning how to airbend (IOW, the first season), never really encounters any problems with her personality that she really has to overcome. It seemed like she still had issues with the spiritual aspects of being the Avatar even after learning airbending and it's repeatedly shown she's not great at dealing with things she can't brute force her way through or the social role of being Avatar. I think she makes a good contrast to Aang in this regard. Aang has difficulties with violence and responsibility and even seems like if given the option he'd prefer not to be the Avatar, but at the same time he's shown to handle diplomacy and talking to people a lot better than Korra. Korra on the other hand has been told she's special from a young age while being sheltered in White Lotus compounds for most of her life. It's affected her ego and people skills noticeably. Her personality and the problems she encounters indicates she wouldn't know what to do with herself if she wasn't the Avatar or couldn't bend. >>28604 I don't get the problem with this? We see this for about a minute when she's four, then there's a 13 year time skip where she's apparently been spending most of her life being trained and watched over by the White Lotus. It's not like she's competing meaningfully as a four year old with anyone who has actual training. The Red Lotus even tried to kidnap her within a year of that scene. Also Benders displaying their powers at a young age is not unusual from what's shown. Toph was five when she first encounters the Badgermoles and did show at least some natural ability at that point. Katara is eight when the Fire Nation came to her village looking for remaining waterbenders and her mother at least knew about Katara being a bender at that point so likely had been showing the power for some time before that at least. Azula was considered a prodigy years before the series even starts. Meelo is shown to be skilled with airbending at age five. Beyond that we're repeatedly shown children being able to bend so it doesn't seem unusual for bending to manifest at a young age.
>>28605 Nigger how?! A toddler with no training OR GUIDANCE FROM PAST LIVES should not just know two other elements they weren't born into. Aang didn't even know he was the avatar until he was 10. Natural ability in one's own nation's element isn't the same as a water tribe avatar just knowing fire & earth just because.
>>28605 >Toph was five when she first encounters the Badgermoles and did show at least some natural ability at that point. Except she was trained by the original Earthbenders, who haven't had their talent and teachings diluted over thousands of years civilization. >Katara is eight when the Fire Nation came to her village looking for remaining waterbenders and her mother at least knew about Katara being a bender at that point so likely had been showing the power for some time before that at least. Except for the fact that, almost half of the first season is about how she only knows how to play with her bending, but never actually use it. In fact, there was an entire episode dedicated to her going on about how the playful things she did took months to even perform, and was envious when Aang learned all her tricks in a single afternoon. >Azula was considered a prodigy years before the series even starts. And, she's also being trained by the best firebending masters. And, even then, you see Zuko struggling at the same stage, despite receiving the same training and actually being older. >Meelo is shown to be skilled with airbending at age five. Korra doesn't count for this argument. >Beyond that we're repeatedly shown children being able to bend so it doesn't seem unusual for bending to manifest at a young age. There's a difference between using their bending and actually CONTROLLING it. Going back to the example of Zuko, he struggled with his bending the ENTIRE course of the series. Yes, he had the power, but he wasn't able to actually use it. Using the examples of other children in the series, none of them really used their bending for anything constructive until they entered their teenage years.
>>28606 >>28607 Why is literally less than 30 seconds of four year old Korra bending three different elements a problem? It's not like she even shows any major feats there when compared with actual trained benders or benders in the series in general. The most impressive thing she does there is bust through an earthen wall, move a few liters of water, and throw some fireballs and rocks that don't look any bigger than footballs. We're repeatedly shown characters that have actually trained to move far more of their element than this and also do far more complex things. LoK certainly has its flaws, but this seems like a weird thing to complain about since while she's the Avatar she's not doing anything ridiculously overpowered in that scene and we are shown children that aren't the Avatar about that age doing similar things with individual elements.
>>28608 Because, for the 50th time, it's the first display of Korra being a Mary Sue. Objectively a Mary Sue. How are you this dense?
>>28602 Aang was under a time limit that he had to master the elements in a year or else the fire lord would have conquered the Earth Kingdom. That's like saying Luke learning the Force after only a few months on Dagobah with Yoda during a galactic rebellion is mary sueish.
>>28610 No Luke still wasn't a force master & nearly fell to the dark side if not collecting himself last minute. Aang likewise still needed time to train twice to master the elements & his own emotions. Even then he couldn't face Ozai without being given guidance by the lion turtle because he refused the idea of having to kill. See that's the difference. Training & struggle. Korra does neither. Going to grown up Korra, she just learns air bending with no problem just because. Without any technique in air bending. Just punch good but somehow that's enough. She's a Mary Sue.
You guys do realize that there's a 13 year time skip between the scene here >>28608 and the rest of the series. She's trained longer than Aang and has known she's the Avatar longer. It doesn't seem surprising that Korra is more skilled than Aang in AtLA by the time she comes to Republic city. Michael Dante DiMartino mentioned in an interview that bending normally manifests early and if it hasn't happened by the time puberty hits the person is unlikely to ever be a bender. https://web.archive.org/web/20120611152632/https://www.avatarspirit.net/interviews.php?id=19 Even AtLA gave indication that normal benders can benefit studying techniques of elements not their own. Iroh developed lightning redirection from. Eventually picking up Airbending more easily because she's effectively mastered the other three elements doesn't seem like much of a stretch. >>28610 Yeah, Aang was under more pressure and it is shown Korra was rather sheltered and insulated from the outside world by comparison even though she knew she was the Avatar earlier. I think people tend to forget that while Korra was under less pressure for much of her life she also had more than a decade of professional training in everything except Airbending by the time she gets to Republic City. She was watched over by the White Lotus from a very young age and there's no reason to think that they wouldn't try to give her the best training available and practical due to being the Avatar. Aang was 12 at the start of AtLA and had the tattoos indicating mastery of Airbending, but he was also only training in Airbending for most of his life and had to cram what should have been years of training into a single year to save the world I think if Aang had more than one Airbender child from the start or Airbenders had started appearing in the world earlier like they did in Season 3 at least Korra probably would have learned Airbending earlier. At least part of her difficulty with it is probably because for most of her life the number of Airbenders in the world could be counted on one hand. >>28609 >Objectively a Mary Sue. I think you're confusing objective and subjective. AtLA/LoK do have some flaws, but it seems like a lot of people just throw around "Mary Sue" for characters they don't like rather than ones that are actually terribly written. >>28612 A lot of people thought the Lion Turtle teaching Aang Energybending was a cop out that allowed Aang to avoid any actual tough moral decision. Even when he's talking with previous Avatars they straight up tell him he's going to have to kill Ozai for good of the world. Part of it was it being a show on Nickelodeon, but just giving the character a new power to avoid compromising his principles felt cheap. What's even weirder about that is that there are are several scenes throughout the series where Aang and allies are shown fighting Fire Nation soldiers in a way that would have seriously injured them if it didn't kill them or being part of attacks that people certainly died in. The deaths just aren't shown on screen. How many people did Aang and company kill just fighting off the Fire Nation at the Northern Air Temple? A bunch of soldiers fell off that mountain. I find it hard to believe there weren't any major casualties during the attack on the Fire Nation capital on the Day of Black Sun either.
>>28614 No. Absolutely objective. >knows 3 elements as a toddler >learned airbending because lol emotions even though that goes against airbending basics >can use said airbending techniques despite putting no effort in the training & has no actual martial technique >retconned to literally be a spirit of good bonded to a human reincarnated every lifetime >even when she loses her connection to past avatars, she just somehow gets them all back >dates all her friends, manipulates all of them emotionally, treats her teacher like shit, & gets away with all of it
>>28608 >Why is literally less than 30 seconds of four year old Korra bending three different elements a problem? Because she already doesn't need training to use the elements. >>28614 >She's trained longer than Aang and has known she's the Avatar longer. No, Aang was an airbendeing master before he was even a teenager. That's the purpose of his damn tattoos. >It doesn't seem surprising that Korra is more skilled than Aang in AtLA by the time she comes to Republic city. Yes, it does. Aang was a prodigy, who even struggled with learning Earth and Fire. Even Roku had to go on a journey, which took several years, to learn his elements, and he was an adult, yet he never displayed any ability with the other elements. Why can a toddler utilize three elements before she even meets her teachers? >Michael Dante DiMartino mentioned in an interview After LoK already released. Never at any time prior during the airing of TLA. >Even AtLA gave indication that normal benders can benefit studying techniques of elements not their own. Iroh developed lightning redirection from. Which was a dangerous technique that would possibly kill anyone who didn't perform the motions properly. Contrast that with Zuko's failed attempts to create lightening that only resulted in him being blasted away. >Eventually picking up Airbending more easily because she's effectively mastered the other three elements doesn't seem like much of a stretch. Except, the point of the entire first season is that she has personal problems that prevent her from mastering airbending (Problems that never manifest ever again). In fact, that was also a big point of TLA, where Aang has to confront time and time again that all the different elements have resulted in different teachings and lifestyles, along with different conflicts that he has to confront. The airbenders aim to detach themselves from the world and avoid conflict, the earthbenders directly confront conflict and are several attached to worldy affairs, the firebenders are nationalistic and focussed upon progress and life, meanwhile the waterbenders are tribal and focus on preserving their traditions and culture. All these aspects are what builds the foundations of the world and how people act. At the end of the first season, Katara confronts her grandfather about the fact that she doesn't want to participate in the traditional beliefs of the Northern Watertribe. Going back to Toph, she's extremely brash and direct, which directly contrast's Aang's character. In the third season, there was the fact that the entire gang was planning on holding off on fighting Ozai because Aang was afraid that he wasn't ready. >Aang was under more pressure and it is shown Korra was rather sheltered and insulated from the outside world by comparison even though she knew she was the Avatar earlier. Except, she already using three elements without any training. Which is an even bigger issue as you need to have some mastery over one element before the avatar can progress to the other. Did Korra have older earthbending and firebending friends in the South Pole? >I think people tend to forget that while Korra was under less pressure for much of her life she also had more than a decade of professional training in everything except Airbending by the time she gets to Republic City. Wasn't a big part of the reason why she went to Republic City was because she wasn't progressing with the airbending training that she did receive in the South Pole, and they figured having her acclimate on Airbender Island would provide different results? >A lot of people thought the Lion Turtle teaching Aang Energybending was a cop out that allowed Aang to avoid any actual tough moral decision. It was, but it was also intended as a setup for the made-for-TV film about Zuko finding his mother, until all the budget was dedicated to producing LoK and the story being rewritten for a comic.
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>>28636 Always the mentally ill haircut.
>>28636 Well, there was The PJs. But Lee Hardcastle makes better horror claymations.
>>28636 she looks like an ayy lmao. and that hairstyle is DISGUSTING. Why ARE niggers so ugly?
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>>28647 >>28648 I thought they cancelled this shit.
>>28647 Looks and sounds God fucking Awful. Im going back to forgetting it exists.
>>28649 Nope. It somehow survived the purge so far.
>>28651 Can it not maybe?
>>28652 We're not allowed good things anymore.
>>28647 >>28648 Is this by the same people who did Avatar:TLA/LoK, Thundercats 2011, and/or Voltron?
>>28654 Says produced by WB animation but a guy from Voltron is a producer.
>>28601 >The idiots like >>28598 and >>28600 undermine opposing arguments with their bumblingly incompetent protests that fail to levy any sort concrete criticism What are you on about?
This is the Superman design itself. It's fucking terrible.
>>28660 Why do they always get rid of the red shorts? They're a nice way to break up the blue and add more color.
>>28662 Because they're "silly".
>>28663 The whole fucking concept is silly.
>>28664 Yes and that's what makes it fun. However DC & WB don't understand what fun or respect is anymore. Everyone has to reinvent the wheel.
>>28647 >Mister Mxyzptlk looks like DBZ character instead of his trademark bowler hat and suit and for some reason they felt the need to add "Think Q from Star Trek, but way more destructive"? instead of noting to use older comics and shows to get an idea of Mxyzptlik >Silver Banshee is member of Intergang and gets her powers from technology instead of a supernatural source making it seem like they were trying to make a teen female version of Shriek from Batman Beyond >Jimmy Olsen is yet again a victim of ginger erasure >Absolutely no mention of Intergang being run by Mannheim under control of Apokolips Just... why? >>28657 I just assumed Anon was referring to the repeated cries of "MARY SUE" without giving any other major criticism.
>>28666 Actually, Satan, they made him look like Wilykit & Wilykat.
>>28561 >>28601 Avatar was always relatively SJW. Things have just gotten so bad that it looks better by comparison now. There was feminist shit from the first episode, but modern stuff is so bad with it that even people who loved the original are fed up with the new stuff.
>>28668 >There was feminist shit from the first episode There's "feminist shit" where the women are always right and the men are always wrong, and then there's just people acting like "assholes" (Justified or not).
You know what'll solve DC & WB losing so much money they outright vaulted a movie to get a tax break? More propaganda!
>>28670 Is it really that hard to write a fight scene? I mean how do you fuck that up.
>>28671 Write? No. Draw? Depends on the artist. Problem here is this is a short anthology collection of random stories. So they all had very limited space.
>>28672 Well. They used 90% of their space to show a dude sitting on a bleacher. That was a choice they made to not use the room they had.
>>28673 Yeah shockingly I don't think this story about a nonbinary child faggot is well made. Crazy I know.
>>28660 If it ain't broke you shouldn't fix it. >>28662 What I want to know is why the artstyle is anime? I like anime, but I watch japanese shows for japanese stuff. I want a western artstyle for western shows, and we used to have good looking western style before calarts. If they want to be inspired my anime it should be minor. The pattern of replacing gingers with niggers is weirdly prevalent even considering the current agenda. You'd think they'd just replace white characters in general to avoid people noticing such a pattern.
>>28676 Yet they keep doing it. This whole Superman cartoon, Superman Rebirth, the entire Snyderverse, & every single attempt at doing Batman in live action (save for Adam West) are the big offenders of trying to remake the wheel.
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>>28676 I'd argue this is more inspired by Avatar the Last Airbender than any actual anime. Albeit it looks like they saw how good that art style was softened it up for a slice of life cartoon, didn't bother making noticeable and distinct designs and then slapped it onto an action cartoon.
>>28656 >a guy from Voltron is a producer I have no hopes for it.
>>28670 This guy wants to be gangraped by fat perverts while dressed like a maid? Its that what young gays are into these days?
>>28680 No he wants to dress like a lesbian & get backpats on twitter.
>>28660 >>28678 That's fuckin bolin
>>28682 No this is fucking Bolin. :^)
>>28683 I already knew it ws the dude before i scrolled all the way down
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>>28684 Well yeah, they have subtle differences, i mostly told them apart because the girl is wearing makeup and the dude isnt and she has some things in her hair, but you can notice some differences when you take a closer look. >different shaped coats >dude's pants are baggier while the girl's are tight >the dude is wearing a bigger belt
>>28685 And Desna has the fatter ass.
>>28670 >"I'm non-binary" >pink hair Why does "non-binary" always seem to mean "faggot?"
>>28688 Because they're bigger attention seeking faggots than the whores at pride parades dancing like strippers in BDSM gear.
>>28666 No, neither of the posts I cited provided logical arguments though one of them did, incorrectly, call Toph a Mary Sue, playing DIRECTLY and EXACTLY into the argument that he was trying to refute! Now look at >>28590 , notice how he dismisses a core tenet of the contrived leftist argument casually with the first line of his post. As an aside, the only "handicapped" member of the "Gaang" is Sokka. Even the Twittard in the picture of this >>28561 post does a better job of refuting the argument AND HE IS A FAGGOT NORMONGREL THAT POSTS ON FUCKING TWITTER! Hey, let's say the creators of the Avatar series write that Korra was able to intuitively grasp bending from such a young age because the ghosts of avatars past gave her astral training while she was spending a ton of time sleeping as a baby to try and make things easier after seeing how rough Aang had it, does that put back into the story the opportunities for character growth and development which the avatar training cycle created in the first place? And hey, I guess it is okay to have shitty characters so long as they never get their issues resolved, at least one fucktard I cited seems to think so! I'm not going to go into everything the posters I cited did wrong because part of the problem is that they're not figuring things out for themselves, but I'm begging you, don't bother making an argument if you're literally just going to agree with your opponent like >>28668.
>>28692 The post made perfect sense. Toph is more of a side character that the main three. A character doesn’t need to have flaws or even a character arc depending on what position they serve in a given story. That’s not to say Toph doesn’t have flaws or an arc herself, but rather that that even if she didn’t it would still be a false equivalence to equate her to say korra
>>27852 So... who wants to see Shulkie's alleged tits? I'm wondering if there's a point but I might be persuaded to color her green in photoshop.
>>28696 Disappointing.
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New E;R Whorra video dropped. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=_cRYDLNBOJ8
>>28647 >legal shota mr. mxyzptlk i... eh
>>28709 He's a being from another dimension. Laws don't apply to him.
>>28710 But taste still does.
>>28711 He could simply make you find his cosmic shota body attractive.
>>28712 Now that is terrifying.
>>28696 >lesbian sex scenes aren't for the male-gaze Lol, I remember when all the porn sites used to upload lesbian porn in the straight section of their sites.
Why? >>28700 Unrealistic standards. Unless Marvel really have the "be as flat as possible" request for actresses, I see more people lusting over Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston and Chris Evans than any actress, except Scarlett Johansson and Elizabeth Olsen.
>>28715 >image Aren't men just terrible with their horrid cat calling & sexism? Definitely not hypocritical to do this.
>>28716 >Definitely not hypocritical to do this. Not at all, twerking it's a "liberating" and "rebellious" dance for a lot of feminists.
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>>28715 >MSheU is pro woman and decidedly feminist >twerking Pic one, Feige, you fucking cuckold.
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>>28700 >Disappointing. Then shame on you for getting your expectations up. You should have known better and set your sights accordingly.
>>28718 Twerking its a feminist dance now.
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>>28717 >twerking it's a "liberating" and "rebellious" dance for a lot of feminists. It's the blacks copying baboon mating dances by offering their swollen asses to whomever comes along while they're in heat. Unfortunately, white women being easily influenced decided to copy this lower primate behavior. >>28720 >Twerking its a feminist dance now. I believe you, because whatever feminists can't stop, they adopt, but it's still a disgusting and subhuman practice.
>>28669 Yes… and that's exactly what he's saying. You're okay with literal feminist propaganda that goes against natural fucking law simply because it's not as bad as newer propaganda. This is literally how the Overton Window works, dude.
>>28719 I can expect nothing & still be disappointed. I've been doing it my whole life.
>>28721 >but it's still a disgusting and subhuman practice. As a hopeless coomer I can't find anything more degrading yet willingly voluntary for a woman to do, I'm also into NTR and ugly bastard shit, a total bottom-tier taste.
>>28721 It's like how they say whoring themselves out is liberating. It's almost like feminism was just some guy's scheme to get laid.
>>28725 >I can't find anything more degrading yet willingly voluntary for a woman to do Sucking a dick?
>>28738 Nah. Eating ass is more degrading.
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>>28738 Unless that dick is unwashed and covered in smegma like every early 2000's hentai for some godforsaken reason, then fellatio isn't degrading it's basically a secondary purpose for women behind making kids and making dinner.
>>28715 This is ok but pic related isnt, what a gay fucking timeline.
>>28762 >This is ok but pic related isnt Again, there is a whole ass SJW background in twerking now, for their perspective its not sexual in the slightest.
>>28725 >>28765 Clearly the play here is to make it as sexual as possible. If everyone starts furiously masturbating to she hulk twerking then maybe they'll see twerking as shameful again. #cocksoutforshehulk
>>28766 A lot of people simply find it cringe and repellent, not sexy. Also there is another people making fun of who is against it saying that women scares them.
>>28757 If you don't think suckling on a penis is degrading, then good luck finding anything degrading.
>>28766 Anon there's easier ways to ask for dick pics.
I'm sure we all know Hollywood awards are joke, but Boseman won a post humous emmy for that one episode of What If that wanks Tchalla as some sort of Jesus like figure to the point of absurdity. This was the episode where Thanos was simply reasoned with to give up his plans with the Infinity Stones and joined the Ravagers after abandoning his forces, the Ravagers are a lot nicer and some sort of Robin Hood like gang for some reason despite being basically mercenaries and bounty hunters and referenced as abusing and even threatening to eat Quill repeatedly as a child, somehow Tchalla is capable of superhuman physical abilities comparable to Quill despite never being exposed to the heart shaped herb which ignores Quill's physical feats (such as touching the Power Stone without being vaporized) are likely due to being half celestial more than anything else, and random things like Gamora, Rocket, Groot, and Mantis getting no explanation where they are and Nebula inexplicably lacking visible cybernetics while having long blond hair so she ends up looking like alien Smurfette. I still don't understand why a studio wouldn't ask for a health check up for someone they intend to be part of a long running franchise just so they don't have to deal with an actor suddenly not being able to play a character they have plans for that may span years. The MCU may as well be effectively dead after Endgame, but it's perplexing that the guy knew he had stage 3 cancer when he was cast and no one in the production asked about any potential health problems.
>>28791 >I still don't understand why a studio wouldn't ask for a health check up for someone they intend to be part of a long running franchise just so they don't have to deal with an actor suddenly not being able to play a character they have plans for that may span years. Because they wanted him to die so they'd have a better excuse to replace him with a woman. >The MCU may as well be effectively dead after Endgame Don't worry, everyone else agrees.
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>>28800 >only negro feline has a problem with his name being butchered >the dude he is speaking to obviously has to talk through a translator, so he's not even voicing a complaint in a recognizable tongue >basically just said "negro feline" back to the translation tongue and sounds like a disabled kid who has to say his name when he hears it >creature that has no concept of human language is using terms of what seem to be a random etymology to describe all of the characters >aryan comes from northern india pre-darkie >negro is a south american term >jingo is a british term >king is an anglo-saxon term >hottie could either be a reference to the south african hottentots or he is literally just calling the woman a hottie, which spits in the face of his use of very long and elaborate words Lol/
>>28800 >Donald Trump with giant pink elephants is the villain We're coming upon two years after he left, and they still cannot let it go.
>>28803 Trump derangement syndrome should be classified as a real psychosis. They're demonized some dumpy little old man with a bad tan just because he dared say "America First".
>>28800 I always wondered how they are going to butcher Blade, he seems pretty independent of all this shit as long as I know.
>>28808 I can't wait for marvel to have the balls to write a deadpool comic where they actually openly criticize all the virtue signalling that's happening in their respective comics There could be a sort of round up where characters are telling him how he's white and privileged and wouldn't know anything about how they've struggled, only to inform all of them that they are basically sockpuppets being written by hispanics, jews, muslims, and sometimes white dudes to push some agenda for a money making scheme. He could point fingers at how every part of their struggles has just been to gain some validity for political turmoil within the US while manufacturing some wider message about how "black people should have power too" or "women aren't just sex objects," noting also how that hasn't even been commonplace since the fourties.
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>>28800 Mannnn... Joker's really let himself go.
>>28757 >talks like a negro >looks like spic What sorcery is this?!
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>>28812 >I can't wait for marvel to have the balls to write a deadpool comic where they actually openly criticize all the virtue signalling that's happening in their respective comics You're going to have to. Even if Marvel was willing to admit they spent the last 10 years fucking up, Disney would never let them.
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Source is Dark Crisis: Young Justice #2: https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Dark-Crisis-Young-Justice/Issue-2?id=202207#1 Context is the team is trapped in an illusion dimension based on the 90s, which acts as an extended excuse for the writer (Meghan Fitzmartin if you want to look her up) to claim anyone who liked Tim Drake with Stephanie Brown instead of him being gay with the pink-haired literal-who is homophobic, that the old days are racist sexist yadda, and retconning Arrowette's reasoning for leaving heroics (from accidentally murdering a man and wanting to leave her mother's shadow) to claiming that she didn't want to be in the shadow of young male heroes who had everything given to them...ignoring how that defines her by her male colleagues even more than her original reason of trauma and getting out from uner a parent who put her up to this to start. TL;DR: If you want to go back to the days when YJ was "fun", you're a shitlord. You know the most ironic part for this blatant disrespect for the work of Peter David, without whom this Meghan bitch wouldn't even have her soapbox, while standing on his goddamn shoulders? This issue has a tribute to Neal Adams.
>>28824 Isn't it great how movies & comics have no respect for the original comics that built them up? Isn't it great they talk down to all the fans of the original materials? That's how you run a business, amirite?!?
>>28824 Wow, the claim that even SJW hate bisexuality seems to be true.
>>28647 When the fuck did WilyKit become Supreme Kai?
>>28800 >Pink Elephant
>>28828 Wilykat copied his sister's hairstyle then became Buu. >>28829 Darkman did nothing wrong.
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>>28824 >It's wrong to fight women, even if it's a psychopathic woman with the power to cause people to explode >It's wrong to fight colored people, even if they are literally trying to nuke the United States >It's wrong to fight a guy who's trying REALLY HARD to control his cancer-emitting powers, because, like, he's doing the best he can, y'know? 10 years later, and I still want to hurt these people. Not physically, but actually breaking them like Bane broke the Bat. I want them brought so low that even the word "comic" makes them collapse into the fetal position in a pool of their own piss and vomit. TEN. FUCKING. YEARS. A decade of something that afforded us a little escape from this shit-pebble of a planet being turned into propaganda for faggots.
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>>28852 >I only remember fighting people the Justice League didn't understand, like women, Like Wonder Woman? >people from other countries, Like Wonder Woman? >folks who were just doing their best. Yet were committing crimes? Is 'doing your best' an excuse to commit crimes now?
>>28859 Does Diana fight a lot of foreigners? I know she had a notable amount of female villains like Cheetah.
>>28856 Incredibly cursed. These are great edits though.
Why does everything about black characters have to be so niggerfied? On top of that, the character designs are just so ugly. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=KNUZsLfAMqk
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>>28863 Because all the preogressive cult has a fetish with the negroes of the USA, therefore all inclusiveness is always white women and niggers, because theres no other non-white people in the world but them. For example, look at people complaining that 40k isnt inclusive, yet they choose to ignora that one of the founding space marine legions are literal space mongolians on motorbikes, because that isnt the "woke" kind of inclusion.
>>28864 Hell 40K is where you can be as inclusive as you want. Crippled? You're a cyborg now. Black, asian, or hispanic? Who cares? You're a soldier now. It's a universe of endless warfare. Superficial traits of race don't matter unless you're not human.
>>28864 Don't know shit about Warhammer, but its weird how the fanbase its half "supremacists" and half horny/quirky "Tumblr Tards".
>>28868 Because neither of those things are true. The tumblr tards pretend to like things for the purposes of calling the people who actually like them "supremacists" and then ruining the thing. They do it all the time, including to comics and cartoons. How have you not caught on?
>>28869 He's probably not from here, that's how.
>>28869 Games Workshop ARE the tumblrtards.
>>28871 Eh its kind of split, because then you get a bunch of black library authors and the fags from the community team getting fired over the "you will not be missed" stunt.
>>28872 Problem is the company still fucked over fans by copyrighting fan made content & hiring an animator just so they own his fan animation. Putting him to work on terrible low framerate animations to promote the tabletop.
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>>28873 That is correct but that is also GW being as jewish as usual, not the modern kind of jewery that wont even let us have cool story about space aryan man finding his faith in the god emperor.
>>28874 It's only a matter of time.
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>>28859 >Is 'doing your best' an excuse to commit crimes now? Only if you're a liberal.
>>28863 >black girl has two shoulder devils instead of one devil and one angel Why am I not surprised?
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>>28860 >Does Diana fight a lot of foreigners? Technically, that's ALL she fights. She's from a mystical Greek island where the women are too busy scissoring and complaining about Ares to actually fight each other.
>>28877 They're not her literal conscience, I think. but actual demons that are attached to her for some reason. Kinda makes the demonization of the church here make no sense.
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>>28869 >The tumblr tards pretend to like things for the purposes of calling the people who actually like them "supremacists" and then ruining the thing. Which, in fact, is the ONLY game they play. And they play it professionally in the sense that they get paid.
>>28879 >but actual demons that are attached to her for some reason She probably said "BLACK LIVES MATTER" three times into a mirror.
>>28864 It's the same kind of thought that turned Chief Thunder from a cyberpunk future biker with American Indian heritage into a stereotypical 1700s era treenigger in nuKI and all in the name of inclusion.
>>28824 >last pannel superboy starts to swallow the red pill I really want him to realize that, it's all a matrix where Robin Is a faggot and all
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>>28903 I want to walk into the DC offices and say "Put it back." And they'll all be confused and say "Put what back?" And I'll lean across the desk and say "ALL of it. Put it all back the way you found it. NOW." And they'll start to laugh. But they won't laugh for long.
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Capeshit movies are terrible & should be mocked as much if not moreso than comics.
>>28920 Wow, christian bale is actually putting in some work for that one-shot role. >actually tells a stupid cunt to shut the fuck up while he's reasoning why exactly the gods are all fucked up >thor who started as a mass murderer, learned that's not okay to do, became a gladiator, got his world snapped by a dude he was literally in the middle of cleaving in half, became sad and mopey and fat instead of doing any sort of atonement, wasn't even the reason the earth was saved the second time over, wasn't the one who gave his life to save the earth the third time I haven't seen this movie but from what I have seen thor seems to have regressed his character arc. Christian bale also looks like he's doing a better job of being loki than the show.
>>28921 He's hamming it up too much. It's laughable but this is supposed to be a serious scene in an unfittingly comedic movie.
>>28922 >unfittingly comedic he was probably given direction to do joker-level crazy and just worked with the script he was given. Given how the rest of the film is it would seem that most of the people in it didn't care to say "Yeah but shouldn't we be taking thor a bit seriously" because it's funny lightning god. I would say all told he's just meeting the expectation the directors set for the movie.
>>28923 I'd believe it's poor direction but this is the same man who swallowed gravel to do Batman's voice. So while mostly likely column A is true, I wouldn't rule out a bit of column B either.
>>28924 His Batman voice was thought through as a character element. Yeah it sounds fake, but it doesn't sound like Bruce Wayne. That's the point. Nolan (Bravo Be Upon Him) was going for extreme verisimilitude, and the voice was part of that. Waititi is just a retard and a bad director.
>>28925 There's "hey disguise your voice by sounding different" then there's constant death metal growl talking. It's fucking stupid & impossible to understand. Plus if the logic was to hide his identity, you'd think he'd actually use and keep lenses that cover his eyes. I will agree with you on Taika though. Fuck that guy.
>>28920 >First webm Did Thor unironically lead an army of children to the slaughter as pawns? >>28921 >Wow, christian bale is actually putting in some work for that one-shot role. He always does that. Even when he's angry with the direction of a film (Terminator: Salvation), he still takes his job serious. >>28923 >Given how the rest of the film is it would seem that most of the people in it didn't care to say "Yeah but shouldn't we be taking thor a bit seriously" because it's funny lightning god. That was the problem I had with Ragnarok, and I cannot think of a single person who enjoyed that movie.
>>28928 Seems like it.
Here's your new Snow White. Brought to you by Disney.
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>>28920 I am cursed with family and friends who are normals. >"Hey, we're all going to Thor: Love and Thunder! You coming?" >"No, it looks awful." >"Well, we're still going." >"When you give your money to a bad product, you are telling them you want MORE bad product." >"Why are you such a killjoy?" >"Why do you not vote with your wallet?" >"Uh, whatever. Have fun staying at home while the rest of us have fun." >"Thanks for once again making me choose between a social life and my principles."
>>28974 Can't really help that. Family are gonna be stubborn & ignorant. Friends can at least try to be reasoned with but it becomes more difficult the more normalfag they are.
>chance to do something serious in the horror genre >tongue in cheek hokey old school parody tone instead Great. That's just what I want in my werewolf stories. Not like something actual scary & serious would be cool for Halloween. Werewolf By Night looks more like fucking Teen Wolf.
>>28925 >Waititi you mean Taika David Cohen?
>>29007 Yeah the filthy self described "polynesian jew".
MCU versions of Werewolf By Night, Man Thing, & a Midnight Angel suit.
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>>29015 >Midnight Angel Looks, uh, familiar.
>>29017 Black people can't stop stealing everything.
>>28973 >new Snow White Gal Gadot is playing the Evil Queen. I hate her as an actor because of how incredibly wooden her acting often is. The only reason people cast her in anything is because she's a model not because of acting ability. There's also that her playing Wonder Woman always felt off to me because of how un-Wonder Woman like her build is. I'd love if a live action female super hero was actually cast as looking like some MMA fighter or one of the more athletic stunt women who often are more fit looking than the actual actresses. The 1970s Wonder Woman series had its charm but even that bugged me because comics often portray Diana as at least more athletic looking. It's like they forgot what Amazonian actually means in terms of a female build. Considering how they turned remake Maleficant into a weird anti-villain I'm expecting the Evil Queen is going to be presented as more sympathetic in this remake despite her motivation in the original folklore and the Disney animation and also various other adaptations of the public domain story as being out of vindictive vanity and jealousy.
>>29025 They only cast her because she's a jew willing to do anything they tell her. Actual fit women aren't allowed. Producers only get off to women if they look like teenage boys or malnourished twinks. More than likely yes.
>>29025 >I'd love if a live action female super hero was actually cast as looking like some MMA fighter or one of the more athletic stunt women who often are more fit looking than the actual actresses. A Carano She-Hulk would've definitely been better. But, nope.
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>>29042 >A Carano She-Hulk would've definitely been better. She already got burned once by Disneytards. I don't think she'd be eager to get back in bed with them unless there was a LOT of money. That said, I'm considering playing around with Photoshop to make her green for... reasons
>>29045 People like her believe in "Once bitten, twice as shy." So she won't. I doubt that they could even get Rousey to do cameo in whatever. Because Gina is well respected in her field.
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>>29042 >>29045 They really shat the bed there. Had they left gina carano alone, they could have had their musclegirl for she-hulk (and one people like at that) and they wouldnt have left a bad taste for star wars fans YET again for getting rid of their rebel musclegirl. But no, gotta protect trannies.
>>29049 Of course they do. Because they gotta groom kids somehow. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=CYwTKGZuYV4 https://yewtu.be/watch?v=TwyS1aKcHTE
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>>28863 You want a totally inaccurate portrait made by racist and sexist men?
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>>29054 Love Japanis for this this one.
>>29047 >People like her believe in "Once bitten, twice as shy." They also believe in triumphant returns to reclaim their belt. I'd crawl through broken glass to lick her bra strap. It will depend on whether Favreau has the power that they keep demanding to keep Kunty Kathy Kennedy away from the set. Favreau fucked up by leaving BoBF in Filoni's hands, and Filoni is an absolute pussy when it comes to fighting for anything but his waifu, Asoka. Kennedy marched in and that's how we ended up with humans who replaced their body parts with DROID parts and drove mod scooters all over Tatooine.
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>>29057 Dont forget she was the postergirl for red alert 3. Also, really, what the fuck happened with BoBF and obi-wan? They had it good with mandalorian and then just fucked up!
>>29066 Book of Boba Fett had a lot of terrible effects, broke the lore several times over, & gave us more CGI AI voice generated Luke Skywalker. Obi-Wan was just all around incompetent. Shockingly, it was made a woman. Some chinese bitch named Deborah Chow gave us these horrid Inquisitor cosplays, laughably terrible acting, & AI voice generated Darth Vader. Cool that Hayden Christensen came back but they made no effort to digitally de-age him. Just pure incompetence.
>>29068 They just shit on people's mouth nowadays, dont they?
>>29069 Yep. All over the audience & everything George Lucas created.
>>29070 I mean that they are utterly incapable of producing anything but shit and demand that you like said shit.
>>29105 Welcome to hollywood.
>>29109 >>29108 God, I hate the low frame rate cancer that Spiderverse unleashed upon the world of animation. Does it even save any money here? This is just a sappy love story. Most of it is people talking to each other. This requires rather limited animation, so there is no need for a constant use of animation on threes or twos. It never looks good. A lot of people excuse it by claiming that anime and old stop motion do it. Yes, but they fluctuate frame rates as needed to make everything look as good as possible with limited resources. If scene involves a lot of movement, it will be animated on ones to make sure it's fluid. Animating on twos and threes is not constant. Lastly, why does this look so cheap. Kid Cudi is not a small name. Sturgil Simpson's Sound and Fury was animated far better. Simpson has a maybe a third of Cudi's net worth and his animation was action heavy. Yet it still looked much, much better than this.
>>29111 >Does it even save any money here? Since it's all 3D rendering, no. It's nothing more than a drop-box option in the software they're using.
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>>29111 >God, I hate the low frame rate cancer that Spiderverse unleashed upon the world of animation. Does it even save any money here? I always figured they were going for some sort of weird "stop motion" look. You mean it WASN'T deliberate?
>>29114 For Spider-verse, I assume the logic was that it was to "replicate" comic book panels but also the instability of the multiverse colliding. For Entergalactic though there's zero reason other than "style".
>>29057 The only thing that got real fans interested in The Mandalorian was Baby Yoda. Matter of fact, they can(should) give Gina the lead role, and just make the whole thing about her character and The Child. Filoni should be kept away as well. Because he did do absolutely nothing to keep his waifu's Asian love interest. >>29068 >Book of Boba Fett had a lot of terrible effects, broke the lore several times over, & gave us more CGI AI voice generated Luke Skywalker. Obi-Wan was just all around incompetent. Just like the others in their caliber, they claim to be such huge fans. But never have they read any of the now non-canon novels and comics. And they won't do this due to what was originally set in stone making more sense than what they're coming up with. >>29108 Almost makes me want to watch Twatlight. >Twinklight
>>29124 >The only thing that got real fans interested in The Mandalorian was Baby Yoda. I liked it because space western.
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>>29124 >underestimating the popularity of Mandalorians >he thinks it was just the baby that got people interested Faggot
>>29127 Baby Yoda was the larger normalnigger appealing factor than Din.
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>>29128 Grogu was just the most merchandised aspect.
>>29129 Exactly. Cute characters sell.
>>29129 It's hard to take the name Grogu seriously. I keep thinking of the American Dad character whenever it's said. I still think it's intentional considering the name wasn't revealed until the second season, nearly two years after Rogu's first appearance. Aside from it being a toyetic character child sidekicks/companions to the more serious hero have been a thing since the early days of comics. Batman and Robin are one of the earliest examples. Stan Lee actually disliked kid sidekicks which is why there's so few of them in Marvel compared with DC. Bucky Barnes is an exception because Jack Kirby disagreed.
>>29125 As a western buff I can agree. Maybe not a Deadwood. But with a little tweaking it could be up there with Have Gun, Will Travel. >>29127 Not to turn this into a Star Wars thread. But, knowing about Mandalorians, it would have been better to pair Din with a Sith(species) child than that of Yoda's race. >>29133 Kid sidekicks are there for the nature vs. nurture crap. Whenever serious hero starts zoning out in their natural habitat, it's plucky sidekick job to get harmed in whatever situation so X hero realizes that abrasive measure equal your close companions/adopted children getting hurt.
>>29147 The sith race are long extinct though aren't they?
>>29114 I meant that it was deliberate gimmick that animators are replicating because a popular thing had it. but people are simply copying it wholesales because another popular film had low framerate. Kind of like almost every movie had shaky cam after Bourne got popular. Or how many videogames were brown in 00s, and had poorly implemented RPG mechanics in 2010s. >>29119 Creators gave several explanations. One of them was the "flipbook effect." Another one was to show how miles is struggling at first as a Spider-Man, but eventually gets better and his more fluid animation reflects that. Second one always reeked of bullshit to me, as it only explains some action scenes. There are plenty of moment when characters simply walking and talking and the animation is choppy anyway for no good reason. When it comes to replicating the feel of stop-motion, it's odd that hobbyist youtubers working with old, consumer grade GPUs and blender or SFM can do it better than professional film studios that have millions of dollars to play with.
>>29133 >Stan Lee actually disliked kid sidekicks which is why there's so few of them in Marvel compared with DC. Bucky Barnes is an exception because Jack Kirby disagreed. Bucky Barnes was invented decades before Stan Lee became a big superhero writer. When Lee did help to revive Captain America, he established that Bucky was dead, and Cap's dealing with the grief of it was a major character arc. Also, a "character" that is really just dead weight to be carried around is very different from a kid sidekick. Even X-23 in Logan is more the former than the latter. It's a different archetype.
>>29148 Does the Sith species even exist in the mouse's droppings? In the EU there's a small bit about an isolated group being discovered but covered up by Palpatine who knew what they were.
>>29153 You cant consider laura a kid sidekick though.
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>>29148 Before the Disney purge, they continued to exist throughout the galaxy. It's just that Palpatine was the only one who knew what they were as >>29156 put it. Which is why I think having The Child be a Sith would have made for a much better story. >>29153 Even that old Wizard article didn't make Laura out to be a kid. But was still hyped up nonetheless.
>>29161 I dunno if it really would've. Sure an actual child over a 50 year old baby would allow for more playing off each other but how would it improve the story as is?
>>29158 That's my point. She is luggage to be carried around, much more than a sidekick. Baby Yoda is obviously much further from being a sidekick than her, but the same archetype. Robin isn't just a talking MacGuffin that needs to be brought from A to B. That's a totally different thing.
Here's what Ironheart's gonna look like. For all of one movie since the show set leaks already show a completely different lower tech suit.
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>>29173 She looks like something out of kamen rider!
>>29174 A bad kaijin maybe.
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>>29175 I have no clue about what that means.
>>29176 The monsters.
>>29173 Coming to a Dollar Store near you
Memes and their consequences have been a disaster for the English language.
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>>29174 Fitting considering Ironheart is originally a Japanese porn parody of Ironman that existed prior to the Marvel character. I still don't get why they refused to change the name after it was pointed out or why they used that name in the first place. It's not hard to find with a web search. >>29176 >>29177 Kaijin generally refers to humans with super powers. The literal translation is "strange/mysterious person", but figuratively it means "monster", "super human", or "mutant". https://wikizilla.org/wiki/Kaijin
>>29182 Now to be fair, trolling is an actual term.
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I watched 'The Mitchells vs The Machines'. It was every bit as obnoxious, unfunny, & forced as I imagined it would be.
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>>29224 Got a few other videos I just have to compress first.
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>>29224 Why did you do that to yourself?
>>29227 Curiosity got the better of me & I had to know for sure just how bad it really was. It's no Turning Red at least. That movie made me actually angry. This movie's pretty unrealistic though. In the sense that Katie's dream is too ambitious for her meager skills of film making that don't improve since she was a kid. Yet somehow she gets accepted & romanticizes college as this dream land where she'll finally be accepted by people around her. It's very head in the cloud ambition that the movie doesn't do enough to illustrate just how unprepared Katie really is.
>>29226 Part of the fun of singing Dragostea Din Tei is that it's not in English. >>29224 It's just so very plain. You have the father who has legitimate concerns about their child learning skills that will allow them to be an independent adult. Opposed to that is a child who can probably "make it" as a YouTuber, but doesn't understand that the "Don't Hug Me I'm Scared" aesthetic of their animation won't be appreciated by everyone.
>>29229 It's not even that Rick wants her to learn something practical. It's just that he doesn't think her dream is profitable or achievable. Which I can't blame him considering the quality of her work. He also doesn't want her to feel the pain he felt giving up his dream of living innawoods. 'Don't Hug Me I'm Scared' has a message & aesthetic it's going for. Katie's art is on the tier of a little kid's & her filmography is just comedies or parodies. All made without a budget or technical skill to make up for it. In a real film school, she'd be rejected immediately.
>>29230 Sadly, anon, you know the zoomers that this garbage is targeted at will eat her shit up. The kind of people who don't go into autistic rage over >>29109.
>>29232 Movie came out in 2021 & went straight to streaming on netflix. No one really talks about it today in high regard. So I don't think zoomers loved it either.
“You can take Atlantis from Greek myth, or you can adapt from a real culture,” argues Huerta. You heard it hear first, folks. According to Senor Namor, Greek myth has nothing to do with a real culture. No no. This mishmash of mesoamerican aesthetics over blue fish people is real culture! https://archive.ph/3XsxD
>>29332 The cowards wont do an actual epic of a mesoamerican culture because it wouldnt be woke, so hey decide to make a milquetoast amalgamation of mesoamerica and greece, faggots.
>>29334 >The cowards wont do an actual epic of a mesoamerican culture because it wouldnt be woke I wonder if they get PTSD from watching Apocalypto.
>>29334 >>29335 You mean tribal cultures that practiced human sacrifice & cannibalism of men, women, & children isn't a hecking wholesome beautiful ethnic culture?! That's just crazy!
>>29336 Yeah, it sounds brutal and awesome for a story, but the baizuo look it as depicting the Meso-Americans and American-Indians as being savages. And, they cannot have that as it tramples all over their "peaceful treehugging injuns who dindu nuffin" narrative that they've been repeating since the 16th century.
>>29337 Yeah even the North American native tribes were still pretty primitive & savage. Scalping, slavery, stone tools at best, & genocidal warfare were all part of their everyday way of living. In a Primal sense, you could make each of these cultures cool in their brutality. Can't so much do that through a woke lens where only white men every did anything wrong ever.
>>29338 There's evidence to suggest there used to be more peaceful tribes, but almost all of them were wiped out by disease, leaving ghost cities behind, so the only ones who survived were typically the violent nomadic tribes.
>>29339 Yeah just "disease" wiped em out. Don't look at Swift Skunk's scalp trophy collection.
>>29339 There were peaceful tribes, but they were mostly in the northwest where they could sit on their ass and collect salmon every year and even then they got preyed on by more warlike tribes raiding them to take as slaves. I do find it funny that spanish explorers writing about what's now Washington state and British Columbia wrote things like "I never thought I'd see a fat indian..."
>>29342 One of the things that heavily buttfucked native americans was that they lacked domesticable animals, they didnt have anything like goats or pull animals, that completely changed how their civilizations developed.
>>29348 Plus they didn't develop steel smithing.
>>29349 >>29341 Look at this faggot and laugh probably a native who's butthurt his civilization was conquered even after the eastern europeans brought weapons to trade for pelts and food.
>>29350 Nigger what?
>>29334 The more culture crap they pump out the further it all gets run into the ground.
Antman & The Wasp: Quantumania trailer has leaked out. More black Kang & M.O.D.O.K. made of golden metal.
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>>29332 Modern Namor seems easy to translate to the MCU, still wondering why they make such a big change. Well, people say that he is just a edgier Aquaman and that he fuck Susan, nothing more interesting beyond that.
>>29398 Because they desperately want hispanic representation & he's obscure enough of a character they can get away with race swapping him.
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New trailer for Wakanda Forever dropped. Showcase a bit of Riri's Ironheart, Namor's stupid fucking ankle wings, & Shuri's Black Panther suit.
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They're officially made Velma gay.
>>29422 If "right-wing trolls" drew Kamala as Proud Boys cumdumpster I can't imagine what its going to happen to "quintenecinal empowered black women:the movie".
>>29433 That's a good point. Though Kamala is at least drawn cute sometimes. Shuri has only the bleached audience going for her.
>>29434 Its just so morbid, also there is a trend of combine niggas with anime stylization, its a golden opportunity.
>>29432 What show was this?
>>29435 Gotta make the average niggress look attractive. That's why you just draw a white or japanese lady then make them black skinned. >>29436 The new straight to video movie.
>>29432 >>29437 Is this what their original creator intended? He was a hippie so it could well be, but from what I can tell it was just some meme that’s been made canon. The internet and its consequences have been a disaster for television.
>>29444 >He was a hippie so it could well be, but from what I can tell it was just some meme that’s been made canon. The Flanderization of the cast didn't become set in stone until after WB assumed full control of the series (Meaning the "true" production was Cyber Chase). Since 2002, the source for all of the cast's personalities and quirks was A Pup Named Scooby Doo (That everyone hated even more than Scrappy), and none of the other series.
>>29444 Who was a hippie? The creator of scooby doo?
>>29444 Pretty sure Ruby and Spears would not be considered hippies.
>>29444 If you want the inspiration for Scooby Doo, watch an old show called "The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis. Fred is based on the titular character, Daphne was based on Dobie's primary object of (one sided) affection Thalia Menniger, Shaggy is based off of Dobie's beatnik best friend Maynard G. Krebs, and Velma is based off of Dobie's classmate and secret admirer Zelda Gilroy. Joe Ruby, Ken Spears, and one of the original writers have said that Dobie Gillis was the inspiration for the main characters, with the name Scooby Doo coming from the Frank Sinatra song "Strangers in the Night" (Where Frank basically starts melodic scatting in the fade out, "Scooby doobie doo, da da da dee da")
>>29432 >>29451 In these fucked times it was inevitable. But they're only giving sane people more reason not to invest in television.
>>29451 Fuck off Niggerpill.
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>>29332 The most insane thing? If they were going to race-swap Namor, it would have made a LOT more sense to make him Polynesian than a spic. For one thing, the Polys actually knew a thing or two about the ocean.
>>29334 What actually happened with the Aztecs and Conquistadors falls way to into white savior for modern Hollywood's tastes. It doesn't fit the progressive narrative that a lot of the natives allied with the Spanish because they hated the Aztecs so much. Not going to be surprised if they try to portray the Aztec Namor's culture as sympathetic and sanitize or gloss over all the grisly stuff they did. >>29459 There's even lost continents that would fit better for a Polynesian Namor such as Mu, Lemuria, and Kumari Kandam. The idea of Atlantis has always been very Grecoroman with later European influence so doesn't really fit well as Aztec or Mesoamerican in general. Also... not going with Aztec means Disney doesn't have to deal with the implication Namor comes from a culture that practices human sacrifice as part of their religion and as a terror tactic to keep other civilizations in line.
>>29432 >gay/bi men dont exist >bi women dont exist I know yuri and women kissing its the safest fag-enabler and male homosexuality its disgusting for the majority but is always a lesbian or a ftm tranny at best.
>>29463 The point flew right over your head, boy. Went right past ya.
>>29463 Velma was neither gay nor bi and shouldn't be either. The only reason why they've done this is for LGBT/GLAAD brownie points. Because feminist dykes adore Velma and has always view her as a symbol.
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>>29506 The grooming channel.
>>29506 What the fuck am I looking at?
>>29503 Why is Shaggy a nigger?
>>29511 She's indian. It's because the bitch behind this show is using it to self insert herself.
>>29510 >>29511 Probably has something to do with people calling it racist now if a VA doesn't voice there own skin color. Daphne is apparently Asian too.
>>29503 WEW, that old leak from a literal nobody's blog was true: https://archive.is/VIW5M <Norville “Shaggy” Rogers. Male, 16-18. Series Regular: >Before Shaggy was America’s favorite self-medicating, squeaky-voiced teenager, with an undiagnosed eating disorder, he was Norville Rogers - the excitable, Black, handsome, and mildly spectrum editor-in-chief of Poortown High’s student newspaper, The Ranting Townie. Unfortunately, he was also completely oblivious to any and all social norms and cues, which is helpful when tracking down a story, but less good when it comes to being the closest thing Velma has to a friend. However, when Norville discovers a dark secret in his family’s past, Velma will be the only person who can help him make sense of his unraveling life. At least until, you know, he discovers weed and snacks. <Daphne Blake. Female, 16-18. Series Regular: >Forget everything you know about Daphne Blake. It should take zero seconds as there was nothing to know. She was attractive, but also… she wore purple. That’s it. Until now… Our Daphne is diverse, and a foundling raised by two female police officers. Yet, despite her loving home, Daphne still struggles with abandonment issues and an insatiable need to uncover her mysterious past. On the plus side, she’s been able to use that ruthless drive to claw her way to the top of Poortown High School’s popular clique “The Rich Kids and Daphne” as just a freshman. Though she’ll have to get in touch with her softer side to finally understand her complicated feelings for Velma. And, perhaps even more importantly, why she has red hair. <Fred Jones. Male, 16-18. Series Regular: >Much like the original Fred, our Fred is a wh`ite guy who loves to take credit for everyone else’s work. But our Fred is also a pretty boy gym rat, riddled with daddy issues big enough to make Eric Trump say “damn.” And yet, Fred knows that no matter how douchey he acts, he’ll never live up to his father’s expectations. Because Fred has a deep dark secret. He’s sixteen years old and hasn’t gone through puberty yet. Worse. His secret is getting harder and harder to hide. >Not just from his father but from his girlfriend, Daphne. Who’s getting a little bored with just over-the-clothes stuff. Fortunately, Fred is wrongly imprisoned for murders he didn’t commit. He needs the help of Poortowns High’s least popular student. Velma. To prove his innocence, and while it’s weird for Fred to see, let alone talk to, a girl like Velma. He quickly realizes her thoughts and emotions have value. <Det. Diana Blay. Female, 30s-40s. Series Regular: >Female, African American. The 30s-40s. Daphne’s mom, Diana is a hard-nosed, fourth-generation cop. She leads with her jocular sense of humor but is better at muscling confessions out of criminals than handling the subtle nuances of both police work and parenting. <Det. Lillith “Lilly” Ke. Female, 30s-40s. Series Regular: >Female, open ethnicity. The 30s-40s. Daphne’s mom, Lilly is a sweet, demure, caretaker who just wants everybody to be happy. She’s more comfortable using her words than her fists but will go full mamma bear when threatened. <Diya Dinkley. Female, 30s-40s. Series Regular: >Female, Indian American. The 30s-40s. Diya is Velma’s hardworking, put upon mother, struggling to have it all. A practical and measured lawyer by day, she’s often frustrated by Velma’s emotional outbursts and wishes she’d move forward with her life the way she has. <Imran Dinkley. Male, 30s-40s. Series Regular: >Male, Indian American. The 30s-40s. Velma’s dad. If Tom Hanks were a small change, South Asian, history teacher, and amateur mystery writer he would be Imran Dinkley. At least from Velma’s In reality, while Imran was a great father, he was a less great husband with a bit of darkness. <Spooner Garcia. Male, 30s-40s. Series Regular: >Male, Latinx. The 30s-40s. Velma’s stepdad, Spooner is a loud, irrepressibly stoked, Guy Fieri-style self-made restaurateur who believes “Old Guys Rule” with zero sense of irony. And while he’s an alt-right blowhard, he loves Velma and Diya deeply and would do anything for them. <GIGI. Female. Recurring: >Female, Black. Seeking an adult actor to sound high school-aged. Daphne’s friend. She is the most wide-eyed and innocent of the group but finds her voice a bit over the course of season one. <OLIVE. Female. Recurring: >Female, Caucasian. Seeking an adult actor to sound high school-aged. Daphne’s friend. Olive is the curviest and toughest of the popular girls. In Daphne’s absence, Olive assumes the leadership role.
>>29503 All one has to do is look at Fred and Norville to see their bullshit. >>29506 Fuck Disney, its castle, its mascot, and all its fucking fuckery.
>>29460 I meant as in, just a native american epic.
>>29519 >black >autistic >confirmed stoner Of course. >raise by two female police officers >lesbian for Velma Even Shadman did this better. >loves to take credit for everyone else’s work. >pointless Trump reference >douchey FRED WAS LITERALLY THE ONE WHO CAME UP WITH ALL THE PLANS & TRAPS! FUCK I FUCKING HATE THIS!
>>29519 This literally hurts to read, it's like a "z0mg1!!1 so quirky11!!1!" tumblr fanfiction came to production. There's zero originality or purpose to this than to generate buzz without having its own merits, god damn this thing is gonna shit itself harrrrrrrd if it isn't already. I have to be more confident with my own writing if these are the "people" demanding their work be taken seriously, holy shit I got second hand embarassment so hard my chest locked up. Fuck.
>>29524 Of what?
>>29525 New Velma show, probably of the first episode.
>>29524 This is Crackhead of the Creek. It's so amateur, did a steven universe crew member storyboard this?
>>29526 Man he's just absolutely not Shaggy.
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>>29519 >>29524 Nuke us Poutine.

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>>29528 Yeah, it's not even that he's a nigger, it's that he's a bland fucking nigger. I'm gonna say WB didn't want the pajeetress to fuck with their established brand so they gave her an ultimatum "make them different enough or we're not going through with production" It's still no excuse for the mid character design, look at bob fucking marley, use him as a template and begin slowly adding your own twist to it and modifications if need be.
>>29530 It can be both. I think it's more likely they wouldn't greenlight her show unless she made it an existing property. Really it would've been better for everyone if they just let her make her shitty edgy ripoff instead of an official product.
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>>29531 >shitty edgy rip >pic related: people praising it
>>29532 >check account >that was his last tweet lmao: https://nitter.net/messytails/status/951833910912090113 Also don't check the media section.
>>29534 Apparantly he fucking died.
>>29535 Probably hepatitis
Fun fact: if you Jewgle Search "Velma Dinkley" you get confetti and a bunch of pride flags falling. The most used search engine by normalfags is making it impossible to ignore what they've done to her. It looks like they're going to make it impossible for Zaslav to undo this without exposing Warner Bros to MUH [x]PHOBIC ERASURE bullshit.
>>29540 A reminder that every time someone fluffs up a character for being a different race or gender, just ask people why they care more about what someone is and not who they are, since that goes against daddy negro's fine teachings to judge by content of character.
>>29540 Didn't stop Zaslav from killing Batgirl. Black Adam likely bombing too & the massive negative reception this Velma trailer is getting will set his sights on these divisions for the chopping block.
>>29543 Oh no, I'm hopeful the Velma show will be euthanized (cynical since these fucks are nepotistic and may have a contract like how Steven Jewniverse couldn't be canned by CN for years). It's just that they're setting the table so "purely straight" Velma can't be depicted in future series via court of public opinion--because leftists bully companies by threatening bad PR and discrimination checks.
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>>29540 >it's real
>>29548 It'll get one season then be canned. But yeah the public vocal minority will forever throw a fit if Velma isn't explicitly a lesbian from now on.
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>>29524 Whew! What a relief! For a minute I thought they were going to go with someone who didn't attend CalArts.
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>>29432 Velma is not a dyke, no matter what this faggoty movie says. If Hanna or Barbera were alive, they'd burn down the entire fucking studio before they let that shit happen.
>>29555 Only hope lies with Zaslav, tripsman.
>>29555 To what extent can a fictional character definitively be or not be anything? Make no mistake, I'd love to be able to say that a character definitely isn't posted, but I don't see how that can be the case.
They're not even trying to hide their absolute disdain for normal people now.
>>29549 That's just plain retarded.
>>29519 This was written by someone who thinks identity politics are character traits.
>>29559 Your concept of "normal" its super outdated at this point, even in the "silent majority".
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NEW THREAD >>>/co/29567
>>29565 You are in a cult.
>>29524 This looks exactly like Rick & Morty.

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