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(23.13 MB 1920x1080 orel.mp4)

Anonymous 09/09/2022 (Fri) 15:37:21 No. 28933
Moral Orel Thread?
I really cant see what people like about this edgefest.
>>28938 It's edgy absurd comedy sure but it does the serious drama element hell of a lot better than Rick & Morty does today.
>>28938 It has both heartwarming and devastating moments. It starts as a dark and absurd comedy but it becomes more serious as the show goes. Overall it's a cute story about a child become a good adult even though he's surrounded by shit people.
>>28968 Anon, a woman has an orgasm from getting her vagina mutilated by a doctor that killed his previus wife precisely because vaginal destruction is his fetish.
>>28970 Yes & that had a point of connecting to how the woman is unhappy in her loveless marriage. So desperate for sexual satisfaction, attention, & love that she's willing to hurt herself just so the doctor gives her the time of day.
>>28972 >her loveless marriage Which funnily enough, she is partly responsible for, because she is the one who introduced Clay to drinking, and made sure he stayed a pathetic drunk, so that he would rely on her and not go for other women, that and the whole cheating thing. That is not to say that Clay is without sin, but when I first watched the show, I was surprised to see that they weren't afraid to portray the mother(who at that moment, appeared to just be an abused victim) almost as evil as Clay.
>>29004 Yeah Bloberta is very much as bad & manipulative of a person as most people in Moralton. She had Shapey specifically to get out of her marriage & neglects his existence just as much as her husband.
(8.09 MB 480x360 Moral Orel-No Children.mp4)

>>28938 For me it is an interesting show, that goes from an edgefest in S1, to a great comedy in S2 and then takes a U-turn at the end of S2 and the entire S3 into a great drama, and somehow it all works out. Stop motion animation is also a dying art, so I am happy whenever I see a show like this, that isn't Robot Chicken, though S1 is just as edgy. The ending is one of the most uplifting ones I have ever seen, because in spite of all the corrupt and shitty people around Orel, in spite of his horrible parents that mistreated them, who in turn were victims of abuse and perpetuated the cycle of violence, in spite of the fact that every "chrisitan" in the town was a hypocrite and Orel had all the right to denounce it and become an atheist or a buddhist, in spite of all of that, he managed to obtain a miracle, by breaking the cycle of violence, have a happy family and a healthy relationship with God. Even though the whole show was mostly anti-christian, and I heard rumors that they were planning to make Orel an emo-atheist in S4 or S5, the ending is very pro christian. It's also interesting that throughout the bashing of christianity or at least Protestantism in the show as well as a few jabs at republicans, they did incorporate a few christian symbolism and messages, mainly the blue heron at the end of S2 that is sometimes associated with Christ that acts as a companion/spirit animal to orel, whereas Clay is surrounded by fleas(Beelzebub), or Orel's realization that he does not need to go to Church in order to be a great Christian or have communion with God, which I am sure a lot of christians will disagree with, so I will defend this point by saying that if you are on a desert island or a pagan land, and live a life devoid of sin, and daily prayers, but with no access to a Church or priest, you will probably go to heaven, whereas someone who goes to Church weekly, but lives a life of sin will probably go to hell. t. not a priest Might as well post one of my favorite songs from the show, it's called No Children from Mountain Goats(their other songs are also great), and I am thankful to this show for introducing the band to me.
>>28970 I know, that's why I sad OVERALL. >>29004 >>29005 Both are shit parents and shit people. The only difference is that Clay actively corrupts his children while Blobberta is rather passively neglectful in that regard.
>>29012 Yes. Nearly everyone in Moralton is a terrible person & a hypocrite.

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