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Anonymous 03/29/2024 (Fri) 01:21:04 No. 39167
>Butch Hartman jokes about how Tara Strong drove Mary Kay Bergman to suicide >Dan "Hold her tighter she's a fighter" Schneider getting a documentary shitting on him and his shows >Alex Hirsch and Gravity Falls >Anything involving John K It feels like im in a time warp hearing all this shit again, I swear it was 2008 just yesterday. I've listed the more recent examples, its just interesting to think how all this was already public knowledge back in old /co/. Which gets me thinking- if creators ever came to /co/ to wring out dirty laundry? Its completely possible it could all be reposts from smaller forums or message boards but it's just amusing to ponder what schizophrenic rumors over the years could be true. Between the early 2000s up to 2014ish when gg caused the site to split into two

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>>39167 The guy who drew himself fucking Pearl from Steven Jewniverse just happens to be the same whistleblower who shared his personal experiences to EZ:PZ, on how pozzed the industry is. But as expected, the totally unbiased cartoon fans quickly debunked him because you know: >>He's the loser chud >>Got any evidence to back that up, buddy?
>>39167 Dan Schneider being a creep and liking CIA agents feet has been common knowledge for years, even when ICarly was on the air people were starting to question "Huh, this guy sure does like focusing on girl's feet." by the 2010's it was a common joke even amongst normalfags, and people figured it would be a question of when he got outed and not if. >>39168 To be fair, EZPZ was a bit of a sperg, not to mention a shitty E;R clone (A jewish/israeli E;R clone, the irony is palpable)
>>39167 Does anyone got the screencaps of those Steven Universe dykes sending death threats to anyone for not drawing their retarded characters properly? I think they got doxxed to the point of getting the law involved, I think they all got their blogs exposed in front of their parents.
>>39170 >by the 2010's it was a common joke even amongst normalfags, and people figured it would be a question of when he got outed and not if. I remember things differently, and even looked for normalfag articles from that era. Normalfag sphere considered the Dan Schneider thing unsubstantiated and sensationalist rumors. When Bella and the Bulldogs thing was going on, it was not uncommon to see comments from like "It's fabricated rumors just like the ones about Schneider" coming from normalfags, twatters, and redditfags. Things only started to change in 2018 after Dan left Nickelodeon, and a full turn in mainstream only happened after McCurdy published her book in 2022.
John K is a dindu nuffin to the Republicans, just like Michael Jackson & Jimmy Savile. Despite John admitting to it.... of course he was "forced" or some shit, amirite? Then again Trumpets loving pedos is par as Trump is also a chomo shitstain. Naturally the Doomslayer-loving Trump fanboys will defend defend defend because whitey is da mastur rayce or whatever, while focusing on whatever leftists are doing even if they have to falsify things. Yeah I know, this board is run by /pol/. /pol/ is always wrong & a civil war to purge right-wing insanity is overdue. Ban me? Go ahead, you pedo-loving fat fucks, it won't un-offend you. Your god will never be real. >board is full of disgusting anti-woman assholes who for some reason also think feminazi Jem is a good cartoon, but sanity is not something you get out of these subhumans
Bait used to be believable
>liking Bethesdoom should get you on a terrorist watch list, not that I expect some rail-skinny or plump white "male" to be an actual threat to anyone, ever Funny how MS is forcing them to be leftists when we all know how sick Todd Howard is. No true leftist will ever play Dumb Etardnal no matter how hard they try to retcon Doomslayer as a gay Jew.
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Reads like someone's been cheeking their meds, does your nurse know you're schizo posting?
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>>39210 >>39225 >>39226 See you had a coherent relevant complaint then you just went full mask off schizo rambling about nothing with reddit spacing.
>>39228 The second two post probably aren't the same poster as the first. I'm pretty sure it's a schizophrenic commie furfag that calls all Republicans pedophile rapists and accuses random popufurs of being Republican pedophile rapists.
>>39229 He should go back to the containment board. Then again they don't want him either.
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>>39229 So the typical cartoonfag who shits his adult diapers whenever his propaganda gets outed?
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>>39249 >commies are bleeding in the streets to protect me from fascists >mfw
>>39168 What happened in the second pic?
>>39472 Some dyke punched her monitor over a Steven Universe scene (correct me if it's another cartoon), just like the guy who burned his coloring book of DC because of Superman making out with Wonder Woman (which regretfully didn't screencap the post)
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>>39477 That is clearly Gravity Falls, Gay Space Rocks was not a Disney show you cock.
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>>39167 Like said before: TimeWarner earned the hipster audience, therefore digging up their controversies is difficult due to useful retards not wanting to taint their liberal overlords: >Martin C. died penniless, forcing him to sell his rare collection of drawings/autographs/photos/whatnot of legendary animators, but at the end they got stolen by his coworkers, no medical backup, no nothing, he was fucked. >Dana Snyder kept on voicing Master Shake until he collapsed because he was afraid to lose his only chance to go somewhere and/or blacklisted by the industry, he literally couldn't stand up due to his bad case of the flu and had to record his voicelines laying on a sofa >The black guy who voiced Frylock got buck broken by mother nature forcing him to be homeless, nobody at AS gave a flying fuck about his state and that actually was brought up during their BLM bullshit propaganda. The only controversy that everyone including their tumblr audience sided with TimeWarner was MillionDollarExtreme.
>>39675 What exactly did Zoe Quinn "pioneer"? They couldn't even put anything interesting in their little blurb. Just "game dev".
>>39675 >1st pic >literally none of them are actual pioneers outside of no.1 Wow GAYming!
>>39167 I know Alex Hirsch is a faggot but can you tell me what he did in detail?
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>>39822 Who made the game where you play as some piss poor designed BRATZ dolls? Zoe Quinn or Brianna Wu? I keep mixing both dykes. >>39824 >Alex Hirsch Some skank at TikTok giggling on her bed saying that she proudly blew him just to work on Gravity Falls. Or he's probably referencing that he ended the cartoon after the 2 seasons because he decided to be full on keyboard warrior and btfo those mean conservatives on twitter.
>>39826 >dyke John Walker "Brianna Wu" Flynt made Revolution 60. And failed to run for Congress. Zoë Quinn is the five guys bitch who blew people for good reviews on Gone Home and sparked GamerGate, then accused the guy who made Night in the Woods of sexually assaulting her, so he killed himself. She also spoke alongside Anita Sarkeesian (the Feminist Frequency jewess) to the UN (yes, really) about cyber bullying or some shit.
>>39839 >Gone Home Pretty sure she did that for her little text adventure she couldn't even code without an existing engine, depression quest. Gone Home is at least a fucking game.
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>>39883 >>39884 Ma'am, this is a board about western animation.
>>39675 < Notice a pattern? I noticed that they left out Roberta Williams (say what you will, she helped "run" the business, for Ken's definition of "run") and Jane Jensen. >>39823 And Ada is questionable. She translated a book about Babbage's machine, adding an appendix with programs for the machine. Most people assume that she wrote that appendix, some historians disagree (though, I guess these days that's a "sexist" opinion). Though, given that list, I would expect Roger Sophie Wilson in there, too. At least that tranny can claim having made an impact in the world.

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