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Craig McCracken Returns to Powerpuff & Foster’s Anonymous 07/22/2022 (Fri) 01:49:52 No. 27671
>Hanna-Barbera Studios Europe has started development on reboots of classic Cartoon Network series The Powerpuff Girls and Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends with creator, producer, and director Craig McCracken attached to develop both. >Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends will be reimagined as a preschool animated series >The Powerpuff Girls reboot will expand on the original series with Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup set to go head-to-head with franchise favorite villains as well as new threats. Either he's desperate for money or CN is holding a project of his hostage. https://archive.ph/qqJ1E
>>27671 >Fosters rebooted for preschool kids
>>27671 Maybe he got mad at the reboot of PPG and the self-insert becoming bossom's husbando?
So this is the fifth Powerpuff Girls series, right? And there was the one special that didn't seem to directly lead to anything. I wish I didn't even know about this.
At least it's not live action.
>>27677 Fuck's sake I thought this shit was dead. Just had to open my big mouth.
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I'm so glad they don't care about Ed, Edd n Eddy, god only knows what they'd do to it.
>>27683 Make the gay ships real? Turn jaz and the canker sisters lesbians?
>>27684 Jimmy is now confirmed gay & transgender.
>>27697 I always thought jimmy was gay.
>>27698 Yeah that was the joke. He was a sissy boy.
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>>27699 Buff jimmy was a manlyman though.
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>>27700 Manly men you say?
>>27701 He can kick van darkholme's ass any day.
>>27683 It's not that they don't care, it's that Danny Antonucci will never let them and thanks to Canadian intellectual property laws, they can't force him too either.
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>>27671 > Craig McCracken Returns to Powerpuff & Foster’s
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>>27736 >but why Probably because he saw what they did to his girls without him.
>>27756 >Probably because he saw what they did to his girls without him. Then you would think he'd move on and vow to never work for them again.
>>27775 A man is entitled to care for his creation, anon.
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>>27823 He did and now he's done. They're very likely paying out the ass for his, what the fuck does CN even have at this point outside Gumball? Even Adult Swim is doing better than them these days.
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>>27823 >A man is entitled to care for his creation, anon. Then a man should not have whored his creation out in the first place.
>>27874 One of these fucking days, we're going to find out who drew that retarded face and we're going to wafflestop the shit out of they/them.
>>27677 If he really cared in the first place he would have strongly been against this trash when it was announced. But, no. That limelight is too good.
>>27883 as if he had any choice
>>27913 This is the crux of it; he can't stop them from making more but he's seen what they make without him involved. He may want to undo the tarnishing the last series brought to his girls. Then again, he's a californian married to a feminist. Maybe what he makes will be even worse. I guess we'll see in due time.
>>27913 >as if he had any choice Nobody put a gun to his head and said "Hey, dickface, make a cartoon that looks like Dexter's Lab and Sailor Moon had a baby!"
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>>27940 No, they only put the gun on his head to say that everything he creates is now the companies property since they were the ones who funded it and that copyright law is literally owned and changed by the lawyers the company hires.
It won't live up to the original, but if it will be better than the movie, I'll be happy with it. I also hope McCracken will bring back the original character designs so they can get good merch. >>27939 >married to a feminist Faust is more of a second wave feminist and she is truly a talented artist and writer with impressive resume under her belt. I would even argue, she is better than her husband; McCracken' best works were PPG and his major contributions to Dexter's Lab and its Ego Trip final, whereas Faust not only worked on PPG, but also created MLP: FiM, SPBFF and its later reboot DCSHG, not to mention she worked as an animator for theatrical release movies like Iron Giant. >>27963 This Copyright is pure statism that needs to eradicated.
>>27939 Even so, I cannot possibly imagine it will be worse than the reboot.
>>28074 The things that you mention Faust working on look like you're trying to make her look bad, except for PPG, which she was obviously not as important on as McCracken, and Iron Giant, which again, it's not like she was the director or anything.

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