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Rescue Heroes (1999) Anonymous 01/23/2023 (Mon) 04:51:55 No. 31754
Tired of derailing another thread I create my own to discuss this show. It exists. We gonna watch this shit and you will like it anon, or I will yell at you.
Episode 1. Peaks of peril... Or maybe it was perilous peaks... Whatever anyway >A new Hero joins the team, but does this rookie have what it takes to be a Rescue Hero? (The team name is fucking awful) >A snowboarder climbs mount Everest with a slim blonde white girl as his guide and no sherpas. He insists they climb it in inclement weather because ESPN has a live spot scheduled for him that cant be reacheduled for... Reasons. I didnt hate it. Well. Thats a lie, but the core concept could be entertaining if 75% of the cast werent niggers, wogs, and spics. I like Rescue 911 for example. And the Ps1 game was fucking awful pretty good. Or average at least. And the idea of disasters is always good. I am not enjoying myself but we will continue... This is fucking Smallville all over again.
>>31755 Turns out it was Peril on the peaks.
The white chicks dad owns and runs the entire Rescue Heroes operation. So shes a nepotism hire. Nice.
>>31758 Fuck this is so bad. So the white snowboarder refuses to ditch his snowboard in his backpack (which is far too small to hold a snowboard but whatever) So after a lecture from the nigger ace mountain climber (never happened or ever will) they give everyone a parachute and jump off everest. (Where the air is far too thin to actually work especially with the sport glide models they used.[Actually on that note why is no one using oxygen masks or bottles?]) And everyone is saved. (If you ever fuck up on Everest your dead, and your body is left there because its too dangerous to try and retrieve anyone but whatever this was made by fischer price to sell toys). And so with the niggers all displayed as heroes and all thebwhites except shown to be toxic masculinists the episode ends. (Except for white women qho are shown as pure nepotism hires without half the skills of the negro men... Somewhat accurate actually.) God help me but Im going for episode 2 of this jewish dumpster fire.
>>31761 Oh I forgot the avalanche. So theres an avalanche thats gonna bury a village at the foot of Everest (No. Just no. The nearest sherpa settlement is 20 miles away south and its population is around 200 not 10,000, and furthermore guess what? They arent in an avalanche path because of fucking course they arent.) Which they stop by shooting k2 and meru to cause more avalanches that somehow all stop each other instead of making the problem 3x worse... THATS NOT HOW PHYSICS WORKS. Fuck it. Anyway Episode 2 coming up.
>>31762 >THATS NOT HOW PHYSICS WORKS. It's a cartoon designed to sell toys, what do you expect?
>>31763 A story about a cop, a firefighter, a paramedic, and a mountain climber rescuing people. It is an endlessly fascinating subject, and by studying disasters and rescues you can learn what to do and what not to do to keep yourself and others safe. But instead of offering even the small info of a GI Joe episode its just a fantasy show about toxic masculinity and how much niggers care about people. AKA propaganda. I am upset that this show is about ridiculous racial propaganda as opposed to teaching children safety tips. Fuck episode 2 Im watching Rescue 911 which is at least grounded, semi honest, and has Shatner hosting.
>>31764 Yeah now that was an enjoyable show. See theres a feeling you have after watching TV. And if that feeling is pain then the show sucks. This feeling I have right now? Joy and optimism. This was a 90s show.
I always figured this show was aimed at literal toddlers anyway. I mean I'll watch kids' shows, many of them have things that I can actually appreciate on a deeper level. But toddler shows are usually not made in a way that the creators actually want to enjoy them themselves. They're very much written/animated down to their audience, and that's what I always figured this show was. I didn't expect it to be more propagandized than other '90s shows like Captain Planet or The Magic School Bus or any other shows that starred the Burger King Kids Club. But if you say that it was, I can't say I'm terribly surprised. >>31755 Hey, I'll defend Smallville. Aside from Lana and Chloe, at least the rest of the characters there are pretty well done. And well they made Pete a nigger, in fact maybe one of the very first instances of turning a ginger into a nigger, but I don't think they ever did much to make his character a propaganda machine beyond that. His character arc was basically that he sucks and always feels inferior because he hangs out with Superboy. Now if only the female characters were treated the same way. That's where the propaganda came in there. Anyway, everyone from Rescue Heroes has a porn star name.
I don't remember anything about the show but I do remember watching it as a kid since Rescue Heroes were one of my favorite toys.
>>31780 Oh I meant because it happened the same way. Some anon on /co/ tells me to watch a show. I watch it and complain so much I make a thread. In fact I wonder if the smallville thread is still in the catalog... Anyway episode 2 tonight.
I really liked this show as a kid, but I can barely remember anything about it other than the theme song. Which is typical for most cartoons you watch when you're young. But what I do remember is that the film looked like total shit. Why in the world would they make a CG film in 2003, when the tv show used traditional animation? I doubt it would be cost, since even by 2003, a CG film couldn't have been cheap to make. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=07JMv5M3wl0
>>40384 I forgot I made this thread.
>>40385 You have now been reminded
>>40386 Guess I'm watching episode 3 tonight then. God I hope it gets better.
>>40387 It's a show for literal pre-schoolers based on a franchise of, if I recall, non-posable toys (because those would be harder for preschoolers to break). I know we're on a board for comics and cartoons and they're all for kids, but it seems like most of what people like here isn't the stuff that's made for literal preschoolers.

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