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Offical /co/ Homecoming Thread Frank Board owner 04/26/2020 (Sun) 01:57:49 No. 18
Welcome Aboard If you're reading this now you've just survived the latest exodus in 8chan's ridiculous history. I'll be your Board Owner, if you haven't been following along I recently took over /co/ since the great Cripplegeddon. When 8ch came back as 8kun the previous guys were nowhere to be found so I took it upon myself to answer the call and moderate. Before moving here, I spent the time cleaning up /co/ and taking suggestions over how the board was run. If you're somehow someone that didn't know 8chan returned temporarily as a boomer zombie and only just came back; Believe me these people exist and I don't blame them then you haven't missed much other than the BO change. For more in depth details I recommend reading the archived meta threads below or any of the archived threads in the provided pastebin. But I'd be more than happy to answer whatever questions you have. >So what's the gameplan? Currently I plan on moving over some storytimes from 8kun to here, to help fill up the board and to avoid losing any of them if the pig farmer decides to pull the plug. Beyond that I'm still thinking of ways of how to grow /co/. If you have any suggestions don't be afraid to say them. >Why here and not one of the webring boards? Name recognition and user overlap. Lets be honest the comics industry is dead and western animation isn't any better, so a lot of interest has been lost. Boards like /v/, /delicious/, /tg/ and /m/ are the only Anons with any remote interest in anything /co/ related and most of the bunkers they're staying at are either dead, have little user overlap, are unwilling to host /co/ or just filled to the brim with autism. Fatchan looked nice but the software was too new/buggy, too few people and I rather gamble my chance on 8chan's name bringing people back than some bunker that has no real pull. >What of 8kun? I'll still "maintain" it just to make sure people find their way here. But once the administration finds out I'm sure to lose the board. All the same rules apply here as it did before, I still haven't found a way to link the rules page so everything will be in the pastebin. I'm still only one guy so don't expect lighting fast responses (vols will be added eventually). I recently made a twitter account Probably the worst decision I've ever made just so people know what's happening if 8chan were to be taken out again. You can contact me from there but be warned I'm not very active and prefer if people contacted me through my protonmail. But besides all that's been said, this thread will be for any open discussion. I also want to thank those of you that made the jump and for sticking around, it means a lot. Be aware that 8chan.moe is still in beta and will be going up and down for bug fixes, so don't be alarmed. Rules https://pastebin.com/XCEZ1dra Alt: https://files.catbox.moe/ox7jz0.txt Cancer https://twitter.com/8_gauntlet Archived 8kun Threads https://pastebin.com/KRQdmUBG Alt: https://files.catbox.moe/vwzgry.txt Previous Meta Threads 1. https://archive.is/qzC5Z 2. https://archive.is/BlLTp 3. https://archive.vn/jyYc3
Edited last time by Frank on 02/26/2021 (Fri) 05:01:13.
>>36039 Yeah it's not so much an 8moe issue as it is just a thing that can happen if multiple images are selected at once.
less than 2 weeks till 9/11
It's now 9/11
It is now 2 weeks after 9/11
does anyone here know which religion is the right one?
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>>36708 They have terrible hospitals.
the 13th of this month will be on a friday
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It's monday the 13th!
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THe 13th of next month will be on the 13th!
>>37324 no fucking way
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Dear /co/, We're compiling a reference sheet of 8chan tans and other characters. Your tans are /co/nrad, future /co/nrad, bos/co/, tomo/co/, and /co/nner, correct?
>>38254 Yeah that sounds about right.
>>38254 Not so much /co/nner after the Infinity-verse imploded.
(17.04 MB 9800x20000 8ch & Xtra Reference Sheet FINAL.png)

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FINAL RELEASE This will be the final release. My partner in this project is a bit weary and so I decided to finish the project at this point. Thanks for all the help and I hope this helps rejuvenate the community and make you all feel connected.
Here is a smaller version.
2x version
>>38288 Actually /m/ has another tan called /m/annzer I believe, I don't have an image of him at the moment.
>>38291 Are you talking about this guy?
>>38334 Yeah, but there was better art of him.
next month on the 4th. it will be 2/4/24 or 4/2/24 in other places and in april it will be 2/4/24 there but here then would be 4/2/24.
...just another 8chins board run by white supremacists who ban you if you state facts instead of their approved Drumpfkin narrative
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>>38454 Frank is a useless lard who bans your for whatever he feels like. Just ignore this board and move on, there's no point on getting angry at a board so fucked up.
>>38458 Hate Frank all you want but you can't honestly think the anon you're replying to is someone who's posting in good faith.
>>38454 Even mainstream internet have the same mindset (just less explicitly)
>>38465 I know, I wanted to point that out. This piece of shit board already looks like 4shit/co/ deleted threads list; welknown spammers get their threads on first page no issue. >>38473 Not really no. It's only this board's issue.
>>38458 Im pretty sure your anger should be directed at dog the global jannie, according to the public board log 90% of the deletions are from him. >>38489 >Not really no. It's only this board's issue >board run by white supremacists >>>/cow/
/co/ is formally invited to the 8moe /icup/ Soucalibur6 tournament. >What? Pick a fighter. Send a reference picture. >Where? 8moe /icup/ at >>>/icup/5117
>>38668 It's a shame not to have seen them.
Any other alt-chan /co/?
>>39990 Check the webring?
>>40050 This board it's slow but 90% of half-chan /co/ is trannies lusting over fictional children, I only want to talk about comics.
>>40127 >half-chan >webring
>>40127 It's also safe enough for the talentless hacks to get their daily ego stroking over their shit doodles.

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