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Ghost Screen
Don't forget the global announcement this week
Saturday Evening is a hobby project with no affiliation whatsoever to the administration of any other "8chan" site, past or present.


R: 48 / I: 37 / P: 1

Sum Gays Dun Quik

LIVE THIS WEEK I'm reusing the bingo card with some edits. It actually spent effort on it when I made it and I intend to get use out of it.

R: 89 / I: 69 / P: 1

Squilliam compilation thread – The End of E3gelion

> -1085 days until E3 Since it's summertime and E3 is officially dead and buried, I'm making one final Squilliam compilation video. Any Squilliam ideas you've been sitting on, this is your chance to get them in. Let's take a moment to remember the time every studio used to gather in one place to present their latest and greatest, before everyone started holding their own little conference no one cares about. If you have any memorable moments of past E3s, good or bad, post them in this thread. For old time's sake and so I can put some of it into the video. >I'm a newfag and what is this? It's been an 8chan tradition to make OC from a template based on Squilliam from Spongebob getting a heart attack. Download a template, open it in your favorite drawing/editing software and go nuts. When you're done, post it here (in a reply to the right anchor post to help me keep track of it). >How long do I have? I'm aiming for Sunday the 23rd of June as submission deadline, the video will be released sometime after that. >Can [board] on the webring participate? Of course! Whether it's a video game board, or just a hangout board interested in making OC. All I ask is that you help me find it by cross-posting your stuff here and linking it to the proper anchors. Feel free to share in your post what board you're representing. >What song are you going to use? Walk Away by Dokken >Is there gonna be a mosaic? Yes, see the later post. Try to make your squares E3-related if you can, this is about the death of E3, after all. >Are we never gonna see another compilation again? You probably will, I hope to make another one with a new template next year. I'm not making any promises, however.

R: 224 / I: 154 / P: 1

#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: RABBIT RABBIT RABBIT Edition

ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Sweet Baby Inc designer attempts to censor Steam Curator List highlighting which games the company were hired for- has now surpassed 400,000 subscribers >IGN Entertainment acquires Eurogamer, GI, VG247, Rock Paper Shotgun and more >Nintendo Of America Appears To Turn ‘Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door’s Character Into Transgender >Kotaku Writer Targets YouTuber’s Wife, Game Dev Calls for More > Website By Sweet Baby Inc List Creator Kabrutus Launches >Helldivers 2 Community Manager Fired After PSN Controversy; Sony Cancels Mandatory Helldivers 2 PSN Linking Update >Kotaku EIC Resigns Over New Editorial Edict; More staff lay-offs follow Nathan Grayson exits The Washington Post as it shuts down Launcher, their gaming section >Vice to lay off hundreds of staffers, stop publishing content on its website >Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth content being localized during development comes under scrutiny >Feminist Frequency is dead >Buzzfeed News is shutting down >GJP is attacking Valve over not supporting BLM >Limited Run Games fires employee after complaints over who she follows on Twitter >Regulators (FTC) Look To Block Microsoft Acquisition Of Activision Blizzard Inc >EU antitrust regulators to probe Microsoft's $69 billion Activision bid >Ben Kuchera claims he was fired by Vox Media for taking time off to deal with his children being sexually abused >Wiki is up again! CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION MAX REVIVE Rebuild the board's userbase and activity through simple, but effective methods 1. Post across the entire board Activity creates activity. Use threads you like, make new ones if topics don't exist. Easy examples are Drawthreads and Friday Night threads, go request or draw something right now. 2. Recruit and recover lost or potential anons Use this site's OC and features to entice anons if necessary when recruiting, just inform that we are alive. Here's some sites and links with at least some confirmed anons that can be recruited again: Other sites that might yield fruitful results and have anons (art sites use an account so you can see 18+ content): Somewhere on Telegram Just searching up GG or 8chan-related terms on certain places/sites can get you possible results. 3. Make your own OC/Memes/Content Doesn't matter what it is even if its just simple edits or full-on drawings or webms, just make it and have fun. Ask in thread for software recs if necessary. 4. Encourage or create fun events, activities, projects, etc. Think things like 8chanmania, weekly streams, re-translation projects, demo days, or zzz's gaming magazine for example. If you want to do something, try making or reviving it, it can't hurt and these things are great for the board. 5. Use other boards All it takes for a board to grow is at least 2 dedicated anons using it. Don't be afraid to make a post, check places periodically, shill, or what have you. Don't force discussions to boards, just encourage the usage of them. 2. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: The_Cutting_Room_Floor/ Examples: Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: - Japanese blog post about it: Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: - Confirms censorship was deliberate: - No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support! Accountability needs proof: C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate: - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: • #GamerGate Wiki: • History of #GamerGate: • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: • Key GamerGate Hubs: >Thread Repository: >Full OP Text: • Current: >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki?

R: 378 / I: 196 / P: 1

Amateur Game Development General: Japanese Work Ethic Edition

The fake enthusiasm is key. Resources: >#8/agdg/ via > via matrix programs >Dev resources: >Wiki: > >

R: 453 / I: 562 / P: 1

Stream Thread 12: EIGHT The Rock Post a link to your channel here when you're are streaming. Games, movies, anime, art, programming, politics... Pick your favorite subject! >How do I stream? ∙ Register an account at ∙ Go to My Channels under your avatar icon, top right ∙ Create a channel, click on it and then the ⚙ icon (channel settings) to find your stream key. ∙ Install OBS Studio and paste your stream key to Settings/Stream, set Service to Custom and Server to rtmp:// Some emails may not work when registering Gmail, Hotmail, and Yahoo (and maybe others) all take issue with Cockmail and won't receive the verification email. If you insist on using such an emails or have already registered using one, email for help with your account. Max supported bitrate is 3500 Kbps. Set Keyframe Interval to 1 for lowest stream delay. Ask here if you have further questions and also on >>>/site/1519 Last thread >>905621 wasn't working. An archived link will be provided later. And remember... <HAVE FUN

R: 17 / I: 5 / P: 1

Choices that are so stupid you wonder why they're in the game.

Why would you ever spare Loghain? Dude betrayed the king and left you for dead. Why would you ever let him live? just for teh lulz? I get bioware wanted to add more choices but this one just perplexes me. Like you as the MC knows full well his bullshit is completely fake. You would have to be actually retarded to even consider it. Skyrim does a similar thing. It gives you the choice of stormcloaks or imperial. You can choose between the people who were seconds away from beheading you, or the guys who didn't do that. Very hard decision.

R: 361 / I: 176 / P: 1

New TF2 update

TF2 Servers Official Maps Custom Maps (Plus all the new maps) TF2C Servers Official Maps (TF2C) Custom Maps (TF2C) 14 NEW MAPS NEW GAME MODE no new weapons but honestly most of the "recent" weapons weren't very good Plus a bunch of new cosmetics, taunts, usual effects, and myriad of bugfixes. The bugfixes are rarely fully detailed in the patch notes and it'll probably take a few day for the community to figure out what exactly they did.

R: 500 / I: 251 / P: 1

Vidya Lounge Thread

Welcome to /v/'s comfy lounge. This thread is for general discussion about /v/-related topics that don't deserve/fit in regular threads. The rules 'may be treated more flexibly here, but please take care not to make a mess and don't be a retard. Rules: 1. The lounge is a shared community with /v/. Posters should have posts elsewhere on the board before entering the lounge. 2. Discussion should pertain to /v/-type content only, such as funposting about video games, more video games, industry matters, and gamer™ interests. Colouring outside the lines MAY be okay, however posters do so at their own risk with the understanding that said posts might be moderated without forewarning at any time.

R: 12 / I: 6 / P: 1

Pitch a spin-off.

I have a challenge for you anon. Not much of a challenge but I think it would be fun to think about. Take a series you love/like and try and pitch a spin-off to that series. Some rules: >Has to be a different genre to every other game in the series >Has to be something fans of that series would be interested. The guy you're pitching it to is some executive of a game studio. He is about 50% in it for the money and 50% actually wanting to make a good game. So you can't just pitch gacha shit to him, But you have to pitch something that might actually sell well. I will start! Warcraft:Origins! Horrible name. The game is a squad based role playing game very much in the vein of Dragon age:origins. I am honestly surprised blizzard hasn't done it already. Warcraft did have a TTRPG but never a computer role playing game. I think it would work perfectly, The setting allows you to have all sorts of adventures and the MMO already has a lot of the work done for you. You would just need to add companions and then make write a compelling storyline for the player to follow. It would also allow you to show how large the game world is supposed to be (Which the TTRPG was supposed to do but that isn't canon anymore). If you set the game in a time before Vanilla wow you could even appeal to WC3 nostalgics. Or just appeal to anyone who has gotten sick of warcrafts new lore. Fuck I think the zoomers who like post WoD lore are even getting tired of it. You might think that MMO players wouldn't be interested in a single player game but most people who play WoW nowadays aren't social in the slightest. Biggest problem I could think of is that you can't really add anything to the time line without stepping on some toes. Unless you want to pretend this is a separate timeline to the MMO which might actually be a massive relief for some people. I guess you could also do the opposite, Make a WoW style MMO for dragon age but I don't think that would be a good idea. I mean the setting supports but who would want to play it?

R: 226 / I: 86 / P: 1

Vidya Entertainment and Canerous E-Celebs Thread #3 Back to the Past Edition

Previous thread: >>911139 Continuing the discussion of video game e-celebs and z-celebs of all kinds, preferably contained to this thread rather than being discussed anywhere else, as many people rightfully don't want to hear about celebrities. Keep it vidya or at least tangentially vidya-related. Happy birthday to the AVGN franchise. Where did the years go?

R: 499 / I: 402 / P: 1


R: 307 / I: 208 / P: 1

Another MMO Thread

The last one is sinking off the board, and the previous attempt at a new thread was done by a faggot who could not contain his shitposting. What the fuck have you been playing lately?

R: 111 / I: 68 / P: 1

Vita thread: Enjoying Infinity Onion Rings Edition

Who knew they were so tasty. I hope you fags have been having some fun on your Vita's. Whatcha >PLAYAN >HACKAN >BUYAN (kek) >WANTAN PREVIOUS THREADS: (Gitgud hackpaste) Last thread: There are also numerous Vita threads across the webring as well. Check out >>>/vita/ and feel free to contribute, tis' a new board dedicated to the amazing device we all know and love. It could use some threads, CSS, assets, banners, and whatever anons feel like suggesting or making. First-time buyer's FAQ: Physical game list (Western/Asia-English/EU released): Vita hacking: Vita homebrew/plug-ins: Vita game mods: Make bounties for ports/features for the Vita here: Consoletan booru: I haven't played on my Vita in a fair while as I've been on more of an anime tear and I'm very busy with life, but hopefully this summer I'll have some time after finals to enjoy on my Vita. How about you anons? Feel free to do writeups and reviews of games you've played as well, they may end up getting added to the chart (eventually). Make sure you treat your Vita well. always love her, and never abandon her or allow her to be damaged or broken or you're no better than Soyny. And reminder not to buy anything digital that supports Soyny (unless its for archival, sharing and piracy purposes ofc, which might become important pretty soon). NEWS Monster Hunter Frontier is back on the Vita, this should be a guide or something for getting it working: A big Vita themes place went down but they came back I think (more or less): (Backup version) MGBA version 0.10.2 released with some minor Vita improvements, but I still think its an imperfect emulator, haven't tested it in a long while though:

R: 510 / I: 193 / P: 1

Souls Thread

Talk about the Souls games including Sekiro, Bloodborne and Elden Ring, Nioh and Lies of P. Last thread >>790634 Making this thread since the trailer for the expansion is out tomorrow and knowing /v/ the old thread will fill in about 20 mins of the trailer being out. It's been a long wait but what are your expectations soulsfags of /v/?

R: 10 / I: 0 / P: 1

Namco Bandai Summer Showcase (July 5th) and any other Pre-Gamescom Announcement Streams

Since these events just keep coming and the Summer of Love thread is bump limited, I'm making a new thread for any random events that come up before August 21st (as GamesCom will have enough that it will need its own thread). Namco Bandai Summer Showcase Namco Bandai is doing a reveal stream on July 5th at 5:30 PM PDT (8:30 PM eastern, 12:30 AM GMT). They've been largely absent from all the previous stuff this year. They'll likely have beyond new footage for Sparking! ZERO, Gundam Breaker 4 (which releases at end of August and has a Japanese developer stream a few days earlier) and the new Shit Art Online game since those are at its concurrent Anime Expo booth. We know there's another Digimon game (last game released 2 years ago but another confirmed in development before even it came out), Ace Combat 7 (leaked by a VA), and some God Eater/Code Vein thing in the works but not yet announced. NB also has lots of eternal franchises that have been dormant for years likes Tales of (4 years since last release, year since big DLC expansion), and Super Robot Wars (3 years since last). Synduality hasn't been heard from since the network test. Also possible is any Armored Core DLC/standalone expansion since they'd be publishing it. Maybe we'll see them milk Aty some more and port Summon Night 3 ported to modern systems with an English translation that isn't cancer.

R: 467 / I: 260 / P: 1


Other than Space Marines, what good warhammer games are there?

R: 445 / I: 157 / P: 2

Share Thread: Please Remember the Abused Chaikas

READ ME BEFORE ASKING FOR ANYTHING YOU FAGGOT FUCK Previous Thread: How to Contribute Post ITT, make a pull request (git client or gitgud IDE) or raise an issue. If you do not have you own account: tough shit because the public account is busted. Before requesting first check THE GITGUDS YOU COLOSSAL COCKGUZZLER, THEY EXIST FOR A REASON DEAD LINKS ARE CURRENTLY BEING PURGED Anons have experienced shady shit with IGG (e.g. miners and extra files that served no purpose in terms of running the games) and they're from Vietnam We prefer danknet magnet links, not that garbage clearnet shit like bittorrents & IPFS. Read a book or something if you want to catch up Save EVERYTHING >>>/eternalarchive/ >Bypassing Mega's bandwith quota MegaDownloader + or mega-dl (megatools) and a proxy %>!,-space, Guide to a Happy Share Thread Leechers 1. Before requesting, search online and even use distributed search engines (e.g. InfraSearch, Opencola, YaCy, FAROO). 2. Look in CheckBeforePosting, the archives, and volafile. 3. If a password is required check the archives, especially the source thread if it's listed. 4. Be as specific as possible. If you have the cover art of the file you want, post it in both the share thread and in vola room. 5. Links to files will purposely be misleading by having spaces, lines, keys & passwords split in the post. This includes torrent hashes. a. If you see a string of characters (e.g. c12fe1c06bba254a9dc9f519b335aa7c1367a88a) with or without dashes, it is a magnet link. b. If your bittorrent is shit, prepend magnet:?xt=urn:btih: to the string. c. Find and Replace (sed/tr/awk) is your friend. Uploaders 1. When in doubt, upload. Ask questions later. 2. Upload to at least 5 alternative sources and keep a local copy if space permits. 3. Use a URL shortener (spaced or split), base64 encryption, and/or paste relinks (e.g. on file links to confuse bots. 4. Encrypt your uploads with a password, key, or generator. Rename the files something random, even their checksums. Maybe even pad files to the nearest GB or so to confuse bots. 5. If your connection is stable, it is extremely advisable to self host using anonymity tools like Freenet, I2P, Gnunet, distributed NNTP or MixMinion/Mixmaster. Volafile 1. Before uploading a batch of miscellaneous files (e.g images and music), be sure they are unique enough to stand on their own and that you ask for the majority's consensus whether to upload the files individually. 2. Upload 5 files and then zip the rest if the dump is larger then 6-7 files. Music Albums exceeding 5 files are to be zipped. 3. When uploading .torrent, either add them to the a zip of the game or just don’t upload those misc files. Properly label files so that they can be identified without asking someone else. 4. For lewd stuff with filenames like RJ74765, either add a .txt linking to the contents on a website or just add the title to the .txt (e.g. "BIG BOOTY WOMEN SIT ON SHOTA FACE (RJ34734)"). 5. You can filter files by file type (.txt, .rar, etc) or search the file list with the bar hidden by the filter files button. a. When in doubt, archive as a single [or split if too large], then upload.

R: 78 / I: 85 / P: 2

Vidya robots

>Robots, machines and other related things. Hello metalheads, what are some bots you like in games? Games about robots or just characters. I know BT is cheating, yes.

R: 193 / I: 58 / P: 2

The Video Game Industry is imploding

I wanted to make a thread for this since it seems every day there's either a massive amount of industry layoffs or some publisher splitting off. Most recently Toys for Bob and Saber Interactive have split from their previous holders with rumors of Gearbox being sold off or going private after splitting off from Embracer like Saber just did. Additionally 505 have just shut down a bunch of offices in Spain, Germany, and France. Since just last holiday there have been over 15,000+ layoffs in the video games industry with a lot of companies restructuring like Embracer and Sony after deals with the Saudi's and the Chinese have basically gone sour. This is in addition to games like Spider-Man 2 (2023) costing over 300 million dollars and with the constant failures of live service games, it makes sense why the industry is experiencing a soft crash as it were. It remains to be seen what will come of the video games industry and what will rise from the ashes. I'm expecting to see more smaller publishers pop up while the current publishers will focus on making smaller games with tighter budgets. That being said no one really knows where the industry will go from here. sources:

R: 38 / I: 5 / P: 2

Xbox console sales reportedly flatlining

Does this deserve its own thread? I don't know, but I thought the news was interesting enough for a discussion. The article is only a few paragraphs long but I'll still summarize it. >In Microsoft's recently quarter earnings call they claim Xbox sales are down YOY 30% >It was down 30% YOY last year as well >Xbox Series sales reportedly are only at 25 million, putting it roughly on par with the original Xbox from over 20 years ago >Microsoft is already focusing on their next console, claiming it will be their biggest ever technological leap Is anybody surprised? The system has no games. Even their big one in a generation title, Starfield, was a huge disappointment that vanished from the gaming zeitgeist after two weeks.

R: 35 / I: 34 / P: 2

Pre-2012 Isekai Games

Let's talk about isekai in video games before isekai was totally ruined by a terrible but inexplicably popular work in 2012. >Final Fantasy Tactics Advance A bunch of kids are sucked into a fantasy world by a magic book, with the weak bullied kid being its ruler. Every character (except some bullies, but their cursed existence in the new world is something only a very observant player will ever notice is a thing) has a genuinely better life within this book so the main character decides to destroy the world and restore the original. The game is legendary for how poorly developed his motivations are, and how the plot sucks from it, and how it (and the law system) ruin the otherwise sold gameplay >Final Fantasy Tactics A2 Sequel to above. Another kid (just the one) is sucked into the same fantasy world. Plot is pretty aimless and mostly him witnessing other people's story and waiting for stuff to happen around him, but it's not the actively broken >Summon Night Japanese high school girl winds up in fantasy world populated primarily by natives of other worlds who have been one way summoned to the world. All future games in the franchise drop the idea of having the main character being from Earth, but do have some random characters who were summoned from it. >Baten Kaitos Unusual execution where the player is summoned to the game's world as a spirit to help guide the main character. The games actually do a lot of interesting things with the framing device. Pretty solid jRPGs with interesting battle systems and worth a play. Don't play the HD re-release because a tranny re-localized it to death. >every Alice in Wonderland/Wizard of Oz game I'm not aware of any that are particularly interesting in execution, but there's a few dozen of these and I mention them for completion.

R: 12 / I: 2 / P: 2

Best Final Fantasy 11 private server

Out of the different Final Fantasy 11 private servers, I like Valhalla the most. Valhalla has TRUSTs, 90 level cap, XP gain rate same as retail. Movement speed is increased, all Home Point crystal warps and outpost warps are unlocked. They have some nice extra content like a unique gear augment system, a few custom dungeons, Dynamis D raids are unlocked. Rise of the Zilart, Treasures of AU, Wings of the Goddess expansions are all unlocked and working properly. So anyway if you are tried of the slow grind to 75 on the other private servers like Horizon or Eden, then come check out Valhalla.

R: 25 / I: 9 / P: 2

Ace Combat thread

Finished all endings in AC3 the other day and I'm impressed with the sheer ambition and variety that this game has. Love the visual style and the various little touches like blinding lens flare when you look directly at the sun. Now I'm looking for some advice on the best way to play AC04 - which emulator, settings and game version should I use?

R: 171 / I: 72 / P: 2

The insane defense of the modern state of gaming

I decided to make proper thread about the state of idiots who defend the horrible state of gaming today. Not to be confused with that one retard who is trying to keep his (games don't need anything past the GameCube's tech) argument, I want to talk about the overall defense of shit that is actively ruining our hobby. >The defense of bad localisation Now I'll add a different spin on this on for you anons, I know a few people who think our hate of stuff like UnicornOverlord's localisation is overblown. Why? They think it being flowery isn't the same as sjweeb bullshit like Fates, not understanding removing the intent or tone of the original is bad like injecting pozz. >The defense of horrid optimisation Many a game regardless of platform run like fucking ass due to devs not giving a single fuck about making sure their games run properly. I've seen retards from the Switch to PC making excuses for this bullshit. >The defense of bad business practices Now this is the current talk of the town with Dogma 2's blunders blowing this conversation throughout the web. Now I'll say this some of them do have a some valid points which I'll address >Capcom did this for years and now you give a shit? >Many of the people are doing this because of Twitter or YouTubers and following trends >Sensationalism Now while they aren't totally incorrect about the above, this is still deflecting from the elephant in the room that being none of this shit should be tolerated period. The whole "this doesn't effect me or it doesn't effect the game as it's minor" bullshit you hear from people, is the reason why this shit has gotten worse and worse in the past 15 years. Also Nintendofags do this to a cultish degree for Nintendo. >The defense of the politicisation of gaming Regardless of political spectrum (Right, Left and centre) this politicisation of the gaming industry has fucked the hobby and the retards who try to spin "games have always had political subject matters" ignoring that much of those themes weren't based on contemporary politics like who you hate in office. >The defense of tumblr gender pronouns Need I say anymore /v/? >The defense of the casualising or dumbing down of various game genres The fags who defend this shit to appeal to newcomers need to be fucking shot, as back in the day you either learned the mechanics or fucked off. I feel this should be a better thread as it's actually talking about problems in gaming.

R: 500 / I: 220 / P: 2

Meta Thread

READ THE RULES BEFORE YOU GET SCHOOLED Keep all of the board drama, autism, site issues, feedback and shitting on the website administration here. Do not post about illegal topics, or you will be banned. Thank you.

R: 9 / I: 17 / P: 2

Shoot em up/Bullet Hell thread: Go for broke!

From classics like Ikaruga and Touhou to the most recently released Devil Blade Reboot. I just wanted to make a Shmup thread since I haven't seen one in a while, and I've been getting into the genre recently despite sucking ass at these games. Right now I've been focused on beating my high score in Devil Blade Reboot, but I wanted to make a thread for /v/ and see if we could collect and compare high scores and just talk about our favorite shmup games, be it Thunderforce, Gunbird 2, Cotton, Touhou, Devil Engine, Radiant Silvergun, etc. What are your favorite shumps /v/?

R: 37 / I: 26 / P: 2

Video Game Transformation Gimmicks, Alt Forms, & Variants.

Been wanting to make a thread about this for a while but I've been putting it off cause I thought there wasn't much to go on but fuck it, might as well try. I want to talk about mode changes for player characters, enemies, and other NPCs and how they affect the game in general. It doesn't have to be a combat-based form but even an NPC having an altered state with visual indications. So give me anything you've got about the subject, the only games I can call at the top of my head that I've played about this subject recently are Devil May Cry 3 and Megaman ZX as part of the zero collection. Minor note: Might as well count super modes like Superstar Invincibility from Super Mario Bros. just in case.

R: 188 / I: 118 / P: 2

EDF6 PC and PS4/5 western release


R: 353 / I: 213 / P: 2

Slay the Princess

Today's the full release of the VN Slay the Princess and it seems like something anons here might genuinely enjoy. For those who are wondering just what the premise of the VN is " You're a nameless Hero whose main goal is to slay a Princess before she ends the world", it's a bizarre horror romance where you'll end up dying a lot. When I saw the first two demos of the VN, I thought it was a unique premise but ultimately believed it couldn't expand upon the choices from the demo, to my pleasant surprise /v/ it has quite a few routes and sub routes within sub routes. For a VN on the cheaper side (by today's inflated prices) of 16 freedom bux or 21 Leaf shekels, there was a lot of love and autism placed into it. I recommend a pirate of this VN for whenever the GoG version is uploaded online.

R: 231 / I: 125 / P: 2

Unicorn Overlord a masterpiece you should not buy

/v/ I'm here to say after playing it via emulation of the Switch version that Unicorn Overlord is a masterpiece , 10/10 and as the kids would say GOAT. If not for the fact Elden Meme's DLC is coming out and the potential of Metaphor: ReFantazio, I would say this is JPRG of 2024 hands fucking down. This might even surpass Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir , Dragon's Crown and 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim as Vanillaware's best game, it's that fucking good. <But anon you just spend the first bit of this post practically on the knees sucking it off why are you saying not buy it? The localisation of this game is not great and if you're a Vanillaware fag like I am you should not support the English version of this game period, if you want to support Vanillaware go buy a JP copy of this from Amazon jp or other moon storefront. Yes it's not totally pozzed like say FE or others have been but it still changes the tone and intent of the game >WHO CARES IF THE DIALOGUE IS FLOWERY ANON? You should care as it's still an alter of the original work and an utter disrespect of Vanillaware >WHERE IS THE PC VERSION YOU NIGGER? There is none as for whatever reason the CEO of Vanillware is super butthurt towards PC as platform, which is a shame as the mods of this game would be amazing and patches to unfuck the localisation would also be very welcomed. I think this would've added another 500k sales or even more if it was on steam as let's face it consoles are pretty much dying, even in Japan PC has gotten pretty big (not big enough where it's fully taken over like the west and Slavland), even Atlus was scratching their heads on why Vanillaware asked them to not allow a PC version. >DOES THIS GAME HAVE WAIFUS? Yes it does and they are all amazing but if you're a hag lover like myself Yahna is best girl. >WHERE CAN ONE EUMLATE IT? Ryujinx is what I used and I'm unsure if there are others, so perhaps a kind anon could correct me. <Closing notes If you're looking for something that beats modern FE(FE: Three Houses wasn't too bad but I understand why people might not care for it) this next to StellaGlow will fill that Strategy JRPG niche. How many hours you anons put into it and and who were your favourites? Also SCARLETT A SHIT!

R: 36 / I: 16 / P: 2

Subliminal Cucking

After spending my weekend binging a few older Obsidian games, I'm reminded of something that's always kind of rubbed me the wrong way about Bethesda's writing. You ever notice how in games like Skyrim or Nu-Fallout, any dialogue option that shows the slightest hint of confidence or assholery (not matter the player's level) is shot down with characters acting like you chose the "wrong" option and suggesting you be more humble? A noticeable example of this is when you join the Legion and suggest that one of the early missions might not be difficult for you. Immediately your Legate is like >Ummm... That sounds like bravado to me. Stop talking like that. She will say this no matter what level you are, or how many other questlines you've completed. She still maintains this attitude towards you throughout the entire Legion questline. And there are lots of moments in Skyrim and other Bethesda games where they'll scold you for being confident, or where the only remotely confident option will intentionally sound cocky as all hell. This was something I noticed when I beat Fallout: New Vegas years ago and realized that the game didn't scold me for talking like an overconfident asshole. It just said >Oh, you think you got what it takes? Alright then, let's see it. And sometimes even rewarded you for taking the dialogue option that doesn't sound like you sit with your legs crossed. But lately I've played other Obsidian RPGs, KOTOR II and Alpha Protocol, and noticed the exact same thing. Likely Avellone's influence, but in AP in particular it's rewarding to be a bit of a douchebag. Being talked down by people, and not being forced to respond "righteously" as if the game is on their side or give direct "No u" responses, is so refreshing. I hate how passive the player character is in Bethesda titles and other AAA titles. What are some other games with charismatic asshole protagonists?

R: 87 / I: 59 / P: 2

Steam Next Fest: June 2024

The Steam Next Fest is here, as you know Steam Next Fest is where a whole bunch of games are shown off to the public in order to sell their games to the public. Personally I look forward to these events since there's a lot of cool games that get my attention but don't have the massive bloated budget that other indies might have due to industry contracts or nepotism in the pre existing market. During the Steam Next Fest not only does it give people like me hands on with these interesting games, but it also lets me discover games that I would've never heard of beforehand. This year it seems that there's a good number of interesting games, so if there's anything that stands out feel free to post in this thread about it. Personally Akim Bot and Metal Slug Tactics are some demos that I'll be playing later today, but there's some other games that look really cool. What are you gonna play /v/?

R: 500 / I: 287 / P: 3

Minor News Thread

Basically this is a thread for those minor news articles that are interesting but not necessary big enough to have their own thread. We will be taking the bigger stories from these threads and making them into their own threads, Anons are welcome to do the same. We will NOT be heavily enforcing these threads, so please keep that in mind. Basically things like game announcements, live stream events, new gaming hardware, etc. should have their own threads while shit like NEW GUILTY GEAR DLC 3 "SLAYER" or something like that should be posted in this thread. While we won't ban anyone for doing the former, we encourage anons to use their best judgement when posting news content.

R: 151 / I: 24 / P: 3

PC Hardware & News Thread: CPU Edition

>Discuss PC Hardware & News >Share Specs & Pics Current News >Ryzen 9000 series out next month >Snapdragon elite X chips use 65% less battery then AMD and Intel chips >Intel runs hot Last thread >>870915

R: 261 / I: 178 / P: 3

The Elder Scrolls thread

We have furries and they're all addicted to crack. Covering the basic news. >The Elder Scrolls VI is officially in early development, all eagerly await its 2065 release to play a TES game with even fewer RPG mechanics. >Daggerfall Unity is leaving Beta and considering a full 1.0 release, the in-dev 0.16 release being the earliest candidate. This would mark the completion of its 9-year development and the first major TES engine port to be finished. The project will enter a stage of "post-release support" likely involving bug fixes and further modding improvements. >Skyblivion posted a new status report, showing major progress. There's too much to cover, I recommend watching their 2023 roadmap if interested

R: 35 / I: 14 / P: 3

Good games fucked by their makers

>List games you wanted to love and play, but got fucked by some meta element. >StarCraft II. Had good fucking gameplay, a decent campign (WoL) and some great custom maps. Always online was bad enough from the get go, but the constant large updates meant whenever I logged on to play with a friend, one of us had to wait 20ish minutes to play, so we just stopped. Blizzard progressively circlejerking itself into the ground didn't help. Damn shame. >World of Warcraft I had fun in vanilla wow. Less so in outlands. WotL was pretty good because a friend dragged me into it after deplayment, and we games all day every day for months. But blizzard just fucking fell off a cliff. >Star Wars: The Old Republic Great story, atmosphere and voice acting. Also scratching my Star Wars itch. Fucking UI. It's constantly spamming some add for an offer, suggestion PVP or shilling Cartel Coins, and you cannot disable all of it. The gameplay outside dialogues is mostly shit and we end up with a game that lives by it's immersion yet constantly does everything to break it. BioWare joining in on the Circlejerking didn't help and requiring admin priv to launch made me drop it. >Surviving Mars Pretty chill builder sim that got sold until it had udeless DLCs (I'm looking at you Above and Below) as well as built in spyware. >Kerbal Space Program Same as Surviving Mars. Got filled with Spyware. RIP Jeb. >Baldur's Gate 3 It was OK-ish in the alpha, not a DOS2, but ok, but Larian drank the coolaid and filled the game with progressive shit and changes all the models to trannys. >DwarfFotress Trannies. They can be disabled in the configs, but fucking hell why would you include that in the first place!

R: 208 / I: 151 / P: 3


The previous thread is now anchored so it's time for a new thread all about Friday Nights and: WHATCHA' >PLAYAN >WATCHAN >LISTENAN >READAN >EATAN >DRINKAN >FAPPAN >FEELAN

R: 62 / I: 57 / P: 3

Rank the Games in a Series that You've Played

Phantasy Star IV>I>II>III >Phantasy Star IV One of the best JRPGs ever made and possibly the best RPG ever released on a Sega console. The gameplay is lightyears ahead of its time. In some ways, it's still ahead of what most JRPGs are doing today. The only thing aspects that might feel slightly dated to modern players are the random encounters and the item management. The story, pacing, presentation, and music are very well done too. It really captures the feeling of an epic space adventure. >Phantasy Star I A very unique RPG that I'm disappointed more games haven't ripped off. It may be the only time I've ever really felt immersed in a game, which is odd considering how old it is. Maybe all of the grinding just hypnotized me or something. There's isn't much story, even with the retranslation patch, but that doesn't detract from the adventure at all. Many have called this the best 8-bit RPG of all time, but I don't know if I'd go that far. Dragon Quest III may be a little better. Still, it's a game that everyone into older RPGs should experience at least once. >Phantasy Star II Lots of great ideas, but haphazard execution. It's one of those cases where there's a great game there buried under a lot of frustrating tedium. Everything about the gameplay is worse than the first and it doesn't look as good either despite being on a 16-bit system. There's more of a story here, but not much. Most of the party members say something the first time you meet them and then remain silent for the rest of the game. I understand that there were adventure games meant to flesh out all of the characters, but I wish they could incorporated at least some of that into the main game. As bad as I'm making it sound, it's still fun. It managed to keep my attention until the end which is more than I can say for most JRPGs. I'm just disappointed with it because it had the potential to be so much better. >Phantasy Star III Not much to say about this one. It barely has anything to do with the rest of the series. The story takes place across several generations, which is the only thing it really has going for it. Everything else is kind of bland. It might be fun if you're in the mood for a standard 16-bit JRPG. I'm certain that if this game was not part of the Phantasy Star series, and was only released in Japan, retro weebs online would be hyping it up as a "lost classic" that the west was robbed of. It's not necessary to have played all the games in a series to rank them. Just what you've played.

R: 204 / I: 113 / P: 3

/v/ specific gamenight servers

In light of the fun TF2 gamenight, I wish to start some sort of collaborative effort to maintain a list of active /v/ servers, so that our gamenights can be easier to organize. If you have any specific server you're hosting, or know that the people hosting are old 8chan anons or otherwise cool guys, let me know and I'll add them to the pile. REDCHANNIT OFFICIAL SITE: Half-Life 2 Deathmatch (Courtesy of zombie9143): Minecraft Mikecraft 1.20.1 (Courtesy of segamastersystem): Matchaland 1.20.1: Boba changed Matchaland Minceraft to 1.20.2 vanilla and here's its dynmap: Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 (zombie9143): /v/craft IP: Open Fortress >REDchanit: OF, Custom Maps, Custom Playermodels: Pre-Fortress 2 >REDchanit PF2, some custom maps: Quake III Arena QuakeWorld Sven Co-op REDchanit Half-Life Sven Co-op Has the following campaigns, plus all default maps: Half-Life Opposing Force Blue Shift Quake (Shareware) Ocarina of Time (Deku Tree) Half-Quake Crack-Life Bonus Levels: Deathmatch Classic Quake DM Maps (DM2, DM4, DM6) Ricochet Sneed Use these SRB2K Sleepychan's server: >How to play: Team Fortress Classic TFC (Goldsrc): TF2 Servers (All TF2 servers have a Custom Classes plugin which features the Civilian from TF2C and Merc from Open Fortress) >REDchanit Site for all servers if they ever change IPs: Valve Maps + Custom Maps: VScript Custom Maps + MvM Upgrades Maps: "SoapDM" Team Deathmatch: >Matchaland Official Valve Maps Only: Custom Maps Only: Mann vs Machine: 100 Players: Freak Fortress / Vs Saxton Hale TF2Classic Servers >REDchanit TF2C + Custom Weapons: (Features a few custom weapons, nothing too crazy, mostly weapons from previous builds of TF2C which got cut like the Sten Gun and Poacher's Pride. Also features custom player models of extended-universe TF2 characters within the TF2C community like Janitor, Driver etc. If that's too much for you I recommend playing Matchaland TF2C insttead since it's totally vanilla TF2C basically) >Matchaland: TF2C Official Maps Only: TF2C Custom Maps Only: Official Maps (TF2C) Custom Maps (TF2C) Xonotic Download and install version 0.8.6: Windows: or any other mirrors at Other systems: it may be available as a package in your system. If not, use the same download as Windows. Official newbie guide: Xonotic wiki: How to join >Launch Xonotic >Complete the new player setup >Go to multiplayer >Enter the server IP in "Address" at the bottom and press Join If your server is not on the list, just let me know. Additionally, consider checking out for updates.

R: 67 / I: 62 / P: 3

Perfect Games

Are there any games which you consider to be perfect vidya? Just pure distilled quality. Here are two games I consider to be near-perfect (they have their glitches and exploits like any other piece of software).

R: 89 / I: 100 / P: 3

NIHON FALCOM THREAD: Forward Relentlessly Edition

I was hoping to make it to the shareholders meeting before the old thread got bumped off but it looks like we'll miss it by a couple of weeks. >Latest News -Falcom's 2024 title is all but confirmed to be Kuro No Kiseki 3. We don't have a title or any details yet, though, and likely won't until the shareholder's meeting in December. -Ys X released on Playstation systems and Switch. As of now, no PC announcement has been made. CLE likely will make one going by their track record, but who's to say when. Durante and his team will eventually make one too, as the norm is now for them to release the Japanese PC version and patch in the localization later. Either way, we likely won't see fan translation efforts until a PC version materializes. Thankfully, the Switch version will at least mean easy access to the Japanese script, which was a major problem when trying to translate Kuro 2. Speaking of... -Kuro no Kiseki 2 has had it's main and sub scenarios translated. That is to say, main quest, side quests, events noted on the map and connect events. Most NPCs are still machine translated. This is following Kuro no Kiseki 1 which was completely translated down to the last NPC. This was all done before NISA even officially announced their Kuro localization. As long as they remain three years behind, this should stay the norm. >Fan-translations Kuro no Kiseki 1 Translation: Kuro no Kiseki 2 Translation: Hajimari no Kiseki Translation (NPCs incomplete. You might also have to use the CLE PC version and not Durante's. Not sure.): Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana English patch: >Undubs Mega of every undub:!k5ZjwTCD!A4Uyb67OpQQ_qCoB-zvx0g Merge the JP voices and Dummy files into one folder and dump that folder into the voice folder. >Falcom pastebin (download links for scans, Falcom Magazine volumes, soundtracks and more) >Previous Thread:

R: 15 / I: 18 / P: 3

Fan Mods, fangames, fan continuations

Let's have a thread about fangames, fanmods, and fan continuation of video game series. Bonus points if they ignore an entry in an attempt to fix a garbage story or breathe life into a series again. But games that expand onto what is already there are fine too. What are your favourites? Are there any fangames you hate? Any that you would want to recommend? Any mods that either continue or change the story of the original?

R: 299 / I: 681 / P: 3

Zelda/Link OR Zelink Thread

This thread is dedicated to the most prolific and wholesome videogame pairing ever, Zelda and Link! Discussion about the Zelda series itself and other girls is completely welcome here, as are other pairings and stuff. Share your cute art, doujins, and other things! The Zelink MEGA (3000+ images of Zelink organized by game) The mega will be updated once per month Rules: 1. Keep it civil. 2. No NTR/cuckold/demoralization culture. 3. Be kind to others Previous: >>910969

R: 464 / I: 146 / P: 3

Ourobooru Rescue

it seems the booru project is seeking to get rid of ourobooru, help archiving the booru would be welcome and so would help in migrating its contents, perhaps something like this ? does anyone know if acid has been looking into booru alternatives for if the situation arises?(which apparently it did)

R: 234 / I: 89 / P: 3

Emulation Megathread

Dead of Winter edition (previous thread: What are you guys emulating right now, and on what platforms? What's the best emulators and romsites? Any good romhacks you would recommend? Emulation wiki In other news... The pedofurs at have finally fucked up badly enough to convince the guy who runs CDromance to shit out his own. Their latest crimes include closing the homebrew section to new submissions and disabling all downloads for a week because of "scraping". Please remember to submit all of your own romhacks and mods to

R: 91 / I: 128 / P: 3

Screenshot sharing thread

A thread about posting screenshots from games you played recently, or any other screenshots you have in your disposal. If you also like you can also write a bit of the experiences you had with the game >Screenshot 1 and 2 Unreal RPG mod for GZDoom. I played a lot of this and I had a blast with it, a bit janky experience but otherwise I liked it. Basically it's a mod where it uses a lot of Unreal Gold assets and turning it into a semi open world RPG game, there isn't really that much content to explorer or stuff to grind for but i still enjoyed playing it. >Screenshot 3 Sun Haven. I played it for over 400 hours and it was pretty nice, it's basically a 2D farming rpg game with combat. The main appeal is to do chores such as farming, mining, wood cutting and animal tending in order to make a buck out of it, it has a RPG system for non combat and combat so you get rewarded with more abilities the more you grind for it. >Screenshot 4 and 5 Modded GMod autism. I installed dozens of mods for it and one of them was which lets you craft beverage and another mod for selling items, I would pick a map which have houses on them and setting up my brewery there and buying ingredients from the merchant and then selling the crafted beverage back for profit, had to customize myself some stuff for it in order to make multiple mods work together but it was nice for what it was. It sucked though that the models they used were either vanilla models or some really poorly done models. I haven't played GMod in ages though because I tried paying for pirated mods (got money back though) and now my GMod installation is fucked so I could either try unfucking shit by figuring out which fucking lua mods fucks up my stuff or I go the noooook route and reinstall GMod whole which means I would also lose all the edits I have done of those mods. I am pretty mixed about GMod, in one way it is interesting to play with but only because there is tons of mods for it available but on other hand trying to make for example a DarkRP solo experience is quite janky since there is not many good mods for that. Well in worst case I could make my own GMod mods as soon I figured out how it works but I am not really in the mood for that.

R: 5 / I: 3 / P: 3

Tribes 3: Rivals go into maintenance mode before even getting out of Early Access Lmao, there are people that actually thought this was going to work, even though the devs hated vehicles, and wanted to make such a niche series into a pay to play game with a cash shop. God, this is such a shitshow. VGTW Will tribes ever get a nice release with actually passionate devs?

R: 444 / I: 692 / P: 3

Webm Thread - Gwimbly Edition

You know the drill. Previous thread >>909361

R: 24 / I: 5 / P: 4

The Great Genre Convergence

Whatever happened to genre purity anons? It seems like games are becoming a grey goo amalgamated mess. Shooters and action games now have RPG elements, RPGs have shooter/action elements. Open world everything even when it doesn't suit. Is gaming moving toward a great genre convergence with some uber ultimate game that's an open-world battle royale action RPG with survival craft elements as a live service game hero shooter? I can't be the only one noticing everything blurring and melding together in the mainstream sphere. Some games, usually indie, stick to their genre and polish it until it shines, but most everything else is turning into the brown mess you get when you mix all the paint colours together as a kid thinking you'll get a rainbow but ending up with literal shit.

R: 402 / I: 659 / P: 4

Video Game Waifu Thread: Haydee Edition

/v/, who is your video game waifu? Mine is definitely Haydee. I love her curvy body and thick round ass. I believe she would make a submissive loyal house wife. I know some may call me a nigger lover but when served properly, chocolate is delicious dish.

R: 454 / I: 288 / P: 4

Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/

Touch the Cow Edition Crews 1.Infinity - 692908 2.Kihou - 740471 3.Sky Lords - 733000 4.Raven Nest (Dead) - 1024216 5.Heaven&Hel (Dead) - 933194 Guides and info >How do I even play this shit? You can play it from your browser by going to >I'm not going to use google botnet to play this. You can use chrome alternatives, such as Slimjet or Iridium. If you don't like doing that, use an agent spoofer for the browser you do use to spoof chrome. Relink Versus

R: 226 / I: 102 / P: 4

Dragon's Dogma 2: CapJews

So it seems that the launch of this game was piss poor due to the bad performance issues and normalfags waking up to the DRM/Microtransactions shit. Still there's a good game to be found, and I hope everyone is enjoying the game as much as I am. Just recently capcom released a new patch where they added a New Game function in addition to a FPS Lock for console fags. In addition to being able to get your own house earlier in the game, and changing Art of Metamorphosis to 99 instead of 2 in the Pawn Guild, thus eliminating the need for microtransactions altogether. Sadly it seems the performance issues won't be release until later this year since it seems capcom needs some more time to cook the game and have it working with DLSS3 and other techniques to make the game actually run at a bearable framerate. Still with all of the complaints they got, hopefully they can have some options to fix the performance issues by using the GPU a bit more in towns. Still, have you been enjoying the game /v/?

R: 498 / I: 253 / P: 4

Hentai/Porn games (especially local multiplayer action)

I'm a novice to the genre, but it seems most of what I find when I look is just VNs and (mostly turn based) RPGs, as well as nude mods for regular games. Are there any good action based porn games? I've found Project X: Love Potion Disaster - Mod Edition (apparently someone else continuing development after the original dev abandoned it, but they call it a mod out of honor among degenerates or something). It's a pretty decent beat em up, honestly. Quite simple gameplay, not the best of the genre, but like other beat em ups, local multiplayer helps immensely. I am now in desperate need of other action-based games with local multiplayer. They don't have to be beat em ups, but taking turns somewhat defeats the point of getting your heart pumping. Are there any fighting game porn games? Making attacks sexy and rapey seems like something that would fit easily into that genre, and it's a genre where one of two players is always getting hit all the time, so getting hit to see the porn doesn't feel like a lose condition (it just means the other player is doing well) and it can be mixed in with the gameplay and not just between matches. I did find one or two fighting hentai games from the '90s or something, but it looks like the porn was all between matches. Someone needs to make one where it's the same genre but the attacks are raping instead of (just) punching. But I'll take recommendations in any genre. The more explicit (ie: not just nude mods where no fucking takes place), the better. More detailed/not pixel art seems obviously better. I see a lot that are pixel art, including the one I mentioned, but I don't get the appeal of pixelated pussy. Wouldn't you want to see more detail and not less? And also important, the more the porn is actually tied to the gameplay (the less it is like just cutscenes between normal gameplay sections), the better. Do any good porn games exist where the porn isn't just effectively a cutscene attached to a lose condition? Even Love Potion Disaster, which I just complimented, basically saves the porn for when you get hit, essentially making it a bunch of short cutscenes activated by small losses, but that's better than cutscenes between levels or turns, at least. It gets closer to integrating it with action gameplay than anything else I've found with a little bit of looking. But you people might know something better. Honestly I was surprised to find any porn games with local multiplayer, on account of how it really seems like a genre that would mostly be played in private. However, this one game with local multiplayer has really worked out for me, so I need more local multiplayer. No, it's not gay. Nobody here should believe me, but it was my gf that found this one game and wanted to try it together while she sits/bounces on my lap. It's my new fetish and I need as many games as possible that will facilitate this, so I can keep it going before she gets bored of the one game we have for it so far. Pic 2 is sort of the position but she is leaning forward and playing too. Of course feel free to mention any games beyond what I am more specifically looking for. Any recommendations are helpful, including good nude mods (most give you nude characters but games rarely give camera angles to actually let you enjoy the goods), or good turn based ones. But I can find plenty of turn based ones and few that really stand out. Even ones that aren't multiplayer, especially if they make for good "pass the controller" arcade style action. But local multiplayer action is what I'm really looking for. But whatever. Hentai Games General, I guess. Even though generals are cancer.

R: 245 / I: 373 / P: 4

Old 8/v/ Nostalgia Thread

Post what you've got. I have more stuff on my computer but it's going to take some time find it all.

R: 500 / I: 218 / P: 4


you know the script, niggers for any 8/16bit and certain ps1 games, i've been using the 6 btn megadrive/genesis controller, love the d-pad and clicky buttons, so my question is, should i re-order another 6btn megadrive, or is there a better alternative?

R: 128 / I: 49 / P: 4

Dragon Age: The Veilguard/Bioware Thread

I wanna talk about the new Dragon Age. It's uh... it looks rough. It's been 10 years since Inquisition but Bioware has finally revealed the next game. Featuring... prosthetics, SEA elves, black elves, & a cartoony Fortnite hero shooter looking aesthetic. Yay...

R: 222 / I: 90 / P: 4


TO EUROBROS AND STRAYAN ANONS: YOU CAN DO YOUR PART AND TAKE ACTION TO MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD, AS A CONSUMER, TO STOP GAMES AS A SERVICE. >An increasing number of videogames are sold as goods, but designed to be completely unplayable for everyone as soon as support ends. The legality of this practice is untested worldwide, and many governments do not have clear laws regarding these actions. It is our goal to have authorities examine this behavior and hopefully end it, as it is an assault on both consumer rights and preservation of media. This campaign originally started from some youtuber who hated the fact that The Crew, an Ubishit racing game, would close their online services and making the game he purchased basically unplayable. Even if it would technically be possible to run the game offline, it's unfortunately prevented by DRM and other jewish nonsense plaguing modern gaming today. He is making a rallying campaign, asking for the 12 million people who effectively got scammed after buying The Crew to make their voice heard and complain about this, so that governments can take action and hopefully set a precedent to destroy GAAS as we know it in an effort to preserve videogames. Any step taken towards making publishers and greedy kike game companies release offline versions of multiplayer-only games is a win. Any effort contributing to popularizing the now lost practice of giving server tools to gamers for them to make their own community servers is a good thing in my eyes. If you care about vidya, it's in your best interest to spread awareness of this campaign and do as much as you possibly can, even if you don't like the EU. Sign petitions, screech about it, etc. They've shown that they can seriously cripple anti-consumer practices, as seen with Apple.

R: 110 / I: 79 / P: 4

GOOD games where you are the villain

I not talking about games where you're a misunderstood "villain" who turns out to be the "good guy" only because of plot reasons. I mean games where you're an unapologetic evil person and the game doesn't try to shy away or ridicule the player for it. The reason I bring this up is beause I've been recently thinking about the games released during the late seventh gen, like Spec Ops: The Line and Bioshock Infinite, where the games outright ridicule the player for having played the game all the way to the end with a message that the player needs to "kill himself" in order to "atone" for the "sin" of having played a violent video game where you kill NPCs, and just how disgusting the entire concept of. Why make a game where you "trick" the player into playing the game the way you wanted them to play it, and then ridicule the player for having played the game exactly the way you wanted them to play it? So how about listing off some games where you are the villain, the game doesn't feel guilty over that fact, and the developers have fun with the player taking on the role of being a bad person doing bad things?

R: 38 / I: 10 / P: 4

Game of the Month #9 (June Edition): No One Can Stop Mr. Domino! (PS1)

>What is this? This is exactly how it sounds: A game is chosen each month (which will be relatively or totally obscure on purpose) with hopes of bringing new avenues of playing potential to anons with narrow video game perspectives. The goal isn't necessarily to pick bad games, but obscure ones nobody, or as few people as possible, have played. You can play the game and then use that fact as bragging rights to others! You can use it to broaden your backlog horizons! or you can forget about it. It's up to you. THIS MONTH: No One Can Stop Mr. Domino!, a quirky action-puzzle game from a time where developers would throw anything at the wall and see what stuck. Help the titular Mr. Domino make a mess out of a series of fun levels, make a huge chain of blocks and see them all fall in a spectacular fashion. >Where do I get this? >How does it play? Mr. Domino is, as the game suggests, unstoppable. He will not yield or even slow down, at best you can go from a jog to a full on run. Place domino pieces over the course, which loops on itself, then hit one of your previously placed pieces to start a chain reaction! All levels have both context-sensitive buttons you need to press by letting a domino piece fall on them or some other criteria to award bonus points. GUIDELINES FOR FUTURE GotMs: Poll for MONTH YEAR: If you do not like any of the games in the poll, you can either add a new entry manually, or reply to the OP with a different suggestion. Don't come crying to me if you don't like the game, blame democracy. If you DO suggest a game though, please, report all relevant information on the game (magnet/dl link, interesting mods, guides, tutorials on tech, speedrun etc.). Feel free to suggest any and every game you can think of, bonus points if it's games that barely anyone has played or talks about in the [Current Year] or that fit the month thematically. However, try and follow these rules: 1) No game that relies on modern hardware. If the game cannot be pirated or emulated properly, or no working emulator for the game exists, most people won't be able to enjoy it, rendering the thread kind of pointless; 2) No always-online games, meaning no live service games or mobile games that are dependent on external servers, unless a backup instance of said servers has been created by its fans or the offline content is significantly larger than the online content; 3) For multiplayer games, provide only free to play games that let players create their own servers, or games with local multiplayer that can be set up to play online (requires someone to be a hostfag, or, and may Allah forgive me for uttering these words, using Parsec); 4) No game that requires gimmicky controls to be enjoyable (guitar pedals, Wiimotes, cameras etc.) unless they can be easily remapped or translated into some other control scheme. Previous Games of the Month: https://unknown.spam/p58zse2f OP Copypasta: https://unknown.spam/akaqy3oq

R: 513 / I: 577 / P: 4

Blue Archive Thread

Making a thread for the hit new(ish) game taking the mobile gaming world by storm! Would like to see if anyone else here plays this. >What is Blue Archive? A mobile game on iOS and Android, you play as a male teacher in a world where the only other humans are all female. Command your students as you take down enemies and learn about the world you've been thrust into. You're sure to find a favorite among the many students available to you. >It's P2W garbage! Can't get the student I want! Answering the first part, it is relatively P2W since it's a mobage, but F2P users are capable of winning as well, and in the late-game, the gap between F2P and P2W is very small indeed - perhaps even nonexistent. Many of the students in this game are available for free without even rolling once in the gacha system (Over time you have a chance at unlocking students by beating the hard mode levels) >Are the girls cute? Yes For the loli fan out there, sate your thirsts on this game with the most lolis per capita out of every mobage out there. For the hagfan or oppailoli fan, this game can cater to your needs as well. >Isn't this game censored? Since China doesn't like nudity in any fashion, the game was split so that the chinks have their own censored version. The NA and JP versions are unaffected and the lolis untouched. >How do I play? Here are some useful links This game does have a "club" system so if there are enough fags here playing, we can all stick together in the same club just like those Granblue Fantasy guys

R: 280 / I: 148 / P: 4

Nintendo Direct: LIVE NOW

Nintendo will host a Nintendo Direct on June 18 at 7:00 a.m. PT / 10:00 a.m. ET. There will be no mention of the successor to the Nintendo Switch. Here are the links to the stream as I will NOT be able to restream it at the current time. Please understand. USA: EUR: JPN:

R: 358 / I: 249 / P: 4

DOOM/Retro FPS: Everyone is here

Has anyone ever got a gamenight of Samsara going on? I know we had one for Christmas of 2018, but I'm surprised we haven't got one going since then. Here's a link to the updated mod if you guys wanna get a gamenight going on. That being said: Post anything relating to >DOOM >its wads >its sequels >its community >its copycats >all 90s FPS related accessories

R: 290 / I: 158 / P: 4

Japanese learning thread

I have no idea how to bake this thread I'm just copying from zchan thread pls help me. Archive of previous thread - Step 0. Resource Acquisition Go here to get Anki, a flash card program: Here are some suggested decks: Core2k/6k:!QIQywAAZ!g6wRM6KvDVmLxq7X5xLrvaw7HZGyYULUkT_YDtQdgfU KanjiDamage: Kana: Tae Kim's grammar: Other Resources RealKana: (alternate version) Click the column of characters you want to study and type the corresponding romaji into the box as they appear Kana Invaders: Space Invaders/Galaga style clone. Type the romaji to shoot the kana alien KanjiVG: Simply plug the character in and instantly get a stroke order diagram Type in a word or phrase to hear a native speaker's pronunciation Tae Kim's Guide to Japanese: Great introduction to Nipponese, you can start here to learn basic grammar and vocabulary KanjiDamage: Learn Kanji by using mnemonics and radicals Mainichi browser extension: Learn a new vocabulary word every time you open a new tab JapaneseClass: Learn Nipponese by playing games (requires registration) DJT Guide: [YOUTUBE VIDEOS] JapanesePod101: Namasensei: JapaneseVideocast: From previous thread Gonna leave these here for those that belieb[Embed][Embed] The Guy with mega of japanese dub movies Use the decoder below to get the link & key. YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOVpjekI1VWtGdlF3PT0= X1FrMmpJaVQ0aXpZVGhYS241UGNMUQ== The unironic links guy For beginner/early level: For more intermediate levels:

R: 179 / I: 161 / P: 4

Favourite gay character.

I am going to start with my 2 favourite homos. Takatoshi Hijiyama and Tsukasa Okino. I find their relationship really cute. How Hijiyama will spend a good chunk of his story wondering if he is gay while Okino teases him.

R: 9 / I: 3 / P: 5


When was the last time you played a game that had levels in it? I'm playing the nunuTomb Raiders and not enjoying the open world shit at all. I miss the old days of just having a large level, kinda sandbox-y, but you finish it and move on to the next with a nice clean level break in between, like in the originals or the first reboot. Is open-world the new vidya dev meta? Are we ever gonna get back to comfy levels?

R: 14 / I: 6 / P: 5

Arcade games

>favorite game? >favorite genre? >favorite developer? >any games you feel never got the recognition they deserve because they never had a home console port? >any arcade games from the past 10-15 years you enjoyed? >do you actually go for high scores when you play? >have you ever 1cc a game? I've been getting back into these sorts of games lately and trying to beat them with as few credits as possible, but it hasn't happened yet. As fun as they are, they get boring if you use credits to give yourself unlimited lives. It takes all the tension out of the gameplay, sort of like when you turn off permadeath in Fire Emblem.

R: 417 / I: 234 / P: 5

Sonic thread - Frontiers Final Horizon & Superstars

Sonic Superstars will be coming out in a few weeks but for now the final update for Sonic Frontiers is out, and people are bitching it's too hard, so I guess that means it's a good update, if you felt the game was too easy before the new story content can get plenty challenging. Haven't beat it yet, but the Final Horizon content is basically a redo of the ending level in terms of story, Amy, Knuckles, and Tails are tasked with finding the Chaos Emeralds, where Sonic undergoes trials to turn the cyber corruption into power. The new characters have their own skill trees. Amy is a Magical girl now, Knuckles has the drill that will pierce the heavens, Tails has his mega buster again. When they get max rings, Amy rides her hammer like a broom, Knuckles glide no longer descends, and Tails can enter the Cyclone and fly without much limits, you can also use the Cyclone canon special attack. The new characters are mostly focused around having aerial movement, Kncukles obviously glides, Tails can fly around intended challenges as usual, and the cyclone makes him extra busted, Amy has a triple jump and can slow her decent. I haven't played the game since release, so looking at it now there is actually the amount of content it should have released with. You can collect music from previous game, so you're not always listening to the a "atmospheric" songs. The map didn't have this completion list before. The stopwatches are challenges were the game has you interact with the environment as much as possible, building up score and combo, now all the randomly placed springs, rails and such have a use beyond reaching collectables. Battlerush tasks you with fighting all types of enemies from an island as fast as possible. "I forgot how combat worked in this game for a bit so I got a bad rank" Cyber Space Challenge is the same as battlerush just with the Stages. The game was pretty good on release, but clearly lacking extra features. Now it's a full package. Remember to visit our friends over at >>>/fast/ !

R: 385 / I: 143 / P: 5

cRPG Thread

It's funny how the late 90's-early 2000's have come to be regarded as this golden age of 2D isometric RPGs when there were only a handful of games like that released during that period. Fallout 1&2 Baldur's Gate 1&2 Icewind Dale 1&2 Planescape Torment Arcanum Temple of the Elemental Evil That's basically it, right? These are the only ones I ever see people talk about at least. That's 9 games. The legacy of an entire genre, one which has a rabid cult following to this day, rests on 9 games. Baldur's Gate II is the best one because it lets you impregnate a cute elf. Anyway, what cRPG's have you been playing lately, /v/? Are there any more modern games like these worth playing or are they all boring/pozzed?

R: 221 / I: 109 / P: 5

Cuhrayzee Vidya

I haven't seen a thread discussing stylish action for a while, let's change that. Honestly I was kinda disappointed with Bayonetta 3, it wasn't nearly as good as the previous two games and I feel basically killed the series seeing as Kamiya left Platinum in order to work at Hamster probably. Still, it's kinda sad that Bayonetta was destined to die a mediocre death. That said as for Bayonetta's twin IP Astral Chain, apparently Nintendo completely owns the rights to that IP now, so hopefully we can see them develop the sequel in house since I would love to see how Nintendo tackles these kinds of games. Other than a few indie games, there's not really much going on with the genre. The Genokids demo was top notch and I highly recommend everyone here give it a chance, but other than that I'm waiting to hear about some surprise hits like Hi-Fi Rush since that was an extremely pleasant surprise and was actually did better than both Microsoft and Bethesda expected it to be. So hopefully we'll see a new Hi-Fi Rush in the future. Other than that, I'm sure Capcom is gonna remake DMC1 or DMC3 at some point in the near future, and like I said before Hi-Fi Rush did surprisingly well. So I strongly doubt the genre is dead, but that it usually takes a bit to get one of these games off the ground since Souls is the hot sauce these days. Still, what cuhrayzee games are you playing right now /v/? I'm going through Ninja Gaiden and God Hand myself, enjoying them as always.

R: 42 / I: 16 / P: 5

Video game spinoff media

What are some actually good video game spinoff media? Or at least ones worth looking into? I hate games that focus too much on story, but I love when games I like get cool spinoff media. Let the games focus on gameplay and have stories that further the gameplay, but if your world and characters are cool enough to do spinoffs that might be a bit more about the story? Then I might be into that. I'm gonna autistically rant about ones I know, but I know there are many more that I haven't seen or will forget to talk about. I want recommendations of ones I haven't seen and discussion of ones I have. I just finished reading (almost) every Sonic comic/manga (I'm missing some chapters of the second Sonic manga that seem to be lost media) and watching every TV show/movie. I used to think these were fucking stupid, and don't get me wrong, many of them are, but when each is viewed as a whole series, they become pretty awesome. The very first Sonic manga, "Sonic the Hedgehog Story Comic," is perhaps the only accurate adaptation of the series, but it's only a couple chapters covering the first game. Sonic has a band in it though, based on the scrapped Sound Test image from the original game. Also, Eggman wants to use the Chaos Emeralds to boil a giant egg, which is pretty much the biggest departure from canon, but really, it doesn't clash that hard. He can do that and also take over the world, maybe. The second Sonic manga is longer and is actually the first appearance of Amy and Charmy. But everything including these characters is very different. Sonic is a nerdy kid named Nicky who, when pressed into situations that require courage he doesn't have, turns into Sonic. Amy is Nicky's girlfriend but likes Sonic better, like with Lois Lane trying to cuck Clark Kent with Superman, only here Nicky doesn't know he's Sonic, and it's unclear if Sonic knows he's Nicky, since Sonic is so nonchalant that he would never talk about it anyway. This series is split into seven different ones aimed at different age levels, so the first-grade ones are pretty simple, but the sixth-grade ones and the ones made for the non-age-specific magazine are a little more complex. The last story arc was a Sonic CD adaptation, which was pretty cool. Only a couple chapters have translations, and I had to use Google Translate to read the rest of the ones I could find, but unfortunately there are a bunch of chapters I can't find at all, including the one where Amy discovers Nicky is Sonic, which must happen in one of the very last stories. Still, a cool series which I hope gets found and translated eventually. Almost 1/6 of the material is text stories, though, (from the Fourth Grade magazine) and I bet those will be the last things to ever get translated. The first appearance of Charmy is in one of those text stories. There is also some weird lore with Nicky's dad, Paulie, saying that Sonic appeared to him as a spirit and saved his life, which lead to him meeting Nicky's mother. I wonder if one of the chapters I'm missing makes sense of that. It leaves Sonic very mysterious. Nicky never learns he's Sonic, and as far as I know, Sonic is never explained, which I like. But is he like a spirit that possesses Nicky? Does Nicky go back in time in the future and set up his own parents? Idk, but I would certainly read more of this series. Many chapters are just quick gags, but some of the stories were interesting. Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog was my less-preferred Sonic cartoon as a kid, I thought it looked ugly, I liked the clean lines of SatAM, but now I appreciate the fluid animation, and the official uploads of the series on Youtube look excellent. The characters are funny and everyone seems to like this series now. I don't have much else to say other than that I agree. SatAM is barely a Sonic show at all. You could remove Sonic and Tails entirely and the rest of the characters and plots would function just fine. The villain was already redesigned and renamed, so if you didn't already understand Eggman and Robotnik were the same guy, you wouldn't bat an eye. Still, I do like how the show looks. Sally is a fucking bitch, but watching it now, I appreciate that the animators clearly made her sexy on purpose. She's sticking her ass out in every damn shot. My favorite characters are Antoine and Snivley, though. Those guys are funny. It's also funny how certain fans get autistic for this series as if its story is such a draw, but the story is actually only important in like five episodes, and a couple of those aren't even that good. Still, some are very good. The two-parter where they go back in time and see Robotnik take over is really cool. Sonic the Comic (the UK one) begins with absolutely terrible art, but both the art and writing become excellent over time. I was surprised at how well it fit with the games, relative to the American comics and cartoons. There are definitely weird things, like Sonic and Robotnik's origins, but they don't come up that much, and the stories where those things are important are actually really goddamn good, so I can overlook how weird they are in context of the games. I can't recommend this series enough. I know fewer people have read it than the American comics, and that's a damn shame. There was actually a Sonic newspaper strip in the UK. It seems loosely related to Sonic the Comic, but I want to mention it individually because I kind of liked it. It's a newspaper strip so the stories aren't super complex, but there are a few ongoing stories, and the gags are alright. For some reason, Sonic has a catchphrase here that isn't used anywhere else. "It's sore dome time." He threatens to hit Robotnik in the head a lot, and he also gets hit in the head a lot. It is very often Sore Dome Time.

R: 333 / I: 623 / P: 5


>ctrl + f "jackbox" <no results What's /v/'s stance on jackbox? Would anyone be willing to join if I hosted? Also /v/ackbox thread

R: 14 / I: 2 / P: 5

Does this ever actually get fun? I don't mind the shitty shooting mechanics since it's an RPG, but I just killed the Shitskin leader in the first section of the game and I went to Taipei, and the gameplay is starting to show its ass. Mechanics feel really arcadey, and the levels are super linear with only 1 or 2 ways of completing each goal. I've also heard a lot about how dialogue choices matter but I'm not encountering a lot of dialogue outside of the "hub" sections between missions. Kinda just makes me want to replay Dudesex tbh

R: 22 / I: 6 / P: 5

==Black Myth: Wukong dev claims Sweet Baby Inc. tried to extort 7 million dollars from them==

>Chinese media: 'Black Myth: Wukong' refused to be extorted $7 million by SweetBaby. >English: >The reason why the team behind "Black Myth: Wukong" has been subjected to persistent sexist attacks and slander since their first promotional video is because they have consistently refused political correctness guidance and rejected the extortionate guidance fees of millions of dollars demanded by these political correctness teams. >Actually, such teams are quite common in Europe and America. They interfere with works like "Assassin's Creed" "Dying Light 2 Stay Human" and "God of War" by pushing for politically correct female protagonists. These changes are the direct result of the interference and guidance of such teams. >Game science teams refuse to communicate with these groups and reject their interference. Most importantly, they refuse to pay the exorbitant $7 million in guidance fees. This is the direct reason why they are being attacked and slandered. Some justifications are based on the team's lack of diversity or representation, which doesn't align with the political correctness standards. >A typical example is an article by a major IGN writer criticizing "Hogwarts Legacy" and refusing to evaluate or promote it due to its alleged lack of political correctness. SAUCE:

R: 501 / I: 281 / P: 5

Super Mecha Thread: Year of the Mecha

Man, we've got a LOT to go over since the last thread. >Armored Core 6 is finally coming out >Daemon X Machina: Titanic Scion announced >Mecha Knights: Nightmare is getting a new update >Gundam Evolution is shutting down after a year of service >UFO ROBOT GRENDIZER coming to Steam on November 13th 2023 ...and a LOT more that I haven't been able to cover. We probably won't be getting as many mecha games after 2023/2024 due to the mecha curse, however it's great that this year we're getting a ton of mecha themed video games that we can play together or alone like true /v/irgins. Which mecha games are you looking forward to /v/?

R: 53 / I: 24 / P: 5

NuDoom: The Dark Ages

Rather than have this discussion in the DOOM/Retro FPS: thread, We can talk about NuDoom here. I understand that attempting to talk about NuDoom in a positive light is probably going to be a fruitless effort here, but this Interview with Hugo Martin has piqued my interest at the very least. Since it honestly sounds like they're finally learning some of the right lessons from classic Doom to a degree. The interview states there will be a much greater focus on dodging enemy projectiles, and far larger enemy counts. They're ditching the verticality, and hopefully have far less platforming crap, and focusing allot more on the horizontal gameplay having been inspired by the original game. Turning the Razor wind form Turok 2 into a Shield with more utility seems like a decent idea. I wasn't at all a fan of how NuDoom Eternal felt like it wanted you to be ADHD with switching to every weapon, but if they are intentionally trying to distance themselves from repeating that gameplay style and trying to have this game stand on it's own, then maybe this game will be more enjoyable. And hopefully if it's set in the past, there won't be any stupid ass Funko pop nerd shit. It's setting is going along with the dumb trying too hard to be cool lore they created, and it's probably closer to Quake's setting than it is Doom, but eh, it's to be expected at this point. All I'm saying is if they are going for Wider open areas, not closed off arenas, and higher enemy counts instead of having few total enemies that keep spawning in one at a time. Then maybe this game will be decent.

R: 105 / I: 88 / P: 5

Shin Megami Tensei Thread

Just an SMT General thread since the previous one's now gone and I wanted to post some news in regards to SMT V. There's a trailer for the new SMT V: Vengeance and there's been some new content reveals so far for both the English & Japanese versions of Both Trailers. >Protags friends can be used as extra party members as previously revealed but they take up a slot in your combat party. >Introduction of teleporters that function similarly to leylines without loading transitions within the overworld. >Azazel and Mastema are confirmed with the former revealed as an obtainable demon fusion. >You fight all four of the Qadištu at some point and the fight has up to five press turn actions. >They have an AOE Alimighty magatsuhi skill called Qadištu's Entropy that fully heals all of the Qadištu and deals damage on all targets with heavy damage. >Lilith's Skill Earth Mother can nullify physical attacks and remove Debuffs. >Naamah's Capitulate to pleasure removes all stat buffs. >Could be a scripted boss fight considering the cutscene that follows it up has Nahobino Acquiring a new ninja-esque form. > A New Area known as the Shakan that relates to the transformation and the form has a 4x hit Hama skill called Paraselene Blur. >More scenes involving Khonsu implying greater plot relevance this time. >You can play as Nahoheeho in the overworld after encountering him at some point. >Confirmed New demons in the trailer are Amabie, Gurr/Gurulu, Azazel, Mastema, and Kinmamon.

R: 14 / I: 1 / P: 5

As we all known, LRG are a scummy company who does artificial scarcity, snitches ROM archives and dumps of their exclusives and are pro cancel culture, now they are raping Clock Tower with another Scam. And from what i understand, the people behind MikeZ's cancellation are working on this too, but also, looking at some of the trailer and gampelya graphics, looks like they just stole the Deluxe romhack.

R: 117 / I: 79 / P: 5

Dragon Quest General

Do you like playing Dragon Quest, anon? Are you looking forward to Dragon Quest XII or the new Monster spinoff? Which girl is the best girl? Which monster is the best monster?

R: 135 / I: 62 / P: 5

Metaphor: ReFantazio Brand new gameplay stream

R: 247 / I: 138 / P: 5

Valve's next game leaked - Deadlock

Formerly known as Neon Prime, even more formerly known as Citadel. The screenshots we have aren't great, but it shows the previous rumors were true. >what is it? A third-person MOBA, basically. Two teams of six fight for control over a large map. PvPvE. The maps are huge and you travel around them on skyhooks similar to Bioshock Infinite. Previously it was a sci-fi game loosely based in the Half-Life universe as the Combine, but was reportedly reworked after negative feedback. Now it's.. I don't even know what it's going for, it looks extremely generic. The rework was recent, they filed a trademark for Neon Prime not that long ago. It supposedly has a bunch of references to Valve's other games, but is entirely non-canon to their other franchises.

R: 522 / I: 616 / P: 6

DALL-E 3 / Stable Diffusion / Voice Cloning / Chatbot AI General

Like tears in rain edition Last one got moved to >>>/ais/2422 Use this thread as a catch-all for AI related topics. Try to stick to vidya and help your fellow anons out. PLEASE SHARE EVERY NEW RESOURCE YOU FIND ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMAGE GENERATION DALL-E 3 >What is DALL-E 3? DALL-E 3 is a text-to-image model which is built upon DALL-E 2, Stable Diffusion and ChatGPT. >Links >How does it work on Bing? In Bing's Image Creator, "boosts" are used to speed up the image creation process, each user starts with 15 boosts. When you use a boost, the AI creates your image quickly. If you run out of boosts, the image waiting time increases, ranging from seconds to minutes. You can (but should not) "purchase" more boosts by trading in Microsoft Rewards, which can be earned by doing things in Microsoft Edge. Boosts replenish every few hours, seemingly at random. >Can I view my image history? Yes, look in your browser's history for bing. >What do I do if my button is greyed out and I can't create any images? It may be a server issue, at the moment all you can do it wait. >Prompt Generator >Guides - Write "NOT" before risky words like "condom", "naked", "butt" (needs to be in the middle or the end of prompt) - JAILBREAK WARNING: Having safe AND prompt in your prompt might get your account suspended. Just using SAFE and brackets"[ ]" works for now. (SAFE TO GENERATE) also works. - Mention positive words like "respectful", "appropriate", "nice" - How to get booba: fullfigured, great figure, body positive, motherly and mature, enormous, giant, big, curvy, hourglass figure... - Put things on the background or in front of view to confuse the image recognition filter (DOG). IMAGE GENERATION STABLE DIFFUSION >Beginner UI local install Fooocus: EasyDiffusion: >Local install Automatic1111: ComfyUI (Node-based): AMD GPU: Intel GPU: >Use a VAE if your images look washed out >Auto1111 forks Anapnoe UX: Vladmandic: >Run cloud hosted instance >Try online without registration txt2img: img2img: Inpainting: >Models, LoRAs & embeddings >Animation >SDXL info & download >Index of guides and other tools >View and submit GPU performance data >Share image prompt info >Microsoft keeps telling me to suck it There is a new repo for generating DALL-E 3 images without the need to have a Microsoft account. Guy pays the billing for each prompt though so please, try to use the official method until he can figure out another solution. HENTAI DIFFUSION >LOCAL WEBUI SETUP Nvidia: AMD: Cloud: Optimizations: >PAID NovelAI: >RESOURCES WebUI Wiki: Models/LoRAs: | (use wayback machine) | Training: | Tags: ControlNet: LamaCleaner: | Animation: Wildcards: Booru: 4chanX Catbox / NAI prompt userscript: 8chan booru:

R: 29 / I: 10 / P: 6

Web and Flash Games

Usually these kinds of threads begin with the mandatory "back in my day" type of post, but I really wanted to know something about the anons who were too young to be there when web-based games were the undisputed kings: have you ever played any of these games, and if so, what's your stance on them compared to your other gaming experiences? Also, don't forget to check out the Flashpoint Project at and the very large collection of games they have.

R: 29 / I: 9 / P: 6

Mike Bodie, prolific voice actor and absolute dumbass, just leaked a bunch of games with dates on his résumé.

Anybody familiar with video game leaks knows it's relatively common for actors to accidentally leak projects on résumés. This one isn't entirely accidental though, he clearly knows he can't name them as they all begin with "NDA", so he writes the games down in abbreviated codenames. These names were so masterfully obfuscated as "AC8" (Ace Combat 8) and "DE X M2" (Daemon X Machina 2). People have gone through the list and tried to work out what he's talking about. He listed studios alongside them which makes it much easier. I'll go over the obvious ones first >63D, Destructive Creations, 2025 <63 Days >AC8, Bandai Namco Studios, 2025 <Ace Combat 8 >AOM, Microsoft, 2024 <Age of Mythology remake >AOW, Three Whales, 2024 <Age of Water >CWRKRV, InXile, 2025 <Clockwork Revolution (he is really not smart about these, also this might suggest the game was delayed) >D82, Supermassive Games, 2025 <The Dark Pictures Anthology: Directive 8020 >DE X M2, Marvelous, 2025 <Daemon X Machina: Titanic Scion >HOTD2 - Forever Entertainment, 2024 <House of the Dead 2 remake >F4, Playground Games, 2025 <Fable 4 >SMTE, Hi-Rez Studios, 2024 <Smite 2 >INFIN, Cubit Studios, 2025 <Infinitesimals >SG2, Forever Entertainment, 2024 <Shadowgate 2 >GT, Nexon, 2025 <Game of Thrones A lot of these were already announced/known about, but he's given actual dates on them. Here are the ones people are less sure about. >OAHU, Gearbox, 2025 <Absolutely no idea, some speculate it's some kind of codename for Borderlands 4 which is known to be in development >HSTNE: SMR, Blizzard, 2024 <Something to do with Heartstone >IMPACT, no developer listed, 2025 <The biggest question mark of them all, the voice director listed is Jason Baughan who works with THQNordic a lot, and some of his roles are listed as "Gangster". That's all we have to go off, some speculate it's a new Mafia game >TD-EOTE, Myrkur Games, 2025 <Probably Echos of the End >MAYHEM, Anshar Studios, 2025 <Not clear; Anshar are generally a support studio, though they have done original work That should be most of them, have a look for yourself if you're interested.

R: 513 / I: 357 / P: 6

Drawthread - Winter Fun Edition

Since the drawfags were too lazy to make a new thread, I decided to make one myself. /v/ Draw Thread Archive of last thread: Last thread: >>851959 Thread making resources + the OP can be found here:!Suhz0D5Y!BSrBrV1kxK9B5G1SSiJmwQ REMINDER TO SAVE THREADS LOCALLY (and all the pictures you want to) SINCE ARCHIVES DON'T HAVE IMAGES ANYMORE Relevant Boards And Threads >>>/loomis/ >>> - Drawing Improvement Club >>>/a/2358 - /a/ Drawthread >>>/drawarchive/ - Mirrored drawthreads with images; living archive Books and Tutorials If you're starting out, just have as much fun as possible and give it your best shot. Don't worry too much about these as they're info overload for absolute beginners. Sometimes they get nuked but >we try to keep them updated. Helpful Resources Interested in learning how to draw? Check this shit out. Learn fundamentals with exercises: 8Chan Art Wiki: Online poses with timer: /loomis/ resource hub: HOW TO DRAW - an /ic/ guide: Great resources by /co/ veteran: ''Real life reference of normal people: Animu key frames: Drawfag resources:'' 4/ic/ Resources: /ic/ itself: Filled with namefag, cancer and horny art but its where all drawfagging began. Explore around, you can still find diamond in that septic tank. /ic/ Beginner Guide: Drawfag resources: Helpful Video Resources, mostly YouTube ProkoTV: Good for basic anatomy needs Sycra Yasin: General in-depth talk about ways to improve and being an artist'' CG Cookie / ConceptCookie: Advanced techniques and many livestreams (on Wednesdays) and tutorials FZDSCHOOL: Founder of FZD School (in Singapore) Feng Zhu showcases his workflows by re-working art from his students Scott Robertson: Advanced lessons on drawing fundamentals and concept artwork Ctrl+Paint: Free lessons on basics and fundamentals of drawing and painting Draw Mix Paint: Free lessons in traditional painting Level Up Sessions: Livestreams and talks with professional artists Booru and Delivery Archive Helpful Resources Interested in learning how to draw? Check this shit out. Learn fundamentals with exercises: 8Chan Art Wiki: Online poses with timer: /loomis/ resource hub: HOW TO DRAW - an /ic/ guide: Great resources by /co/ veteran: ''Real life reference of normal people: Animu key frames: Drawfag resources:'' ==4/ic/ Resources: /ic/ itself: Filled with namefag, cancer and horny art but its where all drawfagging began. Explore around, you can still find diamond in that septic tank. /ic/ Beginner Guide: Drawfag resources: Helpful Video Resources, mostly YouTube ProkoTV: Good for basic anatomy needs Sycra Yasin: General in-depth talk about ways to improve and being an artist'' CG Cookie / ConceptCookie: Advanced techniques and many livestreams (on Wednesdays) and tutorials FZDSCHOOL: Founder of FZD School (in Singapore) Feng Zhu showcases his workflows by re-working art from his students Scott Robertson: Advanced lessons on drawing fundamentals and concept artwork Ctrl+Paint: Free lessons on basics and fundamentals of drawing and painting Draw Mix Paint: Free lessons in traditional painting Level Up Sessions: Livestreams and talks with professional artists Booru and Delivery Archive (Superior new booru, continue using this until the new site works properly) (Retired booru because the owner is fucking dead) (New booru site, still being worked on) (An additional place to post consoletan artworks to) Tips for a healthier Drawthread >Spot out any autistic shitter and repeat offenders You know who they are unless you're new, in which case lurk moar. >Anyone can participate, even if you're dog shit. The livelier it is, the better, but don't go begging for (you)s or pity. This is not deviantArt. >If you do draw, draw to the best of your ability! If you're not giving it your all people will notice. >Any drawfags with works in progress, please post any updates so that the requester and everyone else knows that people are still working hard! >If for any reason a request is scrapped, upload what you have and say it's at its most complete state. Maybe ask if someone wants to take over and finish it for you. >Comment. Every artist loves a compliment, it validates their hard work. Don't be afraid of dishing out them (you)s as long as you feel they deserve them. LASTLY, PLEASE READ THIS These threads are not meant to be spammed every day like a fucking general. This isn't an art board. Give the Drawfags their time to do their thing and leave the thread-making to them. Anyone attempting to make this thread in a newfag/cuckchan/low effort manner will be met with disdain and mockery.

R: 127 / I: 76 / P: 6

Visual Novel General

Welcome to the 8chan Visual Novel Thread Post all visual novel-related news and discussions here if you'd like. Don't feel constrained to post ITT if you want to make a thread about big news related to a visual novel's release or something - within reason. When in doubt, just put it here. Archive of previous thread: Archive to all VN Threads: Visual Novel Database/VNstat: ( Visual Novel Starter Kit: (Includes info for beginners, terminology, recommendations, sources, and downloads [nearly all are dead] for fonts and visual novels for beginners.) Visual novel recommendation charts: Nostalgic Visual Novels on-line: Another online visual novel reading site: English VN DDL sites: - English and raw VN downloads for PC and Console: Rockmandash's Guide to Tablets for VNs: (outdated but still guides you in the right direction) Fuwanovel VNs on Android Guide: Machine translation guides: & The Beginner’s Guide to Visual Novel Development: PC VNs on DS/3DS Guide: Free resource for Japanese media (including VNs): Resource for eroge: Monster Girl Games collection: Another good resource for VNs and eroge: <Recent News/Releases >Rance IX -The Helmanian Revolution- Physical Edition Available for Pre-Order >Sony Censors Limited Edition Artbook for English Tsukihime Remake PS4 >Taimanin Yukikaze released on Steam >CLANNAD just had its 20th birthday a few days ago

R: 20 / I: 15 / P: 6

NES/Famicom thread! Replacing the 72 pin connector for glorious memories

I wanna have my NES working properly, and since the cartridge connection seemed pretty precarious (the screen had a tendency to go gray randomly and no cartridge connected well at the first try) I figured it could be the 72 pin connector. Is this gon' be easy? Or will it be impossible? Will my dreams come true? Let's see. Also, let's talk about the NES/Famicoim.

R: 52 / I: 62 / P: 6

Oldschool Minecraft

Feeling nostalgic? We can play Alpha / early Beta Minecraft.

R: 8 / I: 15 / P: 6

Wrestling games

How many have you played? What do you think of the Smackdown vs Raw games? AKI? Fire Pro? Any underrated gems worth playing?

R: 198 / I: 98 / P: 6

Fighting Game Thread: God I hope I can change the face in Tekken 8 Edition

>News: <TEKKEN 8 Stream Confirms Iconic Costumes, In-Game Shop, Eddy Gordo on Character Select / Main Menu <Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves released a new trailer and gameplay information >Project L Officially Named "2XKO", New Gameplay Trailer, 2025 Release Window Announced >Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising 2B Released, New Trailer / Character Guide, Version 1.21 Update <Street Fighter 6: Akuma DLC teased >EVO 2024 Games List Just look at the embeds <MultiVersus will relaunch on May 28 <Under Night in Birth 2 mostly fixed on PC REMINDER Always remember to bully Josh! The only way the bullying will end is when the Gigamaidens finally releases. Which is NEVER Oh, and if you're sick of the modern gaming autism then just play Third Strike or Guilty Gear:

R: 71 / I: 30 / P: 6

Multiversus General

WB's FTP smash clone just came out and it's pretty fun. going from beta in 2022 to full game in 2024, multiversus features a colorful cast of characters from fin and jake to jason vorhees. This game can pick characters from any WB property and that's what makes people keep coming back despite the greedy business practices. the fighting feels rock solid though there are some people who feel like they slowed the game down after the beta. WB have also decided to not allow mods after in the height of this game's popularity. Now if you try to mod the game, I'm hearing reports that they'll BAN you for even simple cosmetic mods which i bullshit. you will NEVER get to mod in a cute/sexy/revealing one piece for wonder woman or harley quinn now. I know that disappoints alot of people including myself. FUCK WB. but at the end of the day, the game's still fun. Will it last? well if the stuff about the mods is true, i don't think it will.

R: 96 / I: 51 / P: 6

Indie Games

After years of avoiding indie games like the plague because of how cancerous the community surrounding them is, I've finally decided to give them a try. I really love the 16 and 32 bit eras of games but I've played virtually all of the ones from that period that I would be interested in to death and the only people who seem to still be making games like that are indies. But there are so many out there and I'm certain 99% of them are bad so I need your help. What are the best indie games reminiscent of old 16 and 32 bit games? I'm up for pretty much any genre, 2D or 3D, except horror and roguelikes. They don't have to look exactly like games from back then but I'd prefer something that doesn't push gay/tranny/furry/feminist pozz; at least, not explicitly. I've already tried Undertale and I didn't like it. Also, general indie games thread.

R: 20 / I: 28 / P: 6

Printed Advertisement

Video Game ads, from the days of printed media. TALK ABOUT THEM OR SHUT IT!

R: 99 / I: 36 / P: 6

The Optimization Question What happened over the years with video game optimization? The latest CoD slop to come out will be 306 gigabytes in size on launch. What the fuck is causing such an inflation of space? Back in the early 00's, the PS3 had 160 gigabytes for most models, and that could still fit many games, I recall my fat boy PS3 having about 15 games installed of various sizes, and I could swear I had room for more. Is this a problem with design philosophy? Competency crisis? Something more sinister?

R: 327 / I: 235 / P: 6


So... if I've found Midna (imp form) unironically sexually attractive phisically, and I've also been attracted to her personality and even her voice since the mid 2000s, what am I? Not a furry, right? She doesn't count as that because she's not an animal, right? This would be closer to finding hot an alien. The thing is, all fuckin' furries must fuckin' hang so I wanna know whether or not I'm one. I hope I'm not. If I am I'll probably have to kill myself.

R: 181 / I: 128 / P: 6

3D Printing

A thread for anything related to 3D printing and video games: figurines, controller stands, battery covers that keep getting lost, cool cases, mods and enhancements, etcetera. What cool enhancements, whether practical or just aesthetic, should I print for my old consoles? Say, for example, my Sega Genesis model 2?

R: 72 / I: 42 / P: 6

Metal Gear Solid

I've been thinking about Vol 2 of the Master collection. There is no doubt Peace Walker is going to be apart of it, and MGS4 has to be the main draw of the package, otherwise they don't really have much to sell that people don't already have access to on modern platforms. But that's making me think Peace Walker is built entirely around Co-op so they will be supporting that, and that's making me think if they are working on PW's MP stuff then there is a chance they're also going to relaunch MGS4's Multiplayer, I'm not gonna hold my breath of course they didn't bother with MGS3's MP, still seems like there is a slim chance of it, but it's interesting to think about.

R: 23 / I: 5 / P: 7

Coop Games

Rat shilling Rat killing game, one loved by its studio unlike MTX-tide. Discuss coop games

R: 499 / I: 232 / P: 7

Summer of Love 2024: Steve Jobs died for this.

LIVE NOW Apple WWDC 2024 IT'S TIME FOR THE SUMMER OF LOVE ARE YOU READY TO SEE EVERYTHING YOU LOVE BURN TO FLAMES? This thread will be pinned for when events are live, but will be cycled until around the 14th or so when the Nintendo Direct is over and done with. There is a possibility of this thread being extended due to sudden event pop ups and what not, however the 14-16th should be a good ending point. CYCLE ENDS TOMORROW Will restream as requested here: Schedule: Ubisoft Forward 2024 June 10 at 11:30 p.m. PT / 2:30 p.m. ET

R: 118 / I: 52 / P: 7

Vidya Enhacements: Mods, Romhacks, Remasters, Texture Packs, Undubs, ReShade, etc

Do you like to garnish your vidya experiences? Whenever I play a videogame, I like to see if there are enhanced fan made versions of them, and if there are I will play those instead of anything official, not that official is bad ofc but fans tend to make the better creative decisions. The most common mods are used in BOTW and minecrank, but it should be our duty to share the more obscure or newer mods to give anons a nice feeling of catharsis. That's what I'm doing. Check these two mods out, feel free to share your favorites too! Sonic Free Riders: Controller Patch Paper Mario: Originality King

R: 202 / I: 114 / P: 7

Tomb Raider Remastered

The Lara we all know and love is finally getting a new release, you guys giving it a try? The modern visuals are hit or miss but there's still a classic visuals mode with no texture filtering, thank fucking christ.

R: 32 / I: 18 / P: 7

Loli games

With the demo confirming Dragon's Dogma 2 is shit, even beyond lack of loli MC, let's talk about games that do let you play as a loli. Any recommendations for games not on this chart? With mods Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord lets you play as a loli using base game assets. It's a pretty fun experience. During Early Access they actually had nipples and a barbie doll lower half, but this was changed near the final version. Since the same update made everyone's underwear part of their body, it's likely due to consoles than specifically anti-loli. Anyone know if there's a mod to restore these bodies? I haven't played in a year and I'm hoping for a new land mod to release in a playable state before giving another go with my new GPU. Fallout 3, New Vegas, Skyrim and Fallout 4 all let you play as a loli with mods (3 also makes you play as a loli during a brief tutorial section). Unfortunately most clothing/armor doesn't really fit your character (at best she'll grow boobs) and only Fallout 4 has a mostly complete set of alternate models for clothing (I think there was also a mod for Skyrim to dynamically resize things but I have no idea what it was). Otherwise it works pretty well and is pretty fun. Only reason to play Fallout 4. The demo for the new Alone in the Dark is a short prologue starring a little girl in a dress. Has anyone ripped the model/used cheat engine freecam/etc. to see if she's properly modeled or if the devs took the cowardly way out?

R: 26 / I: 10 / P: 7

Vimm's Lair is kill

<June 6, 2024 >Vimm's Lair has been asked to remove many games from The Vault on behalf of Nintendo, Sega, Lego, and the ESA. While most of these games (and the hardware to play them) haven't been sold in decades, ultimately it's their prerogative so these games are now gone for good.

R: 48 / I: 42 / P: 7

8moe Sonic 1

Community project for Sonic 1.

R: 414 / I: 379 / P: 7

Touhou thread

GATHER ROUND YEE OTAKU AS I TELL YEE WHY CIRNO IS THE BEST 2HU 1. She's the STRONGEST 2. She's the SMARTEST 3. She's the CUTEST All you fags who waifu over tengu or okuu, you'll never have true bliss unless you abandon all yokai and mortal tendencies and bow down to THE STRONGEST FAIRY With that autism out of the way, I've been playing a bit of Touhouvania game and I'm kinda hoping we get a third one since Touhouvania 2 is also coming to Steam next year, which I'm quite looking forward too. What's your favorite Touhou mainline and fangames /v/?

R: 100 / I: 105 / P: 7

VR Games

VR has been around for around ten years at this point, and personally while I think overall there's not a single game that I'd suggest is a "system seller" for any headset, I'm a bit curious to see if there's anything that has captured anyone's interest for more than a couple hours. I'll list a few of mine in the thread.

R: 10 / I: 10 / P: 7


Not sure if a lot of people have played it due to the bad steam reviews, but the game is surprisingly good. I played a few hours the other day, and I had a pleasant time with it. It's not a masterpiece like Ninja Gaiden 2 or Devil May Cry 3, but it's a solid action game like you would see in the PS2 era. I got it on sale after a friend recommended it to me, and I'm surprised more people here aren't talking about it. It's not the best game I've ever played, but its far from the worst. The voice acting and loading screens are terrible, yes. Although there's a solid gameplay system here that some people might enjoy. I'd recommend pirating first to get a feel for it, but I really encourage /v/ to give it a shot if some anons here have the time.

R: 94 / I: 44 / P: 7

Snoot Game/Wani Thread

Haven't seen a proper discussion here since I Wani Hug That Gator released and the old thread's dead, so I thought I'd make a new one >What's Snoot Game? It's a visual novel made by a bunch of people from 4chan originally intended as a parody of Goodbye Volcano High. Over time it became its own thing and it stands on its own as one of the few actually good, sincere western VNs. It's got surprisingly good writing and story telling. >What's Wani? It's the second game and the first official commercial game by the same team (Cavemanon). The cast is completely original, unlike Snoot Game's. Has a much higher production value, with most of it visible in the original music and the animations. Most people say that the story is more or less on par with Snoot Game's. >Snoot Game: (Download Included) >Wani: Download (Full Version): Download (Demo): Buy: >Boorus: >/trash/ community maintained archive:

R: 186 / I: 66 / P: 7

UMPC/Handheld thread

Old thread: >>608298 News >The Rog Ally has released, and it's.. fine. The claimed 2-3x performance boost was closer to 5%-30% and the custom GUI isn't anywhere near the level of the Deck >The Edion in Osaka talked about last thread has set up a longer-term or possibly permanent Steam Deck display following a presumably successful 'trial market', Japan is now one of the few, if not only, countries to sell the Steam Deck at major retailers >Computer and hardware manufacturer Orange Pi has soft-announced their first handheld after a leak. It reportedly accommodates both Linux/Windows, the device will either use a 7800U or a RK3588S processor for the higher-end model and will launch in October with three models costing between an estimated 1500元 ($220) and 3500元 ($500), though prices are not final. There is no publicly known name for the device yet >Gaming analyst firm Omdia estimates Steam Deck has sold over 2,000,000 units so far, having sold 1,600,000 in 2021 alone, and will likely surpass 3,000,000 this year. This makes the SD not just the bestselling UMPC in history, but possibly majority of UMPC sales ever. The firm believes the device "will open the door to a new PC gaming product category" Thread questions >What do you own? >What are you playing on it? >Anybody gotten involved in the scary world of hardmodding yet, and how did it go? >Anything you're excited for?

R: 7 / I: 1 / P: 7

Let's play a game

Someone posts a mundane or prosaic activity and then anon has to come up with a way to make an engaging video game around it. I'll start: >operating a soundboard during concerts

R: 313 / I: 222 / P: 7

Sexy Sprites (part 2)

Continuing from the old one >>516987 Here's what i spent working ALL DAY.

R: 18 / I: 8 / P: 7

I'm writing a chronicle of the creation of Snoot Game for its 3rd anniversary in one month. It is practically finished already, but I still haven't been able to find the full outcome of 2 events: 1. Why exactly did Kate Gray leave the GVH dev team? I have only ever read rumours that she was fired after being cancelled the day it was revealed, but I wish I had actual concrete confirmation of the real reason and circumstance. I know she was already out by July, but was she really fired (and was it really due to the twitter drama) or quit on her own or something else entirely? I can't find solid proof on anything. 2. What happened during workanon's marriage counseling? I was able to find his posts up to the point his wife finds his fang stash and they talk it out and decide to go to counseling. As far as I can tell, they were still married in 2022, so there's this gap in his story. Though I do admit that I might be getting a bit lazy here, this is one of the last topics I'm writing and I don't have as much patience to dive in several archived threads to look for info these days as I had a few months ago, so maybe someone can point me directly to where his later posts are. I prefer links and sources that I can check myself rather than just being told what happened, but any information that helps me keep digging is appreciated.

R: 312 / I: 565 / P: 7

Console-tan thread: Having fun with cuties edition

I can't remember the last time we had one of these, figured I might as well make one without the baggage of a gay console-tan like the steam deck thread was, plus that wasn't a general console-tan thread since everybody likes em, plus we could pool together >our collective creative juices for fun /ctt/ ideas, and hopefully fun things come out of it. Post your: >Favorite console-tan designs and artworks >ideas for new console-tans >why you like/dislike any particular ones >scenario/comic Ideas, requests, greentexts and drawings >OC >any related content (i.e. artist-specific consoletans) And really anything interesting you find or feel like posting about. Sites: (general consoletan booru) (webring+8moe-specific booru)

R: 13 / I: 10 / P: 8

Killdozer Day

Happy Killdozer day /v/! Which games let you use a bulldozer unreasonably as a weapon? Terminator Defiance the recent Terminator RTS game lets you use a Bulldozer as a weapons platform, including adding heavy armor to it!

R: 37 / I: 10 / P: 8

Anyone else play this masterpiece?

This game is amazing I wasn't into LOTR before playing this, anyone else try this? If so what are your thoughts?

R: 10 / I: 1 / P: 8

A bunch of internal Club Penguin documents leaked. This link hosts 400MBs of PDFs. I've attached a few samples here too.

R: 36 / I: 14 / P: 8

Kazuma Kaneko leaves ATLUS after 35 years, joins COLOPL

Kazuma Kaneko, who is known for his character and demon designs across the Megami Tensei series, left ATLUS in 2023 after 35 years and has joined COLOPL to develop a new intellectual property. The news comes via a newly published creator interview with Kaneko, in which it is revealed that the new project is an original title that depicts a worldview created by Kaneko, and that the “game experience” will incorporate the latest technology. Actual details about the title were not revealed, as it is still in development. Because I didn't know who COLOPL was, they're a Japanese gaming company that's focused on mobile gaming and VR content. Some speculate that Kaneko will be working on an NFT game or some kind of mobile focused project. Personally I can't say I'm surprised considering that ATLUS is run by retards, but I figured this was worth a thread anyway since it's finally official. Fuck ATLUS

R: 156 / I: 54 / P: 8

Operation Hard AG

Stellar Blade has been released censored despite Sony's claims it would be uncensored. Rather than just rage blindly about it, why don't we report them to someone who will actually do something about it? In the US every state's Attorney General should have a form for complaints. Why don't US anons all start complaining to their state Attorney General that Sony is engaged in false advertisement (since they are)? As elected officials, the Attorney General of a state wants to do high profile cases against large companies, especially one that is as open and shut as this. It's not partisan to kneecap a giant company for deceptive marketing, and for smaller states its much harder to ignore. As Sony emphasized "all countries", there are likely some counterparts anons in other countries could contact. All of them should have a website (use your search engine of choice to find it) which should either have a webform or a phone number for submitting "Consumer Protection" complaints. Find it and make a complaint. >if calling you'll want your zip code and county handy (its how government phone operators are scripted to verify your location) >use Sony's formal name of Sony Interactive Entertainment >include Sony's address if you're asked for an address of the offending party >clearly note Sony's claim "Stellar Blade offers the same uncensored version in all countries, including the Japanese version" and how it had a dedicated graphic (pic 2) for advertising this fact (so it was not a one time slip of the tongue but a deliberate statement) >make clear there is an uncensored version (the physical disc version) and that Sony's systems will attempt change it to the censored version if the system has an internet connection >state that the outfits were featured in advertisement for the game >emphasize that this advertisement reached into your state >emphasize that this product is sold to residents of your state >emphasize that the budget was in the hundreds of millions and Sony seeks to sell millions of copies <if you don't feel comfortable citing (confirmed by Sony themselves to be true) leaks for budget numbers to the AG, cite the 220 million USD development budget for The Last of Us 2 as that comes from Sony's own FTC filing (their incompetence at redacting it is irrelevant) >skip the Hard R/Crime R thing unless its to emphasize the censorship's late addition meaning it is a bait and switch (you'll be talking to maximum normalfags) >don't copy paste or form letter, it leads to instant dismissal You have nothing to lose. Worst they can do is ignore you.

R: 106 / I: 68 / P: 8

8chan Mosaic: Orange Box Edition

IT'S TIME FOR ANOTHER MOSAIC This time for the all-time classic Orange Box as it was sold for the Xbox 360 (since I couldn't find the PC box cover). >How does this work? It's simple. The chosen mosaic image will be split into sections (see the second image for how these images will be split) and it's your job as the contributor to pick one of these slides to edit yourself, make sure to announce which slide you pick in the thread so no duplicates happen - draw over it or add your own spin to the slide or work in collaboration with the slide adjacent to yours. It's up to you what you ultimately decide to do. When you're finished with that, post the slide you edited ITT with the name/spot specified. >Do I need to be a drawfag for this? Absolutely not. What you do kind of need to be is creative/imaginative. Don't simply photoshop a dick onto someone's face, use photoshop creatively in some way which fits in with the mosaic and doesn't stand out. You'll see in some mosaic examples how there is always one or two slides with just a random mish-mash of memes pasted on to it, resulting in ZERO lulz. Do something fresh and new with your slide. This does not necessitate being a good artist, let alone a good artist with your mouse. Please await the slides to be posted below.

R: 233 / I: 270 / P: 8

Post about games that you just FINISHED

I seem to be getting the strange feeling more and more that the Anons who keep posting about the games they're "playing" never actually finish those games. As in they just drop the game after a certain point and lose interest in it for whatever reason (Even if it's a great game). So, to remedy that, let's have this thread, where Anons boast about crossing off another title on the backlog. And, to guilt all the other Anons into doing the same.

R: 468 / I: 1285 / P: 8

Video Game Music Thread

Post your favorite videogame music.

R: 278 / I: 140 / P: 8

Localization "Discourse"

Seeing fags on twitter flinging shit over Unicorn Overlord's translation, I don't speak nipponese but according to defenders its good localization because "it adds flavor", or that you can translate it different ways because of the language. Wonder what your fags thoughts are. Screencaps are from this thread, Yasumi Matsuno also posted his thoughts on it.

R: 81 / I: 25 / P: 8

Known leaker claims that Microsoft's next Xbox won't be a console, but a pre-built Windows machine licensed out to third-parties >The next gen Xbox will allegedly not be a single console but a Windows-based device that other manufacturers can make their own versions of. >Considering the Xbox Series X/S isn’t even four years old yet, you wouldn’t normally expect to start hearing about its replacement for at least a year or two – probably more given the pandemic meant the first two years of this generation started very slowly. >And yet by Microsoft’s own admission they are working on a next gen format, one that will allegedly involve, ‘the biggest technological leap ever in a generation.’ >Given how many unsubtle hints have been dropped about portables, it seems almost certain that at least one variant will be a handheld or hybrid device but the latest insider rumour suggests it might not necessarily be made by Microsoft themselves. >Previously, there’s been some debate as to whether Microsoft would even continue to make new consoles, if it’s pursuing a more multiformat publishing approach, but they do seem to have made it clear that they are. >However, a tweet from Windows Central’s Jez Corden suggests that not only will the next Xbox have ‘a heavy Windows slant’ but that it will be a ‘reference device for manufacturers.’ >Although the wording is a little vague this seems to imply that other companies will be allowed to make Xbox consoles with the same basic specifications but with additional (or less) features of their own. >Multiple sources have suggested that Microsoft is targeting a 2026 release for their next generation hardware, whatever it is, so that should mean that we start getting some official details next year at the latest.

R: 25 / I: 11 / P: 8

Summer Gamefest

>22 days for impact

R: 94 / I: 24 / P: 8

Gamers Have Become Less Interested in Strategic Thinking and Planning >For this analysis, we used the data from 1.57 million gamers who participated in the Gamer Motivation Profile between June 2015 and April 2024. Respondents from China were excluded because gamers in China have a very different gaming motivation profile (likely due to the historically more isolated development of their gaming industry). >When we looked for long-term trends across the 12 motivations, we found that many motivations were stable or experienced minor deviations over the past 9 years. Strategy was the clear exception; it had substantially declined over the past 9 years and the magnitude of this change was more than twice the size of the next largest change. >Using the starting norm (i.e., the 50th-%tile) as the basis for comparison, the average Strategy score has declined to 33rd-%tile as of April 2024. Or put more plainly, 67% of gamers today care less about strategic thinking and planning when playing games than the average gamer back in June 2015.

R: 357 / I: 148 / P: 8

RTS/Strategy thread

Post your favorite quotes, talk about your favorite or old games, shitpost, discuss upcoming stuff. Upcoming stuff: >Company of Heroes 3 >Homeworld 3 >Sins of a Solar Empire 2 >Ratten Reich >The Great War Western Front >WarNo >Broken Arrow >Xenonauts 2 >Touhou Empires >Men of War 2 >Tempest Rising >SeaPower A remaster of Tiberian Sun/Red Alert 2 much like the OG would be nice, though I doubt they wouldn't fuck up the spritework on them since that has way higher definition and small details than the original.

R: 15 / I: 6 / P: 8

Game of the Month #8 (May Edition): Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure (NDS)

>What is this? This is exactly how it sounds: A game is chosen each month (which will be relatively or totally obscure on purpose) with hopes of bringing new avenues of playing potential to anons with narrow video game perspectives. The goal isn't necessarily to pick bad games, but obscure ones nobody, or as few people as possible, have played. You can play the game and then use that fact as bragging rights to others! You can use it to broaden your backlog horizons! or you can forget about it. It's up to you. THIS MONTH: A very quirky mix of platforming and puzzle game, Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure. >Where do I get this? Use the workaround from previous GotM threads to figure out how to grab it >How does it play? A mix between Tetris Attack/Panel de Pon shoutout to Lipfag - stay strong, brother and a bog standard platformer with some light combat. It's definitely an unique type of experience and the British Grand Adventure type vibes it gives are something that feels very earnest, especially considering it was released by EA of all publishers. As a sign of how much we've strayed from the path of dudes just wanting to have fun, the company even released the OST for free ( though I am not sure if this is the original upload or a reup). GUIDELINES FOR FUTURE GotMs: Poll for MONTH YEAR: If you do not like any of the games in the poll, you can either add a new entry manually, or reply to the OP with a different suggestion. Don't come crying to me if you don't like the game, blame democracy. If you DO suggest a game though, please, report all relevant information on the game (magnet/dl link, interesting mods, guides, tutorials on tech, speedrun etc.). Feel free to suggest any and every game you can think of, bonus points if it's games that barely anyone has played or talks about in the [Current Year] or that fit the month thematically. However, try and follow these rules: 1) No game that relies on modern hardware. If the game cannot be pirated or emulated properly, or no working emulator for the game exists, most people won't be able to enjoy it, rendering the thread kind of pointless; 2) No always-online games, meaning no live service games or mobile games that are dependent on external servers, unless a backup instance of said servers has been created by its fans or the offline content is significantly larger than the online content; 3) For multiplayer games, provide only free to play games that let players create their own servers, or games with local multiplayer that can be set up to play online (requires someone to be a hostfag, or, and may Allah forgive me for uttering these words, using Parsec); 4) No game that requires gimmicky controls to be enjoyable (guitar pedals, Wiimotes, cameras etc.) unless they can be easily remapped or translated into some other control scheme. Previous Games of the Month: OP Copypasta:

R: 51 / I: 23 / P: 8

Mouse Injector - Mouselook for Emulation

Over the last year and a half a game hacker by the name of Garungorp has been creating Mouse look support for "if my count is right" 102 console games. I just thought this was pretty cool, so I wanted to spread the word. The list of compatible games as well as the Mouse Injector itself, and files needed to help injector compatibility is all here. He even made a 2 hour tutorial of him going through the whole process of creating a hack. You can find more clips of the injector in action in allot more games on his Twitter and Youtube page. The set up process isn't complicated, but it is specific. The emulator .exe must be named correctly for the injector to recognize it, and in the case for at least PCSX2 you need the compatible BIOS. v02.00 for USA, v.02.20 and for Europe and Japan are ones that work.

R: 224 / I: 94 / P: 8

Vidya your Brain Refuses to Enjoy

Post whatever vidya you'd like to engage with and just can't. I can't stand this fucking franchise. The 3D game was a slow ass slog and the fact it came out during the same year as Mario Odyssey just couldn't make me shake off the fact that Nintendo is now lightyears ahead of the Rare crew. They have so much to catch up on, from level design, to the movement, to the lack of marketability from these ugly ass plastic looking fucks, what happened to the character design, having mammals be the main characters was not unique enough? Wheres the funny british humor, where is the cheekyness of this franchise? It's yookucked, lazy. I knew it was going to be a miss the moment the mediocre chameleon twist knockoff was revealed to the public, I really don't feel like I'm playing a game from rare, It doesn't feel like they knew what they were doing or what worked for their collectathons. The impozzible dare is a decent platformer, but golly gosh, I feel like I dissociate the longer my play sessions become, it's like my brain has a negative pull whenever I try to engage with these games and it never quite "clicks", to say I feel dissapointed every time I boot it up is a massive understatement. I wish I could love it like other people, back to tropical freeze I go.

R: 77 / I: 318 / P: 9

Desktop Wallpapers

Long story short lost my folder of wallpapers and need to scrounge up some new ones, there's a pixel art/skybox thread already up but I'm looking for more general purpose vidya related images. Posting what I managed to salvage to start.

R: 48 / I: 25 / P: 9

PlayStation Production head predicts developers will stop focusing on graphics next gen

I was going to put this in the minor news thread, but thought there might be enough discussion to warrant its own thread. His exact quote is >In terms of gaming’s future, I envision games becoming more personalised due to advances in technology and AI, enabling customized experiences for each player, moreover, technological advancements will enhance emotional depth in games by allowing characters to be much more emotive and expressive, fostering more evocative storytelling. >That’s going to help a whole generation of creators be able to just create so much more emotion in the stories. The focus is going to shift from graphics or visuals to immersive narratives that resonate long after the controller is set down. I think his AI prediction is off-base, but I do agree focus will "shift from graphics". Graphical fidelity basically flatlined last generation, the PS5 has brought only minor improvements. Spider-Man 2 cost $300,000,000 and visually isn't very different to the first game. I did see an interesting theory about the nature of his comments; the AI and storytelling buzzwords might simply be a rhetorical technique to lessen the blow of a development shift. This quote was said at their corporate strategy meeting, the audience was investor types rather than gamers. The flowery language might be in attempt to not upset them.

R: 20 / I: 7 / P: 9

Legend of Nayuta / Nayuta no Kiseiki

YOU SHOULD BE PLAYING LEGEND OF NAYUTA I often lament that the industry doesn't make games for people like me anymore because everything is either pozzed, shit, or in some genre I don't like gothic horror TPA souls bullshit. And it remains true because this game came out in 2013 in Japan for the PSP. But recently there was a fully voiced, faithfully translated US release on Switch and Steam and this game fucking rocks. Its a spinoff of Trails in the Sky. >2.5D side scrolling action/platformer with very strong RPG elements. >Graphics look like hi-rez Megaman Legends with excellent styling and an absolutely silk smooth 60 FPS. >Story is oldschool - basic but with a couple unexpected twists that were done really well. >Every character is likable, from the tsundere childhood friend to your loli fairy partner to the random shopkeeps and people around town. >The game is about 60% voiced in English and the voicing is done well. >Combat reminds me of YS but simpler and better at the same time. As you unlock more moves it starts feeling like a 2.5D Devil May Cry almost. >Levels are short, tasty, and eye-poppingly beautiful and meant to be ran multiple times each, with varying routes and a solid amount of very well done platforming. >Overall difficulty is middle of the road (I Game Overed maybe 3 times in a whole Normal playthrough) but every level (20+ in all) has optional side goals that ramp the difficulty considerably, and which grant rewards like rare gear and stars that unlock new moves. There's also a Hard mode and a NG+ Very Hard mode where getting hit is instant death. >Boss fights are fun and force you to simultaneously solve a puzzle of :"how do I damage this thing" with no hints or handholding. Very refreshing. >You get a cute fairy loli who follows you around, lets you use her magic and you can collect outfits to dress her up in. >Its one of those games where changing your equipment actually shows on your character, which is something I love. >Quite a lot of customization and also a giant museum where you can display all the collectibles you find I haven't played a game this good in years and its tragic to me that the US release flew under the radar.

R: 25 / I: 5 / P: 9

XDefiant launches May 21

After constant push backs and delays XDefiant will finally be releasing on May 21st 2024. For those not in the know, XDefiant is the most recent attempt by Ubisoft to cash on the Call of Duty audience. It's basically free to play Call of Duty for those that just wanna get back from work and play a few round of team deathmatch without having to buy a 70 dollar game every year. Honestly, I can't believe I'm saying this but I sincerely hope that Ubisoft and the former CoD devs that are working on this are able to put pressure on Activision to actually change up the Call of Duty formula to a point where they're forced to take a more lax approach to moderation. I think this will either be a massive success or a giant shitshow. Either way I decided to make a thread for the game since it'll probably be all over the net when the game launches. I just hope they follow through on their promise to support Linux via Proton.

R: 25 / I: 52 / P: 9

Summer Games

Post games that you played or like to play during the season that have that cozy summer feeling, due to setting/aesthetic.

R: 15 / I: 0 / P: 9

Witcher 3 Mod Tools Out Now

R: 50 / I: 22 / P: 9

Sony reportedly working on new (actual) handheld, can play PS4 games The leaks are coming from known Sony leakers, including one who revealed that Death Stranding and Horizon were both coming to PC. The leaker compared it to the Steam Deck. The OP is a brief because the article itself of sparse, not much was talked about other than its existence and very rough specs.

R: 63 / I: 35 / P: 9

I got a PS5 and I have a good collection of PS4 games and I'm going to get more. What are the essential PS5 games I need to get? JRPGs, shooters, anime games, you name it. What ones do I need in my collection? Planning on getting Stellar Blade and I have digital Spiderman 2 and I have Helldivers 2, but other than that I have no idea.

R: 76 / I: 61 / P: 9

Game Phrases/Lines That Will Be Forever Stuck In Your Head

Post those bits of dialogue, quotes, or lines that you heard all the time in a game and are now perpetually playing at random in your head. These are lines that you can play back in your head at will and with complete accuracy, but bonus points if the way you remember it after all these years isn't exactly the correct quote. I'll start with some common ones and then get into the ones I am personally more familiar with >Something need doing? >EXCUSE ME, I'M IN NEED OF MEDICAL ATTENTION >My faith is my shield >I'll take a crack addict >Come on little one, time to die!

R: 24 / I: 81 / P: 9

Arcade Nostalgia

I'll just be dumping some old nostalgic photos of arcades or malls with arcades in them. Might also post a few nostalgic magazine ads that relate to video games. Feel free to post your own stuff, just remember the thread rules 1. No niggers Or at least, no niggers as the focus of the photo 2. Must be at least kind of old 3. No items 4. Fox only 5. Final destination

R: 240 / I: 44 / P: 9

The Yuzu story

It's one hell of a tale

R: 85 / I: 73 / P: 9

Super Smash Bros

Smash Remix 1.5.0 has been released, and I figured this would be a good opportunity to make a post about it. The new update adds in Ebisumaru from Goemon, Banjo, and Dragon King. You can also find another mod that adds in Spider-Man with his MvC playstyle into the game, which I find to be very interesting. Hopefully the Smash Remix team adds in more niche picks from games reflective from that era like Custom Robo, Chameleon Twist, Sin and Punishment, and Glover. That being said, if the team is actively developing the mod then I wouldn't be surprised if Cloud from Final Fantasy 7 or Megaman were ported over from Smash Ultimate since I know the Smash Remix team also likes bringing over Veterans as well. Although it seems Nintendo took down their channel, so who knows if they'll get a C&D after this update. Either way it's not the worst update to end on, if that ends up being the case. I just hope that the dev team doesn't go full Project M and abandon the entire project without a good reason. Other than Smash Remix, I've noticed some rumblings of new developments of Smash Bros as Nintendo and Namco have been hiring for a new 3D game and a 2D game, for their new Studio called Studio 2 or Studio S. No one knows 100% what these games are, but for the 2D game at least, it might be an update to Smash Ultimate that ads new characters and whatnot. Especially since the game has had a rumored update last fall with Amiibo's suddenly getting restocked. That being said, I hope they replaced Sakurai with some younger talent since I've noticed that Sakurai himself has a bit of an ego, and it's good not to have all of your eggs in one basket. Here's an archive to the job listings and the article that goes over it:

R: 116 / I: 59 / P: 9

regarding minecraft

tell me which is good- java or bedrock to play minecraft in?

R: 43 / I: 21 / P: 9

AI vs AI: best games where computer fights each other

What are the best games where you can set up a match between AI opponents and let them fight? BONUS: >if you can name the AI >If AI is good & wins aren't predictable >customization

R: 21 / I: 37 / P: 9

Renewed Mario Paint Thread

The old thread was lost. Let's revive it and all try to participate this time, especially since everyone can post again. If someone would be so good as to give a link to the Mario Paint download since I seem to have lost my archive file.

R: 204 / I: 82 / P: 10

Switch Successor Confirmed It's being annonced within this financial year, so January. Gives the Switch one more holiday period to sell like hotcakes and hopefully break the PS2's 160M record.

R: 21 / I: 14 / P: 10

PlayStation names Hermen Hulst and Hideaki Nishino as its new CEOs

Hermen Hulst and Hideaki Nishino will jointly succeed Jim Ryan as the CEOs of Sony Interactive Entertainment. Hulst is CEO of the newly named Studio Business Group, which includes all of PlayStation’s first-party teams, plus covers the development of PlayStation IP onto other mediums, such as TV and film. Hulst was already head of PlayStation Studios. He was previously the co-founder of Horizon and Killzone developer Guerrilla Games, which was acquired by Sony in 2005. Hideaki Nishino will lead the Platform Business Group, which includes console hardware, technology, accessories, PlayStation Network and third-party relations (covering major publishers and indie studios). He was already SVP of Platform Experiences. He’s been part of the Sony business since 2006, holding numerous roles at Sony Network Entertainment, Sony Corporation and SIE. Both leaders will report to Sony Interactive Entertainment chairman Hiroki Totoki, who has been acting CEO of the division since Jim Ryan stepped down from the role at the end of March. Totoki is also president, COO and CFO of Sony Group Corporation. The latest changes will take effect from June 1st.

R: 405 / I: 191 / P: 10

Helldivers will require a PSN account going forward because of ///toxic gamers\\\

I don't know if this is worth its own thread but because of how crazy it is, I'm making it anyway. Sony is forcing a bait and switch with Helldivers 2. Basically as of May 6th, people who purchase the game will be required to connect their Steam and PSN accounts with everyone else being forced to do it on May 30th. The reason they're doing this is because of ///toxic gamers\\\ as seen in the announcement here >Account linking plays a critical role in protecting our players and upholding the values of safety and security provided on PlayStation and PlayStation Studios games. This is our main way to protect players from griefing and abuse by enabling the banning of players that engage in that type of behaviour. It also allows those players that have been banned the right to appeal. Personally I find it hilarious that Sony is basically trying to kill one of their most popular games considering that all they had to do was update the game, and people would continue playing for more MGSV style action. Instead Sony is forcing gamers to create and link a PSN account effectively blocking people who may not want a PSN account, out of the game.

R: 42 / I: 10 / P: 10

Payday 3 is "massively underperforming" with less than 300 average players >Payday 3 maker Starbreeze has explained the co-op shooter is currently performing at "significantly lower levels" than it would like. The developer explained sales and player activity are way below expectations, and said rehabilitating the title remains its "biggest focus and absolute priority." >Payday 3 launched for Windows PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X | S in September 2023 but has seemingly struggled to win over players. The title currently has a 'mixed' rating on Steam with over 36,000 user reviews, although the vast majority of recent reviews have been 'mostly negative.' >In January, Starbreeze said it had formed a "strike team of veteran developers" to help reshape the game in the short and long term. In its year-end report for 2023, the company reiterated that plan and suggested that by incorporating player feedback and working closely with co-publishing partner Plaion it can weather the storm. >"There are many examples from the game industry, where a problematic initial time on the market is turned into long-term success. There is no simple recipe available, but a common thread from the positive examples is to take players' criticism to heart, dare to support your game and keeping an open and honest dialogue with your stakeholders," wrote the company. >"That is exactly what we are now doing with Payday 3. Few companies are blessed with a brand as strong as Payday. At a time when our most recent game is lagging, Payday 2 has fared slightly better than expected financially and with more than 400,000 active players in single months during the quarter. It shows the strength of the brand, and our potential to convert these to Payday 3 as we deliver on our commitments." I remember all interest around the game dying as more and more bad news came out approaching launch. Do you think they can recover? Everybody has forgotten the game even released and it was meant to be one of the biggest coop titles of the decade.

R: 103 / I: 92 / P: 10

Your biggest letdowns

Post about games that aren't irredeemable garbage, but had great potential and were ultimately fucked by unfulfilled promises or other circumstances. Kenshi. It's very cool conceptually, I can only describe it as an open world RTS RPG. The mechanics are interesting, the factions are interesting, but the game engine is such a disaster that it makes the game nigh unplayable. Has to pause to load every 5 seconds when traveling on 3x speed, constant bugs, lag and visual glitches, and eventually crashing. I had over a dozen hours invested into a run, I started my own outpost and was actually able to defend it, but lo and behold the game started crashing nonstop and my willingness to play it just died. Devs can't or won't fix it and decided to make a sequel instead.

R: 37 / I: 21 / P: 10

Grunge, grime and horror 2000s core

I need games with this aesthetic >Killing Floor >Bloodrayne >Backyard Wrestling >Tony Hawk Pro Skater >True Crime >Obscure >The Suffering Anything else?

R: 136 / I: 53 / P: 10

Microsoft closes Arkane Austin, Tango Gameworks, Alpha Dog Studios and more cuts at Bethesda

Breaking news: Xbox has just closed a number of Bethesda studios including Arkane and Tango Gameworks. This comes after Starfield failed to deliver on expectations, and Microsoft will be cutting down on Bethesda owned studios. Arkane Lyon, Bethesda Game studios, Machine Games, and id Software survived the cull. The full email is as below: >Today I’m sharing changes we are making to our Bethesda and ZeniMax teams. These changes are grounded in prioritizing high-impact titles and further investing in Bethesda’s portfolio of blockbuster games and beloved worlds which you have nurtured over many decades. >To double down on these franchises and invest to build new ones requires us to look across the business to identify the opportunities that are best positioned for success. This reprioritization of titles and resources means a few teams will be realigned to others and that some of our colleagues will be leaving us. >Here are the changes going into effect: >Arkane Austin – This studio will close with some members of the team joining other studios to work on projects across Bethesda. Arkane Austin has a history of making impactful and innovative games and it is a pedigree that >everyone should be proud of. Redfall’s previous update will be its last as we end all development on the game. The game and its servers will remain online for players to enjoy and we will provide make-good offers to players who purchased the Hero DLC. >Alpha Dog Studios – This studio will also close. We appreciate the team’s creativity in bringing Doom to new players. Mighty Doom will be sunset on August 7 and we will be turning off the ability for players to make any purchases in the game. >Tango Gameworks – Tango Gameworks will also close. We are thankful for their contributions to Bethesda and players around the world. Hi-Fi Rush will continue to be available to players on the platforms it is today. >Roundhouse Games – The team at Roundhouse Games will be joining ZeniMax Online Studios (ZOS). Roundhouse has played a key role in many of our recent game launches and bringing them into ZOS to work on The Elder Scrolls Online will mean we can do even more to grow the world that millions of players call home. >With this consolidation of our Bethesda studio teams, so that we can invest more deeply in our portfolio of games and new IP, a small number of roles across select Bethesda publishing and corporate teams will also be eliminated. >Those whose roles will be impacted will be notified today, and we ask that you please treat your departing colleagues with respect and compassion. We will provide our full support to those who are impacted in today’s notifications and through their transitions, including severance benefits informed by local laws. >These changes are not a reflection of the creativity and skill of the talented individuals at these teams or the risks they took to try new things. I acknowledge that these changes are also disruptive to the various support teams across ZeniMax and Bethesda that bring our games to market. We are making these tough decisions to create capacity to increase investment in other parts of our portfolio and focus on our priority games. >Bethesda remains one of the key pillars of Xbox with a strong portfolio of amazing games and thriving communities. As we look to the future, there is an impressive line-up of games on the horizon. In 2024 alone we have Starfield Shattered Space, Fallout 76 Skyline Valley, Indiana Jones and The Great Circle, and The Elder Scrolls Online’s Golden Road. As we align our plans and resources to best set ourselves up for success in this complex and changing industry, our teams across Arkane Lyon, Bethesda Game Studios, id Software, MachineGames, ZeniMax Online Studios and the Bethesda publishing and corporate teams will be well-positioned to build new IP, explore new game concepts, and expand on our existing franchises. >Matt Booty Personally I'm rather surprised that they're killing off Tango Gameworks considering the success of Hi-Fi Rush and how that game was basically a sleeper hit. Personally I'd rather have Machine Games take the hit considering they ruined Wolfenstein and are just a poorly managed studio in general that makes subpar shooters, but sadly Tango got the bullet instead.

R: 6 / I: 2 / P: 10


( youtube com/watch?v=hUSLVF2zelY ) New dev log vid just dropped about 11 hours ago, in which they confirm the project is going well. (In other words, it's not vapourware, thank God.) They didn't show much, but we do get to see a screenshot for the very first time. First thing I immediately noticed: Red blood confirmed! Much to my relief, it looks like they're not trying to keep it PG like they did with Deathverse. There's also a character that can be seen in the distance, scaling a wall with a rope. To sum it up: The new game is being designed with the formula of the original LID mostly, and Deathverse to a lesser extent. It's going to be a roguelite that focuses on action and exploration. There will be some multiplayer co-op and PvP content. Maybe it's still a bit too early for this thread, but fuck it. It's been too long since we last had one. Let's discuss all things LID ITT. What do you expect or hope to see in the sequel? What did you like and/or dislike in the original LID and/or Deathverse? Should the new game focus more on melee or ranged combat? Should they abandon the live service model? Do you think they'll show a trailer next month at Summer Game Fest? Will there be last-gen console support and/or crossplay? Will they finally improve their enemy AI?

R: 507 / I: 477 / P: 10


Last thread is on bumplock and you know what that means: WHATCHA' >PLAYAN >WATCHAN >LISTENAN >READAN >EATAN >DRINKAN >FAPPAN >FEELAN

R: 65 / I: 49 / P: 10

Design Trends Over the Years

Which era had the best designs for consoles? Were there any consoles released in any of these eras which did NOT display the design trends of the time? Not pictured, but I actually liked the aged "wood" design of consoles like the Atari 2600, the Odyssey, Coleco Vision, etc. I miss the boxy, utilitarian/practical designs of most things from that era, actually. And I hope that isnt just my rose tinted glasses talking again.

R: 198 / I: 115 / P: 10

comfy switch thread

talk switch whatever, games, homebrew, whatever. >playan >waitan >hopan looking for some ind*e or more niche games to try on my recently modchipped switch lite™. any recommendations?

R: 505 / I: 120 / P: 10

PC Hardware & News Thread: dystopia Edition

>Discuss PC Hardware & News >Share Specs & Pics Current News RTX 4060 Ti 16GB launches July 18 amid desperate price cuts and What’s Up With The Missing NVIDIA DLSS Support In AMD Sponsored FSR Titles? Previous Thread >>854898

R: 149 / I: 95 / P: 10

Vidya Oekaki Art Thread!

Thread for sharing your Oekaki art of vidya characters/Locales I present you all with Smaus, the bunty hunty

R: 418 / I: 225 / P: 10

Persona Thread: (BDSMM) Bald Dirty Semite Masturbates to Morgana Edition

Getting the ball rolling with games 2 through 5, and sharing mods I've acquired to enhance your arcanus. Open wide anon, you and I, we are going to increase our friendship rank. It's time to increase that skill. Persona 2 Eternal Punishment Translation You can decide to play it with duckstation or PPSSPP, both are really good. Persona 3 FES Gaem 🇺🇲 My favorite mods Install the first before any others, it's a community pack, which means there are several essential mods here, if you're starting from scratch, use this. It includes a pre-configured PCSX2 build The next one is an HD pack This is a balance patch. Persona 4 Persona 5 It's coming to PC, so feel free to hold off on emulating it, especially if you're with weak hardware. Game Repack torrent and mods are being shared just in case because my machine has no problem emulating, be sure to update RPCS3 after extracting, and ask for settings help if necessary.: Persona 5 EX Mod EX Add-On Project Royal Hi-Res Texture Pack (EX Only) Hi-Res Texure Pack (Vanilla) Expanded Persona Compendium Hi-Res Fonts Confidant + Classroom Cheat Sheet 60fps patch What are you favorite mods anon, do you have a list, are you having fun? Is this your first time? Do you need help? Also, do you expect p6 to be good? I don't have any hope personally, and I'm just expecting a kneejerk reaction to how pozzed or pretentious he next game will be, maybe the mascot will be sexy, like an actual loli girl or something and not a cat like morgana. I just save those pics to my drive ironically, I don't really want to fuck morgana, too abstract for my tastes but the idea of lustful out of character beckoning brings me so much laughter.

R: 89 / I: 69 / P: 10

JRPG/RPG recommendation thread

I'm still new (;^ω^)!

R: 76 / I: 53 / P: 10


Lately I've noticed that, no matter how much time passes, the average age of players on Garry's Mod multiplayer servers tend to remain overwhelmingly little kids or young teens. It got me thinking: What exactly is it that keeps new young players coming to Gmod? It's not like it's a particularly popular game compared to most flavor of the month or meme games that kids tend to gravitate towards, like Minecraft or Fortnite. And the Gmod machinima craze has been dead for nearly a decade now. In my mind, if the same players were playing the game constantly, there would eventually be fewer kids. What is it about the game that causes it to attract a seemingly constant stream of new players? Also, Gmod autism thread, I guess.

R: 43 / I: 11 / P: 11

Mario Kart

Making a new thread since Wave 5's release date was just announced and this is a good opportunity to talk about Nintendo's best selling franchise. I'll be honest, considering they're adding new characters this wave, I would be surprised if Captain Falcon doesn't appear as a sort of hook for Wave 6 since they have a few crossover characters with stages, but he's the only character missing considering they have F-Zero stages in the game. I'd be like adding a Pokemon stage but not having Pikachu as a playable character. Oh and I'm also expecting Mario Kart 9 to be a launch title considering the success of each game since the Wii. What are you looking forward to in Wave 6/Mario Kart 9, and will you be playing Wave 5?

R: 502 / I: 181 / P: 11

Fallout: The Amazon Original TV Show

Welcoms to the dumpster fire This is the thread specifically for discussing the upcoming Amazon adaptation of Fallout which comes out on April 14th. I'm including a few worthwhile pics from their latest trailer which just came out this morning. Watch it for yourself on Jewtube or your favorite fork Laugh at it, cry about it, burn in righteous fury about it, help point out inconsistencies and woke shit, whatever floats your boat.

R: 212 / I: 108 / P: 11

/v/ Quest

I thought it would be fun for the 10th anniversary to have a quest thread, so I've made one. I doubt anyone here doesn't know what quest threads are, but for posterity I'll explain anyway. never done one of these before, it's pretty straight forward. I draw Anons post suggestions for what the mc does, /v/-tan in this case, and I'll read through them The premise is simple because I have negligible writing experience: >/v/ has woken up to find his gaming pc missing >What will he do? It might take me a few days or even a week to make new pages with my schedule as it is, but I'll keep you informed with how its going. My ip is probably going to be different for each post, but you should be able to tell its me from the art.

R: 132 / I: 29 / P: 11

Capcom started adding DRM Enigma Protector to their back catalog of games.

News just came out that Capcom is adding new DRM to their old catalog of games that prevents modding, disallows cheat engine from running, and reduces performance of up to 10-15FPS. Right now the only game we know for sure that's been affected was Resident Evil Revelations which is an 11 year old game, but granted this could affect other games as well even those that depend on mods for an optimal gameplay experience such as the Devil May Cry and Monster Hunter series. If you've played Resident Evil Revelations before, please review bomb the game and explain that you don't want extra DRM for this game so Capcom gets the message. I don't know if this will prevent Capcom's anti-modding sperg out, but it's better than them thinking that a few articles about Chun Li's tits are worse for the company than outright ass fucking the customer. I hope they stop fucking around and don't pull this shit with Dragon's Dogma 2 since that will be the best game of 2024.

R: 53 / I: 72 / P: 11

Early Childhood PC Games

What games did you play during your early childhood? I'm talking mainly from ages 1-5 or maybe a tad older. I'm going to assume you were kept on some sort of a leash as I was and could only really play a certain genre of 'educational' or 'beginner' games like pics related. Personally, besides my gameboy, I had a family PC I could use and I played whatever games my parents happened to bring home to me, or whatever I could rent from the local video store or library. Most of my family had Macintosh but I do remember my old man having a crusty Windows 98 or 95 computer. If I was really lucky, I could pick out a game from the Apple store (yes, back when they carried PC games, curiously not just for Macintosh operating systems). I'm curious if anybody else here had a similar early gaming experience. Those I SPY games were fucking RAD as hell, I think I had all of them.

R: 51 / I: 8 / P: 11

The conspiracy against Asian studios

The recent sabotage against Stellar Blade by Sony and the localisation drama, along with Asian studios in general getting dealt bad deals or western subversion from the inside. After Hades 2 getting a bunch of praise, and Balding Gay 3 being a massive success, the idea of cracking down on gore, running the localisations and sexual fanservice for Asian games. Really looks like western game devs/publishers, want the games of the Japanese , Koreans and Taiwanese to fail in western markets. They've gone even more masks off then they did in 2017.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 11

Game Engines

Seeing all the gameplay being posted of Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers has made me rather curious about the state of vidya engines. Looking at just how much the Doom Engine has been modified to the point that there's even a kart racer built using it made me wonder about all the other engines that have come and gone over the years and just how verisitile those could still be if people put in the effort to use them. Are there any other engines actively being supported or have they nearly all fallen by the wayside? Also, what are some "promising" new engines that are being independently developed?

R: 39 / I: 9 / P: 11

Tabletop vs Vidja

Weird thought, What attracts you to vidja specifically? I know personally it's cause while I like board games and own a good few myself, videogames can be played on my own schedule and don't require a third party. I'm actually not at a shortage of ways I could play those tabletop games with people, but having a computer that manages all the rules and just lets me experience the game without having to think to hard is also nice too.

R: 51 / I: 24 / P: 11

Console OS

As consoles become more like PCs, the OS becomes more important. Perhaps the most important aspect of an OS is the UI. Which console has your favourite OS and UI and overall experience? It can be anything from the PSX power-on THX-like FX to the chunky eject button on the SNES. And how come, how fucking come, of all three current hardware manufacturers does Microsoft, the one company that is known for operating systems, have the by far the worst OS and UI for gaming that I've ever seen? Using the Xbox Series consoles is ridiculous.

R: 271 / I: 84 / P: 11

Todd General - Bethesda more like Bestesda games

This is actually a Starfield/Bethesda games general, the title is a shitpost, Felbot pls understand b4 u go autismo What are the glorious adventures you've had around the same 30 points of interest stretched over 1600 locations, anon? Did you remember to preorder?

R: 33 / I: 62 / P: 11

Witch thread!

Its October! Time to post the cutest witches in all of vidya!

R: 16 / I: 19 / P: 11

Games only you tried and liked

This is basically a so-called "hidden games" thread, where Anons bring up games that they've tried but don't think other people have ever bothered playing or ever looked at. The reason I bring it up is that I tried out the game D.I.C.E., based on the made-for-America anime of the same name, and so far I seem rather jazzed about it. Based on my first impressions, it seems like the game is somewhat similar to the Musou games, except it's arena to arena instead of large battlefields.

R: 68 / I: 20 / P: 11

Old Video Game Forums 2000s

Hello /v/ I was going through some old things in my attic and found my og copy of Half-Life and my old PC. looking on it I found my old CS 1.6 stuff. I even found some old custom maps. This hit me with nostalgia for those old video game forums, old clans, and even just gaming from that time period. So /v/ whats some stuff you remember from those forums. Remember any Clans you used to be apart of, or just some old memories of gaming around that time. see ya /v/

R: 150 / I: 84 / P: 11

Palworld: Pokemon/Arc but with guns

Here's a new bread since the old one hit 500. As you know this game has sold a shitton of copies on steam to the point where we've officially hit pokemon numbers. We've even see The Pokemon Company threaten Japanese celebrities with blacklisting if they so much as mention the game. Personally I find the massive success of Palworld to be a much needed slap in the face to Pokemon and its dickriders. With that out of the way how is /v/ enjoying the game? ..oh and DO NOT SEXUALIZE THE PALS

R: 54 / I: 33 / P: 11

Games based on books

There are plenty of film and TV adaptations, but what about games that draw from the literary world? Post and discuss games based on books, light novels, short stories, or any kind of literature. In my personal experience, games based on books on average are a lot better than games based on movies, do you agree? If so, why do you think that is? I think the heavily interpretative nature of reading lends itself better to adaptation in general than visual media being adapted to other visual media.

R: 80 / I: 34 / P: 11

Advance Wars By Web

Hey anons, do you also enjoy the Nintendo Wars series? How about making some sort of clan (similar to fullderp's) and beat up other Advance Wars players online, or organize gamenights gamedays? Wiki, use it to learn the single units' strengths and weaknesses - Useful channels to learn about the intricacies of the game from some top players Deejus (Standard, Fog) - Go7 (Fog) - atrueboss (High Funds) - There is also Tinywars, if you're into Days of Ruin instead, but I'm not as knowledgeable of the meta.

R: 51 / I: 31 / P: 12

Do you own any vidya merchandise?

Toys, t-shirts, kitchenware, statues, etc. If not, Is there any you would like to own but is too expensive/not worth it? If you don't know, Resaurus is a toy company from the late 90s which made toys from vidya franchises at from the time. They went bankrupt shortly after due to how high detailed these figures were compared to their prices, making them unprofitable. Because of this they will fetch very high prices in today's market.

R: 14 / I: 17 / P: 12

Blizzcon 2024 cancelled Probably because they don't have any fucking games to show lmao

R: 78 / I: 35 / P: 12

8chan Project: Genre Intelligence x Difficulty Chart

Continuing from the bait posted here >>959452 This inspired me to get us started on a fixed graph which properly catalogues all video game genres. I took the liberty of listing them out myself and making this image you see here. Let me know if I'm missing any genres or if you think one genre should go somewhere else. Plead your case for each change you wish to make, every opinion should be considered. Also feel free to remake the image to your liking, I put this together pretty quickly and lazily.

R: 51 / I: 33 / P: 12

Kingdom Come Deliverance II

Warhorse Studios just revealed Kingdom Come: Deliverance II I am interested in finally getting around to playing the original game, I was initially put off because the game was extremely buggy, as I'm sure many here will recall the memes surrounding it. Not as bad as Andromeda or Cyberpunk but in no means an acceptable way to launch a product. I have to wonder if the sequel will release with similar troubles? Let's make this a Kingdom Come thread to discuss the first game as well as the next one. If anyone would be so kind, let me know if this game is worth a play.

R: 519 / I: 171 / P: 12

Vidya Entertainment and Canerous E-Celebs Thread #2 Worlds Collide Edition

I find myself increasingly enjoying more other people suffering through games I dislike than actually bothering pirating then playing them. What are you currently watching? What's your opinion on breadtubers and assorted internet personalities talking about vidya? Any good shit you found online? Previous threads (merged by jannies):

R: 39 / I: 28 / P: 12

Card games

I like card games but I have none to play. I used to play a lot of hearthstone but then I stopped after the Hong Kong debacle. I played eternal but I kinda just got bored with it and stopped after they told me to vote in the American election and "save democracy" (I am not American). Recently I got really into Kards but the recently released winter war expansion introduced one of the most aids fucking cards I have ever had to play against. What fucking moron though it was a good idea to just have a unit that can silence literally any card on the field twice in a turn. It can do that without even risking itself. It also has 4 health which means you have to play Germany and put all copies of a specific card they have to deal 4 damage to it. If you dont do that then you will have to spend at least 2 cards getting rid of this fucking thing. And its a common card so your opponent is going to have 4 copies of it. Fuck I hate the sWG. The game was so fucking perfect for me before the winter war why did they add this piece of shit card?! They could just reduce its life by 1 and suddenly it would be fine since everyone faction has a way to deal 3 damage to the back row. Or they could remove the fury so it can't attack twice in a turn and snowball out of control with the pincer. Or they could remove the silence and not have it completely shut down anything and everything you throw at it. They did none of these things and just raised the kost of the card from 3 to 4. This does nothing since every deck that runs this abomination also runs ramp cards that let you gain extra kredits. I hate this fucking thing. Please recommend me better card games.

R: 19 / I: 5 / P: 12

A "new" Timesplitters game may come out after all. POTENTIAL TIMESPLITTERS 4 LEAK THREAD

Apparently some Retardittors CAN learn from history. Apologies for phone pics, but Retarddit. >I bought a ps3 dev test kit with a timesplitters 4 prototype apparently on it. >I asked the seller a lot of probing questions without giving it away, they indeed had a friend who worked at free radical until november 2008 a month before the studio shut down. They are going to boot the game up at the weekend to see what it is and send me a video, if it's legit I'll buy it and if someone who knows hdd dumping helps me I'll upload the drive If this really is real and not some bullshit ARG at work here, then somebody on Retarddit bought a dev kit with lost media on it and didn't wipe and destroy it to make a shitty tacky mod. Timesplitters 4 discussion? This could be completely fake but if not then there might be a god after all watching over us. Fuck Blizzard garbage anyways.

R: 43 / I: 15 / P: 12

Game of the Month #7 (April 2024) - Maximo: Ghosts to Glory (PS2)

>What is this? This is exactly how it sounds: A game is chosen each month (which will be relatively or totally obscure on purpose) with hopes of bringing new avenues of playing potential to anons with narrow video game perspectives. The goal isn't necessarily to pick bad games, but obscure ones nobody, or as few people as possible, have played. You can play the game and then use that fact as bragging rights to others! You can use it to broaden your backlog horizons! or you can forget about it. It's up to you. THIS MONTH: Maximo: Ghosts to Glory, a 3D Hack and Slash game for the PS2, alongside its undub patch. >Where do I get this? Guide in previous GotM Or find it in a redump, I am not your nanny >How does it play? Standard 3D floaty adventure game with light combos and platformer elements. It certainly has its charm. GUIDELINES FOR FUTURE GotMs: Poll for May 2024: If you do not like any of the games in the poll, you can either add a new entry manually, or reply to the OP with a different suggestion. Don't come crying to me if you don't like the game, blame democracy. If you DO suggest a game though, please, report all relevant information on the game (magnet/dl link, interesting mods, guides, tutorials on tech, speedrun etc.). Feel free to suggest any and every game you can think of, bonus points if it's games that barely anyone has played or talks about in the [Current Year] or that fit the month thematically. However, try and follow these rules: 1) No game that relies on modern hardware. If the game cannot be pirated or emulated properly, or no working emulator for the game exists, most people won't be able to enjoy it, rendering the thread kind of pointless; 2) No always-online games, meaning no live service games or mobile games that are dependent on external servers, unless a backup instance of said servers has been created by its fans or the offline content is significantly larger than the online content; 3) For multiplayer games, provide only free to play games that let players create their own servers, or games with local multiplayer that can be set up to play online (requires someone to be a hostfag, or, and may Allah forgive me for uttering these words, using Parsec); 4) No game that requires gimmicky controls to be enjoyable (guitar pedals, Wiimotes, cameras etc.) unless they can be easily remapped or translated into some other control scheme. Previous Games of the Month: OP Copypasta:

R: 43 / I: 11 / P: 12

mandatory / game fixing mods

Some games have 1 or 2 huge flaws that make them unplayable. This would mean that with the simple modification, they would be great. DK64 has a "switch monkeys anywhere" mod and when using this mod, the game went from one of the worst video games of all time to an instant top 10 for me, not joking. Also, Breath Of The Wild has an "important weapons and shields don't break" mod that has turned this game from annoying and mediocre to a near perfect experience. What are other mods like this?

R: 37 / I: 45 / P: 12

Six years

You didn't forget, did you anon?

R: 10 / I: 2 / P: 12

Embracer Group split into three different companies

Good morning /v/, so in case you haven't heard the implosion of the Embracer Group continues since they just announced that they will be splitting into three different companies. Asmodee Group, Coffee Stain & Friends, and.Middle-earth Enterprises & Friends Coffee Stain & Friends The Coffee Stain company will operate under two segments: premium and free-to-play. The premium division will encompass Coffee Stain, THQ Nordic, Amplifier Game Invest, Ghost Ship, Tarsier, Tuxedo Labs, and more. It will control more than 200 IPs, including Deep Rock Galactic, Goat Simulator, Satisfactory, Wreckfest, Teardown, Valheim. Meanwhile, the free-to-play segment will include Easybrain, Deca, CrazyLabs and Cryptic, handing games such as, Blockudoku, Jigsaw Puzzle, and more. This will also handle current licensed free-to-play games such as Star Trek Online and D&D Neverwinter Online. The Middle-Earth group will include Crystal Dynamics, Dambuster Studios, Eidos-Montréal, Flying Wild Hog Studios, Tripwire, Vertigo Games, Warhorse Studios, and 4A Games among many others. Embracer-owned businesses such as Metro publisher Plaion, Dark Horse Comics, Freemode will also be part of this entity. In addition to The Lord of the Rings and Tomb Raider, Middle-Earth Enterprises & Friends will be responsible for Dead Island, Killing Floor, Kingdom Come Deliverance, and Metro, among others. Asmondee will just be tabletop autism, so go to >>>/tg/ for that shit. Personally I can't say I'm surprised since the Saudi's really did a number on Embracer, and that their games haven't been selling like gangbusters either. Alone in the Dark and Saints Row particularly being an outlier on how the publishers under Embracer have failed to bring back these games in a matter that matches expectations from the rest of the industry. Personally I'm looking forward to see what Coffee Stain can come up with in since I think Middle Earth is bloated as is. Regardless I would like to hear what you faggots think of this.

R: 120 / I: 25 / P: 12

Infini/v/ the Musical: Moe Edition

Picking up where we left off from the vent thread since I feel bad about derailing it any further >Context This is a general thread for other /v/ the musical activity but firstly it's to finish what was started rather organically in the vent thread. The song being parodied is Dire Straits' Money for Nothing with the parody itself being "Pirate for Nothing" and the twist is the song being from the perspective of a physical game collector/normalfag/reddit user who is commenting on how the life of a pirate is free whereas the normalfag needs to pay through the nose and via outrageous methods to play their desired vidya. Picking up from the last thread, I'm making some adjustments to the lyrics as we have them currently. What really needs fixing are some of the chorus portions so that the meter lines up and the rhymes remain consistent (relatively) with how they are in the original song. <Chorus 4 >We've got to inflate the vidya game market >Report ev'ry ROM si~te >We've got to hoard these, and scalp 'em later > and get it graded from a CGC~ Now with the whole lyrics: >Intro <I want my vidya free... >Verse 1 <Now look at them vandals, that's the way you do it <You emulate vidya on your own PC <That ain't moral, that's the way you do it <Pirate for nothin' and yer games are free <Now that ain't moral, That's the way you do it <Lemme tell ya, poorfags' a slob <Maybe spend your paycheck on a vintage console <Maybe spend your paycheck on a R.O.B. >Chorus 1 <We've got to wander internet auctions <Custom gimmick console release <We've got to pay for bad emulation <Gotta pay those streaming fees >Verse 2 <That little shitlord with the dolphin and the yuzu? <Yeah buddy, he's on welfare <That little shitlord got the whole ROM archive <That little shitlord sitting down at his chair >Chorus 2 <We've got to install Denuvo software <chugging down framerates <We've got to wait for HD remasters <We gotta wait for more remakes >Chorus 3 <Got to pay for horse armor downloads <buy downgraded re-re-re-re-re-re-release <We've got to pay for those censored remakes <Gotta cover 2D boobies <Looky here, look out >Verse 3 <I Shoulda' homebrewed my Nintendo Switch ^ Spiff this line up, doesn't flow right <I shoulda' hacked my PSP <Look at that multicart, it's got it stocked with all the rare games <Man, we could have some <And he's down there, what is that? Chinese noises? <FitGirl torrents seeding like a chestnut tree ^Could probably fix this line up, too <Oh, that ain't moral, that's the way you do it <Pirate for nothin, get your games for free <Chorus 4 >We've got to inflate the vidya game market >Report ev'ry ROM si~te >We've got to hoard these, and scalp 'em later >and get it graded from a CGC~ <Listen here <Now that ain't moral, that's the way you do it <You emulate vidya on your own PC <That ain't moral, that's the way you do it <Pirate for nothin' and yer games are free <Pirate for nothing, games are free <Pirate for nothing, games are free <Pirate for nothing, games are free <Pirate for nothing, games are free <Pirate for nothing, games are free <Pirate for nothing, games are free <Ow, Pirate for nothing, yeah <And yer games are free <What's that? <Pirate for nothing, yer games are free <Look at that, look at that <Pirate for nothing (I want my, I want my) <Games are free (I want my vidya free) <Pirate for nothing (I want my, I want my) <Games are free (I want my vidya free) <Outro Anyways if you want to use this thread for your own musical project, go ahead. But otherwise help us finish up this Dire Straits project. After refining the lyrics, the steps would be to help voice the whole thing and putting it together into a full song. The music video part is optional.

R: 91 / I: 23 / P: 12

What are your most autistic opinions about video games?

Not necessarily unpopular opinions, but rather strange ones, be they positive or negative, you have regarding very specific aspects of games that most people wouldn't even think about, let alone have an opinion on. I think the diagonal movement that was added to the remakes of Ys I & II made the combat less interesting. In the older version, you had to line Adol up right and actually aim for an enemy's flanks to not get killed but with the diagonal movement of the remakes, all you have to do is run into them at an angle. Dawn of Ys had the same problem. And before you say I'm just blinded by nostalgia for the Turbografx/PC Engine CD version, I played the remakes on PSP long before I ever touched the older version.

R: 95 / I: 34 / P: 12

Wurm, Brorrowind: 6 months nearly over

At long last, its time for some real autism and grindan. The return of Wurm is here, and this time, we'll be exploring the lost lands of Brorrowind! We're glad to announce that the stress test for this years server will be Dec 29th at 7pm cst. The census and excise office of Seyda Neen will officially open for business shortly afterwards (Jan 5th is the current plan, subject to general feedback. keep an eye on the thread and the website: >What is Wurm Unlimited? Wurm is an mmo from 2006 that focuses on sandbox elements. Instead of just killing goblins for exp, its a fully terraformable world. Build a comfy cottage or a massive castle. Have a small herb garden or sprawling wheat fields. Master a craft or mine deep into the earth. Go fishing, breed horses, brew potions, even make your own cheese. >What is Brorrowind Every 6 months anons get together and host our own Wurm server. This time we're taking the heightmap from Morrowind and slapping it into the server. Build your own Balmora, visit Red Mountain with friends, and enjoy events like the farmers festival in Vivec. We've even got custom items and weapons this time, including craftable Daedric weapons. >Ok sounds cool, how do I join? Get a copy from steam, a steam key from someplace cheap, or find yourself the yarhar friendly version thats floating around (I'm sure someone with better opsec than me will post a link). Once you have a client, click connect by IP and use the settings provided later in the thread as launch date approaches (will also be available on the website) >But how do I actually play Wurm? Wurm does have a slight learning curve to it, but if you can read you can figure it out. I've got info for both the server and how to play on our site here: >General Settings We're keeping most of the settings from last time: >Everyone in freedom kingdom(all gods enabled) with full pvp enabled(set up a deed and kill the n'wahs next door) >No champions >Runes of recall craftable but requiring 85ql to use >No prayer limit, no priest restrictions, interfaith linking >Alchemy enabled and buffed for 30 minute duration potions >Treasure maps enabled and slightly easier to aquire >Bounty mod is fixed based on initial tests. Once again get money sent directly to your bank for genociding the wildlife. >full properties list will be up on the website >New Features We've got custom items to assist you on your travels this time. Daedric weapons of all flavors are available, as is a fun new reward you might find from treasure maps: Shards of Lorkhan. Anyone that can absorb a fraction of this power will find ALL of their body characteristics enhanced. We're still in the process of adding items/features, and I'll post the updates as they come. >Feedback Needed One of the things I'd like to discuss is the launch date. I'd like to stick to Jan 5th, but I know not everyone is a neet and might need a bigger notice in advance to set aside time. I'd like to make a final decision on this asap, so any concerns need to be aired now. Another thing is reducing the player CR multiplier from 3x to 1.5x. This will still keep you stronger than base values, but won't trivialize fights against trolls. Finally, we'd like some feedback on daedric/custom weapons and armor. Right now, the stats and crafting difficulty function as only a cosmetic change from their iron counterparts. Would you prefer cosmetic only weapon/armors, or stat increases with comparable crafting requirements? Adding craftable artifact weapons (from MORROWIND, not the in game/original Wurm artifacts) is also an option.

R: 57 / I: 15 / P: 12


Did anyone here actually play that new battletoads game? Seems like its been completely forgotten already. Not that I was expecting much of it. On a more interesting note though, Has anyone here actually beaten battletoads (nes)?

R: 26 / I: 8 / P: 12

Does ridiculing the state of the modern industry really add or change anything?

A few months ago, I played through and finished the game Epic Mickey on the Wii. This had nothing to do with the recently announced remaster of the game in case you're asking. I wasn't too impressed with the game (Simplistic gameplay, lacking story, gimmicks done better elsewhere), but the part that really drew my attention was how the game portrayed characters like Mickey Mouse, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, and Walt Disney (Though only referentially). I found myself perplexed by the game's intention, and it resulted in my spending the time since starting and long after having finished the game wanting to make a video essay ridiculing the game's narrative and the history behind it. The short is that, from all the information that I have dug up, the Oswald acquisition in 2006 was nothing more than Bob Iger trying to get on the good side of all the Disney shareholders and leaders in the company to sharply contrast him to Michael Eisner, who was leaving the company shamed and humiliated at the time. However, tonight, I get the impression that doing such a video does absolutely nothing except inflate my own ego by piling another bundle of criticism onto a guy who everyone in the media already hates (And with good reason, mind you). In addition to that, I just realized that my own researching the history of these characters actually made me more interested in watching classic cartoons. Looking up the histories of Walt's earliest works, it lead me to look up characters and series (Such as Mutt & Jeff, Felix the Cat, Dinkle Doodle) who's material I'm now very interested in watching sometime. Jumping off of that, I'm wondering if anyone else has done the same thing, or something similar, with video games. As much as people bemoan the modern state the industry, it feels like there's very little talk or interest regarding (Good) games that came out before. And the talk that does exist solely surrounds the announcements of new entries in legacy series, or the remake/remaster/rerelease of something from decades prior. What do you guys think?