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Saturday Evening

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Reminder that 8chan.se exists, and feel free to check out our friends at: Animanga ES, Traditional Games, Comics, Anime, /b/ but with /v/ elements

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Meta Thread Anonymous 07/09/2022 (Sat) 21:54:11 Id: 5c9cb5 No. 640607
READ THE RULES BEFORE YOU GET SCHOOLED https://8chan.moe/v/rules.html Keep all of the board drama, autism, site issues, feedback and shitting on the website administration here. Do not post about illegal topics, or you will be banned. Thank you.
Edited last time by Mark on 09/30/2023 (Sat) 21:36:52.
>>953152 >posting home videos of a girl he claimed was his daughter <and show her face in a thread to actual pedophiles Even If she wasn't his daughter that really doesn't make it sound any better. You sure sound pretty freaked out for someone with such good opsec though, must've had you shitting yourself once it dawned on you, you couldn't get away with doing similar shit here yourself, huh. >the correct course of action Would've been for the current board owner at the time to stop ignoring all the fucking server notifications, get off his ass and sort out his shit that he allowed to spiral out of control, forcing the hand of outside powers to take control. >scorching the earth of /b/ /b/ allowed itself to fail, ruining the trust placed in them by not putting out its own fires first. >how in the fuck do you expect any left of trust out of your users after pulling a stunt like that? Just too bad people with actual souls have a strong visceral reaction to what they perceive as a child being put in harms way which is something pedos, being such callous, shiftless fucks, completely lack. Moral of that whole shitshow of a story is something so simple, If you don't play stupid games then you won't win stupid prizes. Not only to the idiots from /b/ but most of all to Acid, in all his lolbertarian naivety, that spurred him to dance with that devil in the first place.
It really is him. I've just tonight read through all of his post history on the farms and he sounds exactly the same as he sounds when he tries to debate anons here in between his bans. He is pulling some Clark Kent shit by using capitalization but its just papering over the same narcissist pedo that I've seen on /v/ a thousand times. He even bitches out and throws the same tantrum right down to how he addresses Acid personally. its fucking lcp, and does josh know about it yet
Joshy is one jewcy boy
>>953132 >>953189 >Indeed, it's missing a shit ton of chilean imageboard history, which is a shame, because they have documented very well their history over the years.
>>953278 I don't think they care, they only get sanctimonious regarding pedos(a term they started to throw around with increasing ease over the years) and loli whenever it's something/someone they dislike or a lolcow.
it was formed to discuss Chris Chan lore
>>953356 >lore I fucking hate the overuse of that word.
I don’t think 8chan prime even surpassed 4chan ever in traffic which is something everybody forgets. But 8chan and 4chan were different audiences anyways. You would need to pump out constant OC to keep the site alive.
>The site is undergoing maintenance and all of its functionalities are temporarily disabled. I had a dream last night that liveposting returned. It was a wet dream. This better fucking be it. Autohiding deleted posts while still letting them be viewable was a blessing. >You can now see which posts are deleted in the latest posts page Noice. >>952548 >It's been almost two hours now and he has absolutely vanished from the site in the middle of his tirades. Did he suddenly lose his taste for ban evading just coincidentally at the moment of being outed? You shouldn't have made this post. It's incredibly likely for it to be "pure coincidence". All you can judge from a sudden cessation of posts, and this requires many examples from the same person, is someone's generally active hours. Otherwise, you just look like an impatient 12 year old claiming argumentative victory because the other party is not engaging with you at that very moment. >>952571 >but disappearing when called out. If you think this, it's purely because of coincidental confirmation bias. You don't get rid of trolls by responding to them. LCP loves to continue posting in spite of being called out, and will continually ban evade for hours at a time while still in the same conversation. He intentionally uses an easily identified posting style. He wants you to call him out, because it's bait. Report and ignore. >>952631 >unironically larping as the civil rights folk hero to liberate the unheard voices of pedophiles. >Gaslighting yourself into believing upheaving the site into an antifa CHAZ-tier, freeze peach abolitionist zone is the bestest way If you paid the slightest bit of attention, you'd know he doesn't believe what he says and regularly makes arguments he already knows and has admitted are wrong, or tells outright lies, >>953042 >Pedokike started his autistic career here on /v/, and most of his spamming and CP attacks have occurred here. because he's baiting a response. That means nothing. This is the most active board on the site. It dwarfs /b/'s second place as top English board with a variety of possible discussion, which he also uses, and there's nothing after /b/ worth his time. >>953369 >I don’t think 8chan prime even surpassed 4chan ever in traffic which is something everybody forgets Who is everybody? I've never seen anyone claim 8chan ever even came close to 4chan traffic.
>>953376 I fucking wish, according to Codexx it's an infrastructure problem not a coding problem.
>>953380 I heard. Can't be done without cloudflare unless they shell out a ton of cash for the same infrastructure, so never ever. However, 8moe does now have advanced oekaki and a 50MB filesize limit.
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>>953278 >>953053 Yup. Now that the update is all over I peeped in over there to check out the damage control, and half of his last reply could be a straight up copypasta of any of his blogposts here from any other time he's been caught and got mad about it. If there was any doubt left its gone. I doubt Josh is going to care since its all just one autismo from one thread on his site and he has bigger fish to fry, but I can't stop you from trying. I think that about wraps it up. I hope everyone had a good Easter weekend, and enjoy the oekaki!
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Hey Mark/any other vols, considering /vb/ has been a surprising success, do you think you could make another sticky at some point promoting some of the other vidya boards? I vaguely remember Prime doing something like this, but it was site-wide >>>/av/ Latino /v/. >>>/tg/ Traditional gaming, this board actually had a brief revival not to long ago but it of course fell through quickly. >>>/vgp/ Vidya porn. Could be useful to shill this one especially, I'm sure a lot of anons would be interested in it but aren't aware it exists. >>>/fast/ Everybody's favorite autism hedgehog! This used to be an active board, but it's since fallen by the wayside. Besides /vb/, those are all the others I know of. Whether to make this as one sticky for all of them, or several smaller ones for each board, I don't know. Opinions? It really feels like 8moe is on a roll recently, I'd like to see some other boards gaining traction.
>>954249 >>>/fast/ Yeah I'd like it to come back.
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>>954249 >/vb/ a success It needs more time, at the moment it's just a dumping ground for Mark while not really deleting anything with some fags there having fun. For it to be a success it needs to live for longer. >/tg/ The actual former community has a board on smug, best advertise the one there as to not fracture the community further.
>>954257 it’s international autism month anon
>>954366 Just pay and ad in cuckchan you cunt
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Okay, good. Disabled embed posting till Acid or Codexx wakes up and disabled TOR file posting.
what's happening? Are you having a Candy Powerful attack?
>>954944 Basically, yeah.
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Can someone explain this banner to me? Why does people really find this sexy?
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>>955033 Imagine the suction, the force and pressure applied to your member as you grab Kirbys soft squishy body and force it down his enormous moist throat. That's why
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>>955069 Pretty hot but smek is better.
>>955088 Take your democrat activism dogwhistles elsewhere.
>>955088 no bepis
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The (((Pedophiles))) are not sending their best.
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>>955047 I've seen him rip apart land masses and stone with his suction, i think your penis would be torn to oblivion.
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>>955111 (checked) Still worth it >>955112 Nah, those get the rope too
>>955116 Ellie had $15 DLC about how she wanted to chow down on her chocolate queens velvet throne. A shirt like that is par for the course.
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Don't clear your cache, TABS is enabled due to the pedo spam so you will not be able to post for the next day.
Is there an alt chan more active than this one?
>>955252 Oh for fucks sake.
>>955636 I haven't looked at any numbers but i feel confident is saying kohlchan and maybe all the old guards i never hear nothing about anymore like 420chan or wizardchan. Given that half our top boards are still espanol, i assume whatever new hispachan they made probably has more traffic, too, if these are their leftovers.
>>955642 >shilling kohlchan reported for being the cp spammer.
>>955105 i think that might be their best...
>>955252 roger that, bub
>>955703 I've been nagging Acid for the past day or two to try and disable TOR imageposting since I don't want the site to be taken down on the clearnet and that's how we had it on OG 8chan anyway. I would understand if TABs actually worked, but right now it doesn't and that's been clear for the past few days. All it does it locks out fags who use the board casually, which is shit because no one should be forced to stop posting because of a CP bot. I'm posting this publically to try and get his attention or Codexx's attention. It's honestly very frustrating, since I know this can be solved with just a toggle.
>>955729 Kinda pathetic on your part.
Fuck it, I disabled embeds till TOR imageposting is disabled. This is shitty, but this NEEDS to happen. Especially since TABs hasn't been working for days, and I don't wanna risk get taken off the clearnet because of some pedos that aren't being addressed.
>>955725 It's quite an irritating battle, faggot abuses Tor fileposting and it gets disabled, then more faggots start bitching that they shouldn't all be punished because "one" nigger wants to spend every hour of the day spamming CP.
>>955746 The issue is that TOR file posting should've never been a thing since even in 2014 everyone knew that it would've led to a massive amount of CP since the pedos would get bold and think that they wouldn't be tracked down. Personally I'm perfectly okay with TOR, I think that while some elements of it can be frustrating like El Macaco, I also acknowledge its necessity in an increasingly corporized and corrupt internet. That being said, as it stands now TOR posters SHOULD have access to the drawing feature to make up for the lack of file posting, although right now it doesn't seem to work due to the block I set in place.
>>955754 I feel Oekaki for Tor would be a good compromise attempt if allowing file posting just continues to lead to faggots abusing it just because they can.
putos de mierda, ponen en peligro al chan y ni siquiera ponen caldo de calidad, banéenlos a todos
>>955756 Honestly, I agree with you. TOR fileposting should really only be allowed when the whole internet goes to shit and we're forced on the dark net. >>955758 Amen Brother MM
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Enabled embeds again due to a request from some globals. Sorry about that.
>>955762 >Mark bullied by globals into turning fileposts back on despite an angry nigger using Tor to spam (((child models)))
>>955766 I mean, if they have a plan in mind then I'm willing to work with them.
>>955768 At this point I think one of the globals is in on the spam and just wants to justify his position, especially since it didn't start back up until you turned the fileposting back on.
>>955768 Ideas for TOR posters who submit images: 1. x number of captchas 2. proof-of-work computed in browser 3. send image to AI, refuse post if CP 4. ping mods on auto-detection of TOR imagespam 5. send TOR imageposts to queue, auto-posted after x minutes, staff can intercept and refuse posts in queue t. TOR user who isn't a pedo kike
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>>955775 do the same with oekaki, since vid related can be implemented on the browser to copy any image onto oekaki https://yewtu.be/watch?v=mSFHKAvTGNk t. tired anon that thinks to much about shit, and has a grudge towards pedophiles for being mistakenly banned for supposedly being lcp merely because i refuse to change my casing and anons much like americans with imperial will go out of their way to use any tell they can to discern retards except the fucking inceasent repetition of the exact same fucking topic, you dumbfucking nnnnnnnnnnnnnniggggggggggggggggggerrrrrrrrrrs, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH but seriously though, me venting my frustrations with the retardation present in certain users aside, do head my warning, for the love of the tastiest fucking cake or the niggererest porch monkey cock on asuka's everything, just head my warning, please, God....................
>>955798 They have already have a method to bypass a simple question system, if you would design the question which is more specific i.e only a long time anon would know they can bypass that too.
>>955758 Lavate los manos.
>>955784 >inb4 god confuses mark with ancient babel tower magic so you will never comare god to mark
>>955777 Nobody finds Acid’s incompetence funny?
>>955803 What if "I agree and wish to proceed" was replaced with a captcha then?
>>955812 Won't do much either, those profilic spammers are paying pajeets to solve captchas for them which is really cheap for them, I don't know the numbers but its more than enough that the captcha will be more annoying for the users then for the spammers.
>955815 I meant that to prevent archive.is from archiving thumbnails of CP, not to prevent spam, though my post saying so may have got friendly-fired amid pedo kike chaos. It shouldn't be pajeetable since the user submitting to archive.is doesn't control the server doing the archiving beyond URL input so can't middleman data to pajeets like a spammer can but if I'm wrong or if stopping CP archives shouldn't cost extra seconds for each disclaimer bypass (understandable) disregard this.
Remember to report archives containing cheeze pizza to the archive.today admins so that they can delete them
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>Enable file TOR posting. >People post CP. I mean, what did you think was going to happen?
I didn't get an email. please send it to markmann@tuta.com
Nope, no email anon. Just tell me where to send the email and I'll send it back.
Ah. because you're a pedophile and photos of real children are against the global rules and you should be gassed.
>>955898 >Opening negotiations with a terrorist Genius mark.
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>>955121 That shit came out so out of left field It was completely bizarre. Back then I wasn't sure what was going on, but intuition alone was already telling me this shit was fucked up.
>>955854 What if you only tor to post only oekai? You'd have to adjust the site code so that oekai images are a special kind of image that gets attached when you finish drawing them of course. On second thought, that would just cause everyone to treat oekai-posting the way they used to treat posts with all 0 ids.
Where did all the "girls" from /pretend/ go?
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>>955971 the same place as all the other pretend girls
>>956001 Does that include your waifu? That's what waifus are, pretend girls.
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>>956011 i wasn't trying to make you feel bad, but that is what waifus are, pretend girls. There is little difference between /pretend/ and waifus, except the spiritual entity housing the waifu actually has a body with a /pretend/ girl.
>>956013 Waifufaggotry is niggercattle behaviour.
>>956015 Then what keeps you going when the world is crumbling before you?
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>>956016 Not being part of the cattle
>>956018 There is always some part of you that aligns with the elite, maybe it's not the Jewish part or the gay part, but perhaps it's the rebellious part. The elite are very diverse in ideology.
>>955932 >What if you only tor to post only oekai? no >>955784
>Waifuism is bad Your onions are invalid. I will not consider you as a person and I will not have a dialoge with you.
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When anime and manga started getting mainstream attention and started attracting niggercattle, one of the first things they latched onto (besides Sword ass online and Attack on titan) was post ironic waifufaggotry.
>>956116 Ahem Normalfags started latching on to anime as early as 2007 when TTGL released. It only got worse over the years as things like Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece attracted mainstream appeal. Then things got even worse with Crunchyroll's rising success in the mid-2010's, which is when you saw junk like Kill la Kill, Dragon Maid, Darling in the Franxxx, BNH, Demon Slayer, and continuing up to today with whatever is popular in the season. Every normalfag is in love with Frieren now, but like with every normalfag-appealing show, it will be forgotten in less than a year. Remember everyone creaming their pants over Kaguya and Spy x Family? Where are they now?
>>956116 >if I'm contrarian enough I will escape normalfags liking what I like Pathetic and retarded, normalfags (and everyone you dislike for that matter) will eventually latch unto anything and everything because that's the way they are. Letting anyone else dictate what you like is herd behavior. >>956118 Anon, you realize that Naruto, Bleach, and especially DBZ all predate TTGL by years, right? (And you forgot Pokemon too, which is just comically egregious) Not to mention Death Note had a far, far bigger mainstream appeal and impact than TTGL at the time, and started releasing a year earlier. This "theory of 2007" bullshit people try to push always falls apart when you actually bother to look at the facts.
>>956118 >My favorite Isekai isn't on that list. Good.
>>956119 You could go farther back to the mid 90s and Evangelion being people's first animes. It's why it's still popular today and people defend it despite it being dogshit.
>>956019 Faggots repeating century old scripts isn't rebellious.
>>956119 I know that the big three predate 2007, anon. But they didn't get mainstream appeal until they were well into their later arcs. To give you a frame of reference, the big three anime first started airing in the West on Adult Swim in ~2006. TTGL was 2007. Funnily enough, Death Note was also 2006. A lot of OG Anime fags will claim the moepocolypse was the death of anime but I think it was Shounenjump coming to the west that sparked it. >>956122 Anime was still niche in the 90's and anyone in the West who paraded anime was considered an outcast. Pokemon would be my first guess at everyone's "first anime" which aired the same year as Evangelion.
>>956013 >waifus Waifu is a singular term in the West. You don't have multiple waifu. People who use it in the plural are using it incorrectly. >>956118 >Overlord and Dungeon Meshi as unwatchable >Dungeon Meshi and Black Clover in the same tier as isekai Shit image. Dungeon Meshi is good and nowhere near the level of recognition as the rest of those. Normalfags disregarded it as isekai and typical anime fantasy because they didn't understand the premise. Overlord is good but has a visually bad anime adaptation, yet it should be nowhere near the same level as Shield Hero and Dragon Ball Super when it comes to quality comparison.
>>956118 >Then things got even worse with Crunchyroll's rising success in the mid-2010 And that's what i'm talking about. Readily available, convenient and quick. The same thing happened with smartphones and the internet. Sites like 9gag, knowyourmeme, youtube or reddit were made or exploded in popularity once niggercattle got into the game. This sites allowed people not to "lurk more" and disregard the userbase and its fanbase while simultaneously co opting it. People played games and watched anime before 2007, yes. They were still a niche thing. Once it was "cool" to be a gamer or watch anime, everyone adopted it to be "in". >Remember everyone creaming their pants over Kaguya and Spy x Family? Where are they now? Or One punch mun or Go toubun no hanayome or Jojo, Tokyo revengers, Komi san, Bocchi the rock etc, etc... It has become "the flavour of the month" type thing and it has gotten worse ever since studios try to appeal to the west (same thing with video games)
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>>956118 >Native Isekai Go back to your shithole.
>>956123 >implying the NWO is only gay, jewish, implying they won't have a section for straight men to live out their current fantasies.
For Christ's sake, why can't you niggers go breath some into /a/ already?
>>956118 What the fuck? Get Dungeon Meshi out of that graph it isn't even an isekai and has plenty of grown men in it! The twinks are their own seperate race ffs. The fact that fag had to put "and rpg settings" to include it was quite pathetic and is nothing but a stretch to be able to include it in that graph. A "minority" most likely some autistic mutt who has nothing going on in his life made that image.
These are the only isekai worth reading.
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Meta thread is now the new LOL thread.
>says pedonigger who has to relegate itself to begging for his shit fetish to be allowed here
>>956169 Damn, the niggers saying anime was turning niggas gay might have a point
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>>956176 What kind of boy has thighs like these? Might as well be a straight-up chick at this point considering even chubby shotas don't have legs that big.
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>>956176 There is only one good isekai and it's coming out later this year. >>956179 >What kind of boy has thighs like these? None, they just draw a chick and then call it a dude. Remember that one Astolfo fanart which turns out was traced over some female pornstar? Thats literally the case, that creature is 100% a female in body type but retards fall for it being a "trap" even though it really isn't, they are still attracted to the female form whether they like it or not. Spoiler related
>>956183 >There is only one good isekai and it's coming out later this year. Do tell? Or make a thread on /a/ about it since I am now feeling guilty about making the meta thread an anime thread.
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>>956160 We'll post anything BUT videogames, and we like it that way! Imagine actually reviving a board, lol, lmao, /v/ is all we need.
>>956185 >nobody needs you for anything Except you
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>>956160 I've tried multiple times to get some sort of movement on /a/ but people aren't up for it. I'm not suggesting anything but most people here would feel more comfortable and up for different types of debate if /v/ just became a glorified "off-topic" sub forum. To revive certain boards you need at least 400 more users. I'm actually baffled no one knows this place.
>>956160 >shove all this retardation into /a/ Nobody who regularly posts in the meta thread would be a valuable contributor to the board, its retards all the way down as this discussion is showing
>>956215 >400 I disagree about that number personally, imo you only need enough people to ensure consistent postings at all times of the day, which is a few dozen (active) users, can be even smaller if the userbase is really active.
>>956179 >What kind of boy has thighs like these? The best kind!
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>>956198 >>956215 >>956216 >>956228 Thank you for the input. It's very important to us. Our highly trained staff will use this to feedback to ensure better customer service.
>>956215 I would suggest that you post across several relevant boards. /a/, /sm/, /vb/, /v/ like the LOL thread or the lounge thread.
>>956194 It's the Year of the Elf anon. We're eating good but not as much as this absolute SLAMPIG of an elf here.
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>>956246 I don't like how this manga gave up the pretense of elf losing any weight, and each consecutive version of her the mangaka draws seems to be even fatter. If you are an architect, you might like it.
>>956246 She finally loses weight or what?
>>956246 >>956256 >>956258 The chocolate elf, brown succubus & Oga are great The brown succubus is a virgin and has a body to die for
>>956246 >It's the Year of the Elf anon Twitter meme. For the past 5 years, I have noticed the slow increase in normalfaggotry here, and I'm surprised so few else have been calling it out. .
>>956118 You are right that most modern anime is shit, however you are wrong about several things. Please refer to the objectively correct opinions below: >Dungeon Meshi is good >Most other RPG animes are worthless garbage, including shield hero and overlord:^) >Most shonen are bad >I haven't seen juju's bizarre kaisen >Spy x Family is patrician >What's Kaguya? /thread
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>>956358 The normie borgs will assimiliate 8chan anons into their borg cube
>>956246 Fuck elves delete elves
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>>956433 >>956434 >>956435 >>956438 >NIG C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER
Locking the goober thread will just mean Silvia spams some other thread, won't it?
>>956650 Oh wait, nevermind, that was just done prior to a thread merge.
Why was the GG thread merged to a new thread with the same title and less images in the OP? Did you think it would stop of the spam because the bot would be aimed at the wrong url or something? Firstly, it's probably manual spam, granted he's fucked up adding all the images sometimes and has made manual replies with many posts. It seems to have resumed immediately. Secondly, even if it was a bot, there's probably easy ways to automatically circumvent thread merging, like referencing specific posts within the thread so the bot goes to wherever those posts are.
>>956661 Did something happen to start the usual shitty spam?
>>956679 IIRC it was TOR images being enabled and the faggot being upset at being banned again.
>>956683 TOR was a fucking mistake.
>>956716 Star Wars was an even bigger mistake.
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I realize this has been said before but i'll add my voice to the chorus: If you're gonna delete the entire post history of someone in a thread (mine in the now-locked GG thread), at least have the fairness to delete the other side (the obnoxious nigger that reports anything even remotely sexual who's also likely the only one still using PROMOTIONS in current year +10).
>>956819 I locked the thread as Acid is performing background checks. I generally don't do this, but I agree that deleting the entire post history of an IP is always going to cause more troubles than what it solves.
>>956819 There's at least one other person who posts promotions still, but I never reported your posts, not earlier, and not months ago when you last sperged about me posting promotions. However, from now on I will, because you're retarded, you're now intentionally posting explicit images on a SFW board, and it's funny. I do agree that nuking you is wrong. It pretty much always is unless someone is spamming.
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>>956819 Oh, almost forgot.
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>>956829 >i totally wasnt a retarded faggot before but ill totally be one now ok cool i look forward to you also suggesting this place get a site-killing moderator bot like /a/ had
>>956837 When you go around calling everyone a Nazi, some of them are liable to want to prove you right.
>>956837 Hoihoi did nothing wrong.
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>>956840 I'm really not sure how nazis relate to being a retarded nigger faggot other than the german propensity to be uptight and bureaucratic, which isn't a good thing and you shouldn't be as such. Be less shit of a person, please and thank you, and maybe also laugh that YOUR five video game pasties post also got spoilered.
>>956857 You're calling everyone who post promotions a rule nazi. Since reason doesn't reach you, it will be much more entertaining to simply act the part, as it seems to cause you much frustration.
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>>956862 well i also dont like suicide so feel free to kill yourself
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>>956864 If you don't like the ruurs, just liek, use /vb/ sweatie?
>>956866 because thats also kike owned, but it has inspired me to visit /b/ more in the hopes of propping that up instead
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>>956867 Why not just make your own /vp/ with blackjack and hookers?
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>>956867 >because thats also kike owned Wait a tick? Why are you on this kike owned board then? Don't tell me that, just like LCP, you go to a place run by people you hate, break the rules, and throw a tantrum when told stop for years on end? There's no way there's two autists this similar who simply can't resist posting on the kosher board, in the thread the Jew most often frequents? It's like going to cuckchan and complaining about being banned for saying nigger. What did you expect?
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>>956868 Because if i just wanted porn i'd go to a porn site, which i frequently do. What i want from posting sexy images here is the surprise aspect of seeing something to didn't expect and don't dislike. Which isn't unheard of or out of sorts, anyhow, and it's whiny faggots like you in the wrong for the sort of wild west that was the internet and should be the ideal for any imageboard site with -chan in the name, hithertofore 'the chans'. To wit, the deepfreeze sisters, and i don't think i noticed the slight difference in titty height between these two pictures until i looked at them just now.
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>>956870 Habit mostly; i've been shitposting in the GG thread since 2017, which is when i realized i didn't play anything modern so i couldn't join in talking about flavor of the month games but i realized GG threads had stopped being serious and started being a general discussion water cooler thread. But you make a good point, i should check ZZZ to see if anybody started in on a new MMO or something.
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>>956871 >Because if i just wanted porn i'd go to a porn site No, you want your porn on display right beside the non-porn vidya. Just like LCP wants his CP on display right beside everything else instead of just going to the dork web, Holy shit. It's like you're twins. >What i want from posting sexy images here is the surprise aspect of seeing something to didn't expect and don't dislike Spoilers do not impede that. >Muh wild west internet, this isn't like old days, you're all rulecucked faggots Dear fucking God. I don't think I've ever called it this accurately. These arguments are practically copy pasted
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>>956871 Oh fuck, I almost forgot in my mirth >chans Wew fucking lad.
>>956874 >Spoilers do not impede that. If anything, they make it even more surprising.
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>>956854 Now don't go jumping to any wild conclusions here.
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>>956874 Spoilers DO impede that, because someone scrolling past will only see that faggoty sonic question monitor instead of fantastic titty as they scroll past. Also find me an imageboard that has that unruly nature that isn't called chan. Best example you got is crystal cafe, which isn't a good example of anything.
>>956868 Because it already exists. Then jewboy made his own version with Jack and shit. Which shit eating weasels like you love. Now go kys you pathetic simping jackass.
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>>956880 <Oh no, I have to click! <That could slow me down so much I wouldn't be able to keep up with this lightning fast board! <Why can't this site be more like other places with infinite scrolling porn so I can just turn my brain off and cum? >Defending chans >>956881 >Because it already exists And yet you're here and not there. Curious? Do you like eating kike bunghole over here that much?
>>956883 You know nothing.
>>956884 I know you'll be back to complain about how much you hate this place with regularity for years to come as you have been for years past.
Once (you) are here (you) are here forever
>>956885 I am not who you think I am. Or who you were arguing with. You don't know anything. And I can't explain anything cuz rules. So. Just know that your a retard, and I'm tolerating you.
>>956889 >I am not who you think I am I haven't yet guessed you're anyone in particular at that moment. There's any number of people saying the exact same thing as you. They hate the Jew. The hate him so much. But they just keep coming back. >Explaining is breaking the rules Wew laddy. That gives me a couple guesses.
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>>956890 >this place is either terrible or fantastic it cant just be functional but kind of shit >theres not a single thing wrong with this board and any suggestions to improve it must be an attack on it >we need to have safe for work normalfag status on this website thats full of terrorist hackers because people will get fired for having a little titty visible and not for being on a site thats been so widespread deplatformed that Acid had to assure the sites host that he was in no way affiliated with the 8chan what did the brentan tarrants i might guess youre kazurin with how vehemently you are in marks circlejerk boy band but we all know he killed himself after he trooned out
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>>956913 Why yes, I am Kazu. You're right on the mark. >Strawman strawman strawman To summarize your own words without so much hyperbole, you want a wild west /b/ with videogames. There's one two blocks down, active in the top boards more than /b/. But you won't use it because it's owned by cake kike and will instead attempt to use /b/ more which isn't focused on games at all. But you will use this one owned by cake kike despite its rules while breaking and bitching about them. You are entirely inconsistent. I hope you get banned and your posts wiped over the slightest mistakes forevermore. Make the king Jew fatfinger his every action against you for all time.
>>956913 You're retarded but I just want to piggyback off your post. >we need to have safe for work normalfag status on this website thats full of terrorist hackers because people will get fired for having a little titty visible and not for being on a site thats been so widespread deplatformed that Acid had to assure the sites host that he was in no way affiliated with the 8chan what did the brentan tarrants There's a vast difference between "having a little titty visible" and "promoting bestiality and niggerdick boards on the front page of the site." Next you're going to ask why being associated with either of those things is bad, like everyone should wear them as a badge of honor for being so rebellious.
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>>956927 you sound upset and also homosexual but at least not crossing homosexual anymore, probably; but yeah, i use jewsite in the vauge hopes of improving jewsite, 'cause i can call him out by name and he may well SEE me doing it, unlike mootfaggot a decade ago. Also, again, GG is the shitpost watercooler thread and is usually as good as /b/, at least until some sad nigger gets his balls in a knot over vague areola. Of course, i also remember back on 4chan when webms were introduced, one of them in the /v/ webm thread was 'man has sex with crocodile', which was what it said on the tin, and the video itself wasn't half as grand as the reactions. I miss that spirit, and so should you if you weren't fucking nine when it happened. >>956932 You realize the picture in the OP of this thread is an anon holding a big, black cock, right? You'd think that'd be spoilered, or is it ok if it's just FAKE dicks?
The CP spammer moved to hisrol.
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>>956938 hilarious; i wonder what his sense of logic even is since /co/ is a higher SFW board
>>956940 >since /co/ is a higher SFW board /hisrol/ has more users than /co/, if /co/ ever gets to top boards is because their streaming guy and nothing else; Frank banned everybody else and they moved to other places.
>>956943 I still post there once in a while.
>>956949 Sure, that's why I said everybody else and not everybody.
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I don't come here as often but I love you anons, please be kind to yourselves or die.
>>957050 What was the point of leaving the original OP on the #GG thread instead of outright removing it as you changed the thread? I'm getting mixed answers from "it's too lewd" to "dealing with the CP spammer" so which is it?
>>957066 Its to delicious lewd dealing with the cp spammer
>>957066 What's the point in even asking. No one knows why Mark does what he does, not even mark. He behaves in far too slipshod and random to predict, except to know that it will be the worst possible choice for any given scenario. And as far as mark knowing why he does what he does... Well that requires a level of introspection and intelligence which he freely claims to be lacking in. So not even he knows. It truly is a mystery.
>>957066 I didn't do anything in regards to GG
>>957107 Thank you. Mystery solved. Seriously though do you know who did?
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Instead of more dumb arguing about absolutely nothing, what about this idea? >>954249 More support for vidya boards, please. A week long sticky for each board, just to get anons aware of them, though someone would have to take over for some boards as at least one of them is abandoned.
>>957111 It'd be nice to see someone use >>>/vr/ That's for sure.
>>957111 I'll talk it over with Mark. How would you anons like it? Also, we'll need to ask the mods and owners of the secondary vydia boards to coordinate.
>>957121 >>957111 I'm not against the idea, although what's the point of having this if people are just gonna ignore it?
CP spammer is back on the GG thread, this time posting a dox on Acid.
>>957142 I'm quite proud of Acid for inspiring such unheard of amounts of butthurt in these people
>>957167 Anons are supposed to be making fools of journos
Just because the honeypot boards on 4cucks tolerates a little of your fetish doesn't mean everyone should go back there, dipshit.
>>957180 Pedo needs to go back
>>957124 Have you ever heard of the concept "trained to ignore"? That's what banners such as that are. You see fine print like that on basically every website on the internet, and it's almost never anything useful so your brain simply filters it out. It's why forums are always full of questions that are already answered in the FAQ.
I'm just gonna say this now and later when we get closer to post >>999999 If some anon somehow happens to GET this post with a Cirno image or that one Hitler webm with him going NIEN NIEN NIEN NIEN NIEN, then I WILL buy that anon a Steam Deck. Screencap this so I don't forget and so you can hold me accountable
Edited last time by Mark on 04/14/2024 (Sun) 02:49:02.
>>957265 Yeah, I figured as much. I might do a highlight thread once a month or so for a week. Although I'm not sure if it'll work each time like it did with /vb/.
>>957769 Evevn if i'm a third worlder?
>>957782 No, in that case I'll just send you a gift card
Edited last time by Mark on 04/12/2024 (Fri) 00:33:17.
>>957769 I’ll make sure it says no benis.
>>957786 Ok, didn't want it, anyway.
>>957868 What are you even trying to accomplish with this?
>>957870 So if it's not achieving anything, why bother?
Oh, btw TABS is on.
The fuck happened, why couldn't I post?
(109.84 KB 320x320 donut disturb.png)

>>957911 Faggot angry about something I forgot what was spamming CP out of asshurt rectalrage, so TABS was turned on.
Addendum:The faggot has started back up again.
tldr on the neckbeard mentioned in the spam? seems important
>>957931 I'm assuming it's just some guy they want to target.
>>957935 Alright. I was looking forward to today to post about some video games with my bros. How tiresome
>>957931 >tldr on the neckbeard mentioned in the spam? i think it's Acid, could be wrong though
>>957981 damn he looks like shit
>>958032 It's an old picture, I hear his health has gotten much better.
>>958047 >I hear his health has gotten much better. good if true
Happening again.
Still going
>now willy shows up HMMMMMMMMM
Happening again.
>>958163 I don't see it
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>>958178 It just started again in the GG thread. At this point, every single time I go read the thread now, he's there spamming CP. This is becoming really annoying.
>>958326 I recommend volunteering for cleanup duty just as a temporary precaution until Acid siccs the feds on that faggot using whatever dirt he turned up lately. It really seems to be one autist manually doing all this since he replied within his post once or twice in addition to the usual image spam. Feel bad for the admins having to put up with this.
>>958354 Confirming it's manually done, he replied to my post here. >>>/v/957869
The terms of the agreement, have changed.
>>958563 I hope Acid's plan works
>>958565 it better, he just spammed again, he does it every fucking day.
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I kinda wanna make a new OP for the QTDDTOT Thread, but I'm not sure if I should use a pre-existing image or have someone make an image. Which one you guys want?
>>958430 Cirno needs to represent the >>999999
>>958870 Another Sonic OC sitting down looking bored at a computer, because something about sonic and autism. It's a nice visual indicator for me and a round two should reflect it imo.
999999 is gonna be mine and its gonna be a frog
>>958882 The stolen get is going to be a soyjak so cuckchan gets the steam dick.
>>958882 I'm mildly looking forward to who gets it now. Can mark buy victory or will some flavor of autism win the day.
>>958908 weeaboo faggot
>>958912 YES I AM
>>958912 Where do you think we are?
>>958926 newfag, cancer and r/thedonald imageboard
>>958958 Would explain your shitty posts
>>958912 Where do you think imageboards came from?
>>958979 >>958992 That (((thing))) is most likely the usual pedophile faggot that bitches about how we are not "real 8chan™" unless we bring back his precious (((/hebe/))).
>>958997 I'm pretty sure it's just a retard, but I guess those two things aren't mutually exclusive.
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Why was my post deleted? This is an important piece of imageboard history!
(1.64 MB 320x240 SHUT UP.gif)

>>960287 Mark autism is meta thread shit.
>>960304 But it was a legitimate question to a Mark drawing on the draw thread.
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>>958871 Look at me, I am the Ice fairy now.
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>>956118 >Spy x Family? Where are they now? Waiting for the next season?
>>956128 >Waifu is a singular term in the West. You don't have multiple waifu. People who use it in the plural are using it incorrectly. If there are multiple waifufags, and they each have a waifu, then waifus is the plural. Waifubait characters are thus referred to in plural as waifus. >>956128 <>Overlord and Dungeon Meshi as unwatchable Overlord shat the bed though. I think, if I recall correctly, everything after the first season was just straight downhill until it reached near Berserk 2016 levels of garbage with a horrible 3DCG "finale" to the third season. It's a prime example of fags going "It gets better dozens of episodes/chapters in, I swear!", except it doesn't. >Inb4 it was just the budget issues, the story is good, the manga/LN was good! Most of everything depicted across the second and third season was unimportant minor politics about characters nobody cares about just to help make Ainz's dick look bigger when he wrecks shit by summoning Shub Nigger Wrath. You could skip 80% of it and lose nothing of value. The story shines in two places: >Ainz comedically trying to be a big bad guy and leader of his clan of demigods when he's just some MMO nerd >Ainz struggling to keep his humanity under the influence of some emotion draining supernatural force while also caring for and protecting the "children" that want him to conquer the world and see humans as insects I'm betting most of the fluff in the second and third seasons is in the manga and novel too. <>Dungeon Meshi and Black Clover in the same tier as isekai Dungeon Meshi being on there is just bait. It and Black CloverI think aren't isekai, but they're in the shitsekai circle. The image, even if largely correct, is just bait to attract rabid defenders of their favorite shows.
>>956136 One Punch Man was great for a while. But the second season had terrible production values, high production values helping enhance the comedy in this case due to the nature of the joke. The "high quality" manga got forced by investors to make filler chapters of the very same shonenshit it mocked, which the second season then adapted. As far as I know the "low quality" webcomic by the mangaka is still onging and actually funny, but I haven't checked on it in a while because I prefer waiting for things to come out and binging. What is with you retards? You act like if something isn't currently airing because a season just ended or caught up with the manga, or it went downhill later, that people stopped liking it because it was "flavor of the month garbage" that never had any real quality in the first place. People still like and even rewatch One Punch Man. Spy x Family is between seasons and just had a movie come out. Are you all underage and think these things happen in a day? >>956168 The image is bait and you fell for it.
Someone MAY want to move all those GG breads onto >>>/gg/
>thread about vidya genre vs IQ >everything counts as "shitting it up", as if it wasn't retarded from the start Bravo, you cleaned up a few gallons of piss from an ocean of shit. I don't think high IQ people are supposed to be so thin-skinned, really makes you think.
>>960598 Waifu is only plural in the possessive form because waifu as a term is predicated on possession. Waifubait isn't mutually exclusive with the term waifu as long as someone already possesses the character. Waifubait implies that a character was created with the purpose of being overly endearing to the audience, so much so that someone would use the possessive term waifu and attach himself to the franchise. You would then say that he has a waifu and that she is waifubait. This would be a derogatory term. An alternate definition of waifubait is a franchise or piece of media in which multiple characters are to be so endearing, usually to different audiences, that this was done for the purpose of hooking in individuals who didn't already have a waifu so they will attach themselves to the franchise. >Overlord shat the bed though Overlord's anime adaptation is watchable and entertaining when Ainz is onscreen, but its format and that of the LN differ highly. In the anime, you don't see things like lengthy internal monologues or different perspectives, and the story has to be told in chronological order to appease general audiences. Large amounts of lore and character insights are missing, and these gaps in information remove context that is necessary to appreciate the story because it otherwise makes things look like they exist to, as you posted, "help make Ainz's dick look bigger." This becomes problematic when the largely Ainz-focused anime has to shift its focus to completely new side characters, such as the Lizardmen arc. This arc gives a perspective on Nazarick that hadn't been supplied beforehand, that of savage but relatable non-humans who Ainz's guild would have accepted, yet he wants killed. It didn't translate well to the anime and is hated by secondaries because of how boring it is compared to the first season.
>>960900 To be fair, you could always take it to >>>/vb/ if you want. I got warned myself.
>>960900 >ackshyually, it's high IQ to want my shit smeared everywhere >don't wanna see worthless garbage? low IQ and thin skin, heh Building ISPs in nonwhite nations was a mistake and by this point "thin-skinned" is a calling card of shit-stirrers. dog won't let you stir shit against users? Time to loosen up that sphincter and stir shit against dog! That thread is a retarded ocean of shit though and flamebait threads in general should get deleted before incoming flames predictably engulf everything.
>>960910 You could search an exclusively plural exact phrase like "my two waifu" and "my two waifus" then divide the greater by the lesser to get how many times more correct it is.
I read a post about Conker's Bad Fur Day whose writer dismissed it at first since it just seemed raunchy for no reason, but tried it and found it was a bitchin' game. Same for me. Apparently Tim Stamper showed off a working development cartridge of its less raunchy original vision, Twelve Tales: Conker 64, and YouTube has some footage of Twelve Tales in action. There's a less known Conker on Game Boy called Conker's Pocket Tales which is more Twelve Tales themed and plays like Zelda, which inspired the developer of the most famous A Link to the Past romhack Parallel Worlds to develop Conker's High Rule Tail on top of A Link to the Past.
>>960935 I might play someday, I do have Rosalie's Mupen GUI installed. I just know the Great Mighty Poo meme since it's been a meme on gaming forums since 2001.
>>960900 The whole thread really belongs on /vb/.
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>>962124 Can you mod the textures to put 8CHAN on the car?
>>960900 that is retarded but deleting half the thread for shitposting in a bad thread is double retarded. The thread won't get any more posts now (neither good posts nor bad posts)
>>956183 >I recognize that ass!
>>963550 Deleting my posts on /v/ fails for some reason, don't know why.
>>963538 I'm taking the piss, I'm fully aware the imp is taking a fat schlong.
>>964062 i deny nothing, i just said it's fucking old
>meta thread back on page 1 I din du nuffin.
>>964141 Benis
>>952040 >Kiwifarms looks okay >a website dedicated to stalking and harassing people and their families
>>964702 I don't even disagree but now you're just baiting for replies calling you a moralfag.
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>>964031 What the fuck did I just read? This makes /vore1/ look tame.
>>964703 No one has unironically used the term moralfag as a pejorative in like a decade dude. This isn't 2006 /b/.
>>964703 Well its the truth. Its a gossiping forum where obsessed faggots obsess over some literal whos all day long
>>964769 >heckin'
It looks like fucking soyjak.party is raiding the site. Right now >>>/kin/ specifically.
>>964961 They've done that a couple times before and gave up after like a day. I bet they don't even have a Bruce to deploy.
>>964961 Thanks for the warning. I deleted their spam.
>getting called an IP hopping samefag for making fun of retards
>>966559 who are you quoting
>>966561 I'm just checking to make sure my ID hasn't suddenly changed in the past several months.
Does /v/ want to play Hunger Games with us? Hunger Games thread: >>>/b/458529 We have about 15 slots free.
It's been almost 10 years, /v/
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>>966642 >10 years And he will still never get that Wii U back
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>>966642 >Ashley Burch is a better writer And that's a low bar to reach, it's worth mentioning that Expiration Date had another script before she ruined everything, even an animator showed an unrendered clip in his portfolio. >>966645 Nintendo already shut down everything about the Wii U and he still hasn't gotten his crappy console back. and fat activists are dropping like flies, considering it was his idea to romanticize fucking whales by conceiving Ellie
Someone want to see about taking care of the fag in the Switch thread who's accusing anyone that isn't him of being the "same person" who's running some vast IP hopping conspiracy to ridicule Nintendo?
>>967441 The loony sperg who wrote this, with his undying hate of Switch, has been shitting up the Switch thread for around 30 hours total, with 12 posts in the last 2 hours, pretending to be different people and agreeing with himself, to paint people who want to talk about Switch video games as crazy schizos and bots. Most of his posts were already removed. He is using communist agitation tactics to disrupt people from talking about the biggest gaming console on a gaming board. Expect him to do the same under this post.
i liek video gaem
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>>967441 >He is using communist agitation tactics to disrupt people from talking about the biggest gaming console on a gaming board. <Unironically says this when Nintendo has multiple DEI positions within the company
d'ya hear they throtled cuck/pol/'s max file size? >>967940 i hate paulo freire, worst brazilian
>>967977 >throtled cuck/pol/'s max file size? Yeah. In same threads they complain "8chan /pol/" was shut down.
Forgot to mention - new filesize on cuckpol is 65kb
>>967977 Anyway, they fixed it. Damn. Shame. Could had been glorious disaster to watch.
(421.79 KB 480x360 you_know.webm)

>>967979 >65kb
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>>967983 If they actually went through with that change, that would mean that Geocities was more generous with their filesizes since the oldfags there could upload images more than 65kb, and that was during the era of dial-up & pics being no bigger than 640x480!
It was a cloudflare fuckup from the CME. Meaning posting was limited to the native halfcuck thumbnail support and that maxes at... You guessed it, 65kb. Anyway CF fixed their shit and its back to normal.
(14.49 KB 537x222 huh.png)

mh, first time i see this
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>>964031 >cut to get in What is this, Baal worship?
>>967987 and now the .ico of the .moe site won't lead, ok >>967989 >cut to get in for some reason those words reminded me of that one webm of some dude in frilly clothes that cut his dick off with a saw
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>>967808 >It started with Seventh Prince <two posts about a cute little boy made over a month ago were enough to destroy a thread CAN'T DEFEAT THE WILLY
>>968042 futa lolis?
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>>968048 Nope. He's 100% male.
>>968048 Lolifutas?
I can't comprehend how there are multiple gacha threads on the board or how the people posting in them haven't committed ritualistic suicide out of shame and dishonor.
>>968373 Same, but with the Sonic threads and sonic autists
>>968373 gatcha is still video games regardless if you like them or not.
>>968373 >or how the people posting in them haven't committed ritualistic suicide out of shame and dishonor. >he says while posting on a site that has a diaper, fur, AND at least one Mexican board Eh, let the gambling addicts have their thread.
>>968386 Hey now, I'm sure some of those Mexican cartel ESL refugee diaperfurfags retards are good people. Shitty taste in videogames though? That's where I draw the line.
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>>968398 Besides if you want an english version of /mex/crements there's /tvch/, where all 40 year old manchildren derail threads with their Discord autistic dramas plus playground insults
>>968403 >sex is just a construct Never said that once. Also double spacing after each sentence is a bad habit.
>>968373 Why? because, I enjoy messing with you.
Can you niggers please do like your trannies and just kill yourselves?
Does /v/ want to play Hunger Games with us again? Hunger Games thread: >>>/b/458529 ^We start preparing a Hunger Games atm. Might take time to setup.
I wish /pol/ was worth visiting. It'd be nice to discuss Project 2025 and Agenda 47 with people who have read them.
(145.55 KB 1302x970 poor just and liberty.png)

>>969106 I ought to read those when I get the time. Meanwhile the third Hunger Games Simulator is about to begin: >>>/b/459189
Another Hunger Games is being played tonight at /b/.
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(106.75 KB 807x580 8moe icup board.jpg)

Thanks for coming to our Hunger Games matches! We are going back to the drawing board & re-considering what next games we'll play! At /icup/ again: >>>/icup/5921 Check out the discussion here^ ¡Gracias por venir a nuestros juegos! Estamos trasladando la discusión a otra parte. ¿Cuál será el próximo juego a jugar? Ven aquí >>>/icup/5921 ... I might re-consider Soulcalibur6 or Hedgewars / Territory Wars or an RTS game? --Others suggested trying to host DOOM or Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 (/icup/) Are we due for another /icup/? ¿Nos toca otra /icup/?
(574.66 KB 1008x1549 The Good Jew.jpg)

>>960304 Mark is a good jew.
(1.76 MB 2700x3168 8chan Update.jpg)

>>956873 Keep this image around for the next time you update the site.
>>970038 is "The Good Jew" a real comic that Image made? What the fuck happened to them to make them another cog of the machine?
(1.04 MB 750x901 Asuka and Mark.png)

>>970365 Fukkin Saved
>>970415 >Filename. You didn't even try.
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>>970413 No, it’s an edit of The Good Asian
>>970434 Ah, regardless I would like to hear how they became another cog of the machine.
Excuse me moderators, can I ask why this post was deleted? This is the second time you've done this.
>>971976 what was the word
>>972017 Zoophilia, why?
>>971976 Try arguing instead of using cuckchan buzz phrasing as an argument, fag.
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>>971976 This is why
>>972072 'Tranny' isn't koshur now? The specific point was that he was doing the same thing trannies do with the words 'male' and 'female'.
>>972079 He was bitching about drawings, I deleted the post because it was a derail attempt. that's all.
>>972085 No it wasn't a derailment attempt, obese cake-kike, and we weren't talking about lolis or whatever you think. Unless pointing out that blatantly disregarding the actual definition of words when they suit you is 'derailing', in which case it sure is convenient that the tangent should end precisely when it suits the opinion that your agree with. This is why you're a deal-breaker to the webring anons.
>>971976 I found the thread where that post was located (it was the Sonic thread) and trashed the entirely of an "is furfaggotry a form of zoofaggotry?" argument it was part of for being off-topic. No bans or warnings were issued, but part of the post that began the discussion was removed to avoid another derailment in the thread.
Edited last time by local_dog on 05/25/2024 (Sat) 04:00:32.
>>972149 And playing shooting games is a step on the fed approved staircase to mass shootings.
>>972448 Caps like that are easily faked, you know?
>>972451 I don't have anything to gain by faking it, I was just making a very simple point.
>>972457 >I don't have anything to gain by faking it Further shitpostery.
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>>972458 Fine, whatever man.
>>972472 Again that, proves nothing. You wanna know how I made my fake (You)s? Inspect element, not by editing a screencap. Furthermore, that phone shot could have been taken of an already edited screencap. There are so many avenues for tampering.
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>>972480 Fine, I admit all the html editing to prep the page for making that gif would probably be to cumbersome to make it worth your while. You win. This time. But you're still a faggot for phoneposting.
>>972482 Jesus fucking christ, you're acting like a redditor who demands every link around the webs just to know if the sky is blue.
>>972498 Prove it faggot. With archives.
>>972498 technically the sky is transparent, it just gets colored blue when the sun shines through it
I hate every single one of you.
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>>972508 I love you too.
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>>972508 ey bby we shud fuk
>>972515 U wan sum succ?
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>>972517 aw yea gurl suc mi al nite
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>>972519 Gurl?
>>972515 >>972517 >>972519 I see /erp/ is leaking :^)
>>972523 It just had a wave from cuckchan. This is normal.
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>>972515 Superior version.
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I know the whole point of /vb/ is "/v/ without rules" but there's some 4meme refugees who've been going apeshit on the board for hours now. Is this what the vols want the board to be? Neither of these posts are even related to their respective threads.
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I say "refugees" but it's obviously one guy. I'm just covering my ass in case it's several.
>>972612 I just took care of him, sorry for taking so long
>>972624 >I just took care of him Why? What rule did he break?
>>972662 I mean, I guess you could argue rule 3, but that's veeeeeeeeeery selective enforcement.
>>972662 Rule 2, definitely
>>972666 Point taken.
>>972613 It's the troll who made the Minecraft threads about indies killing gaming
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What the fuck is going on here lately? First on the agdg thread there were several anons or just one being a proxyhohol bickering with the Gigamaiden dev that his girl designs are the big gay, then on the drawthread a anon is butthurt about fat girls and now on the stream thread a anon is a schizo who says the other anons are samefagging. This is not normal, did they just came from retard town aka cuckchan or what?
>>973118 It might just be one guy being a faggot to scare people off. Report that shit and tell them to kill themselves. PsychoJosh and others actually produce content. What do trolls produce? Textual manure. They can go fuck themselves.
>>973119 I am reporting those stupid fucks, but it seems to take a while for the mods to appear and clean up the mess those jackasses do.
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The mommy milkers driving anon straight up schizophrenic. Putting the "love" in Lovecraft.
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>>973132 >the desire for big fat boobers and mommy milkers turns a anon into a schizo kek
>>973132 >>973135 oh? I fuck yer mother.
Pointing out samefaggotry shouldn’t ‘scare people off’.
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>>973299 The irony is dubsman. That's my post someone edited. I fuck yer mother
>>967445 Wait you think people being critical of the Switch are one person?
>>973303 aww shit.
>>973298 >Pointing out samefaggotry shouldn’t ‘scare people off’. Pointing out samefaggotry might scare off samefaggotry which should be scared off when everyone who can't argue just resorts to samefaggotry.
>>973348 >Linking your own post works Wew.
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>>973527 LET'S GOOO
*slap* wat do?
So, how're you guys liking the game of the month? If there's more events you guys wanna do feel free to reach out at markmann@tuta.com, although it might take around a week for me to get back to you since I don't check that email regularly. Still, I check it often enough if you guys wanna set up a tournament or something.
Edited last time by Mark on 06/04/2024 (Tue) 00:20:37.
>>975092 I am not gonna bother with game of the month thing.
>>975092 >So, how're you guys liking the game of the month? Gave me a reason to play Mr. Domino, so I like it.
>>975092 It is a neat idea. I haven't participated in any of them but that is just me being lazy.
Why did the Mod spoilered ~all~ of my Pictures in the waifu thread instead of just the offending picture?
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>>975660 If you're being a lazy asshole not spoilering your lewds, the mod can be a lazy asshole and mass spoiler them all.
>>975661 nigger it was a accident, my vision was augmented.
>>975662 >It was an accident Damn bro, you trying out for a moderator position or something?
>>975660 We can't spoil individual images
>>975670 >vols have less rights than anons All's right in the world
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>>975666 I'm already a global.
>>975690 I mean once they've been posted, all we can do is unlink them
Mark, this post has nothing to do with the IP hopping autist spamming the thread, nor is it niggerpill/Lucario. Not only did you delete it, when I reported it to ask that it be restored, you just closed the report. Why?
>>976260 He really shouldn't have, even though it did become a post niggerpill latched on to.
>>976271 Niggerpill could latch on to any post, and will just start posting on his own if there's not the slightest straws to grasp at already in a thread.
>>976271 I also see only one negropill post in the many replies to that one, so any "latching onto" happened much earlier and already stopped.
>>976275 I'm just guessing that's why he did, mods did it last time with an otherwise innocuous post that was bombarded. Mods gets so robotically autistic over any perceived niggerpill posting, that they always create more collateral damage.
>>975699 You poor son of a bitch.
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>>976260 >>976271 >>976273 >>976275 >>976286 Post has been restored.
>>976445 Big McThankies
>>975092 i think mr domino barely qualifies as a game and you might as well suggest some guitar hero or friday night funking instead
For fucks sakes, if you wanna have a retarded autistic dick slapping contest then you do not do it in my threads, you do it in this piece of shit. Do not make me say it again.
>>979663 >implying this piece of shit thread is suitable for anything that would get deleted from other piece of shit threads there is no escape from being jannied on this piece of shit board.
>>979670 Yes, I am implying that, and yes, it is true. (You) Are globally banned for spam LCP. Again it doesn't matter where (You) post, but not everyone is you dummy. Some people have a right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, whereas (You) have no fucking rights. Now fuck off before I make you fuck off.
>>979663 You burned through all your good will years ago by conditioning anons to just assume everything they post will get deleted so they stopped caring all together. I'm not sure why you aren't keenly aware of this already.
>>979687 Wow your post history sucks. Two on topic posts in 6 days, 40 some odd posts bitching about Mark, Acid, and... No just them autistically in apparently every fucking thread. Shit apparently you love hotwheels? Is that what this is about? Oh and you miss the pedos. Of course. And you've tested a bot on the site. Thats an instant gr4 ban right there buddy. And then bragged on /site/ cuz... Your fucking silvia I guess? So you hate the admins, you are testing your spam bot, and you don't give a fuck about vidya games. Wow. Enlightening. Do you even need me to ban you or you just gonna fuck off now you been seen?
>>979663 Yeah, it's extremely frustrating when some of those faggots have cross website board wars. That being said I'm thankful you got rid of it since I was about to take care of it myself and ban the fucker, although it seems you beat me to it.
>>979691 I'd been watching him for an hour, but sadly he didn't seem to have any point beyond vitriol. It is frustrating, because I do not understand their fucking problem. Anyway no prob. Your up now though? Kewl. Then I'm heading out to my garden. Have a great day.
>>979696 Oh you did want the ban. Shit hold on man, I guess I read you wrong.
I think mods need to demonstrate more professionalism, as they get hotheaded way too easily. I’m not even talking about bans either, but rather all these posts they make demonstrating how enraged they are.
>>979788 Heh, nigger you need to relax brother. And learn to enjoy life.
>>979788 Mods need to be more professional because that's why they are getting paid after all, to make a good job
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>>979788 >expecting professionalism from some one who does it for free if they aren't punished by having their janny powers taken away then they all become petty tyrants over their little corner of the internet because thats the only reason they became jannies in the first place. they just can't afford to replace them here because they've lost the good will of the userbase and so no one will step up to replace the bad jannies so they're just left to run amok and further the overall decline in a vicious circle.
>>979799 I’m mostly expecting them to stop embarrassing themselves.
>>979799 And let me guess, a good janny is one that lets you post cp.
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Hey look its politics fag and lcp complaining that they are being persecuted. Yes. You are. And it is funny to me.
>>979809 >Hey look its politics fag <Hey look its video games fag
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>>979815 >What asshole would post on topic to the board, obviously you should disrupt threads for personal vendettas against people who dont even know or care who you are, so you can yell about Trump Jesus Christ dude. Admitting your only here to be a jackass isn't the own you think it is. Like oh no some disruptive dramafag from the webring thinks I post about the fucking topic, horrors. LMAO
>>979819 I don't think you understood the joke.
This nigger so butthurt his boyfriend won't notice him, he gonna whine for a literal month straight about it. This newfag is a fucking goldmine of stupidity. Like if you guys don't want the cow I will take him. He's got a lot of laughs left in him HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
>>979821 Awwww poor baby. You gonna cry?
>>979821 No, you don't. Anon. You are the joke. Like HAHAHA, oh man I'm sorry i cant keep from cracking up. Oh man nigger get a fucking mirror. You are PRICELESS.
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>>979801 Give how freely this site uses tor, i'd say the baseline for a good vol is someone who doesn't ban anybody for more than like an hour. But also mark is a faggot, there's no point in having a SFW board, and anybody browsing imageboards at work deserves to be fired regardless.
>>979827 >there's no point in having a SFW board There wouldn’t be if that one faggot didn’t keep dumping his gay porn in the GG thread. Nobody wants to see that shit.
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>>979841 but gay shit on /v/ is board culture
>>979850 Don't care. No more.
>>979852 Did somebody say Klonoa?
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>>964961 Mark is literally a /soy/poster
>>980515 What a faggot
>>980515 To his defence, he's posting this on twitter, which is increasing the amount of this on twitter, which is good ACTUALLY
>>980539 Fuck you for being right. The only way to accelerate a memes death is forced mainstream shilling.
>>980546 I see the soyjak shit plastered all over the frontpage of invidious instances for videos with tons of views. I think it's already mainstream, more so than Gondola ever was
>>980546 >>980595 Soyjak shit has been fully engulfed by the main stream for like 5 years now. It still hasn't died. It's never dying. >>980515 Mark has always been a cuckchan /tv/ sperg. He just tends to hide it around here because he doesn't want anons to bully him.
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>>980515 >I get banned by mark jannys for posting 'jaks >he posts this shit The absolute audacity of this Juden. Also what the fuck mark? Why did I got a warning for shitting up a thread? I was playing Fallout 4 all the fucking time, not wasting my time bickering with anons.
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>>980639 I got a warning too, supposedly for having posted "tranny derailing bullshit" in the QTDDTOT thread or something.
>>980639 With epic lynxchan software you can dig through the board logs to try and figure out which post you were actually warned for. Instead of it just showing on the warning like a sane system. It's as the hue tranny intended, because he is all knowing.
>>980639 You still deserve it Cake kike being a hypocrite is irrelevant (and unsurprising if you've ever seen him), you're both faggots. Plus at least cake kike doesn't shit where he eats with regards to soyjaks.
>>980772 your mother deserves a pounding.
>>980636 It's true, I can actually be a massive shitposter when desired. Although I hold myself back for you guys.
>>980836 Yeah I'm sure capcoding to admit to being a soyjak poster definitely won't have any repercussions.
>>980840 I hold this board to a higher standard.
Wut hapen? >>980836 >>980840 >Mark is a fucking soyjak poster No one should really be surprised. He's always epitomized the worst of 4chan and Twitter despite being the 8/v/ BO and both those things being the anti-thesis of anons.
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>>982087 Credit where credit's due, THOSE deletions were by dog. Mark deleted some OTHER thread for not being vidya, and somehow it was SO not vidya he didn't even bother moving it to /vb/.
>>982090 I was not blaming Mark for those deletions in anyway.
>>982092 >>982095 i did overlook the first two words because of the double quote, greentext, and sentence so long it dropped down to the second line. Kinda draws the eye.
>>982087 >He's always epitomized the worst of 4chan and Twitter despite being the 8/v/ BO and both those things being the anti-thesis of anons. I said I CAN be a massive shitposter, doesn't mean I am. I haven't let loose in years.
>>982090 Oh, I deleted the April Fools thread from far back. I don't have the power to move boards yet, Codexx is working on it I believe.
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>>980836 >Although I hold myself back for you guys. Go nuts tubby, nobody wants you to to have restraint.
>Type: Ban >User: Mark >Board: v >Time: 06/22/2024 (Sat) 18:17:53 >User Mark banned the posters of the following posts: 982663, 982661, 982655, 982549, 982544, 982539, 982536, 982531, 982529, 982526, 982524, 982521, 982519, 982441, 982439, 982424, 982419, 982409, 982303, 982294, 982290, 982213, 982100, 982095 from board /v/ until Sun Jun 23 2024 00:17:53 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) with reason "meta autism outside meta". Tell me which of these posts is "meta autism outside meta". Since the vast majority of those posts are me directly interacting with Acid, the admin of the site, posting about the website and its activity metrics. Are you going to ban and delete Acid's posts? Or is it only a bannable offense to respond to Acid giving him any sort of push back?
I find it funny how zzziggers make out the user-base here loves Mark. They clearly haven't been on this thread very often.
>>982701 No response in 2 hours, will be remaking my posts then.
>>982701 Ah, I didn't see you were replying to Acid. Unbanned and restored
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>>982739 God damn it, refresh the thread. I was busy with some IRL errands.
>>982749 Wiping entire post histories without even taking a second to read the context of the conversation. I don't even know what pointing that out is supposed to accomplish, since this is like the 400th time you've done it. Even if the posts weren't in response to Acid, the content of them was directly related to the site, something you've posted about in GG before plenty of times. It's only ever "meta autism" when it doesn't agree with your own perspective on the topic. Otherwise you would have deleted all the posts I was responding to, but you didn't. Somehow only my specific "meta autism" posts were deleted.
>>982754 To be fair, 99% of the times you do it are replying to other anons on the subject when it should be taken here. I consider communicating with the administration to be an exception due to >>>/site/ not getting enough love. That said not everyone you replied to was acid, but I'm gonna make an exception because I don't feel like dealing with your autism right now since I've been busy these past few days trying to get my GPU routed with the riser cables I bought at Microcenter being too short to route through the case, returning a case I bought that was too big to travel with and had a broken mini-HDMI cable since mini-HDMI is a fragile piece of shit, had to rebuild the new case I bought again, old for the 900mm riser cable to not sit flush enough between the motherboard and the GPU, so I had to return that only to get a 240mm cable and that was a few inches too short, so I had to return that and buy ANOTHER cable from Amazon and hopefully it'll come in tomorrow despite supposedly coming today even though it was never sent out for delivery DESPITE IT BEING PROCESSED IN THE FUCKING WAREHOUSE, and then I had to sell my old PSU since it was SFX-L and not a proper SFX PSU and I got 60 bux out of that, but the guy didn't have an extra power cable, so I had to go all the way back to the tism home to grab the power cable from the closet, meet up with him AGAIN, just to give him the shitty fucking cable. So the last thing I need is to constantly delete your fucking sperging melt down over some meta shit that shouldn't have been in the thread to begin with, but I let it slide because I think that transparency between the administration and the userbase is important for any site. So in this case, because you're TECHNICALLY just arguing with the administration, I'm gonna give you a pass\, but I still think you're a homo.
Also not meta but Devil Blade Reboot works fine with Integrated Graphics on a 7900X, I'm actually kinda surprised even though I shouldn't be since it's a sprite based SHMUP
>>982739 That sounds like a lot off effort.
>>982764 I'm sure it is, and I admire his autism whenever he does it. Although I still consider him a homo for doing it.
>>982761 >To be fair, 99% of the times you do it are replying to other anons on the subject when it should be taken here. Except only my posts were deleted. It does not matter how coherent the rule or logic to a deletion is if it's only ever applied to people you disagree with and never applied to the people you agree with. Meta posts aren't deleted from the GG threads. They never have been. Meta posts that you don't like get deleted from the GG threads. >So the last thing I need is to constantly delete your fucking sperging melt down over some meta shit that shouldn't have been in the thread to begin with Talking about the state of the site and how to improve it is the most benign GG related shit in existence. Almost every single other thing in that thread is more off-topic than the shit I talk about. Apply your rules consistently or don't apply them at all. Except we both know that will never happen and we'll be back here in 3 months. See you then.
>>982768 Can't you just take the win?
>>982772 The fact your underdeveloped brain still perceive shit like this as a win or a lose says everything. Ah yes, the 523rd time I've sperged out over mark deleting my posts and giving in to restoring them or leaving them up because I point out his hypocrisy. A win is you actually having some character development and learning how to moderate your board. I will literally never win.
>>982777 I'm too tired to argue about this shit. Just post the personal attacks somewhere else since I don't want the GG thread or any thread other than the meta thread to continue to bitch about MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARK? WHY DID YOU DELETE MY POST ABOUT ACID BEING INTO BLACKED LOLICON CUCKOLDING MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARK YOU FAT SON OF A BITCH etc etc.
>>982782 Acid is literally the one who brought up his interracial fetish shit in the thread. Ban and delete his posts if you have a problem with it. Acid doesn't get immunity from criticism. If he's going to say shit I disagree with in the GG thread then I'm going to engage with it, by any means necessary. Ban and delete his shit along with mine and I don't care. Only ban and delete one side of the argument, then I sperg. Simple as.
>>982786 You're right, which is why I lifted your ban and restored your posts. Although I would ask that if Acid or Codexx AREN'T involved that you refrain from turning the GG thread into a meta shithole.
>>982788 If I reported every instance of "meta" conversation in the GG thread 90% of the reports would be dismissed and ignored. I don't know why you're pretending like there is some clear well established concept of what is considered off-topic for the GG thread. Meta posts are posts you think are annoying, you don't delete actually meta or off-topic posts the overwhelming majority of the time.
>>982782 Making fun of Acid’s blacked fetish is board culture.
>>982791 I don't know why you're still pretending like you can reason with the unreasonable and don't become just as unreasonable by ignoring all their bullshit selectively enforced rules and doing whatever you want. whining about your posts being deleted just shows that you care about the persistence of your posts and that they have power over you because they can control that. as long as you care you'll always be mark's bitch begging for mercy.
>>982801 I'm fucking reasoning with him now. The fuck are you on about?
>>982803 yeah I'm sure you've totally solved this problem and it will never happen again. keep up the good work champ.
>>982804 The problem is solved, and it will only happen again when he's sperging out over meta in the GG thread without precedent. That's all there is to it.
>>982801 >they can control that. At no point has Mark ever prevented a post I wanted to stay up from staying up in the last 9 years. Too bad you can't say the same pedonigger.
>>982806 there was precedent this time and there will be next time and you'll delete his posts anyway just like you'll delete mine after this conversation.
You make me feel sorry secondhand for everyone who has to deal with your existence you lowercase-IQ dumbass.
To be fair, it is a pretty bad look for mods to delete posts making fun of them.
>>982819 I would rather be the perpetrator of suffering onto worthless jannies that think they're better than the rest of us than make a name for myself by groveling at their feet in the hopes that they show mercy. or worse be so unremarkable as to have my presence make so little difference to a dead board consisting of a dozen users that nobody would even notice if I were gone.
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Since we're on the topic, what did fdda24 in GG do differently to have his entire history wiped that the other anon here didn't?
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>>982777 (checked) its almost like he's some kind of jew
At some point we just need to rename this thread from Meta Thread to Autism Thread.
>>982889 That’s what the A in meta stands for
So when do globals plan on checking their accounts and removing the cheeze pizza that exists on other boards?!
>>983133 Wait, what?
How do larger websites deal with cheese pizza anyway? It can’t just be Jannies manually deleting it all.
>>983145 They use bots to remove it, I think
>>983145 >It can’t just be Jannies manually deleting it all. It is. Facebook hires people to literally do nothing but delete cp, gore, and all kinds of degenerate shit from the site. To the point where they openly talk about being traumatized from the job. These days they attempt to offload the work to AI, but the AI is so shit it probably only catches a fraction of it.
>>983144 Check the catalog on >>>/vore1/ and there are THREE cheeze pizza threads
>>983154 >>983133 >having to check in on /vore1/ oh my fucking god why. I just checked now and I dont see any Democrat activism there.
>>983154 I feel like if there was an ACTUAL overboard, one that showed posts from ALL the listed boards instead of just the ones marked SFW, users could go down that to see if there was any recent unwanted activity. Also, you know, where's the owner or vols on the vore board to delete this shit outright?
>>983180 >>983180 >I feel like if there was an ACTUAL overboard, one that showed posts from ALL the listed boards instead of just the ones marked SFW What do you mean anon? There is. https://8chan.moe/overboard/
>>983172 I've seen posts pop up before on the overboard or on the home page from /vore1/ and /tkr/ complaining about the Democrats and then I've gone to report them and there's nothing to report. I'm not sure if the globals are just really on the ball, or if it's trolling, or is it's just anons on those boards complaining about loli and calling Democrat activismography.
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>>983195 To be honest I have been really lazy with my janny duties but then again on the janny channel I am on nobody called for me to intervene so I never bothered to check in. I have to manually log in to see if there is any CSAM or other GR violations being made but since there is shit tons of threads and boards out there it is for me impossible to patrol on each and everyone of them so I rely on anons like you who use the global report function so that I and other jannies can check in, ban the offending posters and delete the GR violating material. With that being said I do apologize if I haven't been more active lately despite I am lurking 8chan all the time in my NEET hours.
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>>983193 well shit
>>984331 Testicles
>>985096 Testicular Torsion

Quick Reply