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Japanese learning thread Anonymous 11/07/2022 (Mon) 17:21:19 Id: 595618 No. 729151
I have no idea how to bake this thread I'm just copying from zchan thread pls help me. Archive of previous thread - https://archive.is/rJ3Wh Step 0. Resource Acquisition Go here to get Anki, a flash card program: http://ankisrs.net/ Here are some suggested decks: Core2k/6k: https://mega.nz/#!QIQywAAZ!g6wRM6KvDVmLxq7X5xLrvaw7HZGyYULUkT_YDtQdgfU KanjiDamage: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/748570187 Kana: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1632090287 Tae Kim's grammar: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/242060646 Other Resources RealKana: http://realkana.com/ (alternate version) https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/learn/kana.html Click the column of characters you want to study and type the corresponding romaji into the box as they appear Kana Invaders: https://learnjapanesepod.com/kana-invaders/ Space Invaders/Galaga style clone. Type the romaji to shoot the kana alien KanjiVG: http://kanji.sljfaq.org/kanjivg.html Simply plug the character in and instantly get a stroke order diagram Forvo.com: http://ja.forvo.com/ Type in a word or phrase to hear a native speaker's pronunciation Tae Kim's Guide to Japanese: http://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/ Great introduction to Nipponese, you can start here to learn basic grammar and vocabulary KanjiDamage: http://www.kanjidamage.com/ Learn Kanji by using mnemonics and radicals Mainichi browser extension: http://mainichi.me/ Learn a new vocabulary word every time you open a new tab JapaneseClass: http://japaneseclass.jp/ Learn Nipponese by playing games (requires registration) DJT Guide: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/ [YOUTUBE VIDEOS] JapanesePod101: https://www.youtube.com/user/japanesepod101/videos Namasensei: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqJ5wU4FamA&list=PL9987A659670D60E0 JapaneseVideocast: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX6kjDZDLD_dNyrkdvTRKVKIJRo4g7xFD From previous thread Gonna leave these here for those that belieb
[Expand Post]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKg23ZFURX0[Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJG9kpqTRmU[Embed] The Guy with mega of japanese dub movies Use the decoder below to get the link & key. YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOVpjekI1VWtGdlF3PT0= X1FrMmpJaVQ0aXpZVGhYS241UGNMUQ== The unironic links guy For beginner/early level: https://www.youtube.com/c/ComprehensibleJapanese For more intermediate levels: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh-GhnQ7qDQmS6Bz3pGc1Mw https://www.youtube.com/c/nihongonomori2013 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcCeJ3pQYFgvfVuMxVRWhoA
Images from the previous threads that I found interesting cuz new archive fucks with images ACID FIX THIS

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>>729153 The 9th one is missing. If someone has that pls post
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here's japanese bateman
>>729151 What is your opinion of Duolingo? >>729153 >ACID FIX THIS Until the pedo spammers stop instantly archiving their shit in an effort to get this placed kicked off the archive, there isn't really anything he can do from what I understand.
>>729153 >ACID FIX THIS it's not a bug, it's a feature
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>>729161 >What is your opinion of Duolingo? Its fine I guess
What happened to the old thread?
>>729182 Deleted because it's been going on for a year. I don't know why you would delete a thread that doesn't even have 200 posts and start a new one, but what do I know I bet there isn't even an archive of it, or even if there is, there will be no images(which could be detrimental to people looking for resources)
>>729187 What the fuck happened to this site. Every time I come here something else is broken.
>>729187 >I bet there isn't even an archive of it Do you retards EVER read the OP?!
>>729187 It was probably better to start anew and try again, anons were likely mentally tuning it out when they saw it less than 200 posts in over a year is ridiculously low Anyways, get back to work anons, that kanji isn't going to learn itself
Also here's an older archive with images and most of the posts https://archive.ph/HsBO5
what's the stroke order of these 6 kana? 𛀆𛄠𛀁𛄡𛄟𛄢
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>>729151 >/v/ - International
>>729389 he says, probably posting about politics all day in the gg thread
Is learning by hearing words easier or learning by reading?
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>>729829 Just watch tons of anime and play japanese vidya with japanese original voice acting. But knowing spoken japanese is much easier than meddling with imported chinese dragon of kanji.
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>>729885 How much anime do I have to watch? Are there educational kids anime that help with this?
Learn Mandarin.
>>729899 Without kidding, Galko Chan anime was a bit educative in some women stuff like inverted nipples and tampons. Sadly the creator was arrested for being a Pedo. >>729913 I would like it too, I remember there was a cartoon like Dora but for chinese language.
>>729913 chinkshit is by far the worst sounding chink language
>>730735 >Sadly the creator was arrested for being a Pedo What the fuck?
>>730851 Tried to import a bunch of books featuring naked kids, from Germany or something I think. Might've been artistic nudes but he still got rolled up. Believe he confessed after customs flagged them coming in, going to court as a defendant in Japan is basically a waste of money anyway.
>>730877 He was importing nudist magazines from Germany, which were legal in Germany but not in Japan, they weren't specifically about dapper gentlemanren you fucking parasite.
>>730890 >dapper gentleman Que?
>>730916 It's a site word filter to prevent bots and feds from committing false flag operations by posting key words related to pedophilia and then self-reporting their posts to site hosts or various governments to get the site shut down.
>>730918 Pedophilia isn't filtered but pedophil is?
>>730939 The filters aren't entirely complete and only cover phrases that were being constantly spammed and reported on /b/, thus some things slip by while others that are saying the same exact phrase with different words get filtered.
>>730941 I want to kiss you, anon.
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>>730945 キスさせて~
>>730948 だが断る
>>730959 >direct linking >to ANN and crunchyroll >using them as if they're credible fucking sources no less >for what happened in a foreign country Its impressive how little people have learned even after so many years Do you think Gamergate was a harassment campaign too because you read about it on Wikipedia? Fucking pathetic
>>729161 >What is your opinion of Duolingo? It's shit. It's for hipsters who want to be able to say they're learning a language without actually having to learn it. >>729829 A mix of both is best. Knowing Kanji can help you understand new words even when only listening. >second video Learning pitch accent ("intonation") as a gaijin is a waste of time.
>>730963 >Do you think Gamergate was a harassment campaign too? You mean it wasn't!? What the fuck am I doing here if I can't harass people then!
>>731032 Be gay apparently
>>731037 Well yes, sexual harassment counts
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It's been a while, fags! The collection of dubbed japanese audio has been updated in the MEGA You're gonna love this update because I have found more goodies especially on the disney front. >added Aladdin & the King of Thieves, Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Adventure Begins, The Black Cauldron, Lady & the Tramp, Lilo & Stitch 2, Oliver & Company, Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin, The Return of Jafar, Super Mario Bros. (That bob houskins & dennis hopper one), The Tigger Movie, Tinkerbell, Tinkerbell & The Lost Treasure, Tinkerbell & The Great Fairy Rescue, & Wreck-it Ralph 2 along with a few re-encodings to opus in disney folder >added Austin Powers International Man of Mystery, Austin Powers in Goldmember (the trilogy of Austin Powers in Japanese has been completed), JFK, The Mask, & The Shawshank Redemption along with making re-encodings in WB folder >added Top Gun, Beyond the Break & made re-encodings to opus in paramount folder >added Rocky IV & made re-encodings to opus in mgm folder >added the newer Jumanji films along with Venom & made re-encodings to opus in sony folder >added Jingle All the Way & made re-encodings to opus in fox folder >added Pulp Fiction in miramax folder <re-encoded few movies to opus in dreamworks folder <re-encoded few movies to opus in universal folder The link is still the same in the OP. Happy thread birthday!
>>731427 How the fuck do you maintain this autism?
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>>731429 With finding the stuff or...?
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I've gotten to the point where my ears can detect the subs are poorly localized for whatever reason. Is it plausible that subs are 'creatively' localized to prevent people from learning the language?
>>731440 In general with collecting 100s of movies, their translations and remembering this thread.
>>731427 Good show anon. >>731020 >It's shit Alright I will make sure not to bother with it.
>>731455 >In general with collecting 100s of movies, their translations I learned some things from Khatzumoto's AJATT & took them to heart. It also helped that the prices of those movies were cheap & in some cases importing wasn't necessary >and remembering this thread Saw the old thread mentioning it having a birthday, been meaning to update the MEGA since I found more stuff and what a better time to add them on the thread's first birthday!
>>731447 No, you are just at the level where you think you know some jap but you are still at retarded baby level, yet confident enough to call translations bad.
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>>730963 Gamergate does not have anything to do with this, questioning the sources does not change what happened. You are just Shooting the messenger for bearing bad news. Here it is the oficcial twitter account of Kenya Suzuki if you still dont believe it. https://twitter.com/suzuki_kenya/status/1508752879565254664 https://nitter.pussthecat.org/suzuki_kenya/status/1508752879565254664#m
>>731607 >acting like these couldn't have posted these to begin with Yeah, nah. I will shoot the messenger if he decides to bring shit like discord screencaps next, there is a minimum standard to be expected here. If all the messenger has to come with is gossip and hearsay, then he deserves to be shot because he can't do his fucking job correctly. Moreover, when you say "he said this upon being arrested", it implied that he admitted his guilt at the moment of the arrest, this shit reads like a statement that was made under gunpoint, and it also came way after the fact as well.
>japs learn english >americans learn nihongo
>>731611 I need more cute engrish
>>731607 >>730959 >>730851 It sounds like they're trying to smear him. Naked Chilldren = Pedo in their minds. Lot of JP artists like to be as technically accurate as possible. >>731607 But he's not a pedonigger, he wants to draw their proportions, not masturbate to the pictures, not like its actual porn ...r-right!?!?!
>>735114 eh, it could be he's an actual pedophile, problem is we will never know the truth, and acting like a confession+apology made after the the conviction (sounds like part of the reason he got so much leniency in his sentencing, much like certain kinds of guilty plea deals) I won't assume such a negative label on him without something more than this shit, the nudist colony books which incidentally included children (since entire families used to participate) that used to be legal, but then became illegal later is a very weak argument against him
>>735116 Either he's saving face by saying he's not used the pics as reference so he doesn't make mangakas look bad and martyrs himself as a result or he is implying "personal use" meaning masturbation. There's a certain third option, but it's not looking good. He should've just used tor, or found other ways of "personal use" online, isn't there some jpg site that has really questionable shit? Dumb gook.
>>735124 >>735125 All of those hypotheticals are unlikely compared to the biggest one in criminal cases: leniency plea deal conditions Its common for shit like confessions, clear admissions of guilt, and apologies to be used for part of convictions in exchange for lighter sentences, and in his case he got off very lightly which makes me suspect that shit. The statements only came after the conviction and ruling, not before or any other time.
>>731427 >Austin Powers in Goldmember Here's how they handled the scene with Mr. Roboto.
>>740586 Stitched the audio with video
>>740590 Wasn't this a problem throughout the Japanese dubbing of Isle of Dogs? Japanese audiences felt the parts originally in Japanese should have been changed to a different language, as the film largely relies on the audience not understanding Japanese to act as a language barrier between the dogs and humans.
Are there any alternative resources besides the ones in the OP that anons would recommend for beginners?
>>740598 Can't comment specifically on Isle of Dogs but I imagine some films do make use of the language barrier effect which doesn't seem to carry over in the Japanese dubs.
>>741264 Not particularly. Everything you need really is covered there. The only thing I can think of adding is when you are done with Core and Tae Kim, you should start mining vocab from your own sources. I use textractor combined with yomichan to mine vocab from VNs, but you gotta mine from what you find interesting so those tools might not be as useful to you
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>>741264 I've personally been using raw scans of mangas that make use of furigana as references to expand my vocabulary. Shonen and anything aimed for a young/teen audience will have them.
So i mined words for 2 months now and decided to read something. Is GTO good for a first one?
>>748075 It's not the hardest or the simplest, start with it and see if you like it
New year, new attempt at this accursed language Six months ago I was at least good enough to read nekopara, should be able to get myself back to that point pretty quickly But does anyone know something at about the level of nekopara that is actually interesting to read?
Is there anything at all close to a Japanese proficiency test for English speakers? Back when I was in high school, I remember my French teacher talking about this test that she was required to take for teaching foreign languages, that tested how fluent one was in both reading, hearing, and writing another language. And, had different levels one could test for. However, I forget what the test was called, so I was wondering if anyone else knew what it was (And, if there's a free version of it). The reason I'm asking for this is that, while I want to become fluent in Japanese for the purposes of reading manga and playing vidya, I don't just want to be "good enough" that I can vaguely comprehend what it is that I'm experiencing and have DeepL fill in the rest. I want to make sure that I'm actually understanding what I'm seeing, and figured that test that I'm talking about would be a better indicator rather than just being capable of skimming through the raws of Gunsmith Cats or playing the original Tales of Phantasia on the SNES. As of now, the only thing I'm really doing for "learning" is going through Tae Kim's Guide to Japanese, and making Anki flashcards of the vocab at the start of each section.
>>761821 There's the JLPT if you really want to be tested. The levels tests go from N5 (easiest) to N1 (hardest).
>>761821 >>762128 Building off that, N2 is generally the level Japanese businesses will start considering you for employment and N1 is considered functionally fluent, if you care about getting a job there for some reason. The JLPT is pretty comprehensive, but it doesn't test your ability to hold a conversation so keep that in mind if speaking is one of your goals If you want to test yourself on obscure Kanji that not even natives know, there is also the Kanken exam.
>>762211 moshi moshi cobuson desu
>>762213 are you bird eyed or something?
>>761716 Just go look for some manga and check if it has furigana, if it doesn't it might be harder to look up kanji unless you use something to scan the characters, for that you can use KanjiTomo.
>>762553 Jisho allows you to draw the characters if you're not sure about it. However, it also helps to be familiar with the stroke order in general.
>>761716 >>762558 Better to you sljKanji. It has more options and their search really understands your drawings, even if they are not good in quality
So, aside from just using every single hiragana character once, what other significance does the Iroha poem have in regards to how things are ordered in Japanese society? Trying to find more details about it, since the Infogalactic article just skims over it, and the most I can find is the "hidden meaning" in the poem talking about how Buddhist Master Kuukai "died without sin".
>>729161 >Duolingo? Absolute shit. No explanations, moves at a snail's pace, same shitty sentence structures all the time. Plus retarded energy system and ads. Stay away. >>729913 >Mandarin see donotlearnmandarin.png >>730877 >going to court as a defendant in Japan is basically a waste of money anyway From what I heard, the 99% conviction rate stems from prosecutors only taking up cases where they're sure to win. If you consider all offenses, I think the overall conviction rate hovers at around 35~40%. That said, it's a bad idea to be on the wrong side of the law in nipland because they can detain you indefinitely for periods from 10 days to up to 23 days per 'offense' until you 'cough up'. >>762162 >N1 is considered functionally fluent >it doesn't test your ability to hold a conversation Now that's a contradiction if I've seen one. Not that speaking assessments do much since I've seen complete wrecks pass C2-level speaking tests. >>766943 >Iroha It's basically the ABCs of moonspeak, but it's since been superseded by the gojuuon.
I redownloaded Anki. Maybe I will make some progress now that it's available on portable devices.
>>777257 If you're using AnkiDroid, be sure to pick up an alpha version straight from the dev's github. Jewgle is currently blocking updates over some arbitrary policy bullshit (Jewgle demands a moving API level target and hates external storage access). There are numerous reasons to do it (v3 scheduler support, automatic answers, revamped UI, etc.).
>>777257 >>777483 If you're on iPhone, you can also access your Anki deck from the website rather than pay for the app: https://ankiweb.net/
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Threadly reminder that language 'learning' apps and services are a scam meant to time-gate your progress while they siphon every last penny out of you. Pic related. >inb4 lelddit Point still stands; don't fall for microtransaction-laden feel-good mobileshit snake oil full of eyecandy.
>>782569 This is the different advice, it's about how apps monetize and target beginners, and that you should do that if you wanna make an app for profit. These are not medium or advanced level apps and only to get your foot into the "learning new language" craze. Kinda like scratch for game development but with gacha lootboxes
>yomichan has been archived as jewgle's manifest v3 looms closer rip
>>798058 What is manifest v3?
>>798061 Jewgle's update to webextension standards. It's purportedly been designed to 'improve security among webextensions' but the actual reason is to fuck over with adblockers by limiting the amount of rules they can apply, and removing control over request filtering. not sure if things have changed, but I remember the ublock origin dev said he's going to drop chrome support if jewgle doesn't back down with some changes.
Screw Japanese I'm learning French instead. Au revoir connards Seriously though, I'm gonna try learning a much easier language to see if it's even possible for me before I make any serious attempt at Japanese. I've tried and failed too many times at Japanese already
>>798078 >fuck with adblock extensions That will immediately kill half the usebase, browsing without an adblock is a death sentence in modern internet. >>798081 French and Japanese are very different in their learning curve, French is basically english's retard brother. Learning French won't help you with eastern languages, apart from building confidence i guess.
>>798081 tu reviendras bientôt vers nous en rampant. n'oublie pas: t'es ici pour toujours. >>798084 >That will immediately kill half the usebase Jewgle call the shots on standards since all retard webdevs bend over backwards to them. Hence all browsers will have to adopt it, whether they want it or not. >French is basically english's retard brother On and se are doable, but fuck en.
>>798087 >Jewgle call the shots on standards since all retard webdevs bend over backwards to them. Hence all browsers will have to adopt it, whether they want it or not. This used to be true of MS and IE, thankfully it's not anymore. Google's time will come and they will be consigned to the shitheap of history.
>>798081 >French Apprécie tes albums de counnie franco-belges, frangin.
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>>729913 我已经说中文。 There are no good Mandarin games and I regret it greatly. It's all chink knockoffs of jrpgs which is fine while you're learning, but afterwords no fun. The only game I kinda enjoyed except as edutainment was 决战朝鲜 (good luck finding it if you search English title) It's a strategy game about the Korean war.
Is there a way that I can actually message or at least start having conversations in 日本語 with other Anons? While I'm still in the process of learning, I at least want to start applying it as soon as I can.
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I'm finally going to start with my JP studies either today or in the next couple of days. I found this channel a week or two ago that aims to teach you Japanese with vidya and it seems helpful, but I've yet to watch through them in full to tell if that's actually the case. Does anyone else know any other YT channels that aren't in the OP that could be helpful? https://yewtu.be/channel/UCsXJuG5tSNRr9IwfjMbNvqQ
>>798691 What about Amazing Cultivation Simulator?
It's been quite a while since the last update. Some bad news and good news. First, the bad. Those sites I used to be able to grab those movies off of have locked themselves out from being viewed and now require a username & password to login for authorization. It was a good run. Hoping for alternatives to pop up but not holding my breath. Think on the positive side though of how much has been yanked before they disappeared! And now, the good news... Another big update is coming your way!! >The Simpsons and The Powerpuff Girls (1998) are the newest additions to the Japanese dub goldmine! Because these did not have Japanese release covers, custom ones have been made >The Powerpuff Girls (1998) has 4 seasons to listen to from TV Tokyo's run. There are 2 more seasons made, but I have yet to find them beyond a nyaa torrent that is stuck at 16% at this time of writing & there does not seem to be a physical release of those remainders. Nonetheless, they have been added in WB >As for The Simpsons, you'll get episodes from Seasons 1-9 in their Japanese glory. Technically speaking though some are missing, one in Season 8 with Sideshow Bob's brother, the rest of Seasons 9, 10, & 11, except for Thirty Minutes in Tokyo which is banned due to scenes that would be considered offensive there that it's not even in the Japanese release of the Season 10 DVD (Homer throwing the emperor in the sumo wrestlers' thong bin, Hello Kitty factory burning cats alive to create HK merchandise, the seizure robots parody that referenced the infamous Pokemon episode Electric Soldier Porygon sending kids to hospitals.) The video links I saved to keep track of remaining episodes to grab are still around, but they've butchered the audio to the point where it cannot be fixed with a speed and pitch fix. Can't tell if it's due to the place wanting you to have a premium account to watch it clearer or if it's because the regular audio would have it get taken down as is usually the case when stuff like that goes through the cracks. They have been added in fox folder >The Muppet's Movie and The Rescuers Down Under have been added in disney folder Same link in the OP as always. Happy listening!
>>814899 Thanks for the update, dude. Out of curiosity do you have the Treasure Planet dub? I've recently got my hands on that file, I could share it if you don't have it. >Thirty Minutes in Tokyo which is banned due to scenes that would be considered offensive there that it's not even in the Japanese release of the Season 10 DVD (Homer throwing the emperor in the sumo wrestlers' thong bin, Hello Kitty factory burning cats alive to create HK merchandise, the seizure robots parody that referenced the infamous Pokemon episode Electric Soldier Porygon sending kids to hospitals.) What the absolute fags, holy shit.
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>>814926 >do you have the Treasure Planet dub? No I don't, I would be very appreciative if you did share it! >What the absolute fags, holy shit. Oh but that's not all cause tv tropes said it was also banned in Worst Korea because it was full of Japanese culture and the tensions they had in the 20th century when the episode aired. However! When you import the Season 10 DVD from there, you'll actually get to watch the episode intact But the cherry on top of it? It became a favorite episode of Japanese fans to the point where they made their own spin on it with the Japanese voices.
>>729151 Who is this cumguzzler in the image and what do I have to search to find R34 of her
>>814899 Addendum update So on The Simpsons side of things, I had another look at the same links saved and it turned out that the audio wasn't actually butchered and the videos played fine. I don't know if it was an error on my end or theirs, but I wasn't gonna leave it be after the other places I mentioned locked themselves out and ask for login info. So I got the remaining episodes and put them in the repository. Now you have ALL 11 seasons of The Simpsons to listen to! The show is still running as of this post and there are some Japanese dubs available out there, however I'm not going to get them because I personally believe Season 11's final episode Behind the Laughter serves as the perfect ending to the series and 245 episodes is more than enough to work with. Just like how Season 10's Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo has been banned in Japan thereby not leaving a dub of it available, Season 11's Little Big Mom is also banned there due to Lisa trying to trick Homer and Bart to make them think they have leprosy, which the depiction of is a very sensitive subject along with the segregation element Happy listening!
>しいくバコに入っているカエルがこちらをジッとみている >「オレはみられているんじゃない >オレがおまえたちをみているんだ!」 <といいだけなしせんだ Frog in the cage is staring in this direction. [I'm not being seen! I'm looking at you!][/spoiler] (...no idea what to make of that last one even with parsing) Just as it says, I managed to make sense of everything except the last one. Closest comprehension I got is と acting as a quotation of some kind "said/saying" and しせん probably making it sound like "that's what's being said with that look" if I'm to really roughly translate, but everything else inbetween leaves me at a loss. I'd provide a screencap for further context but I'm playing on console.
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>>815852 If there is a robot that will solve my moon runes questions i need to know which one, anon
>>815848 と言いだけな視線だ
>>815855 It was just ChatGPT 3.5. I'm only really starting to get on to the Ai thing, it's at the level now that if you have a bit of knowledge in something it can really help you work shit out, the ultimate tool for dunning-kruger's such as myself.
>>815852 >>815856 So it's potentially a typo. In Japanese. I thought MMBN was only known for spelling errors in English. Good God, this is gonna suck. I haven't got a self-teaching method down so I spent an hour in the classroom alone second guessing damn near every line with DeepL being the closest thing to a second opinion. >>815855 >>815857 >AI can now translate I see it but I'm very hesitant in believing it.
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>>815974 Anon, the best Japanese to English translator is a machine learning model, DeepL. Give it a try, deepl.com. It's by no means perfect but it's already miles ahead of anything else out there. GigaZine did a report on it and the writer was so shocked at how well it preformed he was wondering if kids would use it to cheat on their English exams. Here's an example of something tested it with.
>>815974 Right now AI is a tool akin to a very sophisticated search engine that can parse your real language into shit you want to know like most of the time, it's not at the level yet where it will do everything for you, or where you can trust everything it tells you. Right now it's a pretty good supplement to learning but not an outright replacement.
>>815978 >trust everything it tells you I've used DeepL enough times to never do this by default, I assure you. Not to mention the deluge of MTL nonsense on the sadpanda but that's neither here nor there. In any case, best I can do is only use it after I form my own comprehension via manual lookups. Thank God for Yomichan. Big issue with my own comprehensions is they're either wrong, rough, overtly localized, or all of the above.
>>815976 Also, doesn't it occasionally shill some kind of premium service? More of the same or is there a quality difference?
>>815981 For ChatGPT there's the paid service which is theoretically you're using 4 vs 3.5, which 4 is supposed to be many levels better than 3.5. I've also heard potentially of them removing access to 4.0 for certain users so that's something to consider although I have no idea if its true. In terms of it shilling stuff, the main thing annoying about most of the commercial AI is that they're all heavily lobotomized now to the point where they will shill left wing talking points. This generally isn't a problem as long as you're using to learn technical stuff, but as with everything you must take everything it spouts with a grain of salt in the same that taking shit from wikipedia needs to be scrutinized.
>>815982 I was referring to DeepL. I'm too dekinai to deal with AI.
>>804455 No one knows enough to hold a conversation. Those that do have better things to do with their time like finally playing those old hentai games they learned the language for or working in Japan.
>>816726 There's an anon who works in Japan?
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>moving to Japan needs a sponsor that lives there The dream was over before it began.
I need some advise on how to better myself with my Japanese studies. The two big things that I have been doing consistently is going through the Tae Kim grammar guide and memorizing the vocab from it, and watching some of his videos which cover much of the same content of the grammar guide. However, I'm always looking for more of what I can do to improve myself. <I stumbled across his video mentioning "how" to learn Japanese, and one of the things that he mentioned was becoming immersed in Japanese media. I already watch anime with the original JP dub and English subs, however I'm wondering if this is causing any hindrance in my learning abilities. Also, I do have some vidya from Japan (That is listed below), however I was wondering if there is a special way that I should play these to help me, or which titles would better help my studies over others: >Aero Dancing featuring Blue Impulse (DC) >Animal Crossing (N64) >Bomberman (NEs) >Bomberman 2 (NES) >Bujingai (PS2) >Castlevania (NES) >Comic Fantasy Stories (SCD) >Custom Robo (N64) >Daisenryaku Expert: Great Strategy Expert WWII (SNES) >Dead or Alive (Saturn) >Every Extend Ultra (PSP) >Excite Stage '94 (SNES) >F-22 Interceptor (MD) >F-Zero (SNES) >Final Fantasy (NES) >Hatsune Miku: Project Diva (PSP) >Jumping Flash! (PS1) >Lumines (PSP) >Marvel VS Capcom 2 (DC) >Monster Hunter Portable (PSP) >Ninja Gaiden (NES) >Phantasy Star Nova (Vita) >Phantasy Star Portable (PSP) >Ridge Racer (PS1) >R4: Ridge Racer Type 4 (PS1) >SD Gundam G Generation-0 (PS1) >Sega GT (DC) >Seventh Cross (DC) >SNK Arcade Classics Vol. 1 (PSP) >Super Smash Bros. (N64) >Tales of Phantasia (SNES) >Tech Romancer (DC) >Tohshinden (PS1) >Virtua Fighter Remix (Saturn) >Virtua Fighter 3tb (DC) Also, on the subject of vidya, I was thinking about taking the UIs of some of the game consoles I have, and making Anki flash cards of the settings/labels in Japanese and their English equivalents. Would this be useful at all (Since this is related to system functionality), or is it mostly redundant due to other studies? In addition, as far as where to socialize with Japanese speaking people, what are some advised places to go? I know some Anons recommended an app, and I do know about /librejp/ and 2channel, but what are some other places?
>>832049 The older pokemon games have always been good flashcard learning tools for JP because the games are made for nine-year-olds, so they use simple words and no kanji. Latter-day games have an option for kanji as well, whilst maintaining the simpler word choices.
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>>832049 >I stumbled across his video mentioning "how" to learn Japanese, and one of the things that he mentioned was becoming immersed in Japanese media. Definitively true, but this is the case for any language you want to hone up your skills. It was the same for me with English as I couldn't rely on school courses to have a good proficiency of the language. A couple of Switch games do have furigana (aka kanji pronunciation in kana) which can be pretty helpful to check the definition of kanji characters as well as compound words through a dictionary. >Super Mario Odyssey >Pikmin 3 Deluxe >Zelda Breath of the Wild, Tears of Kingdom, Skyward Sword & Link's Awakening remake >Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity and Definitive Edition (called Zelda Musou DX over there) >Kirby and the Forgotten Land >Crayon Shin-chan Ora to Hakase no Natsuyasumi (got a PC port last year) >Megaton Musashi Cross (currently free-to-play, PC port was announced a while back) >The Famicom Detective Club remakes (sole visual novels in the genre to my knowledge that have said furigana) >Dragon Quest XI S (Full japanese support for the PC port is only available for those who buy the game within japanese shores due of having exclusive content that is not present in the overseas version) I'd say raw mangas are better learning materials to expand the vocabulary, since there is no interactivity that may get in the way, but that's my personal opinion on the matter. I should make an introductory pic of mangas that have furigana, but I can already list a bunch of them here: >ONE PIECE >Spy x Family >Dragon Ball >Ayakashi Triangle >Rookies >Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu >Ruri Dragon >Great Teacher Onizuka >Mahoutsukai no Yome (Magus' Bride) >Subete no Jinrui wo Hakai Suru. Sorera wa Saisei Dekinai (retro Magic the Gathering manga) >Youkai Izakaya Nonbereke >Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199 >Arasa OL Haman-sama (I believe most, if not all, Gundam-related mangas have furigana too) >Arasaa-mama no Watashi de ii no? (Is a Mother in Her 30s Like Me Alright?) >Maoyuu Maou Yuusha >Isekai Meikyuu de Harem wo >Shinmai Shimai no Futari Gohan >Tensei Oujo to Tensai Reijou no Mahou Kakumei >Sayonara Rose Garden >Yagate Kimi ni Yaru >Eclair anthologies (exclusively yuri) I get my manga volumes directly from Amazon JP, and read them on my Kindle Paperwhite, as it's stupidly cheap as hell compared to the translated volumes in my country. Sole annoyance is that Amazon JP do not allow selling digital goods for anyone living outside of the country, so I had to use some hotel address to get around. The VPN is recommended as well. Is there some place where I could dump the books (once stripped out of the DRM with a plugin in calibre)? I remember the old 8chan had some volafile of some sort to dump things quickly but I'm out of the loop these days.
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Another thing I'd like to add is my learning process so far. I don't consider myself to be fully fluent in Japanese, at least not to a similar level with English (which is my second language) where I can currently read any text/book from any field as well as being able to freely converse without a single concern. To the point where I can be mistaken for to be a native. I remember mainly by writing down things on paper sheets or notebooks as a memory muscle, but I know people have different methods to memorize. For grammar, Japanese the Manga Way (by Wayne P.Lammers, published by Stone Bridge Press) and Tae Kim both conveyed the basic stuff, and imabi.net itself is very detailed although not beginner-friendly as it focuses a lot on linguistic details. Kanjidamage helped quite a lot to understand on kanji & radicals, dispelling any myths I initially had and avoid any unnecessary headaches such as trying to understand the meaning of radicals present within a kanji character. I didn't fully rely on it for word definitions though (although it does sometimes point out certain nuances between synonyms), often using jisho.org or the mobile app Takoboto for further compound words & meanings. It also helps to learn kanji characters through radicals as a visual mnemonic, which are basically letters, for example: >受 (kanji word of RECEIVE, such as 受ける - 'to receive/to get/to sustain') is the parent of 授 (INSTRUCT - seen in 教授 for 'professor' and 授業 for 'lesson/teaching') >堅(い) (SOLID but in a figurative sense unlike the other two かたい), 賢(い) (CLEVER), 緊 (TENSE) all look pretty similar besides the radical at the bottom >There are some nasty lookalikes which you have to be careful for such as 迷 (PERPLEXED) and 述 (REFERENCE) or 因 (ORIGIN/CAUSE) and 困 (TROUBLE) Basically, it's like the equivalent of English where a single letter can change a word and its signification, Ranger -> Anger, Culture -> Vulture, etc. The difference being that japanese has a lot more letters across kana & kanji radicals than the latin alphabet itself. Learning kanji characters individually can help to understand a lot of compound words on the fly, even if sometimes approximately. >仮説 (kasetsu) for "hypothesis/assumption" is made of 仮 (PROVISIONAL/TEMPORARY) and 説 (OPINION), or similarly 仮面 (kamen) for "mask" with 面 (SURFACE/FACE) >悪賢い (warugashikoi) for "devious/cunning" and written literally as "a bad kind of cleverness" with those kanji characters. Do bear in mind some compound words can be weird such as 矛盾 for "contradiction" which is made of 矛 (SPEAR) and 盾 (SHIELD), as if there is some old japanese logic funnily stating it's inconsistent to go both offense and defense at the same time. If the characters look too tiny on the screen here, you may increase the font size on the browser with ctrl + mice scroll. Just wanted to share my personal experience even if I naturally do not expect everyone to follow suit.
>>832200 >kindle_ I'd puke if I saw someone publicly reading manga on a kindle the books are faggy enough
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So, any of you actually speak it? Let's hear it, record yourself verbalizing and having a conversation. Otherwise this is worse than useless.
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>>832225 I obviously prefer physical books but importing them has gone way too expensive lately, due of the shipping rates, and Japan Airmail still hasn't resumed its services for my country since 2020. And there is of course the problem of room space to store them. The catalog of digital mangas/light novels in Amazon JP is gargantuan, although it's missing a few things (namely Yotsubato and Vagabond), and sales are rather common (often in the form of giving out half of the book's value in gold points or reducing the price of books in half or as low as 20 yen).
>>832174 >buying manga
>>832230 I'd do it if there is a secure enough way to record your voice and manipulate it so it becomes untraceable. In the age of AI anyone can take your raw voice recording and use it for malicious purposes.
>>832100 >and no kanji Isn't that actually a bad thing until you're more familiar with the language? Becausetheresultisthatyou'rereadingsentenceslikethis. >Latter-day games have an option for kanji as well Haven't heard of that, but I do know that newer media does tend to contain furigana. >>832200 >Learning kanji characters individually can help to understand a lot of compound words on the fly That's something I sort of noticed when I began to get back into my studies and decided to look at the individual characters in addition to stroke order. >>832904 Have you tried Mercari? It's an Japan-based e-commerce platform similar to eBay.
What are some shows and audio dramas that Anons would recommend for one to listen to for the purposes of hearing the Japanese language being spoken and coming to understand it phonetically?
I'm going to Japan next year for a holiday. I don't expect to be fluent by then, but can anyone recommend a quality phrasebook I could use and study in the meantime? Also, are any of those "translate on the fly" apps good at Japanese in case I get stuck?
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>>846591 I used to order sometimes from Mandarake which was a nice way to obtain second-hand mangas that were unavailable on Amazon JP otherwise. But again, the storefronts aren't the problem in my current case, shipping rates have just reached a new high that I find too much expensive and Japan Post still hasn't resumed service for my europoor country to this day (meaning I'm stuck with DHL, EMS and FedEx). Since said rates vary on package weight, importing console vidya is still fine but foreign japanese books are a luxury now. Meanwhile, the main issue I have with buying kindle ebooks on Amazon JP is the lack of shopping cart in this section of the store, only "1-buy clicks" button prompts for each separate volume or in volume packs. Thus my bank charges me a small fee (generally between 0.50 to 1 euro) for each purchase in consequence. But frankly, between the really low price point of mangas in Japan (compared to my country that charges no less than 7 euros for a translated volume), the gold points system, and the amount of sales, I really do get my money worth. Not to mention the value of the yen currency continues to crater, 100 yen was 0.72 euro in January 2023, now it has reached 0.63 euro. Pic related is a sample of what I've gotten during a Dengeki publisher sale (earlier this month) that was putting all the first volumes of its published titles at 11 yen per book, and I didn't spend a single dime from my pockets thanks to the gold points I had. >>849829 >Also, are any of those "translate on the fly" apps good at Japanese in case I get stuck? If you mean the photo feature of Google Translate app for example, it does the job "okay", as long as you stick to purely informative sentences.
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continued discussion >Outside of listening to the music I have when I got for a hike, or when I'm studying vocab in Anki, not really. The most is whenever I watch an anime, but I haven't watched anything in the past few months. That's okay if you haven't been watching any raw anime. There's other methods to learn from, all of it really comes down to finding the source you'll have an attachment to, so that you remember certain things easier and when you hear that thing again, you think 'Wait a minute, I think I heard that before...' My questions for you. <do you personally feel like you're doing it out of an obligation and another part in you doesn't seem too thrilled in doing it? <when you do your studying, are you one who tries to aim for perfection? I ask because some people have different ways of learning and the things they put on themselves or don't. Me? I never use Anki. I basically treated the start of Japanese as a body of water I dunked myself in & could never come up back to the surface to get oxygen. By that expression, I mean I turned my language options on everything I had to Japanese, having a Japanese radio on, having the movie play in the background. My ears were like a sponge. >I'm pretty flexible regarding the stuff I listen. I just posted those because they were songs I didn't hear from an anime. It's good that you're flexible with taste. I don't know how long you've been on the journey but it's a good thing to have. >Sounds exciting. How long until I find the really weird shit? Hard to say as my search interests there are limited and I've never ventured beyond what I usually find.
>>855034 >all of it really comes down to finding the source you'll have an attachment to, so that you remember certain things easier and when you hear that thing again, you think 'Wait a minute, I think I heard that before...' Already have some of that. Hardest part is just expanding the vocab so that I can point out more words and terms. >do you personally feel like you're doing it out of an obligation and another part in you doesn't seem too thrilled in doing it? Yes, however I feel like that's also a trick question to ask that's missing whatever point your making. Had a supervisor ask a similar question at work, and he completely misunderstood my answer. If someone wants to develop ANY skills/abilities, then one needs to consistently do tasks, no matter how menial or boring they become. And, trying to "reinvent the wheel" regarding the development of those skills, because you feel like it's "not working", can actually cause more harm than good. Best way I've seen it phrased is that "mundane" is ironically proof that the process is working when you're learning. >when you do your studying, are you one who tries to aim for perfection? Perfection is the goal, but I know that it also comes with time and practice. And, consistency. >By that expression, I mean I turned my language options on everything I had to Japanese, having a Japanese radio on, having the movie play in the background. I'm hesitant to turn the language options on my device OSes to Japanese because I don't want to screw anything up on them. However, I get the concept of what you're saying.
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>>855040 >Yes, however I feel like that's also a trick question to ask that's missing whatever point your making. Had a supervisor ask a similar question at work, and he completely misunderstood my answer. I'll admit it sounded different in my head that was poorly conveyed to text. >If someone wants to develop ANY skills/abilities, then one needs to consistently do tasks, no matter how menial or boring they become. And, trying to "reinvent the wheel" regarding the development of those skills, because you feel like it's "not working", can actually cause more harm than good. Best way I've seen it phrased is that "mundane" is ironically proof that the process is working when you're learning. I guess I agree? The Yukkuri pic I posted was what I was trying to convey about that part of taking it easy and having some good fun. And my idea of fun was what I described earlier about going nuts with turning everything I had Japanese, thus staying in that body of water with no lifesavers. I chalk it up to my influence of AJATT >Perfection is the goal, but I know that it also comes with time and practice. And, consistency. Understandable. >I'm hesitant to turn the language options on my device OSes to Japanese because I don't want to screw anything up on them. However, I get the concept of what you're saying. Also understandable. If you're on a PC, one option you could exercise is to grab a disc of any OS in Japanese and go nuts with it. That way, if you accidentally deleted System32 or did something catastrophic, you can restore it back before the accident happened. Game consoles are pretty safe to change the language on since the 6th & 7th gen platforms cause there's more safeguards out there now thanks to homebrew, it's just a matter of disabling region lock. In the case of Nintendo platforms, they have to be imported to have the Japanese language.
>>855045 >If you're on a PC, one option you could exercise is to grab a disc of any OS in Japanese and go nuts with it. *grab a disc of any OS in Japanese, install them to virtual machine, and go nuts with it
...I am Japanese, how can I help?
>>855078 For my part, I have been looking for movies with Japanese dubbing. I then extract the Japanese audio and upload them to the MEGA library. For other anons who are studying, you can give your suggestions on what they might enjoy while they are in immersion. It could be cookbooks, music albums, anything. You could also talk with an anon who is speaking Japanese.
>>855081 That would be amazing if that were true!
>>855082 Actually, I have an idea. If you are so inclined and have the skills, you can make a Japanese translation of this site. I am not affiliated with the staff, but I think they would love this idea. There are two resources here you can consult. >>>/site/6418 >>>/site/8243 Currently it has French, Italian, & Spanish. Having a Japanese localization of the site would be great.Plus, there could be more cultural exchange threads where Anon asks a random Japanese anon anything.
>>855084 I agree with you.
>>855084 I am capable of making a Thread asking questions to the Japanese.
>>855088 Very nice! I understand a little bit of the Japanese language. ナイス! 俺、ちょっと日本語を分かります。 If you make the thread again, the format should be the same as the previous. 再度スレッドを立てる場合、形式は前回と同じにすること。
>>855091 ん、おかのした。
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>>855093 While you're here, check out the Yukkuri theme on the CSS wheel. ここにいる間に、CSSホイールで「Yukkuri」のテーマをチェックしてみよう。 The theme was inspired by the UI on 2ch. テーマは2chのUIからインスパイアされた。
>>855098 CSSホイール?
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>>855099 There. こちら。 There are other custom themes available on the menu. メニューには他にもカスタムテーマが用意されている。 If you are viewing on a mobile device, first click on the hamburger button in the upper left corner. Then the CSS button will appear on the left side among other options. モバイル端末でご覧の方は、まず左上のハンバーガーボタンをクリックしてください。すると、他のオプションの中にCSSボタンが左側に表示されます。
>>855102 こうですか?
>>815848 私はこれを解読することに成功した。
>>855104 >>855106 Way to go! So what do you think of the theme? いいぞ!このテーマをどう思いますか? There are other themes that can be changed. Some mimic a recognizable GUI (Windows95 + MoeOS8). General favorites are TOMORROW and PENUMBRA. 他にも変更できるテーマがある。 認識できるGUI(Windows95+MoeOS8)を模倣したものもある。一般的なお気に入りはTOMORROWとPENUMBRAです。 Fun fact: The [Yukkuri] theme was used on /jp/ on 8ch before it was closed. 楽しい事実:[Yukkuri]テーマは、閉鎖前の8chの/jp/で使われていた。
>>855107 良いと思います https://8chan.moe/jp/ ↑これ?投稿数めっちゃ少ないな...( ノД`)シクシク…(´;ω;`)ウゥゥ
>>855112 >↑これ?投稿数めっちゃ少ないな...( ノД`)シクシク…(´;ω;`)ウゥゥ No, not that current incarnation of /jp/ on this site. 違う、このサイトの/jp/の現在の姿ではない。 I am referring to what /jp/ looked like on 8ch before it was shut down. 私が言っているのは、8chにあった/jp/が閉鎖する前の姿のことだ。 Click on the URL below to view the /jp/ archive from 2015. 以下のURLをクリックすると、2015年からの/jp/のアーカイブをご覧いただけます。 https://archive.li/khF3M But you are correct, the /jp/ board on this site is not active. しかし、その通り、このサイトの/jp/掲示板はアクティブではない。
>>855115 何故閉鎖されたの?
>>855117 Read this thread and you'll see what led up to the closure. このスレッドを読めば、閉鎖に至るまでの経緯がわかるだ。 >>>/site/7215 The shortest explanation: A shooting happened. Then, the site owner Jim Watkins took old 8ch off for an entire year. Anons then survived in bunkers. Jim brought 8ch back as 8kun. 8kun was a dumpster fire to use. >最も短い説明だ: 銃撃事件が起きた。その後、サイトの所有者であるジム・ワトキンスは、古い8chを1年間閉鎖した。その後、アノンはバンカーで生き延びた。ジムは8chを8kunとして復活させた。8kunはゴミ箱の火だった。
>>855119 ...なるほど
>>855121 In the meantime, enjoy your stay here. とりあえず、ここでの滞在を楽しんでくれ。
>>855123 おk
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If one was to go to Japan for a trip, what level of Japanese are you expected to understand and/or speak to at least ask for directions and pictures from locals? Without relying on google translate or handbooks of course.
>>855348 Pretty small. Most signs have english on them and most menu items also have pictures if not english accompanying them. For direction you really just need to ask "x wa dochira desuka?" x being the desired destination. For pictures, I guess you could say "sumimasen, watashitachi no sashin wo totte kudasai"
>>855348 My parents recently went with absolutely no knowledge of Japanese and were able to get around fairly easily in Tokyo. Obviously the less touristy areas you go to the more you're going to need more knowledge at the same time with translation apps and what not you could probably still survive to a decent degree with no knowledge.
>>855356 >>855359 Thanks brothers. Is it hard to get allergies across to waiters?
Can someone explain how you go from「結」(Bind, contract, do up hair) to「結構」(Reasonably, fairly) and「結局」(Eventually)? Both I can sort of see the reasoning, latter as an in-joke that the wheels of bureaucracy is slow (「局」means "bureau"), and the former about how people wear an emotional mask when acting "reasonable", but I feel like there's a story behind this.
>>855379 "結構" has the meaning of "No thank you/very" etc.
So, onto the first actual page of Love Hina and I'm immediately learning that a lot of terms are written in Katakana for some reason. For example kotatsu is 「コタツ」 (Not 「こたつ」 nor 「結構」) and Tokyo U (Tokyo University) is 「トーダイ」 (Not 「とうだい」 nor 「東大」). Wasted the last twenty minutes trying to confirm the latter because actually searching 「トーダイ」 on an search engine brings up a Japanese cooking utensil company.
>>855468 I think it's because it's for Japanese. Or because they are children.
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>check out DJT Guide site >get pic related What happened to it? Even the old (((Google))) docs guide got taken down. I found this old site ( https://djtguide.neocities.org/ ), but it's missing a lot of things from the previous one.
>>857155 Christ on a bike, that's why we gotta archive EVERYTHING
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>>857155 Found out what happened to the site, turns out copyright Jews found the site and got it pulled. At least there's a new site in the meantime: https://djtguide.github.io/
>>858308 Kill copyright lawyers. Behead copyright lawyers. Roundhouse kick a copyright lawyer into the concrete. Slam dunk a copyright lawyer baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy lawyers. Defecate in a copyright lawyers food. Launch copyright lawyers into the sun. Stir fry copyright lawyers in a wok. Toss copyright lawyers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a copyright lawyers gas tank. Judo throw copyright lawyers into a wood chipper. Twist copyright lawyers heads off. Report copyright lawyers to the IRS. Karate chop copyright lawyers in half. Curb stomp pregnant copyright lawyers. Trap copyright lawyers in quicksand. Crush copyright lawyers in the trash compactor. Liquefy copyright lawyers in a vat of acid. Eat copyright lawyers. Dissect copyright lawyers. Exterminate copyright lawyers in the gas chamber. Stomp copyright lawyer skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate copyright lawyers in the oven. Lobotomize copyright lawyers. Mandatory abortions for copyright lawyers. Grind copyright lawyer fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown copyright lawyers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize copyright lawyers with a ray gun. Kick old copyright lawyers down the stairs. Feed copyright lawyers to alligators. Slice copyright lawyers with a katana.
>>858308 Saving these to waybackmachine so that even if it goes down again you can still access them
「寝坊」: Oversleep, sleeping in late, late riser, sleepyhead 「寝」: Lie down, sleep rest, bed, remain unsold 「坊」: Boy, priest's residence, priest
>>862063 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/trivial/20070708/1183862742 For reference. If you cannot read Japanese, please translate and read 😊
What's a good Japanese news source that publishes their content in English (Either through translated articles, or even just subtitles for vids)? I find that NHK is far too progressive in their reporting.
>>729151 Found a channel that analyzes Japanese text in videogames and translates it on the fly https://www.yewtu.be/@NorkiNorkiGaming/videos
「一緒」: Together 「一」: One, 1, 「緒」: thong Anyways, what's the main difference between 「たい」 and 「ほしい」 when it comes to expressing a "want" to perform an action?
>>869614 Far as i know, ほしい means "desired" and たい is a ending suffix meaning "want". I never seen ほしい used with verbs, so maybe it is said when you want/desire a (noun): 私はエルフが見たい/ I want to see the elf; 私はエルフがほしい/ I have the elf desired
>>869614 ~たい = I want to do ~てほしい = I want you/someone else to do >>871782 Kind of. ほしい can mean desire when alone, but as above a verb in the te form followed by ほしい makes it mean that you want another person to do whatever action. >I have the elf desired lolwut? That's "I want an elf".
Could our local Nip-poster test the quality of this "Japanese coach" AI that the Gooks made: https://caveduck.io/character-info/8bb007b8-351a-40db-af72-88e67380ce2b Just want to see if it will be at all useful for practice purposes.
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It has once again been a while since the last update. Gonna crosspost future updates regarding the Japanese dubs collection over to the learning thread at >>>/jp/149 Be sure to visit the board and give it some love! In this update, I have created a second MEGA repository that focuses on Japanese dubbed TV shows. The original movie collection was getting close to hitting the free account size limit, so I decided to trim some stuff down and move them over to the new link. Don't worry, nothing has been deleted. Just like last time, use a decoder to get a part of the link and key, then put them together. aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9FcnNtZ0RESg== aWZ2RWMtYVY3X1E2OEp5QXpoMk1IZw== Metadata for the TV shows have been updated to include their titles so that when you add them to your playlists, you'll know which show is playing as opposed to guessing based on the episode names. Please redownload the tracks if you have already grabbed them previously. And now, here's whats new! >Movie <Inside Out has been reencoded to m4a in disney folder <How to Train Your Dragon 1 & How to Train Your Dragon 2 have been added in dreamworks folder <Blue Crush, Johnny English, Minions, & Minions: Rise of Gru have been added in universal folder <Rio 1, Rio 2, & Anastasia have been added in fox folder <Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs & The Mitchells vs. the Machines (An anon requested it way back, happened to find some other fag ripped it on the net) have been added in sony folder >TV <previously ripped shows have been transfered over to the new MEGA TV repository, metadata has been updated <Avatar: The Last Airbender has been added in paramount folder <The Boondocks has been added in WB folder More will be coming soon...
>>880690 Posting a sample of the Boondocks Japanese dub
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Is this machine translation correct?
>>880983 The Egu part is just onomatopoeia of her crying sounds. So not incorrect but not exactly precise either.
here is a base64 decoding bookmarklet, simply add as a bookmark and click javascript:function%20appendAll(a){for(var%20b=0;b<a.length;b++){for(var%20c=0;c<a[b].c.length;c++){a[b].p.appendChild(a[b].c[c])}}}function%20getDocDims(){return[Math.max(Math.max(document.body.scrollWidth,document.documentElement.scrollWidth),Math.max(document.body.offsetWidth,document.documentElement.offsetWidth),Math.max(document.body.clientWidth,document.documentElement.clientWidth)),Math.max(Math.max(document.body.scrollHeight,document.documentElement.scrollHeight),Math.max(document.body.offsetHeight,document.documentElement.offsetHeight),Math.max(document.body.clientHeight,document.documentElement.clientHeight))]}if(document.getElementById("base64container")!=null)document.body.removeChild(document.getElementById("base64container"));var%20dims=getDocDims();var%20div=document.createElement("div");div.id="base64container";div.setAttribute("style","width:"+dims[0]+"px;height:"+dims[1]+"px;top:0;left:0;position:absolute;");var%20basebg=document.createElement("div");basebg.id="base64blackout";basebg.setAttribute("style","width:"+dims[0]+"px;height:"+dims[1]+"px;position:absolute;z-index:100000000;top:0;left:0;background:#000;opacity:0.8;filter:alpha(opacity=80);-moz-opacity:0.8;-khtml-opacity:0.8;");var%20wrap=document.createElement("div");wrap.id="base64wrap";wrap.setAttribute("style","position:fixed;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;z-index:200000000;");wrap.onclick=function(a){if(a.target==this){document.getElementById("base64container").parentNode.removeChild(document.getElementById("base64container"))}};var%20inner=document.createElement("div");inner.id="base64inner";inner.setAttribute("style","position:relative;width:500px;height:200px;z-index:200000000;margin:10px%20auto;background:white;border-radius:5px;box-shadow:0px%200px%2020px%20-5px%20#000");var%20textbit=document.createElement("div");textbit.id="base64textbit";textbit.setAttribute("style","position:relative;width:500px;height:auto;z-index:200000000;margin:10px%20auto%2010px%20auto;border-radius:5px;text-align:center;font-family:monospace;color:#fff;font-size:25px;text-shadow:%200px%200px%2010px%20black;");textbit.innerHTML="encoder%20<%20&nbsp;%20>%20decoder";var%20leftArea=document.createElement("div");leftArea.id="base64leftarea";leftArea.setAttribute("style","float:left;width:235px;height:180px;border-radius:3px;margin:10px%200px%2010px%2010px;");var%20rightArea=document.createElement("div");rightArea.id="base64rightarea";rightArea.setAttribute("style","float:left;width:235px;height:180px;border-radius:3px;margin:10px;");var%20rightTextArea=document.createElement("textarea");rightTextArea.id="base64righttextarea";rightTextArea.setAttribute("style","width:233px;height:100%;border-radius:3px;border-color:#888;padding:0;box-shadow:inset%201px%201px%205px%20#aaa;");rightTextArea.onkeyup=function(){leftTextArea.value=atob(this.value)};var%20leftTextArea=document.createElement("textarea");leftTextArea.id="base64lefttextarea";leftTextArea.setAttribute("style","width:233px;height:100%;border-radius:3px;border-color:#888;padding:0;box-shadow:inset%201px%201px%205px%20#aaa;");leftTextArea.onkeyup=function(){rightTextArea.value=btoa(this.value)};appendAll([{p:leftArea,c:[leftTextArea]},{p:rightArea,c:[rightTextArea]},{p:inner,c:[leftArea,rightArea]},{p:wrap,c:[inner,textbit]},{p:div,c:[basebg,wrap]},{p:document.body,c:[div]}]);
>>880988 "Yukku egu" like Yukkuri "cry sound"? If the Yukkuri is crying why does it look happy?
>>880983 >>881013 Isn't she saying "yuck, egg" as in "egg is disgusting"?
>>881013 >>881024 She's trying to say yukkuri but is sobbing uncontrollably
>>880690 Could you post your links here as well: https://prolikewoah.com/animu/res/86467.html
>>729151 We need help translating the site into Japanese >>>/jp/232
>>881467 Seems like a great idea. It would be even better if we could pre-load region-specific language settings for people by preferred language from their browser settings.
>>880983 >>880988 >>881024 >>881028 Yukkuries are so cute.
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Also what does this one mean, What is "muni"?
>>881661 It's an onomatopeia, it would be faster to google that shit instead of waiting for an autist to answer you. Also, those abominations are ugly as shit.
>>881661 >>881669 Here's a cool video with a bunch of them.
>>881669 >>881674 I did google it, that is where the machine translation image comparison is from. But "Mani" out of context can only tell me so much. I once showed this autistic man a video of yukkuris dancing and he said the rolling heads freaked him out. Thank you for the vidoe.
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>>881467 Here's what I got so far.
>>882531 How you know all these?
>>729151 Can I learn it by communicating in japanese somewhere? watashinonihongohamaniattetoumoumasu
>>882531 Thank you.
>>880725 Another sample of the Boondocks Japanese dub with the original English subtitles added Except for the TL note, it's a meme
>>884274 Thanks for sharing
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>>884274 >That TL note
>>884438 Even more Japanese Boondocks with 'Read Nigga' in a little higher quality. Can't figure out what Uncle Rukus is saying in the Exorcist parody webm.
>>885134 Do you have the "nigga moment" clip?
>>884438 >>885134 I wish we had japs on this imageboard to show this shit to.
>>885192 Here you go!
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>>885399 This is precious in so many ways.
>>884274 Why does it say nigga and not nigger?
>>885473 Was copying off a transcript I saw online. Will remake it again in better quality with the new change.
>>885475 Do you think you could add TN notes (in Japanese or English) that explain some of the jokes that might be lost on a nip audience? For example, when Reagan mentions that "God forgets about racism, except on February", that's a jab at it being designated as Black History Month, but also the shortest of the months.
This time it hasn't been a while since the last update. But this is a big one! For the first time, now you'll have access to the James Bond saga dubbed in Japanese along with many seasons of Friends! Like Seinfeld & other comedies, there are likely going to be things from the original American broadcast that will be lost in translation, but it is still a treat to listen to. Here is what's new <Movies >The James Bond 007 movies up to Quantum of Solace have been added to their own 007 subfolder inside the MGM folder >Jerry Maguire & Gattaca have been added in sony folder along with Jumanji being reeconded to better quality >Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi has been added in fox folder, there are two different cuts of the dub to select from. One from the DVD & the other from the Laserdisc The latter was from a bonus feature in the Limited DVD >The Matrix & Shawshank Redemption are reencoded to better quality along with having The Matrix sequels, Reloaded & Revolution, being added in WB folder >Snow White & The Seven Dwarves has been reencoded to better quality, on top that, Pirates of The Caribbean: Curse Of The Black Pearl, The Rock, Armageddon, & Con Air have been added in disney folder >Primal Fear & Mission Impossible 2 have been added in paramount folder >Reservoir Dogs has been reconded to opus & better quality in miramax folder <TV >Many seasons of Friends has been added to the WB folder. Currently lacking Seasons 2, 8, and 10. More to come soon. Got a favorite scene from these medias you would like to see posted here with Japanese dubbings? Leave a request & I'll make some clips!
>>890810 Screw the movie clips, I want more of whoever drew or whatever second and fourth pic are from
>>890810 By the way, are you using some sort of private tracker for this stuff?
>>890835 >>890835 >second Artist is Yuuki Nobuteru >Fourth Artist is Araizumi Rui >private tracker Nope. Used to be found online but content has since been unavailable.
>>890845 Other pic didn't post
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>>890847 I don't know why but Lina holding her ass like that feels out of character.
>>890939 I think it's her trying to cover her ass...maybe Or maybe it's just a fan service picture by the original artist and not much thought was put into it.
>>890939 Is not like she is trying spread her ass.
>>890847 >rina spread_asshole YES
>i want learn japanese to understand javs about women treating the viewer like a kid >I'm taken to some youtuber channel where some women is teaching me japanese like a kid Also the link for Tae Kim's grammar is gone.
>>893238 Link to the channel?
>>893240 It's in the OP, it's just Comprehensible Japanese, its not like the jav, just somewhat similar and ironic. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=SRSmd2sXpVQ&list=PLPdNX2arS9Mb1iiA0xHkxj3KVwssHQxYP&index=0
あ、あの...私はjishoを依存してことを終わろみたいのです。 検閲と異端宣伝と言う点は、どんな日本製のオンライン辞書が適当だな? ESGを大嫌い
>>895709 Stop producing broken Japanese and start using Daijirin, Kojien and Daijisen in combination with Yomichan or Goo's jisho.
>>895730 >片言の日本語を作るない ヤダ、そんなことは楽しいと必要だ >勧告 ありがとうございます
>>895741 >作るない Shit like this will only become ingrained and hurt you in the long term, I'm just saying.
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I know it's not in japanese but is "doki doki" as much of a weeb meme word in japan as it is in the USA?
>>898956 > is "doki doki" as much of a weeb meme word in japan as it is in the USA? It's just onomatopoeia isn't it? Would be like making a meme word out of *badum* or *thump thump* for a heartbeat.
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The context is that the protagonist has some sort of semen build up disease, and if he masturbates too much or too little he could get a disease or die. What i don't understand and i don't know if it's a problem with the translation or maybe the VN doesn't say but why do the family women have to give him sexual attention, why can't he do it by himself?
>>884274 this is so uncanny because I can't see blacks speaking a polite language like Japanese without niggafying it.
>>899171 >he wasn't around for AJATT Shamefur dispray https://yewtu.be/watch?v=ejRkuX1RGf4
>>899109 >why is this porn game using a common porn trope? Come on now son, your question has nothing to do with language, it's just incestuous porn logic.
Some neat video I found, with dialects from all prefectures of Japan. 0:09 hokkaido 0:20 aomori 0:31 iwate 0:46 akita 0:58 miyagi 1:12 yamagata 1:23 niigata 1:38 fukushima 1:51 ibaraki 1:59 tochigi 2:14 gunma 2:22 saitama 2:31 chiba 2:41 tokyo 2:49 kanagawa 2:56 yamanashi 3:06 nagano 3:19 toyama 3:32 ishikawa 3:43 shizuoka 3:53 aichi 4:05 gifu 4:18 mie 4:31 fukui 4:42 shiga 4:58 kyoto 5:14 nara 5:28 wakayama 5:40 osaka 5:56 hyogo 6:07 okayama 6:18 tottori 6:32 hiroshima 6:45 shimane 6:58 yamaguchi 7:09 tokushima 7:20 kagawa 7:32 kouchi 7:45 ehime 7:58 fukuoka 8:10 saga 8:24 nagasaki 8:36 oita 8:49 miyazaki 9:00 kumamoto 9:14 kagoshima 9:27 okinawa
>>731427 Anyone know if there's a dub version of Deck The Halls w/ Danny DeVito? Five minutes on startpage doesn't reveal much.
>>731611 >>735103 I love azumanga so much
>>914803 >Anyone know if there's a dub version of Deck The Halls w/ Danny DeVito? That would be an affirmative! It does exist, see the DVD & Blu-Ray pics posted and the title is named ライトアップ! イルミネーション大戦争 (Light Up! The Great Illumination War) Now can you get the dub without having to import from Japan? The answer would usually be no, but I posted in the last thread that it's possible that your blu-rays might already have Japanese included as an option, you would just have to read the fine print where it tells you what languages are included in the copy. But wait, there's something I didn't also tell you! While I was looking around for anything that interested me, I found a very useful forum post that said your Blu-Ray might have Japanese as a hidden language. You read that correctly, some Blu-Ray movies have the language hidden in them. However, it only seems to apply to those that are made by Fox and Warner Brothers. Hidden Japanese language options on Warner/Fox Blu-rays https://archive.md/ZWOCI >Warner Brothers and Twentieth Century Fox are two companies that make it a habit to “hide” Japanese audio and subtitles from non-Japanese menus on their Blu-ray discs. If you are submitting specs for a Warner or Fox Blu-ray release <Here is an screenshot of the main menu of the “Doctor Zhivago” Blu-ray when played back on a Blu-ray player in which the player’s menu is set to “English”: (Pic 3) >There are multiple audio and subtitle options but note that “Japanese” (日本語) is nowhere to be found. <If you run a BDinfo scan of the disc (with the BD-ROM program “BDinfo”) this is what will appear: (Pic 4) >It states that (*) Indicates included stream hidden by this playlist. >In that playlist, “Japanese” audio and subtitles are marked with an asterisk, therefore the hidden language. (You can also find another playlist in which Japanese does not have an asterisk but all other dubs and subs have an asterisk instead.) >So, the Japanese audio and subtitles are physically on the disc. How do you access them? <This will depend on the player, but in the Blu-ray player’s settings, there is a way to choose the disc’s menu language. On players bought in the US or UK it should default to “English” or “Auto”. German players default to “German”, Chinese players to “Chinese” etc. On some players you are able to scroll through to “Disc Menu -> Japanese”. There are some players where you would have to input a country’s language code and that depends on the model’s maker’s specs. Once the menu has been changed to “Japanese” and the disc is played, the “Doctor Zhivago” Blu-ray should look like this on Japanese menu settings: (Pic 5) >Notice that “English” and “Japanese” (日本語) are the only options available on the Japanese menu, locking out all other dubs and subtitles. >This is a practice so far ONLY seen on Warner Brothers and Twentieth Century Fox Blu-ray and Blu-ray 4K UHD discs. Other Hollywood companies such as Universal, Sony, Disney, and Paramount do NOT hide Japanese and make them normally available on any language menu. It then goes on about complicated it gets about listing it as having Japanese, but that's not relevant. TL;DR: All you have to do is just change your Blu-Ray movie's menu language to JP/Japanese in the player's main settings menu & you should be able to have it as an option the next time you play the movie. You don't need to import a special player from Japan! Now Deck the Halls is made by 20th Century Fox, but I cannot confirm if the Blu-Rays they made of it actually has the hidden language, as I don't have a copy to put to the test. Looking it up on the blu-ray website (that being blu-ray.com ), it does not mention anything about that specific language, so importing may be the only option. Haven't tested that method of revealing the hidden language on a Sony PS3, but I would imagine it would work just like a normal player would if the languages are set differently.
>>914888 Thank you! Interesting. I was planning on trying it on my disk drive on my PC (which I remember being Blu-Ray). I can't imagine I wouldn't be able to change menu settings with that. With *Deck The Halls* though? I may just go straight to buying the Japanese version.
So, I just picked myself up a sealed copy of a Japanese game for the Saturn, and this price tag was on the case. What does 「お宝市番館」mean?
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>>922271 Looks like the name of a store chain that buys stuff secondhand. Where did you get the game?
>>885134 >Can't figure out what Uncle Rukus is saying in the Exorcist parody webm. これは、相当に手ごわい筋金入りのニガーだわな。
>>922290 >Where did you get the game? From a vidya store the next town over here in the U.S..
I am attempting to learn japanese. again Wish me luck. I'm going to focus less on anki and more on just attempting to read/watch stuff.
>>925816 I want to join in that venture, but I feel like part of the problem is learning to actually apply it beyond just picking up random words that you see/hear in media. One of the things that I think would really help is actually being able to converse with someone who can speak both Japanese and English, but part of the problem is finding people who speak both and would be helpful towards pointing out when a mistake is made or how to better say something. Also doesn't help with everyone just uses Dicsword or Steam for chatrooms.
>>925819 Yeah that is a hurdle. But then again unless you actually plan on going to japan or speaking to japanese people, then I don't think worrying about perfect pronunciation or sentence structure is worth it and you can just slowly put it together over time. I'm going to go through the genki books and my hope is that if I can learn enough grammar it will help me to be able to understand what I'm reading better after I look up the words.
Hey can someone give me a general gist of what this is saying? Alternatively if anyone knows why princess crown is being shown here you can just tell me. I was looking at vanillawares website seeing if they were making any new games and I stumbled upon 13 sentinels japanese site. I am really curious if there is a way to play princess crown since I thought that game was never translated.
>>926656 It's an ad for some stuff they were releasing. The Princess Crown version they're talking about is just the PSP version re-released for the PS4, I doubt it'll ever be translated.
>>926695 >I doubt it'll ever be translated. That is extremely disappointing. Thank you for helping.
Alright I guess I was a fool. It turns out anki is pretty much necessary to learn new words and kanji. My reps are already over half an hour...
New learner reporting in. Reps are now already just over 50 minutes be seem to be holding around there.
I'm new to learning nipponese. I've started with the Duolingo app but it seems to be lacking. Is there a recognised accreditation you can study for and attain? Something more structured might suit me.
>>927712 following on from this, are there any good "entry level" games that are recommended? I was considering trying out the original Dragon Quest in Japanese once I was more familiar with hiragana.
>>927719 >are there any good "entry level" games that are recommended? See: >>832100 And: >>832174 And: >>>/a/3596
>>927712 >recognised accreditation you can study for and attain The JLPT. It has 5 levels of tests. They make books for the tests but those are mostly just practice questions. You'll have to get to those levels of proficiency using whatever methods you choose. https://www.jlpt.jp/e/
It looks like animelon died.
>>927761 Thanks for that anon, at least I've got a goal to work towards now instead of just freeballing it with Dragon Quest and Pokemon games.
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>>927712 >>927719 >I'm new to learning nipponese. I've started with the Duolingo app but it seems to be lacking. That's because those kinds of programs aren't made to help learn the language in the first place. >are there any good "entry level" games that are recommended? Most of the suggestions have been laid out earlier, especially the ones with furigana. However I'll mention Pokemon Colosseum, Professor Layton, Zelda Twilight Princess as games with furigana. The original N64 Zelda games only have kanji which will provide you with too much of a challenge but the 3DS versions of them have furigana to assist you. The two Zelda games in Japanese on the original DS, Phantom Hourglass & Spirit Tracks, have a very nice feature where you can tap the kanji to learn their furigana which acts as a nice little flash card for you to learn some everyday words.
>>928929 Are there any other ds games that you know of that have a furigana system like the ds zeldas?
>>928966 Not that I know of, the rest of the Japanese DS games either have only kanjis or kanjis with furigana already displayed
I tried to play animal crossing but I was defeated. I couldn't understand what tom nook wanted me to do. I thought he was telling me to talk to everyone but apparently not. I still have a long way to go.
It has been a while. Made a new folder called その他 in the Movie & TV collections that will act as a 'Misc.' bin for content made by studios who don't have a lot under their belts or aren't owned by one of the mega-companies listed in both collections. Some of the media already in those collections like Miramax have been moved there but the metadata for them has not changed so you don't need to re-download them. Found so much of the stuff that I think many will find it worth the wait for this update! Here's the new hot stuff: >Movie <Direct-to-Video Tom & Jerry movies! We're talking from the debut of The Magic Ring up to the trainwreck that was Tom & Jerry: Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory, satisfy your curiosity at how they all sound in Japanese in their own Tom & Jerry sub-folder located inside the WB folder. T&J: The Fast & The Furry and T&J: Shiver Me Whiskers are currently unavailable at the moment. Beyond the iconic cat and mouse duo, Elf, The Ant Bully & Thumbelina' have also been added in WB folder <Horton Hears a Who, Ferdinand, & Great Expectations (1998, starring the Goop lady) have been added in fox folder. <Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2 (This completes the Meatball duology) & The Emoji Movie have been added in sony folder. <The Fox & The Hound 1 & 2 along with Melody Time have been added in disney folder. Inside that same folder the following have been re-encoded to opus: Heracules, Bambi (All the songs are now in Japanese as they should be), Peter Pan (All the songs are now in Japanese as they should be), Dumbo (1943), & Pinocchio (There seems to be different dub versions as the NicoNico rip is different from mine. I will make two different vesions for you to enjoy.) <Antz, Madagascar 2, Monsters Vs. Aliens & The Boss Baby have been added in dreamworks folder. In that same folder the following have been re-encoded to opus: Flushed Away & Penguins from Madagascar: The Movie <The Grinch (2018) has been added in universal folder. In that same folder the following have been re-encoded to opus: Coraline & Sing <Mary & Max, Two Tails, Go Fish, Beyond Beyond, Ploddy the Police Car on the Case, My Life as a Zucchini, & Leap! has been added to misc. folder. >TV <Oswald is the other big addition to this collection. Interestingly the Lost Media Archive considers the Japanese dub of the show to be, well, lost media. Some fag uploaded a DVD rip of Volume 1 on archive.org that had a few episodes & that was it. Thankfully I got more of the DVD volumes barring two DVD releases which have the last missing episodes so you'll now be able to enjoy most of the adventures of Oswald the Octopus & his doggy friend Weenie in Japanese! Every episode is clocked in at 11 minutes so if you want something short & relaxing to fit in with your busy schedules, Oswald is the perfect treat! It has been added in Paramount folder. <Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye has been added to the sony folder. Info of it exists on Japanese wikipedia but no clips of the dub have surfaced until now. <Ruby Gloom & Babar (1989 TV) has been added to misc. folder Same links from the 2nd previous update. More will be coming soon... In the meantime, enjoy this very special update!
>>935119 Here's a sample of the 1992 Tom & Jerry movie in Japanese. Original English song title is Friends to the End, lyrics were found on a comment from JP YT >僕らは愉快な仲間さ ご機嫌なコンビさ >いつでも どこでも >心あわせれば 二人で一人さ >軽やかに暮らすのさ 陽気なコンビさ >いつでも どこでも共に >暗い気持ちは 慰めあって >お腹がすけば いつも分け合い >喧嘩をしても すぐ仲直り >心強い友達 元気に張り切って行こう >もしも寒さに震えても あとにすぐ春がくるのさ 二人の春 >そうさニッコリ笑って 仲良く暮らせば >心はウキウキ 幸せさ >そうさ ニッコリ笑って >仲良く暮らせば >心はウキウキ 幸せさ
When writing a letter to a Japanese company (in English, I'm not nearly good enough to compose anything of length outside of my native language) should my name in Japanese or my name in Latin characters be at the top of the signature at the end? My surname is an already hard to pronounceable eastern European name made literally impossible to pronounce by a transcription error during immigration generations ago. Also: Is it overly cheeky/unprofessional to include (furiganaed) kanji for the non-Japanese surname? The best approximation for my surname's pronunciation is the natural reading of a common word that's thematically appropriate for this letter.
>>938858 Put your name in latin characters. This makes me wonder though. If you move to japan do you get to decide what kanji make up your name? Or does the government?
>>938858 >>938858 >should my name in Japanese or my name in Latin characters be at the top of the signature at the end? Now I didn't delve deep into Nipponese but isn't katakana meant for westernized words?
>>938951 I don't think its really for names though.
Are there any really easy texts or games I could play as a beginner to Japanese? Like literally just starting? I work better when I have a clear and concise goal in my mind so if I can make reading or playing this particular thing then my learning would improve by a lot
>>939044 Honestly no not really. If you're literally just starting like me you would be looking up 98 percent of the words you come across and the tedium would just make it impossible. Unfortunately you have to build up your vocabulary a decent bit to start playing games. Even games with no kanji. If you need a goal just see if you can pass the JLPT N5 test in july.
>>938858 It depends, what is the purpose of that letter?
So why does the ankidrone N5 tango pack only have a bit over 100 cards in it? If you look at a practice N5 its has may more kanji than whats in the pack.
Has anyone made an anki deck specifically for games? Like an rpg deck with words like dragon, king, map, sword, etc.
You guys have any plans on translating anything when you finally make it? I'd like to finish the game center dx episodes with hamaguchi.
>>939820 I know there was a memrise deck for video game terms, so I am usre you can find an anki deck as well, but at that point it's better to make your own custom deck from what you are mining.
She only smokes in the first edition which makes it the best one.
Is >>953385 Legible?
>>954254 Yes. The first kanji size is disproportionately big compared with the rest but it is legible.
>>954254 Black laborer?
I want to start from absolute 0. What do?
>>956378 Read the OP.
>>956378 Step 0 is find the discipline to grind your anki decks everyday.
Anyone here signed up for the jlpt? I signed up for the N5.
(287.63 KB 978x1360 1632759614161.jpg)

>>729151 I can. though
>>938941 If you're not a citizen you should know your name in katakana in case you need to put it on forms or something. If you get citizenship you make whatever name for yourself that you want with kanji from approved name kanji list or use kana.
I was thinking maybe some of the people ITT can help out with this project and it could be good practice too: >>962257 >>965245 Basically more eyes could be useful to proof read an AI translation, compare it to the Japanese original and do some fixes.
Never really wrote anything of real length outside of English before. Please tell me all the ways I screwed up before I submit this response to Capcom's Dragon's Dogma 2 survey. >僕は米人。日本語が不得意(勉強にも関わらず)です。 前のアンケートたちに記入しました, でもカプコムの「糞設計」が止まらない。 だからぼくの印象は, 僕のフィードバックが「localizer」によりが防止される。 >「ボディタイプ」(body type)は女を卑しめての悪口。それのCharacter Editの用は不名誉! 直してください!\ >なぜ 身長の最小値は 160cmのか?! バストボリュームの最小値は C Cupのか?! なぜあなたはそれをするんですか?ドラゴンズドグマのセールスポイントは「ロリのポーン」だよ! こんなことは許されない! >「Official Pawn」のためにおかまのAV男優(「The Sphere Hunter」)の雇い入れる=[vomit emoji]。「デビルメイクライピークオブコンバット」のために再び雇い入れる=[string of vomit emoji] >最適化不足はまだ直っていません! Gamers Nexus博士のYouTubeビデオ「Dragon's Dogma 2 is a Mess: GPU & CPU Benchmarks, Bottlenecks, & Crashes」は私よりも上手に釈明する。「Denuvo」と「Engima Protector」と マルウェアとは同じもの。 取ってください! >70 USD/9000円の値段とマイクロトランザクションは相いれない. 妥協できない.

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