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Localization "Discourse" Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 14:13:51 Id: ca67ce No. 939797
Seeing fags on twitter flinging shit over Unicorn Overlord's translation, I don't speak nipponese but according to defenders its good localization because "it adds flavor", or that you can translate it different ways because of the language. Wonder what your fags thoughts are. Screencaps are from this thread, Yasumi Matsuno also posted his thoughts on it. https://twitter.com/zakogdo/status/1761626628890018155 https://twitter.com/YasumiMatsuno/status/1761962610243830081 https://archive.is/ijDMK
>I was actually looking forward to this game. >Now its getting butchered by translators. Fucking hell I hate Atlus.
Burgerstanis don't really have a remotely good translation culture because most movies used to come out of Burgerstan, and didn't need translation, resulting in the stunted development of the translation business and culture. In contrast, other countries have had to translate Burgerstani movies for many decades, and have developed a robust translation culture, where being a translator is a prestigious job and being faithful to the original is a sacred practice. Burgerstani localization is basically grunt work that employs pretentious, failed writers who think that their job is to "fix" or "improve" the original works, they don't understand that, as a translator, if you're given pure shit to translate, then it's your duty to translate pure shit, not to "fix" it, not to "improve it", but to make it come off exactly as it does in the original language, or as close as possible to that, and your subjective view of the original work matters for precisely jack and shit, and you should always seek to minimize the impact that your subjective views have on your translation.
>>939801 I feel like this tweet from Yasumi Matsuno is a nice example of what it's like on the other side. https://twitter.com/YasumiMatsuno/status/1762054769278075055
Considering Atlus NA is pozzed, there's no reason to give them the benefit of the doubt anymore. "Punching up" dialogue can be fine if you're using appropriate synonyms (there are multiple ways to translate most descriptive words in Japanese), but if you're changing meanings or adding in your own, that's when it goes too far. In this case, they changed things too much and added too many things of their own. I've seen worse mind you (e.g. NISA and Treehouse), but this is still bad.
>I can't hide anything from you, huh Is probably closer in meaning to >I can't hide it from you, huh I can barely read moonrunes with a kanji dictionary, but from what I checked, the translation is pretty accurate to the Japanese otherwise.
>>939797 Well its not good but it doesn't look like its dogshit tier. At least there's no memes in it.
>>939813 >At least there's no memes in it. The bar is already low when not adding memes which are already shit for writing in general not being added is an improvement.
The general impression I get from 'localization' is that the typical localizer really wants to make a gag dub or 'abridged' dub, 'Ghost stories' is the gold standard to them. The only times when the gag dub is the main dub is when the orginal work is considered to be shoddy in the first place, the original script is missing, or it's comedy anime in the first place. If they want to make a abridged dub then they should make it on their own time and not at the customers expense, or the very least as bonus material.
>>939805 Yes it cancerous on ALL sides But people can only fight the cancer at home. I know there are some shoddily translated history books that attempt to rewrite history And it pissed me off on such a level. Localizers think im rabid over there shitty translations they havent seen even 3/10 of the hatred i show actual translators who maliciously fuck shit up.
>>939842 >shoddily translated history books that attempt to rewrite history You have an example of this?
>>939844 While I don't know about books I know that 'two spirit' that are occasionally brought in defense of tranny shit were initially hid away because there were incidences of out right gay pedophilla, and the man who coined said phrase was a card carrying member of NAMBLA.
>>939844 Dutch just being shit translators Turkish revisionism Chinese revisionism English translations of Chinese history English translations of Japanese history list goes on Most egregious for me are idioms or famous sayings that one side doesn't understands Like i think of one of em was >When you are dust we will still be here And it was translated to >We shall be there to turn you to dust Which creates an extreme fucking difference as one is saying i will outlast you and the other is implying i will murder you.
>>939797 It's the equivalent of dumping a spoonful of MSG in your cooking, it won't taste bad and it won't taste good either but at the very least you're not dumping skittles in it and cooking it dunked in orange juice.
>>939848 Are you thinking of the famous "We will bury you" quote from Khruschev? Because yeah, that's still a famous quote in America, but in English it has the connotation of "we will kill you," when it really means "we will attend your funeral," as in "we will outlast you."
>>939890 No? Today i learned there was another similar idiom.
If the altered dialogue is actually better than the original I don't really care. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92gkDRj3yyE
>>939915 But it isn't. It never is, because it makes it a wholly different work. If you don't want to make a faithful translation, then don't make a translation. What you're saying is just that you don't care about translation at all because there are other works in your native language that can be better.
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>>939915 >Defending localisers changing shit
>>939915 The problem with this is the precedent it sets. 9 times out of 10 the altered dialogue will be worse, full of memes or politically motivated based on the localizer's beliefs and they'll use that 1 in 10 example as justification for why it's okay for them to do this. It's not as if there's zero wiggle room for creativity when translating. Sometimes there's simply no 1:1 way to convey something so you have to do your best, the problem is localizers take this wiggle room and turn it into the fucking grand canyon to the point they are basically fully rewriting characters' personalities to fall in line with their beliefs.
>>939919 Most of your cherished childhood memories were also localized inaccurately, you only care now because it's an autistic obsession. If you cared so much why do you still call it "Resident Evil" instead of "Biohazard"?
>>939935 A name is how it's commonly understood in the eyes of the public, it's difficult to have conversations about the subject if people don't know what you're tspecifically. It's a term of convenience at this point, especially since it's a long-running franchise with significant penetration. Hell, if you started talking about "Biohazard" with others, they might think you're talking about Resident Evil 7 specifically rather than just using the Japanese name for the franchise.
>>939940 Don't know what you're talking about specifically*
>>939935 >Most of your cherished childhood memories were also localized inaccurately, you only care now because it's an autistic obsession. If most of your childhood memories were based on lies you're old and wise enough to figure out were rooted in lies and you wish to prevent that for future generations then what is wrong with that?
>>939940 You use it on /v/, /v/ is not the general public, you have no excuse. >>939943 Do you call this thing a Charizard or a Lizardon?
>>939951 >/v/ is not the general public I think you vastly overestimate /v/.
>>939951 That's an argument for calling it resident evil not against, since that's what the series is called in both the us and european markets.
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Yeah I was willing to give ce49a8 the benefit of the doubt in the first post and responded to him normally. Very clear now he's here in bad faith.
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YES, a new "rightfully shit on localizer and censor scum" thread. So while Xitter was shitting itself over Tifa's frilly bikini last week, Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. ($SQNXF and don't you forget it) snuck some retroactive censorship into Remake Intergrade on Steam via patch, confirming that the conspicuous "muh black undergarments" in JP games are not the artists' decisions. Modding is NOT THE SOLUTION, mind you. But I can't help but wonder why modding is stuck at the extreme of SPAM NUDE MODS everywhere, when it's much simpler to mod character models to return to their softcore original designs. I'm just glad that there is more public attention brought to this and roasting Larry Fink and co. for it. Given vidya's interactive nature both sides can be placated through offering options and toggles but Fink is so aspie he wants to uglify all international media as his homeland is ripped apart.
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>>939972 It boggles my mind why people immediately go on the defensive of multi-million dollar corporations for free. It makes me feel like I should be doing something about it that raises awareness of the true talking points regarding censorship and why it's wrong, plus the noteworthy threat of "proactive" censorship where the game gets censored before it is even shipped for the global and the japanese copies. Maybe memes would help spread the good word? I'm not an e-celeb so I can't just make a video on it like that faggot Cr1tikaL
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>>939972 I feel nothing. My rage is abated. I only feel smug satisfaction that people who supported nuFF7 get what they deserve. It is not a great satisfaction though.
>>939972 Sadly they have a baked-in excuse as Crisis Core and FF7R2 already censored this outfit. This is just trying to cover up the evidence that it was ever different.
>>939972 >3rd pic As someone who loves stockings and bodysuits, it really annoys me that they didn't make them alternate outfits. The Honoka one is just plain stupid.
>>939915 Since the changes make it provably unlike the original author's work it is objectively worse. Perhaps you meant "more entertaining than the original" which makes perfect sense. >>939935 The games I've liked previously and now were not improved by having terms, names and dialogue changed. In fact, since I am less able to talk about those games with other people it makes things worse. What's even worse is that shoddy translations have sometimes made the game harder to play. This thread should be merged with >>597173 which is anchored. A new thread (featuring a link to the archived old thread) can be made when the total posts passes 700. This is not 4chan.
>>940013 Nah let's just keep this thread as it is.
>>939951 >Do you call this thing a Charizard or a Lizardon? Dodging the question?
>>939935 >if you cared so much why do you still call it "Resident Evil" instead of "Biohazard"? I do call it Biohazard. My brain always failed to reasonably see why it was called Resident Evil. It bothered me as a kid and I never understood much why until I was an adult. I also call Haunting Ground as Demento and Dark Cloud 2 as Dark Chronicle.
>>940046 >My brain always failed to reasonably see why it was called Resident Evil. Wasn't the story that they were making a pun based on the fact the first game was set entirely in a mansion, then got stuck with it because unlike Yakuza/Like a Dragon the nips didn't care to force them to conform years later?
>>940054 /pol/ I can understand, but a board with a double digit pph? My guess he just hates us. >>940056 Not really, a band trademarked biohazard rather than to deal with legal bullshit the US branch of capcom had a contest to rename the game. Resident Evil won, your guess being likely reason. This is not unique, star fox 64 is called Lylat Wars in europe, because of a german company had the name StarVox,
>>939972 Just a quick reminder to never pay for video games and always have PC versions so you can mod out their censorship to your heart's content.
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Some anon wanted these dumped here instead of discussed in the GG thread.
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>>940078 Last three from the Twitter thread.
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What a total fucking disaster.
Sorry, op, I just don't have a problem with most of these. It's not reddit meme shit, it's not political buzzword, it's not trying to erase fan service or horniess. It's not deliberately trying to go way off of what the original writer intended in most cases. Frankly, it's kind of nice seeing a fantasy series actually trying to make the character talk in a more grandiose fantastical way instead of just taking like plain normal modern day people. Unless you can find me some statement that Vanilla soft really wanted everyone to talk in a contemporary style of voice for some style reason (and to be fair, I have seen projects where the anachronistic speech was a very intentional style choice) I just can't care to get mad.
Remember how Nocturne HD claimed in its advertising that it was a more faithful translation, and then they (((spiced up))) the dialogue and put shitter memes in it? Did anyone ever compare the scripts and figure out if that claim was a complete lie? I know they changed enough of Isamu's dialogue to change the context of some of his scenes. In Nocturne PS2, when he takes Hijiri hostage in the Amala Temple, he tells you that while he can defeat the demons that are leeching the temple's power, letting you do it would be both quicker and prove your intentions, and agrees to an audience with you in exchange. In Nocturne HD, he instead tells you that he's not strong enough to defeat the demons, and asks for your help, which undermines his character, as his whole motivation was to obtain power through his own means and not rely on anyone else.
>>940075 Honestly I've seen worse, it's a terrible translation but at least it gets somewhat the same point across and isn't fllled with memes. It's bad still but not as bad. It's mostly just tryharding to make it more "poetic". Garbage but still.
>>940072 >>940073 >>940074 The guy seems to be overly flowering up the dialogue. It is a bit obnoxious.
Maybe my tolerance for this shit is just extra high because I've played stuff like the working design's Lunar ports where the characters were outright saying lines directly ripped off from the Simpsons in cut scenes and singing R Kelly song lyrics while casting attack spells
So, what's with the faggot(s) It's most likely one guy trying to cover up for lolcalizers shitting up everything and failing to their jobs just because he find their garbage entertaining while anyone worth their salt can see this shit for what it is? Is there a psyop going on here or just some random cocksucker that got lost on his way?
>>940108 On a board this small the smart money is on someone with a personal grudge against the board/Mark/Acid/GG in general whatever who knows the people here hate censorship so they pretend to like it out of spite.
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I translated the prologue scene in Unicorn Overlord a couple of days ago by comparing my playthough in Japanese and someone's video in English. I already noticed several months ago before the demo was released, from the preview screenshots at the official website, that the English translation wasn't really faithful so I'm not surprised that around 90% of the story script is nothing more than padded and faux Shakespearean wordplay. The latter is especially the bane of ESLs in games where English is the sole translation available. >>939935 <Most of your cherished childhood memories were also localized inaccurately, you only care now because it's an autistic obsession. My interest in Japanese games were very much limited to Nintendo and Sonic while I was more of a PCfag back when I was a kid/teen. I've been more and more aware of English translations screwing things up (the rare translations in my native tongue simply mirrored English) and censorship when I started to enjoy Japanese games in the early-2010's and as time went on. Even if I can play games in moonrunes these days, I do care about the topic to some extent because I believe the average american localization is >highly disrespectful to both the creators and audience >expecting to be awarded by people with their hard-earned money despite the poor professional job >affecting translations in other languages as it's more common for people in other western countries to translate from English than from Japanese
>>940121 >Japanese being "faithful" in a european-aesthetic setting.
>>940121 this purple prose bullshit is pissing me off, not even those in antiquity were so flowery in their speech.
>>940123 You'd be surprised, Vanillaware puts in a lot of effort into each of their games
>>940099 It doesn't have to be the worse to not be worth my money. They can either give a better translation instead of a rewrite, or I can just save my money for something more worthwhile.
>>940157 That's what makes this one particularly painful. Any other developer would be easier to write off. This is a Vanillaware Game.
>>939797 I'm so sick of faggot ESL-tier millennials who watched Game of Thrones once and now suddenly think they know how to write. At least it doesn't look like it's actually changing the meaning of the dialogue like it usually does.
>>940182 This happened to the last Vanillaware game, 13 Sentinels Seems something happened to them at around the same time Sony started censoring their games. At least Vanillaware is starting to branch out from being Sony exclusive.
>>940149 Definitely comes off as a failed writer trying to insert their bullshit and prove they're so much better than the source material.
>>940209 >Let's say some binaries work for me, and others don't. What the fuck does that even mean? It sounds more like he's describing a computer issue rather than gender confusion.
>>939935 >>940046 And you have to admit Dewprism sounds way better than Threads of Fate. Not to mention things in games like Grandleon being renamed Masamune in CT seems negligible but then that carries on to the sequel and you get bullshit like Mastermune instead of Grand Dream because of it.
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>>939935 It was wrong then and it it's wrong now.
>>940046 >>940056 >>940058 Plus it might have been semi reference to Sweet Home which described the mansion of that game as a "house of residing evil".
How does everyone feel about anime adaptions or video game remakes that aren't accurate to the originals...?
>>940408 I mean Bayonetta Bloody Fate is completely inaccurate to the game but I wouldn't really ever complain about it, same with the DMC anime it's definitely a different vibe than the game but then again the games all have a fairly different vibe going from one to the other. can't think of other vidya to anime adaptation right now Remakes that aren't faithful are usually best ignored, it's rarely as horrible as RE3make which is probably the only one I'd really complain about off the top of my head.
>>940417 >can't think of other vidya to anime adaptation right now Just about every Japanese (And a couple Western) video game have a manga/anime adaptation.
This shit already sounded bad in the FFT PSP port translation and the DS Dragon Quest ports, this isn't much better.
>>940447 Dragon Quest has been dealing with this shit since the 1st game. When they actually removed the Shakespearian bullshit in GBC version the nostalgia faggots whined about it.
>>940447 I know offhand that the PSP FFT translation actually introduces two new errors not in the original PS1 translation (which I maintain is actually fine on the critpath for the first three chapters, it just shits the bed entirely in non-mandatory text and chapter 4). During the flashback to Ramza's dad he says "You've been at the Akademy since...since spring, is it?" when it hasn't started yet (translated correctly on PS1). In Japanese script Delita's line identifying himself as human at Zeirchele is written to echo Milleuda's earlier pleas that she and the Corpse Brigade are "human, just like you", only differing slightly due to Japanese grammar (female speaker and plural vs. male speaker and singular), but the PSP translation phrases it differently so echo is diminished/lost (where on PS1 it's exact). I'm sure a more detailed examination will reveal more issues.
>>940450 The dragon quest nes games were no where near as bad as the stuff OP posted. Dragon quest went downhill when they started doing the stupid accents in the DS games.
>>940461 The recent Famicom script patches are decent but the original NES versions aren't exactly ESL tier shit like the DS ports.
lizefic(shortening of localized fiction) is what im coining so as to refer to stuff(merch, fanfic, theories, etc) derived from the localized "cannon", in contrast with "sourcefic"(id need help with coming up with a better term for it), oh and just so you know, i originally went with dubfic instead of lizefic, but then i realized that there are dubs that adhere to the source, aka they are proper translations, so bundling them with the filth just doesn't seem fair or accurate
>‘Persona’ Series English Localizer Decries Recently Fired ‘Lovely Complex’ Dub Writer Not For Bad Work, But For Proving “Culture Warrior Weirdos” Right https://archive.md/8wD0Z Here's the lady's page: https://www.mobygames.com/person/1069170/katrina-leonoudakis/credits/ Is there any Steam curator groups that keep track of the people in the industry doing shoddy game localizations? I'm asking because, seeing how much of an uproar the Sweet Baby curator group caused, would the same thing result for game translations?
>>941388 Thank you
Now that the game's out, is there any confirmations of censorship on the western side? (Or significant (((localization))) changes besides what's been shown in the demo thus far, e.g. attempting to remove references to femininity and terms used to reference females, etc.)
>>941384 >>941388 Why do they all look like this?
>>944588 Because they're part of a clique.
>>944588 In-group identification.
>>941384 Can we put these people to death via fireing squad?
>>941384 Is that a he, a she, or an it?
>>944588 Its literally a tranny, what did you expect?
>>953032 EVERYTIME
Brazillians are dunking on me in the FFXVI for being fine with this games localization. Honestly I'm not really going to defend myself or anything because I don't give a shit about the opinions of "textbox number 2f9nf8" or whatever the fuck. I just committed the crime of enjoying the game that's all.
>>939801 It's worse than that, because nearly a century of America being a powerhouse generator of culture for global distribution means that we have a sort of manifest destiny outlook on translations. It's up to US to fix problematic content, to punch it up and make it better. That's part of why translators are so caviler about their changes. The world gives us their unfinished and unpolished work, and we finish it up and make it our own. Even without the ideological drive to spread globohomo to the four corners, you'd likely still see western translators sending consultants to other countries in order to advise them on how to originate the dialogue for a more global audience right from the outset.
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>>953068 >.gif
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>>953056 Go fuck yourself.
>>940100 This is honestly as much of a localization problem as it is a translation problem, honestly. Translating idiosyncratic dialogue is extremely hard to do without it coming off as bland and/or nonsensical, especially doing it consistently and while Japan isn't as idosyncratic as, say, Russian, many things DO have their specific flavor and making that come across is hard. Japan has their own "fantasy dialogue" in the same way that English does and trying to have that come across while not leaning on western cliches can be quite difficult. A good example of this with a historical twist is is Hyouge Mono. Most of the dialogue is antiquated and often formal (yes, roughly comparable to early modern English) with a lot of extremely archaic idioms and references to historical events and it took YEARS to finally be completed. >>940149 >this purple prose bullshit is pissing me off, not even those in antiquity were so flowery in their speech. Kinda. Part of the issue is that language is malleable and English is probably the best example (or worst offender, depending on your perspective) out there. Words and phrases that were commonplace centuries ago might today seem very purple. "Stout yeoman" literally just meant "[physically] strong [free] man [land-owner]" 400+ years ago but if someone said it unironically today you'd roll your eyes. At the same time, if the dialogue was completely modern then it would be, if not necessarily flavorless, then at least bland. This is compounded by the fact that English has traditionally had different standards for spoken and written dialogue AND was stratified by class and verbatim transcripts of conversations spoken several hundred years ago are virtually nonexistent. You sometimes get snippets in stuff like court transcripts but for the most part we're left guessing at how "everyday" people spoke because almost all of the dialogue has come down through the ages is literary in nature and eking out what people actually sounded like is an academic venture. There are literally hundreds of rhymes in Shakespeare alone that no longer function because the pronunciation has changed so much despite the words and their meanings remaining more-or-less intact. >>940211 I mean, maybe, but more than anything else this just smells like incompetence to me. I suspect that it's people (or a person in charge) who who has read too many crappy fantasy novels trying to impose that on a more literal and accurate translation because the latter would be "boring". As always, the answer to shitty translations is "learn moon" because there are basically NO good translations out there because competent, professional (mindset, not skill level) JA -> EN translators are working on things like literature and government documents and not weebslop because they're underbid by people taking the job BECAUSE it's weebslop.
>>953056 Good. I hope they keep doing it.
>>953154 I'm fine with slight dialogue changes as long as it stays true to the source material but if entire meanings of dialouge get changed then thats gay and the localizers need to be reigned in, that's my not so crazy opinion about this situation. I have no clue how many games I play where it's effected my localization cuckery as all I play are indies and nip games. Hopefully AI will come and translate everything and shove faggy ass localizers who know better than to do their own OCs in a game, but I will miss the fancified dialogue that nips culturally can't understand so they won't do. Was there localization issues with Elden Ring? I never once heard about that being an issue with that game.
>>953179 Dunno if it counts but Elden Ring has that type a/b bullshit attached to it’s character creator.
>>953182 What's weird about that is the game still very much refers to you as male or female in game, fuck Melina (best girl) well refer to the tarnished as she or he. Makes me think it was added in last sec.
>>953182 Yeah thats gay and I remember one anon outright saying Elden Ring is tranny shit but in that case at least we get to beat the shit out of a unironic literal tranny, Marika/Radagon. Miquella/St.Trina may be the same case, either that or Miquella likes to occasionally be a crossdressing faggot. I recently played a bit of Armored Core 6 and I believe the translations are exact as the subtitles for both English and Japanese are the exact same. >>953185 The reason is the loud minority in the western market, some Palworld dev said something along the lines of them appealing to weirdo westerners with that type a/b shit.
>>953179 >I'm fine with slight dialogue changes as long as it stays true to the source material but if entire meanings of dialouge get changed then thats gay The issue that arises is that the thresholds for all of those things are purely arbitrary. Any sort of translation work is always a balancing act between meaning and meaning, with the former representing literalism and the latter representing intent. A happy medium of some sort can generally be found but it's not easy and never - ever - "perfect" because all translation is interpretation. >and the localizers need to be reigned in, Absolutely. The kind of bullshit that's been posted in this thread is wildly unacceptable and unprofessional. >that's my not so crazy opinion about this situation. It's uninformed but reasonable - you just want translations that preserve as much of the original as possible while being intelligible and accessible. Nothing wrong with that at all and that's generally what the "happy medium" ends up looking like for fiction. >I have no clue how many games I play where it's effected my localization cuckery as all I play are indies and nip games. Literally all of them. If it's been translated then there's something you're missing out on, simple as. That doesn't mean much, though. Some people (who generally can't read moon and who are therefore talking out their ass) also have this weird complex about Japanese games in particular where the original text is held as sacrosanct despite often being absolutely boilerplate. I've played some older jap games in the original language and it's not like they were timeless masterpieces before those waito piggu translators got their hands on them, by any stretch of the imagination. Some games are gud and some are worse and most are just "serviceable" and frankly I don't feel that they suffer much from translation.
>>953244 >Some people (who generally can't read moon and who are therefore talking out their ass) also have this weird complex about Japanese games in particular where the original text is held as sacrosanct despite often being absolutely boilerplate. If the story and dialogue is shit in the original script, translations should reflect that. It's not the translator's job to punch up dialogue that they think is badly written, as that is taking on far more the role of a writer than a translator ought to. If something is written like shit, let it be shit in English as well. Funny joke rewrites for games that have bad writing in the first place should be purely in the realm of fan works, not professional translations. Ghost Stories shows that if you allow this behavior, translators will simply lie about the original script being bad to justify their butchering of it. And for many years, people believed them too.
>>953389 The idea of writing stuff to "punch up" is supposed to be to compensate for other lines inevitably being flattened due to difference in language. If a character is super polite/formal and then very crass about a single, particular topic it makes sense to make the "crass" line very rude since it's hard to express a character being formal in English without making them a wet blanket. If you want to see a game that failed to do this (along with every other translation issue possible for native English speakers) check out the original Golden Sun: The characters are all much flatter because the Japanese dialog characterizes with stuff that doesn't exist in English.
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>>953389 >If something is written like shit, let it be shit in English as well. Now thats something I fundamentally disagree with. Shit needs to be flushed down the toilet where it belongs no matter the culture or context. >Ghost Stories shows that if you allow this behavior <Mocking the Ghost Stories dub at all >mfw vid related
You cannot concede period to minor things, as the moment you tolerate some shit. It only further enables worse shit to get in, some of you might find that mindset rather extreme. But it's necessary as these things have gotten only worse since 2016, these localisation teams are actively fucking over the original work being successful in the west, by being the way they are.
>>953439 >Shit needs to be flushed down the toilet where it belongs no matter the culture or context. Too vague. Do you mean not translated at all, or just rewrite things as you please when you think they're terrible? >Muh dub was funneh, please don't point out how the translators lied about the show bombing in Japan so they didn't have to do their job No, kill yourself.
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>>953511 >Too vague. If the company who is importing the game wants more of a "locilization" and not a direct translation, things can and should be rewritten to fit cultural contexts more, fit dialects and accents, fixed to match how people spoke during a time period, or fixed to be made less flat and plain sounding all while keeping it's original intent intact as much as possible. You'd think that'd be obvious, but no I apparently have to spoonfeed you now anon. >Muh dub Lie or not they saved that show with the dub and it's now absolutely legendary with some of the best humor I have seen, modern humor is all fucking limp dicked and safe and politically correct but GS is genuinely funny. The show on its own is mediocre dogshit, if it was translated in its boring generic plain ass way it would have been forgotten in the west, perhaps even flopped over here and we wouldn't even be talking about it today. That dub is the only redeeming factor about that otherwise bland as fuck forgettable anime, it's the only reason people like it. Prove me wrong if you can. >No, kill yourself. I hear glass cleaner mixed with bleach is a great way to clean surfaces in your bathroom. Mix em together and take a whiff I hear it smells great!
>>953517 > they saved that show From what? It was already successful without their rewrite. >>953517 >The show on its own is mediocre dogshit The on its own is still getting reruns decades later in Japan in competition with new shows because it was that good.
>>953517 Also, read >>953515 Never trust localizers. How can you be so willfully blind given the thread you're in?
>>953517 >Lie or not they saved that show with the dub BULLSHIT! That was a lie the whole time when the show did well in Japan and got several reruns for over a decade. https://iv.datura.network/watch?v=wVkYediuSuw&t=5s Also like anon here >>953556 said read >>953515
>>953517 Faggots like you are the reason we have to put up with goyslop localizations.
>>953389 >If the story and dialogue is shit in the original script, translations should reflect that. Agreed, to an extent. However, the difference between rewriting something for clarity and rewriting something because "this character's motivations are stupid" or "this scene is offensive" or whatnot is night and day. >It's not the translator's job to punch up dialogue that they think is badly written, as that is taking on far more the role of a writer than a translator ought to. In principle, yes, but the problem is that if you don't do some editorializing then dialogue in particular tends to end up with an incredibly boring flat affect that ALSO ends up being a shitty translation. As mentioned before there's no such thing as a 1:1 translation so decisions have to be made at some point. This is usually what makes or breaks a translation - good translators can find relevant analogues for character voices and bad ones either can't or go too far in doing so. >If something is written like shit, let it be shit in English as well. My point was that most games do not noticeably suffer from the editorial decisions that are necessary when translating anything. >Funny joke rewrites for games that have bad writing in the first place should be purely in the realm of fan works, not professional translations. Ghost Stories shows that if you allow this behavior, translators will simply lie about the original script being bad to justify their butchering of it. And for many years, people believed them too. The Ghost Stories dub was both an extreme anomaly and an absolute masterpiece and the original show was boring as shit IMO. I watched it out of curiosity after watching the dub and found it about as amusing as dry toast, basically Japanese Goosebumps. However, I agree with you on this. >>953555 >>953572 >Using stats to defend anything In that case I'd be interested to hear you defend le bazingaman show on the same grounds.
What is with this strange defense of this?
>>953651 A good game makes people want to like it, despite the cancer that localised it.
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>>940121 Is it super bad to be making the English script more flowery when the Japanese script is comparatively concise? I just really dislike it when they change actual story elements, change what is directly said (FE ellipses scene for example), and inject homo shit into it, or as is becoming more common, just censor stuff. I'm unsure what to think, because, for example Dragon Quest translations with their accent shit, yeah, it's a bit hard to read and even embarrassing and stupid sometimes, but I think it made those games a little more fun and charming than the Japanese which is mostly normal Japanese, from what I've played. But I can see people using the "just adding flavor" as an excuse to fuck with things and add their own homo interpretations...
>>953665 That's the problem, localizer's have taken the excuse of "well it would be dry if we 1:1 translated it, so it's okay if we "punch it up". And then they end up butchering it because they add context that wasn't there or completely change characters. Bear in mind the original release of persona 5 came out and proved them all wrong since it was the best selling persona game at the time and really broke into the western market despite it having a "dry" translation. Of course now Atlus has been infiltrated so we're not going to get shit like that anymore.
>>953665 >Is it super bad to be making the English script more flowery when the Japanese script is comparatively concise? I think it is once it reaches the level of "flowery", yeah. Translating dialogue is like cooking; too little seasoning means the meal is bland but always edible even if its potential was wasted and too much seasoning means that the meal is somewhere between "unpleasant" and "inedible". >I'm unsure what to think, because, for example Dragon Quest translations with their accent shit, yeah, it's a bit hard to read and even embarrassing and stupid sometimes, but I think it made those games a little more fun and charming than the Japanese which is mostly normal Japanese, from what I've played. It's a matter of taste. Some people would prefer something that's extremely accurate even if it has the character of stale wonderbread and some """people""" [read: FE fans] will prefer and defend translations that go wildly afield of the source material. Everything is somewhere on the spectrum and the ideal for most people is not noticing a phrase ever sticking out as being either excessively literal or obviously rewritten. Not an easy balancing act, all told. >I just really dislike it when they change actual story elements, change what is directly said (FE ellipses scene for example), and inject homo shit into it, or as is becoming more common, just censor stuff. >But I can see people using the "just adding flavor" as an excuse to fuck with things and add their own homo interpretations... And that's the bigger issue: the trust is destroyed. 20 years ago if a male character said "I don't swing that way" upon being hit on by a woman you would generally assume that that's a faithful translation (even if there's a very good chance that it wasn't) but in CY+9 that line would set off alarm bells and you'd want to check that it wasn't originally "No thanks, you're too ugly for me" or "I hate women" or something and was changed by some troon because yikes sweety misogyny is gross thank goodness I was here to fix this :^).
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>>953517 >still here
>>953644 >In that case I'd be interested to hear you defend le bazingaman show on the same grounds. This isn't a claim to anons personally liking Ghost Stories' original script, this is proof that the show did not bomb as was originally claimed as an excuse by the translators, and instead did very well.
>>953665 >But I can see people using the "just adding flavor" as an excuse to fuck with things and add their own homo interpretations... You don't have to imagine, this is one of the go-to excuses they use.
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>>940585 >lizefic(shortening of localized fiction) I like the idea of giving this shit a name, but I'm not fond of the name "Lizefic". Almost sounds like something about a woman named Lize. What about "Vanfic", as in Vandalized Fiction? It not only gets the idea across that the material is butchered, but also that the localizers abuse their position simply because they can. I get that it might be too close to "fanfic" in terms of pronunciation, but I think that makes it more memorable of a term. Plus, I think the idea of being called a vandalizer would piss localizers off.
>>954594 Vanfic sounds awesome.
>>954594 Both of these options sound like an out of touch 40 year old trying to sound young and hip again. Keep throwing things at the wall.
>>954594 >vanfic But it has nothing to do with vans. I nominate "re-/mistranslated fiction", i.e. tranfic.
>>954594 I don't these labels are going to stick it's just easier to just insult them directly, call them butter passers. I know rick and morty is cringy and gay but the 'you pass butter' really fits localization to a tee. We just want them to do a single thing. A middleman that's needed to translate the game into english, but they want to anything but that.
>>940209 It was a combination of Atlus being absorbed by Sega and Sega hiring the bitch who censored Monster Monpiece and placed her in a higher up position over localization both Catherine's and P5R censorship immeditatly followed suit.
If people want slang something will develop organically, no need to try and force a meme
>>954753 This is the best so far. Vanfic was better than lizefic, but tranfic, used only after establishing the term "translation fiction" has been established to be inaccurate translations.
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>Trying to put everything down to one word Stop being faggots and just talk about the vermin normally, trying to force it all to one word just causes headaches. Nevermind all the "fic" shortenings so far would just get confused for fanfic variants(even if that is the intent) and "localizer" is a dirty word for anyone in the know anyway.
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Just found this digging through my files. Fuck localizers.
>>955877 >>955878 What should it have be translated to?
>>955888 lolicon
>>955899 >...some words have a national timbre so expressive of race characteristics that the best of translators can do them but scant justice, not to say positive injustice and grievance. >t. Inazo Nitob Indeed.
>>955878 >>lolicon was translated to creep >TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM how long till marvelous goes under you guys think, i give them at most 5 years.
>>956067 Senran Kagura hasn't had a new game in ten years though.
>>956067 The gachashit, zombie corpse of Senran Kagura will keep them afloat for a long time, sadly. Now, the instant Yaegashi Nan decides to stop drawing art for New Link (he seems to love drawing Senrans, so that's unlikely), or someone convinces him to work on a spiritual successor, Marvelous is fucked. Pics related. They're from Yaegashi's "childhood friend" drawings.
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>>956152 I miss this girls like you wouldn't believe
>>956154 There will always be others.
>>956158 >there will always be other waifus How dare you nigger.
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>>956158 These girls are gone as well
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>>956220 These, too. I know almost everyone hated Valkyrie Drive compared to Senran, but I liked it. The anime was trash, though, and I understand why it turned off so many people from the series.
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>>956243 But what of good Sol- uhh Dead or Alive?
I'll never understand the excuses made for the localisation of Unicorn Overlord.
>>958002 Most of it comes down to "It's not a trainwreck so it's fine". In the sense that making the language borderline shakesperian might fuck with the tone of several scenes but it's not full on rewriting characters or removing gendered langauge like Triangle Strategy, FE Engage, and other older prime examples. They even went back on some of it after the initial backlash like the difficulty menu localization and some other UI things, too, so that makes people more likely to defend them.
>>939797 Japanese game localizations or translations have never been good. They weren't 30 years ago, they certainly are not today. There is no argument to be made here. Should have learned japanese.
>>958052 They should be aware that the next time it'll go to full on pozz.
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>>939805 >I feel like this tweet from Yasumi Matsuno is a nice example of what it's like on the other side. Well i think their situation is much different and while still bad, it is not as bad as ours. In their case, is more of some unfunny retard thinking he knows better going: >"If this character will say x instead of y people here in Japan will find it funnier than what it originally said in the original version!" So while still stupid, it is something done in good faith, while the shit kikes and their pet liberals pull here is clearly malicious: <"So this guy is wearing a wig because he's trying to hide and doesn't want to be recognized? Let's say he's tranny and identifies as the opposite sex instead, nothing must be free of our niggerfaggot agenda!"
>>958084 >Should have learned japanese. Knowing Japanese is pointless in regards to games that get fucked by translation because now those same games are being fucked during development for the global audience by the same people that fucked them in translation before. The only way knowing Japanese helps this problem is if you yourself enter the industry and push back against this flagrant faggotry as a translator.
>>941388 >Games recomended <Reddit Dead Redemption 2 Did they forget you earn good-boy points for killing KKK members or the guy wanting segregation? Let alone they filtered a fuckton of no-no names for your horse because apparently Arthur Morgan "was ahead of his time" bullshit, so yeah, a taste of rewritting problematic history.
>>958702 Alternatively, a backlog of ancient games unmolested by the psychotics. Isn't the Sega Saturn a treasure trove of that shit?
>>958721 That's just burying your head in the sand as the future of vidya gets worse and worse. By giving up on the industry you're allowing all the potential for new great games to be squandered.
>>958702 >The only way knowing Japanese helps this problem is if you yourself enter the industry and push back against this flagrant faggotry as a translator. Which honestly is most likely the only way to do it at this point.
>>958716 Plus a lot of suffragettes are framed as good girls who dindu nuffin, and you are forced to take care of them. Also a ton of crying over "muh indians"
>>958724 Can't say I see a solution on that front, hence the backlog and ROM hoarding. Yes, a spotlight has been shined on Sweet Baby but what else? I give it a year to see if it did anything substantial. I'd do the same for anime but there's an astounding amount of English subs never ever, and listening to Japanese is much harder than reading it.
>>958729 >listening to Japanese is much harder than reading it I've naturally picked up on some rudimentary level of Japanese by listening to it over time in anime. With text you need consistent exposure and you'd have to seek that on your own (and its far more impenetrable than listening to subtitled works which naturally have a translation available for you for what you're hearing)
>>958724 >>958729 I honestly don't think the industry is going to get better until the bottom drops out of the global economy. The industry went to shit because it became so big which made the faggot corporate types realize that there was money to be had and so they reduced everything down to the lowest common denominator. THEN the superfaggot political types say that games had a huge captive audience and started worming their way in to try and manipulate culture and after gamers pushed back they also began ruining classic series and characters out of revenge. When gaming goes back to being basically a basement/garage industry only then will it be fixed.
>>958733 >When gaming goes back to being basically a basement/garage industry only then will it be fixed. And until then, the ancient backlog will suffice. >>958730 This may very well be a me problem. Even as a kid I insisted on subtitles even on local television when possible as I had an autistic thing for reading whatever's said out loud. Japanese isn't something I would put on the background except for music due to how heavy on the context it is. Don't get me started on pitch accents, dialects, contractions, and homonyms. >listening to subtitled works which naturally have a translation available for you for what you're hearing Considering the nature of localization these days and to say nothing of how long this shit's been going on, I find myself second guessing even anime from the 80s. Not fun.
Speaking of localization, Im trying to push the name "culture colonizers" for localizers. The reason for that is this last wek Tomb raider devs came and said they will make lara croft apologize for her colonial raider culture or some shit like that. So since they have such a hate boner for the word "colonial", I want to use on them
>>958754 It fits since they're trying to impose Western pizza.
>>958892 Pozz sorry I'm craving pizza
>>958729 > and listening to Japanese is much harder than reading it. If all you're reading is stuff meant to be intelligible to literal children and eschews kanji, yeah. Otherwise it's way harder. Japanese phonemes are piss-easy so long as you're not listening to someone with a strong regional accent and even muh inflection isn't much of a hurdle. Yeah, "hashi", "hashi" and "hashi" might all mean different things in the strictest sense but it's pretty easy to tell if someone is talking about chopsticks, scraps of something or a bridge just by having functional brain cells unless they're making a pun about a bridge looking like it's made of chopsticks.
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>>958754 >I’m trying to push dialectic only communists use Why not just kill yourself, then? Holy shit. How is that supposed to stop this behavior? Are you responsible for this article on Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes that uses that very phrase? https://archive.md/8Ewik
>>961020 It's called using their own tactics against them, basically we would point out that they're racist in themselves, and then they'll try to back pedal.
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>>961020 My japanese isn't great but I think she may also be saying something stupid in your second pic.
>>961092 >just become your enemies Dipshit. >>961112 She's saying "open sesame," not that other stupidity.
>>961142 Good point.
>>961153 I just realized something. They didn't change that JUST to change it. They actually think "open sesame" is racist against middle easterners/Egyptians. Holy fucking shit.
>>961178 What the fuck? Seriously?
>>961188 Probably! I remember reading something similar about that years and years ago. And lo and behold… https://twitter.com/alyssaharad/status/527146565816057856 yes, it's a jew I was going to link to some other articles but both archive services refuse to do them (because they normally can bypass paywalls and this shit's not happening for some reason).
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>>961178 It's like that moment when I realized that they probably changed the fat official in DeS remake because they thought the original was wearing blackface.
I still don't get the retarded meme usage in localizations, sometimes it's funny in a bad way but it's mostly retarded mis-translation bullshit, even with stupid shit like the older Neptunia translations with the obvious lines they made up that just make the characters sound worse when they're trying to sound sincere about something when they're not just trying to replicate Lucky Star.
>>961297 Because they are fucking faggots.
>>961298 They really are just faggots, it should be obvious enough when they're called out in public.
>>961297 I legitimately think the "rub a dub dub" ones are an explicit taunt to people like us.
>>961302 It absolutely is.
>>961302 It wouldn't be the first time.
>>961020 >using 15 words when 5 will do >lacking any ability to discern speech patterns and keep them consistent among characters >faggoty millennial "humor" Learn to speak English before pretending to be a translator. It's even more inexcusable with anime memesubs and voiced dialogue because you can hear intonation from the character's actor, but I guess we're not dealing with humans most of the time. Even the MTL ESL spics on mangadex are better than "official" releases.
>>958754 That's a stupid idea because leftists have no principles. Their words can't be turned against them because their words don't actually mean anything by design. The only solution to the problem of leftists is to push them into the lava in Minecraft.
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>>961020 >those images I don't even play jap games, but holy shit this makes me mad.
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>At least, non-English translations are safe from terminally online peop-
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>>961817 Nevermind, it has 2 sets of subtitles for some reasons
>>961817 >>961829 There are separate subtitles for the English Dub, and the Japanese Dub in current LAD games.
>>961020 hello my fellow chuds
>>961835 Oh, I forgot to post this one. >DID YOU JUST ASSUME THE GOLEM'S GENDER??
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>>961196 That's retarded. These people are retarded
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>>961831 OK, so "twerp" is from the English Dub. Other European languages uses the English Subs as a base. The Spanish one is incredible.
>>961302 It's an effective tactic on their end, provided they're not dumb enough to brag about doing it. >MMMMnm look at little chuddies thinking they're important enough for us to taunt in the game, hahaha! except way more annoying then that cause I can't replicate them well enough. Point is there's enough plausible deniability that they can insert almost anything to jab at us and squirm out of addressing it when called out
>>961857 That's not exactly the case when it's blatantly obvious shitposting in a script, any jackass can see that so that doesn't exempt the guy editing it.
A dedicated autist is trying to use AI to retranslate Eiyuden Chronicle: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1658280/discussions/0/4357871582655039285/ The Steam forums for the game are a warzone right now and it's getting raided hard by resetera, but the AI translation thread hasn't been deleted. Check out the files in his google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1n9e1v-l4ovG5ZRNuHPbOoC2Jk165ehWQ Looks like he could use some help proof reading and tweaking the AI translated files.
>>961817 >>961829 >>961831 >>961844 I'm glad I gave up on the Yakuza games a long time ago. The localization shit has only gotten worse.
>>962257 Still better than the pozzed localization probably, but AI translation on its own isn't fully reliable, you still need an editor and someone to verify the translation who can actually read Japanese.
>>962268 Yeah, someone should ask him about it.
>>961835 i really hope this shit flops but normal fags and consoomers have disappointed me and carried shit games before.
I do wonder how anyone fell for backing this though, i think i remember being links the kick starter a long long time ago and leaving when i saw a black girl front and center i would say maybe people where more naive back then but they are even worse now.
>>962276 Yeah, it absolutely sucks but at this point if you've backed it then there's nothing you can do other than leave a message on kickstarter calling out the shitty localization.
>>961844 The Italian one is a slurry version of little virgin. It's a very uncommon one though.
That Metaphor game might be getting censored in the west >>961953 >>961956
>>962583 I'd not jump yet.
>>962583 It's probably due to Jewtube being shit, if it's censored it's either developed to be as safe as possible with no sexualization or the dialog.
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Neptunia 3 is a lot more enjoyable with the retranslation patch, I really don't care for the english dubscript. Neptunia 2 is just a shitty game though with or without it since the writing is shit, Broccoli and Cave can't save it since there isn't enough cute girls doing cute things tm along with the retarded piracy plot and making GaoGaiGar one of the main villains giving piracy to kids.
>>962788 It's very inconsistent as in the Japanese version you get both blood/gore and sexy backless dress lady.
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>>953665 Replying to myself - after seeing more footage and reading more of it, I have to say that yes it's bad even if it doesn't change the story directly. Instead it totally changes the mood of the story. Even disregarding the possibility of such a translation as a pretext to inject a narrative, it so vastly goes against what the original is trying to be that it's embarrassing. The people who did the localization should be ashamed, to be honest. Really, thinking about it, even if, say, a 90's RPG or anime translation got shit wrong, or changed shit, that's better than what this is, because back then they just did it because they were lazy or unskilled or even had text space limits. This, there is no excuse, it's pretty much a deliberate decision to make it an inferior product. If I could guess it's probably because whoever did it wants to stroke their own ego and feel like they had a part in telling the story. It's actually reprehensible. >>962268 Yes, exactly. In addition, AI translation will eventually be trained to avoid offensive things, and if it's just trained on things that are already translated terribly, it will translate stuff just as terribly. That and you have to be aware of context a lot, for example, if you just put in a transcript sentence-by-sentence it may be very awkward because Japanese is very high-context. The extra time spent proofreading it might just be better spent getting someone who's already fluent at Japanese (or, just passable at Jap but can navigate a monolingual Jap dictionary) to translate it.
>>962855 >Really, thinking about it, even if, say, a 90's RPG or anime translation got shit wrong, or changed shit, that's better than what this is, because back then they just did it because they were lazy or unskilled or even had text space limits. Eh, depends on how bad it is. The intent is worse on the parts of the translator, yes, but if the results of the latter are better than the former, you have to wonder. Plus, there was still plenty of this kind of (((localization))) problem back then too. They changed plenty of shit to be more "palatable" to western audiences. Look at the PS1 translation of Persona 1 where they turned Mark into a literal nigger, or really almost anything Working Designs did. Its almost asking which would you prefer, a bad translation in terms of competency, or a bad translation in terms of pozz. Neither option is all that great. If its pozz, it depends on how extensive it is in the TL, because you can just fix those individual scenes and otherwise most of the game might be translated acceptably, whereas with the previous one's case, you might have to re-translate the entire game from scratch to get it up to proper standards.
>>962856 The translation of Persona 1 was alright engrish though beyond the dumb name changes and cutting out half the fucking game like lazy shitheads, they just turned the punk that wanted to fuck Maki into a nigger.
>>963013 They changed the sprite of several characters the name of them all, the demons names and every japanese reference
>>963023 Beyond the sprite edits and maybe the changed demon names (which a lot of them are just things like the japanese toilet demon and basketball ghosts) I don't remember any of the japanese references being memorable in the PSP translation either since the town is an alternate reality changed by Maki's hatred of cops and doctors and love of guns. The localization isn't good but I never saw any intentionally mis-translated lines like a gag dub or a redub or whatever, it's just lazy as fuck, the script isn't offensive to read.
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>>963024 The PSP translation is a middle ground between an accurate translation and the Localized PS1 version, it keeps the nicknames but the fact that it's supposed to be Japan remains clear. Part of what I can't call the PS1 "localization" out of malice or pozz is that they wanted it to be >Since the town is an alternate reality changed by Maki's hatred of cops and doctors and love of guns It's closer that Maki's dream world is generally created by her fascinations and ideal scenarios. Assholes IRL are nice there, she gets to walk around like a normal person, it was implied that demons being real is part with her fascination with the occult, the weird guy that creeps people out in the library actually knows stuff. For Maki's ideal reality everyone practices the NAP and gets guns off the gas-station to fend off demons.
>>963028 That's brilliant, never thought of it that way. How is the Ice Queen's route supposed to be interpreted then?
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Meant to type >Part of what I can't call the PS1 "localization" out of malice or pozz is that they wanted it to be a success in the states and back then the Anglosphere was less Japanophelic than it is today. >>963030 That one doesn't fit as cleanly, the Snow Queen shit happening for decades and that one is supposed to be a legit haunting with all the supernatural shit being real. Though there is some resonance with Maki(I guess that's the actual final boss of the Sebec route, her nihilism) and Kandori as they contribute to Nyx' final form due to their suicidal tendencies and influence on the D.E.V.A system. Otherwise you could argue that Maki's occult fascination along with the DEVA tech allowed the sea of souls to "flow over" and integrate demons in her dream world so well. The Snow Queen mask going apeshit and taking the school with it is just the perfect cocktail of events for it to drag the whole school in it's world, what with the voodoo reaching critical mass, the DEVA system loosening the barrier between the collective unconscious and physical reality and the aforementioned suicidal thoughts of both major figures in the Deva System. There's a case for either interpretation,though SMT...If being canon and P2's additions point to this being closer to what they actually meant for it.
>>963030 I'm pretty sure it's just a hidden bonus alternative side-route like the Akira storyline in If, the bits with Maki and Kandori after you collect all the mirror shards feels tacked on and just vaguely hinted at involvement with things outside of the story route. The DEVA stuff is basically a retread of SMT If and Tadashi's insert waifu basically states it.
>>963040 There's a massive difference, Hazama is throwing the mother of all shitfits with the most elaborate school shooting to ever happen while Maki is a victim and a friend to the party. Hazama's backstory and mindscape are route exclusive and backloaded while in P1 the clues are spread out before the endgame puts everything to perspective. In If it's a lonely journey with your paired partner while in Persona 1 you have a whole party of fun people to hang out with. It's a kind of story where more and more of it makes sense the moment you understand that the alternate world is supposed to be from Maki's mind and things start clicking into place from her character, your party member, the antagonists and the plot-points themselves.
>>962257 Looks like that retranslation is picking up steam, but there's a shitload of work to be done and only two autists doing it. Maybe some of our own autists from the learn Japanese threads can help out. The project has a github and a discord now so that should make things easier to organize. https://github.com/TailsKitsune/Eiyuden-Chronicles_Retranslated https://discord.gg/sUF3h9pd
Has there ever been a fan retranslation of Skies of Arcadia? Since apparently the English translation was almost totally made up?
>>965685 A rumored remaster might get it done but that's monkey's paw shit.
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>>965245 Shut it down mode engaged.
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Anyone knows hows the translation/localization of Romancing Saga 3 (the one for PC/Switch cause the snes translation project was never finished)?
>>966426 The SNES Mana Sword "30%" translation is complete (engrish) more or less, from what I saw the Switch translation was readable but it's a Unity mobile port with tweened sprite animations capped at 30fps (which you can fix an obvious way) , I'm just not really sure if I'd even care about it. There's reason with 2's unity port since nobody bothered releasing a patch for it. The PC ports themselves are shitty since the FPS in both are stuttering messes which makes sense since they're half assed Squeenix PC ports of a literal native PC engine (lol).
>>966464 Thanks for the info
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>>965363 TOTAL LOCALIZER DEATH. Kill localizers. Behead localizers. Roundhouse kick a localizer into the concrete. Slam dunk a localizer baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy localizers. Defecate in a localizer's food. Kick a pregnant localizer with steel toe boots. Hang localizers like windchimes. Launch localizers in a rocket into the sun. Catapult localizers into an active volcano. Feed localizers to pirhanas. Curbstomp a localizer's skull. Report localizers to the IRS. Judo throw localizers into wood chippers. Karate chop localizers in half. German Suplex localizers through glass windows. Add sugar then piss in a localizer's gas tank.
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>>966536 Hanging them would be too merciful considering what they did, they should be torn into pieces and dump them into space.
>>963785 Better than what Claudio Sicarrone and 505 games did to Princess on Ice.
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>>963785 This isn't really a localization, at least not in the way you'd think. Ubisoft had this range of games called Imagine, sometimes they were done in-house but they were largely random Japanese games they licenced and marketed under the Imagine brand, as if they were some unified series and not a patchwork of unrelated games by dozen different studios. They did a lot of these. 40 at least. Honestly Figure Skater has one of the better covers, a lot of these look like they came from a fake game covers thread.
>>967172 >>963785 What is it with these sorts of games getting the full conversion treatment. I'm ahuge fag so I like these games but I desperately wish there was a proper translation of the girl's mode games and a fully translated idolm@sters. On a side tangent of full conversions I find it neat that the Jetsons game I played was a kid got the doki doki treatment.
>>967185 >What is it with these sorts of games getting the full conversion treatment. If I'm to guess, it's to appeal to parents of children ~4 years old and remove the reference to the original game it was licensed from.
How odd of Will Martin to bump this thread that hadn't seen a new post in 18 days. Well, I'm not letting this bump be for nothing, so here's some new stuff, such as the new Paper Mario remake turning Vivian from a trap into a tranny.
>>966536 This is painfully accurate, most of all "primary decision-making factor is whatever he thinks will piss off the gamers the most." Localizers are spiteful activists, not translators.
>>972765 Is he actually a trap in the OG works? From my understanding it was always left ambiguous if Vivian was a trap or a tranny with only major differences in the new script being that the narrator not going YWNBAW mode and the extra line that you posted.
>>972768 JP trap, NA female, now trans
>>966536 >>972767 Their jobs will be automated by deep learning in a few years. The technology exists now and localizes better than them so they're obsolete when it's industrialized, plus waves of layoffs are hitting the industry.
>>972771 This only passes the buck to the prompter, and closed source language models have spiteful activism built in as a feature. Some effects are optimistic, like reducing their salaries, and humbling their entitlement, but they will continue to abuse their positions.
If localization is easy in-house because of deep learning, it's less likely outsourced to some cuck in California.
>>972765 I saw something about this today on one of the 24 conservative news channels that my mom watches. So it's finally reached the normalfagsphere. Pushback may be incoming.
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>>972765 >>972782 >So it's finally reached the normalfagsphere. Pushback may be incoming. Any kind of boycott or bad PR would surely (or hopefully) piss off the Japanese side of Nintendo enough for them to force NoA to ditch their politics. If not and the tranny pandering continues or escalates, then their family-friendly image will become irreparably damaged like what happened to Disney.
>>972782 >Pushback Delusional.
>>972810 >Delusional. Yeah I guess you're right. There was totally no pushback against Disney when they did the same thing. Oh wait.
>>953594 People defend shitty localizations just because back in the early 2000's it was okay to be edgy and use racial humor and make fun of gays. There's also a whole outtake reel of funimation voice actors fucking around acting out skits between takes (Chi-Chi /ss/'ing Gohan, Piccolo giving Yamcha his daily dose while Goku calls him a fag.) Does that mean (((Sean Schemmel))) and the boys are "based"? Hell no, but that's the equivalent when people bring up "But muh Ghost Stories gag dub though..."
>>940046 >My brain always failed to reasonably see why it was called Resident Evil. Because there was already a punk metal band called Biohazard, and using identical names could create legal issues between the two brands.
>>972839 >"But muh Ghost Stories gag dub though..." https://yewtu.be/watch?v=wVkYediuSuw
>>972765 Saw a bunch of Japs praising Nintendo for keeping Vivian as a cute boy. Seems like in spite of the edited JP script, Vivian being trans is just a western interpretation of the script, just like how trannies push any effeminate male as trans. New English script still censored all mentions of Vivian being male by other characters though.
>>972835 >company unaffected in any way >same amount of communist propaganda in all content since then >everyone has forgotten it already Yes. There was no pushback. You don't have a fucking clue what the term even means. Sit down and shut up.
>>973315 Disney's lost tons of money due to this. They never ended up turning a profit on Star Wars, for example, and they paid a hell of a lot of money for that.
>>973318 Disney does pozz the most though. Did they make anything since 2000 that wasn't pozzed?
>>973340 Incredibles 1 was unintentionally based. Syndrome wants to enforce equity despite knowing it will actually cause mass harm because he is envious of his betters. It's like Ayn Rand wrote a cartoon.
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>>973340 Neither Moana nor Wreck it Ralph had anything that you could really call poz. Atlantis is great and so is Treasure Planet. Loli & Stitch is a nice family film. I don't know if you would call Zootopia pozed or not but I want to fuck the rabbit.
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>>973340 >Did they make anything since 2000 that wasn't pozzed? Everything after 2016 is the point where Yidsney just couldn't make anything that wasn't pozzed to some extent (GotG3 literally being the only exception AFAIK). Pics are what I consider to be the "last" time they released a good movie in their respective divisions at the company.
>>973318 Their fault for wanting SW to have more movies for boys, only to aim for girls instead.
>>973340 Atlantis the Lost Empire was 2001, Lilo and Stich and Treasure Planet was 2002. Honorable mention to Emperor's New Grove releasing at the very end of 2000 >>973380 Ralph is fine, but the problem with Moana is that it had absolutely no subtlety in its storytelling: It's not pozed, but it's not at all a good movie. It outright bludgeons the viewer with things repeatedly instead of trusting the viewer can pick up on them naturally, even for something with an "I Want" song. The whole scene making beating you over the head with "Moana counts as a Disney princess guys!" and the treasure crab explicitly stating exactly how he was tricked are the worst, but it's all over the film. Also characters reference things they really shouldn't know, undermining the world building. How does the girl who has lived on a single island all her life and never had contact with the outside world even know what a princess is? How does she know what a pirate is? What even would be a "pirate ship full of treasure" given the level of seacraft in this settting?
>>973318 >They never ended up turning a profit on Star Wars, for example, and they paid a hell of a lot of money for that. Stars Wars has never "turned a profit" since long before Yidsney acquired it. Learn about (((Hollywood accounting))).
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>>973488 >but the problem with Moana is that it had absolutely no subtlety in its storytelling: It's not pozed, but it's not at all a good movie. Actually, the story for Moana is pozzed. Maui is a big heroic character in Polynesian cultures (Think something similar to Heracles in Greece or Sun Wukong in Asia), and the story makes him almost entirely irrelevent to the plot. The only thing he ACTUALLY does that effects the story is teach Moana how to sail the fucking boat. No, it doesn't count that he is the one the put the plot into motion. That actually makes it worse in fact because then the films "unintentional" message as a result of that is that men make messes and women have to clean it all up.
>>973718 Best part about Moana is the Italian children learning about old porn stars
>>973353 And then Incredibles 2, despite being "girls get it done" bullshit, has a villain who is objectively correct. >Screenslaver: The Screenslaver interrupts this program. for an important announcement. Don't bother watching the rest. Elastigirl doesn't save the day. She only postpones her defeat. And while she postpones her defeat you eat chips and watch her confront problems that you are too lazy to deal with. Superheroes are part of your brainless desire to replace true experience with simulation. You don't talk, you watch talk shows. You don't play games, you watch game shows. Travel, relationships, risk every meaningful experience must be packaged and delivered to you to watch at a distance. So that you can remain ever sheltered ever passive ever ravenous consumers who can't bring themselves to rise from their couches break a sweat and participate in life. You want superheroes to protect you and make yourselves ever more powerless in the process. While you tell yourselves you're being looked after. That your interests are being served. And your rights are being upheld. So that the system can keep stealing from you smiling at you all the while. Go ahead, send your Supers to stop me. Grab your snacks, watch your screens, and see what happens. You are no longer in control. I am.
>>973741 >a villain who is objectively correct No she isn't. In fact, the entire movie has nothing but issues from beginning to end: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=1m5fLY9TfXM
>>973391 Honestly if anything Zootopia told me that racism is a valid form of self-preservation
>>973749 You could at least give your own opinion instead of outsourcing it to a jewtuber. That more proves his point if anything, just replace "superhero" with "video essayist" and that's basically what you're doing.
>>973863 >You could at least give your own opinion instead of outsourcing it to a jewtuber. Why? If someone is better capable at articulating an issue with something than I can, why shouldn't I reference them?
>>973864 Because you are proving that the villain of Incredibles 2 was right.
>>973741 >>973866 That's stupid, it's like saying people rely on the police instead of everyone beating criminals to death the minute a crime happens. Or saying you rely on pilots instead of trying to fly the plane yourself. Then again the villain is a woman so retardation is to be expected.
>>973864 If it was just a matter of articulation, reference, or supplementing your own opinion that'd be one thing, but all you did was let someone else's opinion completely substitute in for your own. You have made your own opinion (and by extension, your own agency) completely meaningless when that's all you end up doing. You are yourself anon, nobody can live your life out for you. Just because you think someone can do some things better than you doesn't mean you should let your own opinions be completely subsumed by them. Your opinions are based on your thoughts and feelings. It's okay to agree with someone, but you shouldn't be so casual about it. >>973869 You're comparing a crime, which has objective criteria in the law for whether it is violated or not, with an opinion on media, something much, much more subjective. There are also many, many complex factors to the scenarios you are describing. It's not remotely the same kind of thing. That discussion goes way beyond the scope of merely giving your own opinion on something far more subjective like a piece of media. Same thing for operating aircraft, which is more or less objective and based on fields involving complex mathematics and sciences along with rigorous training and cerifications for actually piloting them. (However there is also nothing stopping you from learning piloting assuming you have money, time and desire to do so). There are clearly wrong ways to operate an aircraft. The same isn't really true for opinions
>>973873 Shouldn't be so casual about offloading/relying on someone else to do all your thinking for you*
>>973869 There is a difference between operating a complex machinery like a plane where any mistake could kill dozens of people, and not thinking for yourself, so you outsource that to video essayists. I am not saying that hearing the opinion of video essayists is wrong (I watch some of those myself), but anon could have given a few examples of why the movie is bad and then add, "if you want even more examples watch this jewtuber that lists all of them". In that case, at least he proved that he was able to absorb some information, and hopefully able to argue for it, instead of simply pasting a link like an NPC.
>>973749 >no wrong I say so Thanks for admitting the villain was correct. Fuck off. You have nothing to add. >>973869 >that's stupid Any evidence? > it's like saying people rely on the police instead of everyone beating criminals to death the minute a crime happens Do you even know what police are. >Or saying you rely on pilots instead of trying to fly the plane yourself. No, you really don't have any idea what society even is.
>>973873 >Just because you think someone can do some things better than you doesn't mean you should let your own opinions be completely subsumed by them. Why? Do you think that because I refer to someone else to make my argument for me, that I am then incapable of stepping in the moment said person does make an argument that I disagree with? >>973876 >but anon could have given a few examples of why the movie is bad and then add, "if you want even more examples watch this jewtuber that lists all of them" But then you would still make the same argument, that my points are so "flimsy and weak" that I "need" to refer to an e-celeb instead of writing out my opinions on my own.
>>973940 >But then you would still make the same argument, that my points are so "flimsy and weak" that I "need" to refer to an e-celeb instead of writing out my opinions on my own. First of all, you don't know that, second of all you are wrong to assume that and thirdly, if I felt necessary I would have simply talked about the points you made, and not the ones from the video. I assume you would have been able to defend said points, and you could have made reference to that video with timestamps if you needed examples from the movie that happened to be presented in the video. >Why? Do you think that because I refer to someone else to make my argument for me, that I am then incapable of stepping in the moment said person does make an argument that I disagree with? How about you prove everyone wrong by providing two examples for why the movie has issues? They can be the same from the video, but in your own words. If you can manage that, then you win the argument.
>>973945 >First of all, you don't know that Yes I do because that's the EXACT direction I've had several arguments go down. >second of all you are wrong to assume that Why? >thirdly, if I felt necessary I would have simply talked about the points you made, and not the ones from the video Except the problems I had are listed by the e-celeb in the video. >and you could have made reference to that video with timestamps if you needed examples from the movie that happened to be presented in the video And if it's the entire video? >How about you prove everyone wrong by providing two examples for why the movie has issues? The villains ENTIRE motivation is based upon her hating the very concept of heroes because it takes away people's "agency" to act. Quite literally, exactly the point this Anon was making: >>973869 Oh, wait, I cannot refer to anyone else making my points for me, now can I? Well, there goes talking about the overwhelming majority of the films entire fucking plot!
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>>973940 >Do you think that because I refer to someone else to make my argument for me, that I am then incapable of stepping in the moment said person does make an argument that I disagree with? Not that anon, but yes. Faggots like you are parasites that contribute nothing to discussion and lessen the total pool of genuine people on the planet. There's not even a processing of ideas to form it to your own, instead it's blind adherence to a third party no one in their right mind would dedicate an hour and a half for a second hand experience at best. Discussion with an actual person could have been had, but instead everyone in your life has to deal a shit eater that can't even make his own argument.
>>973954 You responded anyways. You knowingly gave him what he wants.
>>973954 >>974012 He's a schizo anyway so any response is just another voice in his head yelling at him. Don't even respond.
>>973949 Like those faggots creeping on youngsters in Persona 5, how well did the flaggot mafia take that?

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