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Visual Novel General Anonymous 05/04/2024 (Sat) 20:20:21 Id: fdb87f No. 965363
Welcome to the 8chan Visual Novel Thread Post all visual novel-related news and discussions here if you'd like. Don't feel constrained to post ITT if you want to make a thread about big news related to a visual novel's release or something - within reason. When in doubt, just put it here. Archive of previous thread: https://archive.ph/V2sPk Archive to all VN Threads: https://pst.moe/paste/mtqzct Visual Novel Database/VNstat: https://vndb.org/ (https://vnstat.net/) Visual Novel Starter Kit: https://pst.moe/paste/ypmpss (Includes info for beginners, terminology, recommendations, sources, and downloads [nearly all are dead] for fonts and visual novels for beginners.) Visual novel recommendation charts: http://animu-mango.wikia.com/wiki/VN_Recommendations Nostalgic Visual Novels on-line: http://tss.asenheim.org/ Another online visual novel reading site: http://vnjs.thatplayer.com/ English VN DDL sites: https://www.craneanime.com/wp/tag/english/ - https://erogedownload.com/ English and raw VN downloads for PC and Console: http://www.vn-meido.com/k1/ Rockmandash's Guide to Tablets for VNs: http://archive.is/B3cv5 (outdated but still guides you in the right direction) Fuwanovel VNs on Android Guide: https://forums.fuwanovel.net/topic/1323-android-visual-novel-lets-play-visual-novel-on-the-go/ Machine translation guides: https://amaenboda.wordpress.com/tag/how-to-use-agth/ & http://archive.is/5vgDa The Beginner’s Guide to Visual Novel Development: https://www.twoandahalfstudios.com/2020/02/the-beginners-guide-to-visual-novel-development PC VNs on DS/3DS Guide: https://pst.moe/paste/tediml Free resource for Japanese media (including VNs): https://www.tokyotosho.info/ Resource for eroge: https://ad-hentai.com/ Monster Girl Games collection: https://rentry.org/zb6zw Another good resource for VNs and eroge: https://sukebei.nyaa.si/ <Recent News/Releases >Rance IX -The Helmanian Revolution- Physical Edition Available for Pre-Order https://www.mangagamer.com/r18/detail.php?aflg=18over&product_code=314&af=751d46c96f8d0effb17c1b24799f7795 >Sony Censors Limited Edition Artbook for English Tsukihime Remake PS4 https://twitter.com/tsukihime_en/status/1785821495274426623 >Taimanin Yukikaze released on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/2739700/Taimanin_Yukikaze/ >CLANNAD just had its 20th birthday a few days ago https://infogalactic.com/info/Clannad_(visual_novel)
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I'm going to ask for something fuckin weird if you all don't mind. Are there any romance or eroge VNs relating to robots or mecha? Living machines and mechanophilia are also OK, but I suspect that's much rarer if even existing at all. I don't mean humans with bolts glued on, or even worse, androids. That's tylenol, and I'm in the market for heroin here. Orientation doesn't matter, M/F, M/M, F/F, I'm not picky in that regard. I am already familiar with Bedabots. Excellent suggestion if you were going to reply with that. I also already know of Attract Mode. Points for uniqueness, but it gets too "Tumblr fanfic" with its ghost possession and murder. And I know of Mechromancer. Total disappointment, that one. It's like 12 minutes and there's no romancing despite that being the premise.
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>>965384 You're asking for a VN where you can fuck a computer or the Roomba?
Is Stella of the End any good? I saw that CCG gave it a pretty good review.
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>>965402 I'm not opposed to it, is what I'm saying. Does the book have the same weirdly erotic undertones as the movie, or knowing King, even more? The famous "show me" scene has fucking sleazy music playing.
Is BlazeBlue a VN?
What do VN gamers actually look for in a VN? I have VN Maker on Steam from some bundle or other and was thinking of tinkering around with it. Figured I might use AI to create the art for it and do the writing myself. But what actually attracts gamers to a VN? Is it just the art? The writing? The branching storylines? I don't entirely get it myself.
>>965449 Play through all routes of Euphoria then come back and humble yourself.
>>965447 Partially. The XBlaze games are full VNs.
>>965449 60% to 70% of the attraction of VNs these days is the art. You need to at least make better art than what Katawa Shoujo has, that's pretty much the limit these days for what passes. And better art doesn't just mean prettier, but also original - so AI most likely isn't gonna cut it unless you make it spit out an anime girl in some kind of style that is not instantly obvious AI. 30% to 20% is presentation. Want good examples? See: Steins;gate, Mahoyo, France no Shoujo, recent Rance games, etc. The VN needs to look pretty as stated above, but also needs to be as non-static as possible without just making it a full on anime. Moving mouths, dynamic scenes, multiple poses for the characters, creative camera placement, all these things go into making the VN feel more 'alive'. The rest of the attraction is the story. You'd be surprised how little most VN readers need story-wise in order to enjoy the VN. Nekopara, DDLC, and Danganronpa have comparatively little going on story-wise, but because the characters and the presentation are so nice, everyone lets it go. Can there be successful VNs with shit art, shit presentation, but amazing story? Of course. But if you want to play the numbers, you should approach it with the above considerations, because that's what most people look for. People give ugly VNs like Higurashi, Clannad, and KS a break because they are older and have excellent stories. But don't expect any VN you create nowadays to be given the same kind of breaks. Also, can anyone help me locate a VN I lost? I never played it, only heard about it. Apparently you play as some virgin who is always looking down at his feet and you use the keyboard to move your head up, and you rape(?) the girls at school or something like that? If anyone has any idea what VN I'm referring to, enlighten me.
>>965384 Demonbane? Or do you mean something more related to the mechas itself? >>965412 Its made by Key so its probably good. I've never heard of CCG though. >>965449 Theres a fair amount of variety when it comes to VN's. Me personally, I am more interested in one's with a strong story. Visual novels where its long, you get attached to the characters and the story, and has really amazing/unique moments. Gameplay elements/branching to me is nice to have's but not what im really interested in. Some people really value the H-scenes or romance options or whatever, but the safest bet is having a great story. >>965469 if you know any other things in the VN, you might be able to search for it in vndb via tag searching. >>965451 Its funny how Euphoria is fucked but then you look at some of the other shit that Clockup/others have made and its not nearly the most disgusting one.
>>965469 Sounds like you're talking about Mojika. Main character has a special power where if he looks someone in the eye he can read their thoughts and yeah their's lots of rape in it.
>>965552 That's the one, thanks mate
>>965551 Other than Maggot Baits, do they have any other "intense" ones? The rest seem pretty normal on the surface.
>>965551 >Pic I hate how much Ryukishi writing when to shit after BT died and how much his obsession with tranny shit ramp up to eleven in ciconia
>>965551 >CCG It's Christ Centered Gamer
>VN thread >english translations Damn, expected more from 8chan. Feels like cuckchannel ITT
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I was playing through Rance 9, but its been very disappointing. Gameplay is ass, story is not that good, and to make matters worse, it feels like theres not enough Rance moments. I do like Miracle a lot, and the most of the characters that were added I enjoyed and the comedy scenes were fun but that's the only positive I can say about this. I'm on chapter 11 and I might just drop it or just finish it at an extremely slow pace. Granted, the only reason I'm playing Rance 9 in the first place is because I want to play Rance X when its fully translated but I'm getting the feeling this story doesn't matter.
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Obligatory snootpost. It's probably going to be the first and last visual novel that I'll ever play
Albatross Koukairoku fucking when?
>>965929 You don't wanni to hug that gator?
>>965929 What you never played a Metal Gear Solid game before?
>>965890 Rolex best bro.
>>966050 oh yeah played that too >>966092 That's not a stealth game?
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>>966215 There is stealth gameplay, as well as action gameplay, and it's quite good when you're playing those segments, but unless you skip all the story due to the amount of cutscenes, and Codec Calls "which really are just Visual Novel segments" that the west had no idea about since they didn't know what visual novels were. You're going to be watching/listening to a Metal Gear Solid games' story possible longer than you're actually playing it at times. Which isn't inherently bad, since they're fun stories, and the actual gameplay is up to snuff enough that the games are still worth replaying when skipping all that story, but I do think while people don't really think about it, Codec calls can surely be classified as Visual novels, and they comprise such a great deal of MGS games.
>>965929 >spoiler try Katawa Shoujo
>>966281 and speaking of which, out of curiosity, did """""we""""" in the west ever get word of what nips thought of katawa shoujo or snoot game?
>>966281 How "japanese" is it? As in, how much of it contains the standard harem/romance anime tropes? I Absolutely cannot stomach that stuff. The only way I consume Japanesse stuff nowadays, if at all, is only through manga. For reference, seeing any tsundere and a faggot MC just going along with it on top of that fills me with an insurmountable urge of mauling both of them to death.
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I only play kamige.
>>965929 >No Katawa Shoujo >No I Wani Hug That Gator
>>966303 >How "japanese" is it? it's western, from pre-8chan 4chan if im not mistaken
>>966482 he said he played wanni >>966215
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>>966497 You are not mistaken. 2012 is when it released, IIRC. And it's a 4chan project, so that should give anon an idea on how heavily it will lay into the anime tropes. Spoiler alert: Not very much, but it does have a few odd moments.
>>966303 >standard harem/romance anime tropes stop talking like a redditor >How "japanese" is it Its short and its an enjoyable visual novel. The girls are good, they do have some typical archetypes like kuuderes but literally every piece of work has archetypes. If you spend like an hour or two on it, you'll see why everyone has a fond opinion of it. >>966285 I'd be surprised if they had anything besides a positive opinion of it. The only "negatives", if you can even call them that, are the length and the fact that its pretty vanilla but neither of those should really matter. >>966207 I'm at chapter 11, Rolex seems pretty chill but thats all I know about him so far
>>965723 I 'play' motherfucking VNs in Nihongo, butt I basically skip everything butt the voiced lines >>>/voxxe/ nya~
>>966285 Considering the nips are making that spiritual squeal, I think they liked it. >>966644 >are the length Meaning it was too long or too short?
>>966285 The only thing I can remember them being wary of is that "Katawa" was apparently a somewhat offensive word for the disabled, I guess similar to it being called "Cripple Girls" in English. Otherwise I recall reading they enjoyed it. Snoot Game I couldn't tell you though.
>>966654 Freckles girl is still the cutest.
>>966654 Short one with glasses and a bobcut is my type. Freckle girl is a close second.
>>966658 How well do japs know English nowadays? I can't imagine them reading through an entire 14-hour obscure visual novel in English.
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5d72e1 here, probably have a different ID >>965551 >Or do you mean something more related to the mechas itself? I wouldn't have guessed there was even room for interpretation in my post, but yes. Not just mecha of course, like I said other robotic and mechanical themes are fine. I don't expect there are many mecha romance VNs, I already mentioned the only I'm aware of, Mechromancer, and it's frankly not very good. There are a few VNs that sound like they're be that sort of thing, like Mechacon! and Mech Academy, but they're not. Anons probably aren't aware of anything I'd be interested in, but I thought it would be worth asking. Such is the life of having niche tastes. >>965709 amen >>966774 Very poor. In surveys conducted on English proficiency Japan always scores near the bottom. Azerbaijan and Malawi score higher, and they don't score very high.
>>966778 I know of a few monstergirls VNs, but nothing with robots. That's a surprising void, you'd think Japan would be all over romancing the Zaku
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>>966825 That's what I thought! There's a shocking lack of this. The titles I do know of are almost all western, too. It's not like those playing VNs are particularly vanilla people, there's a million furry and herm VNs out there, but nothing for an honest metalhead like myself.
>>966825 They're noble creatures, not for lewding.
>>966827 Have you seen those forms?
>>966825 There is a monster girl game with robots: https://vndb.org/v18908
>>965384 >>966825 Muramasa is technically a robofucking VN.
>>966692 The one with curves : > female hentai MC nya~
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>>966892 What the flying fuck are you talking about, you turbofaggot?
is there anything about mecha-piloting monstergirls?
>>966978 mh, i'd say that those are as much robot as the kancolle girl's are boat
>>965469 >1st image I remember the storytime an anon did of that. Too bad he tapped out before finishing, it was getting pretty wild. We will never save both the loli and the imouto.
Anyone here read muv-luv? Should I read the fan translation or the official? After a quick look at both I noticed the fan translation is stiff and awkward in some places and the official translation fixes that but becomes more americanized in the process.
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>>967662 I don't remember too much of a difference besides the bloated(?) filesize and better windows compatibility, Muv-luv is a bloated mess either way, I ended up just giving on Extra, skipping through Unlimited and skimming Alternative since the fight scenes just drag on eventually. The drama in the later games is ok but there's just a lot of fluff in Unlimited. The only thing I remember besides the guro in Unlimited (and Tamase saying to get revenge for Finland to the Finland pilot since Finland got nuked by bugs) and stretched out background VN fight scenes I ended up speeding through with a speedhack was the cuckolding at the end of Alternative since I felt like I was intentionally being trolled by the developers for bothering to read most of it.
>>967807 >>967810 >>967812 >>967813 >>967815 Shit anon, get it together. Also, you shouldn't have skipped Extra, it's where all of the characters and their backstories and personalities are set up, without that you don't get the grounding that gives the actual plot its weight. That said, I did end up dropping Alternative halfway through. Thing drags way too long, it's just horribly paced.
>>967844 Extra is better than the setup in the long run even if it's an intentionally shitty parody, I just wasn't in the mood to complete it, Suika and Miki are ok, I really don't care about anyone else though. I was trying to find the finland image dialog I saved a screencap of but I I had to look it up to find it since I didn't have it on hand offline.
>>967844 Did he nuke his posts?
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>>966827 You can't stop me from lewding the mobile suits.
>>967662 >muv-luv i hate shingeki no kiojin
How good Totono is?
>>968025 It's Nitroplus, if you like their games you'll like it. It has a 96% on Steam if that helps. I don't know if you're doing slang I'm unaware of, but 8moe has a lot of ESLs so I'll guess against that. In English is an SVO language; the verb usually comes before the noun. Your post should be "How good is Totono?".
>>967938 >Stacked Zaku in a skirt >>966978 >Gang Attack Miku lewds What a thread! I wanna fuck these robots!
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>>966987 Sure, however >>965384 >I don't mean humans with bolts glued on >>968029 >webm related
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>>968030 Reminder that James is a Maria appreciator
>>968092 That's just Ash with a wig.
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I'm not sure if these count, but I just gave the Sucker for Love games a shot and actually had a pretty good time. >Sucker for Love: First Date Apparently started as a short game that was part of a larger collection of games called Dread X. This version is the "complete" version that's a standalone game. You're playing a guy who's probably played Teraurge more times than he's had hours in the day. He gets a "necronomicon" and starts dating elder gods. It's pretty short, split into chapters for each of the three elder gods you can date/survive Cthullhu, Hastur, and Nyalarthotep , and I don't get much of that "ironic visual novel" vibe from the writing or interactions. Finished it in a couple of hours because I wanted to get the endings/look for easter eggs. Pretty decent, considering it was expanded from a mini-game. >Sucker for Love: Date to Die For This is the next game and secret prequel in the series. You're playing a girl this time, and are paired up with one elder god this time, who is Shub-niggurath we're going to ignore that the brown girl is paired up with mrs niggurath, for the moment, even if it's kind of funny. Basically you have to survive dating her because if you don't, her cultists will murder you to death due to plot reasons. Without going into spoilers, this one feels much more game-y, with exploration and some light stealth tossed in with the VN bits. The writing is pretty solid, I think. I don't really have too much of a frame of reference so it might be shit and I'm just unaware. Only real issue is that there isn't as much body horror as the first game. I just want to know if anyone else has given them a try.
>>974628 I was gonna try the second one because the idea seemed interesting but I could not stand playing as a nigger woman so I dropped it immediately. The first one seems more tolerable though but havent done it yet.
>>974628 >>974636 The problem with the second one is less the fact you play as a nigger woman, and more the fact that you play as an (((asexual))) nigger woman and the game expects you to play along with that.
>>974672 asexual... isnt this supposed to be something like a dating sim?
>>974673 Yeah, but for some reason modern game devs think it's hilarious to "subbert eggspegdations :D" by having a dating sim where the main character doesn't want to date anyone.
>>966654 I like the girl with the hair over her eyes the smile and body language makes me think she has a mischievous personality.
>>974692 A bit of a spoiler but she does end up dating the black goat. It's implied over a few moments of the game that what she's seeing and what's actually happening aren't lining up. She's getting brainwashed over the course of the game to just be a regular lesbian. By the "True" end of the game, the asexual girl is in a relationship with the goat who is talking to her parents about grandkids. The "Truth" ending has her get reminded of her original goal and kill everyone on earth (except her, since she's immortal)
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>>974628 >Sucker For Love Though the art is excellent, I saw a single trailer for this game and wrote it off because the voice acting seemed very grating. Also it looked like a joke/SuBveRSIvE WoRK , not something for actual monster fuckers. Play Teraurge for that. >>974715 >The "Truth" ending has her get reminded of her original goal and kill everyone on earth How to tell somebody hasn't actually read Lovecraft. The Old Ones aren't comic book supervillains
Sorry, I hit post too early. I meant to finish with >The Old Ones aren't comic book supervillains, I don't know why writers write them like they're genocidal maniacs. They're definitely malevolent but you're intentionally not supposed to know what their goals are.
>>974718 >>974720 You don't. I mean that the player is the one who kills everyone and survives. The final ritual in Shub's book is a breakup spell, which sets the area she's influencing (represented by the Black Woods) on fire. Since, by that point, it's the entire world, the entire world burns. But yeah it's definltely not something that teratophiliacs would probably enjoy.
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>>974718 >teraurge NEVER EVER
>>974628 I don't care how good either of these games are, I loathe the endless fetishization the Cthulhu mythos gets (both literally and figuratively in this case).
>>974718 >>974724 >media featuring niche fetish <it's a joke <it's horror <it's postmodern I am unable to fucking take this anymore づ/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ (╥﹏╥)
>>974715 this sounds retarded
>>974715 does the game have a dog named nigger?
>>975024 >dog Wrong Nigger.
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>>974727 I might play it again just to fuck Caenemung and the worm colony. I have some obsession with things that are long and slithery. Was there ever any way to fuck that snake fish girl thing you meet by the lake that gives you the cold shoulder?
>>975084 Yes you can fuck her.
>>975109 Damn. I always thought she was an unfinished character that just teases you and runs off. Is it a stat check or did I just always make the wrong choices? Could have sworn I've gone through the game with hacked maxed stats because the stat checks amounted to little more than redundant gameplay when the game is so incomplete.
>>975110 a bit of both wrong choices and stat check.

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Oh hey, a VN thread I didn't notice. Anyone want to talk about gay furfag VNs or do I stick to DS classics like Hotel Dusk/Last Window and 999? >Teraurge mentioned It's funny how V3 took so long, MD probably thinks (correctly I might add) he needs to do more than just update the engine, but add tons of content on top. Considering the pace he works at and how he refuses help due to one retard being himself one time, it will take even longer. Which will only make our expectations higher along with our disappointment if it ever releases. Reminds me of HL2 Episode 3 in a way. Took too long, climate and hype were so high that it was never going to be good enough, and so it died. But as short as TU was, I'm still happy with what I got out of it.
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>>975905 >Spoiler Only if the faggots are cute. No bara.
>>975921 >gay porn is gay Yes, like all gay porn including the kind you like.
>>975924 That doesn't change the fact that barashit turns me flaccid unless the focus is on a cute character getting plowed.
>>975928 You should remain flaccid for the rest of your life.
>>975930 Well if he followed islamism or orthodox hebrew he would. Without a question.
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>>975921 >>975928 When you say cute I assume you mean girly? Kass from BoTW is bara but he's cute. And I wouldn't imagine you'd want to smooch this fella
A VN involving Catholic monster girls is coming soon on Steam and Itch. There was an update in where the Bible translations will be using the Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition (with some modifications such as from "hath" to "has") to avoid copyright problems.
>>975987 >Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition (with some modifications such as from "hath" to "has") He should have kept the archaic language. Everyone knows what it means and expects it from Bible verses anyway.
>>975987 >Having to dodge being sued for copyright infringement over quoting a fucking holy book :^)
>>975921 >>975928 >no bara Well I'm fresh out of luck that's about all I'm into. Although I will say Echo is good horror and has next to no explicit content, for a furfag VN. In fact they don't even have a CG and the two instances of it are narratively worse than the other choice they give you. The sequel and prequel are both total shit though, most likely due to the lack of the nonfurfag writer they had on the team for Echo who reigned them in. >>975936 Cute cowbot, would pat and smooch.
>>975987 >Douay-Rheims Well that's some excuse for a cat to shit itself. Its decent translation from vulgate but still lacks certain english "passas" in linguistics that other versions have. But if one is catholic and hates james for being protestant, that's where they stroll to when english version is needed.
>>976251 got any good bara recs
>>976301 I don't know much about human bara stuff, just furfag kusoge. There's a lot of garbage and even the good stuff isn't that good, in fact much of it is unfinished and updates at a snail's pace. Echo I already mentioned so I won't go into it, but it is the one very rare finished FVN that isn't bad and doesn't have a sexual focus, and the ONLY one I can recommend to anyone who isn't a gay furfaggot. I'm also not going to talk about Morenatsu because everyone who's into this has already played it. So I'm just going to list 5 rather recent ones that have caught my attention. For modern fantasy/mystery, Nerus is on hiatus but has a decent length and while the prologue starts off obnoxiously sappy, it leads to a gnostic setting with a thousand year long timeline. It's one of two FVNs I really wish would be finished already. Obviously not without flaws though, even outside that prologue. There was one sexual scene in particular that came off to me as extremely self indulgent, "the writer's barely disguised fetish" as it were. I don't recall there being any consequential choices but I've heard there are many details you can miss including dialogue being different in text boxes and the log, so there is some minor replayability. If you want a slower paced fantasy, Pervader was alright from what couple hours I read of it, but I didn't get far. The setting was a little interesting, with mages having brands and being discriminated against and segregated because one of them almost fucked up the world centuries before the story. Can't say more than that however as I ought to read more of it, but every one of these FVNs inevitably has some disappointment further in so I'm being cautious. Killigan's Treasure is written like a shonen adventure, in fact it somewhat reminds me of HunterxHunter. It is optimistic yet serious with lighthearted humor and the character writing is on the stronger side, not to mention having the best presentation of my recs due to custom UI. Some people I've recommended it to don't like the artstyle however and that is understandable with how cartoony it is. It has quite the amount of sex scenes (a few of them fetishy). It also has preachy gay politics at times that take you out of it, but thankfully it's only for a couple lines or in missable content at most, so again easy to ignore. There's also RPG elements and QTEs to provide some distraction but you can turn the latter off completely. I like this one a lot, and it has great pacing. It's replayable due to romance routes and a personality system. Tavern of Spear is mostly just a porn game if you're into that, but it's very ambitious with choice and consequence as kind of a RPG/VN mix. Its description says part of its inspiration was Fallout and you can kind of see that with two hubs so far where you can choose sides and do sidequests. My main complaint is that the story and characters are mediocre and the writer is an asian ESL so the writing itself is...not good, to say the least. I guess it's an okay VN at most if you love kemobara? Minotaur Hotel I have very conflicting feelings on. The art is /beg/ tier, the setting is uninspired (modern civilization but mythological creatures hide themselves among humans), the writing is way too flowery and wordy and won't let you think for yourself for about 14 chapters where it easies up a little, you are forced to romance the minotaur if you don't want to be a complete asshole and do the evil route (which is short and more of a bad end), it can be monotonous a lot of the time, it's got faggot politics here and there, there's a half baked management minigame. But then there's some genuine suspense in the story later on, the twists are good, some of the characters are good (especially the trickster snake), it has diverse designs and mythologies, and above all it has had the most effort/content put into it. On the whole, I didn't like it, but you might.
>>975112 I thought I had it, but I can't seem to find to the game. You know anywhere I can get it that doesn't require me to make a Blogger account?
>>977592 "However, if the player has a roll of rope on them and they pass the checks of Intelligence 6, Agility 6, and Strength 10, they can quickly tie a lasso and catch the creature before pulling it to the shore. The player can then examine the Caenemung and discover that it's female. Male players can then have sex with her. The creature has three orifices, and, if the player chooses to penetrate the bottom one, there's a 33% chance at impregnating her." Sourced from the wiki on how to fuck her. https://teraurge.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Caenemung
>>977599 That wasn't my question nor the character I was talking about not having managed to fuck earlier, but thanks. The fish serpent lady in question that I'm trying to fuck is Naigad, and I already looked up how to fuck her. I need a download link for the game that doesn't require me to register for Blogger because I can't find it on my computer anymore. Might have accidentally deleted it when sorting all my h-games.
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>>977604 Then why didn't you post the character you were trying to fuck?
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>>977604 mega.nz/file/NH4yDTab#loumdBQQgbgWvCKSU46dux0FiVBOs0vaq17MquN-gXo
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>>977609 I don't have any pictures of her, and I said from the start that I may just play it again to fuck Caenemung and the worm colony (Breirb). I stated I was unsure if I could fuck the snakefish lady by the lake. >>977612 Danke für den Delfinporno. Du bist ein Gelehrter und ein Heiliger.
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>>977615 The picture indeed threw me off, no problem and update never ever.
>>977638 >Spoiler I'm still fucking angry. Is he not bleeding free subscriber money yet after all these years?
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I finally fucked the blue serpent lady. I think my issue before when I played was simply that I had autism and wanted to take it slower with multiple sexual encounters when she only gives you one and never shows up again. I'm actually not going to go for Caenemung this time. That's what I always do whenever I play this again. I'll go find Breirb, and then maybe try a female run with Breirb.
Fuck Nkaanmykiunsuns. Impregnate Nkaanmykunsoy. Lick Nyanncatsunny's split pussy sloppy. Insert your human penis deep into Ngolokante's womb. Say loving things to Nikkipikkykikkysukky. Offer Naggingwifesabayon your virginity. Take 50 shots of Kratenex with Nightcooking and hallucinate to death. Finger bang Nearmolecunt's mouth and ass at the same time. Help Niggacookie reach climax five times in a row.
>>975987 >daywalker=vamp that can into sunlight if the vamp girl ain't kajolted into an arithmomania episode then why the fuck make her a vamp?
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>>978667 Hashtag Not All Vampires :^)
>>974835 Yeah...you get used to it after a while. Like finding stuff about transformation that isn't just crossgender/futanari. I want erotic body horror. I want to slowly watch the MC come to terms with his humanity being slowly erased in favor of a new and addictive form or power. The closest I could find is fucking Corruption of Champions and while I don't mind turning into an animal-headed horror, the lack of actual punch to the whole corruption idea aside from "you're hornier...sometimes...if you want to be of course (this is totes reversable, by the way)" takes any punch away.
>>975987 Technically the concept of a female humanoid monster is not inextricably tied to lewds, however succubi are lewd shapeshifting male demons so its kind of weird to have one there. I guess its some kind of 'I can fix her' thing. Actually, do we know if this is a dating simulator?
>>978680 That's an extreme and somewhat disturbing fetish, a bit different to monstergirls. The reason you don't find content for fetishes like that is because they're so esoteric only few have them. Then again there's a lot for the equally odd and disturbing fetish of fatal vore, but vore in general is unique for how common it is among the "weird" kinks.
>>965363 Thanks anon. I've been trying to finish berserk and currently on book 11 of the series but will go and check out some 8chan recommendations.
>>978689 I think it's the idea that even demons are capable of redemption and goodness, which is really cute in her case. If you want to get technical about it, succubi and incubi by nature are hermaphroditic.
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>>965384 There was an eroge where all the girls were WEIRD creatures. One of the options was a robot that looked like a giant amazon alexa. Dunno about it's name of it has been translated.
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>>979565 ...Found it, it's called "princess X", and this lovely lady's name is 42.
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>>979565 >One of the options was a robot that looked like a giant amazon alexa
I never finished a VN, I get bored and play a video game instead.
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>>979585 just get another keyboard and one of these lil fellas now you can do both!
>>979585 What they're called visual novels by english-speaking people are actually adventure games (ADV) in their country of origin, Japan. The whole debate on claiming they're not videogames is frankly silly, and I argue they're a nice change of pace between an action or strategy game. ADV titles made for consoles also tend to be more fledged out too but they essentially remain Japanese-only. That said, I will never touch a western VN because they generally give off this aspect to be ironic and quirky rather than something actually sincere.
>>979565 >>979566 why hello Important note: most of the girls are your standard monstergirls. 42 is the wildcard gag character. She's also massive, much bigger than you'd think. >>979593 >because they generally give off this aspect to be ironic and quirky rather than something actually sincere. That is such a big problem with western VNs, there are definitely genuine ones (largely by furries, strangely) but so many are either a joke or try to be subversive in some way. Just think of famous western VNs off the top of your head >Doki Doki Literature Club >Sucker For Love >Analogue: A Hate Story >Slay The Princess Not that all of these are bad, but they all have some angle to them.
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>>975936 >I wouldn't imagine you'd want to smooch this fella Shut your mouth!
Is there 寝盗られ in Neues for the PSX?

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